Page 1: 20131211   worldwide innovation challenge - en conso

december 2013

The Innovation 2030 “Worldwide Innovation Challenge” was launched on December 2, 2013 to promote the

development of leading companies driven by major innovations harboring a particularly strong potential in

seven markets viewed as strategically important for the French economy.

Seven strategic goals

Projects submitted to the “Worldwide Innovation Challenge” must meet one of the following seven goals:

Competition schedule

The best company projects will be selected during a three-stage process:

n Start-up phase (Phase 1): Only 100 projects will be selected at a very early point in their lifecycle during this phase, from December 2, 2013 to January 30, 2014 (intermediate closing date) and March 31, 2014 (definitive closing date). Companies whose projects are selected in phase 1 will receive financial support in the form of grants of up to €200,000 per project. Agreements will be ready for signature no later than four weeks after the decision. Payment of the first aid instalment (70%) will occur as soon as bpifrance, France’s public investment bank, receives the contract signed by the company.

n Risk reduction phase (Phase 2): Support will be provided for expanded development of promising projects during the second phase, which will open on September 1, 2014.

n Development phase (Phase 3): A select number of Phase 2 projects will be given support for mass-production during the third phase, which will open in 2016.

building the future in france

The French government is allocating €300 million to co-finance innovative projects that comply with these seven goals. The “Worldwide Innovation Challenge” marks the start of a bold forward-looking policy from the French government, which is resolutely committed to supporting creators, innovators and risk-takers.

“We are launching a global challenge for innovators worldwide to develop solutions that will meet the needs of tomorrow’s world. Come and join us to build the future in France!”

Mr. Arnaud Montebourg, Minister for Industrial Renewal

submitting your project

Companies can download specifications and submit a project, in French or English, at:

•• Energy storage•• Recycling of metals•• Development of marine resources•• Plant proteins and plant chemistry

•• Personalized medicine

•• The silver economy: innovation in the service of longevity•• Big data

