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© TalentSoft – Deep Dives – Deep Dive into Ninject – Julien PLEE

Deep Dive into Ninject

July 12, 2013

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© TalentSoft – Deep Dives – Deep Dive into Ninject – Julien PLEE

Introduction• Lightweight Dependency Injection framework

• Provides Fluent Interface

• Light library: 124 kB

• One of the fastest DR because of lightweight code generation

• Extensible

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© TalentSoft – Deep Dives – Deep Dive into Ninject – Julien PLEE

Deep Dive into Modules

• Class that inherits from NinjectModule class

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© TalentSoft – Deep Dives – Deep Dive into Ninject – Julien PLEE

Deep Dive into Kernels• Manages all the Dependency Injection