  • 7/28/2019 2013 Table Cards FINAL (1)


    S a l m a n a k h l a w i

    high school of telecommunication

    arts and technology



    about Salma

    Salma is determined tohave an impact on theworld. After meeting aNorth Korean refugee, shefounded her high schools

    chapter of LiNK, anorganization committed tospreading awareness aboutNorth Korean human rightsviolations. With plansto study internationalrelations, Salma wil lcontinue in her l ife-longcommitment to advocating

    for social justice.


    Fluent in threelanguages: English,Spanish and Arabic

    Member, National HonorSociety

    In the top 5 percent ofher class

    Future planS

    Attend Middlebury College

    Continue work with LiNK , an organization that rescuespolitical prisoners in Nor th Korea

  • 7/28/2019 2013 Table Cards FINAL (1)


    u d i S a c h o w d h u r y

    hillcrest high scho ol



    about udiSa

    Behind Udisas bright smileis a tenacity that few canmatch. Overcoming manyobstacles as an immigrantfrom Bangladesh, Udisa

    maintains a 99% GPA,plays five musicalinstruments, volunteers atNew York Presbyterian andhas a way with words as anEnglish tutor and award-winning poet. Her passionfor helping others fuels heraspiration to be a doctor.


    Volunteer, NeurosurgeryUnit at NY PresbyterianHospital

    In the top 5 percent ofher class

    Winner, NYC 25th Annual

    Water Resources Art &Poetry Contest

    Future planS

    Attend Polytechnic Institute of New York University

    Pursue a degree in medicine

  • 7/28/2019 2013 Table Cards FINAL (1)


    b l a n c a m e l e n d e z

    high school of telecommunication

    arts and technology



    about blanca

    Blancas vibrantpersonality and magneticsmile are manifestationsof the joy she gets fromhelping others. Blanca

    is driven to academicexcellence not justbecause she loves being agreat student, but becauseshe wants to inspireothers. As a peer tutorleader at her school, shesucceeds at inspiring thosein her community daily,

    a trait that she hopesto continue at B rownUniversity this fal l .


    Winner, New York TimesCollege Scholarship

    Peer-Tutoring Leader

    Member, National Honor Society

    Future planS

    Attend Brown University

    Intern at the New York Times Company, summer 2013

  • 7/28/2019 2013 Table Cards FINAL (1)


    m a h i a r a h m a n

    hillcrest high scho ol



    about mahia

    Mahias exceptionalacademic record iscomplemented by a warm,gregarious personality andan easy laugh. H er desire

    to become a physician andhelp those in developingcountries with no accessto health c are revealsher humanitarian nature.Accepted into an eight-year undergraduate andmedical program, Mahiasdream of becoming a

    physician is already wellwithin reach.



    Questbridge College PrepScholar

    Member, National Honor


    Future planS

    Attend the 8-year B .A ./M. D. program at H ofstra Un ivers

    Pursue a career in medicine

  • 7/28/2019 2013 Table Cards FINAL (1)


    p a m e l a c a p e l l a n

    collegiate institute for

    math and science



    about pamela

    A bright, ambitious studentwho wants to give backto her community, Pamelais graduating at the topof her class and headed

    for the Ivy League. Aninterest in chemistry and adesire to make a differencein womens health,particularly in under-servedneighborhoods, have ledher to consider a career inmedicine. She has been aleader at her school and is

    ready to experience all thatcollege has to offer.


    Member, National HonorSociety

    President of Aspira,a Latino organization

    supporting inner-cityyouth

    Future planS

    Attend Cornell University

    Pursue a B.A . in chemistry

    Become a doctor and open a womens health clinic

  • 7/28/2019 2013 Table Cards FINAL (1)


    S a S h a o r t i z c o l o

    new dorp high school



    about SaSha

    A natural math whiz (whotook AP calculus in 11thgrade), Sashas fierceintell igence is balancedwith a genuine concern

    for her fel low students.She can be found tutoringclassmates both duringand after school . As thefounder of New Dorps GayStraight All iance, she isan advocate for toleranceand social justice. Hercompassion, intell igence

    and generous nature wil lserve her well in her futureprofession: teaching.



    Member, National HonorSociety

    Founder, Gay Straight Alliance at New Dorp High School

    Future planS

    Attend Cornell University

    Become a mathematics teacher

  • 7/28/2019 2013 Table Cards FINAL (1)


    d a n i e l v a r g a S

    bronx center for science

    and mathematics



    about daniel

    Although a man of fewwords, Daniel s profoundmath skil ls speak volumesabout his future potentialat Macaulay Honors

    College at CUNY andbeyond. With a 100%average in AP calculus andperfect scores on both SATMath subject tests, Danielis, in the words of histeacher, the most giftedmathematics student I vetaught in 22 years.


    Scored a 99% on theAlgebra I I/TrigonometryRegents, the highestscore in BCSMs history

    Scored a perfect 800 onthe SAT II math subjecttest

    Member, math & chemistry clubs

    Future planS

    Attend Macaulay Honors College at CUNY

    Pursue a degree in engineering

  • 7/28/2019 2013 Table Cards FINAL (1)


    y l l i d e m a

    port richmond high school



    about ylli

    Ylli , an accomplishedscholar and natural-bornleader, is respected by hispeers and teachers alike.Having already taken

    seven Advanced Placementclasses, Yll i is wellprepared to enter collegeand plans to apply hispersonal and intel lectualgifts by studying tobecome a doctor. Hard-working and modest,there is l ittle doubt he wil l

    succed in whatever he putshis mind to.



    Senior class president

    On Mayor Bloombergsyouth leadership


    Future planS

    Attend Binghamton University

    Pursue a degree in biomedical engineering

  • 7/28/2019 2013 Table Cards FINAL (1)


    d i a m o n d w a l k e r

    bronx center for science

    and mathematics



    about diamond

    Effervescent and well-spoken,Diamond is a dedicatedand hard-working studentwhose multifacedpersonality is evident

    in her plans to studypsychology and philosophy,with a minor in dance.Diamond is excited to joina study body with interestsas diverse as her own.Sociable and outgoing,she is hoping for lots ofroommates.



    Questbridge Scholar

    Member of an Ir ish stepdancing troupe that hasperformed for heads ofstate, including President


    Future planS

    Attend Bowdoin College

    Pursue a c areer as a civi l r ights attorney, following aninternship with the ACLU

  • 7/28/2019 2013 Table Cards FINAL (1)


    a n g e l i c a F a j a r d o

    millennium high school



    about angelica

    A meticulous andhard-working student,Angelicas teachersdescribe her as a pleasureto teach. Having served as

    her familys translator andnegotiator for most of herl ife, Anglica has a poiseand maturity beyond heryears; upon discoveringthat her school did nothave an all-girls soccerteam, she established onethrough her dil igent work

    and fundraising. Angelicaplans to continue to fightinequality by pursuing apre-law degree.


    In the top 5 percent of herclass

    Received a 5 on her APChemistry exam

    Founder of Mil lenniums first girls soccer team

    Future planS

    Attend Brandeis University

    Enroll in the Social Justice and Social Policy Program