
Some of you may be wondering if we needed to go to Nepal to do this research project in order to create and paint a gospel story for the Newars when nowadays there is internet for everything. However, these are some of the reasons and activities that helped us be closer to God's heart for the Newars and discover the bridges to be used for their redemptive story written by God.

1. We were able to present our storyboards to a group of Newars who gave us cultural advices and helped us mold and shape our story in their own style. They loved our story and they felt that the cultural references and the artistic style that we chose would speak to the Newars' heart.

2. We were able to be in Newar communities, learning about the culture and traditions, visiting museums, the religious influences and worldview, taste their food, and observe and study their art forms and style.

3. We were able to make changes in our tentative storyboard in a more objective artistic style and test it by sharing it with Newar people in Kirtipur, a Newar village inside a hindu temple.

4. We were able to see and experience the real needs of the Newars and be able to share God's vision of reaching them with the native believers. Newar people were so thankful that God called us to do this project and inspired them also to share the good news using arts!

5. We were able to work together with professional Newar Bible translators and studio recorders, all provided by God to have the script of the story recorded in their own language, Newari. God provided everything needed for our project in amazing ways!

6. God gave us the heart for the Newars as we spend almost 3 weeks among them and the inspiration to do this project once we are back in Thailand. Without understanding God's love for them and loving them, this project would be meaningless.

7. We also joined a group of people from all over the world to be part of the "100 days of prayer for the Boudha" were we went to the most important Buddhist temple of the world in Nepal, the Boudha Stupa, to intercede and pray for the Buddhists.

On September 17th, our team headed to one of the most exciting adventures that God prepared for us: a trip to Nepal to research and be closer and inside the culture of one of the biggest unreached people groups in Nepal: the Newars. VAM uses fine arts to communicate the good news in a way that is culturally relevant to reach the unreached. Therefore, it was necessary and helpful for us not only to reasearch about the Newar culture, but also to be among the Newars to betterunderstand and grasp their own worldview and how we can communicate the gospel effectively through arts. What we desire the most is that this project will be their own story of salvation, in own their language, and in their own artistic style, which will speak to their own hearts.

Himalayan Outreach -Project




1. Pray that God will give the Newar believers boldness to share Christ with their own people.

2. Ask God to raise up prayer teams who will break up the spiritual soil of Nepal through worship and intercession.

3. Ask the Lord to bring forth a triumphant Newar church for the glory of His name!

4. Pray for the translation of the Old Testament of the Bible in the Newari language, which is still in process.

5. Pray for the revelation of Jesus to Newars through His word, dreams, and testimonies of believers.

BACK TO where it all started: MY SECOND MISSION TRIP TO NEPAL"I am with you and will watch over you wherever you go, and I will bring you back to this land.

I will not leave you until I have done what I have promised you." (Genesis 28:15)


I found many doors with locks. Through that God spoke to me that the only key that can open the doors of their hearts is the gospel, and we are called to bring this key to them

through art.

We were able to make some Newar friends who helped us by giving us tours to the cities, explain their culture, and not only do hard work, but also enjoy the blessing of


Of course! The food definitely made all this project special! We ate so many momos(dumplings), enjoyed the great Nepali food in GIANT portions, through which God gave

us strength to our bodies!

It's amazing how art can open people's heart to the gospel. People really love arts, and especially they feel very loved when we use it to bless them. God gave us his creativity to express the beauty of His creation through art. I was able to draw 7 portraits. Here are some


I was also able to visit again an orphanage that I visited 3 years ago! All the kids were happy to see me again knowing that I have not forgotten them. It was very exciting to see how much they grew and encourage them to grow in Christ.

I also had the opportunity to meet again with a brother who I met 3 years ago in the city of Janakpur. It was a blessing to meet and share all the things that the Lord is doing in Janakpur and his ministry and pray


When I went to Nepal for the first time in 2010, this amazing man of God, Robby Rai adopted me as his daughter. It was very exciting to see him again and spend some time with

my Nepali papa after 3 years!



This is Raju. He is a Buddhist from the high Buddhist priests "Lama" family. I became friends with him when I bought a SIM card for my phone at his store. When I shared that I was an artist, he wanted me to draw him. One day he told me "When I see you I am always happy, because you are always smiling. You are different. How can you always smile?" And this gave me an opportunity to share about Jesus. The last day I gave him and his friend their portraits, a Bible and some tracks. He was so happy that he even framed the sketch and said that he would never forget me.

This is Binod. Every Sunday he would come to me at church with a beautiful smile. One day, looking at my sketches, he asked me to draw him. A member of the church told me that a few years ago he used to play the drums and guitar at church, but he fell from a high place and he got his head injured and since then he has some mental disorders. He also had a foot infection from a wound that was getting bad. One day before we left God challenged me to wash and clean his foot as Jesus did to His disciples. God spoke to me that I shall not only draw him, but serve him as well.


Thanks to your faithful prayers and financial support I am able to not only be trained but also to bless the unreached and share the good news of Christ. The following is my financial situation. I am still with some financial needs to complete these last 2 months of post-production phase. You can be part of this mission by supporting financially so that the training and minitry that I am doing here would continue to bless the nations.


Would you pray with me for this need and for God's faithful provision and consider also praying if God puts on your heart the desire to support this cause? Your prayers and your support will be a big blessing!

God's Hands and Feet

NOW52,351THB = 1,686 USD

(72%) already paid


28% still to be paid!!

BEFORE IN AUGUSTfrom 72,255THB = 2,309 USD38,851 THB = 1,242 USD(54%)


* For the amazing opportunity of going to Nepal for our Art Expedition Outreach. For the people, the contacts, the provision, the divine appointments, the research, friends. This trip was a total blessing, inspiration, and revelation to our team.

* For the opportunities that God gave us to share the gospel and our story board with the Newars.

* For the amazing opportunities that God gave me to bless and serve people in Nepal through art and love.

* For the reencounters with my Nepali papa, brother Bikau and also the kids from the orphanage after 3 years!

* For the servants that God uses to powerfully provide my needs. Praise the Lord Jehovah Jireh!


* For wisdom, inspiration, and a heart filled with the Holy Spirit as we go into our post-production phase and paint and prepare the gospel story for the Newar people.

* For God to continuosly pour out His heart and love for the Newars in our hearts, as we prepare this project to reach them.

* For Raju, Binod, Atique, and Sujit, whom I was able to share the gospel, and love of Christ. That Christ may be revealed to them more and more through His word and that God will grow the seed that was planted in their hearts.

* For direction and sensitivity to the voice of the Holy Spirit for what follows after this school. There are some major decisions to make, so please pray for wisdom and obedience as God reveals His will to me.


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Mail Address:P.O. Box 46 Samyaek Suan Prung, POChiang Mai, 50201, Thailand

Julia Paik

[email protected]



I would love to hear from you, share together what God is doing in your lives and share prayer

resquests together!

Would you like to support and be part of this mission?Would you like to contact me?

Your support will be a blessing!You can donate by:

1) Depositing in my Bank account in Paraguay:

BANCO FAMILIARSin Ae PaikAccount #: 21-00681987

2) Transferring money through:

WESTERN UNIONSin Ae PaikCity and Country: Chiang Mai, Thailand

