Download pdf - 2013/ Sep8 Announcements

Page 1: 2013/ Sep8 Announcements


Announcementsweek of September 8th

Rooms are at our William Cannon campus (W) orour Brodie campus (B).

SUNDAY 8th9:30 a.m. Worship Choir, 8-W9:30 & 11 a.m. Worship

Wonder Junction, UpStreet9:30 a.m. True Faith, W-Student Lounge9:30 a.m. Brodie MS Breakfast, offsite10:50 a.m. Men’s Bible Study, W-Library6 p.m. True High School & Varsity, W-Stu-

dent Lounge8 p.m. True Deep, W-Student Lounge

MONDAY 9th9:30 a.m. Disciple 4, W-9

7 p.m. Disciple: D1, W-Library; D2, W-B;D3, W-9

WEDNESDAY 11th9:30 a.m. Disciple 2, W-910 a.m. Search The Scriptures, Library-W6 p.m. True Tween & Middle, Student

Lounge/FMC-WTHURSDAY 12th9:30 a.m. MOPS, W-FMC10 a.m. ARCM (Retired Christian Men), W-

LibrarySATURDAY 14th8 a.m. All Pro Dad, Brodie9 a.m. CPR Training, W-99 a.m. Yoga, W-FMC5 p.m. Music Ministries Kickoff Party, off-

siteSUNDAY 15th9:30 a.m. Worship Choir, 8-W9:30 & 11 a.m. Worship

Wonder Junction, UpStreet9:30 a.m. True Faith, W-Student Lounge10:50 a.m. Men’s Bible Study, W-Library6 p.m. True High School & Varsity, W-Stu-

dent Lounge8 p.m. True Deep, W-Student LoungeDeadline for newsletter & childrare sub-


calendar.shpc.orgoffice phone 512.892.3580office email [email protected]

Why Do You Believe That?A Faith Conversation byMary Jo SharpWomen’s Morning BibleStudy Begins Tuesday,September17th (correctionfrom last week’s yellow pag-es) 9:30-11:30 a.m. at theWilliam Cannon Campus.

How confident are you talkingto others about your faith? Doyou wish you could expressyour beliefs with more effectiveness or maybe desirea deeper understanding of your own faith?

This 7-week study will give you seven practicalsteps to equip you for meaningful spiritual conver-sations while you’ll gain a better understanding ofyour own faith.

All are invited! Come worship, grow, and connectwith women growing in their faith.

For more information and to register, contact RenéeForsythe at [email protected] or 512-288-4546.Childcare is available with pre-registration.

Calling All Young Families!We are looking for couples andyoung families to help re-establishSHPC’s ministry to this population.The program is ours to form, andwe want YOU to be a part of it!Our kick-off party will be Satur-day, September 21 at 5:30pm at12504 Bears Den Court 78739.

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it’s PrimeTime!(50± Adult Ministry)● ASSOCIATION OF RETIRED CHRISTIAN MEN meet every Thursday at 10 a.m. in

the library at William Cannon. Join us!

● On Saturday, September 21, 2013 at 11:30 a.m. the Adult Fellowship Lunch Bunchwill meet at Cypress Grill for the September luncheon.  Cypress Grill is located onWilliam Cannon in the BBNC Bank shopping strip behind P.T. Terry’s.  It is aseafood/Cajun restaurant with lots of different selections.  Please make your res-ervations with Sherry Rasmus at [email protected] or call and leave amessage to RSVP at 512-280-3346 no later than Thursday, September 19 to assurespace for everyone!”  Look forward to ya’ll being there!

CHILDREN AT THE LORD’S TABLEIs your child beginning to wonder aboutsome of the things we do at church? Havethey started to ask questions about Bap-tism and/or Communion? If so, please con-sider enrolling your 2nd – 4th grader inthese three educational and interactivesessions. Parents and children will meeton the last night with pastors and eldersto prepare for First Communion and rec-ognition by the congregation on WorldCommunion Sunday on October 6th duringthe 11:00 services at both campuses.

Men’s Bible StudyThe Men’s BibleStudy will begin nextSunday, September8th at 10:50 a.m. inthe Library with TimKeller’s Judges forYou.

In the introductionof this compellingbook, Keller writes,“We live and workamong a great vari-ety of gods – not onlythose of other formal religions, but alsothe gods of wealth, celebrity, pleasure,ideology, achievement.  Our era can becharacterized by the phrase which sumsup the book of Judges: ‘Everyone didwhat was right in his own eyes’ (Judges21:25 ESV).”

Contact Glenn Dukes if you are interest-ed, or simply join us on September [email protected]

Looking for a Way toHelp Out?Needed: a committed goodSunday morning volunteer toput away all coffee suppliesafter the 11am service onSundays. Training will be pro-vided! Please contact Gina Bog-itch at [email protected].

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COURAGEBeing brave enough to do what you should do, even when you’re afraid.

CASTING CALL FOR "BIG STORY LIVE!"We're looking for adults and teens who enjoy drama, music and engaging children inGod's One Big Story in new and creative ways.   This team is for you if you have a flairfor acting, singing, dancing, storytelling or just goofing off and making folks laugh! Interested?

This family worship experience will take place THE SECOND SUNDAY OF EACH MONTH,at 11 a.m. at William Cannon and 12:30 p.m. at Brodie (with lunch included)

We're calling it BIG STORY LIVE!,  reinforcing our ongoing message that we’re all partof God's One Big Story.

We have many regular acting roles and one-time Bible character roles available as wellas stage hand, hospitality, and technical assistant needs.

For more information on any of the above or to join the team, contact Pastor Britta [email protected] or (512) 892-3580, ext. 107.

Children’s MinistryNursery care for children from 6 weeks to 24 months of age

Wonder Junction Sunday School 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. – noonWilliam Cannon campus

9:30 2 yr. olds — Room 2 3 yr. olds — Room 1 4 yr. olds & pre-K— Room 611 2 yr. olds — Room 2 3 yr. olds — Room 1 4 yr. olds & pre-K— Room 6

Brodie campus11 3 yr. olds through pre-K— portable

UpStreet Sunday School 9:30 a.m. - 10:30 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. - noonWilliam Cannon campus

9:30 Kinder thru 3rd grade — Family Ministry Center 4th & 5th grade — Portable A&B11 Kinder thru 5th grade — Portable B

Brodie campus11 Kinder thru 5th grade — large classroom

William Cannon campus9:30 & 11 Room 7

Brodie campus11 portable

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Habitat Fall Faith Build

SHPC volunteers worked yesterday on thefirst of 3 days we are participating to helpbuild a home for a deserving family.

SHPC will send workers again on October19th and 26th.  We also need help to pro-vide lunch for the work crew on Oct 19th.

Sign up in the narthex or [email protected] for details.

Body and Soul Yoga Series:12 Ordinary Men, William CannonFMC, Saturday mornings, 9:30-10:45am

September 14, 21, 28

October 12, 19, 28

November 9, 16, 33

We are each born with unique giftsthat can present themselves as a bless-ing or a curse! The 12 Disciples were nodifferent. In this yoga series, led byJessica Goulding, ERYT, we will learnabout the characters of each of theDisciples, reflect upon our similaritiesand differences to them, and be in-spired by how God used them for Hispurpose. The postures will allow par-ticipants to experience the strength ofPeter's leadership and softness of An-drew's. Bring your body into balance,just as God calls us to balance ourstrengths and weaknesses to betterserve and love each other the way Johndemonstrated. Each week, a lessonwill be drawn from John MacArthur'sbook, Twelve Ordinary Men.

Contact Jessica Goulding for pricinginformation and with

HOW HANDY ARE YOU?Do you have repair and maintenance skillsthat you’d be willing to put to use for thechurch? If so, the property team may befor you!

The property volunteer list is contactedany time there is a maintenance need, sothe more capable and willing volunteerswe have, the more we can spread thosetasks around.

If you’re interested, please contact MaryAversa ([email protected]) at the churchoffice or Bill Trevillion([email protected]).

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Many thanks to the

who repairedwater damage in Portable B in thescorching heat this week! You are ablessing to our SHPC family!

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Call for Mentors!Kids Hope is gearing upagain for the2013/2014 schoolyear. We are in theprocess of recruitingmentors and prayerpartners to join the pro-gram with Williams Ele-mentary this fall. If you haveone hour a week to give to achild, please consider KidsHope. If you are interested inlearning more, check out the Kids HopeUSA website at orcontact Lori Whitmire [email protected] This year’s mentortraining will be held Sept. 22nd from1:30-4:30. Pre-registration is requestedso we can plan accordingly.


Signup sheets are in the Nartthex forExplore God discussion groups. Wewould like for everyone to sign uptoday for themselves and afriend…or 2…or 3! Groups will startthis week.If you don’t have a friend or neigh-bor to bring with you, don’t let thathold you back. If there are spacesavailable in a discussion group, feelfree to sign yourself up!

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First Meeting of the Men’s BookClub!7:00 p.m., Thursday, September 12 inRoom 9 on the William Cannon Campus

After the first meeting, we will meet onthe first Thursday of each month, Octoberthrough May.

This is a great opportunity for the men ofSHPC to meet monthly to discuss non-fic-tion books that focus on religion andAmerican life.

At the initial meeting, we will adopt abook for the October meeting and discussthe organization of the club. Please comewith suggestions for books to discuss, andbecome an active member of the group!

For more information or questions, con-tact Stefan Haag by phone (512-288-3479)or email (shaag@

FOUNDA men’s wristwatch was found in the rest-room at the William Cannon campus theweek of August 11th. If you think it mightbe yours, call or stop by the office to de-scribe it.

Totally Awkward Teen & Parent ConferenceRegistration is currently open for the Totally Awkward Teen and Parent Conference!Totally Awkward is all about getting parents in students together to begin the discus-sion on puberty, dating and social media. The conference is October 10th through 12th

with sessions Thursday evening, Friday evening and a student-overnight, then Satur-day morning through afternoon.

Regular Registration (August 15th-September 15th) is $40 per family. Late Registration(Sept 15th- October 9th) is $65 per family.

Register now at

INTERESTED IN CPRCERTIFICATION?We have two opportunities for CPR in-struction at SHPC this fall.

The preschool staff is offering a CPR andFirst Aid certification class in September.

● When: Saturday, September 14,9-11:30 a.m.

● Where: SHPC Family Ministry Cen-ter

● Cost: $25/person

Please RSVP and send any questions toPattie Lawrence [email protected].

Saturday, October 12, from 9-5 in Room 9,SHPC will host an American Red Cross cer-tified First Aid/CPR class for SHPC ADRNvolunteers.  Register online or talk to Bill Brock.

Students who successfully complete thiscourse with skills demonstration and writ-ten exam will receive certificates forStandard First Aid with CPR/AED – Adultand Child which are valid for two years.

More information on the October class willbe published as the date approaches.

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This section is for you to let us know of requests for prayer. Please tear here and place in thecollection plate.

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Signed (optional) Phone(s)

Provide Prayer Request in SHPC Prayer Chain? Yes / No Publicize in bulletin / newsletter? Yes / NoInterested in a call from a Stephen Minister? Yes / No

Have a prayer request during the week? Email [email protected].

Please pray for our leaders and our loved ones in the military…Members of the Armed Forces and all world leaders involved in war zone crises including: DonnLeVie’s son-in-law, Michael Evans… David Floto, son of Carl Floto & Ruth Ann Widner… JohnFisher, nephew of Derek & Kristi Fisher… Brian Moran, friend of the Morales family… JoseFernandez, friend of Gaston & Junie Broyles and graduate of PPAS… John White, husband of SusanWhite… Mitch Guile, friend of Eddie & Stacey Reynolds… Teddy Sweredoski, friend of Stan &Jessica Wade… Tyler Moser, son of a friend of Dee & Greg Merrell… Kate Ingram, daughter ofTemple & Janet Ingram… Christopher Lehmann, son of Mark Lehmann…. Larry Roberman, brotherof Lori Whitmire…

Our Stephen Ministers provide confidential one-on-one Christian care during difficult times.To get in touch with our Stephen Ministry team, email [email protected]

Joys — Tom O'Meara is attending church services at our sister church in Manyamula,Malawi today.  Tom will share greetings and blessings from SHPC to our friends in Man-yamula.  They pray for our church daily -Kim and Justin Schramm, big brother Noah and

big sister MacKenzie, welcomed baby Brooke into the world on August 21st.

Sorrows — Debbie Evans Lombe’s mother passed away the week of August 18th-Mr. A.B.“Andy” Craig, father of Sarah Peters, passed away August 25th

Please pray for— Bonnie Havlick, grandmother of Tammy Boehman, in ICU. Family is hoping tocelebrate her 100th birthday in a week — Clay Deal, brother of Dee & Greg Merrell’s son-in-law, injured ina fall — Deb Erlanson, beginning chemotherapy — Frances Tomlinson, recovering well after surgery —Paige, daughter of Dennis & Pat Low, heart issues — Elaine Lombe, doing an internship in London — Bil-lie Robertson, mother of Karen Thompsen, dealing with the death of her husband — Lou Ann Hackney,friend of Gloria Drake, severe health issues — Jean Floyd, wife of Jack and mother of Beaman, recoveringfrom mild heart attack— Austin, the city where we’re planted—Pastor Alfred Mtonga, his family, andManyamula CCAP Church—Pastor Chimwemwe Mhango and his family—Pastor Clement Munthali andhis family—Pastor Kenneth Muyila and his family—Ronica Ngulube