Page 1: 2013 Newark Middle School Yearbook Dedicated To Tanea...better!and!achieve!more. “Mr!Tanea!teaches!not!just! math,!or!soccer,!or!basketball!or! tennis.!He!teaches!citizenship,! scholarship!and!sportsmanship.!

  To  his  utter  surprise,  the  2013  Newark  Middle  School  yearbook  was  dedicated  June  13  to  Tim  Tanea,  an  NMS  eighth  grade  math  teacher  who  is  retiring  June  30  after  31  years  of  teaching  at  NCSD.   After  NMS  yearbook  advisor  Mary  Thoms  announced  the  yearbook  had  been  dedicated  to  Tanea,  and  read  what  eighth  grade  social  studies  teacher  Tedd  VanDuyne  and  eighth  grade  ELA  teacher  Sue  VanTyle  wrote  about  him  for  the  yearbook,    Tanea’s  wife,  Kathleen,  daughter,  Sarah,  and  father,  William,  who  had  been  backstage,  came  onto  the  stage  to  congratulate  him.   Tanea  graciously  thanked  everyone  and  said  there  were  probably  80  or  so  professionals  or  staff  members  at  NMS  who  deserved  the  honor  more  than  he.   But  he  said  he  was  “honored”  and  said  it  was  something  he  would  truly  remember  for  the  rest  of  his  life.   In  the  yearbook,  VanDuyne  wrote  that  Tanea,  who  has  also  

2013 Middle School

YearbookDedicated To

Tim Tanea

Page 2: 2013 Newark Middle School Yearbook Dedicated To Tanea...better!and!achieve!more. “Mr!Tanea!teaches!not!just! math,!or!soccer,!or!basketball!or! tennis.!He!teaches!citizenship,! scholarship!and!sportsmanship.!

coached  countless  soccer,  basketball  and  tennis  teams  throughout  his  career  _  in  fact  a  total  of  115  seasons  _  has  been  both  an  exemplary  teacher  and  coach.   “What  is  rare  is  the  person  who  can  be  considered  great  in  both  roles  _  the  person  who  blends  those  roles  so  skillfully  and  so  naturally  that  they  become  seamless  and  uniTied.  For  over  30  years,  no  one  has  done  that  better  than  Mr.  Tim  Tanea,’’  VanDuyne  wrote.  “Mr.  Tanea’s  high  standards  in  the  classroom,  on  the  Tield,  or  on  the  court  are  legendary.  Always  expecting  the  best  from  his  students  and  his  athletes,  he  will  let  them  know  when  they  have  let  themselves  down,  but  will  then,  with  humor  and  boundless  patience,  provide  the  teaching  and  the  coaching  that  will  help  them  to  do  

Page 3: 2013 Newark Middle School Yearbook Dedicated To Tanea...better!and!achieve!more. “Mr!Tanea!teaches!not!just! math,!or!soccer,!or!basketball!or! tennis.!He!teaches!citizenship,! scholarship!and!sportsmanship.!

better  and  achieve  more.   “Mr  Tanea  teaches  not  just  math,  or  soccer,  or  basketball  or  tennis.  He  teaches  citizenship,  scholarship  and  sportsmanship.  He  coaches  the  values  of  hard  work,  of  satisfaction  in  a  job  well  done  and  an  effort  well-­‐made.  And  of  expecting  more  from  yourself  than  you  expect  from  others.  Mr.  Tanea  can  transmit  those  teaching  and  values  so  well,  because  he  models  them.    Those  high  expectations  he  has  for  his  students  and  his  athletes?  Mr.  Tanea  Tirst  has  them  for  himself.  And,  in  reaching  them  so  well  for  so  long,  Mr.  Tanea  has  inspired  hundreds,  perhaps  thousands,  of  young  people  to  follow  his  example  and  achieve  more  than  they  at  Tirst  believed  themselves  capable  of  achieving.  Thank  you,  Mr.  Tanea,  for  your  countless  hours  of  effort  in  the  classrooms,  on  the  courts  and  on  the  playing  Tields  of  the  Newark  Central  School  District  and  throughout  the  community.  You  have  set  a  standard  not  only  for  your  students,  but  also  for  your  colleagues.  It  is  a  standard  to  which  all  should  aspire.  It  is  a  standard  which  will  endure  long  past  your  retirement.’’   Tanea  credited  his  parents  and  his  upbringing  for  his  successes.   “The  ideals  I  have  put  into  my  teaching  and  coaching  are  things  I  learned  from  my  parents,’’  he  said.  “I’ve  tried  to  instill  them  in  my  own  kids  and  students  in  my  classes  on  a  daily  basis.”   Tanea  and  wife,  Kathleen,  a  Newark  High  School  business  teacher  and  district  coordinator  of  technology  staff  development,  have  two  children  who  are  both  NHS  graduates.  Chris,  a  graduate  of  Texas  A&M  University,  who  is  getting  married  July  6,  is  the  communications  director  in  the  Bartlesville,  Oklahoma  school  district.     Their  daughter,  Sarah,  will  be  a  senior  at  Penn  State  in  the  fall  plans  to  become  either  a  physician’s  assistant  or  a  physical  therapist.

Page 4: 2013 Newark Middle School Yearbook Dedicated To Tanea...better!and!achieve!more. “Mr!Tanea!teaches!not!just! math,!or!soccer,!or!basketball!or! tennis.!He!teaches!citizenship,! scholarship!and!sportsmanship.!

    A  Newark  native  and  Hobart  College  graduate,  where  he  majored  in  psychology  and  minored  in  education,  Tanea  earned  his  master’s  degree  in  education  from  SUNY  Brockport.   He  taught  for  two  years  at  St.  Michael’s  School  before  he  began  teaching  sixth  grade  math  at  the  former  Newark  Junior  High  School  in  September  of  1982.   After  teaching  sixth  grade  math  for  seven  years,  he  began  teaching  eighth  grade  math  which  he  has  done  for  24  years.  During  that  time,  he  has  also  taught  accelerated  (ninth  grade)  math  to  qualiTied  eighth  graders.   He  has  been  a  coach  in  the  NCSD  longer  than  he  has  taught  here.  He  began  coaching  soccer  while  in  college  and  has  continued  for  a  total  of  34  years.       During  that  time,  he  coached  Boys  Varsity  Soccer  for  14  years  that  included  a  sectional  championship  in  1990.    Tanea  has  coached  basketball  for  33  years,  coaching  both  boys  and  girls  modiTied,  boys  freshman  and  boys  JV  teams.   He’s  coached  tennis  for  33  years  and  20  of  those  years  were  spent  coaching  Boys  Varsity  tennis.   Tanea  has  never  had  a  season  off  from  coaching  since  he  began  teaching  at  NCSD  31  years  ago.   And  this  next  school  year  will  be  no  exception.     He  will  be  again  coaching  all  three  sports  in  addition  to  doing  substitute  teaching.   In  his  spare  time  once  he’s  retired,  Tanea  said  he  plans  to  play  “a  little  more  golf.”

[Two  Other  Awards  Presented]

  Also  at  the  June  13  assembly,  eighth  grader  CaSondra  LaFrance  was  given  the  Ashley  Henkel  Memorial  award.                    The  award  is  presented  annually  to  an  eighth  grader  who  is  “kind,  sincere,  determined,  positive,  considerate,  and  a  friend  to  all.”  

Page 5: 2013 Newark Middle School Yearbook Dedicated To Tanea...better!and!achieve!more. “Mr!Tanea!teaches!not!just! math,!or!soccer,!or!basketball!or! tennis.!He!teaches!citizenship,! scholarship!and!sportsmanship.!

  The  Tirst  annual  Tyler  Finn  Memorial  award  was  given  to  Matthew  Roelands.     The  award  will  be  given  annually  to  aneighth  grade  band  or  chorus  student  whose  passion  for  music  is  evident  to  all  on  a  

daily  basis.       Like  Tyler,  who  passed  away  unexpectedly  a  few  months  ago,  this  student’s  enthusiasm  for  music  keeps  them  connected  to  their  classmates  and  the  Middle  School.  When  inspired  by  the  music,  this  student’s  leadership  encourages  the  ensemble  to  achieve  a  higher  degree  of  musicianship  through  hard  work.  
