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!About Us I Form and Structure I Program and Project I Media and Training I Contact Us

TELLING Since early 2007 CMC start to focus on children in post-conflict area issues, most of the CMC's staff come from the armed conflict area and clearly understand about the situation of children living in the conflict area.

Peace Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between The Government of the Republic Indonesia with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) has opened the entry point for Civil Society including NGOs to perform humanitarian work into the post-conflict areas, and CMC began doing humanitarian work in East Aceh District.

THE STORYOrganizational Profile I [email protected] twitter: @cmcaceh Children’s

Media Centre

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! About Us I The History...

A Brief History Of Children’s Media Centre

Children's Media Centre (CMC) was established on February 10, 2005, and registered officially on the government at June 15, 2005, by the Notary No. 16, Ernalita SH. CMC initiated by a group of young people and NGO activists who previously joint as Volunteer in the Food Distribution Program for the Earthquake and Tsunami Disaster victims in Aceh.

CMC was born with post earthquake and tsunami disaster issues as the background, especially the situation of orphaned and children living at temporary shelter who do not get special carrying during the early post-disaster. With limited resources, CMC running the first program with title "Return the smile on the face of Aceh children", through some activities done directly in the temporary shelter and children dormitory with the aim to be friends of children through singing, music, drawing, storytelling, and writing as activity, all these activities run with group based.

Since early 2007 CMC start to focus on children in post-conflict area issues, most of the CMC's staff come from the armed conflict area and clearly understand about the situation of children living in the conflict area. Peace Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between The Government of the Republic Indonesia with the Free Aceh Movement (GAM) has opened the entry point for Civil Society including NGOs to perform humanitarian work into the post-conflict areas, and CMC began doing humanitarian work in East Aceh District.

During the last eight years CMC has build the cooperation with some donors and other international organizations at domestic and International level, like:

• LOGICA2 (2013-2014) • terre des hommes, tdh-Germany (2005-2013), • American Friends Service Committee, AFSC Indonesia (2005-2012), • Plan International (2007-2008) • UNICEF Indonesia (2006-2007), • APF, Aceh People's Forum (2006-2007), • OSI, the Open Society Institute (2006-2007) Collaborative Program Between CMC and International INSIGHT Out! Project Team.

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! About Us I Vision and Mission...

Vision Mission Objective Principles/Values Target Groups

Child Rights fulfillment, respect and protection as the priority of the government & non state actor in Aceh.

• Child Friendly • Non Violence • Humanism • Democratic • Equality • Creative • Innovative • Educative

CMC organizations have target groups on implementing the activities, that is community and the children, particularly children who need special protection: • Children, who are in

emergency situations, such as natural disasters and conflict armed, and post emergency situations

• Children, who are in vulnerable situations, such as child orphans, poor, drop out schools and children with disabilities.

Available child rights protection and recognition of children's social existence through a democratic, creative and child-friendly organization.

Improving the creativity and independency of children in the community through the media of alternative education for recognition of self-existence and child rights protection.

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Executive Director

Peace & Democracy Unit

Media Development Unit

Program Manager Office Manager

Cashier & Admin

Finance Officer

OB DriverDRR & Solidarity Unit

Research & Advocacy Unit

Capacity Building and Monitoring & Evaluation


Communication & Information Department


Child Rights Promotion & Education Unit

! About Us I Form and Structure...

Form and Structure of Children's Media CentreThe Children's Media Centre Organization form is an Association, with 3 (Three) level organizational management, which consist of Founder (5 Person); Management Board (3 Person) and The Executive (15 Persons)

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!!!!2013 - 2014 Improvement of Public Service Quality Program !!

Programs I Current Project...

This Program under the Australia Indonesia Partnership (AIP), which delivers governance reform and community development outcomes within six districts (kabupaten), 36 Sub-districts (kecamatan) and 432 villages (gampong) across the Province of Aceh.

CMC was chosen by LOGICA2 with two others local organization to run the program in East Aceh District, the program is to supports local governments in district to deliver services that improve living standards (health, education, clean water, sanitation, and sustainable economic development), in response to community-wide advocacy.

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! Programs I Current Project...

A Project with goal to empower the children & youth Forum/Organization in East Aceh District, within two years project implementation, the project was setup to achieve the improvement of respect to the view of the child among the local authority policy and program; along with the improvement of awareness of local authority for supporting the existence of children and youth forum/organization in East Aceh. Several related activities provided through the project, like 1. Series Training on UNCRC for

children & youth forum/ organization member;

2. Series Training on Organizational Development and Advocacy by The Children;

3. Series of dialog among children and youth with local authority.

Around 500 Children will be the directly beneficiaries during two years project implementation. Peer to Peer Education and open the access for children and youth to dialog with local authority is the main strategy of this project.

2011-2013 Supporting The East Aceh District Children and Youths Forum Movement

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! Programs I Current Project...

2012 The Participation of Young Generation into Sustainable Peace-building Development in Aceh

This is a pilot project with 6 month duration of implementation, the objective of this project is to learn on effectiveness of using internet & social media for involving the young generation in community recovering from armed conflict into peace building issues

This is a new strategy to gain the participation of children & youth into social changes in the community.

The project facilitating the children & youth to learn about Internet, Social Media, Journalism and Campaign Strategy.

The result is children (both personal and group) have a blog and others related media like FB, G+ and Youtube Channel to use as media to promote the peace building and democratic values among others children & youth in community.

About 40 Children & Youth participating in the pilot project supported by American Friends Service Committee Indonesia.

CMC together with children & youth, now working on development the project to implemented abroad in 2014

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! Programs I Previous Program and Project...

2008-2010 Children Participation on Development of Better Health and Environment

The Children Participation on Development of Better Health and Environment is our second project in East Aceh District, at the beginning, project idea come from the discussion about major problem of children living in coastal area (we have several children from coastal area involve in our former project), and follow up with assessment to find more details problem of children living in coastal area.

This project aim is to improve the quality of children and community healthy in the coastal areas through increased capacity and community participation (especially children) in developing better quality of healthy and environment.

Project run over 2 years (August 2008 - July 2010) with support from terre des hommes (tdh Germany). Direct targets of this project including children and adults in 3 villages and 4 schools located in East Aceh District, Aceh-Indonesia.

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! Programs I Previous Program and Project...

2007-2009 Support, Empowerment and Building Aceh Youth Action (SEBAYA)

SEBAYA or Support, Empowerment and Building Aceh Youth Action is a project with Aims to increased the capacity of young generation in Aceh to be able to participated into promoting the child rights and peace building issues among the community and local authority.

The project facilitated the youth groups to be the actors for involving the others children & youth into promoting the child rights and participating in peace building activities in community

While in the same time also build the communication with the government to recognize and support the activities of young generation on promoting the child rights and peace building

The project success to initiates the development of East Aceh Children Forum, and establishment of Community Kreatifitas Paramuda (CiKriP), as two major children & youth organization and recognized by the local authority

The Campaign on Child Right and Peace Building deliver into more than 2.000 children & youth through several media like Magazine, Workshop, Training, Creativity Events and etc.

SEBAYA Project supported by American Friends Service Committee Indonesia for two y e a r s , a n d d u r i n g 2 4 m o n t h s o f implementation, the project succeed to involve more than 250 children and youths as the actors through various activities.

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!!!2007-2008 Children Media Development !!

Programs I Previous Program and Project...

Multimedia training that combines between Photography, Journalism and “Creative Wall” as a medium for children to communicate and speak out their opinions to the community outside them.

The program is conducted in cooperation with Plan International, involving the children from seven locations in Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh as part of Plan International Beneficiaries Area.

This program is run to help children in to developing media communication and dissemination of information in their communities in Village through “Creative Information Wall”

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! Programs I Previous Program and Project...

2006-2009 Peace Building Promotion and Education

Through collaboration with Peace Brigades International (PBI), Children's Media Centre (CMC) has run a project with tittle "Peace Building Education & Promotion Among Young Generation in Aceh". The pilot project was done in East Aceh district (Kabupaten Aceh Timur) with more than 200 hundred children & youth was participate in the learning and more than 50 of them was being as the peer educator to keep educate and promoting the peace building among young generation.

The Aim of this project is to raising awareness of Aceh People especially young generation on values of peace and increase the understanding & participation of young generation on sustainable peace building in Aceh.

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2005-2007 InSIGHT Out! Project

INSIGHT Out! Project is a Multimedia t ra in ing that combines between photography and journalism as a medium for children to communicate and speak out their opinions to the world outside them.

This project run in April 2005 with the first participant is 30 children from three communities in Krueng Raya and Peukan Bada in Aceh Besar and Lueng Bata, Banda Aceh.

Project was established with cooperation of CMC and InSIGHT Out! Project Thailand, journalist and photographer from national and international involve on this project, Open Society Institute (OSI), UNICEF Indonesia and Aceh People's Forum (APF) support financial of this project.

INSIGHT Out! Project from April 2005 until April 2007 has been carried out in 13 communities in Aceh Besar and Banda Aceh, involving 250 participants consisting of 9-18 year olds.

Through corporation and networking with journalist and photographer from around the world the children's photo exhibition held in Bangkok, Tokyo, New York, London, Jakarta, Banda Aceh and Bangladesh.

Programs I Previous Program and Project...

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! Programs I Previous Program and Project...

2005-2007 Aceh Lost Love Project

These child profile book titled "Aneuk Atjeh Lam Duka" meaning, The Aceh Children in Sadness.

The Aceh Lost Love Project aims to help children who survived from the earthquake and tsunami disaster and armed conflict in Aceh to memorialize their beloved parent and family who have become victims of both disasters. The results of this project is the four edition books which contain stories telling by children who's survived from the earthquake and tsunami disaster and armed conflict to continue the life and reach the future in post-disaster conditions in Aceh.

This project involves the 200 children who survived from the earthquake and tsunami disaster and armed conflicts (orphans) from the 6 District and City in Aceh, namely: Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Barat, Pidie, North Aceh and Bireun.

Pro j e c t w a s e s t a b l i s h e d w i t h cooperation of CMC and other local NGOs working in 6 districts of Aceh, namely; People's Crisis Centre (PCC ACEH), Meulaboh Crisis Centre (MCC), Centre for Humanitarian and Social E m p o w e r m e n t ( C H S E ) , Fo r u m Solidaritas Masyarakat (FOSOMA) and Aceh Consent on Humanity (ACH) and financially supported by the American Friends Service Committee (AFSC Indonesia).

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! Programs I Previous Program and Project...

2007 Sports Equipment Distribution for Children Victims of Conflict and Tsunami in Aceh

CMC has build network relation with the Indonesian Students Association (PPI Japan), managed to collect 1.400 units of various kinds of sports equipment, such as football, volleyball, basketball and others as well as various tools for drawing and painting which is the contribution of Japanese society.

Sports equipment is distributed to children in the 6 districts in Aceh: Banda Aceh, Aceh Besar, Aceh Barat, Pidie, Aceh Jeumpa, Aceh Utara and Aceh Timur.

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Programs I Previous Program and Project...

2005-2006 Psychosocial Rehabilitation for Children in CommunitiesThe activities of program conducted directly in the target communities including Painting Together, Peace Education and publish a Children Magazine, as the media for psychosocial rehabilitation for children victims of the earthquake and tsunami disaster and armed conflict in Aceh Besar, Banda Aceh and North Aceh District, that includes five Villages in Aceh Besar, one Institute of Islamic Education in Banda Aceh and one Villages in North Aceh.

Direct targets of those activities including the children from five Temporary Shelter and one Orphaned Dormitory. This program is run for 6 months with the support of terre des hommes (tdh-Germany) in 2005 to 2006.

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! Media and Training...

Publication Material Published by CMCTitle Type of Media Year Project & Location

Mon Sikureung Children Magazine 200l-Now SEBAYA - Aceh Timur

Aneuk Atjeh Lam Duka Book 2005-2007 Lost Love Project - Aceh

Bintang Ubiet Children Magazine 2005-2006 Psychosocial Rehabilitation - Aceh

InSIGHT Out! Project Photo Collection Photo Magazine 2006 InSIGHT Out! Project - Aceh

InSIGHT Out! Photo Exhibition Exhibition 2005-2006Aceh, Jakarta, Bangkok, Tokyo, New

York, London and Bangladesh

Training and Workshop Managed by CMCTitle Type of Activity Year Support & Location

2nd SEA tdh-Germany Children & Youth Forum Workshop 2013 tdh-Germany / Bogor

Developing The Child Friendly Emergency Respond Standard Workshop 2010 tdh-Germany / Medan

Child Participation Learning Exposure 2009 tdh-Germany / Semarang

Child Friendly Organizational Development Training 2009 tdh-Germany / Medan

Child Friendly Organizational Strategic Planning Training 2007 AFSC Indonesia / Aceh

Revision on Child Protection Law Roundtable Meeting 2008 tdh-Germany / Aceh

Media Group Training 2007 AFSC Indonesia / Aceh

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Contact Us...

Contact and Address Children's Media Centre

Main Office : JI. Medan-Banda Aceh Lr. Abon, Tanah Anoe Idi Rayeuk, Aceh Timur Aceh, Indonesia 24454

e-Mail : [email protected] [email protected]

Homepage :

Twitter : @cmcaceh

Contact Person : Hermanto Hasan (Director) +62 852 6197 6900 [email protected]
