Page 1: 2013 ANNUAL REPORT - Anglican Diocese Report 2013 FINAL.pdf · Sandra Everitt, People’s Warden Stanley Clarke, and Deputy People’s Warden Peter Davies, whose dedication to service,

Parish of ST. BARNABAS12301 Colin St., Pierrefonds, QC. H9A 1C3514-684

Vision: ... to be of Christ, in Christ, and to proclaim Christ’s love in this world.


Incumbent: Rector’s Warden:

Deputy Rector’s Warden: People’s Warden:

Deputy People’s Warden:

Ernest Callender, Linden Rogers, Christian StephensMusic Director:


Parish of ST. BARNABAS (Estab. 1959)

12301 Colin St., Pierrefonds, QC. H9A 1C3 684-4460; [email protected]

... to be of Christ, in Christ, and to proclaim Christ’s love in this world.


R. Haines 2013

Incumbent: the Rev. Pamela Yarrow, BA, STM, MEd

Rector’s Warden: Sandra Everitt Deputy Rector’s Warden: Victor Marshall

People’s Warden: Stanley Clarke Deputy People’s Warden: Peter Davies

Parish Lay Readers: Ernest Callender, Linden Rogers, Christian Stephens

Music Director: Alexander Bauhart, BFAmus, MM, MMA Secretary: Rowena Haines

Treasurer: St. Clair Codrington, BA, CPA, CGA

... to be of Christ, in Christ, and to proclaim Christ’s love in this world.

R. Haines 2013

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TABLE of CONTENTS Page # Incumbent’s Report 3 Wardens’ Report 6 Altar Guild Report 8 (Adult) Bible Study Groups 9 Chapel Prayer Companions 10 Choir Report 10 Christmas Baskets 11 Coffee Convenors 12 Counters’ Report 13 Diocesan Pastoral Visitors 13 Encouragers Group 14 Greeters Ministry 15 Hand bell Choir 15 North Shore Lay Ecumenical Committee 17 Parish Family Life Committee 18 Prayer Ministry 19 Safe Church Coordinator’s Report 19 Seniors Residences 20 Spring Dinner Report 21 Sunday School Report 22 Synod Delegates’ Report 22 Worship Committee 23 Parochial STATISTICS 24 FINANCIAL Statements 25

Indeed, the body does not consist of one member but of many. (I Cor. 12: 14)

Page 3: 2013 ANNUAL REPORT - Anglican Diocese Report 2013 FINAL.pdf · Sandra Everitt, People’s Warden Stanley Clarke, and Deputy People’s Warden Peter Davies, whose dedication to service,


Incumbent’s Report Dear sisters and brothers in Christ, Reflecting on my first year as your Incumbent, the phrase baptism by fire comes to mind. It has been exceedingly eventful and intense, a year full of many transitions (some anticipated, some not). But remaining, unchanging, is the faithfulness of this community, despite leaking roofs and falling bricks. I, personally, have been blessed by your kindness and encouragement—not the least from the outgoing Rector’s Warden Sandra Everitt, People’s Warden Stanley Clarke, and Deputy People’s Warden Peter Davies, whose dedication to service, wealth of experience, and generous sharing of their gifts and talents on the Board of Management will be missed. Sandra and Stanley have been unhesitating in facing, with me, some seemingly Herculean tasks on the Corporation this past year, and I am grateful for their tenacity. I am similarly indebted to our Sexton and Treasurer, St. Clair Codrington, who keeps both our building and our books in shape. Victor Marshall joined the Board of Management team after his appointment as Deputy Rector’s Warden (at the Annual Vestry Meeting in Feb. 2013), and we have all benefitted from his thoughtful and calming presence. Mine has not been the only new face in the church office. This past year we bid farewell (in April) to parish Secretary Diana Brossard, who is now enjoying a much-deserved retirement, and welcomed the exceedingly competent Rowena Haines to the job (in May). Similarly, we were sad to say good-bye to Music Director Chris Pelonzi (in April), but excited to have on board (in September) the multi-talented Alexander Bauhart. With regard to worship at St. Barnabas, the centre of our common life together: we have been blessed with some memorable services, which (hopefully) nourish and equip us both individually and as a community of faith. I think of our Lenten mid-week services and discussion series—this past year focussed on the Stations of the Cross—and the Maundy Thursday and Easter Vigil Communions held jointly with our Lutheran neighbours from Christ the Redeemer Church. A highlight of the Advent and Christmas seasons, for me, was the excellent and inspirational Christmas Pageant, performed by the Sunday School (during our Advent 4 Eucharist at 10:30 a.m.). Special thanks to organizers Marie Claire Callender, Sandra Everitt, and Alexander Bauhart for the best Christmas pageant ever! Also revived this year was the Crèche service (Christmas Eve at 4 p.m.), offering an earlier time slot and a simpler liturgy to complement the regular Christmas Eve and Christmas Day Holy Communion services. Even my laryngitis couldn’t spoil the joy and sanctity of those occasions. Another happy addition to our Advent worship schedule this year was the Confirmation service, led by our Bishop, the Rt. Rev. Barry Clarke, at the 10:30 a.m. service on Advent 3. Challenging weather conditions unfortunately made travelling problematic for some people, but did not diminish the fun of the Bishop’s dialogue sermon with Diocesan Youth Consultant, Mark Dunwoody. Other new additions to our worship calendar this year included: the (ecumenical) World Day of Prayer service, most ably coordinated by North Shore Lay Ecumenical Committee liaison Kathleen Davies (in March); a mid-week All Souls Day Eucharist (in

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Nov.); and our first joint summer worship service (in July)—and picnic on the lawn!—again with our Lutheran neighbours. We also revived the tradition of regular mid-week Communion services, gathering in the Lounge on Wednesday mornings to receive the sacrament and uphold, on a rotational basis, all the ministries ongoing in this parish. All of these are dependent, of course, on the dedicated participation of parish volunteers such as: the Lay Readers Ernest Callender and Linden Rogers, who especially helped by officiating at services of Morning Prayer during my vacation in August; the choir members, and Hand bell choir, lead with love by Directors Alexander Bauhart and Sari Tuominiemi, respectively, who regularly enrich our worship with their gift of music; and the readers, Communion assistants and intercessors, who help us hear, respond, and be nourished by word and sacrament each week. Thank you to Peter Vatcher and Jean Codrington for their help in coordinating the schedules. I am grateful also for the untiring and unassuming leadership of the Altar Guild Directress, Joan Turpin, and all the Guild members, who quietly ensure the proper preparation for, and clean-up, at all of our worship services. Similarly, I much appreciate the faithfulness of Edward Dwarka and his team of servers, crucifers and acolytes who help make the liturgy run smoothly on Sunday mornings. The very engaged and thoughtful Worship Committee members meet monthly to plan the music for our services, and help make our worship experiences varied and meaningful. Christian education and formation has always been an important component at St. Barnabas, and we are thankful for the continued dedication of the leaders (some of very long standing) of all the Bible Study groups affiliated with this parish: Ernest Callender, Darleen Diotte, Bev Jarvis, and Jean and St. Clair Codrington. New this past year, thanks to the initiative of Marie Claire Callender, has been the revival of the Sunday School. Confirmation classes resumed last spring (under my leadership). We welcomed 10 candidates to the Confirmation Quiet Day held in Nov. (at L’Ermitage Ste. Croix, Pierrefonds), and led by the afore mentioned Mark Dunwoody—which explains how he met the Confirmands in the first place! We are a community also richly blessed by the pastoral care and outreach offered by many volunteers in this congregation. On Sunday mornings at both services, I am thankful for the continuing ministry of the Chapel Prayer Companions, coordinated with care by Joan Stephens, who offer prayerful support and pastoral listening to individuals in need. As well, on a regular basis, outside of Sunday morning worship, there is a long tradition in this parish of Lay Eucharistic Ministers, who take the reserved sacrament to members of our congregation who are unable to be present at church. On a monthly basis, coordinated by Bev Jarvis, a faithful group of volunteers continues to accompany me to three local seniors’ residences, to visit residents and assist at services of Holy Communion. New this year is the Encouragers’ Group, an initiative of Jacques Diotte, who meet monthly to pray and discern ways to support existing ministries and develop new ministries in this community. With their input, I updated the parish Welcome Brochure. And with a monumental cooperative effort on the part of our Website Manager, Jennifer Ouellette, and parish Secretary (and photographer!) Rowena

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Haines, we updated and transformed the parish website with the most recent (and welcoming) text and images we could find—all in time for our new fall season! This has been a year of both consolidation and new initiatives in the ministry of parish administration. The Wardens have devoted long hours, with me, to update and clarify our agreements with the various churches and partner organizations who share our building. With the sensitivity and perseverance of the Safe Church Coordinator, Linden Rogers, we have almost completed the process of compiling job descriptions, and assessing risk levels to vulnerable persons, for all the volunteer ministries of this congregation. The Corporation have also developed standardized hiring protocols (including mandatory vulnerable persons checks), job descriptions, and evaluation procedures for paid positions such as the Parish Secretary and Music Director. I am also grateful for the help of group leaders and coordinators who have been generous with their time in helping me update procedures and training protocols for Lay Eucharistic Ministers and Chapel Prayer Companions (who are approved by the St. Barnabas Vestry and licensed by the Bishop), as well as clarifying guidelines for counters (Sandra Everitt) and greeters (Madeleine Fortin-Simpson) in this congregation. By now, you will hopefully all have heard of the work of the Chairs and members of the four Task Forces exploring options for the future of this parish, who were commissioned on Harvest Sunday, and face a complex but crucial undertaking at this time in our parish history. I want to close on that still pending situation (transition-time will continue in 2014!), while repeating a few comments I made in my sermon last Sunday, January 26:

Like those first disciples of Jesus, we may be totally unclear what direction we should take for the future ministry and mission of this community. But we can’t go far wrong if we hold fast to this gospel truth: that the Kingdom of God has come near to St. Barnabas. Whatever direction moves us to a closer relationship with our Lord is the direction we should take. Whatever direction leads us to more obedient service to our brothers and sisters around us is the direction we should go. Whatever choices will enable us to promote the values of His Kingdom in our community are the choices we need to make.

Or, to put it really simply, as you may have heard hockey legend Wayne Gretsky explain his success as a goal-scorer: “While everyone else is chasing the puck, I go where the puck is going to be.” Which is what we’re called to discern in the next year: where God is calling us to be. In His Service, (the Rev.) Pamela Yarrow+

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Warden’s Report

Dear Friends, 2013 was a busy and challenging year at St. Barnabas Church, with problems to address, but also with exciting new possibilities to explore. Our first year with our new Incumbent, the Reverend Pamela Yarrow, has been an eventful one, with participation and cooperation by our members in many ministries, committees and as volunteers who all pitched in with renewed vigour. The leadership and membership of the many ministries has permitted St. Barnabas to grow and flourish, even with problems to address, and we thank all those involved. Our Incumbent and Wardens began the year by completing the updates of the rental contracts for our short and long-term tenants, so that a consistent and fair use/cost ratio could be established that would provide transparency in our dealings with current and new rentals. The Safe Church protocol was restarted and information meetings held to explain its implementation. Our rectory was sold in March and the net proceeds placed in trust for us in the Anglican Trust Fund. This year we said “Adieu”, not “Goodbye”, to our faithful secretary, Diana Brossard, after many years of dedicated service. It was a pleasure to recognize Diana’s many contributions to the life of this parish at a reception in her honour, and to continue to see her regularly as a member of the parish. Our new secretary, Rowena Haines, has shown flexibility and a sense of humour as she learns the many functions that she has undertaken. We are grateful for her skills and her willingness to adapt to the changing needs of a busy parish. It was also the year that our organist, Chris Pelonzi, completed his studies at McGill University and moved on to a permanent position in the United States. After a lengthy period of “fill-in” organists, we were pleased to hire Alexander Bauhart, an enthusiastic new Musical Director, who, with the choir, is making a joyful noise unto the Lord every week. Highlights of the year were many and include: the Spring Dinner was its usual success, with a packed hall, delicious food and fun entertainment; the spring Garage Sale was well attended and was again a successful fundraiser; the St. Barnabas Day BBQ was fun and delicious; Maintenance Day was well attended and permitted the beautifying and repair of the church; in October, the Diocesan Stewardship Café was again hosted by St. Barnabas; Women’s’ breakfasts and soup Sundays provided fellowship; the Carols

Service, featuring the St. Barnabas and Bells Choirs was a delight; the 3rd Annual Christmas Benefit Concert was held in December, hosted by tenor Manrico Tedeschi and his entourage, and also featuring the Mostly Brass Wind Ensemble, led by Bill Riley. The children and youth of the parish were very much in evidence this year, with our first Confirmation and Christmas pageant in many years. We are very grateful to the many

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leaders, helpers, dedicated cooks, organizers, and volunteers whose ongoing efforts make all of these activities possible. Several administrative and maintenance issues were addressed: safety fencing and scaffolding was erected to protect everyone from the falling bricks around the church. At a Special Vestry Meeting, the congregation voted to replace the leaking roof of the sanctuary. This work is in progress. Last but not least, our office is now fully automated and we now have enhanced security in and around the church. St. Barnabas has formed four Task Forces to investigate all aspects of four different possible solutions to our building issues: repair the building, re-develop the property, relocate to another location, or merge with another congregation. The completion of the work of these Task Forces, and their recommendations in 2014, will help us chart the way forward for this parish. We pray that God will guide us to the best decision for the congregation of St. Barnabas Church. Respectfully submitted, Stanley Clarke, People’s Warden and Sandra Everitt, Rector’s Warden

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Altar Guild Report The St. Martha’s Altar Guild was pleased to welcome two new members to the fold this year. Diana Brossard and Debbie Shane are capably learning the various duties we perform, both weekly and seasonally. We are also very grateful to the many parishioners who lend a hand with decorating, etc. especially at the Christmas and Harvest seasons. We give thanks to the Rev. Pamela for her guidance and patience as we adapt to ever changing circumstances. Respectfully submitted, Joan Turpin

Financial Report OPENING BALANCE $334.03 REVENUE Free will offering. $95.38 Wedding. $25.00 $120.38 $120.38 $454.41 EXPENSES Cleaning of vestments. $89.38 Foot Washing cloths. $11.50 Palms $60.00 Bank charges. $24.00 $184.88 -$184.88 $269.53

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(Adult) Bible Study Report The Bible study on Sunday mornings and Monday nights take on two forms: the structured form where we follow a prepared agenda, and more often an open forum where participants are encouraged to propose certain topics on which they would like to be enlightened and to discuss.

Notwithstanding the above, we are always open to persons with special prayer requests, whether for themselves or others. Whatever form taken, we stay on the premise that Jesus is Lord and that we should always rely on the working of the Holy Spirit. Specific Bible passages are taught, read and discussed to reaffirm and substantiate the need for our faith in the Lord. We have followed the missionary journeys, the work of the prophets, the disciples and more importantly, the teachings of Jesus. Our readings are found in the Old and the New Testaments. Visitors are welcomed, those with concerns or need for prayers are encouraged to join us. Over the years we have seen many come and go but always with a common need: to get to know the Lord, to accept him as their Lord and Saviour. This ministry serves not only as a refuge but as a form of encouragement for those who already are in the fellowship with Christ, as well as for the newly born-again Christians, so they are encouraged to follow the appointed way and stay on the path of Christianity. We pray for a greater involvement from within the Church as this is part of the Church`s ministry and outreach to the community. Yours in Christ, Ernest Callender

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Every Sunday, after Communion, Chapel Prayer Companions are available to pray with parishioners. Ten Chapel Prayer Companions are involved in this ministry. One Companion is available at the 8:00 a.m. service and two at the 10:30 a.m.

If you wished to have prayers for yourself, your family, or your friends, the Chapel is always open to you. Prayers have been offered up for healing, support, thanksgiving, and many other circumstances that the participants brought to the Lord. In God’s service, Joan Stephens

Although I have been a part of the St. Barnabas teamsince September 15community: they like to sing

Our choir works very hard every Wednesday night to achieve a better sound for our Lord, and to support the parishioners in all our services with a leadership that was missing here for too long. Now, the flock has As we strive to provide better and better music every week, I was deeply touched when I saw this group so avidly interested in taking part, for example, in our funeral services. This is rare nowadays, and they are very special for doing that, as I have betold by the families of recent departed members of our parish. They were all so touched and grateful for having a choir singing Our children, the future, have shown me their energy and love of singing in our Christmas Pageant, and there will be more, that is for sure. They sang loud and clear, and showed me once again that with fun and energy, we can move things up and sound just great! We are going to work with them again, On other issues, I am currently working on replaHall. I need moral support on this. But with good will and patience, I am convinced this will happen. As the building is worrying us all, one thing is certain, we will not cease to make music for the Lord, every Sunday. I consider myself blessed to be among such a vibrant community of faithful people who participate and love their church so much. As the hymn says: Where He leads me, I will follow… Alexander Bauhart, Music Director

Chapel Prayer Companions

Every Sunday, after Communion, Chapel Prayer Companions are available to pray with parishioners. Ten Chapel Prayer Companions are involved in this ministry. One Companion is available at the 8:00 a.m. service and two at the 10:30 a.m. service.

If you wished to have prayers for yourself, your family, or your friends, the Chapel is always open to you. Prayers have been offered up for healing, support, thanksgiving, and many other circumstances that the participants brought to the Lord.

In God’s service,

Choir Report

Although I have been a part of the St. Barnabas team only officially since September 15th 2013, there is something to say about this vibrant

hey like to sing, and that is a great thing.

hard every Wednesday night to achieve a better sound for our rishioners in all our services with a leadership that was

missing here for too long. Now, the flock has found its shepherd again.

As we strive to provide better and better music every week, I was deeply touched when I saw this group so avidly interested in taking part, for example, in our funeral

nowadays, and they are very special for doing that, as I have betold by the families of recent departed members of our parish. They were all so touched and grateful for having a choir singing at their services.

ur children, the future, have shown me their energy and love of singing in our ere will be more, that is for sure. They sang loud and clear,

and showed me once again that with fun and energy, we can move things up and We are going to work with them again, I promise.

On other issues, I am currently working on replacing (for free) the piano in the Grand I need moral support on this. But with good will and patience, I am convinced this

As the building is worrying us all, one thing is certain, we will not cease to make music

I consider myself blessed to be among such a vibrant community of faithful people who participate and love their church so much. Let us go on forward.

Where He leads me, I will follow…



Every Sunday, after Communion, Chapel Prayer Companions are available to pray with parishioners. Ten Chapel Prayer Companions are involved in this ministry. One Companion is available at the 8:00

If you wished to have prayers for yourself, your family, or your friends, the Chapel is always open to you. Prayers have been offered up for healing, support, thanksgiving, and many other circumstances that the participants brought to the Lord.

In God’s service,

Choir Report

only officially about this vibrant

hard every Wednesday night to achieve a better sound for our rishioners in all our services with a leadership that was

As we strive to provide better and better music every week, I was deeply touched when I saw this group so avidly interested in taking part, for example, in our funeral

nowadays, and they are very special for doing that, as I have been told by the families of recent departed members of our parish. They were all so touched

ur children, the future, have shown me their energy and love of singing in our ere will be more, that is for sure. They sang loud and clear,

and showed me once again that with fun and energy, we can move things up and

cing (for free) the piano in the Grand I need moral support on this. But with good will and patience, I am convinced this

As the building is worrying us all, one thing is certain, we will not cease to make music

I consider myself blessed to be among such a vibrant community of faithful people who

Page 11: 2013 ANNUAL REPORT - Anglican Diocese Report 2013 FINAL.pdf · Sandra Everitt, People’s Warden Stanley Clarke, and Deputy People’s Warden Peter Davies, whose dedication to service,

Once again it has been a privilege for my wife, Jean, and I to be of service in co-ordinating the outreach effort to our community here at St. Barnabas Church, with respect to the distribution of the Christmas food baskets. There were fourteen (14) baskets given out, and their distributions were as follows: • One (1) – Six Turkeys to Mile End Mission.• Four (4) were distributed by church sponsors • Nine (9) were distributed by Jean and myself, on behalf of th Cash received and expended were as follows:Opening balance--Jan. 1, 2013 Receipts Congregation Total Receipts Less: Donations to --Mile End Mission -St. Michael`s Mission Redeposited in trust for 2014 Net Proceeds Expended Six turkeys to Mile End Mission Jean and myself (9 baskets)

Held in Sundry Trust Fund Accounts (funTotal receipts :

Expended:-Mission Outreach -Food Baskets Balance Dec. 31, 2013 Our references for food basket distribution were under the auspices of the West Island Assistance Fund, from whom we got our listings of familiesthese, one basket was given to the West Island Assistance Fund and one to Mile EnMission. Once more, a very heartfelt thanks to those who gave of their time and compassion to others less fortunate than themselves. May God bless you richly. In humble thanksgiving, St. Clair and Jean CodringtonCo-ordinators, Christmas Food Baskets

Christmas Baskets

Once again it has been a privilege for my wife, Jean, and I to ordinating the outreach effort to our

community here at St. Barnabas Church, with respect to the distribution of the Christmas food baskets.

fourteen (14) baskets given out, and their

Six Turkeys to Mile End Mission. Four (4) were distributed by church sponsors (not included in details below).Nine (9) were distributed by Jean and myself, on behalf of the church donors.

Cash received and expended were as follows: Jan. 1, 2013 $620

$615 $1235

Mile End Mission $160 Michael`s Mission $160

$275 $(595) $640

$72 $568 (supplement by $100 from our

Prayer Group and donated food from others)


Accounts (funds not used) $1,235

$320 $640 $(960) $(275)

Our references for food basket distribution were under the auspices of the West Island Assistance Fund, from whom we got our listings of families--twelve (12). In addition to these, one basket was given to the West Island Assistance Fund and one to Mile En

Once more, a very heartfelt thanks to those who gave of their time and compassion to others less fortunate than themselves. May God bless you richly.

St. Clair and Jean Codrington ordinators, Christmas Food Baskets


Christmas Baskets

(not included in details below). e church donors.

(supplement by $100 from our Prayer Group and donated food from

Our references for food basket distribution were under the auspices of the West Island twelve (12). In addition to

these, one basket was given to the West Island Assistance Fund and one to Mile End

Once more, a very heartfelt thanks to those who gave of their time and compassion to

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Coffee Convenors 8:00 a.m. Service Coffee Hour We continue to have coffee and snacks in the lounge throughout the year. Donations of food and money are much appreciated. A sincere thank you to all who help and enable us to enjoy this time of fellowship. Financial report January 1, 2013 Balance $ 96.42 Receipts $313.76 Expenses $375.23 December 31, 2013 Balance $ 34.95 Expenses: Tim Horton’s Coffee, cream, sugar, tea bags, muffins, cookies, cake and hot cross buns Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Davies 10:30 a.m. Service Coffee Hour Balance December 31, 2012 $ 20.50 Free Will Offering 2013 $243.96 Total $264.46 Expenses Supplies for Sundays and Receptions: Tea, coffee, milk, cream, sugar, juice $143.32 Hot Cross Buns for Easter $ 46.07 Serviettes $ 9.99 Dish Towels $ 9.49 J-cloths, dish detergent, cutting board $ 16.99 Total Expenses $225.86 Balance December 31, 2013 $ 38.60

Just a couple of years ago I was ready to give up this ministry, as we did not get enough money in the free will offering to cover the expenses, and we had very few people on the roster. The Lord had other ideas however, several new people volunteered, and the offering went up. I feel this is an important ministry, however humble, as it gives us a chance to talk and get to know one another better. It would not be possible to continue without the faithful people who make the coffee and tea and clean-up week after week. You know who you are and I want to say thank you. In our Lord’s service, Darleen Diotte

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Counters’ Report Four (4) pairs of counters and two (2) spares form the complement of Sunday morning counters. Weekly reminders by Jean Codrington are appreciated and ensure that scheduled duties are not accidently overlooked. All of the counters are conscientious in arranging trades with other teams when one or more members are unable to fill their duty on a scheduled day, so that only unanticipated events, such as illness, require the spares to be called in. Additional counters would be appreciated as this would reduce the frequency of duties for all the teams. Respectfully submitted, Sandra Everitt Counters Coordinator

Diocesan Pastoral Visitors

Psalm 143:10: Teach me to do your will, for you are my God.

Pastoral Visitors meetings are held in the Lounge on the fourth Monday of the month. The Archdeacon Michael Johnson is our Warden, and he is present for our meetings. I chair the meetings to the best of my ability. We have a silent retreat in June. Also we try and have a picnic lunch in May or June. We meet and have a Christmas dinner in December, and a closing lunch at the end of June. We do not meet in July and August.

We have a group of people from St. Barnabas who visit shut-ins at their homes and in the hospital. The Rev. Pamela Yarrow also visits a lot. Our team try and keep in touch by phone or at regular breakfast gatherings. We are very thrilled to have the Rev. Pamela Yarrow join us at the meetings. God Bless, Bev. Jarvis

Page 14: 2013 ANNUAL REPORT - Anglican Diocese Report 2013 FINAL.pdf · Sandra Everitt, People’s Warden Stanley Clarke, and Deputy People’s Warden Peter Davies, whose dedication to service,

The Encouragers Group was formed shortly after our new Incumbent, the Rev. Pamela Yarrow, was inducted at St. Barnabas, in December 2012. This group meets monthly, (the first Tuesday of every month), and its objective is to provide sministries, support to our Incumbent, and look at other ministry opportunities to further the growth of the parish. This group also represents the voice of all parishioners, and therefore everyone is welcome and invited to participate. This group has no limitations in terms of participants, so whether or not you plan to attend (or not attend) all monthly meetings is completely up to you. Just come when you can. Our meetings are devoted to time in prayer, mainly in seeking God's direction for this parish, and our own individual needs. Everyone is invited to share their ideas and suggestions, and brainstorm different alton its own, but rather seeks the approval of the Board of Management for implementation of suggestions. This is an important time in the history of our parish to seek God's direction and will for this community. I believe 2014 will be a turning point, and will require much prayers, time, and effort. We are all called to serve as HE has served. Respectfully submitted, J. Diotte

Encouragers Group

The Encouragers Group was formed shortly after our new Incumbent, the Rev. Pamela Yarrow, was inducted at St. Barnabas, in December 2012.

This group meets monthly, (the first Tuesday of every month), and its objective is to provide support to existing ministries, support to our Incumbent, and look at other ministry opportunities to further the growth of the parish.

This group also represents the voice of all parishioners, and therefore everyone is welcome and invited to participate. This group has no limitations in terms of participants, so whether or not you plan to attend (or not attend) all monthly meetings

pletely up to you. Just come when you can.

Our meetings are devoted to time in prayer, mainly in seeking God's direction for this parish, and our own individual needs. Everyone is invited to share their ideas and suggestions, and brainstorm different alternatives. This group does not make decisions on its own, but rather seeks the approval of the Board of Management for implementation of suggestions.

This is an important time in the history of our parish to seek God's direction and will for ty. I believe 2014 will be a turning point, and will require much prayers,

time, and effort. We are all called to serve as HE has served.


Encouragers Group

This group also represents the voice of all parishioners, and therefore everyone is welcome and invited to participate. This group has no limitations in terms of participants, so whether or not you plan to attend (or not attend) all monthly meetings

Our meetings are devoted to time in prayer, mainly in seeking God's direction for this parish, and our own individual needs. Everyone is invited to share their ideas and

ernatives. This group does not make decisions on its own, but rather seeks the approval of the Board of Management for

This is an important time in the history of our parish to seek God's direction and will for ty. I believe 2014 will be a turning point, and will require much prayers,

Page 15: 2013 ANNUAL REPORT - Anglican Diocese Report 2013 FINAL.pdf · Sandra Everitt, People’s Warden Stanley Clarke, and Deputy People’s Warden Peter Davies, whose dedication to service,

The group is composed of 11 members who everyone who enters the churchevery Sunday of the year. As much as possible team of two people at reception at the door, to give the necessary attention to the people

We had a meeting to look at the guidelines proposed by the Diocesan Safe Church Protocol, including the security facts spelled out by the Bishop’s Office. Our guidelines are now posted on the bulletin boards in the Narthehall. Our aim remains the welcoming of anyone who enters our doors, by giving them the bulletin and song books, and helping them to follow the service. We are also watchful for special needs, such as vision problems, and availability, or providing bench art when occur (e.g. abusive behavior), the Greeters will work in cooperation with the Duty Warden in charge that day. We are always looking for new members and have submitted a note in Submitted by, Madeleine F. Simpson

Greetings! As I look back on 2013, I am reminded that God must be with us during our highs and lows, and brings us to where we have to beThis year, like most, has gone by in a flash. It was a festival year: in May five members went to the Festival in London, Ontario. It was a tribute to past festivals. Fun was had by all. 2 summer weddings! Our very own Wendy and Norris` wedding, and then Gareth`s daughter. We were blessed to have played at both weddings. In September we continued to practice Monday nigWe ended the year by playing at the Carol Service. Members of the choir: Barbara Arnold, Nicky Horvat, Emily Horvat, Gareth Richardson, George Thomas, Norris Wood, Wendy PIngree and me.

Greeters Ministry

The group is composed of 11 members who assiduously welcome everyone who enters the church for the 8 a.m. and 10:30 a.m. servicesevery Sunday of the year.

As much as possible (except for the 8 a.m. service), we try to haveteam of two people at reception at the door, to give the necessary attention to the people entering.

look at the guidelines proposed by the Diocesan Safe Church Protocol, including the security facts spelled out by the Bishop’s Office. Our guidelines are now posted on the bulletin boards in the Narthex/entrance and at the back of the

remains the welcoming of anyone who enters our doors, by giving them the bulletin and song books, and helping them to follow the service. We are also watchful for special needs, such as vision problems, and informing parents of the Sunday school

or providing bench art when necessary. If particular or doubtful situations occur (e.g. abusive behavior), the Greeters will work in cooperation with the Duty

oking for new members and have submitted a note in The Script

Hand bell Choir

I am reminded that God must be with us during our highs and lows, and brings us to where we have to be at the time, for ourselves and for others.

has gone by in a flash.

year: in May five members went to the Back to the FutureFestival in London, Ontario. It was a tribute to past festivals. Fun was had by all.

Our very own Wendy and Norris` wedding, and then Gareth`s daughter. We were blessed to have played at both weddings.

ued to practice Monday nights and play in church monthly. We ended the year by playing at the Carol Service.

Members of the choir: Barbara Arnold, Nicky Horvat, Emily Horvat, Gareth Richardson, George Thomas, Norris Wood, Wendy PIngree and me.


Greeters Ministry

assiduously welcome a.m. and 10:30 a.m. services

we try to have a team of two people at reception at the door, to give the necessary

look at the guidelines proposed by the Diocesan Safe Church Protocol, including the security facts spelled out by the Bishop’s Office. Our guidelines

x/entrance and at the back of the

remains the welcoming of anyone who enters our doors, by giving them the bulletin and song books, and helping them to follow the service. We are also watchful

of the Sunday school necessary. If particular or doubtful situations

occur (e.g. abusive behavior), the Greeters will work in cooperation with the Duty

The Script.

Hand bell Choir

I am reminded that God must be with us during our highs and at the time, for ourselves and for others.

Back to the Future Hand bell Festival in London, Ontario. It was a tribute to past festivals. Fun was had by all.

Our very own Wendy and Norris` wedding, and then Gareth`s

hts and play in church monthly.

Members of the choir: Barbara Arnold, Nicky Horvat, Emily Horvat, Gareth Richardson,

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I want to extend my thanks to everyone at St. Barnabas, for your warm reception and continued support of the Hand bell choir. A personal thank-you to all the Hand bell ringers. Thank-you for your humor, your dedication, and your patience for when I say, let`s try that again but with attitude! Respectfully yours, Sari Tuominiemi Director

BELLS OF ST BARNABAS FINANCIAL STATEMENT 2013 Account Balance December 31, 2012: $231.36

DEPOSITS Jan 2, 2013 interest $0.01 Feb1, 2013 interest $0.01 Feb 21, 2013 Festival fee deposit—6 ringers $960.00 Mar1, 2013 interest $0.01 Apr 1, 2013 interest $0.01 May1, 2013 interest $0.01 June1, 2013 interest $0.02 June 7, 2013 Donation—Richardson Wedding $200.00 July 2, 2013 interest $0.02 Aug1, 2013 interest $0.02 Sept 3, 2013 interest $0.02 Oct 1, 2013 interest $0.01 Nov 1, 2013 interest $0.01 Dec 2, 2013 interest $0.01 Total Deposits for 2013: $1160.15 WITHDRAWALS Mar 1, 2013 Festival Fee—6 ringers $960.00 Nov 1, 2013 Annual Membership—Ontario

Guild of English Hand bell Ringers $45.00 Total Withdrawals for 2013: $1005.00 Account Balance December 31, 2013: $386.51 Respectfully submitted, Wendy Pingree

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North Shore Lay Ecumenical Committee This group was formed in the spring of 1994 to plan Ecumenical Mission. Since then, the spirit of the Mission has lived on and the Committee has planned various inter-church events in cooperation with North Shore clergy. At present eight churches have representatives on the committee. Three activities are usually organized during the year: • An Advent Carol Service, • A service in January during the week of Prayer for Christian Unity. • A Walk of Faith on Good Friday. This year we had two extra services. St Barnabas hosted the World Day of Prayer, a well- attended service emphasizing the theme I was a stranger and you welcomed me. In October, about 150 people from local churches gathered at St. Luke’s Roman Catholic Church for a Christian Unity Service. In 2014 the World Day of Prayer Service will be held at Roxboro United Church on March 7th at 7:30 p.m. You are all invited. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Davies, St. Barnabas Representative, Ecumenical Committee.

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(St. Barnabas) Parish Family Life Committee 2013 Report

Happy + Healthy New Year ☺

Events Welcome Back Soup Sunday

Women’s Breakfasts Retirement Receptions

Family Breakfasts Confirmation Reception

Soup Sundays Funeral Reception

Strawberry Luncheon

Assisted Events Pancake Supper

Receptions Garage Sale

Trimming Tree – Altar Guild

Contributions/Outreach CLSC

Meals on Wheels Women’s Shelter

Grannies For Africa -- Stephen Lewis Foundation Operation Christmas Child

White Gift Sunday October Harvest – Donations Christmas Baskets – Donations

Contributions to Community of St. Barnabas

Gift Donations Kitchen Supplies Repairs to Kitchen Church Trust Fund

Thank you to all who’ve assisted the Family Life Committee, especially Lorne Roberts, St. Clair Codrington, Bob Turpin & Rowena Haines. God Bless You, Mabel Georges, Sylvia Jones & Committee ☺

Family Life Financial Report - 2013 OPENING Balance: $633.09 Deposit Receipts:

Donations $100.00 Strawberry Lunch $387.00 Soup Sunday $75.00 $562.00

Total Receipts: $1,195.29

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Stephen Lewis Foundation $387.00 Meals on Wheels $115.00 CLSC $115.00 Kitchen Renovations $285.00 $902.00

Final Balance: $293.29

Prayer Ministry

Each week a list of prayer requests is included in the bulletin. These names are submitted by parishioners. If you have submitted a name, we would appreciate receiving regular updates. If you know of a name that should be removed, please contact Kathleen: 514 684 7367 or Rowena in the office: 514 684 4460. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Davies

Safe Church Coordinator’s Report SAFE CHURCH INITIATIVE Description of Ministry The Safe Church Initiative Committee has the mandate to describe our ministries, and to assess any risk inherent in the situations in which our volunteers serve. We hope the result of this assessment will be that those who are engaged in these ministries, and all the members of the church, can feel that everything is being done to create a safe environment for all. The work of the Safe Church Initiative continued, in September, the work begun at last year’s Vestry meeting. It was necessary to divide the work: the Corporation is providing job descriptions for the paid staff and ministries provided by those individuals, and a committee has been struck to evaluate the work and the risks entailed in the volunteer ministries.

Page 20: 2013 ANNUAL REPORT - Anglican Diocese Report 2013 FINAL.pdf · Sandra Everitt, People’s Warden Stanley Clarke, and Deputy People’s Warden Peter Davies, whose dedication to service,

A questionnaire and an explanation sheet were sent out by the Safe Church Committee to all the volunteer ministry heads of St. Barnabas in October, 2013, and the response was excellent. Using the information from these responses, the Safe ChurchCommittee is developing a document for each ministry with two headings: of Ministry and Risk Analysis. These documents may be found in a binder entitled in the church office. Ministry heads will be able tchanges they think necessary. Respectfully submitted by: Linden Rogers and Darleen Diotte

Psalm 116:2: Because He had inclined His ear to me, therefore

The Holy Eucharist is celebrated by the Rev. Pamela Yarrow. On the first Tuesday of the month, at the Centre d Accueil Pierrefonds , about 6 -- 9 people attend. The second Tuesday we meet at Vivendi in Ile-Bizard. There, one of the staff, not our volunto a central sitting area for the Eucharist. About 12 seniors attend. At these two Eucharists, Kathleen Davies, Joan Turpin and Pat Clegg help. Music is played by either Joan or Kathleen.

Our third Eucharist is on the third MondaOrmeaux. The following people help at that residence: Madeleine FortinRodney Simpson, Joan Turpin, Kathleen Davies, and Lenora Brown. Approximately 5residents attend the service. Your sister in Christ, Bev. Jarvis

A questionnaire and an explanation sheet were sent out by the Safe Church Committee to all the volunteer ministry heads of St. Barnabas in October, 2013, and the response was excellent. Using the information from these responses, the Safe ChurchCommittee is developing a document for each ministry with two headings:

These documents may be found in a binder entitled Safe Church Initiative,in the church office. Ministry heads will be able to consult this binder and write in any changes they think necessary.

Linden Rogers and Darleen Diotte

Seniors Residences

Because He had inclined His ear to me, therefore I will call upon Him

long as I live.

The Holy Eucharist is celebrated by the Rev. Pamela Yarrow. On the first Tuesday of the month, at the Centre d Accueil Pierrefonds ,

9 people attend. The second Tuesday we meet at Vivendi in Bizard. There, one of the staff, not our volunteers, brings the people

to a central sitting area for the Eucharist. About 12 seniors attend. At these two Eucharists, Kathleen Davies, Joan Turpin and Pat Clegg help. Music is played by either Joan or Kathleen.

Our third Eucharist is on the third Monday of the month at Centre d’AccueilOrmeaux. The following people help at that residence: Madeleine Fortin-Rodney Simpson, Joan Turpin, Kathleen Davies, and Lenora Brown. Approximately 5


A questionnaire and an explanation sheet were sent out by the Safe Church Committee to all the volunteer ministry heads of St. Barnabas in October, 2013, and the response was excellent. Using the information from these responses, the Safe Church Committee is developing a document for each ministry with two headings: Description

Safe Church Initiative, which is kept o consult this binder and write in any

eniors Residences

I will call upon Him as

The Holy Eucharist is celebrated by the Rev. Pamela Yarrow. On the first Tuesday of the month, at the Centre d Accueil Pierrefonds ,

9 people attend. The second Tuesday we meet at Vivendi in teers, brings the people

to a central sitting area for the Eucharist. About 12 seniors attend. At these two Eucharists, Kathleen Davies, Joan Turpin and Pat Clegg help.

y of the month at Centre d’Accueil Dollard des -Simpson and

Rodney Simpson, Joan Turpin, Kathleen Davies, and Lenora Brown. Approximately 5—10

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Spring Dinner Report On behalf of our Friday Night Prayer Group, the committee involved in the organizing and running of the Spring Dinner held in our church hall, in April, wishes to extend our heartfelt appreciation for all who supported this annual fund raising effort. This dinner is an attempt by our congregation to reach out to the poor and less fortunate persons and families both at home and abroad. In previous years, our efforts were directed toward the sending of funds to the Primate’s World Relief and Development Fund, and to our Diocese here in Montreal for mission. In recent years, however, all funds raised were remitted and distributed as follows (with comparatives for 2012):

2013 2012 P.W.R.D.F. $1,600 $1,931 Debt Retirement—Building Fund $1,300 $1,900 Total $2,900 $3,831 We wish to extend our thanks to all who organized and participated in the gracious contributions to our fine evening of songs and praises, and to all who contributed their time and resources in preparing the meals. In humble thanksgiving, In the service of the Lord, Jesus Christ, Jean Codrington & Joan Stephens Co-ordinators—Spring Dinner

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Sunday School Report

A wife invited some people to dinner. At the table, she turned to her six-year-old daughter and said, "Would you like to say the blessing?" "I wouldn't know what to say," the girl replied. "Just say what you hear Mommy say," the wife answered. The daughter bowed her head and said, "Lord, why on earth did I invite all these people to dinner?"


Children are so precious, they have a natural innocence that can make us smile but also help us to reflect upon the real meaning of God in our lives. As Sunday school teachers, we often marveled at the way children would incite us to explain things in very simple term that would get to the essence of what it means to be a Christian. The Sunday school was reinstated in January of 2013. A total of eight children are currently registered in Sunday school. In the last year, we have been blessed with some children coming almost every Sunday. Let’s continue to pray for the Sunday school ministry.

Marie Marie Marie Marie ----ClaireClaireClaireClaire

Respectfully submitted by Marie-Claire Richer-Callender

Synod Delegates’ Report The theme for the 154th Synod was: Called to serve. One topic was: how to get young people involved when there are not many around. It was said that we will have to adapt to the youth. It was mentioned that St. Peter`s Church in the Town of Mount Royal has a good youth group. Building Capacity: We need leadership development, regional ministry projects, youth ministry and hands-on support. Kids Stuff: A committee will be doing a survey to know what kids need. They will listen to what parents and caregivers have in mind for their kids. The survey will be for everyone, not only parish members.

Page 23: 2013 ANNUAL REPORT - Anglican Diocese Report 2013 FINAL.pdf · Sandra Everitt, People’s Warden Stanley Clarke, and Deputy People’s Warden Peter Davies, whose dedication to service,

Joint Assembly: In July in Ottawa, there was a Joint Assembly between Anglicans and Lutherans. Anglicans convened in General Synod and Lutherans in National Convention. The theme was Get up, get out, get lostThere was a video showing th Motions:

• There was a motion to revise Canon 23 (Clergy Housing). The motion was presented, discussed, voted on and accepted.

• There was a motion opposing the Charter of Quebec values. The motion was presented, discussed, vot

Budget: The 2014 budget was accepted. The Bishop's Charge: The Bishop said we should think of ourselves as servants of Christ and stewards of God's ministries. It is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy. He also said thwill invite the Committee to revisit Canon 34 on vexatious behavior, and to include bullying as part of that canon. The Human Rights Committee will also be invited to develop a policy on bullying in the church. Anyone can read the entire Bishop's Chaby going to the Diocese of Montreal website. Respectfully yours, Winston Griffith & St. Clair CodringtonSynod Delegates

The committee meets once a month to select hymns for all services. Members come to meetings with their prepared lists of hymns to discuss. We select these hymns with the help of the church calendar, Bible readings, and by referring to the McCausland`s Order of Divine Service, which suggests hymns for all occasions. Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Davies

awa, there was a Joint Assembly between Anglicans and Lutherans. Anglicans convened in General Synod and Lutherans in National Convention. The

Get up, get out, get lost. A large group of Natives was at the convention. There was a video showing the highlights of the convention.

There was a motion to revise Canon 23 (Clergy Housing). The motion was presented, discussed, voted on and accepted. There was a motion opposing the Charter of Quebec values. The motion was presented, discussed, voted on and accepted.

The 2014 budget was accepted.

The Bishop said we should think of ourselves as servants of Christ and stewards of God's ministries. It is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy. He also said thwill invite the Committee to revisit Canon 34 on vexatious behavior, and to include bullying as part of that canon. The Human Rights Committee will also be invited to develop a policy on bullying in the church. Anyone can read the entire Bishop's Chaby going to the Diocese of Montreal website.

Winston Griffith & St. Clair Codrington

Worship Committee

The committee meets once a month to select hymns for all Members come to meetings with their prepared lists

of hymns to discuss. We select these hymns with the help of the church calendar, Bible readings, and by referring to the McCausland`s Order of Divine Service, which suggests hymns


awa, there was a Joint Assembly between Anglicans and Lutherans. Anglicans convened in General Synod and Lutherans in National Convention. The

. A large group of Natives was at the convention.

There was a motion to revise Canon 23 (Clergy Housing). The motion was

There was a motion opposing the Charter of Quebec values. The motion was

The Bishop said we should think of ourselves as servants of Christ and stewards of God's ministries. It is required of stewards that they be found trustworthy. He also said that he will invite the Committee to revisit Canon 34 on vexatious behavior, and to include bullying as part of that canon. The Human Rights Committee will also be invited to develop a policy on bullying in the church. Anyone can read the entire Bishop's Charge

Worship Committee

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PAROCHIAL Statistics

2011 2012 2013

# families on parish list 59 53 54

# individual members 97 84 82

# Envelope holders 125 116 114

# Easter HC 202 237 229

# Christmas HC 169 144 170

# Baptisms 6 0 2

# Weddings 3 1 2

# funerals 4 3 5

Incumbent’s parochial


# hospital visits

# home Communions

# home visits


----- -----





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DECEMBER 31,2013

Table of contents Exhibits Reviewer’s Report Budget Summary -2014 and Statement of Operations Appendix 1&2 Statement of Financial Position A Statement of Changes in Net Assets B Notes to Financial Statements C

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(1) Exhibit A


As at December 31,2013 ASSETS

2013 2012 CURRENT $ $ Cash 11,728 9,683 Accounts receivable & Sales taxes 2,788 2,607 14,516 12,290 Deferred charges (Note 1) 250 250 Investment (Note 2) 96,607 0 Rectory Trust Fund (Note 3) 111,352 0 208,209 250 TRUST FUNDS (Restricted) (note 4) 19,338 13,203 CAPITAL ASSETS - At cost (note 5) 506,783 558,360 BUILDING IMPROVEMENTS - (note 6) 254,217 254,217 1,003,063 838,320 LIABILITIES CURRENT Due to Diocese of Montreal (note7) 0 11,231 Interest on loan payable 0 121 Accounts payable 4,810 3,412 4,810 14,764 LONG TERM Loan Payable-Diocese (note 8) 0 48,430 TRUST FUNDS (note 9) 19,338 13,203 24,148 76,397 NET ASSETS Net Assets- Unrestricted 978,915 761,923 1,003,063 838,320 See accompanying notes

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(2) Exhibit B


2013 2012 $ $ Net Assets- Opening of Year 761,921 712,269 Excess of revenues over expenses 216,994 39,654 Donations- Building Improvements 0 10,000 978,915 761,923 See accompanying notes

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(3) Exhibit C-1

St.Barnabas Church Notes to Financial Statements

As at December31,2013

1. Deferred Charges $

The unexpended transfer of funds from grant Diocese to Crisis fund 250 2. Investments The net procedes from the sale of the Church’s Rectory was invested by the Diocese of Montreal in the Anglican Balanced Fund held by the Royal Bank. This investment is in the name of St. Barnabas Church. The reconciliation of these funds as given to the corporation of St. Barnabas Church by the Diocese is as follows: $ Gross proceeds from the purchaser 332,000 Less $ • Liquidation of loan from Diocese 48,295 • Liquidation of Church’s Debts to Diocese 26,148 • Broker’s fees & other selling expenses 19,700 • Advance re Clergy’s Housing Allowance 5,000 (99,143)

Net proceeds March 2013 232,857 Less:-Transfers to Rectory’s Trust Fund: • Reserves for Building expenses 125,000 • Clergy’s Housing allowance 11,250 (136,250)

Balance December 31, 2013 96,607

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(4) Exhibit C-2

3. St.Barnabas Rectory’s Trust Fund This account, under directive from the Diocese, was used as a conduit for funding Building expenses as and when they occur. These transactions were as follows:- $ Transfers from Anglican Balanced Fund 136,250 Expenditures: Clergy’s Housing allowances paid (Apr.- Dec.) 11,250 Security fencing paid 3,275 Engineering fees 4,461 Brick removal & repair to roof wall 5,912 (24,898) Balance December 31, 2013 111,352 4. Trust Funds-Cash 2013 2012 $ $ Savings account 1,350 1,350 Building Fund (note 4a) 11,473 3,970 Family Life 2,143 2,603 Sundry Trust Funds 390 516 Organ Fund (Re Organ Concert) 293 288 St.Martha’s Altar Guild 270 334 J2A 326 530 Bells of St.Barnabas 387 231 Food baskets 275 620 A company of friends 989 989 Bell Choir-chimes 237 237 Adult Choir 850 850 Discretionary Fund 5 335 Crisis Fund 350 350 19,338 13,203

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(5) Exhibit C-3

St.Barnabas Church

Notes to Financial Statements As at December31,2013

4(a)Building Fund $ Opening Balance Jan.1,2013 3,970 Current Receipts Christmas Benefit Concert 1,782 Congregation 3,701 Spring Dinner 1,300 Garage Sale 960 7,743 Total Receipts 11,713 Current Expenditures Loan Interest-Current 119 Loan interest- Last Qtr. (2011) 121 (240) Cash Balance December 31,2013 11,473 5. Capital Assets - At cost 2013 2012 $ $ Land 47,076 47,076 Building 324,991 318,890 Furniture 110,963 100,387 Parking 18,063 18,063 Land & Building- Rectory 0 51,897 Furniture - Rectory 0 17,158 Computer -Office 5,690 4,889 506,783 558,360

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(6) Exhibit C-4

St. Barnabas Church

Notes to Financial Statements As at December 31,2013

6. Building Improvements (net of refundable sales taxes) $ Opening balance Jan.1,2012 254,217 Current charges 0 Balance 254,217 These expenditures were under a Special Vestry Meeting in March 4,2001. 7. Due To Diocese Of Montreal 2013 2012 $ $ Synod assessment 0 3,397 Source Pension & Cont. Ed. 0 856 Church Insurance 0 6,978 0 11,231 7(a)Remittances made to the Diocese this year were as follows:- Re 2012 balance 11,231 Re 2013 37,976 Re Loan & Interest 48,295 Total 97,502 8. Long Term Debt The balance of the loan payable to the Diocese of Montreal at the date of the sale of the Church Rectory was $ 48,295. This was liquidated from proceeds of the sale of the Rectory.

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(7) Exhibit C-5

St. Barnabas Church

Notes to Financial Statements As at December 31,2013

9.Trust Funds Obligations 2013 2012 $ $ Bells of St.Barnabas 387 231 St.Martha’s Altar Guild 270 334 J2A 326 530 Family Life 2,143 2,603 Bell Choir 1,337 1,337 Food baskets 275 620 Misc. 415 541 Organ Fund (Re Organ Concert) 293 288 Building Fund (Note 4a) 11,473 3,970 A Company of Friends 989 989 Adult Choir 850 850 Crisis Fund 374 374 Discretionary Fund 5 335 Interest income- Trust Funds 201 200 19,338 13,203 10. Salaries 2012 2013 2013 2014 (Actual) (Budget) (Actual) (Budget) $ $ $ $ Supplied Clergy 8,585 1,200 525 0 Incumbent 3,685 44,220 45,081 45,519 Secretary 17,245 17,245 13,994 13,024 Sexton 16,961 16,961 16,961 17,300 Totals 37,891 78,426 76,036 75,843

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(8) Exhibit

C-6 St.Barnabas Church

Notes to Financial Statements As at December 31,2013

11. Other Outreach 2013 2012 $ $ Foster Parents (World Vision) 404 444 Christmas baskets 640 385 CLSC (Family Life) 115 115 Shriner’s Childrens Hosp.(Ben.Concert) 0 445 Meals on Wheels ( Family Life) 115 115 Spring Dinner (P.W.R.D.F) 1,600 1,931 Fonds De Depanage ( A Co.of Friends) 0 398 Fonds De Depanage ( family life) 0 180 Fonds De Depanage(Garage Sale) 0 148 Wells for Massasi 0 50 Mile End Mission 66 0 Mile End Mission (Food Baskets) 160 0 Steven Lewis Foundation ( Family Life) 387 360 St Michael’s Mission (Food baskets) 160 0

3,647 4,571

11.(a) Outreach - P.W.R.D.F. Funds donated to P.W.R.D.F. were as follows:- 2013 2012 $ $ From the Congregation 1,790 1,120 From Spring Dinner 1,600 1,931 3,390 3,051
