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Updated Mar 2010

加拿大佛教會 湛山精舍 

禪修學佛入門 Introduction to

Buddhism and Meditation2012/06/09

Buddhist Association of CanadaCham Shan Temple

Page 2: 20120609 mindfulness of mind and dharma insight meditation and gautama buddha

Updated Mar 2010

Buddhist Association of CanadaCham Shan Temple

ná mó fó tuó南 無 佛 陀

Namo Buddha

ná mó dá mó 南 無 達 摩

Namo Dharma

ná mó sēng qié南 無 僧 伽

Namo Sangha

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加拿大佛教會 © 2006 Buddhist Association of Canada

Buddhist Association of Canada

A Practical Approach to Vipassana Meditation

Insight Meditation

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Kayanupassana Satipatthana 觀身不淨 (Mindfulness of Body)

Vedananupassana Satipatthana 觀受是苦 (Mindfulness of Feelings)

Cittanupassana Satipatthana 觀心無常 (Mindfulness of Mind)

Dhammanupassana Satipatthana 觀法無我 (Mindfulness of Phenomena)

Satipatthana Vipassana Meditationn 四念住

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Observe the true phenomena – “the pure process”.

Have mindfulness on the object to perceive the truth.

Not to control rising and falling.

Eliminate the thought involvement.

Put aside the idea or concept.

Directly experience the object.

Follow the flow of the processes of the sensations.


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Train yourself be mindful on pain – Do not avoid it. Observe the pain patiently, peacefully and relaxingly Do not demand the pain disappears immediately. Identify the types, the source and intensity of the pain Observe the changes - when and how they arise and

disappear? Do they become stronger or weaker? Observe the truth nature of the pain

Vipassana basically means watching realities.


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Be mindful on happy feelings as well.

Do not attach to them; do not constantly look for them;

It is very dangerous to fall into a “Happy Feeling” trap.

Observe the three universal characteristics: Constant

Changes, Non-self and eventually Suffering.

Highest wisdom through observation brings you the

true happiness forever.


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Five Senses – seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, touching

It is not you who sees since who you see is just a concept.

It is your seeing consciousness.

If you are thinking that you are seeing the object, you are

not seeing the object.

There is only the seeing that notes your eye object

through bare attention and noting intention.


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Intention must arise before every action. Take note of major intentions, i.e. walking, sitting, lying

and standing. You are not going to get up until you are able to observe

the intention to get up. Take note of major emotions, i.e. anger, greed etc. If you are not mindful, you are controlled by your mind. Your mind has a life of its own.


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Note the intention before you act on it.Your intention is constantly changing.Mindful your intention with clarity,

stability and alertness.Mindful your intention with

compassion, loving kindness and joyfulness to help others.


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Buddhist Association of Canada

Samatha vs. Vipassana

Samatha Meditation Vipassana Meditation

Calming Observing

Concentration Mindfulness

Focus on Single Object Bare awareness

Achieve One-Pointedness Recognize True Realities

Produce Mindfulness Produce Concentration

Concentration is exclusive Mindfulness is inclusive

Generate Mental Power Provide Direction to Mental Power

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Art of Attention

The way of “Attention” has the potential to uncover the true nature of the phenomenon observed and thus a non-reactive, unconditioned awareness is acquired that brings liberating insight knowledge.

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Six Sense Doors

The strategy of “being present” at a sense-door is to understand the dependent origination.

1. Eye2. Ear 3. Nose 4. Tongue 5. Body 6. Consciousness

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Exercise in Orientating to a Sense-Door

This moment is the time to establish the habit of being consciously present at a sense door and notice what is happening during a sense impression

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Buddhist Association of Canada

To Be Mindful Your Sense Door

What sense door am I at?What feeling is present?What is the quality of that feeling;

is it pleasant, unpleasant or neutral? Why?

What thoughts are associated with it?

Do you notice any changes about quality of feeling and your thoughts with time? i.e. arising and disappearing

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Buddha taught Ananda about Dependent Origination

Understanding dependent origination is difficult. It is because people don’t understand origination that they are not able to penetrate it, that their minds are befuddled. Just as a ball of twine becomes all tangled up and knotted, just so are beings ensnared and unable to free themselves from the conditions of suffering.

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Untangle the mind by insight into dependent origination

What we are experiencing is the result of a series of events that arose because of previous conditions and is linked as a causal chain of effects, i.e. as cyclic existence.

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Break the linkage to End the Cycle of Suffering

As you experience the series of causal events, you can intercept them at the linkage of either consciousness, sense impression and feeling. The ability to do this gives you the potential to be free of the conditioned cycle of suffering that most people are unknowingly trapped in.

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Twelve Links of the Cycle of Dependent Origination

Ignorance无明 Volitional Actions (Karmic Formation)行

Consciousness 識

Mentality/Materiality (Name and Form) 名色

Six Senses 六入 Sense Impressions (Contact) 触

Feelings (Sensation) 受

Craving (Longing) 愛

Grasping (Clinging) 取

Becoming 有

Birth 生 Old Age and Death 老死

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Buddhist Association of Canada

Buddha gave instruction to Bahiya

With the seen, there will be just the seen; with the heard, there will be just the heard; with the sensed there will be just the sensed; with the cognized, there will be just the cognized. When for you, Bahiya, there is merely the seen, heard, sensed and cognized, then you will not be therein. Then you, Bahiya, will be neither here nor there nor within both – this is itself the end of suffering.

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Buddhist Association of Canada

[email protected] Shi 釋聖光Tom Cheung 張相棠Kam Cheung 張仁勤Dennis A. Yap 葉普智

Questions and Comments 討論

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Buddhist Association of Canada

yuàn xiāo sān zhàng zhū fán năo

願消三障諸煩惱We wish to rid ourselves of the three hindrances and all klesas.

yuàn dé zhì huì zhēn míng lĭao

願得智慧真明了We wish to gain wisdom and real understanding.

pŭ yuàn zuì zhàng xī xiāo chú

普願罪障悉消除 We wish all sinful hindrances to be totally eradicated.

shì shì cháng xíng pú sà dào

世世常行菩薩道In one life after another we always follow Bodhisattvas’ paths.

回向Parinamana (Transfer of Merit)
