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Page 1: 2012 October Connect+


Welcome to the Spring edition of Connect. Although it is officially Spring, we are still experiencing big numbers of presentations and admissions, putting pressure on all front-line staff. I want to thank all of you for such a sterling effort and for the fact that our 6 hour EC target has still been maintained despite the pressures.

Our 20,000 Days campaign’s importance is highlighted in these figures. We absolutely must change our strategy to reflect the importance of primary and community care in helping to prevent avoidable admissions and to care for more patients where they should be treated. Hospital is not the best place to treat many patients and we have to make changes so that we can not only survive, we can also thrive. This means partnerships with primary care, patients and their whanaau and our communities. We must no longer think in silos but about how what we are doing links with primary care.

This is where whaanau Ora and such thinking has such an important part to play in how we embrace our future and the pressures that await us. It’s not just about being more efficient but about changing how we think about our patients and how we partner with them. Research shows that if a patient has 3 or more co-morbidities that the cost of caring for them rises exponentially. We need to think about the best way of empowering that patient to take better care of themselves and to also be able to access the care they need where they need it, in the community

A couple of weeks ago saw the first big step towards our patients being able to access the care the need in their own community with the launch of our first

Locality Clinical Partnership (LCP) in Franklin. LCPs are about working with our colleagues in primary care to deliver more healthcare closer to patients’ homes. Franklin LCP has been created in partnership with primary and community carers in Franklin and has a slant towards the needs of the community, many of whom are older in terms of the services that will be offered.

So many people in our community now have say diabetes that if we do not get a good handle on the treatment of this epidemic, we will be overwhelmed in the future by increased hospital demand. One way of doing this is by having an ‘informed’ patient. Diabetes UK reckons that 80% of treatments can be wasted if the patient does not fully understand what the treatments are for and what we are attempting to achieve. Each of us has a part to play in creating the informed patient – and this applies to any chronic condition.

On a very positive note I would like to mention the success of the APAC Conference held in Auckland recently and co-hosted by Ko Awatea with the prestigious Institute for Healthcare Improvement from Boston. The meeting drew over 900 healthcare professionals from 16 countries and delegates heard from such luminaries as Dr Don Berwick, Sir Muir Gray and Maureen Bisognano, CEO of IHI. Feedback I have had has been overwhelmingly positive and I know that patient safety and experience will be lifted several notches because of the conference. Thanks also to all the CM Health staff who attended.

Best Wishes,Geraint A Martin, CEO, CM Health

From the CEO


Brand NewCounties Manukau District Health Board has a new name and new logo - but rest assured we will still provide the same excellent services and care our patients have come to expect.It’s been a challenging process. Firstly our brand and values needed to be aligned with our commitment to the Triple Aim of keeping people well, improving patient experience, and affordability. Secondly it needed to define who we are and what we stand for.Our strategic objective is to become the best health care system in Australasia by 2015 and to achieve a balance between excellence and sus-tainability. The realignment of our brand reflects this journey and our surroundings, our history of Maaori settlement and our aspirations.

Blue: The blue colour reflects the waters which bound our district and relates to the special sig-nificance of the Waikato river to Tainui Maaori.

Wings: Fan shape reflects a birds open wings. Wings reflect freedom from illness and flight to a new future.

Partnership: The interwoven wings establish the importance of partnership – wings are interde-pendent and must work together to function properly, this reflects our focus on integrated services and working closely with our partners and communities.

Weaving pattern: Lines when crossed, reference Maaori weaving and have strong architectural cues. The three lines at the tip represent the three main cultures of Counties Manukau district - Maaori / Polynesian; Asian /Indian; and European.

Manukau: The full name of the Manukau har-bour is “Te Maanukanuka o Hoturoa” meaning, “the compelling paddling of Hoturoa” recognis-ing the anticipation experienced as the Tainui canoe was paddled into the Manukau Harbour for the first time, and a possible reason as to why it was carried across the Tamaki isthmus to the Waitemata Harbour.

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Meet the board

In each issue of Connect we will profile board members so that you can get to know them better.

Lyn MurphyLyn Murphy was elected onto the Counties

Manukau Health in 2010. Prior to this she

was a Member of the Howick Community

Board. Lyn originally trained as an

Occupational Therapist. She has worked in

general and psychiatric hospitals, as well

as providing community-based care. She

has been active in supporting a healthy

community, including membership of

CCS, Arthritis Foundation, and Paraplegics

Association committees and Advisory

Trustee for the Arohaina Trust for the


Lyn is a senior lecturer in management

at the Manukau Institute of Technology.

She has qualifications in psychology and

management. She is currently completing

a PhD in accounting and finance. Her

doctorate thesis investigates the costs

and benefits of medical research at CM

Health .

Lyn is active in promoting New Zealand

as a good place to do health research.

She is a member of the Australian and

New Zealand Academy of Management

(ANZAM), Health Management SIG and

the New Zealand Association of Clinical

Research (NZACRes). She is facilitating

the development of a New Zealand

chapter of the International Society of

Pharmaco-economics and Outcomes

Research (ISPOR). She is a recipient of the

internationally prestigious ISPOR student


Significant and far reaching changes are included in

the new Community Pharmacy Services Agreement

which took effect from 1 July 2012.

District Health Boards (DHBs) have been working

with pharmacy representatives for some time on

a new service model for community pharmacy.

The aim of the new model is to strengthen the

Pharmacist’s role in the modern health environment,

and use their clinical skills and expertise as part of

a multi-disciplinary health team to provide a high

quality patient-centred service.

The fundamental change in the model is a shift

away from payment for each item dispensed to a

system which incentivises the provision of clinical

pharmacy services for patients.

The new model was developed against the

backdrop of increasing dispensing fees and a tight

economic climate. In particular dispensing via

weekly close control has been increasing at an

unsustainable rate.

The Long Term Conditions Service has been

introduced to help the five percent of New

Zealanders with multiple long term conditions

who have difficulty managing their medicines.

Patients who don’t adhere to their treatment

regime don’t get the best health benefit from the

medicines prescribed for them. This is a particular

area where pharmacists can help by synchronising

and reconciling medicines and working closely with

patients to identify barriers to compliance with


Some pharmacists are already providing these

services – the new model will encourage all

pharmacists to do so, working with GPs and other

prescribers to assist patients with their medicines.

In the new service model, core dispensing services

remain the same for the majority of people who

receive pharmaceuticals. ■

A new service model for community pharmacy

Could you live on $2.25 a day? That’s exactly

what healthAlliance’s Information Services

Training team did recently.

The team of six took part in the Live below the

Line charity challenge from September 24-28th,

raising more than $1000 for the P3 Foundation,

which empowers young people to take a stand

against extreme poverty in the Asia Pacific


Team member, Christina Duthil, said it was a

challenge to get by living on a tiny budget.

“We really missed the variety of food and

coffee! Resisting all the yummy food in our

pantry was excruciating. We can’t even begin to

imagine how unbearable it must be

for people that can’t afford food to

watch other people eat what they

want. We just feel very blessed to

be able to have whatever food we


The team pooled resources as

much as possible and shared basic

foods like oats and rice over the

week-long challenge.

“Buying the food for only $11.25

for 5 days got us creative with our

menu and made us realise how

hard it is to live on such a small

budget and how much we waste.

healthAlliance staff ‘Live below the Line’

We had a ball cooking

vegetarian food for each

other,” Christina said.

On the team’s delicious

‘a la carte’ menu was:

dahl, potato curry,

parata, roti, fried rice and

porridge with water for


P3 Foundation’s

mission is to provide young people with the

opportunity to be active volunteers in tackling

extreme poverty. You find out more about them

at ■

Back Row: Najla Hassou, Christina Duthil, Jayasree Vijayakumar, Elaine Lorimer. Front Row: Jane Shand, Avneet Sharma

Page 3: 2012 October Connect+


fantastic laboratory for what needs to happen in

the rest of New Zealand.”

ProCare CEO Ron Hooton said the new part-

nership has enabled greater understanding for all

involved of the challenges each other faces.

“We’re 110% committed to making this work,”

he said. “There really is one ultimate measure of

success for me: that there’ll be no more emails

telling me that Middlemore Hospital is full and

can’t take our patients.”

Franklin was the first of four LCPs to be

launched in Counties Manukau, with East (includ-

ing Howick, Beachlands/Maraetai, Clevedon and

Kawakawa/Orere), Otara/Mangere (including

Northern Papatoetoe) and Manukau (including

Southern Papatoetoe, Manurewa, Takanini and

Papakura) to follow in the coming months. Geoff

Smith, who has extensive involvement in the

Franklin community and works at ProCare, has

The launch of the Franklin Locality Clinical Part-

nership (LCP) is a landmark change for primary

and secondary care throughout New Zealand, ac-

cording to National MP for Hunua Paul Hutchison.

The Franklin LCP, the first of four LCPs to be

introduced in Counties Manukau, was launched

in Pukekohe in September.

“It’s taken quite some time to get [the integra-

tion of primary and secondary care] firmly and

squarely on the agenda, but we have here… This

is truly a landmark opportunity in New Zealand,”

Dr Hutchison told the assembled guests.

Counties Manukau Health (CM Health) has di-

vided Counties Manukau district into four locali-

ties to improve the way healthcare is organised

and delivered. LCPs, which partner CM Health

alongside our other colleagues in the health

sector (particularly Primary Health Organisations

and GPs/family doctors) will be developed for

each of the four localities.

The Franklin LCP, a joint venture led by CM

Health and ProCare, encompasses a network

of health services providers and the Franklin

community with the fundamental purpose

of providing excellent health services for the

people of Franklin. Dr Hutchison congratulated

the founding members of the new partnership,

which includes all of Franklin’s general practices

(Waiuku Health Plus Medical Centre, Pukekohe

Family Health Care, Pukekohe Medical Services,

Seddon Street Medical Centre and Tuakau

Health) and ProCare’s Franklin locality team

alongside CM Health.

LCPs are about working with CM Health’s

colleagues in primary care to deliver more

healthcare services closer to patients’ homes.

For patients, this will reduce the inconvenience

and expense of visiting Middlemore Hospital

while enabling CM Health to shift demand for

some services away from the hospital into the

community, where some patients can be better

looked after. In Franklin, the initial emphasis is on

improving the experiences and health outcomes

for patients, particularly in the areas of aged

care, palliative care, COPD, CVD and diabetes.

“People don’t say ‘I live in Counties Manukau

DHB, they say, I live in Pukekohe.’ They relate to

their community, so let’s build our services around

the communities our patients relate to,” said CEO

Geraint Martin at the Franklin LCP launch. “We

need to work differently in different places, where

the people are – not the lines on a map.

“We’re beginning to describe the future of

healthcare in New Zealand,” he said. “It sounds

bold and dramatic, but it really is. Franklin is a

Franklin Locality Clinical Partnership Applauded for national significance

Dr Paul Hutchinson at the Franklin LCP launch

Each year the Faculty of Medical and Health

Sciences honours the best of our clinical

teachers in the form of the Dennis Pickup

Clinical Teaching Awards. These are made

to clinical teachers who are judged by staff

and students to have made an outstanding

contribution to medicine, nursing or pharmacy

by virtue of their qualities as role models and

their contribution to the relationship between

the health professions and the Faculty of

Medical & Health Sciences.

Our second 2012 Dennis Pickup Award

recipient from the School of Medicine is Dr Paul

Jarrett a Dermatologist at Counties Manukau


Paul Jarrett has only been at Middlemore

for three years but already his contribution to

the academic mission of the South Auckland

Clinical School is outstanding.

Paul has worked tirelessly to develop

teaching in dermatology not only at

Middlemore but also across the city. Currently

he is working towards redesigning the

dermatology contribution to Phase 2 formal

learning. He has also mentored cohorted 5th

years at Middlemore as part of a pastoral care

programme. He is a regular examiner and

contributor to the clinical methods programme.

He has also volunteered to serve on the Faculty

elective supervising committee. He is also

a member and contributor to the Medical

Education Research Group at the South

Dennis Pickup AwardAuckland Clinical School (SACS).

In addition Paul has enrolled in a Doctorate

of Medicine MD programme and is

collaboratively working across departments

and across Universities to investigate the role

of Vitamin D in Psoriasis. He has supervised

a student in a dermatology research project

and is a vital part of the postgraduate research

group at SACS.

Paul’s contribution as a ‘clinical academic’

outside of the normal full-time university

model is a truly outstanding contribution to

the work of SACS. In addition to the above

contribution to the academic environment at

SACS Paul is a highly respected clinician. He

is fully deserving of a Dennis Pickup Clinical

Educator Award. ■

Award recipient Paul Jarrett (right) with Mr Dennis Pickup at the ceremony.

been seconded as the General Manager of the

Franklin Clinical Partnership.

More information is available at www.cmhdb. ■

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Adversity often brings out

the best in people and when

Christchurch was dealt a

destructive blow it was co-

operation and collaboration

that rescued the city’s most

vulnerable older citizens.

Workers at Christchurch’s

rest homes and private

hospitals initially thought they

could cope with the aftermath

of the big quake that hit on

Tuesday February 22, 2011.

However, without power,

water and sewage systems

it was soon evident that

the residents needed to be

relocated to somewhere

safer that could provide for

their needs.

People throughout New Zealand wanted to

know how they could help Cantabrians and staff

members at Counties Manukau Health (CM

Health ) were keen to do their bit.

When other regions were asked to provide

accommodation and support CM Health, Health

of Older People Programme Manager Berta

Nicoll, was asked to coordinate the Auckland

region response and put in place plans to assist

the residential aged care facilities.

“Rest home residents were transferred around

the South Island first, within land transport,” says


Air transport transferred people to more

distant locations such as Nelson and Invercargill

but it became logistically easier to transport

people to Auckland where there were more

vacant beds.

Within a day Berta was co-ordinating the

Auckland region and by Thursday private

hospitals and rest homes were on stand-by.

There were three new facilities in Auckland,

and Berta and Jenni Coles knew there was

potential capacity at Ambridge Rose Manor

Private Hospital and Rest Home in CM Health

region, although the new rooms weren’t


Collaboration and a well-established

relationship with the CM Health and the

residential sector proved invaluable in the

emergency situation and the Pakuranga facility

was asked if they could help out.

Allan Sargeant co-owner of Ambridge Rose

Manor says the building was only a carpeted

shell and the finishing fit-out was immediately

launched, including everything from making beds

to supplying hand gels.

Allan knew he would need all the compliance

approvals off to be completed for these new

beds to be available.

A planned Ministry of Health sign-off went

smoothly, Auckland Council promptly issued a

certificate of public use for the ground floor only

and NZ Fire Service signed off for fire evacuation.

“By three o’clock on

Friday afternoon I had all

of the approvals. There

were no curtains, beds

weren’t made and there

were no hand cleansers,

paper towels or toilet tissue

dispensers,” Allan says.

He contractually ‘seized

the building’ from the

builders and then it was all

hands on deck to clean and

set up everything ready for

the Christchurch evacuees

by 8pm on Friday.

Jenni says Auckland’s

three DHBs planned

together and the goal

was to keep the expected

60 Christchurch people


“The psychological risk and stress of being

moved would be significant and we could put

in good support packages from CM Health .

This would be more efficient if we had people

grouped together rather than dotted all around

the area,” says Berta.

A triage team was organised to meet the

arrivals at Whenuapai at 8pm on Friday February


“The DHBs had their action teams and facilities

were waiting and ready to go,” Berta says.

“We were phoned at 9pm and told people

weren’t coming that night and we could stand

down until the morning.”

Berta stood the DHB and facility teams down

and headed home, but at about 10pm she was

contacted again and was told the plane was

about to land at Whenuapai.

“I re-started the triage. By this stage staff had

all gone home and people were getting ready

for bed or quietly unwinding. They all came back


“Holding an executive role and being at home

already didn’t let Jenni off the hook and the

acting COO was collected by Berta to assist in the

emergency response.

Allan had his feet up in his office but was

immediately back on duty calling staff to return

to Ambridge Rose Manor.

“I learnt to double check every phone call

that came in to make sure I had the correct

information,” Berta says.

“The original call should have informed us

that only half the number expected was on that

evening’s flight.”

Finding refuge for Christchurch’s elderly

Sealed with a handshakeWhen Jenni Coles needed help to

accommodate older evacuees from

Christchurch she knew she could depend

on the residential aged care providers in

CM Health .

“We have excellent collaborative

relationships with the aged care sector.

“We negotiated with Allan to make

Ambridge Rose Manor available and did it

on a handshake. That’s the trust that was

involved and needed at a time like this,”

says Jenni.

Allan says the logistical process was

amazing and there was great support

from CM Health and his own team, which

included the private hospital’s manager’s

husband and their visitors they had from


When asked if he would do it again – he

responded with a resounding ‘no’, followed

with a smile and ‘of course we would’.

Allan Sargeant, Co-owner of Ambridge Rose Manor worked with Berta Nicoll, Health of Older People Programme Manager and Jenni Coles, director Hospital Services to re-home Christchurch earthquake evacuees.

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The Christchurch people started to arrive at

Ambridge Rose Manor from 1.30am where the

CM Health clinical team and private hospital

staff welcomed them and got them settled.

Allan says the situation was a changing

landscape that altered hour-by-hour and it was

planning on the fly.

“Until the Christchurch people arrived we

didn’t know who they were or what level of

care they needed.

“Plans then changed minute by minute and

people they thought could be settled in one

room required a higher level of care and were

placed nearer to the nurse’s station.

“It worked really well. Some people could

walk off – we could give them a cup of tea

and settle them in their room. Other people

needed more care and support,” says Allan.

“Noeline Whitehead and her clinical team

were set up to assess them comprehensively

and to settle people into bed,” Jenni says.

The last people were being settled at about

5am on Saturday. About 10 people arrived at

Ambridge Rose Manor in the early hours of

Saturday morning and at about 10.30pm on

Saturday another five people arrived

Many of the people had prepared to leave

Christchurch at 5am on Friday and they didn’t

arrive at Ambridge Rose Manor until about

1.30am the following day.

As some arrived with nothing other than

the clothes they wore and basic clinical

information, the clinical team and caregivers

assessed the need and provided the care and


“Every action plan for emergencies says

contact the families and they will come in and

assist but you can’t contact families in this sort

of situation,” Berta says.

“Their homes were demolished, they didn’t

have phones or power to recharge mobile

phones and they were dealing with their own


“They’re thinking in the back of their minds

‘at least my loved one is safe in a residential

care facility.’ Physically they just couldn’t get to

their relatives.”

Berta was pleased to know the planning for

similar situations really worked when put into


“We were really pleased that we could

move quickly to meet this need” says Allan.

“When we stopped we felt like we could do

anything. It was a great confidence boost.” ■

Lesley MacLennan and Isabella Smart, Clinical Spe-

cialist Diabetes Midwives working in the community

midwifery service in Woman’s Health presented a

poster at the ADIPS (Australasian Diabetes in Preg-

nancy Society) conference in Australia.

The poster shows the development of a

multidisciplinary care schedule and pathway

for women with diabetes in pregnancy. The

poster illustrates the development of a competency

framework for specialist diabetes midwives at CM

Health and various communication tools devised.

It was very well received and we have had

requests for further information regarding our

developmental processes and communication tools

from health professionals doing similar work in


The poster is the culmination of two years

of hard work by the two Diabetes in Pregnancy

midwives focused on improving the Diabetes in

Pregnancy Service at CM Health. The aim is to

enable pregnant women with diabetes to be cared

for in a safe, appropriate and efficient manner –

remaining with their primary care midwife wherever

possible – thus maximising their choice of maternity

carer and continuity of care, even when complicated

by diabetes.

The poster also demonstrates the links between

primary and secondary carers in the care of women

with diabetes in pregnancy and the communication

tools to ensure information flow.

To see the full poster, please call Isabella Smart on

021 784 061. ■

Diabetes in pregnancy

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SuperClinic’s wish list answeredChristmas has come early for Manukau SuperClinic after a new ECG machine and autism toys were donated from Middlemore Foundation for Health Innovation sponsors.

Donna Neal, Clinic Nurse Manager, was presented with a new ECG machine worth $13,000 from Visy Recycling General Manager Andrew Gleason.

Visy’s 350 staff members competed in a six week ‘Biggest Loser’ fundraising challenge and The Pratt Foundation, founded in 1978 by Richard and Jeanne Pratt who own Visy, matched dollar for dollar their fundraising efforts.

Siu Havili, 12, had rheumatic fever and a heart valve replacement when she was seven-years-old. This new ECG machine has made her visits faster. Mrs Neal said, in some cases, if a good heart rhythm was not detected on the old ECG machine patients had to make another appointment.

Connecting families in times of needFirst National Real Estate

has kicked off a new

relationship with the

National Burn Centre

by donating four new

ipads, complete with

Internet connections, to

assist patients to stay in

touch with their family

and friends during their

prolonged hospital stay for

severe burn injuries.

Tracey Perrett, National

Burn Service Coordinator,

says the donation of ipads

will allow patients to use

social media and email to

maintain contact with their

friends and family during their admission to the

centre. iPads are also currently being trailed

in burn centres internationally to provide

distraction during stressful procedures.

“We are delighted to be able to offer this to

our patients in the National Burn Centre,” Mrs

Perrett says.

As well as the ipads, First National is gifting

new home buyers a Home Safe Kit, which

includes a 0.9KG ABE fire extinguisher, a

Doctor Vanessa Thornton, clinical head of

Middlemore Emergency Care, has become a top 30

finalist in the NEXT Woman of the Year 2012 awards.

NEXT magazine’s annual Woman of the Year

awards ‘acknowledge remarkable women who

manage all aspects of their lives while making an

outstanding contribution in the following fields: Arts

and culture, business, community, education, health

and science, and sport’.

The Middlemore Foundation for Health Innovation

nominated Vanessa, not only because she runs one

of the busiest emergency departments in Australasia,

but because she is a wife and busy mum-of-three,

leads health research and projects and is a great

mentor to staff.

Winners will be announced at a glamorous gala

dinner on Thursday, October 11 at Auckland’s leading

venue, The Wharf. ■

Middlemore’s Woman of the Year

Specialists used toys to diagnose Tresahn Wharerau, 2, with autism earlier this year.

On the other hand, the Twinkle Child Foundation, a student run charity, used its links with some of Auckland’s top schools to run bake sales, stalls and a comedy night at the University of Auckland. Proceeds raised bought toys for Manukau SuperClinic, to be used as a tool to help specialists diagnose autism in children.

Louise Porteous, Developmental Paediatrician, explained the toys would be used in play-based assessments to see how patients analyse, problem solve, take directions and seek help.

“We find informal assessment with skilled people is equal to more formal assessments,” Louise said. ■

First National General Manager Colleen Milne, Chairman Bob Brereton and burn survivor Erik Molving with the new Home Safe Kits and ipads.

photoelectric smoke alarm and a fire blanket.

First National office and sale representatives

will give $5 from every Home Safe Kit to the First

National Foundation, which will then donate the

full amount to the National Burn Centre.

First National’s General Manager Colleen

Milne said the partnership was a great way

to give back to the community and support

the lifesaving work the National Burn Centre

does. ■

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Girl power wins kids’ heartsMost New Zealanders will never have the

opportunity to hold an Olympic medal in the palm

of their hands. But lucky patients at Kidz First

Children’s Hospital held and wore two Olympic

bronze medals recently.

Rowers Juliette Haigh and Rebecca Scown

visited Kidz First after winning bronze medals in

the Women’s Coxless Pair event at the London

Olympic Games in August.

The visit arranged by the Middlemore

Foundation for Health Innovation was discussed

two days after Juliette and Rebecca won bronze.

Six weeks later, when the pair walked into the Kidz

First playroom it was hard to tell who was more

excited - the patients or Rebecca and Juliette.

Kilahn Manuera, two, was the hugger of the

day and took a liking to Juliette and wearing her


Cambridge-based Rebecca told sports-mad

Kenna Richmond, 10, to follow her sporting

dreams and that hard work really does pay off.

Juliette said she was blown away by the excited

patients and the experience of visiting Kidz First.

“Amazing visit thanks, Juliette said. “Gorgeous

kids and loved sharing our medals with them!

We’d love to come again and bring more rowers


Middlemore Foundation and Kidz First patients

can see Juliette and Rebecca again at the Kidz First

Christmas Party in December. ■

Middlemore Foundation for Health Innovation

is pleased to announce the arrival of Bernie

Mackie, who has been tasked with creating

an alumnus for past and present Counties

Manukau Health and South Auckland Health

staff. Bernie is no stranger to Middlemore,

as a former nurse and now Middlemore

Alumni Coordinator. Alumni members will be

kept updated on CM Health projects, news

and events. To join please call Bernie at the

Foundation on 09 270 8808 or email Bernie.

[email protected]. ■

Communities give backRelationships with two community sponsors

were strengthened when Weymouth

Cosmopolitan and Sports Club and Red Knights

Firefighters Motorcycle Club (Northland) were

presented with Certificates of Appreciation.

Weymouth Cosmopolitan and Sports Club

had just donated $2,000 to Kidz First Children’s

Hospital after its annual Kahawai Fishing

Tournament on the Firth and Manukau Harbours.

Keen anglers come from as far as Whangarei to

take part in the fishing competition.

This is the 12th year children admitted to Kidz

First will benefit from the tournament. Over

the last 11 years, proceeds from the event total

$18,000 and have been used for much-needed

equipment, like hearing aids, eyeglasses, a

paediatric bed space and paediatric cot and vital

signs monitor.

A day after the fishing extravaganza, petrol

heads took to Northland roads and revved into

the 10th annual Ride for Kids run by the Red

Knights International Firefighters Motorcycle

Club (Northland). Two hundred riding enthusiasts

cruised from Kaiwaka Fire Station to Waipu Fire

Station. The event raised $1,500 for children

admitted to hospital with burns. The annual rides

have raised in excess of $10,000. ■

Bernie Mackie is a former Middlemore nurse.

Russell Rawiri, President of the Red Knights Interna-tional Firefighters Motorcycle Club (Northland), and Sandra Penny from Middlemore Foundation shake a collection bucket for Kidz First.

Middlemore alumni kicks off

Tyrone Oti, 10, couldn’t believe Juliette let him wear her bronze medal. Juliette couldn’t believe Tyrone made her a paper oar.

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Counties Manukau (CM) Health faces significant

challenges for future health service delivery

including a global shortage of skilled health

professionals and an ageing health workforce.

Research literature indicates that having a

health workforce that reflects the community

it serves leads to improved health outcomes.

Currently at CM Health there is significant

under-representation of Maaori and Pacific in the

clinical workforce. Growing this workforce is a

key focus.

The Tindall Foundation generously provided

$2.25million to CM Health for 2010 - 2013

to develop opportunities for Maaori and

Pacific people to enter CM Health’s workforce

development pipeline. One of the projects

funded by the Tindal Foundation is the Health

Science Academies which was established in

three secondary schools in 2010: James Cook

High School and Tangaroa College partnered with

CM Health while Otahuhu College partnered with

the Pasifika Medical Association. The schools

work collaboratively to equip selected Maaori

and Pacific students with the prerequisites

for entry into health-related tertiary degree

programmes. The first cohort of Year 11 students

entered the academies in 2011 with the target

of 80% achieving NCEA Level One. 87% achieved

this with many receiving merit and excellence

endorsements. The health science academies were entered

Health science academies

into the Tomorrow’s Workforce category in

this year’s ANZ NZ and Equal Employment

Opportunities (EEO) Trust Work and Life awards

and won ‘by a country mile’ according to the

judges. The entry was then chosen as Supreme


These accolades are a tribute to the vision and

hard work put in by all involved. Congratulations

to the Future Workforce team for their

successful implementation of CM Health’s

workforce development vision.

On Tuesday 2 October, there was a Health

Science Fair held at the CM Health Ko Awatea

centre where high school students had the

opportunity to talk with people from various

tertiary institutions that offer undergraduate

programmes in health and also meet a range of

health professionals from CM Health.

For more information about the Health

Science Academies, you can contact Christine

Hanley, Workforce Consultant on 021 226

3293. ■

The Northern Region has achieved

zero CLAB for the months of April, May

and August. In January 2012 the rate

of CLAB was 4.53/1000 line days to a

rate of 0/1000 line days. This is a very

encouraging achievement and the

teams to be congratulated on this great

result. At the commencement of the

project there were at least 4 reported

CLAB per month. The Northern Region

makes up 44% of the total line days

(7760/17666)*100. It should be noted

that the Northern Region has worked

hard to implement the surveillance definition of

CLAB. Implementing the surveillance definition

across all DHBs requires active collaboration

with microbiologists and Infectious Diseases

Physicians. There were a total of 12 CLAB in

the implementation months January to March.

Since March there have been a total of 3 CLABS

over a period of 5 months, at least 12 less

patients diagnosed with a CLAB.

The benefits to the patient are a better

experience, reduced number of days in hospital

and reduced harm. This was best demonstrated

when a patient arrived at Middlemore Hospital

from Auckland DHB with a central venous line

in place. Prior to this National CLAB reduction

programme this central line would have been

removed and a new line inserted. However

ICU staff noted that both the insertion bundle

and maintenance bundle processes had been

followed with the checklists completed by

staff at Auckland DHB. The patient kept

the existing line and avoided the trauma

of having it replaced.

“This is really exciting because its shows

the positive difference the staff make,

most importantly for the patient”. This

could not have achieved so much without

involvement of the Project and Clinical

Leads, the participating Microbiologists

and Infectious Diseases Physicians and

they are to be congratulated without

exception for the focus and collaboration

that has helped achieve the outcomes to date.

Implementing the surveillance definition

across all DHBs requires active collaboration

with microbiologists and Infectious Diseases

Physicians. There were a total of 12 CLAB in

the implementation months January to March.

Since March there have been a total of 3 CLABS

over a period of 5 months, at least 12 less

patients diagnosed with a CLAB. ■

Northern region CLAB highlights

Page 9: 2012 October Connect+


Hospitals are busy places and when you are a nursing student doing your clinical experience you can simply feel in the way.

Manukau Institute of Technology Bachelor of Nursing graduate Anj Taylor says she felt like a wallflower at times during her student days.

“At handover it was like ‘who wants the student?’ It wasn’t negativity. You could see the nurses were exhausted and they felt the student wasn’t going to facilitate making their job easier. They felt like being with a student was a chore.”

Luckily for Anj she became one of the first MIT students to do her clinical experience in a Dedicated Education Unit (DEU) at Middlemore Hospital.

In a DEU students work shifts alongside registered nurses, but the environment and staff are dedicated to teaching and learning. The

student is not an add-on, but an integral part of patient care.

In 2009 MIT and Counties Manukau Health worked together to trial two pilot DEUs in wards six and 24 of Middlemore Hospital.

It has been a successful pilot. There are now nine DEUs within CM Health , consisting of seven inpatient wards, two in mental health and one recently set up for aged care at Howick Baptist Hospital.

This week [Sep 5] a celebration was held at Middlemore Hospital, with past and current students, hospital and MIT staff attending to mark the success of the DEU model, which has become embedded in clinical education.

Anj, who is now a registered nurse and helps teach students within a DEU, says she can’t imagine working in a different environment.

Celebrating a new way of training nurses

From left: MIT student Dong Dela Cruz, Clinical Liaison Nurse Kusum Narayan and student Anj Taylor working within a Dedicated Education Unit at Middlemore Hospital.

“I think the Dedicated Education Unit really breaks down barriers. It’s a fantastic philosophy and way of going forward. There is no way of failing. You’ve got all these people there to help you.”

The staff and students within a DEU are supported by a Clinical Liaison Nurse (appointed by the hospital) and an Academic Liaison Nurse (appointed by MIT).

Clinical Nurse Liaison Rhonda Thorn says there is no doubt the DEU environment is best for students.

“We didn’t have DEUs when I came through MIT. I didn’t have a bad experience, but I knew there were some things missing. Now I’m able to help the students move through their study with confidence.”

Rhonda says a focus is to introduce students to other disciplines within the hospital, including pharmacy, physiotherapy, occupational therapy, speech therapy and social work.

This prepares students for the collaborative skills they need to give patients the very best care.

One of the most eye-opening experiences for students is spending time with the hospital’s bed managers, Rhonda says. This helps them understand exactly what a patient goes through before they are admitted to a ward.

MIT Dean of Nursing and Health Studies Willem Fourie says MIT and CM Health have presented to the Nursing Council about the success of the DEUs and have also published a how-to guide for other DHBs and tertiary institutions.

The project has received support and funding from Ako Aotearoa, the National Centre for Tertiary Teaching Excellence. Director Peter Coolbear says it has been highly successful and the model could be used by other vocational training disciplines. ■

October is Breast Cancer Action Month, and the

perfect time for health professionals to promote

the benefits of breast screening to their patients.

Mammograms can find very small cancers

before a lump can be felt and women who are

aged 45 to 69 should be encouraged to join

the BreastScreen Aotearoa (BSA) programme,

New Zealand’s free national breast screening

programme that checks women for signs of early

breast cancer.

Women aged between 45 and 69 who are

not already part of BreastScreen Aotearoa

can register to enrol on-line by going to www., or ringing the freephone

number 0800 270 200. Primary care practices

can refer women who have consented to be on

the programme electronically (Medtech practices

only) or by fax or phone.

As there will be increased publicity around

breast cancer during October, GPs may be

approached more often by women who have

concerns about their breast health. As the

breast screening programme is for asymptomatic

women only, women with symptoms should

be referred to the South Auckland Breast Clinic

(fax 277 1646) and women with a strong family

history of breast cancer can be referred to the

CMDHB Mammography Unit (fax 277 1644).

BreastScreen Counties Manukau has recently

developed a Birthday card to send to women

who are turning 45 to encourage them to enrol in

the programme. Primary care practices wishing

to send these Birthday cards to women, or

wanting to identify women who are not enrolled

or who are overdue for the breast screening

programme can contact Roshina Singh (ph 250

8070). Roshina can arrange a data match with

the BreastScreen Counties Manukau (BSCM) data

base, discuss the birthday card project and assist

with other projects to increase participation in

the BSA programme.

If you would like further information about the

BSA programme or you would like someone to

talk to your practice or a group of your colleagues

about the screening programme or breast cancer,

please contact Roshina or ring the freephone

number 0800 270 200. ■

October is breast cancer action month

Page 10: 2012 October Connect+


what their medication is for and that is such a

waste. If we are all talking together and sharing

the same information the chances of this

happening are much reduced,” he said.

The DHB briefing was part of a series

of public and community seminars held

around New Zealand to discuss shared health

information. These follow on from a series

of community Future of Health workshops

run in 2010, and the NHITB says there will be

further opportunities for public feedback and


Counties Manukau Health staff have had

an opportunity to hear first-hand about

improvements to the way personal health

information will be shared electronically.

By the end of 2014 the Government’s

aim is for all New Zealanders and the health

professionals caring for them to have electronic

access to their core health information.

The Ministry of Health’s National Health IT

Board (NHITB) held a briefing for DHB staff and

providers in Auckland in August, and NHITB

Director Graeme Osborne was pleased with

people’s engagement with the


“This is going to be a

significant part of health care

delivery in the future so I was

glad of the opportunity to talk

to DHB clinicians and staff, and some of their

providers, about the progress being made.

“Improved electronic sharing of health

information will ensure that everyone involved

in a person’s care will have access to the most

accurate and complete information possible.

That means health professionals have a fuller

picture before making decisions, and result in

better, safer care.”

The Chief Executive of Counties Manukau

Health, Geraint Martin, says that this is one

of his priorities in terms of improving patient

care and the patient experience. “I am aware

of patients who have not understood clearly

these improvements.

‘It means that clinicians caring for us will,

with our consent, have access to all of our

core health information over the course of our

health journey,’ he says.

“We will also be able to access our own

records and take a greater role in managing our

own health and wellness.”

There was widespread support for the

concept of electronic sharing of health

information. Ernie Newman says issues which

will need to be resolved to ensure public

confidence include:

• questions about security

and confidentiality, and who will

have access to information

• the possibility of some

information being ‘sealed’ to protect

privacy and further restrict who can view it

• questions about how long data will be stored

• concern about other services gaining access

to personal information

• issues raised by particular community groups

– eg Pacifica peoples seeking assurances

about citizenship databases and Asian

families concerned about access to an elder’s

health status within the family.

More information about the seminars and

a list of Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

can be found at:


your-health-information. ■

Shared health information briefing

National melanoma summit

Graeme Osborne has led discussion at the

seminars, supported by representatives from

the National Clinical Information Leadership

Group (NICLG) and the NHITB consumer panel.

Public seminars have now been held in New

Plymouth, Invercargill, Auckland and Nelson.

There have also been seminars for specific

groups – students and Maori, Pacific and Asian

populations, and for DHBs/health sector.

Emerging themes from shared health

information seminars

Ernie Newman, Chair of the NHITB’s

Consumer Panel, says people using health and

disability services will benefit greatly from

Health professionals with an interest in

melanoma will gather in Wellington for the third

National Melanoma Summit on 5 April 2013.

With the theme ‘Connecting melanoma

expertise in New Zealand’ the Summit will

provide a unique and important opportunity for

those working in all areas of melanoma control

to hear about recent developments, identify

priorities for action and work more closely to

reduce melanoma’s incidence and impact.

New Zealand has one of the highest rates of

melanoma incidence in the world.

In addition to hearing from internationally

recognised melanoma experts, the Summit will

include workshops on prevention, diagnosis,

clinical management and research.

One-day courses on common skin lesions

and dermatoscopy will be offered on 4 and 6



The Summit programme features New Zealand

experts, including overseas speakers who trained

here and are now recognised internationally for

their contribution to melanoma control: They


• Professor David Elder, Professor of Pathology

and Laboratory Medicine at the Hospital of

the University of Pennsylvania and in the

Department of Pathology and Laboratory

Medicine at the university, who will speak

about melanoma diagnosis and staging criteria.

• Professor John Hawk, Emeritus Professor

and recent Head of the Photobiology Unit, St

John’s Institute of Dermatology, King’s College,

London, who will talk about current trends

in incidence and strategies for prevention of


• Dr Mary Jane Sneyd, medical epidemiologist

and Senior Research Fellow, Hugh Adam

Cancer Epidemiology Unit, University of

Otago, Dunedin, who will speak about how

melanoma epidemiology in New Zealand

differs from that of other countries and

how these differences can give clues about

melanoma risk factors. She will also discuss

her development of a New Zealand-specific

tool to assess an individual’s risk of developing


MelNet is sponsoring early bird registration,

valued at $276, for five delegates working

in the area of melanoma control. Successful

applications will be chosen on the basis of merit

and need.

To register for the Summit, apply for

sponsorship, or for more information, visit

Melanoma-Summit-2013/ ■

Page 11: 2012 October Connect+


Date: 28th November 2012

Time: 12.00 – 2.00pm (please bring your lunch)

Location: Ko Awatea Lecture Theatre –

Middlemore Hospital

Long-term conditions account for 70-78% of all

morbidity and mortality in New Zealand and

consume a similar proportion of all healthcare

spending. New models of care are required

to move from acute reactive care to planned,

proactive care with improved health outcomes

and patient experience.

Workshop 101: An introduction to Patient Self-


This is a 2 hour session which introduces some

key concepts and resources for improving

chronic care. These include self-management

support, health literacy and some practical

tools for person-centred care planning. This is

ideally suited for health professional continuing

education sessions for medical, nursing, allied

health or interprofessional forums within

or across DHBs, PHOs, general practice and

community health organisations.

Workshop outcomes

• Know how patient self-management can

improve the management of long-term


• Understand how patient self-management

supports integrated care practise models.

• Be familiar with Health Navigator’s resources

– the website and self-management toolkit.

• Have been introduced to the Long Term

Conditions Network –how it connects and

informs health professionals and consumers

across New Zealand.

• Know about the importance of person-

centred care in improving adherence and

health outcomes.

Please RSVP to Yasmien Khan by e-mail

([email protected]) by the

14th of November with your name and the

organisation you work for.

If you have any questions about this

workshop please contact Rochelle Bastion via

[email protected]


The facilitator is Dr Janine Bycroft (Clinical

Director) MBChB, Dip Obs, Dip Paeds, MPH


Janine is the Founder and Clinical Director for

Health Navigator NZ.

She is also a GP, Flinders Trainer, GP Liaison

for Auckland District Health Board, Researcher

and Self-Management Clinical Advisor for

several DHBs and PHOs. Her areas of interest

include self-management support, quality

improvement, chronic care, e-health, health

literacy and the integration of primary and

secondary care. She is the primary care

clinical lead for the National Shared Care Plan

Programme and a member of the Cardiac

Care Strategic Advisory group for the Heart

Foundation. ■

You are invited Long term conditions workshop

Five New Zealanders awarded Honorary Residency of the Cook Islands for outstanding

service over many years in the arena of health to the people. Photo taken at the Queens

Representatives House: Left to right: Liz Iro (Sec Health), Dr Bob Eason (Physician CM

Health ), Dr John Veale, Lady and Sir Frederick Goodwin (Queens Rep), Andrew MacDiarmid

(Orthopaedic Surgeon, Tauranga), Dr Mike Webber.

Honorary residency

World breastfeeding week was held again

this year as for the past 20 years from

August 1-7.

The theme for this year was

“Understanding the past - Planning the

future” and this year also celebrates 10

years of WHO/UNICEF’s Global Strategy for

infant and young child feeding.

The Global Strategy has identified a clear

need for optimal infant feeding practices in

reducing malnutrition as well as poverty. It

is based on a human rights approach and

calls for the development of comprehensive

national policies on infant and young child

feeding. It provides guidance on how to

protect, promote and support exclusive

breastfeeding for first six months, and

continued breastfeeding for two years

or beyond together with adequate,

appropriate and indigenous complementary

feeding starting from the age of six months.

ILCA (International Lactation Consultants

Association) believe the strategy serves as

their roadmap in developing a framework

for action to protect, promote and support

breastfeeding, hence their logo for this

years World Breastfeeding Week theme,

The Road to Lifelong Health Begins with


The Lactation team at Middlemore chose

to use the “Road to Lifelong Health Begins

with Breastfeeding” as the theme for display

posters in Maternity ward and ALBU.

The Big Latch was held on Friday 3 August

2012. There were seven sites that Mothers

and babies could attend within the CM

Health area, and a total of 101 babies were

counted toward the new national record

of 1571(up from1564 last year). Lactation

Midwife/Nurse Specialists from our team

at Middlemore attended at Manurewa and

Pukekohe to show our support. Globally

there were a total of 626 locations across 23

countries and 8862 breastfeeding children

counted for “The Big Latch”.

Thanks to all those in CM Health area

that are helping mothers and families to

make their journey successful.

References; ■

World breastfeeding week

Page 12: 2012 October Connect+

The National Depression Initiative’s advertising campaign began in 2006 and achieved a high level of awareness of depression amongst the public. The campaign has continued to evolve and now offers several resources you might find useful to help support patients through their treatment.

Using JK’s experience as a discussion pointDepression can be challenging to discuss

and treat when patients are reluctant to even acknowledge the issue. The John Kirwan advertisements have created a discussion point when talking to patients about the illness. Some doctors have reported patients explaining they have the “full JK”. This has reportedly made it quicker for doctors to get to a point of diagnosis with their patients. as an information resourceThe website offers people further information and covers several areas:• Warning signs and symptoms• Contributing factors• Treatment options• Managing depression• Advice for family and friends

The site also contains video stories of several people’s experience of recovering from depression. Many people find it comforting and informative to hear from others who have been through a similar experience. JK’s story is also told through the original series of TV commercials.

The Journal online programmeA key component of the latest campaign is The Journal. Designed to teach people self- management skills for mild depression, it also follows much of the process used in a clinical environment. Given the challenges of educating patients on all the techniques within a consultation timeframe, The Journal can assist by allowing the education to take place between consults, freeing up time to focus on discussing progress with their patients.

The Journal is made up of six lessons that

cover the key evidence-based, self-help skills:• Positive thinking• Healthier lifestyle• Problem solving

The lessons are structured in a fixed sequence that is designed to build up the skills in much the same way they would be during consultations.

This has the added benefit of guaranteeing all your patients will follow the same process.

Each lesson features engaging videos of JK and leading mental health professionals explaining the theory behind each skill. To help them implement what they’ve learnt JK assigns practical, real-world tasks for them to complete between

online sessions. Every step of the way they are supported by automated reminders and live services from the depression helpline.

Whilst the structure of the programme is fixed there are several ways it can be customised to reflect each user’s individual situation:

In the healthier lifestyle lesson the user may select from one of four physiological health areas; diet, exercise, sleep or relaxation. Talking with a patient about which to choose gives you an opportunity to align their learning with parallel treatment for other health issues.

Within the 3 three problem solving lessons the user has the ability to select one particular issue they face to work through to a resolution, in order to learn the process. Again, discussing what they might focus on beforehand may help them overcome issues you have identified during consults.

To protect the safety of people using The Journal they are asked to self-assess the severity of their symptoms (using the PHQ9 questionnaire) at the beginning, middle and end of the programme. In cases where their condition appears to deteriorate all users receive prompts to contact their doctor or the depression helpline for assistance. These messages will help patients understand when they need to reconnect with you.

Throughout the programme their activity is

recorded, in order to reflect it back to them and build a sense of achievement. This summary, at the end of the Journal, is an ideal way for patient’s to share their activity (and their self-assessed symptoms) during the programme.

It appears the Journal’s strong link to the advertising campaign is also adding an unexpected benefit. Whilst it was designed as a self-directed intervention, surveys of users indicated that 30% of them discussed or involved a friend or family member in their activities. Getting support from someone was also cited as a key way to improve completion of the full programme. This desire, or willingness, for help presents an opportunity to offer patients follow-up contact from practice staff.

Since launching in June 2010, over 30,000 people have actively used The Journal. It has yet to be clinically trialled, but results from user’s self-assessments indicate an improvement in their condition can be associated with its usage. Dr Lyndy Matthews, from The Royal Australian and New Zealand College of Psychiatrists, says “If people are able to use a programme such as The Journal, it shows that although an individual may be suffering moderate depression, the techniques used in The Journal are practical, manageable and effective," and that it may be time for GPs to consider prescribing it to patients.

The Lowdown for teenage patientsThe Lowdown was created to meet the different attitudinal and media habits of teenagers. Like the main campaign, its objective is to raise awareness of the illness and promote help seeking.

National depression initiative

The key difference is that The Lowdown uses youth celebrities to help normalise the problem and introduced text-based services for the first time in New Zealand.

In a clinical environment The Lowdown may help doctors approach the issue of depression with younger patients. The Lowdown campaign is active in secondary schools, so patients may already be familiar with its messages and services. ■