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2012 London Olympic Games:The Olympic Flame in Ireland

10th May 2008

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Project Team Arantxa Colome’ Audrey McCarthy Christine Hughes (speaker) Fabio Douek Luther Lebtag Marek Bykowski Nuno J.C. Pires Paul Buckmaster Paul O’Hanlon Phil Lenzenhuber Pierluca Del Buono

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Introduction• London to host Olympic Games in 2012• Games commence 27 July 2012• Ireland confirmed to host penultimate leg of

torch relay (25-26 July)• Planned torch relay route through Ireland is that

the torch arrives in Cork & travels up to Dublin and then to Belfast, to give an all-island context to the event

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Project Scope To receive the Olympic flame on 25 July 2012

in Cork and to bring it via Dublin to Belfast within two days in a manner that:

• Is appropriate to the international and historical significance and grandeur of the event

• Will reflect well on the people of the island of Ireland

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Project Return • The Olympic movement will project a positive

image of Ireland to the world and contribute to building a peaceful and better world.

• The relay through Ireland and associated events will profile many businesses and services leading to returns for those businesses and services and to new enterprises

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Background to the Relay

• All arrangements for Olympic torch relay & flame to be carried out in compliance with International Olympic Committee (IOC) Protocol Guide

Organising Committee for the Olympic Games (OCOG) responsible for:

• bringing Olympic flame to designated stadium• organising the torch relay

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Planning of the 2012 Torch Relay• Route for the London 2012 Olympic Torch Relay

announced in 2011 • Ireland chosen to host penultimate leg of relay

before opening of Olympic Games on 27 July 2012.

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Success Criteria Flame delivered to recipient nation respecting IOC time-

table• Respect the budget of the Irish Olympic Committee• Minimal negative publicity arising from protests or poor

event management• Minimal disruption to traffic in Irish cities• Maximum positive publicity from selection of torch

bearers and celebrity commentators

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Work Breakdown Structure - Overview

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Timeline of the Relay Coming to Ireland in 2012

• 26-30 March: Torch lit in Greece and commences international journey to London

• April – July: Travels around globe in planned route to highlight theme of the Olympic Games chosen by organisers

• 25 July: Flame arrives in Cork • 2012 Olympic Games: 2012 Olympic Games: 27 July - 12 August 2012 27 July - 12 August 2012

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• Torch arrives from France the 25 July

• Torch travels from Cork to Dublin (25 July) and Dublin to Belfast (26 July)

• Torch leaves Belfast for Scotland (26 July)

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Risk Contingencyplan




Communication &


Training 90000

Security 500

Event Organisers 6000

Project Managers 7000


Merchandisers 6000

Miscellaneous 7000

Internet Space 900

Billboards 10000

Radio 5000

Television 10000

Other Modes 5000

Shipping costs 5000

Transports 1000

Transit Permit 1000

Grand Total €83900

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Project Team

GardaiIrish Government

British Police





Irish Public

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Risk Management PlanInputs needed

Enterprise environmental factorsOrganisational process assetsProject scope statementProject management planRisk management planRisk registerProject schedule management planApproved change requestsWork performance informationPerformance reports

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Page 17: 2012 London Olympic Games: The Olympic Flame in Ireland

Communications Plan




Who When

Frequency of communications will depend on:•input of specific stakeholder groups•Schedule (eg, increase media briefings closer to and during relay


•Internal website & e-mail for project team•Meetings with IOC & OGOC as required•Media briefings•Reports ...

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Planning for Quality1. Identify Output Torch relay

2. Identify Customers Irish Public , Irish Government & Associated Bodies

3. Identify Customer Requirements Capture the imagination of the public.Promote a positive view of Ireland on the world stage,

4. Translate Requirements Smooth transit of the Torch over the designated route.Positive media coverage.

Organising for Quality5. Steps in the Work Process Receiving of the Torch from Olympic delegates.

Transportation of the TorchLogisticsSafetyAccommodationSafe storage of Torch and backup Torch.Safe departure from our shores.Positive media coverage of the Torch run.

Quality Plan

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6. Select Measurement Training of staff.Selection and induction of runners.PR/Spokespeople in place for positive media coverage.Customer feedback.

7. Determine Process Capabilities Extract quality issues from previous Torch runs.Simulate possible scenarios.


(Work Process)

↓Monitoring for Quality8. Evaluate Has the run meet all requirements initially set out.

9. Recycle Is it possible to reuse this quality plan if Ireland was selected for another Torch run.Is there any room for improvement.

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Project Closure

– Closing tasks– Status report– Present final project report– Prepare “lessons learned”– End project

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For more information please visit our website:

Thank you!
