
Frontier Fiesta: Make Your Mark

Building Codes & Regulations

March 22-24, 2012 @ Robertson Stadium | 1

Frontier Fiesta: Make Your Mark

Building Codes & Regulations

March 22-24, 2012 @ Robertson Stadium | 2

Table of


2 What is a Front?

3 Things to Consider

4 Building Guidelines

7 Building Dimensions

8 Construction Restrictions, Electrical, Tents, Fire-proofing

9 Corrections of Mistakes, Suggestions for Assembly

10 Example Front Project Dimensions

11 Site Security Deposits

12 Tents

13 Deadline & Forms, Sign Us Up!!!

What is a Front?

Most groups that participate in Frontier Fiesta build fronts or

temporary structures to provide boundaries for their variety shows as

well as draw attention to their carnival, college or cook-off sites. Fronts

are often included in judging to determine the overall winners of variety

shows and carnival booths. One of the easiest set-ups for groups is the

tent and front combination, which is the choice of most Frontier Fiesta

participants. It consists of a constructed façade or the “front” of a building

set adjacent to a tent. This gives the effect of walking into a real building,

and helps add to the small Western town atmosphere of Fiesta City. The

front and tent combination is not only easy to construct, but cost effective

and reusable.

The support for a front is a series of A-Frames to which the

front will be attached. This applies to all fronts regardless of their height.

For additional support, many projects incorporate a porch. Fronts are

usually built to be re-used, and for this reason, the way a front is put

together is extremely important.

There are many ways to design and build a front; however, the

following set of guidelines has been formulated from years of experience

to help with the process. The key to building any front is creativity and

organization. Viewing the examples, you can see that not every front has

to look like an actual building. Be sure to take time and add your organi-

zation’s own special touch to the project. With the right steps, the final

product will be something your organization can use for many years.

Read the 2012 Road to Fiesta City and the respective guidebooks before

deciding to build a front.

Lee Ricks

Director of Operations, 2012 Frontier Fiesta

[email protected]

The Frontier Fiesta Association office can be found behind the Center for Student Involvement in the UC Underground on the Univer-

sity of Houston main campus.

Frontier Fiesta Association

Center for Student Involvement 51 University Center University of Houston

Houston, TX 77204-3031

Main Office: (832) 842-6235

Email: [email protected]

Frontier Fiesta: Make Your Mark

Building Codes & Regulations

March 22-24, 2012 @ Robertson Stadium | 3

Things to Consider

While the production crew is working on the show perfor-

mance, college site, carnival booth or cook-off site, the construction

committee should be working on the physical site. All variety show sites

should include a front, a tent, stage, sound stage, sound system, light

system, changing area for performers, and a place for the audience to


It is a good idea to draw up a floor plan and basic blueprints

of your site to follow as your planning progresses. There are awards for

variety shows and carnival booths so be sure to take the extra time to

plan and decorate your front for these competitions.

When designing your site, be sure to think about the following:

How does the site look to people passing by?

Does it catch their attention?

Could lights and decorations be added?

Does the site have an overall theme?

Is there a definite entrance/exit to the site or can people walk in

from any direction?

Is the equipment protected from the weather?

What tools are needed for delivery?

Where can a sign be placed?

Is the site accessible to visitors with disabilities?

Where will tent poles be spaced in relation to entryways?

Groups in competitive categories such as Large Variety

Shows, Small Variety Shows and Carnival Booths may be able to win

awards such as the Best Overall Front, Most Creative Front and First

Front Up which all go towards the overall scores of each category of


Frontier Fiesta: Make Your Mark

Building Codes & Regulations

March 22-24, 2012 @ Robertson Stadium | 4

Building Guidelines

Formulate Ideas- It is very important to choose a look and theme for a front

before any building begins. Fronts should be designed to complement your organi-

zation’s activity. Looking at architecture from around the world might help your

organization design something completely unique. Also remember that fronts don’t

always have to look like buildings.

Create a Building Team and Choose a Group Leader-It is always a good idea to

assign a member of your organization to be in charge of the building project.

Even if your organization has already assigned someone to be in charge of its

activity, such as the performance, you may still want to assign a separate person

to be in charge of building. The chosen person should plan to work closely with the

activity coordinator to ensure compatibility between the design and the activity.

Ask alumni, parents and other volunteers if they want to help build. Consult profes-

sional designers for tips. You may also want to form a decoration team in addition

to the construction team.

Reservation form and site security deposit - Turn in the reservation form and

site security deposits early to secure your show or booth site. Sites are assigned

on a first-come, first-serve basis, the sooner you turn in your forms and deposits

the better chance you have of getting your first choice idea; be sure to have a

backup idea as well.

Building Plans & Specifications- The most important step in the building process

is design. A good design with the right plans can make or break an entire

project. While it is not necessary to be an architect to design and draw up a set of

plans, it is always a good idea to at least consult with someone who has some

building experience. A basic set of drawings for any front should include front and

side views (see the “Example Front Project Dimensions” section, p. 10). Also,

drawings must include the size of A-frames (see p. 7), and all sections (front, roof,

porch, etc.). Drawings should be drawn to scale with as much detail as possible.

Focus on getting us an idea as to how you are going to put it together. However,

we don’t need to see every 2x4 it just needs to be printed out with accurate scales

and measurements. Be sure to consider things like how pieces

connect, how the front will be put together, the size of different

sections, storage, transportation, and lumber sizes when draw-

ing. You may want to consider using AutoCAD or other design

programs or simply have someone who know how to draw design

the plans. Especially don’t forget to consider where your tent

poles will be located and spaced so they don’t interfere with

the entrance and exits.

Form a Materials List and Budget-After your project is on

paper, the next step is to formulate a material list and budget.

The materials list should include every nut, bolt and piece of

lumber that goes into the project. Once the list is complete, it is

important to price out each item on the list. Building materials can

be quite costly, so be sure to get quotes from several sources

when pricing materials. Use educated estimates to determine the

amount of materials needed. Remember, fronts do not always

have to be entirely wooden. Always keep every receipt for

potential AFB reimbursements!

Funding- After the budget and materials list has been compiled,

it is important to coordinate the funding and payment process

with your organization. Budgets for building fronts are sometimes

rather high. Before becoming discouraged with the figures, con-

sider that a well-built front can and should be used for many

years and is therefore an investment. If you already have a fi-

nance director, make sure a system is in place to either have

members be able to make purchases or get reimbursed for out-of

-pocket expenses. Have members give the finance director all

receipts with their names on them. Always keep every receipt!

Frontier Fiesta: Make Your Mark

Building Codes & Regulations

March 22-24, 2012 @ Robertson Stadium | 5

Submit Drawings and Plans-All organizations planning to build or construct

any type of front, facade or structure for their sites must submit building

plans, including drawings and the Building Plans & Specifications

Form, to the Director of Operations for approval before February 10, 2012.

This preliminary inspection is to address these concerns and to plan early to

ensure structural stability and safety.

Timeline- After the projected budget has been approved by your organiza-

tion, a construction timeline should follow. The key to any building project is

to start early; there are always last minute interruptions to any project. The

timeline should begin from the day the budget is approved to the final clean-

up. Three months is ample time for building a front. It may seem like a long

time, but take into consideration adding time needed for school, work, spring

break, and/or holiday weekends. When creating your timeline begin with

setting realistic completion goals for different phases of the project. Once

these goals are set consider what people, tools, space, materials, and power

will be required to obtain these goals, choose specific dates, times and loca-

tions for work. Distribute work times to members of your organization and

consider having them volunteer for a specific number of hours so the project

leader is not left with all the work. Schedule a few extra days in case the

project takes longer than expected. Again, have alumni, parents and volun-

teers help out.

Power Request-Electrical power is not automatically provided for shows or

booths. Groups may either rent generators from private sources or request

their site be equipped with outlets by the Frontier Fiesta Association. There is

a charge associated with electrical use from Frontier Fiesta. Eight outlets will

be provided but additional generators may be rented through the Director of

Operations, which is highly recommended.

Mandatory OSHA Safety Brief– All participants planning to help construct

during build week al the way through clean up after the event must attend the

OSHA Safety Brief March 8, 2012 at 6:00pm and sign an Individual Liabil-

ity Waiver before any work can begin on-site. The Director of Operations will

plan the brief along with professional OSHA instructors in order to minimize

injury at Fiesta City. Anyone that intends to paint, build, decorate or even

rehearse on-site during build week must attend this safety brief before par-

ticipating in activities. An alternative safety brief will only be available through

the Frontier Fiesta Association should certain members not be present during

the scheduled brief. Any parents, alumni or volunteers may come to this brief

but may elect to do the alternative brief as well.

Volunteer Hours– All partic-

ipants whether competing in a

variety show of either Small or

Large category or carnival booth,

must complete 20 volunteer hours

per organization before any con-

struction can begin on-site at

Fiesta City. Volunteer hours do not

need to be completed on site but

the majority of work will be done at

Fiesta City or the warehouse. On

site tasks may include building,

painting, setting up the bank, jail,

City Café, corral, stages, etc. If

there is a teaming of two or more

organizations, i.e. variety shows,

then each organization must pro-

vide 20 volunteer hours. Groups

not providing the minimum

amount of hours will NOT be

allowed to start construction.

Frontier Fiesta: Make Your Mark

Building Codes & Regulations

March 22-24, 2012 @ Robertson Stadium | 6

Tent- It is best to have the tent delivered and set-up after

your front has been built. This not only protects the tent from

damage but also keeps it out of the way of building. You

may also rent your own, provide your own or rent through

Frontier Fiesta. Refer to Tents, p. 12.

Lights- The exterior of all fronts must be adequately lit.

Since most of the event occurs during the evening hours, it

is important for visitors and guests to easily identify booths.

See Electrical, p. 8.

Inspection for Safety- The Director of Operations and the

Fire Marshal will be inspecting the construction of your front

as building progresses. If at any time during construction,

the Director of Operations declares any part of the structure

to be unsafe, it must be corrected or removed immediately.

See Corrections of Mistakes, p. 9.

Clean Up- Once the event is over, it is important to disas-

semble and transport your front to storage as soon as possi-

ble. Fronts that are left standing after the event are more

susceptible to vandalism and damage. A well-designed front

will make breakdown and storage fast and easy. The dead-

line for site cleanup is Saturday, March 31, 2012 by mid-


Storage- Fronts should be stored in a reasonably dry envi-

ronment. They should be kept off the ground even when

stored inside. If fronts must be stored outside, they should

be wrapped in a heavy plastic drop cloth that will cover but

still allows a small amount of ventilation. Frontier Fiesta

does have a limited amount of warehouse storage space

available. Arrangements can be made with the Director of

Operations for use of this storage. It will be allocated to

groups on a first come, first served basis. Also consider

termite treatments.

Purchase Materials and Supplies– Going off your materials list

and budget, purchasing all material and supplies before building

begins is always a good idea. Progress might halt while a last-

minute trip to the hardware store is made. Try to use organizational

checks rather than paying out-of-pocket and always keep every


Build- The four main components of most fronts are the A-Frames,

walls, porch, and roof. It is recommended to pre-assemble all sec-

tions of the project that can be before bringing onto the site. Groups

may work in Fiesta City but for security, protection from the weath-

er, and access to tools and electrical power, most organizations

choose to pre-assemble elsewhere and then move the pre-

assembled sections to their site. (Note: On-site construction will

begin on March 10, 2012) If your organization chooses to pre-

assemble at another location be sure to consider the size, weight

and method of transportation required to move each section.

Site Preparation- All organizations are responsible for preparing

their own sites. Depending on the size of the front, there are certain

rules pertaining to the size of A-Frame required. Please refer to the

section entitled, “Building Dimensions”, p. 7, for further explana-


Set-Up- Once all pre-assembled sections are finished and trans-

ported to Fiesta City, assembly can begin. It is important to give

some thought to how the pieces will go together before assembly

begins. For example, it is easier to attach roof sections to the wall

before the wall is standing upright.

Paint and Decorate- After the front is assembled, it is important to

put the finishing touches on. Paint, props, curtain, lights, Plexiglass

windows, posters and signs are all important details that can be

added at very little expense. Some painting and details can be

done before assembly. Consider putting your organization(s)’ name

(s) on the front, the name of the show or booth, the title of the

show, show times or operating hours. Frontier Fiesta will provide

show times and operating hours as well.

Frontier Fiesta: Make Your Mark

Building Codes & Regulations

March 22-24, 2012 @ Robertson Stadium | 7

Building Dimensions

Front Size:

Height: Maximum height for all fronts shall be 16 feet from the

surface of the ground to the highest point on the frame. This will be strictly en-

forced. No exceptions.

Minimum height for all fronts shall be 10 feet from the surface of the

ground to the shortest point on the front. This will be strictly enforced to hide the

tent poles.

Width: All fronts must occupy the entire width of the site. Large Variety

Shows are a maximum 40 feet wide. Small Variety Shows and Carnival

Booths are a maximum of 20 feet wide.

Depth: The depth is a maximum of 8ft from the front of the back wall

and minimum 4ft.

Note: Be aware of your entrance/exit in relation to the tent pole locations.


All fronts must be built using the A-Frame support system. Each front

must use at least four A-frames, one at each end of the front, and one A-frame at

each joint. All A-frames must be 3/4th the height of the front. The following are a

few examples:

o 16ft front ►(6) 12ft A-frames

o 14ft front ► (6) 10ft A-frames

o 12ft front ► (4) 9 ft A-frames

o 10ft front ►(4) 8 ft A-frames

A-Frame Construction:

A-Frames for fronts between 10ft and 12 ft must be built with 2”x8” boards or


A-Frames for fronts taller than 12ft must be built with 2”x10” boards or larger

Some fronts may require additional A-Frames.

All A-Frames must be secured to the front by at least one Lag Screw every

2ft (½” diameter, 3” long) equally spaced across the length of the vertical

board on the A-Frame.

The Support Bar should be at a 45° angle and be attached by 2 lag screw or

bolts at each end.

Example A-Frame (for a 16 ft. Tall Front):


(2) 12ft – 2”x10”

(1) 10ft – 2”x8” (Cut ends at 45°)

(8) Screws

(4) Lag Bolts (½” Diameter)

(4) Nuts (½” Diameter)

(8) Washers (½” Diameter)

(2) Plywood triangles


Holes should be drilled for Lag bolts.

Plywood triangles should be made for the right-angle corners. Attach

with 4 screws.

Make sure a water barrel will fit on the end of the horizontal board.

Note: All water barrels

must be 100% full. There

must be TWO water bar-

rels on each A-frame.

For 12 ft. Tall Fronts Use:

(2) 9ft– 2” x 8”

(1) 8ft– 2” x 8”

Use the same hardware.

Frontier Fiesta: Make Your Mark

Building Codes & Regulations

March 22-24, 2012 @ Robertson Stadium | 8

Wire must be at least 3-conductor and at least 14-gauge for all

electrical wiring.

**Southwire 12-2 Romex SIMpull NM-B with ground or 14-2

There shall be no exposed wiring anywhere on the front. Wiring

that crosses walkways must be secured and covered.

All wiring must be approved by the Fire Marshal before being

covered up.

No permanent wiring with extension cords.

Must use wire nuts and electrical tape.

All wires must be grounded.

No staples should be used to hold wire up.


All combustible interior materials (i.e. any combustibles put up

inside the tent, this includes but is not limited to: curtains, side walls,

props and back drops) must be fire proofed. By request we have a

fireproofing solution. This includes all material put up on sides or tent,

curtains, and a

combustible ma-

terial that may

block exit from

the tent. All exits

must be marked

and established.

Construction Restrictions

All fronts must have a counterbalance such as a porch, or porch

and balcony/roof combination, or an extended wall running perpen-

dicular to the main wall of the front. The depth must be at least 4

feet, but no more than 8 feet. Fronts cannot extend more than 8

feet from the front wall of the structure.

Balconies shall not be designed to support equipment or people.

This policy is designed to ensure site safety.

All fronts must be constructed using screws – nails are not

permitted. Individual sections of front must be bolted together using

lag bolts. If an organization is using a previously assembled struc-

ture that contains nails or the lag bolts are not fitting, the organiza-

tion must notify the Director of Operations in order to not be penal-


No front shall be permitted to use concrete or similar materials

(including but not limited to: sand, rock or brick). The Director of

Operations must approve all other non-standard building materials

when building plans are turned in. Any later additions or changes

must be submitted in writing and must be approved before on-site

construction begins. NO GLASS can be used.

All fronts are subject to inspection for safety and to ensure structur-

al stability. At the discretion of the Director of Operations with con-

junction with the UH Fire Marshal’s Office, unsafe fronts must be

stabilized or removed by the organization.


The exterior of all fronts must be adequately lit. Since most of the

event occurs during the evening hours, it is important for visitors

and guests to easily identify Variety Shows, booths or other activi-


Frontier Fiesta: Make Your Mark

Building Codes & Regulations

March 22-24, 2012 @ Robertson Stadium | 9

Correction of Mistakes

Mistakes will be defined as, but not limited to:

A front’s length, height, or depth exceeds limits.

A front design that is changed from previously approved designs

without prior approval of the Director of Operations or UH Fire Mar-

shal’s Office

A front that poses a potential hazard, including, but not limited to:

Electrical shock hazard

Fall hazard

Fire hazard

Abrasive hazard

Chemical hazard

Sharp object hazard

Or any other potentially dangerous situation

The deadline for correction of mistakes shall be four (4)

hours after inspection of said mistake. The Director of Operations shall

notify the organization of mistakes in need of correction verbally and in

writing. No new structures may be added during the four-hour period of

mistake correction, unless such structures are to correct potential haz-

ards outlined and approved by the Director of Operations. The Director

of Operations shall have sole discretionary power to settle all matters

concerning fronts, their designs, building materials, mistakes, and cor-


Suggestions for Assembly

Wall sections should be laid on the ground, near their final location

with the front side facing up.

Attach the roof sections to the front with lag bolts and washers.

Using joist hangers, attach the supporting columns between the

roof and porch section.

Attach decorations, signs, windows or any other detail while front is

lying down. It may be difficult to add these items once the front is in


Lift sections from the top forward and slide into its final location.

Attach sections together where wall and columns meet.

Attach walls to A-Frames using lag screws. Try having full water

barrels ready and in place for supports.

Attach the porch sections to the front in at least four locations with

bolts and nuts.

No nails. All fronts must be assembled with screws, except for


No glass. Plexiglass is fine.

Frontier Fiesta: Make Your Mark

Building Codes & Regulations

March 22-24, 2012 @ Robertson Stadium | 10

Example Front Project Dimensions


Frontal View

Side View w/ A-Frame

Decking for Porch

Wall Section

Frontier Fiesta: Make Your Mark

Building Codes & Regulations

March 22-24, 2012 @ Robertson Stadium | 11

Site Security Deposits All organizations occupying a site in Fiesta City shall be re-

quired to pay a site security deposit. The site security deposit is to en-

sure the clean up of all sites. Refer to the site security deposit form for

the deposit amount.

Variety Shows $900

Carnival Booths $300 per 20’ x 20’ site

College Sites $100 per pavilion per day

Please refer to the Deadlines & Forms section for the site se-

curity deposit timeline.

Site security deposits are not cashed unless an organization

violates terms outlined in the Registration Forms, Policies, University of

Houston Student Handbook and the site conditions below.

“Maintaining Your Site” is defined as the removal of all trash and

the organization of belongings and equipment. Frontier Fiesta is a

representation of our campus to the public and as such must be

maintained at all times. In addition organizations are working to-

gether and must respect the shared space. The Frontier Fiesta

Board Members will inspect sites periodically to make sure they are

well maintained during the Build period and throughout the event.

For most incidents a Board member will issue an inspection form

with problems to be fixed within a given time limit. Organizations

that are uncooperative will lose up to half of their deposit.

“Clean-up” is defined as the removal of everything from the site

including fronts, tents, stages, trash, decorations, tools, chairs,

tables, etc. Organizations that rented tents from the FFA must re-

move all decorations and props before 5:00pm on Sunday March

25, 2011. The Director of Operations and the Chairman will again

inspect sites at midnight on Saturday, March 31, 2012 for com-

plete clean- up. Sites must be completely clean by this point. Any

items, including fronts, left on the site will be removed, disposed of,

and the organization will lose their deposit.

There will be no exceptions to this policy.

Site Condition Result

Completely clean (met requirements of “general clean-up,” and meets the

requirements for “complete clean-up.”)

Security Deposit check will be returned or voided.

Not maintained, eye-sore to visitors, un-professional look Will be issued an inspection form with problems to be fixed within a giv-

en time limit.

Repeated incident from above Loss of ½ of site security deposit.

Not cleaned up at 9:00pm March 30, 2011* All items will be removed and disposed of, loss of deposit

Maintenance March 10-24, 20112 Clean-Up Saturday March 31, 2012 by midnight

Frontier Fiesta: Make Your Mark

Building Codes & Regulations

March 22-24, 2012 @ Robertson Stadium | 12

Tents One of the items many organizations add to their site is

a tent. While tents are not required for your site, you may want to

consider renting one or providing your own to protect your organ-

ization and its game from the elements. Also, tents are a good

way to control the entrance and exit to your site. Tents can be

rented through the Director of Operations or rented independent-

ly. Here are some items to keep in mind when renting a tent:

Does rental fee include set up and delivery?

What is the rental period?

What size tents are available?

Can I get walls for the tent?

Can I get lights for the tent?

What is the policy concerning damage to the tent?

Is a deposit required to place an order?

Should I get fans for inside the tent?

Is a representative available during the rental period if there

are problems with the tent?

Below is a list of tent companies in the Houston area.

Since the first day of the event is usually a very busy day on the

site and access to various areas is sometimes limited, it is re-

quired that tents be delivered and set up between Saturday,

March 17, 2011 and Wednesday, March 21, 2011. Tents may

not be removed from the site until the conclusion of the event at

midnight on Saturday, March 24, 2011.

Big Top Tent Rental (713) 660-8070

Turn Key Event Rental & Design (281) 449-7368

Air and Tent Party Rentals (713) 270-8947

Aztec Party Rental (713) 699-0088

Festive Tents (713) 468-3687

Applied Productions Services (281) 651-8998

Tents of the Southwest (713) 692-8565

Party Time Rentals (713) 729-5360

All Tent and Table Rentals (281) 261-0881

You do not have to limit yourself to these companies.

Tent Requirements

All tent poles must be secured with a water barrel.

All chairs must be zip-tied together in groups of at least 3

and no more than 6.

Do not tie fronts to tents or other fronts. Do not remove any

poles on your tent.

To save organizations money, Frontier Fiesta has

paired Variety Show teams together under one tent. The Director

of Operations offers a package price for the setup of a tent,

chairs, tables, curtains, lights and sound. The package price will

be approximately $3,500 which can be divided between the indi-

vidual organizations. This alone would save Variety Shows near-

ly $1500; but by applying for AFB funding, all organizations could

have their packages paid for free saving a grand total over

$5000! Consult the Director of Operations for more up to date


Variety Show tents are usually no more than 40’ x 80’

for two shows. Refer to the 2012 Frontier Fiesta Variety Show

Guide for more information.

Carnival Booths site spaces are 20’ x 20’ and multiple

spaces can be reserved on the Site Reservation Form. Refer to

the 2012 Frontier Fiesta Organizational Events & Activities

Guide for more detailed information.

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Building Codes & Regulations

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Deadlines & Forms

Once your organization decides how to partici-

pate at Frontier Fiesta whether as a variety show, carnival

booth, college site, cook-off site, etc. make sure to ap-

point your construction director as soon as possible. Re-

view everything in this handbook, as well as the respec-

tive supplementary guide and if you have any questions,

contact the Director of Operations at any time.

Deadline for Site Reservation & Site Security Form:

January 23, 2012 at 7pm (Large Variety Shows)

Deadline for Building Plans & Specifications:

February 10, 2012

Mandatory OSHA Safety Brief at Bauer School of Business:

March 8, 2012 at 6:00pm

20 Volunteer Hours per organization due before On-Site Construction.

On-site Construction Begins:

March 10, 2012

All major structural components must be constructed by

March 18, 2012 at midnight

All front decorations must be completed by

March 20, 2012 at 9:00pm

Set-up Period for Tents:

Between Saturday, March 17, 2011 and Wednesday,

March 21, 2011

Complete Site Cleanup Deadline:

March 31, 2012 by midnight

Important Forms & Items

Site Reservation Form, Deposit & Package Payment

Theft/Damage & Liability Waiver

Individual Liability Waiver

Building Plans & Specifications Form

Chair, Table, Power & Portable Toilet Rental Form

Sign Us Up!!!

If you are part of an organization, please have a discus-

sion meeting with your members to go over the possibilities of

what you group can bring to Frontier Fiesta. If you are an individ-

ual, convince yourself what you want to do at Frontier Fiesta. If

you’ve read through this entire book, then you probably want to

do more than just be a spectator. Review The Road to Fiesta

City along with the respective guides that may lead you more

towards what you want to do and consult the respective Fiesta

Director for any questions not answered. Once you’ve decided

what to do, fill out the 2012 General Registration Form which

can be found at This form is not binding until

all other paperwork, contracts, deposits, monies, etc. have been

completed. Whatever activity or event that you plan to participate

in will have a checklist coversheet and respective forms to help

complete the process. We hope that your organization will give

Frontier Fiesta a try and make it part of your tradition.

“Make Your Mark” at

Frontier Fiesta 2012!!! Also check out our other publications for more detailed information

And forms on how to participate at Frontier Fiesta:

2012 Road to Fiesta City: General Guidebook

2012 Frontier Fiesta Variety Show Guide

2012 Frontier Fiesta Organizational Events & Activities Guide

2012 Frontier Fiesta Building Codes & Regulations

2012 Frontier Fiesta Cookbook

2012 Frontier Fiesta Competitions Guide

2012 Frontier Fiesta Sponsorship Brochure

2012 Frontier Fiesta Committeeman Brochure
