Download ppt - 2012 34 info night

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Welcome to Parent Information Night

Term 1, 2012

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Teachers3/4A – Felicity Maxwell

3/4B – Tim Hawkins

3/4C – Rachel Reilly

Bilingual – Ms Chau Cong

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General information

Fruit and water break – varies in each class, usually between 10-10.30am

Sunsmart policy: During Terms 1 and 4 please make sure your child wears a hat

Attendance – very important to attend every day and arrive ten minutes before class commences

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At Footscray Primary School, students are encouraged to develop their skills and attitudes in accordance with the PYP Learner Profile, with the aim that students become:


The Learner Profile has become part of the school’s classroom practice, assessment and reporting practices, daily life, management and leadership.

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Who we areAn inquiry into the nature of the self; beliefs and values; personal, mental, social, and spiritual health; human relationships including families, friends, communities and cultures; rights and responsibilities; what it means to be human.

Where we are in time and placeAn inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries, explorations and migrations of human kind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives.

How we express ourselvesAn inquiry into the ways in which we discover and express ideas, feelings, nature, culture, beliefs and values; the ways in which we reflect on, extend and enjoy our creativity; our appreciation of the aesthetic.

How the world worksAn inquiry into the natural world and its laws; the interaction between the natural world (physical and biological) and human societies; how humans use their understanding of scientific principles; the impact of scientific and technological advances on society and on the environment.

How we organise ourselvesAn inquiry into the interconnectedness of human-made systems and communities; the structure and function of organizations; social decision-making; economic activities and their impact on humankind and the environment.

How we share the planetAn inquiry into rights and responsibilities in the struggle to share finite resources with other people and with other living things; communities and the relationships within and between them; access to equal opportunities; peace and conflict resolution.

These themes are built upon each year through different central ideas.

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3/4 Units of Inquiry - 2012

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Parent Involvement (PYP)Parents can make the Learner Profile part of the home life by modelling behaviours and making the language explicit.Parents are often a fantastic resource and can be an ‘expert visitor’ in the classroom. Parents are encouraged to assist their child in contributing to the Artefact Table. Objects from home can really stimulate classroom discussion and further develop the inquiry.Parents are invited to the ‘Celebration of Learning’ that happens at the end of each unit. These take place during the day and are a great way to share your child’s successes in an exciting setting.Talking about the sorts of Inquiries that are happening at school in your family can really motivate students to find out more. Encourage your child to ask questions and try to find the answers together. Read books that relate to the topic, and bring them to school to share. Encourage your child to take ACTION. Help them realise that the way they act really does influence the way others feel, think and act. They can make a difference!

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Vietnamese Bilingual Programme

The Vietnamese Bilingual programme encompasses many areas of the curriculum, enriching students’ learning

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Specialist programs

Library - Janine Bell

Library skills

P.E. – Nathan Cuthbertson

Health-related activities, Body control and Spatial awareness, Athletic Activities, Games, Movement to music, Adventure challenge


Art – Nancy Ventrice

Creative processes, Elements & Principles of art & design, Reflection and appreciation, Visual Art in Society

Italian – Virginia Gardner

Emersion in the Italian language and culture


Specialist programs compliment the Program of Inquiry where possible.

One hour session per week.

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Multimedia Room is also used by each grade for 1 session;

Library lessons

Online maths and literacy activities

Further research

Presentation of student learning through movie making, podcasts, music programs, photography programs etc

Lunchtime computer use.

Art Room is used by each grade as required;

Responding to their learning through Art

Cooking using the fully –equipped kitchen

Science activities

Theatrette and Gym are used by each grade as required;


Music including African Drumming (30 mins per week)


Please Note: Small group music tuition is also offered

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Camps & Excursions

3/4 – Camp Doxa, all children are expected to attend

Wednesday 13th – Friday 15th June

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Parent Helpers

All teachers and students appreciate having parents help the class in some way:

Classroom – reading, writing, mathematics, inquiry

Guest speaker

Covering books

Helping with supervision on excursions

Reading with students

Bilingual sessions

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30 minutes per night: Home reading

Number facts/tables

Inquiry (eg survey, interview, research)

Writing (eg diary, shopping lists, letters)

SpellingHomework should be regarded as an extension of your child’s learning. It should be enjoyable, challenging and strengthen an interest in learning. It should provide opportunities in which you and your child can share school learning.

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Make sure you do not pay for this! School has a licence, each student has login and password

Use as often as you like

Does eat up download time. Probably better if you have unlimited download.

We encourage this as a home learning task.

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3/4 Garden

Planter boxes


Organic gardening

Organic pest control

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Question Time