Download pdf - 2012 09

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Cople News

September 2012

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September 2012 2


Telephone: 01234 838 240

Friendly. helpful staff, well stocked shelves, wide range of products.

News paper& magazine ordering service, optional delivery to Cardington, Cople, Willington and Moggerhanger.

Fresh local produce on external stalls, Free range eggs from Cardington,

Willington honey, fresh bread and cakes from local bakery. Specially decorated iced mini cakes and cup cakes for Mothers Day, Valentine, etc

Chilled snacks and sandwiches, salads, ham, cheese, and bacon,

Varieties of designers cards for all occasions, stationary, packaging material.

Lottery. groceries off licence (Good collection of wine)

Pay station for phone top up, gas/electric key charging and bill payments

Post Office Counter for Personal Banking& Business banking services. Foreign Currency (Euros & Dollars on Demand)

Car Tax, Phone& Broadband

Services, Savings products, Car/home/travel/life/pet & Business Insurance products, Credit services, Gifts cards etc.

Special services: Send flowers by post “BUNCHES” for all occasions.

Dry cleaning & repair service. Household coal &logs. Making fruit & veg Baskets for special occasions.

Samosa veg and non veg on Friday/Saturdays Home delivery on the purchase of £10.00 (enquire in the shop.)



SATURDAY 7.00AM to 7.00 PM. SUNDAY 8.00 AM to 12.00 NOON.

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September 2012

Cover picture by Julie Scherrer

The Rev Jackie Buck has left Cople after 3 years as curate to

take a post in Goldington. Thank you for all that you have done

for the Village and best wishes for the future.


Last week I made a very stupid error by responding to an email

from Yahoo that actually came from a crook in Nigeria. Chaos

followed. My friend in Nigeria sent emails in my name asking for

money to bail me out of a fictitious situation in Spain. I trust

that no one was as gullible as me and replied. As I did this just

on the deadline for the magazine it must rate as a spectacular

own goal. Within the next 24 hours order was restored and the

bad guys were denied access to the account. I would like to

apologies to all of those who were sent emails. I trust that the

only casualty was my ego and it has been business as usual for

the last week. Yahoo does have a system to ensure that you

are actually dealing with them and not a criminal. I have now

belated taken advantage of the safeguards.

The magazine is a slim affair this month which reflects the time

of year. However, the September diary shows a quickening of

the pace in the coming months

We have a new advertiser. Mr Bowyer came to sweep my

chimney and after I showed him the magazine he agreed to

advertise with us. He is a very pleasant man who has been a

sweep for 30 years and has definitely got the hang of it. His

advert is on page 46.

One of the limitations of the printed format is that it does not

offer enough space or do justice to the many pictures that are

submitted. However, the village website does not have these

problems and you will find photographs from all our village

activities including the recent Barn Dance, the Service at Danish

Camp and the Music Festival by going to

Ged Peeke

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September 2012 4

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September 2012


Fast Efficient Service

Rats, Mice, Fleas, Moles,

Wasps, Bird Proofing etc

We offer very competitive rates with normally same day service

Proprietor: Mr J. T. Hillyard Telephone 01234 - 838391

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September 2012 6

Letter from the Vicarage

One of the things that I enjoy is going to a quiz night at “The

Five Bells” on a Thursday evening. That is partly because I can

walk there and meet people from the village but also because I

have a competitive streak in my personality. Although people

often say “it is not the winning but the taking part that counts” I

disagree. I am “in it to win it” but if my recent performance is

anything to go by this is likely to take some long time. Of

course it would be a great help to me if there were more

questions on the Bible and less on pop music and television

personalities but that is unlikely to happen. So I turn up living

in hope as I am not one to give up that easily.

Every time I have watched the Olympics on television I have

been amazed by the talent and the perseverance of the athletes.

It has been a joy to watch some of the greatest sportsmen and

women in the world as they have competed. Similarly the Para

Olympics have also been an inspiring event. The competitors

have risen above their various disabilities to achieve so much.

Although I have joked that it is not “so much the taking part but

the winning that counts” this is not true for the Christian life.

The Bible speaks about running the race and a whole crowd of

witnesses cheering us on. God is not interested in who comes

first but that we all complete the race and reach our goal which

is an eternal relationship with him. It is not about outdoing

others but helping those who are finding the going tough.

This is exactly what happened at the Toronto Para Olympics in

2004. The athletes set off for the race but very soon one of the

competitors tripped and fell down. He could not get up and then

to the amazement of the crowd who were watching, the others

behind him stopped to help him. What was even more surprising

was that those who were in front having sensed something was

wrong from the reaction of the crowd in the stadium turned

round and went back to help.

The person who had fallen was helped to his feet and then all the

runners linked arms and crossed the finishing line together.

Understandably they received a standing ovation and it was

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September 2012

perhaps the most memorable event of these games.

This true story is rather like a parable which speaks to us all in

sorts of situation. The greatest achievement is to render service

to those who are in need.

Life is more than about winning it is about playing fairly and

helping others to succeed as well.

With all good wishes

Lynda Klimas

Foundations in Living God’s love

This is a course which has been produced by the Diocese to help

Christians to grow in their discipleship. It is made up of three

modules of 5 sessions with each module focusing on one of the

three core themes of “Living God’s love”-Going deeper into God,

Transforming Communities and Making new disciples

This autumn our home groups will be studying the module

Going deeper into God. We plan to meet once a fortnight.

There are four groups.

Monday 7.30pm at 87 Willington Road, Cople (Alison Cross

01767 640647)

Tuesday 10am at 6 Gostwick Place, Willington (Gill Woods

01234 838328)

Wednesday 8pm at 16 Bedford Road, Willington (Gwen Brown

01234 831136)

Thursday 8pm at The Vicarage 3 Grange Lane Cople (Lynda

Klimas (01234 838431)

Anyone is welcome to join any of our groups. If you are

interested in joining a group as there is a course booklet which

we will provide please contact the leader.

Lynda Klimas

From the Registers Baptism of Ruby Carter on 8th July and Freya Klimas on 5th August. Burial of Audrey Tatman on 24th July and Helen Smith on

26th July.

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September 2012 8

Mother’s Union

Our next meeting will be held on the 10th September at 2:30pm

at a venue to be arranged nearer the time. Our speaker will be

Gwynneth Atkins and her topic will be Memories of our Sunday

School Days. This will be followed by a cream tea.

We are very grateful to all members and friends who are

beavering away knitting and sewing for our ongoing projects.

Our meeting on the 5th November will be the day all items will

be collected together ready to be distributed both home and


Liz Buck


I thank you, O God, for the pleasure you have given us through

our senses;

For the glory of thunder, for the mystery of music, for the

singing of birds and the laughter of children.

I thank you for the delights of colour, the awe of sunset, the wild

roses of the hedgerows, the smile of friendship.

I thank you for the sweetness of flowers and the scent of hay.

Truly O Lord the earth is full of your riches. Amen

(Edward King (1829-1940))

Back to Church Sunday 30th September 11am

at Cople

I am very much looking forward to “Back to Church” Sunday as

we have a guest preacher The Revd Andrew Hollins who will

share some stories with us. Although there are invitation cards

to be sent out these are not necessary as everyone is welcome.

If you feel you want to come back to church and need something

to prompt you to do so then this may be the right occasion. If

you need a lift that can be arranged simply speak with one of

the churchwardens. Also if you have never attended church

regularly and would like to know more then also please do come


Lynda Klimas

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September 2012

Curate’s Corner

This Corner will be my last as I have now completed my 3 years

training and on 30th September I will be taking up my new post

as Assistant Curate at St Mary’s, Goldington. I have thoroughly

enjoyed my time in the benefice and I take with me much

experience, for which I am thankful to you all and especially to


Church ministry involves a lot of work with people and you have

all been very open and generous in allowing me into your lives

and community. Lynda, for her part, has trained me to a high

level of competence not only pastorally but in all things

liturgical: Sunday services, baptisms, weddings and funerals.

So much so that I go to St Mary’s confident of what is required

of me.

I would like to take this opportunity to say a huge thank you for

the lovely gifts the benefice gave me and Derick after the Songs

of Praise service at The Danish Camp on 12th August. After

Lynda and Rob had said some very kind things I was presented

with a lovely bouquet of flowers and Derick with a bottle wine.

Various envelopes and gifts were then given to me by the

churchwardens and having said “my piece” I was pleased to

have time to speak with the many people who had come to wish

me well.

On returning home I had time to open the various items, all of

which will remind of my time with you. Julie Scherrer had put

together a lovely photograph album of my 3 years with you, a

lasting memento of my ministry; a gift bag contained a beautiful

glass angel and on opening one of the envelopes I was faced

with a very generous cheque of £282.50, a collection from the 3

parishes. Thank you to everyone who contributed to this

wonderful gift, I will consider carefully how to spend it. Finally

there were 3 cards all of which were filled with messages and

names of those in the 3 parishes, thank you to those who

organised this I know how long it takes!

And so all that remains to be said is one more big “Thank You!”

for everything over the past 3 years and I leave you with my

prayers and God’s blessing for you all.

From Jackie

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September 2012 10

B. W. Taylor

Plumbing Roofing and all Building


From “Complete Bathrooms and Kitchens” including tiling and plas-tering through to “Ball Valves and “Garden Taps”

No Job too small Local Reliable service at Reasonable Rates

References Supplied if Required

Telephone: Barrie Taylor 01234 - 838 676 Mobile 07979 - 928 186


Mobile Hairdresser

Tel : 01234 838460

Mobile : 07795 573409

46, Station Road, Willington

Need a job doing? No one practical at hand to help you.

“This Man Can”

Dave Crawford

No job too large or small, hired for a variety of jobs, hanging curtain poles, garden decking, tiling, garden watering systems, lofts emptied. -

reliable, pride in work, references available, CRB checked. For a no obligation quote call 07981 881688

or email [email protected]

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September 2012

Architectural Design

Stephen Funge Architectural Design Ltd 38 Howard Close



MK45 3QH

Tel/Fax 01234 381800. Mob 07710 268372

[email protected]

Stephen Funge MCIAT MAPM

Planning and Building Regulations Applications.

Design and Project Management.

Extensions, New Houses, Offices, Shops.

Call for a chat. No obligation

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September 2012 12


Saturday 8th Sept 2012, 1 – 5 pm


Visit these special Tudor

buildings; meet members of

Bedford Embroiderers Guild

and people in Tudor costume.

Pause for a while and watch

demonstrations of Tudor and

Stuart Blackwork and

Stumpwork. Find out how

special effects are created and


Then, why not try your hand at making

bracelets with finger-loop braiding or making

buttons and tassels?

Take time to look at our displays and try on

Tudor-style costumes.

Join in with children’s activities with a Tudor


Explore the church next door and enjoy some

tea and cake.

Free Admission. Some advertised attractions may be

subject to alteration or cancellation. Bedford National

Trust Association. Tel. 01234 404879

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September 2012

Saturday 8 September 2012 10 am to 6 pm

Have fun Cycling or Walking Help save your local heritage Raise funds for your church or chapel Over 600 churches and chapels to visit

Raise money for the repair of your local church or chapel by getting sponsorship for cycling or walking between churches in Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire. Anyone can take part and there is a choice of over 600 churches and chapels for you to visit, most of which will be open.

For more information please contact: Judith Howard 01234 838467

[email protected]

S p o n s o r e d

Bike ’n Hike R a i s i ng fu nds f o r you r ch u rch

Bedfordshire and Hertfordshire Historic Churches Trust

Saving the Past for the Future BHHCT Registered Charity No. 1005697

Bike ’n Hike in association with the national Ride & Stride

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September 2012 14

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September 2012

Eamonn , Julie and Katie would like to welcome you to the Five Bells in Cople , a traditional country village pub .

It is our intention to provide a warm welcome in comfortable surroundings for visitors and locals alike to enjoy a

drink or a hearty meal .

Wherever possible , we have sourced our ingredients from local suppliers and our menu is designed to be as homemade as

possible .

We also provide a wide selection of fine ales , wines and spirits and great care is taken to ensure they are kept to the highest


Themed Menu every Wednesday Live Music most Saturday nights (see website for details)

Sunday Roasts £8:50 (Very popular, booking recommended) Party bookings available

Tel : 01234 831330

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September 2012 16


Professional Friendly Free initial consultation.

Sole traders, Ltd companies, Start ups, CIS, VAT, TAX

Email: [email protected] Tel: 01767 601221

Mob: 07899 808592


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September 2012

Friends of Cople Church Reg No. 1096386

The weather gods looked favourably down on us as just under

90 people gathered at Oak Farm on a warm, dry evening for the

annual Barn Dance on Saturday, July 21st . Kelly’s Eye once

again provided the music, and this splendid trio had little

difficulty in encouraging participants onto the dance floor.

Excellent beer from Potton Brewery, plentiful wine and soft

drinks provided liquid refreshment, whilst the delicious pork,

followed by pudding, satisfied the needs of ‘the inner man’.. We

are indebted to Paul and Heather Walsh for making their historic

barns available for this annual event, and to the committee who

provided delicious salads and desserts, to the bar staff who were

kept so busy throughout the evening, and of course to Paul who

ensured that the essential component, the pork, was cooked to

absolute perfection.

A handsome profit of just over £1,000 was generated, and this

included just over £200 from the raffle. We are very grateful to

those who generously donated prizes. In summary, it was a

splendid evening, much enjoyed by everybody.

Our next event, Shipwreck Party, is on November 3rd at the

Village Hall. .The hall will have become a desert island and you

can arrive in whatever you might have been wearing when the

call came to 'Abandon Ship!' - casual, beachwear, evening wear,

nightwear - the possibilities are endless, anything goes! There

will be food, music, dancing and lots of fun. Tickets are now

available from 838714, 838683, 838467, 838763 at a cost of

£13.50 a head. We look forward to seeing you there.

Vaughan Southgate

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September 2012 18

Cople Sports and Social Club

Thankfully summer has not been a complete wash out. We

finally have been able to sit out on the patio and embrace the

last part of summer watching the cricket or just enjoying the

green environment and social interaction.

We now have free Wi-Fi at the Sports and Social club all

members and their guests will have access to this.

We will be holding a Caribbean evening on Saturday 1st

September if you wish to join us please ask at the club or

contact Jeanette.

The football season is under way, we will be showing the most

prominent matches in the Club please see list:

Liverpool V Arsenal Sunday 2nd September 1.30pm

Premier League

Southampton V Man Utd Sunday 2nd September 4.00pm

Premier League

Coventry V Stevenage Sunday 9th September 1.00pm

League one

Wolves V Leicester Sunday 16th September 1.15pm


Reading V Tottenham Sunday 16th September 4.00pm

Premier League

Everton V Newcastle Monday 17th September 8.00pm

Premier League

Liverpool V Man Utd Sunday 23rd September 1.30pm

Premier League

Man City V Arsenal Sunday 23rd September 4.00pm

Premier League

Notts Forrest V Derby Sunday 30th September 1.15pm


Aston Villa V West Brom Sunday 30th September 4.00pm

Premier League

Please see poster in Club for full fixtures

Jeanette Skipsey Mob: 07749272249 Email: [email protected]

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September 2012

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September 2012 20

Contact us now for a free, no obligation quote

Glyn Carroll

2 Glebe Road, Sandy, Beds, SG19 1LT

01767 680898 / 07859 070517

e-mail:[email protected]

We hold a valid Waste Carriers Licence

Public Liability insurance to 5 million.

We are a small, friendly, reliable

Construction Company based in Sandy.

We specialise in Plastering, Bricklaying,

Decking, Fencing and Patios, but can

fulfil all your building requirements.

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September 2012

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September 2012 22


Funeral Service 48 Roff Avenue, Bedford

an independent family

owned business established in 1875

Day and night

personal attention

Chapels of Rest Flower service

Memorial service Catering arranged

Pre-payment plans and

pre-arrangement advice available

…..reassurance when you need it most

Telephone 01234 - 359529

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September 2012

Sunday Church Services in September

2nd 11:15am


Family Service


9th 09:00am


Holy Communion BCP

Sunday School

16th 09:45am


Sunday School

All age Communion with choir

23rd 09:45am


Sunday School

Sung Communion

30th 09:45am


Sunday School

Benefice Service “Back to Church Sun-

day” with Revd Andrew Hollins

Cople All Saints

Willington Saint Lawrence

2nd 10:00am Holy Communion BCP

9th 11:15am Parish Praise

16th 10:00am Sung Communion

23rd 10:00am All age Communion and children’s church

Moggerhanger St John the Evangelist

2nd 09:00am Sung Communion

9th 10:00am Family Service

16th 09:00am


Said Holy Communion

Songs of Praise

23rd 09:00am All age Communion

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September 2012 24

Cople Calendar September 2012

Saturday 1st

10:30am Traidcraft coffee morning Willington

2:00pm Wedding Leah Shanahan and Nicholas Foley at

Cople Church

Caribbean Evening at Sports and Social Club

Monday 3rd

09:00am Morning Prayer

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

8:00pm Exploring Prayer group at the Vicarage

Tuesday 4th (Green Bin)

10:00am to 12:00 noon Coffee morning Village Hall

2:30pm Over 60’s Club in Sports Club

Wednesday 5th

7:30pm to 10:00pm Carpet Bowls in Village Hall

Thursday 6th

10:00am to 11:30am Baby and Toddler Group in Cople

Village Hall

8:00pm Home Group at the Vicarage

Saturday 8th

10:00am –6:00pm. Sponsored Bike and Hike

Monday 10th

09:00am Morning Prayer

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

2:30pm Mothers Union Meeting venue tbn.

6:15pm Junior Choir Cople Church

7:30pm Home Group at 87 Willington Road Cople

Tuesday 11th (Orange Bin)

10:00am to 12:00 noon Coffee morning Village Hall

7:30pm Tuesday Club meeting in Cople Village Hall

Wednesday 12th

7:30pm to 10:00pm Carpet Bowls in Village Hall

8:00pm Home Group at 16 Bedford Road Willington

Thursday 13th

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September 2012

10:00am to 11:30am Baby and Toddler Group Village Hall

Monday 17th

09:00am Morning Prayer

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

12:30am Luncheon Club in Cople Church.

6:15pm Junior Choir practice at Cople Church

7:30pm Cople Parish Council Meeting Village Hall

Tuesday 18th (Green Bin)

10:00am to 12:00 noon Coffee morning Village Hall

2:30pm Over 60’s Club in Sports Club

7:30pm PCC at the Vicarage.

Wednesday 19th

7:30pm to 10:00pm Carpet Bowls in Village Hall

Thursday 20th

10:00am to 11:30am Baby and Toddler Group Village Hall

8:00pm Home Group at the Vicarage

Monday 24th

09:00am Morning Prayer

11:00am Tiny tots sing along Cople Church

6:15pm Junior Choir practice at Cople Church

7:30pm Home Group at 87 Willington Road Cople

Tuesday 25th (Orange Bin)

2:30pm Food for thought at Willington

10:00am to 12:00 noon Coffee morning Village Hall

Wednesday 26th

7:30pm to 10:00pm Carpet Bowls in Village Hall

8:00pm Home Group at 16 Bedford Road Willington.

Thursday 27th

10:00am to 11:30am Baby and Toddler Group in Cople

Village Hall

8:00pm Benefice Churchwardens at the Vicarage

Friday 28th

4:30pm Wedding Louise Turner & Simon Daldry. Cople

Saturday 29th

10:00am to 1:00pm Cople Church Heritage Day

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September 2012 26

If you need help or advice call me on

FREE PHONE 0800 039 1234 or my mobile no: 07717 269 440

Home Visits Available (All Agents are CRB Checked)

Village agents can offer a number of FREE services

Are you aware that some energy suppliers offer a rebate of

£130 to older people towards your energy bills in the winter


ask me for more details or to help you apply.

Free security checks (free smoke alarms, door chains, Spy


Free “Message in a bottles” (peace of mind if you are taken ill

and the emergency services are called)


Are you claiming all the benefits you are entitled to???

Pension Credit - If your total income is less than £137.95pw

(£209.70 couple) you may be eligible to claim - you will not

automatically received it. Ask me for details & help.

Attendance Allowance - This is for anyone over 65 who is ex-

periencing difficulty with their day to day personal care you can

receive between £51-£77 pw added to your pension (this is NOT

a means tested benefit - ask me for information & help.

If you are looking for information and advice on

local services and organisations, or maybe feel a bit isolated,

why not contact your Village Agent who maybe able to help.

Village Agent

Autumn Update

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September 2012

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September 2012 28

COPLE VILLAGE TRUST Registered Charity No 1090113

Annual General Meeting held at the Village Hall on 20

June 2012

Chairman’s Report

Village Hall

The Village Trust was successful in obtaining a grant from the

Bedford Borough Rural Affairs Committee, with the support from

Cople Parish Council and Mrs Carole Ellis, Borough Councillor.

The Grant of £24,300 enabled the Village Hall to be refurbished

in September 2011 – New kitchen units, replacement non slip

flooring, modernising the ladies and gents toilets, block paving

outside the kitchen area, replacement door to the kitchen and

fire doors, replacement soffits and fascia boards.

We had an issue with the non slip flooring in the lobby area

between the kitchen and the committee room with bubbles in

various places. After discussions with the Contractor the flooring

was replaced. Thanks to Jon Relf, Trustee, whose persistence

paid off. The Village Hall is now attractive and can compete with

similar venues. Grateful thanks to all those involved in this



Our income is derived by regular and ad hoc bookings for the

Hall, together with fund raising activities. We continue with our

200 Club - £1 per month for twelve months – monthly draws of

1st prize £60, 2nd prize £30 and 3 prize £10. Our annual Craft

Fair proves to be as popular as ever, with takings steadily rising

each year. Thanks to Catherine our Treasurer and Marie our

Booking Officer. Quiz night (April 2012) – Thanks to Keith and

his team for organising such a successful evening, enjoyed by all

who attended.

Playing Field

The Trustees actively support and fund raise at the annual

‘Proms in the Park’ which is held on the Playing Field. The

Playing Field is appreciated far and wide, whether be it cricket or

football players or visitors to the village. The Trust

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September 2012


Reg. No. 1090113

200 CLUB

Prize winners for August 2012

1st Prize of £60 279 Lyn and John Watt

2nd Prize of £30 108 Roy Hull

3rd Prize of £10 238 Joe Clayton

acknowledges, with thanks, the Parish Council who give an

annual contribution for the upkeep of the field. We are very

fortunate to have a committed Grounds man, Chris Gregory,

who goes the extra mile in making sure the field is in tip top


My sincere thanks to all Trustees who give their time freely and

to David our Caretaker/Cleaner whose task is always to clean up

after others and prepare for the next booking.

Sandra Thacker Chairman

New developments at Moggerhanger Park.

The new Garden Room on the edge of the woodland at

Moggerhanger Park has won a prestigious Central LABC Building

Excellence Award.

Please do come and visit the Woodland Cafe which is open

through the summer. The latest attraction in the café is the

installation of computer WIFI so visitors can enjoy refreshments

or a light lunch and also work on line. The home-made food is

delicious and the best price in Bedfordshire!

From Gillian Orpin

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September 2012 30

Music Festival Concert

The audience at this opening event of the festival enjoyed a

lovely relaxing afternoon culminating in a delicious tea. The

weather was a mix of rain and sunshine but inside the church

the music delighted with a wide range of instruments, styles of

music and ages of performers.

The Rotary Young Musicians, who had recently taken part in the

‘Rotary Young Musicians Of The Year’ competition, were

delightful. Shannon opened the concert with her lovely singing

of ‘Fly me to the moon’ and Robert followed with a medley of

swing, jazz and pop played with ease and confidence on his

saxophone. Zoe, accompanied by Karen Beer, enthralled us

with her clarinet rendering of Schumann Fantasy Pieces. These

youngsters have real talent and were a joy to hear.

Also on the bill were Karen Beer who played a mix of pieces on

her Oboe and Kate Lawson who sang songs from the less well

known shows including Blood Brothers and City of angels. David

Beer accompanied these performers.

The finale was a splash of sparkly blue as the Phoenix Chorus,

brightly costumed, entertained with show songs mixed with

traditional barbershop pieces. Their animation and enjoyment of

singing uplifted everyone so a little rain as tea was served in the

marquee did not dampen spirits.

Many thanks go to Mary Whitehead who talent spots the

delightful youngsters and Julie Scherrer, who with her band of

helpers, provided the delicious tea. Thanks go also to the

Friends for kindly loaning their marquee.

This is such a lovely afternoon that it is a shame more interest is

not shown. The concert next year will be on July 28th so make a

note in your forward planning to come along and support these

dedicated local musicians who give up their time to entertain us

so royally. You will not be disappointed.

Jill Ebbs

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September 2012

Music Festival Proms

What a great finale to a wonderful week of musical events. The

fabulous concert on Sunday, a packed 5 Bells on Wednesday,

when Jim became more excited by the minute during the quiz,

and the Friday night when a bus load of Germans descended on

the village with their sausages, beer and band.

The committee went for Plan B , the wet weather arrangements,

which meant the sun shone and the wind dropped and the

crowds came in abundance. The musicians aged from 4 years to

over 70 entertained with enthusiasm and the German pipes and

drums were very successful in persuading over 60 females of all

ages to dance the CanCan. The burgers and pig roast, the cakes

and the bar all did a roaring trade and the singing of the

traditional proms songs ended another great festival.

As this event is becoming more popular a lot of work has gone

into arranging insurance, risk assessments for health and safety

and the presence of the Red Cross on the day. A big thank you

to Cindy for the work she undertook for all of this. Thanks to all

the committee for their hard work throughout the year and on

the day and to the many volunteer workers who came along to


Monies are still being sorted so the final total of money collected

for this years charity will be revealed next month.

Proms 2013 will be on August 3rd so make a note now to avoid

holiday clashes.

Cople Carpet Bowls Club

Have you ever thought of playing bowls. If so why not come

along and join in a game of carpet bowls which is played indoors

on a 30 ft carpet. Carpet bowls is played in Cople Village Hall on

Wednesday evenings 7:30 to 10:00 pm and the subscription is

only £2 each per session. If you are 18+ come and give it a try.

New members are very welcome. Any enquiries contact Pauline

on 01234 838102.

Pauline Baynes.

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September 2012













LANDLINE 01234 838274

MOBILE 07773 077042

EMAIL: [email protected]


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September 2012 34

Wild About Cople

By the time you are reading this it will be late August and all is

about to roll into one of the great cycles of the natural world.

Firstly, people often ask 'where do all the birds go in late

summer?' Well, after a busy season of courtship, building nests

and bringing up young it’s time for a rest and recuperation and

to get ready for the autumn and winter. So most of our birds

enter into a period of moult when they start shedding their

feathers (usually in a cyclical pattern and a few at a time). This

means that their powers of flight may be slightly impaired so

now is a good time to rest, hide away and reappear again after a

few weeks, back in tip-top condition with a new coat of feathers

(and often new colours) and ready for the demands of winter.

So that is where all the birds are now.

And that big cycle that's about to roll? Well, it’s the wonder of

migration and the amazing journey that many of our birds that

have been with us all summer (and including those little yellow

wagtails in the potato fields) are about to undertake. And that

means eating lots of fat- and protein-rich foods such as insects

to build up their weight and fitness, to produce new feathers and

to embark on a long journey of many thousands of miles, often

with other birds, for company.

Many of these birds are village familiars and have been with us,

rearing their young and singing their songs all summer (many

we heard on our morning bird walk). The screaming black

crescents of swifts have gone already and the village has

thereby lost one of its subtle beauties - until next May when the

swifts arrive back, bringing summer with them on their wings

and in their screams. The whitethroats, the chiffchaffs, the

willow warblers and the blackcaps will all be leaving in the next

two or three months - wish them well and speed them all back

to bring their songs and their colours back to the village next


But, many birds stay with us and the blackbirds, sparrows,

chaffinches, yellowhammers and robins all keep us company

throughout the winter as do a few other birds that arrive in the

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September 2012

autumn from the continent.

In the evenings, particularly as it gets dark, listen out for a quiet

rasping 'chirp-chirp' coming from the bottom of tangled

hedgerows and areas of dense brambles, grass and nettles. This

is the call of the male Dark Bush-cricket. A large, usually dark

brown, grasshopper-like insect, it is still fairly common in these

parts. The song carries on during the afternoon until well after

dark and is the male calling to attract the female and to ward off

other males. They are harmless and rather lovely insects to

have around and feed on vegetation, insects and small spiders.

The males only produce the chirping – they have specially

modified forewings which they rub together (called ‘stridulation’)

to produce the ‘chirp’. Go out and have a listen at dusk on

warm, still evenings over the next few weeks - it is one of the

poignant sounds of the changing seasons and the coming of

autumn and will continue until the first frosts kill off the singing

males; sometimes as late as November or even early December.

But, never fear, the eggs of the next generation are safe, in the

ground, awaiting the spring and the warmth, to start all over


I'm planning an autumn wildlife walk so look out for a date next

time around. . . And a thank you to those who stop me or email

me to pass on their wildlife sightings – it is always a pleasure to

hear from you or speak to you!

Steve Halton [email protected]

Male Dark Bush-cricket

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September 2012 36

Cople Baby & Toddler Group

Has opened its doors again

Every Thursday (Inclusive of school holidays)

10.00am-11.30am At the Cople Village Hall (off Grange Lane)

First session free, £2 per family thereafter Adults with one child under 7 months £1

Willingtots Pre-school Peace Memorial Hall

Church Road Willington

Telephone 07972 148085

E-mail [email protected] Website


Sessional care for children aged 2 to school age during term time

FREE PLACES for eligible 3 and 4 yr olds

09.15-12.15 Monday to Friday (£9.00)

12.15-15.15 Tuesday & Wednesday (£9.00)

Lunch Club daily 12.15-13.15 (£3.00)

Registered Charity No. 1035672 Member of the Pre-school Learning Alliance and registered with OFSTED

“We are totally committed to safeguarding children”

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September 2012

Cople Lower School

Before & After School Club

Regular and one off bookings, including Casual bookings.

Registration forms and information packs

available from: Naomi Whittingham – Play Leader

07592 012 249 [email protected]

Hours Fees

Monday to Friday Regular bookings

Breakfast 8.00am – 8.45am £3.00

Session 1 3.30pm – 5.00pm £7.00

Session 2 3.30pm – 6.00pm £8.50

Casual bookings:

an additional £1.00 on

regular session fees

JB Plumbing & Heating

Julian Biggs

All types of plumbing and heating work.

Oil Fired Boilers - Servicing, Repairs and Installation - OFTEC registered.

Bathrooms, Showers and Toilets Radiator Installation, maintenance and repairs.

Hot and cold water tanks and cylinders.

Prompt, reliable and professional service. Free quotations. No call-out charges.

Fully qualified and insured.

Tel: 01767 627591 / 07950 705479

9 Ickwell Road, Northill

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September 2012 38

The Beekeeper's Diary

Survival has been the motto for this year in beekeeping !

According to some more senior members of the Bedfordshire

Beekeeping Association this has been the most challenging year

of beekeeping for in excess of 40 years, with the weather not

really providing the right conditions for any of the main cycles in

the bees annual patterns.

The foraging period was dramatically reduced (with many cases

of starvation) and, unfortunately, this means we can expect a

shortage of fresh British honey. Swarming was delayed and

unpredictable, with new queens often unable to get out or back

from their mating flights resulting in a lot of infertile,

unproductive or queenless colonies.

It was a real hunt to locate forage-able flowering crops with

enough good weather to enable the bees to build up their honey

stores. My own hives have been moved between two different

Oil Seed Rape crops, two bean crops, and a short ‘Olympic’

borage crop, as well as the usual wildflower combinations. For

most of the year any honey has had to be left in the hive, and

even supplemented, to feed the bees themselves. The small

amount of honey harvested came mainly from the OSR, and in

the last few days, I harvested some Borage honey that built up

while the sun shone on our Olympic fortnight – Go Team GBee

(sorry) !

With the honey flow finished it is very important to get the honey

out of the hive, and reduce the entrance size, as this is the time

when bees fall prey to the ravages of wasps, and rival bee

colonies, who come in trying to rob the hives (and us) of their

hard-earned treasure.

We now begin another phase of the beekeeping cycle as we

move the hives into winter apiaries, treat them for any potential

infestations like the Varroa mite, and focus on feeding them up

to be healthy and strong with enough stores to survive through

to next spring. Hopefully, we will have some late sun to give

them more time to build up.

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September 2012

I recently read another interesting fact that bees are now being

used as a humane way to protect the crops of Kenyan farmers

from wild elephants. African elephants are afraid of bees and

even sound an alarm call upon hearing them. In trials

comparing thorn tree fences with ‘fences’ of bee hives spaced 10

m apart, 31 elephants broke through the thorn trees whilst only

one bull elephant crossed the bee fence. Just shows size isn’t


With very fresh local honey to sample and for sale,


[email protected]

01234 831335

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September 2012 40

This months Gardening Tasks

As I wander around plying my trade in the gardens of

Bedfordshire I have been struck lately at just how autumnal it

has been feeling. Indeed, we seem to have gone straight from

spring headlong into autumn with little more than a fleeting

glance of summer but as the leaves on the ground start to

increase in number, there’s still plenty to do in the garden.

Hedge cutting is one of those jobs and although it can often feel

rather daunting, its positive impact on the rest of one’s garden

can give you a well earned feeling of job satisfaction and pride.

Using a sharp pair of sheers or a mechanical hedge trimmer,

start at the sides and then zip along the top. If you are using

electric trimmers be sure to use a circuit breaker in the socket.

For most hedges, front, back and top will do the job. If a

straight top is required, a rope tied at along the front can

provide a useful guide.

One of the more satisfying tasks this month is to collect the

seeds from your existing stock so that they can be planted.

Simply empty seed heads into a marked bag and then marvel in

your new found role of horticultural mid wife!

Another job for this month is the planting of big shrubs and even

trees. The soil temperature is warm and just right for

encouraging significant root growth before the first frosts. This

process can be accelerated yet further by the application of

mycorrhizal fungi on to the root ball itself. Sold in garden

centres under the trade name of Rootgrow, this naturally

existing product helps a plant create a secondary root system

and as we all know, the healthier the roots, the healthier the

plant. Well, normally!

Lawn Doctor

Event Planner 2012

7th October Harvest Sunday 3rd November Shipwrecked Party 24th November Race Night

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September 2012

37, Ridge Road

Kempston, Beds MK43 9BS

Lawn Doctor Garden Services Clearance, Redesign, Maintenance

Tel: 01767 627 581 or 07796 328 855

Email: [email protected]

Tree Care, Planting, Weeding, Hedge Trimming, Turfing, Jungle

Clearing, Patio/Drive Pressure Washing

Landscaping, Lawn Improvement, Holiday Watering etc., etc.

City & Guilds Qualified & Widely Experienced – OAP Rates

– References Available Upon Request - Northill Based

‘Lawn Doctor deserve a medal. They are worth their weight in gold and I,

without doubt, will be using them in the future. A true gem.

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September 2012 42

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September 2012

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September 2012 44

Village Hall

Bookings: Marie Grohmann

Email: [email protected]

Tel : 838248

Over 60's Club

Secretary : Hazel Shreeves

Tel : 838817

Mothers Union

Contact: Jill Ebbs

Tel : 838659

Cople Lower School

Headteacher : Helen Johnson

Tel : 838827

Cople Village Trust

Chair : Sandra Thacker

Tel : 831344

Royal British Legion

Chair: Max McMurdo

Tel: 01767 680624

Welfare: David Hansen

Tel : 01767 226020


PC Paul Jones

Riseley Police Station

Tel : 01234 - 842864

Carpet Bowls

Secretary : Pauline Baynes

Tel : 838102

Willingtots Pre-School


Tel: 07972– 148085

Before & After School Club

At Cople Lower School

Tel: 07592 - 012249

Brownies (Willington)

Karen Murray,

Tel: 01767 683719

Beavers, Cubs & Scouts

Contact Emma Whiterod

Tel: 07908 167356

Friends of Cople Church

Chair: Vaughan Southgate

Tel: 838714

Cople Sports & Social Club

Chair: David Hughes

Tel : 838669

Tuesday Club

Joy Duthie

Tel : 838407


Cople Argus Cricket Club

Chris Gregory 01234 838396

Biggleswade Chronicle

Village Correspondent:

Jill Ebbs Tel: 838659

Cople Web Site

Ian Whiting Tel : 838347

Email: [email protected]

Web Site

Cople Baby and Toddler

Contact Kylie Dougall

Tel: 01234 740745

07999 257165

Just Ask

Wendy Worgan

0800 039 1234

Village Contacts

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September 2012

All Saints Church


Rev Lynda Klimas

The Vicarage

Grange Lane, Cople

Tel: 01234 838 431

[email protected]


June Shanahan Mike Vacher

34 Grange Lane 91 Willington Road

Cople Cople

Tel: 01234 831705 Tel: 01234 831207

[email protected]

Cople Parish Council

Clerk to the Council: Jeanne Pope

42 Wingfield Road, Bromham, Beds. MK43 8JY

Tel: 01234 823 297 [email protected]

Cople News

Editor : Ged Peeke

39 Willington Road, Cople, Beds, MK44 3TH

Tel 01234 838379

Email: [email protected]

Deadline for copy and advertising 15th of every month

Advertising Rates Annual Charges

Full Page £95

Half Page £47:50

One Third Page £31:50

Delivered free to every home in Cople every month Circulation 360 copies

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September 2012 46

Cople Village Hall

and Playing Field

Available for Hire for

Private Functions, Children’s Parties,

Weddings, Conferences

and other bookings by arrangement

Hire Charge from £ 9 per hour

Please Contact

Bookings Officer: Marie Grohmann

Telephone : 838248

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September 2012

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September 2012 48

GroundcareMachinery Services Limited

Water End, COPLE, Bedford

Suppliers of Leading Brand Names

in Domestic & Professional

powered garden machinery


with full service back up

Petrol, Diesel, Electric, Battery

Allen, Atco, Billy Goat, Countax, Eliet,

Flymo, Hayter, Honda, Klippo, Lawnflite,

MTD, Mountfield, Robin, Ryobi, Stihl,Viking, Westwood, Yardman, etc

For details of Products and

Savings visit our website

Tel: 01234 831123

sales + service + spares + repairs