
© 2011 Tim Wade -


© 2011 Tim Wade -

About Tim WadeImprove Results, Increase Performance, Retain Staff

Tim Wade partners organisations to develop leaders and increase productivity. His results:

• Increases in productivity by 17%,

• Increases in retention 12%,

• Increase in morale by 35%,

• Increase in attendance by 27%,

• Increase customer satisfaction: 78%

• Increase employee and customer communication effectiveness: 100%

Book Tim Wade for your next event.

Tim Wade is a motivational business growth speaker who has a 17-year corporate and consulting success track record helping business improve operational productivity and team performance levels. His background in psychology and corporate leadership sees him help teams increase self-belief, develop empowering mindsets and deliver positive results.

Tim Wade has worked with audiences in Japan, Indonesia, Malaysia, Thailand, Dubai, China, India, Australia, USA, Korea, New Zealand, and Singapore. Clients include Microsoft, Motorola, Singapore Prison Services, Prudential, HSBC, American Express, UOB, National Institute of Education and many more!

Book Tim WadeBusinesses all over Singapore , South-East Asia and Asia-Pacific are booking Tim Wade to:• Deliver motivational, engaging,

entertaining & inspiring keynotes at conventions and events

• Facilitate multi-day leadership retreats: change, growth, business development

• Train teams of leaders, managers and operational support staff to dramatically improve performance in line with HR practices

• Consult to business unit leaders with HR managers to ensure performance improvements and operational process improvements are delivered.

+65 6674 6928

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Goal Clarity, Learn Skills, Victor Mindset, Positive Action, PersistenceWhen we think about the Olympics, or any sort of race, the purpose is to get to the finish line and fast. When we think about the things we want to do, share and have in life, it’s important to be clear on what those things are. Athletes know what their goal is. They know what direction they need to move, how to prepare, how to begin, how to end, and how to alter their execution plan during the race. They are willing to learn skills from mentors and coaches. They persist through physical and emotional pain by taking positive action and keeping fixed on their goal. Their mindset is positive and focused on victory. They believe they can do it and they take action daily to ensure they have the best chance of winning. Are you doing this too?

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To Increase Results…First Increase Self-Awareness:

How am I behaving?

How do you work? What powers you? What drives you to do the things you do? And what stops you or holds you back?

To change our results, we need to understand the answers to these questions…

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What STOPS us getting to our goals?


THERE… Overwhelmed …

… Out of Control …

… Uncomfortable …

… Typically what stops us are Emotions. In particular, a feeling of overwhelm, or being out of control, feeling uncomfortable about taking the action. In short, FEAR. It’s useful to note that our Emotions drive the extent to which we take action. If we can harness the power of our emotions and how we feel about something, then we can channel them to drive our actions. To do that we need to feel GOOD about doing something. We also need to understand more about the role of fear in our lives…

We Must TAKE ACTIONTo get from where you are to where you want to be,

you’re going to need to take some sort of action. But

what stops us from taking that action? ….


© 2011 Tim Wade -

In Caveman days, fear preserved us from getting ourselves killed. While that’s still useful today, we have added social death as a key role for fear. We fear failure and losing face. This prevents us from trying because we fear not being good enough and not being loved. You are good enough. You have the power to practice, strengthen, better yourself. You are good enough to get up and try again. Fear won’t stop your growth unless you let it rule you. Instead you can choose to intelligently face it. Expand your comfort zone. Grow. Reap the rewards.

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How do people procrastinate?

One way we deal with discomfort and fear is by busying ourselves with things we are certain that we will feel good about. Games, television, mobile phones, apps, emails, social media, even spending time with friends. These can all be used as procrastination strategies. Mainly because we know the rules and the outcome is certain. Sometimes we even procrastinate by doing other things on our desk. We do a little bit of everything but we don’t finish anything. Focus on finishing. Concentrate on completion. Make the decision to use proactive action instead of procrastination. Use those things that you like to do as rewards for getting done what you have to do. And unless you’re a heart surgeon, don’t lose time striving for perfection. Right now, done is better than perfect.

© 2011 Tim Wade -

Fear and procrastination are mechanisms we employ to regain a sense of control or certainty when things seem uncertain or uncomfortable. Certainty is one the 4 conflicting needs that we have. These needs conflict because they are at opposite ends of two emotional continua. When we have too much of one need and it feels uncomfortable, we tend to move away from it andtowards the opposing need. This is what is commonly referred to as our “comfort zone”. If we change our emotion from discomfort to excitement, we learn to expand our comfort zone. Like battling animals the ones that will eventually win are the ones we feed. The 4 conflicting needs are: we need variety (adventure, surprise, uncertainty) and yet we also need certainty (stability, comfort), and we need significance (feel special, unique, stand out from the crowd) yet we need to also feel connection and love (belonging, part of the crowd, acceptance).

© 2011 Tim Wade -

How? - Increase Self-Awareness

What you focus on looking for, you will see more of. Look for more brown around you, and you will see more brown and be less aware of everything else. Look for what is negative and impossible and destructive, and you will see more of that. Look for what is positive and possible and value-adding, and you will see more. Choose.

© 2011 Tim Wade -

Your Brain’s Information Filter

Your brain filters out what you have told it to consider as unimportant through a mechanism called the reticular activating system (RAS).You tell your RAS what’s unimportant by:• specifying what is important (goals)• specifying what is unimportant (through prioritisation)• training it to respond to what is important (through your actions, decisions and habits, whether good or bad)You are training your mind (whether deliberate or accidental), and this creates the way your mind is set to respond to information… your mindset.

© 2011 Tim Wade -

Like radio waves that are already all around us, we can tune into different types of mindsets. Which we choose is up to us, but it can be influenced by our workplace or environment and our strength of character. In the V9 profile there are 4 different mindsets that depend upon our relationship with ourselves, and our relationship with other people.

© 2011 Tim Wade -

Your Mindset, Brain & Performance

Mindset• Caused by Conditioning

• Regulates Results

• Facilitates Filtering

• Rewired by reconditioning

Performance• Action-orientation

• Effort vs Talent

• Hiring Drivers

• Developing Mindsets

• Productive ResultsBrain• Reticular Activating System

• Neuro-pathways

• Cognitive Design

• Recipient Filtering

• Dismissed information

© 2011 Tim Wade -

If we want to change our results, we first need to change our minds…

• We are conditioned to think a certain way (mindset)

• What we think about determines our moods / our feelings / our emotions (character)

• Our feelings can determine the extent of our actions (motivation)

• Our actions determine our results



Most managers and trainers try to change results by addressing only a change in actions… they need to learn to go deeper. It is learnable.

© 2011 Tim Wade -

The V9 Profile

• 4 conditioned mindsets• 9 characters we play• Seek Increase Awareness• Develop Victor Mindset• Lead Accountability (Decrease

Excuses)• Give more value• Increase Productivity

V9 was created by Tim Wade

The V9 Profile helps individuals increase their awareness of how they are behaving, how they are perceived, and what they need to do to shift to the Mindset of Victory…

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V9 – 4 Conditioned MindsetsFind articles about the V9 Profile


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V9 – 9 characters to Victory

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Our goal is to oscillate between the 4 characters in the Mindset of Victory

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Our mindset has been created by habit.

We need to change it by habit.

Change takes discipline, leadership, faith and positive reinforcement.

Leaders of change need help too, as well as guidance in their discipline, leadership,

faith and positive reinforcement too. Give them assistance, training, coaching and professional external support as well as

internal support structures.

“Successful people formed the habit of doing things that failures don’t like to do.”- Albert E. N. Gray, 1940

The above quote doesn’t say that successful people LIKE to do the things that failures don’t like to do. They might not like to do them either, but they form the habit

of doing them anyway.

© 2011 Tim Wade -

Cultivating a Positive Possibility MindsetMake a habit of deliberately tuning into only one “radio station” of the mind… deliberately choose to have the Mindset of Victory. To do this, practice looking for what is possible and what is value-adding… The easiest and most effective way to do this by asking better questions. Instead of “What’s wrong with this?” ask “How can I help this become even better?” Instead of “Why am I so fat?” ask “What can I do now to become even fitter?” Observe your own thoughts, language and focus when observing, describing or commenting about events, situations, ideas or other people. Also pay close attention to the stories you tell yourself or others about you. This can be challenging as the roots are deeper and we are more convinced by them. It’s how we identify with ourselves… our identity. Are you REALLY who you keep saying you are? Did those things that happened in your past really happen TO you or did they perhaps happen FOR you? Change your mind.

© 2011 Tim Wade -


© 2011 Tim Wade -

The Most Valuable Resource on this Planet is:

Consider this. A premium is always paid for things that:• Save Time – Do More – More Results, Faster• Engage Us – Give More – Emotion, Entertainment, Value, Learn• Increase Relationships – Laugh More – Love, Laughter, Emotion, Growth

For all but 2 days in our lives there are only 24 hours in a day… yet some people can rule countries while others cannot complete anything. Time Economics is about the supply, demand and opportunity cost of time. Yet we have already established that supply is limited. What are the demands on your time? Are they worthwhile? What is the cost of choosing one opportunity or action over another? Are we spending time or investing it? If we have nothing better to do, our time is not worth much at all. Yet if we REALLY have nothing better to do, then our time is well lived.

© 2011 Tim Wade -

The Path to Wealth: “Yat Low Fatt”In one Chinese dialect the numbers 1, 6 and 8 have the same meaning as “The Path to Wealth” (see Asian banks display 1.68% as a interest rate or offer a gift valued at $168). While we’re at it, what does wealth mean to you? A measure of financial prudence? Success? Balance? Freedom? Many people think they don’t have enough wealth and believe that they need more in order to feel happy.Yet what are they DOING to ensure that they feel happy and successful? What stories are they telling themselves, and what actions are they taking? What are they doing to cultivate their Mind (mindset, stories), Body (action, communication) and Spirit (growth, contribution, happiness, joy, love)?

Notice that 24 x 7 = 168. There are 168 hours in a week. How we use those hours will determine our true path to wealth. So how do most people use their time?

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Sleep: research shows that we need 8

hours of sleep a night to be operating with optimum effectiveness during the day. That’s 56 hours a week.

Work: Most business professionals

actually work 56 hours a week considering the work performed in the evening and on weekends.

Eating: If we have 3 meals a day (2hours)

and 2 coffee or snack breaks (30 minutes), then over 7 days that totals 17.5-18 hours of eating per week.

Toilet: For all that goes in, some has to

come out. I measured the behaviour of hundreds of call centre workers over several years and one of the measures was toilet breaks. In a typical 8-hour shift, they took 24 minutes of toilet breaks. Assuming the same for non-work (but awake) time, the total is 48 mins per day, or 5h36mins/week. Add other things done in the toilet/bathroom such as

Shower/Teeth@ 12 mins each twice a day (24 mins) + 12mins grooming/day = 4h12m/week.That all totals 9 hrs 48mins, about 10 hours a week in the toilet.

Remainder: So we’re left with 28 hours

a week for ourselves and other activities such as relationships, kids, health, spirit and life. (When that’s not enough, we steal sleep).

ROI: Prioritise and Maximise the ROI of our

time against clear goals of Mind, Body and Spirit.

© 2011 Tim Wade -

Consequences of Inaction



To grow and feel fulfilled, there are

these areas, we must know what it

of goals and reasons why achieving

Period of inaction

Difference in results

© 2011 Tim Wade - The Great Goal-Getting Workshop

To grow and feel fulfilled, there are 12 main areas of life in which we must invest our time and energy . To achieve positive outcomes in these areas, we must know what it is we want to achieve and why.The Great Goal-Getting Workshop is a facilitated session through which participants create their list of goals and reasons why achieving those goals are so important.

© 2011 Tim Wade -

Overcoming Fear & Procrastination

Know Your BIG Goal Change Your& Why Mind…set

Specific, Clear Goals. Increase your Awareness.

Connect to purpose. Change your story.

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© 2011 Tim Wade -


the habit of doing things

that failuresdon’t like

to do.”Albert E. N. Gray, 1940

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