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Lake Hammock Village

Homeowners Association

Board of Directors 2011

Officers and Directors

President: Richard Gould 2012*

Vice Pres.: David Lennox 2012*

Secretary: Tammy Anthis 2012*

Treasurer: Reta Cramer 2012*

Director: Herman Biba 2011*

Director: Hank Marion 2011*

Director: Ron Plouffe 2011*

*Denotes term ends at the end of the noted year

Committee Chairs

Activities: Audrey Sontag 421-2221

Gator Tales: Tammy Anthis 353-1959

Phone Squad: Jane Biba 422-6531

Sunshine: Kay Levinson 422-8543

Welcome: Marilyn Smith 421-1018

“Gator Tales” is available online at:

December 2011

Unofficial Newsletter of Lake Hammock Village Tammy Anthis, Editor

The Unofficial Newsletter of Lake Hammock Village

Tammy Anthis, Editor

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Manager Notes


May the peace and joy of the holiday season be with you throughout the coming year.

The Halloween/Welcome Back Party hosted by Carl and Mary Morin was a great success. Many of the residents who attended came in some very ‘unique’ costumes! Lots of prizes were given out and all that attended raved about the party. Thank you Carl and Mary for a great party and we all hope to have you host more great events for the residents.

Our Annual Community Yard Sale was, as always, a very profitable one for the residents who sold items and for our HOA with the coffee & donuts, bake sale, hot dog sales and the items donated that were sold in the clubhouse. Thank you to Donna Hunt and Jim Fitch for doing a great job on organizing this function for us.

Finally our new poolside lounge chairs arrived along with a new table and 4 chairs. They are a very nice addition to our pool area and add a special touch with Lake Hammock Village and our Logo on each chair.


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The turquoise and zircon are the birthstones

Holly, narcissus, and poinsettia are the flowers

May you have the gladness of Christmas which is hope;

The spirit of Christmas which is peace;

The heart of Christmas which is love.

December was the tenth month in the early Roman calendar and takes its name from the

Latin word decem, which means ten. It became the twelfth month in a later Roman

calendar. In 46 B.C., the Roman statesman Julius Caesar added two days to December,

which before then had only 29 days.

Holidays in December

December 7th – National Pearl Harbor Remembrance Day,

commemorates the attack on Pearl Harbor, in Hawaii, during World War

II. Many American service men and women lost their lives or were injured

on December 7, 1941.

December 21st – Hanukkah, is the Jewish Feast of Lights or Feast of

Dedication. The Hebrew word Hanukkah (also written Hannuka;

Hanukah or Chanukah) means dedication. Hanukkah is an eight-day

Jewish observance that remembers the Jewish people's struggle for

religious freedom.

December 22nd – Winter Solstice, which is the point in the Earth's

revolution about the sun where the sun reaches its most southerly declination. This is the

shortest day of the year and marks the beginning of the official winter season.

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December 25th – Christmas is celebrated by millions of people all over

the world. For Christians, Christmas is a celebration of the birth of

Jesus Christ. In 1870, the U.S, Congress made it a secular federal

holiday. It is a holiday that is based on traditions; many traditions are

faith based while others have their own traditions. Though many people

celebrate Christmas in different ways, Christmas is a universal holiday

with many universal traditions that brings people and families together

in the spirit of giving and spending time with the ones they love.

December 26th - Kwanzaa is a week-long holiday

honoring African culture and traditions. It takes place from December

26 to January 1, a time that some African cultures called "the edges of

the time when the year meet" and is traditionally spent in celebration,

focus and assessment. The word Kwanzaa, sometimes, spelled Kwanza and

means "first fruits of harvest" in Swahili. Maulana Karenga, an African-

American leader, proposed this observance and it was first celebrated between December

1966 and January 1967.

December 26th - Boxing Day is a holiday celebrated in Britain, Australia, New Zealand,

and Canada. The traditional celebration of Boxing Day included giving money and other

gifts to charitable institutions, needy individuals, and people in service jobs. The holiday

may date from the Middle Ages (A.D. 400's-1500's), but the exact origin is unknown. It

may have begun with the lords and ladies of England, who presented

Christmas gifts in boxes to their servants on December 26. Or it may

have begun with priests, who opened the church's alms (charity)

boxes on the day after Christmas and distributed the contents to the


December 31st - One celebration that runs over into the next month,

and the next year as well, is New Year's Eve. This involves saying

good-bye to the old year and rejoicing in the new one. In the United States it is often

marked by fire-works, dropping a ball in Central Park, parties with dancing and snacks.


Safety Reminder: When walking or riding your bike in our park be sure you walk/ride

facing the traffic.

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Resident Directory The Resident Directory is in need of updating for 2012. Telephone numbers change with

greater frequency now that we have access to so many more methods of communication.

Please make sure we have your correct number or numbers to include in the directory. The

2012 directory will be finalized late in December and printed in January. Don't set this

aside to do later as December is closer than we'd like to admit! I can be reached via email

[email protected] or by telephone 863.588.1599 or by stopping by our home at 151

Glen Este Blvd. You could even put a note in our door if you don't want to knock.

Thank you, Lori Johnsen


Nominating Committee

The Lake Hammock Village Homeowners Association nominating committee is now working

to get a slate of potential candidates to fill positions on the Board of Directors for the

upcoming election at our January 2012 Annual meeting.

Please, take time to think of this opportunity so your voice can be heard and join the ranks

of the other volunteer officers/directors.

If you are interested in being a candidate for one of the positions on the Board or if you

know of anyone who might be interested, please contact, Herman Biba 422-6531 or

Marileigh Osborn 421-6289.


Christmas Tree

Ernie and his dad ventured into the woods to bring home a Christmas

tree. They walked for hours in the snow, examining every tree they

found. As the afternoon turned into evening, the temperature dropped

ten degrees and the wind began to blow. Still no tree. Finally, Ernie

piped up: "Listen Dad, I really think we'd better take the next tree we

see, whether it has lights on it or not!"


C & D Bus Tours

Several new bus tours (Treasure Tavern Dinner Show, Biloxi, Broadway Palms Dinner

Theater, Ringling Museum, and Key West) are posted on the clubhouse bulletin board. Be

sure and check them out and sign up for any that interest you.

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December 2011

1st Rosa Parks ignites bus boycott - 1955 16th Anniv. of Boston Tea Party - 1773

2nd National Fritters Day – 1665 1st 17th 1st airplane flies for 12 seconds at

recorded mention of the fritter 120 feet - 1903

3rd 1st human heart transplant - 1967 18th Bake Cookies Day

4th National Dice Day – An archeological dig 19th National Oatmeal Muffin Day

found dice that were 5,000 years old

5th Walt Disney born – 1901 20th Elvis Presley drafted - 1957

6th Washington Monument completed – 1884 21st 1st day of Hanukkah

7th Pearl Harbor bombed - 1941 22nd Thermometer invented – 1654

8th John Lennon shot/killed - 1980 23rd National Family Roots Day

9th 1st commercial Christmas card in 1843 24th National Eggnog Day

10th 1st Nobel Prize awarded – 1901 25th Christmas

11th National Noodle Ring Day 26th Boxing Day

12th GM phases out Oldsmobile – 2000 27th Radio City Music Hall opens -1932

13th 1st export of American Furs - 1621 28th American’s 1st Labor Day - 1869

14th South Pole Discovered - 1911 29th Bowling Ball invented - 1862

15th 1st 10 amendments to Constitution 30th Tiger Woods Birthday - 1975

including Bill of Rights ratified – 1791

31st New Year’s Eve & National

Champagne Day

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LHV December Happenings All the signup sheets for events are posted in the clubhouse.

The Activity Committee will gather at 2:00 PM on Thursday, December 1st in the clubhouse.

Monday, December 5th – Knife Sharpening – 10:00 AM-6:00 PM in the clubhouse.

Tuesday, December 6th will be the HOA Board meeting at 7:00 PM.

Ladies Lunch will be on Wednesday, December 7th at Pizza Bistro Arabella’s in

Winter Haven (346 W Central Ave). Carpooling at 11:30 AM.

Thursday, December 8th – carpool from clubhouse at 12:00 PM – New Store Hobby

Lobby Merchant’s Walk in Lakeland. Pick up crafts for the Holiday. Lunch afterwards – Chinese

December Craft – Tuesday, December 13th at 2:00 PM - A lovely poinsettia

trinket box is our December craft. You can give as a gift or save for yourself.

Tuesday, December 13th will be the HOA meeting at 7:00 PM.

Saturday, December 17th come and join other LHV residents for breakfast out at

R-Place Eatery, 35523 U.S. HWY 27N. Meet there at 8:30 AM.

Saturday, December 17th – Christmas Cantata in the clubhouse at 6:00 PM. Admission is a can

of food in each hand.

Birthdays and Anniversaries celebration is Sunday, December 18th at 6:30 PM

at the clubhouse followed by a movie at 7:00 PM.

Dining by the Book (Enjoyment Book) on Monday,

December 19th. Carpooling from clubhouse 4:30 PM.

Tuesday, December 20th find the Early Bird Diner’s at Macaroni Grill at

Lakeside Village. Carpool 4:30 PM..

Sunday, December 25th is our Christmas Potluck Dinner at 2 PM. Please bring a covered dish

enough to serve at least 8 people and your own tableware. The price for Guest &

Non Dues Paying HOA members will be: adults $4.00, children age 5-12 $2.00,

under age 5 free. You must pay 1 week ahead to Audrey Sontag (98 Reineke).

Hosts: Audrey Sontag, Joanne Marko, Betty Pall, Samantha Greenwell.

Friday, December 30th – Clubhouse closed Private Party

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DECEMBER 17, 2011, 6:00 P.M.









If you could help bake cookies for this event please sign

up at the clubhouse.

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Our food donations from the Lake Hammock Village 2011 Christmas Cantata “Candles, Carols,

Cookies and Cans” will be given to “A House Blest”. A House Blest is a community based program located

in Haines City. It opened its doors for the first time in January 2008 and began immediately assisting

Polk county citizens with food and clothing needs.

A little background of “A House Blest”. Our own Cathy Mullison was in a Bible Study group at her local

church. God had given her a burden to “help others”. She knew there were several homeless people

around her church. After a troubled and distraught childhood, she found herself in dire need of help.

She prayed to God that “if you take care of me, I will help take care of others”. She said, “I

knew there were hungry people out there”. “There was a lot of talk and no action”. At that point

she called a meeting of the Bible Study group and others who were business savvy to put into place a

“food pantry for the hungry”. She knew people were willing to help but no one wanted to “start it”, she

had a good response from her church. They started in a garage, which people worked to clean out and set

up the “food pantry”, they quickly outgrew the garage and then moved to a house on the church property,

where they are now located. The mission always has a need for helpers and donations of non-perishable

food items and/or cash.

Approximately 2 years ago Cathy Mullison started to “Bake Bread for the Hungry”. AS OF



A HOUSE BLEST 114 South Second Street Haines City FL 33844 Hours: M and F from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. Phone: (863) 421-9115 A few statistics: A House Blest-At the end of October 2011 2,576 Families registered 459 Families served 56 New families registered 1,616 Total people served 12,079 Total pounds food distributed 26.3 Average pounds of food per family $11.78 Average cost for food per family $5,129.95 Funds expended for the month 9 Days open

This article prepared by Cathy Strohmaier and please give generously with your cans of food.

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Ghosts and goblins descended on Lake Hammock Village’s Club House on November 5, 2011 for our Snowbird Welcome Back/Halloween Party. The residents showed their creative abilities with some fabulous costumes. There were over 20 costumes displayed, none of which were the same. The evening started with a big Welcome Back to our

Snowbirds letting them know that they were greatly missed. A special thank you was sent out to all the businesses and residents who donated prizes and gifts which included: Larry and Lorraine Dezinski, Brian Lund, Pete and June Evans, Bob Evans Restaurant, The End Zone Restaurant, R Place Eatery, DK’s Donuts, Denny’s Restaurant and McDonald’s Restaurant. Special thanks were also given to Steven and Chrissy Dean and Pauline and Art McKay for their donation of the beer, to Pete and Helen Shevlin for their donation of the wine, to David and Phyllis Lennox for their donation of the treat bags and to Betty Rhoades for her help at the door with tickets. To loosen up the crowd and help them overcome their dancing shyness, the evening started with a new dance called the “Balloon Dance.” Residents filled the dance floor with a balloon tied around one ankle and stomped out each other’s balloon to the classic music played by DJ Ron. The resident who was able to hold on to her balloon the longest was Raggedy Ann Helen Shevlin who danced away with a prize. The residents then helped themselves to the wide array of food provided by Carl and Mary Morin. While the residents enjoyed their snacks, it was time to test their trivia knowledge on Halloween TV shows and

Horror movies. Answering 10 of the 14 questions, the Halloween trivia expert was Nanci Emery who received a gift for all her ghostly knowledge. After residents showed off their dance moves, it was time to judge all of the beautifully hand-crafted costumes. The residents who did not wear costumes for the evening had a very difficult challenge trying to pick out first and second place. First place was chosen without a doubt, however second place was not so easy. After a tie breaker round, it was time to hand out the prizes. First prize went to Skeleton Jane Lallier and Second prize went to Pete Evans, a/k/a Dirty Ol’ Man. Both received a pin and a prize for their costumes. Throughout the evening guests played a game guessing on the amount of candies in a large jar. The resident who showed the greatest guessing skills guessing 1202 candies out of 1238 candies was Ira Ladyman who received a gift. Throughout the evening residents continued to enjoy music, many door prize drawings, and great company. Among other great gifts won, Joanne Marko also won the 50/50 draw. The Polk County Humane Society will receive a donation of $50.00 from this party and it will be donated on behalf of the “Residents of Lake Hammock Village.” Thank you to everyone who participated in this event. There is a photo album in the Club House on the information shelf that you can view. I will not be sponsoring the New Year’s Eve gathering since that will be taken care of by our Activities Committee. Happy Holidays to All Our Friends at Lake Hammock Village!!!

Carl and Mary Morin

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What shall we do with the Legal Fund?

All funds now in the HOA savings account are designated as a Legal Fund and annually all

money in the checking account in excess of $2,000 MUST BE TRANSFERRED TO THE

LEGAL FUND. These funds are not available for any purpose other than legal matters.

At the 2012 HOA annual meeting we, the voting members of the HOA, have an opportunity

to decide the future of the legal fund. There are many possible choices available including

leaving the present rules in place, eliminating the legal fund, and everything in between.

This is a very important decision and will take careful consideration. The annual meeting

may be difficult, confusing, and time consuming.

The Board of Directors presented their proposals at the November HOA meeting

(included on next page) All members should have an equal chance to present their ideas to

the membership.

To avoid chaos and simplify the process, I would like to offer a chance to have all or most

proposals reduced to writing and printed in the January 2012 issues of The Gator Tales

and handed out at the annual meeting.

I am asking that anyone with a proposal concerning the legal fund contact me to arrange a

meeting to discuss their suggestions and reduce them to writing. This will allow members

to review all proposals before voting on any of them. Motions would still be allowed from

the floor at the meeting, and amendments could still be made at the meeting.

Please contact me at 130 Silver Crest Drive, (863) 422-5902, or [email protected].

Your cooperation will be greatly appreciated.

Dick Gould

HOA President

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HOA Board Proposals

At the November 2011 Board meeting the legal fund was discussed. The Board will be

proposing the following motions at the 2012 annual meeting. This and all other motions will

be open for amendments and discussion at the annual meeting.

1. The Board of Directors recommends to the Annual Meeting that the

Legal Fund as established by the 2002 Annual Meeting be amended to

provide for a maximum Dedicated Legal Fund of $8,000 plus accrued


2. The Board of Directors recommends to the Annual Meeting that

$2,000 from the current Legal Fund be transferred to a new

Emergency Fund and that the use of the new Emergency Fund be

determined from time to time by the Board of Directors.

3. That all remaining funds in the current Legal Fund be transferred to

current year’s budget.


Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

We're wishing you a Christmas

Full of laughter, love and light,

With delicious holiday foods

To excite your appetite.

We're hoping you receive

Delightful gifts to make you smile,

With family and friends

To love you all the while.

We wish you a Merry Christmas;

May your Christmas dreams come true,

And when Christmas is over,

Happy New Year, too!

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We are excited to share that some caring residents in LHV, who believe in

the POWER OF PRAYER, have implemented a Prayer Team for our residents

and their immediate family, via email and phone (if you don’t have email).

If you would like to be part of the Prayer Team please contact Cathy Strohmaier at

[email protected] or 863-419-2699 (home) or 863-295-2358 (cell).

If you would like for us pray for you or a family member, please let me know. It will be

sent to the Prayer Team (via e-mail or phone) here in LHV to pray for your needs.

If you want to be a Prayer Team Partner and be added to the Team list, please email me or

give me a call.

If you are not familiar with the Prayer Team concept, please let me know and it will be my

privilege to address your comments/concerns/questions.

Every effort will be made that any information received in a prayer request will be kept in

strictest confidence. Only generalities will be given in the prayer request when it is e-

mailed or phoned to the Prayer Team.

Thank you

Cathy Strohmaier

----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Long before it was used as a "kiss encourager" during the

Christmas season, mistletoe had long been considered to have

magic powers by Celtic and Teutonic peoples. It was said to have

the ability to heal wounds and increase fertility. Celts hung

mistletoe in their homes in order to bring themselves good luck

and ward off evil spirits.

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2 Singing 3 Santa's helpers 4 Where Santa lives 6 Celebration 7 Hung by the chimney 9 Shown bright in sky 11 Christ born in one

12 He was stingy 14 Kiss under it 15 Wrote "A Christmas Carol" 18 Festive drink 21 Gifts 23 Religious songs 24 Christmas berry 26 Has a shiny red nose

27 Jesus born here 29 Mary rode this

DOWN 1 Said "God bless us everyone" 2 December 25th 3 Pine tree 5 Was born in a manger 8 Decorations

9 Santa's sled 10 Elves are busy there 13 Santa slides down it 16 They pull Santa's sled 17 Magi 19 Hangs on door 22 Tends sheep 25 Animal ridden in desert

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Sick List

Please keep these people in your thoughts and prayers:

Olive Craighton – Consulate Rehab Irene LoBello – Southern Gardens

Elsie Torpey – Home Jim Welch – New Hampshire – heart surgery

Nov. 29th

If you know of anyone that is sick or in the hospital please let Kay Levinson

(422-8543) know so she can get a card to them.

In Memoriam

Our condolences to the family and friends!

Ken Riley – past resident of 119 Silver Crest

_______________________________________________________ Thanks for all the cards, flowers, and prayers during my

surgery and hospital stay. Thanks to Walter Strohmaier,

Pastor J and our many friends for their many visits and


Doris Rockwell


I would like to thank everyone who worked the garage sale. Also thanks to Walter

Strohmaier for picking up merchandise after the sale.

Thank you everyone,

Donna Hunt


"As frequent visitors to the pool area, we would like to extend a Great Big Thank You to

the owners of Lake Hammock Village for the new lounge chairs. They are beautiful and we

do appreciate the new furniture. THANK YOU!!! Carl and Mary Morin"



We at Faith in Action want to express our sincere appreciation for all the friends at Lake

Hammock Village for your generosity in donating the goods from your yard sale. Faith in

Action ministers to children in Haiti and only Eternity will reveal the Blessing you have


Thank you again,

Bill Burch, Vice President

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Faith in Action Ministries, Inc.

I would like to thank Mary & Carl for introducing an evening of fun and surprises. The

costumes were unbelievable and wow all that wonderful food and ambience – You guys did

an awesome job.


Audrey Sontag


A big Thank You to all of you who made “Sharing Christmas With You” for the children of

Haines City a success. As we walked and knocked on your door, you were so generous in

your giving to this worthy cause. Thanks for the unwrapped toys also. Those who gave of

their time were: Mary Ann Donovan, Kay Levinson, Nancy Roy, Joanne Marko, Lori Boran,

Helen Shevlin, Audrey Sontag, Margaret Conley, Barb Cowles, and Betty Rhoades.

We donated $775.40 to the Haines City Parks and Recreation Dept.


Betty Rhoades


Needed Although we have a few people hosting our Christmas Dinner, I would appreciate it if two

other people would volunteer to help with cleaning up. This is a great day but requires a

lot of work, so please volunteer to help. Call Audrey Sontag – 421-2221

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1st May Cook

1st Sharon Greenfield

4th Michael Huber

6th Doris Rockwell

7th Christine Dean

9th Mary Raymond

10th Pauline Atteridge

10th Hazel VanDyke

11th Scott Cameron

12th Judy Loy

12th Georgiana Palmer

16th Barry Anthis

16th Pete Evans

18th Sue Pickard

19th Rebecca Allred

19th Ron Cowles

December Anniversaries

2nd Robert & Elsie Torpey

34 years

4th Stephen & Christine Dean

2 years

10th Bob & Debbie Renka

23 years

20th Richard & Florence Browning

50 years

19th Jack McQuade

20th Willard Davidson

21st Vito Destefano

21st David Lennox

23rd Helen Vernon

24th Earla Herring

24th Kay Levinson

25th Greg Schamerloh

25th Marilyn Smith

25th James Welch

26th Jerry Buttler

27th Florine Mackey

28th Betty Pall

28th Steve Pierce

29th David Butcher

31st Pat Marotti

22nd Terry & Renee DeJane

39 years

23rd Wayde & Emily Marshall

23 years

24th Fred & Judie Bott

26 years

28th Gary & Earla Herring

48 years

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December LHV Volunteers

Please, take the opportunity when we see them to say thanks

Tammy Anthis – Bingo, Gator Tales

Andy & Nancy Belski – Line Dance Instructors, Gator Tales

Herman Biba – Nominating Committee

Jane Biba – Bingo

KZ Bowden - Bingo

Margaret & Jack Conley – Wednesday Morning Coffee

Ron & Barb Cowles – Wednesday Morning Coffee

Lorraine Dezinski – Bingo

Judy Dixon - Bingo

Mary Ann Donovan – Gator Tales

Nanci & Lee Emery - Wednesday Morning Coffee

Jim Fitch – Yard Sale

Donna Hunt – Yard Sale

Lori Johnsen - Thanksgiving Meal

Bee Koenig – Bingo

Joyce Ladyman – Bingo

Kay Levinson – Sunshine Committee

Karen Loveall – Bingo

Bob Marotti – Bible Study Leader

Mary & Carl Morin – Welcome Back Dance

Marileigh Osborn - Nominating Committee

George & Georgiana Palmer - Wednesday Morning Coffee, Bingo

Bill & Karen Patelunas – Wednesday Morning Coffee

Betty Rhoades – 50/50 Ticket sales

David & Mary Schnopp – Clubhouse Librarians

Marilyn Smith –Welcome Committee

Richard & Marian Spiegel – Gator Tales

Walter Strohmaier – Hospital Visitation

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(For more information call Parks & Recreation Department 421-3700)

Farmers Market: Every Wednesday at Railroad Park

Friday, December 2nd: Movies in the Park, Lake Eva Park 8-10 PM

Saturday, December 10th: Christmas Parade 10 AM

Glitter, Glisten & Snow 1-9 PM Lake Eva Park

Lakeridge Winery

Wine and Chocolate is the theme for this very special event at this seasonal time of year.

Local Artists and Crafters are invited to display their work. Enjoy live music by incredible

bands on outdoor stage throughout the entire weekend. Lakeridge wine, beer, soft drinks

and a variety of food will be available for purchase, along with complimentary Winery tours

and tasting. $2 donation

Dec 10, 2011 10:00 am - 05:00 pm

Dec 11, 2011 11:00 am - 05:00 pm


Snowing is a month long Winter Wonderland Spectacular featuring strolling Charles

Dickens Carolers, photos with Santa, horse drawn carriage rides, the Celebration Express

train, and nightly snowfall at 6:00, 7:00, 8:00 and 9:00 PM. Parking and admission are

free. Celebration is conveniently located between Highway 192 and interstate 4 near Walt

Disney World.

The ice rink will be open daily from 4:00-10:00 PM through January 2nd – Make sure to ask

about Resident Skate Passes or multiple-day skate passes for guests.

In addition to the everyday fun at Now Snowing Nightly, join us for the Orlando Sentinel

Celebration of Voices on December 3rd and you can catch a special Radio Disney Holiday

concert and filled with surprise performances on December 10th.

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Lakeland Center- My Fair Lady – December 2nd at 7:30 PM - $47

A Rockin’ Christmas – December 15th at 2:30 & 7:30 PM - $42, $47, $125

Rain A Tribute to the Beatles – December 7th at 7:30 PM - $45, $56

Loretta Lynn – December 9th at 7:30 PM - $32.50-$67.50

Sandi Patty – December 16th at 8:00 PM - $32.50-$62.50

Moscow Ballet’s Great Russian Nutcracker – December 29th at 7:30 PM

Florida Southern College (111 Lake Hollingsworth Drive) – “Tartuffe”

Nov. 17th, 18th, 19th at 7:30 PM; Nov. 20th at 2:30 PM

Harrison School for the Arts (750 Hollingsworth Rd) –

White Christmas – Nov. 10th – 12th at 7:30 PM Nov. 13th at 2:00 PM

Symphony Orchestra Concert – Nov. 17th at 7:30 PM


White Christmas Broadway Show - December 2-4, 9-11, 16-18

Friday & Saturday at 7:30pm, Sunday at 2pm. Admission: Adult $21.00, Seniors $18.00

Osceola Center for the Arts 2411 E. Irlo Bronson Memorial Hwy, Kissimmee, FL 34744

Gaylord Palms Resort (6000 W. Osceola Parkway) - ICE! - November 16th – Jan 2nd ICE!

Adult $22.99, SNOW! Adult $17.99-$20.99, SNOW! & ICE! Adult $34.98-$41.98

Winter Haven

Theatre Winter Haven - It’s a Wonderful Life - December 1 - 19, 2011

Thursdays - Saturdays at 7:30 pm, Sundays at 2:30 pm with Sunday (12/11) at 7:30 pm & Saturday (12/17) at 2:30 pm

Light Up The Lakes - The 2011 Chain of Lakes Christmas Boat Parade will take place on

Saturday, December 3 beginning at 6:30 p.m. on Lake May. The parade will circle

counterclockwise in Lakes Shipp, May, Howard and Cannon.

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New Residents

Welcome to our community!

Gord & Kathy Arsenault – 156 Glen Este Blvd. They are from Ontario, Canada.


Annual Association Dues

The annual association dues must be paid by January 7, 2012. In order to vote for the election of Board

members or any other motions (legal fund) at the January meeting you must be a member in good

standing and the amount owed is $15. Please pay your dues to Rita Crammer at 189 Glen Este Blvd.



36106 Highway 27 Haines City, Florida (863) 421-5764

[email protected]

Lake Hammock Village Residents – Bring us a buying customer and receive $100.00

Office Hours Sales Staff

Monday thru Friday * 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM Judy * Cell (863) 325-6846

Saturday * 11:00 AM to 3:00 PM Renee * Cell (863) 242-5400

Closed Sundays and Holidays

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Newsletter Information

All newsletters can be viewed in color on the web site at

(click on Lake Hammock at bottom of page). Just a reminder any information for Gator

Tales needs to be submitted to me by the 20th of every month. If you have any

questions or suggestions about the Gator Tales please contact me in person, by phone

or in writing. I am always looking for ways to improve the newsletter.

Tammy Anthis (Editor) Gator Tales Staff:

(863) 353-1959 Andy & Nancy Belski

50 Sargent St Mary Ann Donovan

[email protected] Richard & Marion Spiegel

Page 23: 2011-12_Lake_Hammock_Village_Newsletter


Why keep aspirin by your bedside?

There are other symptoms of a heart attack besides the pain on the left

arm. One must also be aware of an intense pain on the chin, as well as

nausea and lots of sweating, however these symptoms may also occur less frequently.

Note: There may be NO pain in the chest during a heart attack.

The majority of people (about 60%) who had a heart attack during their sleep did not wake

up. However, if it occurs, the chest pain may wake you up from your deep sleep.

If that happens, immediately dissolve two aspirins in your mouth and swallow them

with a bit of water (Bayer is making crystal aspirin to dissolve under the tongue. They

work much faster than the tablets).

Afterwards: Call 911

– say “heart attack!”

– say that you have taken 2 aspirins

– phone a neighbor or a family member who lives close by

– take a seat on a chair or sofa near the front door, and wait for their arrival and…


Just a suggestion: purchase a box, keep one in your car, pocketbook, wallet, bedside


It’s Here! The Enjoyment Book

The Enjoyment Book is still $30 for a year’s two for one specials that include dining,

sports events, and services. It’s available at 67 Sargent St., either cash or checks made

out to L.H.V. Any questions please call Marilyn Smith at 421-1018.


Could you please save ALL of your plastic lids to put into the square plastic box in the Club

House? 500 of these lids (any shape or size) help 1 child have 1 treatment. These lids go

to the National Leukemia Society. Thank you. Mary Ann Donovan

Page 24: 2011-12_Lake_Hammock_Village_Newsletter

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Page 25: 2011-12_Lake_Hammock_Village_Newsletter


Lake Hammock Village Homeowner’s Association

Homeowner’s Association Meeting, Minutes

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Board Members in Attendance: All members present

I. Call to Order: President called the meeting to order at 7:00 PM followed by a Flag

Salute. Welcomed all the snowbirds back and thanked everyone for coming to the

Welcome Back Dance.

II. Previous Minutes:

a) Motion to approve October 11, 2011 minutes as posted. Motion carried.

III. Treasurer’s Report

a) Treasurer’s report read. As of October 1, 2011 account balance $2,724.55 in

checking. Activity for October: expenses - $87.96, income (share wealth & dues) -

$109 for a balance of $2,745.59 as of November 1, 2011. Savings Account


b) Motion to accept Treasurer’s Report. Motion carried.

IV. Manager’s Report:

a) Welcomed back all Winter Residents.

b) Control Burn is scheduled for November. Will be a one day event.

c) 15 New Lounge Chairs for the pool area. Any resident that would like one of the old

ones should let her know.

d) Mulch/Wood is being replaced around the clubhouse.

e) Status of break-in – This is still an open case

f) CAP – letters were mailed out to those interested so the process has begun

g) Please turn in copies of our drivers licenses to the office for the HUD report.

V. Officers’ Report

a) President: We have 31 surveys turned in so far. If you haven’t turned it in please

do. At any time you may put any suggestions in the box.

VI. Committee Reports:

a) FMO: George Palmer reported that there is an updated version of FS723 which is

available online from the Fl Department of Business & Professional Regulations,

there were some significant changes. Negotiations between FMO and FMHA (Fl

Manufactured Housing Association). FMO membership is dwindling and needs to be

built up. If interested in joining talk to George Palmer.

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b) Activities: Questions were asked about the charge for Thanksgiving Meal this

year. This will be starting this year (2011).

c) Sunshine: Eight cards were sent out: 2 sympathy and 6 get well.

d) Statutory Committee: They met with the owners/manager on October 20th.

It was a very productive & positive meeting. The owners want to work with us

and keep rent increases to a minimum.Security was discussed.

e) Yard Sale: Yard sale is in good shape. Thanked everyone for helping out. Items to

be collected after the yard sale for a mission outreach program Faith in Action.

f) Enjoyment Books: The 2012 books are in and will have them available for $30.

g) Plastic Tops: A container on the counter to collect all sizes of plastic lids. 500

caps provide one Leukemia treatment.

h) Sharing Christmas With You – A box is in the clubhouse for donation of toys. The

ladies will be around this month to collect cash donations.

i) Christmas Cantata - This event will be on Saturday, Dec. 17th at 6:00 PM in the

clubhouse. Admission is a can of food in each hand which will be donated to a

Haines City organization: A House Blessed. There will be four churches

participating as well as some local talent.

j) Welcome Back Dance: Thanked everyone for coming and it was a great success.

VII. Old Business:

a) Legal Fund – Read the recommendations from the HOA Board: These are printed

on page 12 of December Gator Tales. Other resolutions or amendments to these

motions can be made at the 2012 annual meeting. Then all the dues paying members

will vote on the final resolution at the Jan. 2012 meeting. Discussion followed.

2012 Proxy form will list the things we will be voting on and will cover all business

issues brought before the annual meeting. If you sign a proxy, and have your 2012

dues payed you are giving another person the right to vote on all issues for you.

2012 dues will need to be paid by January 7, 2012 in order to vote at the 2012

Annual Meeting.

b) Nominating Committee – Reported they have 3 candidates but would like more.

VIII. New Business:

a) Prayer Chain – announced that we would be starting a prayer chain in Lake

Hammock Village.

IX. Motion to close meeting.

Meeting adjourned at 8:30 pm.

Respectfully submitted by, Secretary LHV HOA

Page 27: 2011-12_Lake_Hammock_Village_Newsletter

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Page 28: 2011-12_Lake_Hammock_Village_Newsletter


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Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday

1 8:00 AM

Men's Breakfast 2:00 PM



7:00 PM Bingo

2 9:00 AM

Water Aerobic

10:00 AM Shuffleboard

11:00 AM Line Dance


2:00 Water Aerobics


5 9:00 AM

Water Aerobics 10:00 AM

Shuffleboard 10 – 6 Knife


7:00 PM Men's Poker

6 9:00 AM

Bible Study

2:00 Water Aerobics 7:00 PM



7 8:15 Coffee 9:00 Aerobics 11:30 AM

Ladies Lunch

2:00 Wii 7:00 Dominoes

Men’s Poker

8 8:00 AM

Men's Breakfast 12:00 PM



7:00 PM Bingo

9 9:00 AM

Water Aerobics

10:00 AM Shuffleboard

11:00 AM

Line Dance


2:00 Water Aerobics


12 9:00 AM

Water Aerobics

10:00 AM Shuffleboard

7:00 PM

Men's Poker

13 9:00 AM

Bible Study

2:00 PM


7:00 PM




8:15 Coffee

9:00 Aerobics

2:00 Wii

7:00 Dominoes Men’s Poker

15 8:00 AM

Men's Breakfast

2:00 PM

Games &


7:00 PM Bingo

16 9:00 AM

Water Aerobics

10:00 AM Shuffleboard

11:00 AM Line Dance

17 8:30 AM


R- Place


2:00 Water Aerobics 6:00 PM




6:30 PM




7:00 PM


19 9:00 AM

Water Aerobics 10:00 AM

Shuffleboard 4:30 PM

Dining By


7:00 PM Men's Poker

20 9:00 AM

Bible Study

2:00 Water Aerobics

4:30 PM

Early Bird



8:15 Coffee

9:00 Aerobics

2:00 Wii

7:00 Dominoes Men’s Poker


8:00 AM

Men's Breakfast

2:00 PM

Games &


23 9:00 AM

Water Aerobics

10:00 AM Shuffleboard

11:00 AM Line Dance


2:00 Water



2:00 PM



26 9:00 AM

Water Aerobics

10:00 AM


7:00 PM Men's Poker

27 9:00 AM

Bible Study

2:00 Water Aerobics

6:30 PM




8:15 Coffee

9:00 Aerobics

2:00 Wii

7:00 Dominoes

Men’s Poker


8:00 AM

Men's Breakfast

2:00 PM

Games &



9:00 AM

Water Aerobics

10:00 AM Shuffleboard



Private Party


2:00 Water Aerobics
