
Subject: Pharmacology Topic: Dermatologic Pharmacology 2 Lecturer: Dra. Dela Cruz Date of Lecture: 22/7/11 Transcriptionist: ior Editor: ior Pages: 8

Antiseptics / Disinfectants Antisepsis application of chemical agents that inhibit growth and multiplication of microorganisms in living tissues to prevent infection applied to the skin surface or mucous membrane generally static

Lower concentration is necessary for use as Antiseptics to avoid adverse effects e.g. 3%-6% H2O2 for cleansing wounds >30% H202 for use as bleaching and oxidizing agent ** Those with high concentrations are used as disinfectants to avoid adverse reaction Types of Antiseptics/Disinfectants 1. Alcohol (may either be): Ethyl alcohol Isopropyl alcohol

Disinfection application of chemical agents to inhibit the growth or kill microorganisms in inanimate objects usually stronger and too toxic to be used in living tissues generally cidal Sterilization Chemical or physical process that completely destroys or remove all types of microorganisms including spores and viruses with a low probability of survival General Uses: 1. Cleansing of skin and wound surfaces after injury 2. Preparation of skin surface prior to injection or surgical procedures 3. Routine disinfection of body cavities E.g. bladder, urethra, vagina 4. Treatment of mouth and throat infection 5. Surgical scrub 6. Hand sanitizers (usually contain antiseptic)

Spectrum of activity: Bacteria, mycobacteria, fungi and lipophilic viruses No activity against spores and hydrophilic viruses Not effective for sterilization

Mechanism of Action: cause cell membrane damage and rapid denaturation of proteins

Uses: Applied to the skin prior to injections For hard surface disinfection no residual action because they evaporate completely drying effect on the skin, may be alleviated by adding emollients or moisturizers to the formulation highly flammable 30-90% concentration for antimicrobial activity 70% is optimum concentration for antiseptic purposes at
