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Focus of the Discussion Focus of the Discussion

What is Review of Literature ? (Apakah Review Sastera )

Purpose of Review of Literature (Tujuan Review Sastera)

Sources of literature (Sumber sastera )

Tyle of References (Rujukan)

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What is Literature ReviewWhat is Literature Review

A Literature review is a critical and in depth evaluation of previous research.

It is one kind of summary of previous research on a topic.

The review traditionally provides a historical overview of the theory and the research literature.

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What is Literature Review (Contd)What is Literature Review (Contd)

A literature review is an account of what has been published on a topic by accredited scholars and researchers.

It serves as well to support the argument/proposition behind your thesis, using evidence drawn from experts in your research field.

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Importance of Literature Importance of Literature ReviewReview

to justify your choice of research question and theoretical or conceptual framework

to establish the importance of the topicto provide background information

needed to understand the studyto show readers you are familiar with

significant and/or up-to-date research relevant to the topic;

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Sources of Literature ReviewSources of Literature Review

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Writing of Reference in Text Writing of Reference in Text

A s study was conducted by Hannum (2002) on rural Gansu. The author revealed that though parents are interested in giving equal opportunities in education but it is even more useful for boys. The study demonstrated that spending on a daughter’s education was a heavy economic burden for rural poor family.

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Writing of Reference in (Contd)Writing of Reference in (Contd)

Similarly in Pakistan, Alderman et al. (1996a) examined the factors that affect the gender gap in education. The author noted that distance to schools is a more important factor for girls than boys, perhaps because parents fear exposing their daughters to moral or physical peril

For some parents, schools are even viewed as places that influence girls’ purity (Brixiova et al., 2001).

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Reference Using Conference Reference Using Conference PaperPaper

Siddhanta, S., and D. Nandy. (2003). Gender gap in education: A Fresh Exploration. Confer ence Paper. World Bank, Washing ton, D.C.

Sultana, A. M., Jawan, J. A. (2005). Social cultural obstacles in women’s education and empowerment in rural Bangladesh. 1st East Asian International Conference on Human and Social Development , 12-14 November 2005, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

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Reference Using Journal Reference Using Journal

Alderman, H., Behrman, J., Ross, D & Sabot, R., (1996). Decomposing the Gender Gap in Cognitive Skills in a Poor Rural Economy. Journal of Human Resources. 32 (1), 229–254.

Cassidy, M. L & Warren, B.O (1996). Family Employment and Gender Role Attitude. Gender and Society, 10, 312-330.

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Reference Using Book Reference Using Book Bakr, N. (1994). Problems Faced By

Women Journalists In Bangladesh, In Firdous Azim And Niaz Zaman (Eds.), Infinite Variety, Dhaka, University Press Ltd., Pp. 319-321.

Bhasin, K. (1994).What Is Patriarchy? Raj Press, New Delhi. India.

Blau, P. & Duncan O.D. (1967). The American Occupational Structure. New York: John Wiley.


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Reference Using Thesis Reference Using Thesis Alcantara, A.N (1990). Gender

Differentiation: Public vs Private Power in Family Decision-Making in the Philippines. Ph.D Thesis. University Of Hawaii, USA. (Unpublished)

Begum, R., (1998). A Comparative Study on the Status of Awareness and Potential of Credit Receiver and Credit non-receiver Rural Women in Selected Areas of Dinajpur District of Bangladesh. Masters Thesis. Bangladesh Agricultural University, Mymenshingh. Bangladesh. (Unpublished)

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Reference Using Government Reference Using Government

Publications Publications BBS. (1998). Bangladesh Bureau

of Statistics.Tembon, M. & Al-Samarrai, S.

(1999). Who gets primary schooling and why? Evidence of gender inequalities within families in Guinea. Working Paper 85, Institute of Development Studies, Brighton

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Reference Using Reference Using Internet Internet

Available at:

n/en/ev.phpAvailable at: .

Available at
