Page 1: · 2007. 1. 23. · Dr. Henry E. munity expero and social en-gineer, emphasized the impor-tance, of-training vouth for


Winter, Park Florida Thursday, February 3, 1921 NUMBER

Election1'Tom Officers

New Ma^or and Three NewAldermen Elected. FormerTown Clerk and MarshalWin Over their Opponent?.

The annual election passed offquietly at the Town H-ill < nTuesday and the following offi ••cers were elected:

Mayor for term of one year.E. F. Keezel; Clerk, ex-officioTreasurer and Tax Assessor for

Attract Manya. huudre-:I -people are Emmineat Lecturer aad Writ- Students Will Take Part In AllOver

playing daily ov.oj"*.tjie CountryClub links and great interest isbeing shown in tiie tournamentsnow being- arranged. At thejmedal handicap' 'tournament on jSaturday there were 35 entries,!C. R. Poison and C. R. Myeri ' Dr. Charles Utj\on Clark, fortiwinning second.

lulls Sports I

.er Formerly Head of Acad-emy of Rome will Address.Community Forum, a tKnowles Hall Next SundayAfternoon, February 6th.

Water Stunts at Tampa NextWeek. Many Entries forBrown Rowing Cup Trcphy. Alumni Enthusiastic.

An old Rollins tradition is tobe revived this year and revived

-ing -for first, and & S. Meyer j mt-rly the head or ihe American nu-mly through the efforts ofinning second. j Academy ut Fume and a on" of the freshmen, Miss HelenAt Monday'Sfe putting and ap- longtime stuj-n- of the Latin ll-IIay. Marry-years *ag£K-it was

of EieatsF«p Founders f e e l

^ tpreaching tournament, H. E. Civilizations of Sout' era Eur-' the castom for Rollinsto put on

term of one year, Dudley Ma;- B shop and Mrs. T. H. West, I op.c,_will deh 'er an address n>.xt an exhibition water event at thei d

centers : l a n A :m^ into an. a- •speaks fiutu £

thews i guests at Virginia Inn won with Sunday afternoon on the theme SMarshal, for term of one year, i a t o tal of 9 and 10 respectively. "The Last W"Jrd rrom Italy." 1 and

D, C. Qverstreet. Aldermen for!term of two years, F. W. Shep- iherd, W. H. z and PolandEarz-e. t tee-

Mrs. C L. Smith, Philip Tale j This week interest:and W. B. Tayl- r acted as in-i ' u the Ladies handicapspectors and B. A. Bradshawas cleric.

The men chosen have lite con-fidence of the community and ageneral satis-faction se-:mei ap-parent- on the? QU eome-uf theelection.

^ Florida Fair in Tampasg successful were these

prize was a half dozen golf J 'Dr. Clark, from a long resi-'events that Col. T. J. L. Browns to each, given by E. W. I dehce in Italy and from his re fthtu president of the Fair Asso

of the Greens Commit- j "Cent" vivid experience d-!au ou-Jciat oa, do'Bated a beautiful sii-writer with the Ital-j ver cap, known as the 'Brown

thd_ gfeur/ war, ^lOMBgCuj (now in the Southhand niioi Vfih-, of the' college library} to

miimate o& r'-weirfbr annuallvt"by thestudenss at Me''-Tampanv"~ renuains of the old

rnent on Friday.THE M BN

; mation

S HANDICAP:,at the Winter i t h i s

will takePark Country Clubplace February 11th to VJllciusive. ^.

Entry iist will be posted a t - o f ^Club House. Feb. oth. T h e . * 6

Committee will require;from each participant not ies";;than three scorea.of play on the I a

Ifc'-nole course, and would appre- j s

and with * an

ij,eofhis;hlTg tflVni.

s .loisf'U'l* the eigut-oared shells, which were: The s aoisr tuY the occasionwill be Alt lame" Rubina E _vi- u^ed at that time, may -still beBrooks, who -ft'ilil-end^r a Jioup seen'at the boan hofise on'Lake

.n ^ongs^in keeping with5- theme.

in this

\ Plans for the 1921 Poundej'sWeek,, wbfeh have been raeentlrsnnenneedr isJfeate that this por-tion of the eoilege calendareclipse snytMag of the kind yetheld. To Rollins and Winter Ps,rkPounder's We©k includes the nn-merdus events which are usuallyassociated w i t h CommencementWeek at other institutions-, exceptthat in Florida *5fc eomes at a time•when the temperature encouragesrather than hinders the attendanceof many who flock to the center ofthe state for the fractions sched-uled. First and foremost, the pur-pose of Founder's Week is to serveas an annual "home-coming'' forthe alumni and other Boll-insfriends in general and for that rea*-son the events are grouped aroundAlumni Bay. This year the cele-bration begins-on'-Friday, Feb. 25,and-extends through Monday, Feb.28th.

The first eveot of the exercisescommemorating the 36th anniver-


(Palm Beach Life)Contrary to the usual order of

things, thp Royal Poinciaua Ho-tel swunq »Ide itb portal-! ihi.-year to ail ait a p.irty ot-'some

ssix hundred visitors in addiiionto the regular season t u b-tb v\ hipre >v,tjT, to assemble £oi\t'fiist dintier aL» it gave th<- hihotel a real mid season atmosphere on the opening da-..Among the first to register ntthe Pp-inciaiia were Or. and MrsGeorge Morgan Ward,' wincame from Winter Park. Flor-ida, where Dr. Ward's duties a;president of Rollins Collegehave kept them for severa;months past, and they'a right royal welcome from theiifriends when they arrived. Theypassed the summer months aitheir home in Massachusetts an>spent several wneks in Ashevilie. N. C., in November. J-summer spent, in the open, witmuch tima devoted to gardening. 'was a real recreation uwell as a delightful pastime tfboth Dr. and Mrs. Wmv uv-neitlier of t h e n have loiu-j'^x e 11 i'u ; ' e ?, . A111 I o u i; h DWard was s'li.yhrly inc.isp;>sr-ifor a few d:;ys hy has eiitirelrecovered. Dr. Ward is the : easamaritau of P.-dm Beac'i—i.htfirst to be called upon in tim v'trouble and never ceasing in h;efforts to cheer aiid coraforthose who are heavy laden—tinfriend and adviser of bo':h ric!and poor, and first-to share theijovs as well as iroubles. No on:ever bears a sermon of ibis b<-.loved speaker without being uplifted and the feeling that u ha:been tiice •well spent. If oi;iwere asked to name the chie'characteristic of Dr. Wan! whichmakes him so beloved, onewould undoubtedly say. it is hit-great understanding of humannature. Welcome again" Dr. mirMrs. Ward.

appriciate as- many more assubmitted.•- The play will be for the

'leni'b rap and fiist and b. eoi.dprizes will be given.

accompli jsinger. . IN a native of Rome, ; a,iti is peculiarly happy

in her intei uretation of tLc-Ical

iS'CT time • has "'-brought', its j sary of the. college will be a stu-cliaiiges and its 'improvenients | dent .assembly..on Friday. Feb. 25,

eise vaore as an j and L-at,parilia - Bay,' Feb.' 8, of I at which time the handsome sweat-in- z/o - Sttpmnojthe 1 i-;i Fair' will witness the jers (which the girls have donated),

and the football letters will be giv-en, to the Rollins eleven. This willinsure the starting of the weekwith a bang and with all the old

Jackson, com-

ian song The numbers select-"<1 for tLis ncca&zon ate "Amoie,A*n- is ' by Tisndeiii, and *-Preg

(r*iayer) by To&ti,Uzi Mo»day fa", ening, Febra

afi KTiiow' & Hill under

water sports again andi once* again the Brown -cup- will' ue used, as a trophy. It is thruthe interest-and;, very efficientwork of iiiss McKay, who ranks | Rollinstorer.ostnympjisor*

among Rollins waterthat this jbtjs- been

pep' On the afternoonof this same day the Irving Bach-eller Prize Oratorical Contest for

at- ring.theXhrlstmas"va-t ,e auspices of the Delphic So- cafiicf Ward was called into

^ aoou-t, bringing her in-].tteMgh school stjdents of Fior-

OfBoard of Trade

Report of Year's-WorkSh<rn%Steady Advance in all De-partihents'—Yole of Thanksto Special CommitteesStrong Staff "Officers Elect-ed—Generous Gift to Public?School from Mr. Hewke

' 1 IT 11

The adornment, recreation,feouslng and relief committeeswere all tendered a vote ofthanks at the 'meeting of theBoard of Trade Tuesday nightfor reports covering excellentwdrfe: during the past year. ILV Keezelj treasurer, reported$529 disbursements.

An important announcementwas the gift of S1000 to the pub-lic School endowment . fundfrom Mr. and Mrs. Hewke. Itwas voted to appoint a com-mittee to work with ChancellorBrocks for Founder's Week cel-ebration. Officers elected forthe coming year included W.C. Comstock. president: Mrs- Irv-ing Bacheller. A. Sch-ultz. vice-presidents; R. D. Barze. secre-tary and" E. F." Keezel treasure^A campaign to add new mem-bers is-.under way. About eightyaiembers were out at Tuesday'smeeting.

NEW-MEMBER GREEKS COMMITTEEThe Greens Committee of theountry Club, which includes E..-Packard..W. L. Osborn and

Kathan Follett, has added to Itsmembership E. R. Phillips, ofProvidence, E. I., who .has be-some a permanent resident

; J. .


. Dr. Henry E.munity expero and social en-gineer, emphasized the impor-tance, of-training vouth for cit-ize.iship at last Sunday's Forumuefore a good sized audience inKnowles Hall. C h a n c e l l o rBrooks, before introducing thespeaker suggested a resolutionof sympathy to Southern Col-eg"e in vietw of it's disastrousire of the day before and a ris-ng voLe was taken-

Hev. EzraT- Riggs made theinvocation and M ss Kous' plfiy-;og of Dohanyi's Rhapsodie inin G Minor was a brilliant per-formance.

The chief thought broughtmt in Dr. Jackson's- talk—'" in Operation"—was LII4'reat need (.f iraining i'or cm.;i-.i;.ship in tl i-. era or spirituajankruptc >le t iacedlhede• e-iojiin- ,-.. ui physical inventioiii t;.- ceiiluiy, the steam>oa.\., liie lucouiotive and Hit

'.lying mach;iie which had ma'i< jiie world a neighborhood. I; |.lew of this, lie deplort-d tin jiresent sysitm of groups coii-:eii(.iiug- for advautagf and saic•cacj cciu only come t-hrougi

cooperation. D:-. Jackson discussed the citizene- clubs an ac••ivKy applied piirticuiarly uyuuzh, uevviy enfranchised we• Lien auu lesicient aliens und ;,/i-ocess of self activity. These:luba aim to get the millions oiyoung people arriving at th.aduit age to expiess themselve?.is to fthiLt American iueais'are..iow much they are practiced

ciety, The subject "ttouraania."

4SS04L 1EETIM6- Of• - THE m u m CLUB

The attention of all members is calledto the annual meetiog and electior ofthe Woman's Club. Friday, Feb 4, att ie new Chib House. Members are nsk-nil lo luport. »t ;i spuoia! o.iUeil nieuunt;n e i t u e i h e r e ^ i s a r t n e e t i i i ' 4 ; a t i>:80 wh i t ;

Am l u l l o f l i ie iu l j t i j s u i l i l ie c:l l e d . . T h e

iK'ii m t i n : f i m > l i e s of m e m b e t s a i Q . i o -

- i i e i i :i.s siiie.-i^ of fl>e c l u b t o t e a -whicli

•.vill b e s e r v e d b y t : i e Ti f f in T w i g f r o m

4 : : i 0 i r a . .

iiiili'ii Iilfii laHlflDillo .-• '

conice by the Board of Di-rectr the" Fair and approvedthe o which the Fair Associ-

oatinai,d oa Page 4)

Is Mm

. v B O fsseoni of 840 will be awgraed ftpwinners. This be followed by

The campaign for life members of ;he\\" man's Club lias beau very-"supcesfu-*> i'i\i' and 40 or moie are already piedjj;-

•ii. A fi il report to be ruude at tomor-

:,w*f meet ing will bo givec in ne s t

-.veek's issue, Jt is hoped ;UaC a. Full n -

-p-Mii-i; fr-jni ;i'.\ membcis >viii b j m,

.,, • ha j;u!iei(ms gift of SiO,O;.!i) from M;.

Morse ;uid M rs. Temple, vvbich iscondi-

tn.11.ii 10 ; l.e club's pujing up the bal-

1 ce of ibe uclil.


Posielce GrowsWith lie Tom

Tha large increase of guestsuid permanent residenvs hasnade it necesaarj' to enlarge

the postoffice aad to install anentiieiy ^new equipment. J. F.Wtllman, the contractor, hasbeen, building an addition at therear and the lock box section,-iil be extended 3 > feet. The

delivery window will b?. re-moved 8 feet ;-->aek from where

and the study of America, not! 1 is now, making three timesfrom a mart-rial standpoint bo (more space in the l.o )by than atas u the Spiritual assets. | present. Three times more lock

The speaker dwelt onp


the Delphic Literary Society din-ner, celebrating its 29th anniver-sary. The closing event of thisday will be a double header basket-ball game in Lyroan Gymnasiumat which time the alumni will haveample opportunity to see the pres~ent college athletes in action.

Februar3r 26th, Saturday,be observed as Alumni Day.. Theforenoon will be taken over by thestudents for a tennis tournamentand the alumni will hold their an-nual meeting at that time. Atnoon the annual luncheon in honorof the seniors will be given by thealumni. The annual regatta isplanned for two o'clock on thatafternoon- During the past fewyears regattas at Rollins have be—

MA. Potter, of Chicago,!come a n ^standing feature but

Tlew "house plat-ned byMisaily Nicoll .an Osceolaavemt. the corner, of Chaseaveivas oegun this v/eek byJ. Jsliman, coucractor ofthe 'Eist home: It "will beholliie and atucco, of Colon-ial Co,, facing on Osceola av-

whe been coining with Mrs.Potii tlie Seminole. for ZIIL-pashvintera, has bought thetwos on Georgia avenue,owiy Mr. Scribuer and Mr.Whind will build a hometheChese lots adjoin theEd>; property and Meyerplacnd are in one of thecho residental sections oftow

Aer handsome home near-ing jletiou imhe F.L. Hall'sadd on Osceola Avenue,oveing Lake Virginia, ofwhi. C. Marsh, of Elyra,O., ilder.

Msall is completing hisseccouse of a series of 12cott i n the court adjoininghis » on Lake Virginia andthe; a a attractive additionto

thej boxes will be irstalled and theTo ensure more safety, thej question of human v; 1 u>- n | public will fiad the preifitit ar-

business men on Park avenu-j A m e r i c a a i d unmercifully flay-! rangement more f t b lSs^roSa 'n igh t 'SS l^ thepor i . packing and oth r I and making fo, ^man for the next three months, j machine industries of. this ma-1 This week will see the new planThis man will patrol the busi- chine age and the undervalu- j in working order, and Post-ness section more particularly, ation of human life. . j master Denning-and;.jhis assist-Wmter Pads ha ; always b j h

ATTENTION!-aotice of the public is

caothe-cbange in dates ofEo,%' WeeK- Oh&nceOorBiJ aanounces today tbatt^ents will be from Feb.j

been H e spoke of the serious effect j ants in a position to .render the j 251 inclusive, as describedon our youth of today in the (efficient service tha^ crowded 0O -:'I oBpa^e.

this one is expected to be the bestyet held. Handsome silver prizeswill be awarded the winners. The27th anniversary dinner of theSandspur will occur at six o'clockand it is expected that the list ofafter-dinner speakers will come upto ' that 01 last year ' when Mr.Frrnk Is- Doubleday of Double'day,Page & Co., headed the list. WithDr. Ward as toastraaster, the suc-cess of the occasion is assured. Theannual Junior Prom in compli-ment to the seniors will close theday's festivities-

Sunday, February 27th, will beFonnder's Dav. Bach church intown will as usual hold a specialservice at eleven o'clock at whichtime its pastor is expected to makesome particular- reference to thefounding of the college and town.The usual forum lecture in Knowl"es Hall will be enlarged to includethe formal exercises eommemorating the 39th anniversary of WinterPark and the 36th • anniversary ofRollins College. President GeoMorgan. Ward will deliver the address- At this time the honorarydegree of Doctor of Science will beconferred on a prominent Rollinsalumnus, Gol. Morgan L. Brett ofthe 'United States Army, whosework during the great war is amatter of record,

he nsw subdivision, adjoining;he Club house to the north.


The greatest contralto of theage, Mme. Sehumann-Heink,topped at the Seminole over

night last Thursday on her wayrom Palm Beach to Tarnpa,

where she gave a eoncert thefollowing evening at the TampaBay Casino. Dr. Ward tele-graphed from Palm Beach newsof the noted diva's wish to seeWinter Park and rooms weresecured for herat the Seminole.

and her suiteShe left early

Friday morning for Tampa,carrying with her the large bou-quets of roses sent her by ad-miring friends and expressingpleasure in her visit to thisplace.

Monday, Feb. 28, is Trusteeon the morning of which the annual meeting of the Board of Trus-tees will take place. The meetingof this year is of particular impor-tance as it will mark the close ofthe regular campaign for enlargedendowment, if all loyal Rollinspeople put their shoulders to thewheel, it will mean the announce-ment of an additional half milliondollars to the present endowment.

During the chapel hour on thisday the committee in charge of theregatta will present to the winnersof the events the prizes offered-The early part of Menday eveningwill be given over to a concert bythe famous Soyal Belgian Trio ofNew York, whose coining to Flor-ida has been arranged by Miss-Dy-er, director of music. After theconcert, President and Mrs. Wardwill hold the annual president's re-ception in Carnegie, Hall and withChancellor and Mrs. Brooks theywill receive the many friends of thecollege in honor of the speakers ofFounder's Week and of the sen-iors of the college.

Classes will be • held on Friday,Feb. 25, and on Monday, Feb. 28,bat- there will be no classes on Sat-tirdny, Feb. 26.

Page 2: · 2007. 1. 23. · Dr. Henry E. munity expero and social en-gineer, emphasized the impor-tance, of-training vouth for


F^rK los tOctober


One YearSix Months

Subscription. and PTJBUSIfEK


.AdvertisingAdvertising Bate on Application ,

"SBa'teretl as seccnd-class mattes- October 21, 1915,' at asgie Post Office Winter•' Park, Ftor«i&, wader the A<!t of Match .*S, 1879.-

f Witrfe*

;; FEBRTJARY 3,1921

Song-3p(wr0W Tha% Returned North


Mew-comer Smm the South, whatsongs are theseThou poureston-the-morning from the boughBeneath my madows1—winter melodiesSo ravishiag I «e v«r lieard till no w.Whey do aot tell of orange groves and -palms,Or mocking birds .aiilt in leafy dawns,Or cotton fields, «r lowly plaintive psalms,Or languid h©»fs of ease on moon-lit lawns,They speak ®f*ainy skies and new-born streams,Of ferns aod violets and daffodils,Of orioles and Jbees, and lovers' dreamsAwake apon «he summits of the hills,Sweer singer, tarry on my bough, and bringMy teeart each winter morn a breath of spring.

—William L. Corbin.

wmm H0ff0E|iS A I ^ S A I H T S E P l S r t ) P ^ | ;

•rSer. Lather Pardee, Sector. W;Commnnion at 8 a.m. : •Ghurohschool 9;45 Bi m.CommsnioQ and Sermon at ll^a. nr.

BAPTIST OHTJBCil ; £Key. J. a Walker, Pastor. r"^ -WB. Y. P. V , ?Sa p. m. ;.£ | S _ ^t : :

Preaching 8KK) p. m. '.'?(•'""

CONGBEGfATIONAt. CHTJ|;(7HBev. C. A. Tincent, Pastor, iSanday^chdoli 9:45 a. m. '5* . .Freachiog Services 11:00 a. m^/,,,C. E. meeting and evenmg service,30p. m. .' ' . :• . '--<wr •

METHODIST EPISCOPAL'01VRGBKev. M.-C. Falter, D. D.,Sunday school, IQ:00 a. a .Preachiag, IIJOG a. ra.Epworth Leagae, 7.-00 p. m

Preachings p. m


The schedule of concerts is ks


So Oar Sister City, WinterPark, is Reaping the Harvestof a Dissatisfied Public—No

k Parking There !

visited four leading mercantile et-t tblishments of Winter Park, makinusmall purchases, and adopted the guisefjf au Orange County resident, who hadheretofore been tiading- at Oilando, butbecause of the inconvenience enduredunder the present parking regulations,bad turned his patiOaage to WinterPmk. Two grocery stores, dry goods

abisli menus and a buichor «bup »e-evisited, and the names of these concert.*wilt be furnished to any citizen ofOj-laado genuinely^ inttrosted.

The butcher '

foHows;Februaty i-ith

Ro>al Belgian Trio KnowlesHall Ballins College.

February 23rdMrs. Edward MacDowell pianist

Kaowles Hail, Kollins CollegeMarch

Joint recital by Misses Rous,Greenup and Knowlton at the

Country Club isa Wiater Park.This series of concerts is giv-

en for toe benefit of the Rollins-Endowment Fund and tickets-will be SI. 50 per concert.


Great Variety of World Issues

Pianisfc, Elizabeth Harris.

Sunday, March 20, 3:30 p. m.

Dr Edward T. Devine, NewYork, Editor "The Survey" Lec-turer, Anthor and -well ktiownauthority on Political Economyand Sociology.

Topic: '"Labor, and the Pnblifi] Interest-"

Soloist, Christine Hayward, or-ganist. , ; •Sunday, March 27, 3:30 p. m>

, Mrs- John 0. Freund, editor'"Musical America,',' President'Musical Alliance of America; ac-tive in promoting American &iusic, Petron of. American Cotoposers and Performers and advocatiof Community Singing.

Topic: "Pia«e of Mnsie in ourNational Life."

Music, College Orchestra.NOTE—The season of the Com-

munity Forum is financed partly bjthe iiberai.freewill-Qfferings on theparfc-of theaudience, partly by theliberality of the patrons who haveunderwritten the enterprise to themaximum of $10.00 each. Accordingly, at least one half of the sea-son's expenses should be raisedthrough the Sunday contributionc.Ail receipts and expenditures Trillbe duly accounted for and a reportpublished at the end of the season-All the speaker* practically con-tribute their »ervices, receivingoniy a nominal sum to defray ex-penses- The same series of address-es here offered through the" CivicForum i f .provided through theordina'ry lectare course would callfor an outlay four times as-great-The musical features are all con-tributed-

J ust aReminder

Tbat our PENNANT sale is now on.

If you are going to buy one4 buynow, so as to get the benefit of the 25per cent discount.

After February 5th all pennants goback to the former price.

LEEDY'SDry Goods. Millinery.

pore wind that never Wows nobody no |ing;no time nohow." So the breeze

e£ dissatisfaction that -bas been createdsaaoag some of the trading visitors thatJhave heretofore given the bulk of theirpatronage to Orlando'* stores and mer-chants, b j '-he iidiculans requirementsof paral'el parking on the business-sheets, is an ill witrii that is blowingOrlando no good aofi is blowing profit-able custom to other points, and amongSfcera Sanfard and Wrater Park.

Complaints have been numerous onIbhe part o£ nameroas merchants thattheir custom is being driven awnyifaxough their iaabiiity' of regular pa-Srotss to find parking places for theirautomobiles within a convenient dis-tance ot their points of prospective pur

ase, and to get at the actual facts of.t situation, a representative yesterday

B __ liiueh fuss and. trouble abostfinding parking places for their autt-mobiles. Of coarse (mil he grinned}!like that. I Would be a fool if 1 didn'^t.But, shucks; it isn't going to keep up.Those Orlando men are loo (mart tokeep up anything that will drive t&eirtrade away. It makes a conaiderab edifference in my basinetig, and I ammaking hay while the sun shines, be

Authorities in tfcftubject.Also Platform OsSioris.The" prograta is gif>effow:

Sunday, Fefe . ;^p. ni.Drl Charles Upsoarfey for

meriy American A«af,- JRome;cause I don't think the sun will keep on j r e c 6 n t ly on the Yale Ity; wasshining this way forever."

The first groceryman said: "If Iwanted to be mean about it, I would ad-vertise among folks that they shouldcjme to Winter Park to trade, wheiethey will not be bothered with the diffi -culties of see-sawing their automobilesbick and forth trying to find a spot closeIO iheir store. My trade has picked upsince the Orlando methods of parking1

(iJontinued on page l>)


This is only one of many little knownfacts developed by the research whichpreceded the publication of the seriesof articles on Our Government, now beingdistributed without charge to the friends andpatrons of this Institution,, - .

If you will call we shall be glad to add yourname to our mailing list to receive the entireseries. You incur no obligation.


Member Federal Reserve System.

with the Italian Arms writerand lecturer on internal ques-tions.

Soloist, Mme. la Ravi-Brooks, Mezzo-Sopr,'

Sunday, Feb . 13, p. m .Dr- George Morgaird, pres-

ident Eollins College.

Founders Week At.Soloist, Jean Kno'fcsoprano.Sunday , Feb. 12,p. m.

Dr. C. Tetford Eri,-a mis-iionary statesman oial years

vivid experience in BalkanStates; at present < Repre-sentative of the AJbrGovern-menfc to the United ?

Topic: "War's Afh in theBalkans."

Violinist, Lotta G-Sunday , Feb . 27p. m.

Dr, Arthur E. Beresidentof the greatest eduvl insti-tution of the eounA. greatspeaker.

Topics: "The Odd andthe New Order."

Mnsie, Girls' Gle RollinsCollege.

Sunday, March p . m.Mrs. Annie FauHerndor

fer, Director of Mat. Gen-eral Federation of \ Clubs.Lecturer and Wrimusicaltopics.

Topic: ' 'Popular a Com-munity Issue."

Music, Commnni

Sunday, March p. m.

Dr. Emmanuel £n, Chi-cago, Lecturer, Aid notedBabbi, brings a r-with auniversal and demc-ipeal.

Topic; "Ediicat gpirit-

We Fit Glasses, Grind Lensesand do all kinds of Optical

RepairingRoom 38 c- Watkins Block

FLORIDA FAIRS AND CONVENTIONSFebruary 6- ]2 — Ft Lucie CcniBtj Fsi j

Tero .•'••. . iFebruary, (first week)—South Florida ,-

Fair, Tampa.February (second week) Five County '

Fair, Orlando. jMarch—National Editorial Assooia

.ion. St. Augustine.

To OurOld And New Customers

We are prepared to supplyyour wants with a greater assort-ment than ever before.

Appreciating the fact thatcfue to your liberal patronage,

TAave expanded intostores.


Winter Park & CollegePharmacy

Winter Park, Florida


Oldest in FloridaCo-Educational.Interdenominational.Beautiful Campus bordered by Jakes.Out-of-Door life throughout year.Special courses in Music and Art.Standard courses.




B^^^^^^^^^g^^^^toChase Hall

Page 3: · 2007. 1. 23. · Dr. Henry E. munity expero and social en-gineer, emphasized the impor-tance, of-training vouth for



Shadowof the


A New Romance of theStorm Country



by tbe H. K. Fly Company


CHAPTER I.—Lonely and almost friend-less, Tcmnibel Devon, living: on a canalboat, child of a brutal father and a worn-out, discouraged mother, wanders into aSalvation army hall at Ithaca, N. T.There she meets a young Salvation armycaptain, Philip llacCauley.

CHAPTER It—Uriah Devon. .Tony"* fa-ther, returns to' the boat from a pro-tracted "spree," and announces he Jhasarranged for Tony to marry a. worthlesscompanion of his, Reginald Brown. -Airs.Devon objects, and Uriah beats her. SheIntimates there Is a secret connectedwith ToncibeL.

CHAPTER III.—In clothes that Uriahhas-, brought Tony finds a baby's picturewith a notification of a-reward for it*return to a Doctor Pendlehavea. . Sfa»goes to return the picture.

CHAPTER IV.—With the PendlehaveM.& family of wealth, live Mrs. Curtis, acousin, her son ana daughter, Katharin*Curtis and Reginald Brown. Katherine i»deeply in love with Philip'Mat-Cauiey.

- • • • - . • : • • • • • • , C H A P T E R V . ' ^ • "

Doctor John Has a Visitor., After remaining hidden in the for-

est for some time, frtiinihel stolealong toward Ithaca in the gatheringgloom, her heart filled with hope. Toget some medicine for Eiljth, and totake baekthe picture to the fatherwho had offered money for it. werethe two things she wanted to do now.Her .r.oung rJiind was busy with plansfor her mother. If she could find somework to do, and Edith would go withher, she woulil gei well again. ••--•:

1 That evening, just after dinner. Dr..fohn Pendleljayen- was sitting in hi?affice, his mind disturbed, his heartaching for the sir!; hrothor upstairs.*nd he remeiiilien'rt that the .first threeor four years after the disappearanceof Panljs dnuirlifpr had been sppnr in8 fn'.pjJc search. AH those workingon thP 'cnse had finfiliy decided thmKdith Mintlil. n yosing nurse who 1IH<! !caret! for the child most of the timtjsince her mother had died and was de-voted to tier, had left home with thebaby. ' ' -•-- •;*••

He sat up_-suddenly, .for distinctlythere. Cfftie'ift him froili' ftt£ wir1<» fronsporch .the patter of feet like the softfootpads of some stealthy night-ani-mnl. Ke turned his eyes on the openfloor that led to the porch—and thenlie rose. There before him stood a girl

a silent girl looking at him beseech-ingly—a curious demanding expreE-slon Sn her eyes, and she was bare-footed^ too. He didn't speak, nor didhe move forward. She was not a pa-tient, that he knew, for only the richcame to him for treatment.

Suddenly she smiled and took twosteps, toward him. "Good evening,"lie managed to say.

"Paul Pendlehaven?" came in a

want him to; help you?";7",."Yep, a hull Tot," she responded, "a

great lot My mother's awful ljkButTeaVt tell?how she got thatso don't ask me. But—but I thoughtmebbe -If i brought Doetor Paul's, babybuck—" She paused,' drew oat oT herblouse the picture and handed i t out,"I thought if I<Hd«'t tofce any .-moneyfor it, he'd help me, and inebbe wouldn't

• make me tell where I got i t "1 John Pendlehaven made no move totouch the little card she was holding

. out to him, and Tonnibql came nearer.Her fingers let go their hold on thepicture, and it fell to the floor. Andthere before the startlgd man's eyes,she dropped down and began to sob,long bitter ?obs .such,, as John Pendle-haven had never heard from any ofhis own women kind.

"I want sonre one?to help my mummjso bad," came to him from among th«. jcurls, ;, • . . |

Then he shook himself, deep sym- jpathy striking at him.

"Listen to me, my dear; you've don«my brother- the greatest favor in th»world by bringing back this picture."He stooped and picked it up. "He1

Joved it-dearly; no money could hav«bought it-"

Tonnlbel's eyes, filled with tears,gazed up at him, and the red lipstrembled. j

"I1 don't want money," she faltered."But my poor little mummy"» sick. SoI said to myself if the picture wa«worth cash, then mebbe I could get >some medicine as-a change off." |

•"We'll go ' to her instantly," snid |Pendleharen. "Wait until I get my ,hat and coat, and I'll tell my brother !you brought this to him."

In a few minutes he was back, find-ing her standing where he had left her. j

Without a word they walked out in-to the night.

As they passed the Salvation armyquarters the girl turned her head andlooked at it. "But she ma'de no remark,•and so rapid did she walk thafi Pendle-haven,. found himself . taking- Ionsstrides to keep up with her. ,. . - '

To say he was surprised when they j.-urued from the boulevard road to a 'path leading' to the west shore of -the ilake would" be putting" it lightly. But,he didn't ask where they were going; ,somehow it made no difference to him. ;His strong, warm hand held the small ;brown one, and soraething in the touchof the girl's fingers made him thrillivith pleasure. He found himself vow-ing that anything this' strange ehila Jshould ask of him, he'd do, ao matterwhat it might be. .

They passed over a culvert throughwhich wafer, in tumbling rofers. tookits way down the hill. Just on -th»north side the girl stopped, i

"Here we are to the ragg!/d rocka,"rfie siid. "There's the boat\vhere myIILUIIU».V is. See that tltUe light? Standhere a minute till I come back'and getyou."

It had suddenly occurred, to Torinl-bel that perhaps her father mighthave ventured home. If so, then shemust prepare him for the doctor's com-ing.

She went immediately to her motherand looked down upon. her. Theswollen lids were still closed and thewan white face brought a rush oftears to the girl's eyes.

"I've brung some one to help you,darlinY* she whispered, but the wom-an made BO meve. If by chance sheheard.

Clambering up the steps. Tonnlbelwas back at the doctor's side beforehe scarcely realized i t

(Continued on Page 0)

Robinson &• BridgesAttorneys at Law

W. Pine St. Telephone 161Orlando, Florida


v on sale. Newrecords by Galli-CureiUeifetz and McCor-mack that will be wel-'come m any collect-\ion.

Also the best fox-!a,yed by oomel

was filled with touching t, ~ f / j . UlCl'lCti'S I i n C S t !:he young face had growa | !

i dance orchestras. Call;

There Before Him Stood aSilent Girl.


breath, and Doctor John shook Mshead.

"Oh! I hoped yon were I" was th«swift reply. "-'I want, to see the doe-!ior.>? .

The voicepathos, and the youngsuddenly grave.

'Tm one Doctor Pendlehaven,'''said.. "Won't you sit down?"

Tonnlbel shook .her head. She. couldn't sit down in all this royal

splendor, she who had been used tocanal boats and rough benches to siton.

' . ''I'm kirida mussed up," she said 2nexcuse. "I've come to make a dickerwith—with Dr. Paul Pendlehaven."

"Ten me what you want of mybrother?" he said, gently. "Do yon

and hear them.


14 East Pine StreetORLANDO

The Pioneer StoreJ±. SCHTILTZ, Prop.


WINTER PARKBoasts the purest water in the State. Wefurnish .the^city water and, shall be pleasedto supply- the public with pure ice.

The Winter ;ParkRefrigerating Co.

' "' Phone 420'CAPITAL, $40,000 SURPLUS, $10,*

We Saye Yon Money and Time inBuilding Material

. , , . , . , Wholesale—Retail


On tKe GrcmnclService and Ff brapt Deliveries G u a r a n t e e d


. Phone 744Office Room 9, McNeil-Davis Bldg., Southwest

Cor. Orange and feiurch *•WiP1 WC^T J l * l r I 1 1 *»"» r-S'n

John Fletcher L'.J. W. FitzgeraldOrlando Representatives

OFFICERSJohn K. List, President

Edward W. Packard and H. A. Ward, Vice-Pres'tG, E, Currier,Cashier

DIRECTORSW. C. Comstock Dr. C. R. SwitzerEdward W. Packard John K.List "H. W. Caldwell. Dr. Roland F. HotardF. W. Shepherd. . H. A. Ward

W. H. Johnston

The Officers and employees of the BANK.of "WINTERPABK are convinced that, next to safety, BEEFIGE is thaBank's ehief obligation to the public. .They believe. ifscustomers are entitled to any information, advice or ac-eomodation can give.

TBis'ihey interpret to msan more thair-th& mere routine of ban-Icing—it idclu'des confidential find personal Interest ia tbe customer'saffairs. '' * " ' • ' ,

' Our officers invite yoa to talk over with them an; of your busi-ness problems. They are glad to counsel, regarding large ox smallmatters.


PARK"The Community with an Individuality"

IF you want to avoid the trouble of building,we have the house you are looking for.

IF you want to build while here this winter,we have desirable Building Lots.

The WiiiteF Park Land Company

Page 4: · 2007. 1. 23. · Dr. Henry E. munity expero and social en-gineer, emphasized the impor-tance, of-training vouth for



^Contributed by Frances James)

The Conservatory Concert Sched®le has brten changed as follows -.

2. Wednesday, Feb. 2nd, Win-ter Park Country Club, MarionBoas, pianist; Lotta Greenup, viiiaist; Jean Knowlton, soprano.

3. Monday, Feb. 14th, KnowlesHal], Soyal JJelgian Trio.

4. W e d n e s d a y , Fab. 23rd,Xnowles Hall, Mrs. Edward Mac-sdowali, pianist.

5. Wednesday, March 2nd, Wites Park Country Club, MarionSons, pianist; Lotta Greenup, T!O-iinist; Jean Knowlton, soprano.To Students:'• Stadent Association Tickets and

Cbassrvatory tickets do not admitto the Country Club Concerts, butatadsnts -will be admitted for half

The Zoellner Qaartet, which wassdi*iHled for the Founders WeCo&cert; Feb. 14th. in KnowlesSail, has unexpectedly cancelledits esntract with Rollins College

it has bees necessary to securecompany for this date. Th*

Conservatory is fortunate in- being4b!« to get the Royal Belgian Trio,arbieh plays the .following night at

auditorium at Dayton a Beach.& is a Trio of fins artists, one of

•Whom, the cellist Mile. Daisy Jean4*s recently created a sensation at* ffgilal in Aeolisn Hsll, New

Tuesday ftftfFROOIJ, January, %M student Qonoert, Trhjeh

;sSunf<! hayt feWP given tfa* pre-srmwx week, was held in SnowiesHall. The following program was

1. The, Swan, the Nightingalethe Rose, • -Saint Saeni

•ffer srgan)—Gertrude Davies-

2. Berceuse IljiaskyRnth Amy

3. Hunting Song • • •... .QurlittMela Alesijeveteh

4 Tarantella Beaumont' Wallace Byrd

5. Arabesque- No- 2 • -DebussyGertrude Davies

6 From an Old Trysting Placeto a Wild fiose, MaeDowelt

(for organ) Margaret Bell.On Wednesday afternoon, Jan.

26fch, a second concert was givenby the students of the conserva-tory- This was an unusually longand interesting program.

1. Reverie TollhurstMartha Marsh (for violin)

2. Gavotte -.. Tybel Berman •

3. Etude RavinaLottie Ooleman

4. Gavotte HandelRosa Brooks

5. Will O'The Wisp . . . . NevinRath Waldron (for orgin)

6- Saltarella ..SehmollHelen Julius

7. Sonatina KuhlauRay More

8- Novelette SchumannElizabeth Hull

9. Waltz-- • • • • KreislerMarcia Converse

10. Berceuse GriegDorothy Cole (for violin)

11. Galop EakeRoth Auay, Bnth'Dix'on, Muta

Sinclair, Kay Mere12. Noctarne , , Grieg

Rath Hoyt13. Tarantella Beaumont

Manley DuckworthSaltarella Caprice •

Nora WeligGondoliers • Liast

Mrs. Bryan





LadyTo demonstrate and take orders

for Water Proof Aprons in thiscity. An exceptional opportunity

A. Q. Weaver,P. 0 Box, 1932. Jacksonville.


Miss Jean Knowlton, head °fthe voice department of RollinsConservatory, gave a most delight-ful and artistic concert before alarge and appreciative audience atthe Cathedral School of Oriandoon Friday evening, Jan. 28th. MissKnowlton gave the first two groupsof Spanish songs ineostume in hfy

usual charming and winsome

March" on theHe will disci'BOD, HanpBrieux

I.Real Spanish Nation-

al Anthem.El TripileGallegada, Folk SongsBolero SeviHanas Granada, Al-


Basque National i n -Zoftizaco,them.Naeery Morir, — - - LarreglaLa Partida - Alvarez

in.Shepherd, Thy Demeanour Vary,

BrownAedh Wishes for the Clot&s of

Heaven (Teats) Van" NuysFogel.

Gironmetta (Taylor) SibellaA Dream • • -Grieg

IV.Magnoliai (words asd-mnsic by

Susan).Slumber Song (Lermontolf)

GretchaninowTo a Young Gentleman (Chinese

Poem) •>" CarpenterThe Bird of the Wilderness (Tag-

ore) • • Hersmsa

Professor William L. ' J t n b i o o f R o !

lies College will give a ^ ^ o f f r o a ]

Idtojj5 lectures r ' ^ , ^ F e b r l : a r y a D ( 3

Coaieropinary D^ama.,»s plays bv Ibsen, BjorD-ann, Maeterlinck, Rostand,

„ Pinero, Shaw, Galsworthy, Bar-"J3' '-'hiHips, Teats, S.vnge, Fiicb, Thom-

••, Moody and Sj-aclcaje,The first iecture wi{3 be iniroduci,pry

to the couise and wiil be on The O!dDrama and the New. Ir. win be guenThursday morning, February 3rd ateleven o'clock, in l i e Public Library."At that, time a list f.f readings will begt?en out, for the benefit of those whowould like to re^d s-ome uf the plays inadvance of the lectures. Tbe plays willbe fnund at the Rollins College LibraryOH a stand reserved for the couise.

Tickets will be on sale at the door.Coime tiekets, $5 00; single tickets .50.


GET-MY PRICES BEFORE BUJNGBroker for the E. W. BOND CO. ot t a k e Heiea-

Representatives /or Orange t^punly for • '

KEYSTONE BRICK from Wiiitaey, F1&,

s and Seconds $24.O© per M. JF. O. B, Winter ~Bark


Winter Pail PostIs For Sale at

Winter Park Pharmacy

—• x

TheFootis doming Soo1

YOU will soon have the opportunity to getrelief from smarting c^louses, unsightly

heels, weak arches and other painful foot troubl"will have at our store on

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday, February 7, 8 and 9.

the Wizard Foot Relief man—an expert in diagnosing and relieving foottroubles scientifically, positively and permanently with


AH pain stops at once when Wizard LjghtfootArch Builders, properly fitted by the expertfoot relief man, go into your shoes. Youcan -walk or dance or work in perfect com-fort. No more tired, aching feet for you!There is no other method like the Wizardto restore your feet to normal. Come, letthe visiting expert of the Wizard System ofFoot Correction remove the cause of your



Last week, Wednesday, at theCollege Studio-the art studentsliad an interesting exhibit showing their work under Miss Hal-steod's training. Examples ofposter work lettering, title de-signs in charcoal and color weresho-wn by Misses F. Bell. Hill,Watts, Folsom, Powers, Wilk-ersqn and Clark; Miss Sedg-wiek showed a group of headsand .Miss Grace Warlow interiordecorations. .;Qttfcrdopr~SG'eries inoils were also shown by theMisses Gra i ; Steifel and Hill.

A large number of visitorsthe display, which was a verycreditable one.

Cuisine Par ExcellenceStrictly White Help : ::

BAYA'S GRILLE:Beacham Block . *.

Laading Restaurant on West CoastOrlando, Fla.

Moderate Prices

We Serve Dinner Parties and will makeReservations on Short Notice


& COX.Carpenters and Builders

Constructors in Wood, Cement, Tile and Brick.: Quality ffl_o?*k.


The Post has teen asked bya.n appreciative recepient toSpaas of the pleasure affordedto students and teachers at thecollege commons by the orangesand grapefruit sent by friends.It is hoped -that the supply - willbe.continued as it is greatly sip-

by .all1 i.

remember that Oobdensaid a good many £years ago:'Luck is ever waiting for some-hing to turn up. Labor, witheen eyes aDd strong, will, willum up something. Luck

whines. Labor whistles. Luckelies on chance, Labor on char



foot trouble. He will adjust soft leather insertsin. overlapping pockets, building a natural*comfortable support under the weakened partsof your feet. Wizard L.ightfoot Arch Builderscontain 90 me t&l. Feather light, soft,pliable, all-leather. No charge for examina-tion and diagnosis. You do not need to removeyour stockings. We invite you to come andmeet the visiting expert.

S1}O0 Store: Winter Park, Florida

LOOK M O LABORThe fellow who trusts to luck

voibmes for She S'ate1^ -financial hand-ing, for the efficiency of she treasury

departmoni; and with a sane adminis-tration facing us, it- means there can berelief from high taxes.—Tampa Tribune.

(Continued from Page i)

The other Florida collegeswere asked by Rollins to meether in a state intercollegiatewater meet but up to the present time no response has beenheard so that t*>e competitionwill bfef held with the Hilio-borough High School of Tampa,the Tampa Y.; M. <". A., and theEnglish/Classical School* of•Tampa; ' The crews-of the U..Sr.FaVy ships. Kansas and Ashe-ville, will also enter the page-ant. The Roll'ns alumni ofTampa are enthusiastic overthe prospects of their almamater's participation in theseevents and are arranging to en-tertain those participating dur-ing their stay in Tampa. |

Some of the events tentative-j

tisanships and the question ofresident, aliens, were interestinlydiscussed in the open forum. It is hoped that Dr. Jackson-may.return and deliver a course- oflectures on this vital and chal- -lenging subject.


FLORIDA'S FINANCESState Treasurer J . C Jjuning's ac-

ual report for 1920 shows a balance in;he State treasury of $2,270,950.9S. Theotal expenditures for 1920 were lessthan tha tcital receipts by $425,051 62.The total cash brought forward at theesdnning of 1920 was -$1,S'25,S99.96. Thetate is, theiefore, piling up cash abovet-s needs, approximately half a milliondollars annually.

Froai the standpoint of the State as awhole this is a fine showing. Bromihe standpoint of the taxpayer it indi-ates need for a tax reduction some-

where, amounting to.50 cents for eachman, woman and child in the State.

With no boaded indebtedness save alaifcry $800,000 held by its own schoolfund, there is no good reason why Flor-ida should have an idle two and a quar-;er millions lying in the bank vaults of,he State's depositories, even if it isIrawing a minimum of interest,

"We note this report shows the Staten'ison fund and the State prison tax)und both exceeded their income by;everal thousand dollars; the combined

excess of cost over income baing some?1G,000. I t is also noticeable that the'flying squadron," the runabout teach-ers' examining board, costs slightlymore than its income.

The educational institutions and thehospital for the insane are not expectedto produce revenue. At! of these needattantion, and modernizing as well asenlarging. A good place for some ofthat two and. a quarter millions the Statenow has would be in the education i!and hospital naeds of the State.

Thero are few states that will show abetter financial standing thac Florida,and the encouraging part of it is thatthis surplus of two and a quarter mil-lion dollars has bean accumulated dur-ing four years of the most riotousspend-Jnj Florida has eTer known. It speaks

Hon. C'ary A. Eardea,.of Live Oak, isthe thirty-first governor-of the state oEFlorida, Xhere ara- three living e i —governors of t&s atase/TiEo Hon.' Albert'Gilchrist, Senator- Park Tr-ansroe!i aD<iHon. Sidney J. Catts.-

Tb.8 former governors'•« of" Florida-are:

Sidney J. Cafcti—1917 -to 1921... Paris Tran.inieU—1U13 -to 19fl

Albert W_.CJilchrist—1S09 *N. B. Broward—1U05 -to-V.r. S. Jennings—1901 =to 1S05.Wiliiam D. Bloxham—1SS7 to 1901. iHenry L. MHchell—1S93" so 1S97.Francis ? . Fleming—1S88 to 1393:Edsvard A. Perry—1SS5 to 1389William D. Bloxuam—l«81-to 1885.-George F» Drew—1S77 .to 1SS1. .Marcellus L. Stearos—1873 to 3877 :


Marcellus L. Stearns—(Acting Jane-to November, 1873)j

Ossian B. Hart—1872 to 1873 (ditd-

ly planned are: Single canoe i in offibe>—Republican,races for men, singles for wo-j S a m u e i T" Day-(Acting during »m--men, doubles for men, doublesor women, war canoe races for

men. war canoe races for wo-men, mixed doubles, war canoeraces for men, war canoe races'or women, mixed war canoe-aces, distance swimming, div-ing, tub races, night-shirt races,umbrella races' centipede races,


tilting and stunt swimming.

(Continued fi ora Page 1)

great adventure of war andshowed the wisdom of directingthis restless desire for somethingdifferent.into constructive workfor the home town in time ofpeace. The citizens clubs pro-vide an outlet for this restlessactivity and are planned to solvemany problems confronting ouryouth today—of whom only 10per cent, have attended highschool and 50 per cent the gram-mar grade.

It was brought out in the dis-cussion afterwards that Dr,Jackson's book "What AmericaMeans to Me" published by theNational Community B o a r d,Washington, D. C , covers thisquestion from many angles,, theresult of this experienced socialworker's observations and con-clusions. The solution of thematter in Dr. Jackson's mind isfor all to visualize the publicwelfare and mak6 it dominantthereby creating a real democ-racy. The significance of thewoman's vote, the evils ®f par-

peachment proceedings againsternor Keed)?—1S72; .Republican.

Harrison Eeed—1S6& to 1S72—St- -publican,

David 'S. Walker—ISMS- to 1SCS.William Martin—1S65 to 1806.John-Milton—1861 to IS65.Madison S. Perry—1857 to 1861.James E. Broome—1849 to 1833.William D. Moseley—184S to 1849.F

T e r r i t o r i a lJohn Branch—1844 to 1845.Richard K. Call—18*1 to 184t.Robert Raymond Reed—1S39 to. 1841,Eiohard K. Call—1S36 to 1S39.John H. Eaton—1834-to 1S36.William P.-Daval—1822 to 1834.Andrew- Jacfeson—1821 to 1822/

In. eircuit Court; Seventeenth Judicial^Circuit,.Orange County, Floiida.

In Chancery.Ijaurence Brown

V'DivLillie Brown,

To Tjiilie Brown : •••'•It appearing from the afflfdavit here-

in filed'that you are a non-resident ofthe State of Florida, that your post of-fice address is Atlanta, Ga., that yon are-over the age of 21-years a,nd that there isHO-person io the State-of Klorida thservice o£ a sabpoena upon whom would-bind youj

Tou are-theretore ordered to appearto tMs Bill on Monday, the 7th day ofMarch, 1921, the same being a Bale Dayof this court.

It is fnit-ber ordered that this notice-be published for four eonseeatisre weeks-in the Winter Park Post,- a newspaperpublished ia QraDg' Gouaty, Florida.

Witness my haad and oifflcial seal this-January 26, 1921-.,

B- M'. ROSHTBOH',.'7 ClertCireuit Court.

' By M. A. Howard, X>. C.Cheney & A-kermanj Solicitors-for. Com-*-

. plainant.- l,-5t

Page 5: · 2007. 1. 23. · Dr. Henry E. munity expero and social en-gineer, emphasized the impor-tance, of-training vouth for


<&OSStp of OOWR

BiGkinson Bisbop and litile son, ofPinefaurst, N1. C , are viiHiog his pa-rents, Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Bishop, oa Io-teri&eh'en avenue.

MrN attd Mrs. H. H.Mr. and Mrs. Chartes Terry asd Ml. W.a . Marshall of New Yoik, wtoo te*ebeen givests at, t&e Seminole 'have goneto'Oimond en roate iswrtii.

Mrs. Harry <&.. Better a<ad tworen are the paesteof Mrs. pother's pa-^enifcs. Mr, a»fl Mrs. Joseph Page, attheir horse on "©sail® avenere. Mrs-.I"otter*s howte is io faoK. fa ,

Messrs. <&. ffl, Morse snd W, H. MilieuJhave recarned from a visit to Bellair,Tvtaere tfeey inspected 'the Knfcs of the6e81aS=r 'GaosVty Club.

Str-. «rra Mrs. : AleKaafier. Glass, wha•are gBes^s for*be Beason Rt'the Semieolehave >eJt for a two •weeks' trip to PalmBeach. • .- ,

'" Miss MeContieU off Swarrthinore, 1'a.,and Maitiand was fhe guest- of Miss Har-irtett 'Oooper -ewer 8be -weekend.

Mr, and Mil. S. F. Pryor, Miss Pam-•elra Pryor and 41 r. SFh-ed Pryor have ar-rived ifrom -Greenwich,, Conn., for the«eaaon, anti-wre dfrtjfreir ihi>me on Iutei-.

ifr. and.jSfrg.Geocge S. Tower of St.OLouis aod their isUughter Mrs. PeJi'isate here for the season, having MeritedV. W- Shepherd's house oa New Eng-

; |01LEY»H0TA8aMrs. Laura Rowley announces

'.the marriage of her daughter,.Butt, to Mr. Albert Hqtard onFriday, January 21st. >'•'•'

SEWARI-WAYAt'the residence of Prof. Jas.

MacGIasen, in Winter Park onThursday, January 20th, by theRev. Dr. W. M. Burr, Miss Isa-bella Stewart, of Asheville. N.

•C, and *W\ "Scott Way, of Win-ter Park, were very quietly mar.'3-ied. Mrs. MacGlashn 5s a friendof thfi ibride, having met herlast summer in Asheville. Mrs.Way isfKe'-only daughter ofMrs. Alice Stewart, formerly o.Michigan bus now of A«hevill^.Sheds s graduAto of Jeuuiug>:Seminary; Aurora, 111, and Al-bion Oollfg-jp. Michigan.

Mrs- A. A. Wheat entertained;guests at tea at the Country1

Club last week Tuesday to meetMrs. Don Merriam of Wattling.Miss Kraft,, of (Jhieago, aiwiMajor and Mrs. E-. AlexanderPowell, of, Was-ijington, wjij'motored over for the day freffiFlorence Villa. Mayor Powell,who is nationally known as ,awar correspondent and author,enjoyed golf with Irv-ing Bacheller. Mayor Powell isnow at work on a book, said tobe ficiioa, a new departure in Ithe literary field for the famous!war correspondent. t

TIN-IN TfflfiThe T ffin i wi._: will serve

t A a t 4:30 after the Woman's j

v xub tnecunjf at the new Clullionise on Kiiilay.: Ft)i>. 4th, ttwhich winter visitors and toviE:

]> Ujjje are invited. Tht- me ti ihe families o! Club mem-h -!-s a.rp crirdi-i]! •. mvit»ri tfciime as guests wr tluj Club.THIS . r,-..y is .-xK-nded i tappreciation of the interest andencouragement i n v a r i a b l yshown by them in the Woman'sClub and its .unH*"-+nVTns-s Win-t'"1 visitor- nut nth- r sf1 angers-are also vvelc'MiV > , wish toorder te


Mrs. L. B. G List rntertaineda, number of gia-ests at a birth-day supper party last week ather home on Iefcerlachen ave-nue in honor of Hon. A- A.Perry, who is spending the "win-ter with. Mrs. Perry at MissHayes. The affair celebratedMr, Perry's seventieth birthday.After the supper, toasts andspeeches were the order of theday and a delightful time is re-ported-


Cn Monday, Feb. 7, Mrs. Dudley Mat-thews will start a kindergarten in theMethodist Church Sunday school roomsHours are from 9 to 12. Mrs. Matthewsis a graduate of the Jenny Hunter Kin-dergarten Training School, yew YorkCity, and was at one time head of theHoly Trinity Church Kindergarten, ofBrooklyn. Telephone 425-C.


Walter Chess entertainedtwenty-five guests at, tea at~thiCouncry Club after the Golffcemraament on Monday.


One of the attractiveaffairs last week was the lunch-eon on Thursday given by Mrs.A. E. Meyer at her home on Geor-gia avenue in ~honor of Mrs.Alexander Glass, of Wiveeiing.

TO MEET DR. JACKSOSMiss Boynton .and Mrs.,D"dge |

entertained guests- at tea, tomeet Di. Henry E, Jackson af-iter the Forum lecture <m Sun-day, J

Orlando ActiYelnEndowment

An acfive e< mmittet- of 5vmen headed by D<jiial i Chei-ey.• >f Orlando, have just stancethe campaign in Orlando iotthe Rollins Eoduwmerr hfa'iquarters are ;t fhe San JuanHotel. M . W. C- Comstock oftlie B >ard of Tru^tses is chairman of the committee for Statework in this connection anil theoutlook Is. promising for a suecessful outcome to the cam-paign, which ends Keb. 22. Theentire state will be a.-fk-d tocooperate in ensuring the futureof Rollins.



Sets the Pace 23rd YearBUICK—6—1918 • $1,000.00CHEVROLET—i90 500.00HUPMOBILE, Model R, 1919 800.00OLD^MOBILE —6—1918 ••• • 600,06FORD-1920-. . . . . . . . ; . . . 459.00bORP-1918- V.... . . . . . 300.00

F. O. B. WINTER PARKCars f6r immediate delivery

TOWN WinteiiPark AutoMr; H. J. .\Vftlls,,a/»el! ;kn wo bank i

cr of Providence, will speak .on the re- jaiion <>f riie b<iQks to the people at Tin* j

next meeiinsi of the For nithtly. Tlit jmeeting will be at ihe Count y Cluh on Iuuxt Monday evening, Ri*h Mis Dytr !ing'esa. • •

Mr, Wei's is j)resident, of one of (Ire ]rrusr cmapaaitis in New 1^11^Ian,i.:

an auihuriDy on finaiicial duesti.;m>. :


Embarrassed by Shower of Heart*,Though It Would Seem H«

! Should Se Used to It.


Mew York and Boston papersnote that Mr. and Mrrs. JohnBobert Leonard of Winetka, |•Ills,, annouace the engagenieni Iof their daughter, MAry Eliza-:beth to Hibbard Casselberry,son of Mrs. William Casselber y;of Chicago and Lake Forest,ills. Miss Leonard has visitedhere and is arriving next weekto be the guest of her aunt, MissMary iLeoaard, for a month.


Mrs f£o.ard repor s $110.00 cleared;at the Bridge Pa i.v a the Couutry |Club-on Tue-day eveninsr. Twenty- wn \tables of players enjoyed th?> atfair :

P. tze.s for ladies liign and ^eirlem.m'fKiah we'e iiive:i by i>r. Lift anri IMmes, Hotaid and lignum Punch,a.d sandwiches were Bi-rved. ':


Mr. and Mrs. Roy E. Lenfestand Miss Frieda Siewert motor-ed to Tampa on Friday to hearMme. Sohuman-Heink give arecital at the Tampa Bay Casino.They r-ep^trt_it... a great artistictriumph and were also impress-ed by' the rare chai m and mag-netism of the famous singer'spersonality.

BUGLE CORPS ON EAST PARKThe Georgia Industrial Home,

Drum and Bugle Corps will playin East Park opposite the post-office Feb. 7th at 8 o'clock. Afree will offering will be taken.The boys range in ags from 17down and the entertainmentwhich will last about an hourand a half will be well worthattending.


Geo -ge Deming, staff corre-spondent for the Reporter-Star,who has been confined to hishome for some time, is out againand his daily summary of newsis welcome to those who havemissed the Winter Park columnlately. Mr. Deming has hostsof friends who are glad of hisrecovery.

Wiote* Paitk Post

Onlt; $2.00 Eaelx Tea*

^Lincoln and Sumner. .lihicoln was modestly proud »t his

stature and of the effect of the physicalman, especial !y when actuated 13 j-nobie sentiments, H* used to speak;•of Ills'height to. ey-eo* tall, roaa_he.-met, and to propose measuring—an- ••other guileless habit of selr-gratifica- ]tion. The only refusal ne is known}to have received was from CharlesSumner, who was also tall and proud.©f his height. Sunnier, was worrying i'the President, as he often did. about jI'gomc perplexing matter, when Lincoln ,^abruptly challenged him to measure. •."Sumner declined," said Lincoln, "mak-ing a line speech about this being the '•

• time for uniting our fronts againstthe enemy, and not our backs. Bnt Iiguess he was afraid, though he is a! good piece of a man. I have never jShad much to do with bishops where 11live, but, do you know, Sumner Is my jidea of a bishop."—Harper's Weekly, j

' As Lincoln Is Remembered.The work he did, the sum of his

deeds and their great fruitage, may !Inspire the chronicler of our national jlife and the recorder of God's hand- iwriting in the annals of His world; Ibut to the rank and file, who know [tmt vaguely the details of his heroic ;achievements, the memory of Lincoln jtakes the form of a warming, loving, Isaddening personal presence, a latter-day reflection of the everlasting Manof Sorrows.

i; Why Lincoln Help«d a Bug. j• President Liccoln was walking with :|fl friend about Washington and turned I•back for some distance to assist a |; beetle that had. got on its back andflay on the walk, legs sprawling In air,! vainly trying to turn itself over. The j'• friend expressed surprise that the'President, burdened with the cares of•a wan-ing nation, should find time to[spare in assisting a bug.i "Well," said Lincoln, with thatI homely sincerity that touched the•hearts of millions of his countrymen,;"do you know that if I had left that;bug struggling there on his back I•wouldn't have felt just right? I wantea:to put him on his feet and give himian equal chance with all the otheribugs of his class."

!- Cut Lincoln Off His ListI General Huidekoper in 1S82 detailed:two companies of his regiment to; guard President Lincoln's summer resi-i derice. He saw the President constant-ly and they became real friends.

• The first time the general met the; President, Lincoln, who had heard that! the Hnidekopers came from Holland,•inquired: "What is the difference be-;tween an Amsterdam Dutchman and'any other damn Dutchman?"; And the general, who admired Lan-. coin above all other Americans, adds:! "H I had had any awe of the Presl-'dent it was then and there foreveri gone."—Girard, in PMlaa.eiph.ia Ledger.

"I'm glad that 1 manage It >Once in a year. "_. • :

Exercise la the UiingHeartBare needing, I fear.

1"While many are beating;

They're al! out of tune,And cold as December- Instead-of warm June. - :

"So I'll mix "em and change 'eiaAnd warm .'em up, too."

I wonder if he'll fixTour heart up tot you?



The Bancing Twig party was yerywell attended last week. They arepro*-ing to be.popalat events'with the dane-.iog seti of this place and Orlando.: Mrs. Temple announces this week'sdance will be at the new Woman's Ciafebuilding- on Interiachen avenue.

The All Jazz Five will play, as usual,aod tickets may be bought at the door.Couples Sl.50. man alone S1.30,and ladyalone 50 cents.

MRS. DYER IMPB0VIN6Mrs. Dn-r's many friends T ill be

glad ta know that, she is slowly im-proving from her ilirjpss of the last

i week Sh •• U sla% ing at Osceola Inn,{where her sTs'er-in-law, Miss Maryj Dyer, is also spendiDg the season.

I i . ValentiAj slyly -) Put up hSs umbrella,'

J'<?his shotyer of hearts"Would embarrass a fellow.

FIVE HUNDRED TW181 Mrs. h. A. Tieat announces that the

meetinsr ofrho Five Hundred Twigis iuaeticucly postponed.

Niix an the

20 for 20 centsin air-tight packages.JUso obtainable in roundHas of SO, vacuum-sealed.

A FRIEND of mine.* • • - - ' . . •

WHO COULDN'T epeafc* * *

A WORD of French.. * * • -

WENT TO Paris.«• « •

AND THE first time.* * *

HE. HAD to get.A HAIRCUT and share.

* * • « •

HE PRACTICED an hour.* * * '


IN THE looking glass.* * *

SO THE French barber.* « *

WOULD UNDERSTAND aim.» • • * • • ' -

AND THEN he went ia.

AND WIGGLED his fingers* * •

THROUGH HIS hair.* * *


AND THE barber grinned.

AND FINISHED the job.THEN MY friend thought

» • • . •

HE'D BE polite.* » *

SO H E gave the •barber.

AN AMERICAN cigarette* * *

WHICH THE barber smelted,-

AND MY friend pointed.* 4 * .

TO HIS mouth.AND SAID "lakes TOO.5*

* •» «

AND THE barber roarefl*

AND SAID "Yon BET.. .* * *

J USED to smoke 'estti' • ' • • • : • * * *

WHEN ! worked.




HERE'S a smoke that talks in afiylanguage and needs no interpre-

ter. Light up a Chesterfield, drawdeep—and more plainly than wordsyour smile will tell the world "TheySatisfy". It's the blend that does it—and you can't get "Satisfy" any-where except in Chesterfields, forthat blend can't be copied!

Page 6: · 2007. 1. 23. · Dr. Henry E. munity expero and social en-gineer, emphasized the impor-tance, of-training vouth for



J. E. HARPER, Proprietor


of all steel officeequipment in the

0 banking and busi-ness offices of the world todayis the product of Art MetalConstruction Company's fact-ories at Jamestown, Y.Every standard requirement of a modern businessoffice is met in the stock line of files, tables, desks,safes, etc.-the only COMPLETE line of steel officeequipment that is manufactured.

Carried In Stock At

Carpers Book StoreOrlando, Florida

Panama Hat ShopPhillips Theatre Bld'g , Orlando, Fla.





Frfesh Meats, Fish, Oystersand Fowl Iji SeasonF r e e D elivery

"•• Phone 517

He Winter Part lartet

"Mummy's alone," she said. "Comeon."

Pendlehaven stooped over Edith De-von, gently taking her wrist ia hisfingers. For some time h& sat beside-tier, then mixing a draught, succeededia pouring it down her throat. Theweary, lids, didn't lift, but one thtn armcame rigidly upward, then fell backlimply.

"Some oae struck tier, eh?"'asked jthe doctor. j

"1'ep," repllec! the girl, aiid"(hat «-asall. "

Pendlebaven didn't ask anythingmorg. In accepting the picture he tmdtacitly promised not to question her.What did it matter to him how thewoman had come info her present-con-dition? He would do his utmost, hisvery best for the sake of the tretn{.'''nSchild who had,brought back the'baby'spicture which might bring a new de-sire to live In hi* orother, Paul.

"Come outside," he said at length,rising;-- "I want to talk to you. She'llsleep a long time, perhaps until morn-ing." - • ' - •

"She'll get well, huh?" demandedTonnibel, in a whisper.

"Surely," he responded. "Of course."The thought of her father cumins

home drunk flashed across the girl'smind. "I don't ws\jt you to stay ifshe's all right," she said with a back-ward bend of her head. "Yon said

.she'd g e t well,., didn't you?" At thedoctor's affirmative nod she went on:'••Then I'll take you back up the hill,so ymi'lf bp safe."

"No," said Pendlehaven, firmly."No, I won't, let you. I can find myway all right, but I can't leave youiike this."

Tonnibei extended her hand. "T saidI was going with you," she answeredcrisply. "Come on, it'll be ali hour*before you get home now. 1 ain't sny-in" I would love to have you in thfDirty Mary with 'mummy and ifre. butyou might get killed if yon siry."

"And what abont you?" demandedPendlehaven.

"Oh, I'm used to It," she responded."Somebody might give me' s swat ortwo on my bean, but that won't countfor nothin '!" -™~

Whefi they reached the boulevard,he dropped ber hand.' "Now go back," he said gently, "I

can find my way. Will you come to-morrow at two, and let me know howshe Is? Or shall I come down?" .

"I'll hike to you,", answerer!hel. "If you're sure now youjret lost. Til run back to mBut—"

•*T sliail gpt home perfectlychild," n i n e !n quick interruption,and - "GdOfl-nlprht. .TTank yf'-'J. forbringing me the picture andme to come to .v->«-- Vher."



{Continued Next Week"!




Phone 492

havebeen in effect, and I do hear j com-ment about the awkwa:dness of it. Butthen, we of Winter Park have aWaygworked hand fn hand with Orlando in afriendly way, and we are always goingla. Natuaal!y, we are not co!diy tarn-i iff down any patronage that comes ourway, as theresu t nf preseut conditions."

The second grcoeryman said: "'Yes,wa have other folks like you coming in• -ervday who say they ar« disgustedwithth! piestnt state of affairs in re-gard to tutoraobile accorami/dafiunsO 'ardo We aie -sou? that -Or'a.%log- h m, bi t we did acquire amongmany oiaers, a customer who-e pnr-c'lases aviraga $50 weck'y. Fifty djl-lu-5 b i i s a lot of gr ccries since tbe

ric s are coming d'»wo, and we]y appreciate an additiona' trtde. We

On Laboj Da} two Leslngtoa Special can made a clean sweep In tbePike's Peak Hill Climb against a field of fifteen Tbe race was run ovathe "world's highest highway'" foi a drstsnet of over ttreSve miles,and an average gradt of ten pei cem there being over a mile'fc diffe-ence in zltitv.dt between tht itart and Snisii Furthennore, there art142 hairpin turns to be negotiated Added to these natramJ hazards, aterrific snow storm was raging more than half the distance, but in.epHe of this. Loesche covered the course In 22 mlnucea and 25-2/5seconds, while Cline was onSy 5 seconds slower Thi3 means an averageepsed of nearly 35 miUs

VIOLET BRAND SALESale opens Saturday, February 5th/

and continues for 7 days

THIS IS AN annual white'goods event

which this year comes with more than its

usual force and interest. The drop in prices,

with the consequent desire to sell more goods

on the part of the manufacturers, has brought

about price concessions unlike any of previous

years, and unlike any probable soon again, t

Is an unusual time of great saving possibilities,

and all patrons of this store are sincerely urged

to take advantage of this extraordinary buying


This event especially features white-" - goods and undermuslins.


Where All Central Florida Shops

know that the appreciable increase inour business of the last few weeks canin some measure be traced to Orlandoautomobile reguja'ions."

The dry goods man said: "I noticeamong my customers some folks thathave heretot'oie gone to Orlando upuntil the last few weeks. Of cource, Iattribute it to the wonderful bargains Iam offering," and his eyes twinkled,•vliile ilie clerk behind him let his rigbto^elid siowly down.-


And see how you may fill it up with cannedgoods of the latest put up Cash and Carrysystem. .



Phone 473, Winter Park, Fla.

The weekly bulletin of theFlorida Citrus Exchange forJau. 22nd, speaks of the finework being done by its field ex-pert,. Roy E. Lenfest. as follows:

'•Steps were taken by theboard looking to the enlarge-ment of the department of ex-pert field service to growers,which opened some months ago,and which, under the manage-ment of R. E. Lenf-:st, a widelyknown horticultural expert, hasmet with a hearty welcomeamong- the growers, as has thechemical laboratory, which un-der the management of chemistSeth Walker, formerly of theExperiment Station at Gaines-ville, is reported doing muchvaluable analysis work- as wellas making important researcheslooking to the utilization of culland drop citrus fruits."


Send Your Friends

THE POSTOne Year §&,©© (Postpaid)






Page 7: · 2007. 1. 23. · Dr. Henry E. munity expero and social en-gineer, emphasized the impor-tance, of-training vouth for


For-'.Hireand. Ligiit

Specialty Grooves "WorkPhone 4>?&

C DeWOLSKI, Expert ForesterI?1 la,.

Notice to Creditors

In Court of th8 County Judge, Or-ange Oonnty, State of Klorida-

In re-Estata of B- J . Self-To all Creditors, Legatees, Dis-

tributees and all persons having•Oiainis of Demands against saidEstate:

Ton and each of you are herebynotified and required to presentanjr claims and demands which you,or either of yon, may have againstthe estate of B. J . Self,; deceased,late of Orange county, Florida, tothe-undersigned administrator ofsaid estate, within two years from•the date hereof.

Dated Jany. 5, 1921.F . H. Langford,

Administrator.51-8t „ - • - " • . .


Wanted—Clean cotton rags afcttusioffice.

in Circuit Court, Seventeenth Jaaic fttCircuit, Orange Cou ty.. Florida.

In Chancery.Rosa P. Hart j ..

vs. I Bill of ComplaintNewton Hurt } '

Tiie Complainant haying made prop-er affidavit fi-r servi<5fe by iHiand stating that the piaoe of residenceof the defendant.1* it makra-OTro-, It istherefore ordered that you, NewtonHurt, are hereby ordered ai*d r-eijai're'dto appear in tfete ca«se*othe bill OfComplaint herein <§!isl agarasfc you onor before ijbeiSrsfc Monday in1921. to-wit; MawJi Ft*, £923,sjjse Jw .^IJfg-atTOHs,^ Jthe.said. Billwi-i be takeD a« confessed %y you. I t isfu tlwr flrdwed tSb»t *ftis Order be

^ o w e a wedfe for 'eigfntcon-weefcs im the Winter Park

Post,a uewsipsuper paWRsbedSn OtangeCouiry, Ftereflm.

W5tat?ss isny thawa and the "Seal of theCourt tlris 28t?h <day <<fl ECtecenJber, 1920.;(S aloff the Cou'rti) B. M.KQBINSOJT,

Clerk.f •ircfflat Ooui*'Orange<3ouiity,

•& .ffones-Solioffors for Com-



Special Attention {Sweat

Winter ParK , Horida

Leave Your


Deliveries Wednesday and Satoaiday Afternoons

ORLANDO llPJSWRlfEftAKD SiPBM COMPANYHigh Grade Typewriter Supplies


Bought, £ old, Rebuilt, Rented and Exchanged42-44 Watkins Bksok


W. R. KHAN, IProp.

Orlando Paint & Wall Paper Go.New McElroy Bailding

Figh Grade Eua Proof PaintPitcairn Varnishes, Brushes

Also a full line of High Grade Wall Papers

Phone 261, Orlando, Fla.

To The Folks-6f WinterBark

LISTEN-All Ye Fair PeopleWhile we tell abotlt, While we sing about

The Silb-Tropcsll Mid-Winter FairFla., Feb. 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 1921

T"his is to be the very finest Exposition yet heldIt is to be devoted to you and your interestsIt Is to embrace the products, official or. private,oif Five Goilnties in the best section of the State

That's You and Your County. We ask you—Will you help?Aohriiiie Jones Remarkable United Shows, bigrger and.better, will 00-,

cupy oar grounds from December to the time of openingthe Fair in order to get ready for it.

W. R- O'NEAL, JAS. L. GILES, C. E. HOWARDPresident Treasurer Secretary

For Safe !' Farm Wanted

TPive acres good grove latad, f^nUd t o h / f *™m °*

° of farm or good lanri -worth thetimbered. Located one m*l-1 p r i c e asked. L-JoneP..northwest of Maitland. Excep- j . g a X 55^Jtional bargain, For infonna j " Olnej-, III.tion "write or call on |

MB.Brazeli, \ High Grade Job Printing52-4t. Eatonville, Fla. WINTER PARK POST

Shoes repaired 'while you wait


19 E. Pine St.

E. R. FAVOR Plione 479-B

Winter Park Transfer

WOOD SUPPLY12 and 14 inch Pine Stove-wood $4,50 per

strand16 and 18 inch Pine Stove-wood $5.GO per

strand18 and 20 inch Pine Fire-Place wood $6.00

per strandAdd 50c to above prices for oak

"S1«I> B y T r u c k "

s, TrunKs and Baggage Moving

"We can more it if it is movable '

Lower the High Cost of Livin.

BUYGovernment Meat

BREAKFAST BACON12 1b. cans 25c 1b. - - CORNBEEF 20c per caft


F.W. f into Park, Fla.

An Exhibit of New Spring MillineryTruly a Complete Opening Exposition of the New Modes for Spring, embracingeach and every Detail of Fashion decrees begins this week. Featuring Specialdisplays of unusual interest.

All of the charming features of the New Spring Fashions—All of the artistic touches of thebest designers—the creme of the imported models will be found in these New Spring Hals.Though perhaps not quite so elaborate as the modes of previous seasons, they are «nd©ub-tedly more effective and striking for a good many new color tones are blended in many ofthe beautiful conceptions that no one will deny that these Spring Hats have never been s©captiYatirtgly beautiful.

The style information you will again from viewing this fascinating new millinerywill be absolutely authorative for in no instance have we allowed entrance to a doubtfulmodel. And in spite of discouraging conditions, we have assembled for this exhibit, aslarge, if not larger, an assortment as we've shown for many seasons.Following are a few of the color tones and Fabrics that Fashion decrees "Au fait."

NOISETTE—bordering on the tangerine shade.TOMATO—in several distinct tones.PHEASANT-^and many of the wood shades in combination..ORCHID and nuances of Henna.PORCELAIN shading to gendarine blue.

Many imported brands are being used—Barn straws—Porcupine straws—Visca—three ea3Milan and Cellophances.

In the exhibition will be displayed exclusive models from MAISON GAGE, FISK, MQCH,TROTTEUR, BURGESSER, JOSEPH and JOHNSON.

We cordially invite you to attend the most completedisplay of the New Spring Millinery,

DICKSON-IVES"Orlancio's ^a-sroxite Slb-opplrLg4'


Page 8: · 2007. 1. 23. · Dr. Henry E. munity expero and social en-gineer, emphasized the impor-tance, of-training vouth for



A real opportunity is presented ofpurchasing an aristocratic homein exclusive neighborhood. Largeresidence, beautifully furnishedand iocated in finished groundswhich have enjoyed constant andartistic attention for years. Thisproperty is self sustaining. It ranksas; a first class investment,*and isone of the chief attractions ofWinter Park—Details and quota-tion to responsible persons.

Beautiful,fand completegentleman's estate has justbeen listed as an exclusiveoffering by this office.This property is 10 acres inextent, includes fine buddedgrove, large modern comp-letely furnished and heatedresidence, garage , boathouse, servants quarters,beautiful lake shore andview. . < .


A complete fu rn i shedhouse in fine location at abargain rental ready foroccupancy.


It is Ti ™ i i^an aei

* *.

For Sale

An unusual and most attractive

Bungalow of .Colonial design, ,

with large sunny rooms, polished {

floors, wide windows and conve- j

nient plan, having basement* '4

brick verandah, garage and cent- ;

ra! location. Just completed and

ready for occupancy,

On Interlachen Avenueis splendid location comp-letely furnished bungalowfor small family.


If you are seeking asite for a.home don't failto consult this office forexclusive listings.

Some opportunities to savemoney and enjoy a realhome.