
......... -........

GrOl.. Pointe'.



lPointtGrosse Pointe's Newspapejr for More Than 24 Years


... , ,.(hntnhutlon ~


rrmt Addr,.~~

\1 Hd n\;.,. ~) \...., rod, I) { I' I (. ItI I"'l rlrr .• ('lt'l(' 1 ("11 ''''l\I'I(' T'll(tr(

Pflnt 'am .. ,



- -- - -._~,---VOL 28 -- NO. -! :: ..... 27

P i) r H lo.."j l ~ r I "l

( onlmuf'cl on Pajte 1)

We lIke the ~dl demng ad-vice given by John H 0 BTlenIn a Dptrol! pdpel recentlv-particularly the pal t relativeto the lo( allOn of vour Pi r)-

posed gal den MI 0 BrIen saysthe ga(den should be at least10 mlle~ f,om ,our horn!" orfar enough a II dY so that If youforgot to brmg the hoe 10 thecar It IS too far to go backfor It

We VI ould l,kp to add an.other bIt of advlc/'. prOVided,of couroe, ...our gal den actual.Iv come~ to frUItion Presentall ~ our non-gardenmg ve.ze-table-hungn Clt:, frlt'nds WIthdetaJled ro~d lP~pS for reach-109 \ uur garden and be ~urethe map' ;ore drawn HI that\ our fflend-. In follOWingthem, reach you the day after) our aop has be"n picked. . .

Dunng the recent scolchmgda's Groose POInte's MUniCI-pal Parks ha\'e been "lslted bvSC'lres of 1 eSldents and theirguests seeking relief from theheat

ContTlbuhnJ: I" no 'mallmeasure to the enJovment ofthese VISitors IS the ommpres-ent staff of hfe-guards Par.ents may relax, confident thatthe"

------------------------------,I •Eleven Records Fall as CLOWNS TO ENTERTAIN KIDS AT FIELDDAY IGre(lte~t Percentage

Park Swill1ll1er~Vie iv ::}-,,~ ---;-;:-.of Building Permits~~~~~Il~~~l~,~~t ~~~~~iD":~~:\~<~~~ 1~"~~.'!P~~~_l}h~t~~j~~.~Pol-uthe fIfth annual SWllnmmg Meet1appomllng "eathel, a.y~ I. ~J- • '!Iuctlon In the Grosse Pomte area ThiS fact IS shown UI aat Glosse POinte Pal h.'s MunlcI-1 crowd cheered the contestant;v ... '>."'" oio.,t School Dlstnct ha~ dt'dmed s!Jght- report just Issued by L M Bart.pal Pilrk 1a-t Sunda~ Augu.t 5, Elghtv-foul' lOntestilnt. entel - - Jy from la.t vt'ar, thel e shll con- lett, DIrector of PupIl PersonMIaccol ding to the park dIrector, ed the 26 events In addItion a tlnues to be a tremendous volume for the Grosse Point" PublICI dlvl'1g exhlblt'on was given by ---------------1 SchoolsPOI N T E ----I Jam". Norrl' pOt ~ Fe t I ThiS report shows that a total

Eleven new records wele hung I Oln e s tfS IIof 530 permIts for homl!S wet:eA R A G RAP H S I up In the v;mous events RIbbons _ I~sued by lhe various mwucl.p&l."'ere awarded In :0.11 eYents to IRodeo WInners Itles compnsltlg the Grosse PMft~

-by The Po,nte,p,r lflrst, second and third place w1o- ISchool Dlslnct durmg the first 11%

ners A d months of 1951 Last year, wlucftln lhe jUnior boys' dIVIsion nnoll.nce \broke all pr&\ 10US rceords WIth

Iwmner James Norris s~t a new r "a tlJt!!l of 1 42jl; f'1r the year, hallrecord In the 25-~'arn fr ..e ~tvle Offlc:a:" of the Bo,'s' and Girls 718 permIts during the first 'Siz

I wIth a time of 14 4 Second place Fishing Rodeo have announced month periodt t B II S h the winners In the prelim manes

wen 0 I prm.e;ett and t Ird held August 4 To date 82 oo"s With the exception of lut Vo

eu,t'l Rick Schoenherr J ha"ld glrlo;; from Grosse Pomte owe\,er, more perlTUts have been

AlSO ~ettJng a recOld was Win. Park, Gro<se POinte Farms and losued for thl~ SIX month ~noinpr Carol J0rdan WIth 164 In th~ Grosse POInte City have entered' thl~ year than In any other yelf.25-, ard free style JUnior girls' the fIshing derby sponsored bv' If the present rate of constructIondll'lslon Takmg ~ e con d was I I "ontln" pe ts I t'---

the three cities In cooperation' u.s, nnl ,or more aanElaine Glb"on and Mary Sauer WIth Better FIsh mg. Inc. I 1.000 homes wlll be ISsued ~wa" thIrd I Wmnels on August 4 ",ele IIyear.

Winne, of the mtermedlate Flr~t, Bruce Vollmel, Farms, a The greatest concentrahon elbo,~' 25-yard free <t) JI' was I wall.eyed pike measunnl~ 14:\'4 bUlldmg contmues to be In th,Ralph Bohrer WIth 143 Wmner I Inches, second, Walter ('artIer, Inorth end of the school dutnetof second place was Mike Bruct'and In third \\as Tom Jordan CIty. wall-eyed pIke, 13"". third, WIth 207 permIts ISSUed b:r the

Maureen Jordan <et a record m Jerry Smger, Farms sheepshead, Woods, 105 bi' the Farms, 91\ inh


121-2", fourth, Dan McGee. Farms, i the s~ctlDn of Graho~ TOW'n.1lhi'pt e 25-rard free ~tv]e Intermedl- rock bass, 814"; fifth. Bill Van' Which i~ In the Grosse Pointeate glrh' contest \\Ith her WJn- Houteghn. City, perch, 6 '; and I School DIStrl(:1, and 13 in thanln~ 149 ,Jean ('lemen' tool( j Sixth, Bill Kalkhoff Farms, a I Shores ThiS IS a total of 420 Ill'second and Sandra Marx, third rock bass measuring 578 " 79 percent of all -rmlts In theIn the senIor bOI's' dlvlolOn I r-

Everv boy and girl entered In area north of FlSher Road Elghty~25-vard free style. John Cr8lg'~ the rodeo received a prIze. rang-I eight permits were ISSUed by the125 won first place and Frank The antics of the clowns WIll prOVIde plenty of that 10 bIcycles WIll he the main "gate" pnzes for the 109 from fish hooks to fishing Park and 22 by the City.MIller placeo second amuseoment for the thousands of chHdren expected at day plus free pop and lce cream. Other valuable pnzes poles, through the cooperation I A breakdo"~ of -rnu"- 01Sll •• -..a

Stili anolher reC'ord wa~ oet h M I CI b 11 h A 1F Id D S t d "11 b d d P n.. y~ WI b 2 I t e etropo Itan U 5 t nnua Ie ay a ur ay "\\'I e awar e to the wmners of each race on the and aSSIStance of Grosse olDte b)' elementary schOOl census di$-

m e JUnior ovo' 5-, ard breast August IS at the Grosse POinte HIgh School Athletle ..., prt><1ram. Post 303, the AUXIliary of 303, I tncts sho'''s ths' th- larg~ _. __"troke RIck Schoenherr broke YI> " ,~ ~, Uu .....

thl' rpcord with hls 241 and Fleld Jack Burnett, Chall man of the event, announced t~e Grosse POinte Llon,s Club, I ~r 95, was IS~Ued in the P1lu.Jel rv Krieg cam em second I I the Grosse Pomte Pohce depart. pard Dlstl'lct This 11 179 Pft'Ceftt

Elaine Glb~on s time of 20; P Co 'l J. e D . IP ment.s, and the Grnsse POinte I of the total The next lJ"eatest

!~~'df~~I~a:dac~~t~le kOrj~nhanl~~ilfOP:S~~.n-JM~~~ - UlVe,Slly _~. ~r~1:~ i 0Minte.Men =o!::~~.Jtit=I;~~~}lf_.•~.'" on p ace was <3nel a . 01" nm!'!'WJIr ~. Mdeo also. :::. .~-.. :;' • ,"'7- ""!II"" c

aJKlBonnle l~~~.,)lPli".~ ~., _~ •• _was fbe Wian~ 112 the intermedi- I EO' nd-~""Thi- - ...... -8 W.. ""~ee''-k- -, ~Tramm. • g ~I'!f were tre8ta:1'te'iDi Woods,' M' IU ~ 'norit-ate bovs' 2S-yard breast It It I W ld B t· Idogs and pop. tHy and Kuou. neh U or 70'Seconti place winner was R:lp~ J Valter Poole Will conduct the to OU • e leutertants ~aflne Corporals Clark B Mc- A co~test ~II~ bets held I pe~t Rmlyn. 3101' 72 ',percent,Bohrer : DetrOit Svmphonj Orchestra 10 Phall 20 and W Iham V MlIr- i ugu. ,and con es an dare, Defer, 38 or IJ 8 pen:ent. Ridwrd,

Helen Slocum set a record for the final ~"cek of summel' "pop" I TnI' Umver~ty of DetrOit IS .lniforms and medIcal attendance Iphv '23 'recentlv' completed the 'I fagall1h pr~"mlse prizes an re-124 or • 3 pe~~ent, and Ma.tre 23th t ed I' 2 t t t T d ht ff ROTC I tin. I .,'. res men"". or 40 a perCfOnte In erm late Il'lr s 5-yard ('oncer s s ar mg ues ilV mg 10 enng a new course .. "en commlS~loned a~ a .-ec- IJUnior course of the Platoon Re lllter now at our local I . _,. _brea.,t stroke VI Ith 187 at a ~o p m. at the Mlchlgan i leadmg to a commISSion liS second I ond lieutenant m the Organl7ed I Ledders Class at Ihe MalIne 1 ark g Y, The total valuation ot all per_

Wmner of thp JunIor bo\ s' State FaIr Grounds I lieutenant m the Engleeer .COI ps Reserve .corps. he Will receIve Corps RecrUlt Depot at Parns p , , mlts Issued dunng thiS sa month2;-vard back stroke wa~ James I The conceits have been heard of tre AI m, Organized Rpsel yes actIVe duty pay at 52565 pel \ ear I Islano. South Carolma , ------- ,period. which w1l1 add to theNorrJs. 15 ~ Paul Kaspel\ took for el~ht \\ eeks (thl~ bemg the Tl'C' Armv ROTC ~chedule plus rental and sustmance allow- J l\!cPh,lIl. ~on of ~Ir and Mr~ 'Recommends valuation of the thstrlCt. .cc:ord~sE'<:ond place In the Junlor\ girls' I elghto) and are spomOl ed a_ '! c" IJ~ h, il bo'IC course and an ad- ances. Carl J McPhaIl of Somerset, and I I mg . to the valuatIOn placed ~25-vard back ~troke. Marl' Sauer, gIft to the CII,' of DetrOIt from «'-~ vanced course I A Quota hao been requested for I MUlphv, "ho'e p,Hent, are Mr Y h 81 the I~sumg mUIUclpal offICers wu194 won first place WIth Carol the Mus1c PerfOl;nance Trust -~... ~ach!ll 0 Year-, U.D, for student~ m Commerce and \11 s Charle' T \1urphy of I OU t 10WS 1$9,990,4950Jordan second and Bonme Camp- Fund and the Pfe./'fer Bre ....'lng lOd a flX week and FlI1ance leadJn~ to a reserve I Rl\ ard Boule\'srd rece1\ ed more _bell thIrd I Company Co-operatmg 10 the ar- ,ummer camp at commiSSion In the Fmance COI ps 'thdn 265 hour~' 0f lI1structlon I The Grosse POInte Mohon PIC-

DaVid Bpauvsls With 178 took rangements I~ the Michigan State "01 t Bel v 0 I r, Is' I d\.rmg theIr 51" \"eek at the ture CounCIl recommends the B'trulatirst place In the mtermedlate Board of A!(flcu]ture and thiS In- VIrginIa, en g 1-,1 ;~lIlar condltlollS v. .1l

1J;I e~~11 i famed MallOI' Corps b~ol cama follOWing pIC'tures for children 1'" rs

bovs 25-\ard back stroke With cludes ~e:ltlnr; capacity ill the leermg center. ,~n IS COUl~ as preval In e IThey' ~celved speCIalized n- "The Great Caruso" . Go For C FinMike Bruce In s!'cond and Harold Shell for 10,000 and free parkmg Lt Col NIC'ho. I tlngme~r ROd C \\Ith the excep

ts- <'rt'~t'on ,n ",'eapons and tadlcs Broke," "Sword of Monte Cristo,' ause mesJoenn thIrd Carole Stonekmg ~et space ' las L. Tate, Pro-' °dn 0 aca emlc requdlremen ! al'o technique of the -:'larlne "Johnnv Holhday," •. D 0 ubI e I

~an summer camp atten ance' • C b ,. T R "u d M Hal h Smia record In the mtermedlate gIrls The" eeK ~ ~ololst.s \\ III be, essor of M I 11-1 . nflI' <quad J ross ones, exas angers, .•,r an " p t.h lit

25-verd back stroe with 178 Thaddeu:t Markle\\ICZ, c I' III st., , tary SCIence and e -------_ : Th~y ha'"" bepn a",gnerl to,' na ~~d Pa Kettle Back ?,n the' 413 Champine road notlc~ smokeIn the open men s 50-yard fl ee (Fnd,n night) and Ja:ne~ Bar- , Tactics and 'head CIty COIIIICII the- <enJnr 'our<e \111lCh "Ill he Fal m, Target Unknown, reC'- poring from the loof of 3/9 Chal.

i'.1\ Ie, .J:;e Jordan wa, the wmner relt vlOlI!"St. on SaturdaY ~Ight Lt Co!. Tate of the Arm v.; I held at the Marme Ct>rp< <cnoC'l, ()mmendc~, :or teen agprs:, "Lor- fonle Thursday night, August S,\\ Ith 2/ 8 In second place \\ a~ Both concert" Fr,dav and Satur- ROTC at U-D said that the fi,st Ok P _ i In Qt.ilnt co \ rgmHl nexl <um~ na Doone, Ohver TWISt. IRU~llIng tn thl' houo;e the, tneaJohn CraIg and Ed Peabody took da\ .....Ill bc devoted to plaYing and ,e('ond \ e;'r baSIC course Will ays aVIlle: Imer Upon ~tJcce .. rtll cnll1pl~llon; to waken the occupant~, but WIth.third place In the intermedIate I of the ~ea~on'~ most popular num. I oeg1l1 In September I w of the r COllege trd nil':: and lhe S f out luck Returning home they

I boys SO-yard free style Da'id bers (as regl51ered by audience I 'Selected 'tudents In t his ,The CI\I of Gros~!' POinte COlln- -C'llnr CO'lr,c th"v \1>11be com- I ea arers I called Gros~e POinte Farms tireIBeauvaIs \"a~ the VI Inner wlth applau.el coulse" ~ald Co! Tale .• Who Cd has appro\'r'd the Board of m "Ioned ?, ~ecord J, 'ut('nants I . I I and police and were relieved to1430 and Harold Joerln placed' Pro"ram for Fflda\ AUl!u,t 10 ,ucces~fulh complete the ba'lc Road Comml<~lonel' of \Va, ne' anei take I"elr nlace "Jli; \1 irlnC Four) ounll boys dt'CIldi>d to learn the occupant~ of the POUM

d ' ~ d h h Count"'. po 1 for th ' 11 y the sWlmnllng poo at the M d M S ';econ SolOIst Thadcleu' Markle\\'ICz cour~e an w 0 po,~e-, t e J ' pro 'a e re~U1- Offlcel" ~ervJng on land sea and I r an rs am Frontera Were, Setting il record In the 1Otpr- Celllst' French MIlllal' March' nece~<arv quahtle~ of leader~hlp facmg of Jcffelson AV/'nuc flom 11 the a.. ' IFord E,tate on Jah.e Shore DrI\e

llvlsltmg (fiend, In New York and

I d ' lb' ff h Caa t F h 1h f II. ,n pr"ference 'n if1!' lnllnlClpame lat!' I(lIls 5O-varn, fr!' <t, Ie Samt-Saen' OvertUl e 'Orpheus \1'1 I e 0 ered t e opporlunltv leux 0 IS er on e 0 0\\ - .____ j '" v. ere not e>o.--peetedhome until the(ContwlJed on Page 3) - (ConhnlJed on Page 3) 10f enrollmg In the ad"anced 109 terms R'II,11II'1 IPa~k The S\\llnbmetr

ftook a ~reYk'follo'O\Inl( Mondav

-------- - e 1 Th f f " d \' an" 111 een row oa om tne pa, I--------------- ------- cour~ e I esur acmg'~ 0 ron _ ,~ , a nrl ro',\ ed to a \ acant lot iln- I Th~ blaze I' a~ ~oon e'IChngu'sh.11\1 Ii A R -d' The advanced C'Oursc \\ III be .ISt of hlo mrhes nl il:p'1alt '\ Jl an C L1rgf0rrl M 161R 'nInll''' the c-ta!e ThC'~ c11mbC'r{ ed onh to dlSCOVt'f thE' upstairsI~ etropo tall. rea eSI ellts !Imlted, at pre,"nt 10 tho.e roncret" O\er th" p"mt'ng pave- F~ '\'IC\, '0<1 (ont"n1 nf - - <:a th!' fcnce ;lnd pr'lcperled tn the room, had been ranoacked TheyI t~t..1";:: cng"o<u,ng terhmeal or ment from curb to curb ., 'len r!' "a~ fn ,-crl nlf t"" rnad poo! \\here th1" had time for a \\erp unablf' to linn any C'lues 11\

I!J),TI-ted t J' R II C II SClentlfl(' In,tl ue !lon 2 The ral'l ng nf eAI'tln l: mdn- h\ ~ ra-< 0;: r~ LJ'lg'~ro, C~l "tllrk S\\ un before thp" \I ere met 111 tnE' <mo~p Oilmal(ed rooms,I () 0111 0 a An Arm' ROTC .tudent l~ de 'Jole :n'P5 to the nel\ grad!' cLmbe.j 1he cwh a~rl plnwed b\ Shnr!', pol ce :lnri e<corted to but further lnvestll'ahon ~howedFeatUring the slol(an • Jom tne needed The man In the ~tr1'et is ferred flom mductIOn mto the :l The rep".. of an\ fault~ ~h ~'I~:::h the front hE'dgt' of 81 the Woon, polIce ,tilt on Herp the hOll,e had been broken Into

Roll Call \\ Ith a birthday gIft" hemg offered a chance to PilrtlCI- armed fOlcc~ prOVIded he re- curbmg. ?~he hnre ,they "ece,\('rI a lecture ;onr,u\ tne I thrnugh an upper bedroom Wln.I b mams In nood ,tand,ng I r r mil." ,n. r~r roo: l11\'1'd nght, M pmpertv O\~ner-; ~nd dOl\-:m appea IS E'lIlg made to e~(lry pate m Ihe fir~t dlrl'ct ,ol!cltal)()n Th .. 4 The total (f)<t In 1 2 ~nd 1 h"rJ tnrol h th" d I

DetrOit ar!'a re~ld1'nt to C'ontnb- for funds to build communIt~ Ide gC'neral oOi;rt:"es JI!' tn e~tlmated <.:t$,;4000 of "hlch th1' .. t rlg ne fi(E' be~le 1t ,,",Ih a fj"e-dJ' Sll,pen~lon of' The firE' ... hl<:h ua< rl'l"rpntn'.ute fund~ toward the comtl uc- 'tructur~ In DetrOit ~ 250th ) ear' pro ure I Jun_Ior ~ ICf'r'h pn,<e". rl1\ 's ~har!' '" 111 be S18000 pJI _ '" il' 1WP il', ilV hv II>" 'T"<'C,' -, I per Pd -se<, were '0\ arneo ed m thp upPl'r hallwaj' andtlon of t\\O CIVIC bUlldl11g~ Thpv h1~t()), I mg Q1ua'tle, an attrl Ille. h

d- ilble Januan 1'),}2 POInt!' Garill:C I not tl' tr" It a.gam l'eclar clo,('t I~ beile"ed to have

'11 b lh Id J ' ~entla tn their progrr.<I\e an ----------------- ------------ b1'E' t t db. th t h h,\I e e wor ~ arge't ,-,on- Budd 1I1.e;\\ 111 ma ke It po,,, hIe (ontmued de" rlopment In the 5 The City of Gra',e POll1lr In, ar f' , E' rna C' eo: t e\ entwn Hall and F,,,hlbll~ Build. for DE'trolt to ent€'"t,\!"1 "nv major Offlcer, Re'ene Cell , of the tinder tne p'opo~ea cnntr"ct VI.Sl-t to ReVleeW Offlelte ,burglal u<ed to expl<>re the C]M"tIng to he located In the ne", CIVIC ('on,pntlOn ~nrl "Iii pn~ble It tn -'l.lm\ p \\ould bE' reqUIred tfl pa'< a -d ~ aft!'1 ,tr""I!!g the rontent, nf 811Cf'nter nn the rlver.front and a handl!' the oropo<"d Intel natH'llal' TI an ng In mllll" \ \~"""I hip hack 0 rlm ..nre of t!'r fp~' em • the dre"cr ora\"!'r< over the up.COmmllnl!\ }\rl~ BUllrllng Oil the Tr~dr Fillr In 1'l'i2 I d th t t f'deh SJ"~ nf th~ n ~ hl n" i f tEl Th Y S h <t~lro 1nom' \11 that hll~ "'~W U.. ,'1'mplil'l/r \11 m"\l< Inn • u, - n, I <If', 'H' - t rl ..

a\ne nIver~I" (ampu' lotill Fdl:arA!l\rDrt,~,t-I,n <>Iowrl, commnn 11 "II I~ht of "il\ TI1, I- fnl ln' ...tIllS Ir cen ear eat-.. l'ro'elP!1ml~Slng<nfarl.Il..,8cn~! nf the ~Iru('tUl C'< "III br er and rrnn\\ nect pnct. ha- h"('n hranrh" nf the \r'11' ,.. ri n l1C- futuro p1annmg "f \\ lrlrnlnt: Ihr ~ l'~\lhl e Cnll Pollc" PNltl\" re-q lOOn 011(\ "'llh half nf th!' <:o.t nilm"d -nl'n"l th~lrman "f Ih ... I "t h f th { tr~"t at a lotr "I a h h"f'n \ n,ver hlu e<t!'c! \\ 1111s"nal Nt>.

~!l- 00000' h h I II < ;m" f'C nlqup, 0 e orp< "~ "r ,.,," - ~, \ I, lltl. , 1~-,~ Ie 01d , rh 111'''1 t"rl l'n1um"rabie pl!'~, m RO"" rl f-, , -10 p orne h Ihe Roll rill, Sill'h (nnl Ibutnl \' Ill, of Fnf(in(f'r' inne on vr'lck an<l \-tn'n,_ ,,.,,,1 ":lI'P .. ,a I rllr1~' ~ft,. ,'.J ~n. a our ~kln -ah1e furCII, anr! the Board of EdUC;l- rC{('I\E' a <pf" ~1 'rnll " a ,nil-I Snm!' crue,,< C v'IO'i 11 II-Jr Af , I, \ ,0 (r a lr\\ '111nutc, to the n ..~;~"~~~<p,,",h,,">i MI- \1c PI!'('E' I,h I h m", h:l'!' h"l'n com.t,nn ypnll of thr blrlhd1\ (f')eh'il.!Jon hi' ter a«(r<ln" tne P I'll I pl"'r1" I1P<tro,,,, h\ the RiI!'l1"s

4. <olle Ilatrnn of rnmmf'rlf' m. ;lnr] In ilddltlon hi' name \\ill hp ~ ,(' ;rn;;:l~m "'P 111 ~ l~' , -I thp nllnnl cuthn 17f'0 Po l11l1 'r r~,1"\ (,f e, rl 'or, 'f) I~ ...e hrr 'Ion to Ihp Fnu hn"e~ 0f 1:' 'II "no 44>ill.l" Ihf' prof1"'lon~ ann fOlln Inrlud!'d on 11 II<! Ihdt \\ 11 Of' l:~n~7~ nn ..,as, dil!,]" ~cn" "nd clf'rl, 10 (',rrll" '11" n ...rr' \1 1',11\ \"(ill1"" nf 214"i() G" l ['o .. te P,r.arrl of FOlIl'a. C"I,bel hull!'tc ~nrl anoth"r r~.rlallnn_ hil' alrl':Id\ ploduc('d plilced 111 tn" cMncr'ton(', nf tn ... Pd

0 0g"ap1_ II' h\l Ul \\r"fo'n- ,an cnntrach \'lth lhl' bo~r<l r, h l.,ei Drfen I : ppect n 0 nn - n(c Ihf"p \\il' "p<"~lblllt' ,01\1'1 "pr~ f.. und In th .. (rnnth 1 in m(lr.h.<:;m<in" In (~n1()1l!. gr "- ff r h tCA "1"1 n il' \1~'" "l'~ndA'" "morr t an hat! of the b~lanc!' t",o btlllrlmg, f' 1 l.J "C d' l' - ----- hc ( It"')" f I)('r."p, 'nmr 'h .. "< n" ," n hall packed and rearh' tn bt' t:lken

I "p,,.l\C,, ~illll'r<"IP iln uJI 'BOll L 1 (fl" 1 C'l' h,\, 'l'OP" for;m- Glo:,-r Ponl" scho<'l I'pon In- •r------------------------- .,I (nnnndnri l ore at (111/ \~(1\ t'1 tlnd IHr d.rtughrE"l \(' ....:Ig~t ng lhr I fC"COld.... :11(' -.------HAPPY BIRTHDAY. nF:TROIT' I Thn' nf :hp ~d\ dl1n ')]1 ,r 1 \' h( 1, 'h, had b('cn . ear, )-"nl: "hnol hn~l dIn", d lhcrf' had JJ'fI 11,1prprsJOI~THEROLLCALLWITHA BIRTHnAYGlFT ,nwr b',d'-.c rlc-,go 111111r\ Q " l' fnrJ~I'r \~ r- h~(n ~ (n.c:J na~.f'd Gpr ..lrln!'

I '~d. ,r 1101" Il1rl'ntenrln'" (nm llll11 '('I), flo \1 ~(I ('hI' filml" "hn h~rj !lI"C'1 I T\\ n '11,,,11 h0\ < ('~u<"'n t"'~lrJdOdf A ( ue..."t j \1 ... \1 {ir'nf'l , (1'n ......11.. " n'and .taff t~<1IC' of "re,n"p n( tho, h Irl >'"ri hf'cn namcrl \1 ''1(c] , ,,'('Ih--r< R er"at dl'al 0f 'orrv

Roll C.Ill or n..trnrt un t, nllh \ill n\l- "nm 11I-t "I \( Llc( 'cna-I \\ R J r'I" I" 1-11 1"_ ""u~ht. ~ ... 1 , ~ttr:'1d~ct \I"'on Sthool for R Tup<dal In .rnlng Auf'h' 3ClhHall '\I(11~1, "2.'nnClf'1 'l' '\1", (,," r 7""" "'-nn' th,,,,hp"'"R,,1i 'o"r.'I(";lI .. eR,'a .. n "hen 1"" rI..rl(]E''; t" ,j an..trOlt 26. 'flchlran I Tho h,,,., ('.J -r, ." h"" [10 "Lr,r1 (1' 2~1 'Ie,! or ,~,~ Tlln .en r (' e' ~n- T-" R"~rrl nf F:dllc'lll"n ;:~'c f\,{'1-\ ~ fp\1 """/'~" a'a "l'''l.Adrl m\ nam .. to tht' Roll (all D~~rn't t-3~ b~l'n ~I'\od to m. \\ p"k ,mrl fh" ~rl\ ~n""'l n. p; ",,(.\ ;l'lC~I'Lnl: 'p -, ",~ 11'r , II'" nt, ".. l' 'h"r 'I" '1c( ~ tn" I'll' ~clrl'l'« nn ~ll! 11'\ ",l'n'lOn nf "ht'r~ tney

d I t t.. ocl'- D t t r. I d ... d ..J 10;1- C (0 II r ~o \1<- '1P C( " ,oJ' br pcn'''ff'1 ..n~ l~l' I' ....~n \Oan ~,,~ KO ''J l'rOI ne o~t' IS m\ contribution rnl,"< ",Cil J:mlr c'r'1 t ,"" u' c.,-r'''n]' Q\ _~. e_ 01 ,,~ 'I'~ '0- 'I' f" '0'_ ... (;1' "Ii ne, r"cC1rd h II t" nt: "I'-e 'In '.1ft n..trtllt'e 250th Blnhda\" Glfte glcrll,~t,nn - -"-,,n°l'd fn" n.' .. , ." • I. eo' "'" , .' ". I h"rl he"n tl,m.f" r('rl \1 kl P In" ~n<1 na\'" K"-~lrl,

(lA.l11i1tf" ~()(l ()''''( "i.-=. nf On rr. r 'h h '1 ."_C" I -r< f to', '111' • ~,n rr f "11 I>'.. _, h ,n 11 '942 t n b"oh 4 \ ,', , ,. n ,,,'re d ,rr\ ~red

;;;'"rlc, t, f'n (l n Ilw ,n Th" ,,11'H" h ~ 20 , ' ,,, ~/ll ,>- \,n' ~'C rl~ In!rd \Ir. \ol( ( '11 Inp, \\ E'nt n 1-.,nl1 Irnm 'helr flr\~ Drive\ ltl( rd ~ 1\11 t \-l!t h~ r del .1 (f k r" II ( 1(1 n ll\( j Hh,(1 (f 1"'1}t tn'~ f lrid I,. ... ::: \f>n ~('f" ....'...h~ h 'ho ........" rirv).l r) 11 an,," ... 0-11~fllll\ i'u"',"~dJ(t.' If 9th ptl Je ...glJ(d II dl"<j I.t JIll) ,.1t r.- \'ITf I tll COli!"'., ('oJ). l

illWct 1he n'.:iln( uf 1hl ~(~"d~ hOUr,(l-itlthfl'lun-ithflol\\offl,.nti,

d, ""lid". I" .. t"n ]. , ~I) ,I,I~~IlJ\IJlI~'I",\lol"I~/'~IH:~,_"<l' tl<,' III I. 'l1u 1"rll'l'lh (,I,n,,1 Ih, ii"" 11/1 'Il" " ..dh I.<klln>! 10 r~~~'i \ \ r f\ I 11 .d,ll\~ li~( jl rl 'f\! rt \t to (\\ 'lll .1 I ....llln II d I.j~ 11'1 Old .... .,11 I dJ nkln~ p p ~hpn

\~ Ii, ""tI,,1, ,'d' ,'..,. '1\<1 r, I, " J I. \! \1 1)101' h" "ll "'I> I,\f ,,'f(I''''1 "~(hl.r ln~\ "lln", In'~ iln",nu.'df llrn'l(npl1f ",lltl1h(i(jfth~''''i(rd<rttg 1 lr( it1 1 Mn(.hcl fP .. '\'q""l",1\11f' n)'il~ l' 1J1t.rl1 .... ah ...\I.

~)f' p. 1 <:~) pi \pdl rird j f lnrl Tr"("l'p f'ri j I'" f'Olnlnh"'lnn III (d '\ rl t~ J t. I \ ~furnl<h"rl -ub-"I m( r he u'lng June (){ thiS j par ( ,: ,; n 'I, llJO:J'o ,0 J~~~ ~~d r ~~< ,n'i~~ntl~~;I~~ ;.,; '3) 11 "f h:d IIlP VI On<lerful ture they ha.d

The POinter thInks thiswould be a good time to com-ment the Pomte life guards forthe good Job they have doneIn our parks thiS summer

Keepmg their {'~'e on Gros~ePOlt1tp Parkers ha,'c been EdCarroll, Chuck Carroll, BertLarkins, Ronnie Walker Ker,Walker. 'fed Maud, CorkyLecklJder, Genrge McBrJde,Don VanBeuleare, Don EKelly. Tom Kelly, and RayReardon

In the City of Grosse POinteare BIll Dellmg Bill Winkler,Bob C;,rver, Dean Fosmoe,Jack Weed and Jack Trombly

In Gro,'e POlnle Fal ms arei':lton Bamford. Ralph Beau-pre Tom De\\ ey Paul Friese,BIll Penoyar Dick Yates, DIC'kJack.on Don Osborn BillHuett!'miln, Lou Geist andJulH! Ford

In Gros'!' Pomte Woods areBill Herrick, Jern' Allen andKen Reece Gro"Se POinteSh'lres are Tom Bruce, BobRnbertson, TIm Leach, BenFl euhaur, Pat Martm, JimFlom and Charle. Fleck

• • 0

\11> Ruth E Rogers ofNaza, Prnnsy]vanla. ,vasgranted ~ cllvnrc!' f~om herhu~band Blain!' \ p'terda.., be.c"use h€ 'would do nnthlnl< Inthe e,,!'mng but lonk at tele-\l1C::lon "

The elt\ of Gro"e Pomt .. ISall ead) planmng fnr the Wln-tel' Ice and ,no\\ A '1e", ~lde-\\'a]k ~nn\~ olnw and a HOIIl:htractor and front loader hayE'he en ordered In p"change fOIsome Clt~ eqUlpm!'nl.. . .

GI\ Ing a gu' ;, pu,h tu ncdout to be a J ather f'xT'!'nO;;I\!'MI,take fnl lack lxln;!I", nflR02 Hurlhut Jamf'- S mon~0f ,1716 IroQ"rw 5t~llr(1 hi' car~n ,"otr!' Damr h"t", r!'n StPaul ilnd Kccrh!" ~l A\eniIPil.nd Mr L~nl!k' offrrl'ti hI''1!']p

Th!' rdr. In I,f'rl hury I1rl <anrl Lan.e;)r" (~l 'hflr~rrl ahrnt Ifrnrr ann hlllnt II, '"\ r dthr, ,t ong ,n j1um1'nt foi-10\\ rn hUI <;lmnn, 11\,1I(I1'('<1tn pal for dilnlill'C<. . .

llOll1 (l ....

hh\ \('mlfld,ng all r"lr'('l-10 ~I", a,\a),!' unlll ~I'e- 1(1p 111 Fnda, anrl <::atur<1a"l1,g'JI

Dr H?'~I \! Ln"1 ~,Irrn(""'r pr('ltll:>:::C:1 j at t'l--.t:l L1"I\,.",

'h of Mlc"1IiZiin <Il\' t'1f' <K:''iii ~. ~hla7" hnth n ght-

"hr-n thF' Ppro;;ol<: '11('1t~('\""l(,")\l.flC:: Pit rln 11("1 fl..nnLJ;;:J1

h '"f ,'\ tn f\Cnt, ....ho ltjn~

<l'h ,m llnlJl \1,111 I,' 'I-tl,t.,d(] 10 (If II' ~ nl I h ~n




* Betty BarrThe C.uLad!&Jl

~o"C Bird* Tony KarlaffHoUvwood'l ".meus

CharartpJ'Imp' .... lonl ••* Prlddv paxto".Orrl. •• lra

Lunrheo" 7D1n"erLATF SPEnALS;;toderal. Pri...W. Cat.r 10Banqnels



( I~rk

\ lC I 1 Q 1Q"l

ILI.I.\:\1 .. (O\;\;OI.l.Y. JR.

Called to order at ,8 00 P m

Present~on roll call Ma\ or WIlham F Connolly Jr andCounCIlmen John M S Hutchinson WIlham G K.1rb\' 1llehardL Maxon, Nell S McEachIn and George L, Schlaepfer,

Absent CounCilman Daniel W. Goodenough .

Mayor WIlham F Connolly Jr. preSIded

Act.ln,l( on tne Engineer s rfport and recomm~ndah()n ofImpr(lVpmen'~ to be Installed 111 the proposed SUbdiVISIon ofthe Ne\~ bern pr"perl\". the CounCil apprond sharmg theexpense of reQulr>d water mam m~tallatlon tn the extent of~pproxlmateh" $1 'iOn 00 fOI an mcrl'a<e In the "II7e of themam from a SIX mch to an eIght Inch across thl' property.

After cons1dennl[ a leport on thE' 1mprovements to beInstalled In the proposed R1':;gt> Top Subdl\'J'lOn No 2 theClerk was authorized to E''i:er'ute thE' fMmal plat for' the<ubdlv1slon upnn the nrnpnetor's film!! of 1I ca<h or sure-tv,",ond 111 the amount of one-half of the estImated co~t of theImprOVf>ments

A rpQuE'~t of Mr Albn.l!ht for a modifJcatIon rof the front, ~Jd leqUJrE'ment WIth rE'<pect tn Lot 981 JOY Re~ it\' Co'sHamiltron Park N" 3 w~< rord..rpr! Tef"rrt>d to the Board of.<\P?eal. at a meetIng to be held Monda, August 6 191H at~ 4;) pm

Q:ity or <5ro55£ ~ointf ~armsSummary of Proceedings of

Adjourned MeetingJuly 30, 1951

Thp EngInppr submitted a proln'!'SS r~port on Farms Pi~rRepl"cem"nt N.., lI<'flon \\ as t~k~n In the matter

Th .. Cnunrl1 con<>dered the followmg proposed amend-ments to th" ff>nce ordmance

I Thp addlt!'," rof a pprmlt claus!' and fee on allfence, t>Aceptmg those not l"xc('edmg four feet m heIlht

2 A 't>ctlnn defll'mo: "fE'nce"

, 1 To pE'rmlt CounCil apnro\ al "f modlflrat10ns nflard<hlp ca<p< cau,pd by lot~ havInJ;l unu~ual Jrrlldec

ThE' ahm e n'cnmm!~llon< apof'ar"n to hO\ e unanimous"t'oro\'~l and" "TP rpf!'rrl'd to thp Attornpv for preparAtIon'f thl' ~menrlm"nt~

'" \ of .. "a< lakl'n nn thl~ POInt T!"sultmg as follows

Y!'a, Cnunc,lml"n KJTb,. M~xon '-lcEachm and Schlal'pfer'\a,< CounCIlman H'ltchll1~on

Thl' COllnrll ("On',drred Ihp n[f"r "f th .. W"""dhllu~" Land) ~lllan' In <.. II the Clt~ 100 f.."t of Lake ~hnTI' frllntall'e

"~Iurlml! nOi<nan nrht, adjacent '0 the present Mun1cIJ)a1,., "T Park on the <nuth

Th!' CnuncIl 1 f'rf"\ pn th" roffpl fa\ or~hh' ~nrl lI1<lrurted,,, Clf'rl. lro makp a furth!'r .tud\ of thp mattl"r a. to hi <ton-

"nr! fmancIn!!

Th,. Cnur<" ;><1'r'on a r",rolllt,nn ,n<'rlirtInIi: Ih .. Clerk'n l1~k" a form;>] r"'""o,1 tro Ih" \Va'"n" C""nh- Rnan Commls-

"n ("r <'orr"dlnn< of 11,,. In ff.,. I'l!ht< at I ~k" C;h"r~ lInd\f"ro« ~nN "f~rk ann \Inr.., ..< ""ch 1l1'1'''n ,,~, I~ken on a"I'M! r>f Ih" Pn]lcp Ch,Pf

Thp Cnunc,] arml'" PO ',,, '''-IaJI~tl''n "f ~ tr~I'\" "2:nal?11 ;II 11, .. '\"f'\\ Kl'rh\. C;rh"",] In arl'''rrl~nrl'' \\,th budg!'t"'Ir"'T"Tl~ll0n<

Thp C" In( II Cnn<lrl ..rprl th" ,"nu".1 nf , ~llnuc h"'at n'~'t'l!r~a r('(llnd n( t'll'lr bnM mOOTlng fel'< anN dpni!'r'l Ih .. r ..qul'ct~

Th .. Cmlnc I ~'thOTl7f"N <l'nrlln" nn' t" O'l('f"f"rl "'11 mem-n( 'h" r,., C(I"nr I '" II,,, \f'rhll!~n \f,ll1TClpal LpaJ;lup

nf"rf'nu' <'or! ~pr>r"\ f'rl "'pl'n,,,c 10 ,h,. f"-<II'n I of t100 on, \(,te on thf' Olll'<ltnn ",< fnlll 10 fa\rlr ,md t~o a~a1l1<t

Till' (nll'l(" "Pfll{)' "rt <'11"'nrn-" ~nn "!'l'l~! nn of ~Ilnn ()OII 'I~ ~n ,;11., "n "f ~ IN"" "I, nn 'h" fln;>r<'l '" Frlur~tlo"

-' ." ()" f/lrnprl ;:Iri~1"l r'nc t ...,...~I'I'I\ "n th,. ~~C' .. <::1""-' "1~r( h", ~I ,,, ""nnl'rl I,,, t' ,)-1,0 .. a'\" In r~r!nnr S\lhdIY1C1t'tTl

~ natlTl( al ,,,~ ~Ilo, ",th Ih .. Kl'rr, .., al \\ ~lk

B,'l' '\rr" ~l'P''''''r1

4,ft"r h"i n ~ Ih- T.p~rt "1 tl1 .. Pler lo'''''tl!! tlol- C"u:-ell"ll'd ~ r"<") JI'''11 ""If"nrlln( • , "t. ('f t'An~-~ to '{r H~nrv

'] n< f'" th __ ,o"lI_nl \'Ir",rraT'l'l~ hp ur~nl[f'd f"r the \-our" .., ~I th" \fun,~ p~1 f'~" Pu\.,

Th" T1'I'eln£[ ~r'll"'U n~rl~' 1() 1'\ TIn-

TU. 2-5420



Dr I ve


Open Doily 9 to 9

Fri., Sot .• 'til 10

Sunday, 12 - 9


S ho p,





Ind Complet. Party Supplies

Cors Drrve1 5

Complete Selection of Imported and Domestic



2 f)O(l!<" fRO" (.Il(l,c;r;;rOI'TF \\oon" OFFI<F<;

Drive-In Space for 15 Cars




lust drive r1;;ht In our budding make y"ur I'urchose and dnve out the bther end Sho~ thiS

new modern. convenient way Beat the ~oti'ler and remain cool dry on dcomfortoble




8 E E R

20787 Mack


Dottie Youn~ AdvertiSing--------


L B OLDHAM, PUBL!~HERDoriS Mdatz, Stoff Wnter

Clreulotlon Mgr.

91l.D4U dJDinlR 1lJwiJJ.UJG1'08,e Pomte s Ft1"st N ewsptlpet'

•L A Young


PUBLISHED EVERY THURSDAYSublicnptlon Rate :I C!'nts pE'r COP} By Mall $& 00 pet year

By carne" 20c per monthEntered as Seconti Class M atler at the Post 0fflce at Det ..01t, Michigan

EalY Payment Plan AvailableOn All Repoirs, Part! andAccessories!

Are you lined upfor an accident?


Asic About Our Pay-As- You-Dr;ye Plan

There are su.leen separatp wayS vour front "he!'!/; can !telout of Ime' An;\' one of these Will rub ml!e5 of! ,our tIres... cause drivin!t fatlltur. . Ind Increase vnur pO"l~lhllities of111 aceldt'nt '\('It'ntlflc ahrnment rf'du('e~ thiS dant't'rand B &. B Chevrolt't servlee department Is staffed, tTalned Iand equipped to give th~ mDSt ac"urate ahpmrnt your money IeaD buy. See us now to save both rubber and money. I

~ NOW... fJn1q i


ALIG NMENT Inrlll"~' r"':~'r':.~" IcaCj"f",r ( __mhpr ~l"rt Itflfl' rtr1 u~1 k!n~ Irun 'Mrl n ltlon :.rlI Jc.T ,~ hfOf"l h"ilTm,," {h .. rl{ ""h~1r In nut linn In"r>f'r'1 th .. (> f"l' 1 ....f'cltr",lnr "''''I"'l'T'lp11''''''ny; I _ AU fnr t'Jrp10.... DTI('"f"

Extra Special lor August


8811 E. Jeffelson at Crane VA. 2-1103

2-Th. Gross. Point. Review-Thundoy, AUlult 9, 1951Committee On IAll.American Soap Box

,-_T_H_E_A_M_~_i_R_I_C_A_l\_T _W_A_Y_I OSma11 BHusill.ess If!~e~~~:re!t~t I~~:~~<_ ~ ~~!tmal~~~~e All-Amen-

PellS earlll [1 I~lC for bov<, the AII-Amellc"l1 can Soap Box Derbv. .hrt.. atl"'ll Soap Box Derb) \\'Ill bl' lUll 111 2 pm l'astern ddyll~ht savin'S

A sub-g. oup of the ~;ou'" Small Aklon fOl the 'fnUIIPl"nth tmle time, and WIll l"nd betwHn 430Busmes~ Commlttet> WIll ,oem be- I nE'"t Sunday, Aug U. l\llh 141 I and 445 P In The final quartergin he8lln~s on the problem, of I bo)< tlom the United State< I hnur of the race \,,11 be broad-smalJ bu<me<~l"< undl'J thl' Ie-I Canada Alaska and U S Occu- Ila<t 0\ er the nahonwlde Colunl_cenllv 1< hvated ('on trolled Ma- pled del many compl'tlng lor a bla Broadcasting System Mt-tl'nals Plan aCCOJding to con-I four-yt>ar, $5,000 col!t>ge <cholar- workgrusman LOUIS C Rabaut I ~hlp --------

The Controlled Matena];; Plan' A.PPIOldmateh 60000 f"n< alc C te CI bI~ a I[overnment deVICe lor the f'Apf'<'ted tn gathE'r at c0101ful as Ing ualtocatlOn of Critical matl"nals-I Derby Downs tnel I' to wltnes'.teel, <'opper and alumInum, I an ex, ,tlng attel nO'>n of IaCIn!: M T darronll d!'fense and rtefense-sup-I and <pecla) e\ent< B~" bet\\!'en I eels 0 avportmg mdustrles on the one "and the age< of 11 and 11 \'-Ill scoot Iand ('lvII'an producers on the do" n h,'l 1I1 thelL home-budt, I F h d tl h •other IlI:l 11\ Itv-pOV. 1'1 ed Ja<el, m a sel. I 1< ermen an non- s erml!!I

Il'S of ehmmatlon heat~ whIch of all ages are lI1\'ltl'd to theRahaut rt>po, tE'd that the House I bUild tn a thnllmg ,llmax whE'n meell11~< of the BaIt and P'ly

Commlttl''' had received numE'r- h 'II A h I Castll1lr Club held eVE'T\ TuesdavI I' .,. - merl( an c ampHln IS I '-ous complalnt< fJ om small bU~I- i (fOI' ned and Thur.dav e\'enln!l_ afterne«men that they have been un- The champwnshlp tJOphv Wdll (hnnpr at the Gro<se POInte Parleable to obtam matenals allocated he all aJ dE'd by W E FI<h, gen- MUl1lclpal Parkn tn,them undl'r the plan elal 'all" managl'r Cht>vroll't MI D Brewl'r. former world's

?rlihJw The CommIttee \\111 detE'1 mll1l' Motor Dl\ 1<'On fhe Derbv JS 10- {astml( champIOn and presentIll. ---- what remedial measures should <pon'orE'd annually by Chevrolet I l\1lch gan plotesslOnal chlmploll,';' hl" taken .f thp np ..d- nt _"..~ll (

etHU It''dUiH~ He~l)JJ~vel.l5 lnlougn ,I" ci .1.C'\.jut:'JH \i!~l VI. at tne meel-busll1ess are not bl'lng met oul the tount, v < IIlgs

h Stephen J Roth planning to apath) on thE' pal t of alt our peo- I the ple~ent econnmlc dIffIcultIes I prompt.y and Will also tnqulre, The fir<t 1'\ ent nn the thJ ,]1-1eppesI' Senator BlaIr :o.lood) 1I11 pIe' came,t tn explammg of the nation He was addreSSIng Into the provmons made under packl'd ploglam ....111be a concert Japan \\ants to ImpoIl 1,5:.'15.000tlle 1952 senatonal pllmarv' In I ----.---------- the economic educal10n workshop CMP for the expansIon of facIl- at 12 15 pm bv the natIOnally I tons of cokln;;: toal-mo~t of IthIa qutburst against Nl'JI Stae- IS A I ' at MIchIgan State College ~t1es for prodUCIng steel alum- famous U. S All Force band, I from the U S -durll111 the J!.scilbIer, chaIrman of the Democratic t III re WS • • • Inum, copper and other raw ma- WhKh IS conllng to Aklon es- I year beg,nnJl1g ./0,. pilI 1State Central CommIttee, ....hJcn ' • The PublJe Relahons DIVision terlals," he ~ald peclally for the event The band'-involved Democratlc party fund Pia A 1 of the St .. te H,gh"av Department The commIttee "111 lall as a '0 \\lll be a featurl' ot the prl'- Iralsers soltcltmg campaign LOn-I 11S nnua I costs the state $120.000 each year wltne~ses offlclal~ nf the Delen'" race parade, <tartlng at 1 15 pm Itnbuhons from hIgh G 0 P of- l'<ow under a new -poItC\" all Production Admlnlstratlon Na- Score~ of marching umts and IflcnIs, Roth registered hIgh shOl'l< I Games DI"IV I hlgh\\a) S'Olles must be clea.~d I honal Produchon AuthOrity and I other bands also WIll be m the I

and righteous Indlgnatlnn and I t, th,ough a $7,400-a-year admll1ls. other government agencIes, a~ lIme of mal ch Ilpoke out "for the part) good" The St Andre\~ s S;clety "Ill tratl~e aide:. Elmer Hanna The well a~ representahve~ from the I A pre-Derby fpature lal l', With

Roth was by-passed b~ the ap- pre<pnt ItS 102nd Annual HIgh.' new policy came to lIght when Let', Put A II The Card, 0n The Table industries mvolved motIOn pIcture stars and otherI'Olntment of l'x-ne" spaperman I land Game~ and Tattoo .. t Bob- I Hanna objected to a nl'WS s'ory "It IS my hope," sa:-t Rabaut, cell'brItles wmpetmg for the "011B1alr Mood~ to the senlltorJal seat I Lo Island Thul <day. Augu,t 16 : quotln$( a department staff ex- "that the commIttee wdl rapidly I Can Troph\'" WIll start at 1 45 Ileft vacant bv the deatn of Sena- Boats WJll lea\'e frem the foot of I Dert Instead of CommISSIOner R dd. B. T I F. fiJ'ld a solution to th~se groblems pm Contendel < \\ Jll lnclude I

\ tor Arthur Vandenberg !Woodwald a\enue al.. 9 10 am I Charles M ZIegler. 0 Ina Ig rees S 111e because small busIMsses cannot Andy De\lne. <tar (If ~tores oflSays one colun.mst "Roth \~as I and I pm. ' I • . • C7 surYlve an extended perIod of I" estE'rn dramas and Ronal':!simply stIcking a needle Into the I Fund~ from th,- e\ent Will aId Fire damare to Micblran for- SafeO'uard AO'ainst LI"ghtni. nO confu~lon and de,lay m allocating I Reagan, yprsahle motIon PictureWIlliams admmlstratIon to ~ee gredtly 111 5t Andrew. chanty I ests has folllen off thIS ~ear Thus. l-I ~ ~ scarce materlal~ actor I

how tender It mIght be and I work, espeCially In provldm;;: the far 536 flrl's have burned 3,613 Ben Franklin may have In- I annually accordIng to the au- I ------- --------------1whether there were any others, many baskets gl\('n annually at I aCle~ a~ comparl'd WIth 637 fires s'llred the whole thl~g by 1\y,nl: I thorlty" Mr Hooper belIpve'l L t t St 1 G If P Il10und With needles th~y wanted I Chrl$tmas to need) famllJes Aid I damagml! 4218 durmg the same hJS kite dUring an electrical l''l:lshn;;: mlsconcl'pt.ons about a l/S V es 0 arty Ito stick" 15 not confined to membcls but penod 8 year a 11;0, storm, But e\'en todav many lIghtnmg may be a throwback to • .., I

In any event, the commg sena. to anyone \\ hom IS depmed • • • home owners regard III~htnmg anCIent folk lore The nak IS AvarJabie at On August 16 thE' RIverSIdetonal race becomes more keenly I \\orthy of as,l.tance \\ hlch IS de- Thlll week 18 eonservahor of- protl'ch"" as <oml'thlng akin to commonly belleved mo~t susceptI- KIwanIS Club Will have a golf~tested. 1ermmed by volunteer officers of I ficer trainees WIll be selected cIrcus sho\\oman,hlp : ble to hghtnll111 Actually, there N St d. party at Gowame Country Club 0

• • • tht socIety La~t year ne ..rly They WIll take eIght weeks of Such I~ the lament or M J. I~ no sound SCI!'ntltlc reason tor ett' ,U 10 A round table meetmg Will beTbt atate le(islature will meet $10.000 wa, expended to those 111 I classroom mstructlon and fOUf to I Hooper. field I epres~ntahye of thl~ belIef unle<~ the regIon , I held at the WhIttIer Hotel l 0

August 20 to vahdatI' plans for need m and a"ound Dptrol,t SIX months o~ fl:ld .trammg the Da\,,)' Tree Expert Co, \'I.-ho I abound~ 111 oaks AnCient peoples Irene Mand), well known Ibwldmg a new state office buIld- The 10200 Annual PicnIC \\ 111. ~ay~ roddmg big trees 1. now a I con<ldered oak~ target~ of the sky Grosse POInte dre~smaker, has an-m. CkJvernC1r WIlliams hmlted I ha- I' the Chrysler p,pe Band I Archery 15 a favorite sport of pretty precIse scI!'nce The Na- god~ On the other hand, people nounced the opemn,g nf her newthe lIub]ect matter to that one I lead Its parade from St Andre\\ s many Michigan reSIdents In 1950 I tlonal Board of Fire Under ....TJt. I stIll hear! for the protection of ~hop at 15214 Chare.vOlx betwel'n Iitem WIth no prpsent plan to open Hall to the boat Other bands there were 14,670 reSIdent and et < thll1ks well 01 the Idea, too beE'ch trees durll1g storm< The Lakepomte and Beac<;nsfieldthe leSSlon to any other d.ISCUS- have slgn.tled their II1tentlOn to 815 non-reSident bow and arrow i Thl' group concedes a properly I American Indian< <tarted thIS MJ~~ Mandy speclahzes In per- I

lion. In speCial sessIons the legIS. attend. There ~re 20 H,ghland hunters roammg the state. I Installed sy<tem ....ill Il.f'Iord vlr- I practice 'lalvely belJe"InIl thev sonallzed deSIgning She .receIvedlature may con~lder only subjects dance even Is for compet1tors un- • • • tually complete protectlon agaInst Iwere <afp In a grov(' But beechl'~ training m thiS field 111 Hungary Iopened by the !!overnor. der 16 years. thre" j.> Iles for Southern l\lleblgan ronstruc-I h~htl1lrg dama~e When applIed are hkeh to be <truck If they befo'e enrolhng In the Academy

• • • each .,.ent A ,Tumor Jla.i: PiP' UOh contract n.'ards fvl the first to blllldmgs thls opll11On me-ns are the tallest m the area of N"art In DetrOIt I.Prlee Dews IS fair tD g~od, competlt;,on for boys and ,l(lrlS ~IX months of 1951 wpre up 6 per hard dollar~ and ,'enls to Am:ri- ! • A large selectI~n of E":\cluslye I

~ws a ers are httered WIth ads under 1/ for whIch the GIlbert lent over the saml' pellOd of last I cans Rural propertle~ so pro- Loc I L c!eslgn~ are avaIlable at MIss I....esain p bar alns and clearance I Carmichael Trophy l<; gIven to vear - all 111 the face of credit teetI'd are ertltled to reduced In- a ass VIandI" new ~ho!, In addItion I~~- F

gd g ftd t A the competItor haVIng the most turbs June total was $133793000 IIsurance premlum< <hI' WIll work" ItD vou to cleatl' I

....d. 00 prIce pre IC Ions arc th t- S I - ' W. Hid f d I01ltl.nl1stlc But some pnce cuts POInts 111 ree even - l',era Six-months total for 19;>1 IS In smitIng the land~l'ape. lIght. InS 0110rs e~ll!n. rom your own leas or Ifake a lo~g time Sifting through I Semor Bag p,pe cO"TlpetltlOn~ are ~442 377 000 as agamst $416,910,- mng hold< no real mysteries to I sketche. Id!Jtrlbut on !lanne!s also on the prCl~ram, 000 for that pellod m 1950 the experts It WIll mo.t fre- At the sports events markmg For the dlscnmmatll111 woman,

I ~..' The athletic program \',111 ha\ I' ------ quently hit the taller trees and Cl !"ahons that are exclUSive WIth- I

m a"y e\ ent< for ~he 111'1' tots Courte~y nn the hIghway "can bUlldln£~ Properly lodded trees I !hp end of the fIrst month of the out bem/! expens:,"e are to beDefnse MobUlzer Charles E With prlze~ lor a1. The larger 11'0 a Inng \\oay toward reducInJ( I may e\en protect the home to campmg Sl'ason at Moss Lake hac! at the new Mand,". Drl'~S- I

WiIIoD ha~ gIven DetrOit a verbal boys Will ha\'e eight e\('nt<, ml'n lour annual traffic toll," 10 the <orne dpgrpe 1f the" are nearby I Camp, Darts N!'w York Joan mal-JIll! Studlo at 15214 Char-I- t for farmmg out too many I and ladles races includIng nov- I OpinIon of Al Esper, chief test I De'plte popular bellI!! no speCIal EllIs Hlli. Cloverlv 1oad plac~d Ile\'O\x ~(F-d advt)> contracts. H~ says • ".j elty events For the first 11m'!!Idrl\ er of the Ford Motor Com- trees are Immune fro'm Nature:- I first In the free style fmals tn:

'DlUc;h of the M.lhtary buslnea- Jurllor SOtter ''W'Il! be an event 1>any. "After dnYlnll: more than pyrotechniCS .. sWlmmmg She placed flr~t also 1 R ..bu,ldmg the glass furnaee In• teeS III Detroit 15 bems 50 dts- In fI\'e .aslde competitIons An. one mlilton mIles WIthout a sen- The apathy to adequate lanrl- in the "In and Out" race and 1the Ford Moto!; Company's Rougebuti'd by the large mdustnes other feature \\0 III be the Caber I ous acclClent, I am com'mced that ~cape lightning protectlnn re<ults third In Class A Doubles I plant and other planned lmprove-

U to leave DetrOit {or busIness as Toss ThIS IS a feat that only the ISaft> drI~ lng habIts make safe In tlJe loss 01 thnu~ands of ,~l- Joan IS the dllughter of Mr. CTease dallv meltlnll ~apacltyWiua!. ThIs In turn accounts for experIenced can expect to hI' the i hIgh" ay~" I uable and Irreplaceable trpp_ and Mr~ J. Gonion HIli there from 75 tons to 100 t"nstome of the present unempJoy- caber, The 56-pound and 16- tD!ll!nt ... ". pound ~hot put \\ III be a- s!lecl~l"":Makes things look tough for a e\'ent All entnes are open to

ecmrruttee named by the gover- am'one WIshl'1g to enterlSDr to chaJ'lnel more government Presld~nt of 5t Andrew"1busllless to the state I 'brtm Tn"msnn ,,111 pre<ent a

• • h ophy to HJ,I(hland Dance com-SeD, Blair Moody saYs, how- petltor< General Challman James

ever, that a speed-up 10 war pro- Alan states that 75 dancers haveductlon contracts WIll cu~hJon already entl'rl'd Competitors aretmemployml!nt shock for most of I expPt!l'd fLom all over thethe cItIes in thp state UnIted State, ,Jud~e DaVid C

• • • \"0"('<; and ArchIe :VlacLel<h \~,IlCass Hourb, Daisy Air Rifle I bt> FJelrl Secretalle~ John J

CempaDy ex~cutlve (Plymouth) ;'\lacEwen ant'! \\ t11lam OIl' er Ilay! the "mental and ph \ <Ical ",ll r!1f(~rt the athletiC 1" ent~




MIDGET HAMS63;4 lbs., each $7.29

DUBUQUE HAMS6~4 lbs., f'ach $6.69


CANADIAN tin, each $2.99

TF"DFR \I-\lD H ...\t~

6 Ibs. - each ~ij,29

16822 KercheYl1 - TU. 5-3200880 W. McNichols - UN. 1-6700

Birm incham - Midwest 4- 1500

Specially Designated Distributor16822 LIQUORS 880 W

Kerchenl McNicholsDOMESTIC end IMPORTED


NOTICE: The O. P. S. Ceiling Price onPRIME BEEFis the same as for CHOICE.GET THE BEST AT NO EXTRA COST!

BlAde or Jtound Bone

Whole or Shan),. HaU

TV 1-6200

t'. S. Prime Sboulder

Roast Beef

Dubuque. Readv to Eat

Smoked Hams

l\hddle State~ • 2.('b. 801.




Slld~lI1g SpE'ual'

TREND .. 2 pkgs. 32cIe ~'LE

DeliCIOUS Derbv Canned

Whole Chicken .. $179

'\'e\\ Enl:"land - Fro7en Rt0lled

Stuffed Lobsters. ~l05


46-0z. Dc• Can

Hens or Toms




Old Monk' Giant

Ripe Olives .. can 49cPE'ter Pan - Salted

Peanuts ... 2 cans 49cBumble Bee - Cbunk ShIp

Tuna Fish ... can 32c

\-amlla or Chocolatf'

Lipton Frostee2 10r 25cDon De Coffee I.b 79c

Here's anotber 4 Star "FIrst" ..• ~Ileciallv selected turkeH f'xpertly cleaned freeof pin featbers, tilled \\ Ith a deli! \ouslv blended bread 5tulllnr and ready t~ putinto the oven: .These ready.stuffed turkeys are \acuum-packed In a special "Cry,O.Vac". liarwhleh enables you to roast in tbe bar" with these advantares:-





stokeh' .. Grapefruit

JUICE .. : ..



9 H511EYES EXAMl1l.'ED

Complete- Optical SI'l'VlceDR. A. M. MAl ESTERDR. l. D. MAl ESTER

Optometrists:;111 LAKEWOOD for "'llnl,.caae.'

Ph ODe VA. 1.!!66 •• Marll



Mad,. Thl' Samf' Dn fall ...9O.Dn Guarantee on Our

TlIbe~. Plrts and thr La~r.("all t ~ Jonr Hou~e Sl'rv'(,f'

tall ts Ab9ut Our l\arrantT,


TV ~~g: £jJMONEYS~~~NGw'~~~T~~~~!I f~~~lGRAPEfRUIT 6 For 29C

BETTEtt BUSIlIiESS Bt:REAU III "ii') ----------------SERVICE ('ODE OF ETHICS WE RAVE 11 - ~ COLDEN RIPE 2 Lbs. 25c


PRescott 7.0300 •• --rP SWEET CORNWAlnut 1-0949 FRESH

En\ elopes conlllllllnl2 the ""n<-r1001d be plamlv marlterl 'Pro-'po~l fin' Bond- • I

",pproverl ll< to IN m lut- 11]q,] \1"un,clr?1 hnHHp ('om



Publ (;P R/'\Ie~ Au~ !l lq,l

~OTICE OF SALE l\OTICE OF' SALE ~OTI(,E OF S'\I F >$'7,000.00 SFECIAL ASSESS. I $10.000.00 SPECIAL ASSESS. I $12,000.00 ~PECIAL A~S.;~S~ I ~ra ~l'a1)Iu~ Favor ite 1 \Vinne I'S 111 I!_he_Grosse _ P?In.I~ -R",vie~- Thursday, _Au


MENT ROLLS NOS. 73 TO MENT ROLL NO. 71 1M. !\lENT ROLL NO 72 1M I (ontlnue'! from PHe 1) " T ( , ~76 INCLUSIVE IMPROVE PROVEMENT B . I .' rl\ed hIlI"" 101 d \ 'It un k,l\e 1''''- {It Ollle ...t~ 1 'ortl.t');Zln 1(1 S,t.'llll. MeetMENT 1J ., ON DS'I PROVEMl-:NT BON 0 S flOm h" pu.t <It fmt WUldrn \ / A ~ ~ ., ., '1(-' ,• ONDS and CITY OF GROSSE POINTE CITY OF GROSSE POlNTf: "t Pc'!t TO\\lhlnd W.. ,hlDg- III Ihr 1t'lllJo <1ol1p "hh", E 1 C! <Continued (rom Parf' II

$l!l,OOO.OOSPECIALASSESS.i WOODS, WAYNE COUN.1 WOODS WAYNE C()l'r-.;' tun ~h'1\ f'nlhttd In th.. held 1,.\ ,,(p, d Gj() (> po",'tel III l,()llSOIl ,\,,~:\laul(>,n Jr"ddn \"th 11'iI\fENT ROLLS NOS 75 TY MICHIGAN " - '\1Jl1\ eddy till' \Cdl and 11' Pa ' \1'llIupdl P"lk P,olJ If 1,L, Hlfr of ,ec ma place \<'d' .. IenAND .' . TV •• IICHIGAN ' "n<h ",mp"',ri h" b,," K'" 0"" '" rio,,,,,""" D''I"o' ""e..,,,, '" -, ,." h" 'I, ""' ,m .m,' m <h,' ri C-, "t "00 •.


Seall'd uld, f)1 the pUlchase Sealed bids 'or tile pUlclla'e ()f tlaIDIn~ a~ld d 10UtSC "t Ihe ~-b &-1 to \\<Il Ihe Illel', 'lngll's DOlln~, lli~t:, th" \H~k \\l


[, ..1t ~Jng D,dnl' R,tlloff ,et ,tIll ~n-GATlON IMPROVEMENT of Speual fu,e,smenl RDIl No I Speual A"e~~ment R JII ~.IJ ~12 AI mOl ed ')LhllOl In thp HdlOOI In lh~ Il ell double. B II M - I d" d\ mght 'I hpdulpd r'lI '>atul (Jth!'1 1(" 01 d 'Il tl1" pn'OI glrJ~71 I ., - D f f P S d I[h ). • c da\ (Augu,t I I )BONDS, CITY OF GROSSE ITlPI0\ ement Bond, of a par I Impi ovement Bond, of a p,ll I I' en-e <II!''' () UllCtow') ug a'1rl B IlJ Klelll' ",th II on • 50-, al d flpp '>l \ II' V. Ith 12 Ii

• value of ten thou,and ($10 000 00) \'alue 01 twelve tho usa n d I Kn'JII n to hh (,Io"e POInH 0\ el 'd' h Dillon d ld r dill-.. Dll- (llmaJ..lng thl' mo,t 'U(l ""IulPOI";" WOODS, MICHl. rioll"'. 10 b, '"oed by th, C,ly ($12000.00)doll'" 10 '" ,,,",ri r"<nri'" R'd """' Sh"" to" ,., " "'>00 eoJoy"" by "" h." m,t, "'~;~ ,,;':';~; h' ;::':,k•';Z;,. ':,~;IGAN I of Glo~se POint!' Wood~ 1',1lthl- by the eltv of GIO~ ...e POinte h a Jun., 00 glddudte of <.., 11dipi \d' .Ill II nr' r (e lIa(h, a $2000 fedtu~( III ,I .. " 118 and John Clal!': plalpn ,PI"Sealed bid' fOI Igan \1111 bl' leu ,ed by the un- WOOds,MI(hlllan.\\lllbcre(el\edl (;l~",e PowtpHJghS,flOOl He DeV".' 6-0 6-1 111 tiP pa,e-the Flt'eman Cdll P ..ce- JIld In lht .!'nJOr bO\~ 50 \arrl

A' S"""'lal Asseo'metnhte PIUI(ha~e derslgnh. at the Mumupal BuIld- by the undelslgned at the Munl- lmas tilt Alml \~I \ lntel bt- 0 I JeW. II 1\1111 b .. held ThUI,da\ night"e ...~~ ~ Ro 1_ Nos ' I I g 1I I I I d b lJ)5 '1111; e' r..ol" dO"lllg nomlneP, f(" thl' back ,tlohl fhu,ras Wm(' ,el73 to 75 InclUSIVe Improv~e t mg, untIl 8300 c1J>ck pm, East- clpal BUilding, untIl 830 o'doLk hn, lOui I 1(';; g d to E' T,"phle, alld flled,d, werE' Pd(E' mclude 'mh heddlInel, a' a nl'\\ r('(old \11th 328 and 10Bonds or a I f n ern Standard TIme on Augu,t P 'n Edstel n Standdl d T me on ome on e e expl'cts to a" .01 ded the \ Jrm( P s(l'llnd pIal e \\ d' hank ;.1d e,'e\en thousaPnadl 1($a9u7eOOoOOOn)'"detYI-21, 1951, at "hllh tIme and place I August 21, 1951, at \I hah llllLe I tbP 'E'lntt oveh,,(a~ upohn hiS re I' Dpnn\ OIntet Hoih I oorl SU/eHe, 0 d b d uln d (' \ t I\'e'l .'>lmd" \ \ IgL \ 12 lhe KlIll Cd,tle MdC Dalf> M\ Chid LOd Zd\ ~re ld ..n "on H I' ,enInl sand SpP('lal As,e~ment R 11- ,al I" WIll be publIclv opened and pla(1' ,aId bId' \\ III bp pub • I' ."HJ.fl 111,eo <louol!" II 111 l)e plaHd <It and Pal Song '01 glli. ')(l \ drd oat k ,', (of P \\J'h

'" 7'" d 76 G - 0 s and lead lIch opened and lead h \\ I Ios "an enenlObllgatlon SaId bonds wdl be dated Au" TILt' L.yo"e Pomte \~'ood- ,I e UIU( I'd Palh Fntldnh dLI' Ddlh \\dgellng dt :o.olth\llie )5 I dnd Ill. ,(>n[(J! (,111' ill ,.;ldImplovement Bond, 0( a par uort ht 1951 WIll be b;( SaId bonds \\ tll be dateJ All!: la hell 0'1, Pdl h 'Idd dn unu,ual I Lon a me N{>Ime ~Ild J ,n h Dd-, tlll~ ~ed,on ha~ a~ erdged SI95 -UOO 01ea,! ,t,,,,, \ lth 4

71 I, pn'

value of mneteen thousand1ln th'e de'n tcoupon, on s ustlst 1951 willbecouponoolld~ "'ltOI Fllda\ -\ugu.t J A lonl \e"l, BIb Klen'f'lln and'lomp,lIed to $1115000 a \e"l dOO McCullbul\\') ltw ,nnrl,ftH!

( SI" 000 00 om 10a IOn 0, one Ii B I h" ) dollars to bl' ISSUed thousand ($1,00000) dollal! /'ach In the den"mlf'atlOn of one thou- 24 foot Chi" Claft bplonglng c (11 rl "c, Thh I' an 101ll'a e of 11ml' than ""lllf-n, "pen 50 \ d d iJdch

bv the CltV of Grosse Pomte wdl be numbl'red eonsecuhvel~ sand ($1000 DOl dollar, each will to Wlllldrn Boul hel uf 2JI3 \ ., 20 pelcent ,tl c", dlW j'H I pdL ~) \, r


',p~Woods, Michigan "Ill be re- m the dIrect Older of theIr ma. be numbered con,ewtlveh m I Libel t\ St Cldll Shore, \\ as I ~Cal'(.Jl E>o.p,I h tl ace tl1(- In, Iea-ed t\ IpCI'I\ ed by the underSIgned at the tUlltles from 1 to 10 both mclu- the dll ect ordel of the r matull- dl~co\ elf'd on the loths dt the Lned d" one of the top U lnlele,t <it !\'ll tin Illl dnJ dl [Jthel T 11 1111", W nb ' 10" Ii, ' 11 ('IeMunICIpal Bulldmg unlll 830 ~I\e WIll bear mterest floon theIr tIe» flom 110 12 both mclu'ive, end of the "lIlmmlflg po"l f<ill lite, among earlv en- I «'onhllued Irom P,..,:e II IJf thl' m.t ol! , tlCll'" \) the IJp,n mcn, -,0 \ald bo ~ " o~~~clock pm ~~ste!!1 Standard datl' at a rate, or lates. not ex- Will beal llltere"t flOm thell rlatp Bouther took the boat OUI of hi£, 101 the :!50-mlle annl- d'lumuJatf'rl IPw,d, \Hlt' Ie I gIO\\IPg up of pall-mlltuel hdl- \\mn(j d t \P 'UUOI bu' 50-• "It" Ull Au~ ~', '''''I, a' \ UJUI I I ~eUlll~ 3 c pel annum ">0. p.e.'...... a~ a I ate 01 rate<; not exceedml(, the LI bl'11v Su eet Canal onl\ I \ f'dl"d that Fib II A 1 nb, t dung a, a "pOl t Yedl dftf>' \ dl d UI f a~t '\J IJkE- a~ Ron Walk-tlml' and place, saId bIds \1I11 be In multJples of 1 of I'" '> d 5 • pel annum, eJ..plp.,~ed m mUl- 10 find the \\atel tOll IOU~t1 \P', , ,~(" hE>"''' ",,,,,,..,1_ lId e 1 nm' 'JI \eal more fan, ha\e de\doped Cl \lIth 126 dno J',nn C'd'l; ITJpublldv opened and lead i wlele,t WIll be l'~)aule ;n F:~- tlples of I. of I", ')ald mtele,t He tiled to tUln bUI the \\Ind ed"' :\ll(nlgan St;te lalr- ~~~~\,~uhdd bl',n ~',:en"f;)~ a~'v" .oll~ "uoptf'U tnt' Ildlllt:" ~PUII ,_ ~ "' -' I, '\-'0 M ~"'"

SaId bond~ \"111 be dated Aug- I ual v 1 1952, and ~eml.annuallv }~l~~ be P;l able on Febl~uanh' 1st, ble" the craft sldeWd\ s onto gl uL.nds Sunda\ Augu;,t 12 t t <;t Cl ....1 op lI:Ulth\ 1l1l Do\\ II' m Opt'l atlOn ,::J-\ al d fl (' ,tde Thon',>, ~ In"~ust 1, 1951 WIll be coupon bonds thereafter on August 1st and m' an ~e-ml-annua v t ele- the rocks The St Clal! ShOle~ l~:;;lh 0 d dll ,dllg"n onl\ ell:/lt led" ~hll I> tne pIOn- tooh anothrl nr,t "" Ith 39? .. ~\llhIn the d/'nommatlOn of one thou- FeblUalY ht The mterest Ide a ~ on Augu~t l't and Feblu- Harbormaster and poille \\Ith a, J rndlor sport<; event of eel tlack In the Mldl\e~t and one,Jlm j\la

tmcomIng In ~c(f)I'd aDd

~and ($1,00000) doll a I ,edch wIll for pach (Dupon pellod on any ary st The I~terfest late fOJ I'ach I the help of the V S Coa.t Dell Oil'S :!jOth B I r t h d a v \11" \ILldl tnev Ilnmedldteh of the "Iae"t ID the count, \ ROll Walhel thirdbe nuwbered consecutively In the one bnnd ~hall be at one late coupon pellO 0 an) ~ne bond Guard soon had thmgs \\ell Fhuval wlll be Johnny telephuned St CLall and lfl a mat- ------- I DIane RelLloff ,ct a lelord In

dllect order of then matulltle~' onlv Acci ued mtel est to date of ~~:~~ e~~ at~o~eatleate ,0lldlwl >\CCIuedf

undel contlol r-ld'1tl of Long Beach, Calif, ter of mmutp" heard the \ Olce I ODEROL1, lOW" CHRO .....I- the ,enlOr gll b 75-\ al d fl ee ,t\ Ieflom 1 to 97, b()th mrluslve as to dpll\ erv of <ueh bonds mu,t be su h b d t b01 e

dI~er) 0 ------ a lIll eEO' hme Indtanapolls of hCl long-Iu,t daughter ICL1~. 'The 1\\ 0 lJdltv .y<tem IS \\Ith hrl 5') 5 \'Jtll Loa Z,lV Sher.-

fll)/, Special As,e,sment' RoIls paId bv purcha"l'r at tlmE' of Che e ont

~ mus f de palI Y pUl-1P COll("el"ts compehtor and \\ Il1nel of I The daughtel Gelaldme Wol- a gleat th ng 11 a demotlac), lddn tak ng secondNM 73 to 76 Inc1u~lve Improve- dehvel y a< I' a Ime 0 e Ivery I Op th€' 'iOO-mlle stock cal rac€' \ en an emplo\ ee of the DIamond LJlIt thele a e t lle~ "hen the In thp p'en s open 75-\ ard f I'ement Bonds, and I to 19 both The S~cla! A"se,smenl Roll The Speual Assessment Rolli (Conti at DarhngtoJ1, S CIa,! La- Cl v"tal Sdlt COmpdll\' In St two ~dl t' pllnclple can be I ai- ,t\'le Thornd

oWines ....lth 434

l'1dusl\'l', as to the SpecIal As- No 71 ImOlOVe-ne'1t Bond< \Hll No 72 Implove-nent bonds \1 III nued from Page 1) b D I CldJl "a' (,\el \\ helmed 8, the lIed too tal That 1< '''e 'oily \\ a.:. fil "l .ond K Ga,c \ ~ secondt II h tJ V d I

or 8\, Mantz WIll dr"'e a I t h h,"s~ment Rolls No' 75 and 76 mature serlalh \uthout op'lOn of ma ule sella v Wit out optIOn It; leT n enlOJ d ' Offenbdch I. If'\ e a Ion t at el leal mothel llrI"Uffi'tan(e toda) Tne COlin- --------(:eneral CbhgatJon Implovf'-ment Pi 'Or payment '!;:! OOD Au~ust 1, 0: PI10I _~aYn.:~r:t S3,?OO00 Aug- Kol NidI PI (MI Markle\\lcz), 19) I ~a;,h Ambassador ....a< on the othel end of the Ime tJ y 1< m de,pel ate dangel yet I SMART DOGBonds w:ll bear Interest from 1952 and 1953, $3,000 000 August u~t 1, 190;,:-19;),) mc!u,lve : Bl uch, l.>..terpt, horn Calmen" ------ She and hpr parent~ e~ .. thele are n1any 1eplesentatl\es j Pd.~adena Cal-AttE"ndant4i att1leJr date lit a rate 01 lates not 1, 1')54 an-I AU'lust 1 1955 Both prmclOal and mteleot \~111 Bizet. "Emperor" Waltz, Stlauss'l Canl C ,II tended an lD\llatlOn to Mrs Mc- of the people 111 Congres, I\ho thE' Alta VIsta Hospital heardI'",ceedmg 15', pel annum' px- Both punclPal and mtere't WIll be payable at the DehOlt TlU,t Ballet MUSIC fl "m 'Faust," Gou-' p a,e Callne\' to \ hIt them In theIr mefer to Jeopaldll.e the ""eltdl e whmmg and ,cratchmg at theplessed m multiples of 1


of I'"c I be oavablE' at thp DetrOit Tl ust COInoany, m the CIty of DetlOlt, nod Tone Poem The Moldan" I0 H home, and plan, ale undel \' av of the country by playmg polJ- doO! and found a pet dog th'!rec:.aid mt"rest \\ III be payable on I ComDam', In the Clt\ of DetJ 01t.1 Ml~hlgan Smetand, ' ....altl 'Gold and SIl-, }lell OllSe for a long ses"on of .:onver~ahon I tICS a, u.ual" I WIth a SOl!! pa\~ The do~. ae.February ! 1952 and ~eml- M1l'hlgan FOI the pUipose of a\lardmg the vel," Lehal, SelectIOns' Fmlan', / to fill 10 the empt) spaces of the ------- cordmg to hIs o\\ner, Mrs Helenannuallv th"reafter on August I Fel the pUlpo,e of awardll'~ b,mds the mtelest toot of ead, Rambo\1 ' Lanp and Kmghh- P, ent" dnd fnend, of (dmp- past 13 yeal' In rnol.lern plepalatIon plant>, Weber. had Jumped from herlot a'1d Febl ual \ ht The mteJ _ the bonds, the mtel est co~t of bId Will be computed by deter- I oddge Mal( h Coatf>~ el< ~t P'<, YWCA'> Camp Cavell I DEARBORK • I machme< tleat glade. and I om- I second-floor apartment, appar-e,t rate fOl each couoon pellod I pa<h b'd II III b" comnuted fw ml'llno at the Idte or rates specl I For Satuldav Augu~t 11 Solo Will bp InItiated mto the' Spltlt I bl1\1lch -fhl' fll,t i bme coal mto \dIlOU~ pIe cllP- entlv hurtmg one of hIS pawson anv one bond shall be at one i determmm~, at the rate or rates fled tnelem. the total dolla; 1st, Jame~ BaJl~tt, VlOlmlst COl. I of Camp Cavell at an open house ~~~~~ea;,I';~s v ll~e m the aU'i tlOns" to meet the exaLt needs He knew Whl e to go for help, Itnle onlv Acclued mtele,t to: speCIfIed thole''l, tile total dol-I valul' oflal! mtele,t on the bonds onatlOn Malch flam \The Prll- on -"lugll,t 11 t tlV ~as put mtol

ofton,umel' "ecm-

oatl' n1 dellverv of ~uLh bonds ,Iar vall'e of ,11 intereot 0'1 t~e I from Septen'bel 1. 1<)'51 to then I phet," Mevelbeer Overture' Dle ,\ hOl>P ,ho" , begln!llng at I 30 o~~~~,IO~ila~l:no~d p~~or Com- --- -- -- I -------- ---P1U"t be pald b\ the pUlchaser I bonds flOm S"otembe, I. I ll;)1 matunt\ and deduetmg there- Fledermaus" Strauss W a I t .I. p, In \\ III ~tdrt the da\ ~ actl\ J- Pia t t; a MIch. : "at the tIme 0, delI\ en to thpil matullty and deducl 'll:( I from any plemlUm The bonds "The Beautiful Blue Danube" tIe, Follo\\ mg It \\ 111be demon- p n I? fe t~1 mg of 1914 The [I way Kennels I

The Soeclal A.,sessment Rolls therf'from . an\' ore-mium The I Will be awalded to the bidder I Stl auss, PolovetSlan Dance, Bo; - slJ dl,ons of fencmg. badmmton,' ~~~7~~P :.~~mbl~ m~\ mgt Imeb ior

- I"'os 7' to 76 1 I I bond~ WIll be awal ded to tlJe whose b'd on the aoo\ e computa-I odm tenn. dlchPI), <ind othel Sklll~ dId f 0 au, omo I es I", 1"C u'I\'e mprove- b dd h _ b d bo th I h e\e ope rom a smal magneto • BATHINGment Bond, Will mature seflallv I er \\ o,e I on tlle a ve hon ploduces the 10\1 est mterest Hun g a I I a n Ddnce No 5 l.Lo"' d\ e acqUired dUllng assembly I'ne -ta t d th\\ Ithout optIOn of pnor pBvmen

lco:noutatlOn proollces the 10\\ eot cost to the Clt\ E.llh bidder I Brahms Serenade \Ielanchollque' thr r camp expeflence HIghland P~I k Pldn~ ~n 1~f3 e I • BOARDING

$1000000 Au!!ust 1 lQ';2 and 10 are5t co~t to the Clt\' 1i'''~h shall -tatE' In hiS bid the mtelest I and Schelo-Talentelle Mr Bal: .... atel 'iho\\ I~ >ochedulect fOi ------.----- ---I · INSIDE KENNBLSAU'lust I 1953 and ~11 00000 bIdder shall state m h'< b d the cost to tl)e City comouted m the I rett Fmale from 4th S h 43G aftel whIch the glrl~ \\111


Au~ust l' 1q54 . thrOlloh Au"u,t mtel e-t root to the Clt\ com- manner abo\ e .peclfred No pro-l Tsc1~alkO\\ sk\ SelectlO~sm,PS~~t~ pre,cnt an mterpi etat/ve dl am. C / (} • OUTSIDE LI~E.I 1960 both mcl~<l\; '" outed l'l the mannel aoo\'" '''I'd-, posal fOT the purchdse of less, PacJfk-:' Rodger', and A CIlCUS ab7allOn of the YWCA campel- ar o!Jt1er STONE RUNS

fled No Pi ooosal for t'l" pur. I than all of the bonds 01 at a '01Ice Fantas\ Pre,ton coun clol relatIOnshIp An out. ~ •r Th/' .Soeclal A'isessment Roll, chase nf le<s than all of t" .. honds I less t"an their pal valuE', 1\ III be -, doO! buffct ,upper at 630 and a I CUSTO~1 PHOTOGRAPHY EAST SIDE

Nos 7., and 76 Gene-tal Obhga-I or at a n'["lee le~s th~n thell par i C'onsldeled ------ FrIcndshlp Curle of camoerc; and PHOTOGRAPHIC SUPPLIES ED. 1...4629tlon Imorovement Bond~ Will v?l'le 11'1l! bl' considered The,e bonds ale to be Issued Ralhoad, u-erl G,) ll'll'lOn t )"< pap-nl' v.lll close the da\ s ac- Imature sellallv Wltf,OUt nptlOn of T~~se bond~ at e 10 bl' I'SUed oursuant to the prOVISIons of of bltummous coal 's,t ~eal t1v,lle, 19755 MackpI!or.payment $200000 ALI~uSt our,uant to the prOVIOlOn~ of Chapter 10 of the City Chartel, ---- - -------- ---- --- ----- -- ----- I--

I .19a2 through AUlll',t 1 1959, Chaoter. 10 of thl' CIty Cl')al ter In antICipatIOn of the collectlOnb~th Inclu<lve, and $300(\ 00 Aug- ln ?TJtlC1Mtlon of lh" COP".'IO'1 of CltV of Glosse Pomte WoodsutI. 1960 o~ the Cltl'. of Gl o~-e Po'nte SpeCial A~sl'ss'nent Roll No 72,

Both pI mcipal and lnlel '\\ III '" 000' Sopclal A'se<sment ROlli and \\ III Jjledge the full faith andbe pa)-able at the De!Jo,t T, u,t I N() 71 a'1d vdll pled~e tf, .. full credIt of the City of GrosseCO'11pam' In the CIty of Dc'\ Olt I f;:lIth anil CIedit nf tile C,ty of I Pomte Woods for the payment IMlchJgan' . I Glo"'e POinte Wooil~ for the of the pllnclpal and IDtel eot

F IoavmE''1t of the prmclpal and when due

I Or the -pUlpo.e of a\\aIdlng Inl"re't when due \ itl1.. bonds, the mterest cost of A cel'ttfled or cashler's eheck I A certifIed or cashlel'~ clI~k I"Heh bId WIl! be computed by I in a"! amount of one thou~and In an amount of one thousand IdMermltUng, at the rate 01' rates I ($1.000.00) dollars, drawn upon ($1,000 00) dollals, dra\1 n uponspecifIed thereIn. the total dollar an mcorporated bank or trust an mcorporated bank 01' tl u,tvalue 01 all Interest on_ the bonds compam-. and payable to the 01" companv and pavable to the 01'-flom September I 19,)1 to their 0"1' of the Tl easurer or the Cltv der of the Treasurer of the Cityrnatuntv and deduetmg theIl'- of GIO~se Pomte Woods mu&t of Grosse POinte Woods must ac-flom any premIUm The bonds accompanv each bid a. a Guaran-I company each bid as a g'larantPeWill be aW81ded to the bIdder tee of good faith on th/' "'oart 0' of good faith on the P<ilt of (hewhose bid on the above compu- the bldder to be forfeIted a; oldder to be forfeited as liqUId.taBon produces the 10\Ii est m- lJauldatl'd damaee'i if ouch bId IS ated damages If 'iuch bId IS aC'1t/'r~t cOot to thp City Each accppted and Ihe blddl'r falls to cepted and the bIdder falls tobIdder shall state m hIS bid the take uo and Dav for the bonds, t~ke. up and pay fOl t~e bonds.,mterest cost to the eltv com- No mterest shal1 be allo\\ I'd on No Interest shall be allowed onp~ted In the mannel abo\ e :;peel- t"e good faIth checks. and checks the good faith checks, and cne<:ksfled No proposal for the pur- of ungucce~sful bidders WIll be of unsuccessful bldders Will beI'hase of less than all of the bonds, promptly retmned to each bid- pro~ptly returned to each bId-or at a price- less than their der's representative, or !:ly regis- der s representative. or by regl<'1par value. Will be considered tered mlul tered mall.

These bonds are to be is,ued' Bids shall be condltloned uocn Bids shall be condllloned uponplllsuant to the prO\'ISlOnS of the unquahhed OOlnlon of Mil- the unqualified opmlOn of Mil-Cnapter 10 of the City Charter IeI', CanfIeld, Paddock and Stone, ler, CanfIeld, Paddock and Stone,In antiCIpatiOn of the collectIon attornevs. DetrOIt. MichIgan, attorneys, DetrOit, MichIgan,or pavmg specIal assessment rolls whIch opmion WIll be furnlshed which opmlOn WIll be furnIshed},'('s 73 to 76 inclUSIve, and WIll WIthout exoense to thp purchase~ WIthout expense, to the purchaser Ip'edge the full talth and credit of the bonds pflor to the dell\'ery of the bonds pflor to the dehveryof the City for the pa)'JTIent of thereof approvml( the legahtv. thereot approvmg the legahtv I

the prinCIpal and interest ",hen I The purchase-I' shall furnish bonds The purchaser shall furnish bondsdLle on the Itpeclal assessment I readv for execution at hiS ex- re.dy for eXl!CI.Iuon at hIS el>-l'11orovement bonds The City IS pen"e Bonds V;11I be dehvered pense Boods WIll be deliveredauthorized and required bv law at th., DetI oit Trust Company at the DetrOIt Trust Companyh levy upon all the taxable DetroIt ~lll:-hlgan 01' such other DetrOIt. Michigan. or such othelpi operty1therem such ad \'alOi em place a~ mav be agreed upon place as may be agreed uponta\.es as may be necessarv to pav WIth th.. purchaser With the purchasert\ e general obllgatlon Improve- The fl~ht IS reserved to reje<:t The flght IS resa-ved to rejectrr ent bonds and mterest therenn. I any or all bIds Enve'opes can. any 01' all bIds Envelopes con-v. Ithout hmltatton as to rate or, taming the bids should be plamly LaIDIng the bId" should be plalnlvan' ount I marked 'Prop06al fnr Bonds" marked "Proposal 10r Bonds"

'" certifIed casiller s check III I Approved as to form Julv 31. Approved as to fOim Julv amount of five thousand 19')1 MUnJclpal Fmance Com- 1951 MunrcIDal Finance Com-(\5,00000) dollars drawn upon I mISSion I ml'lSIOn T

an mcorporated bank 01 tl u"t DOROTHY WESTENDORF. I DOROTHY WESTENDORF<'O'11p8nv and payable to the or I Cllv Cll'rk I CIty Clerk<'1"'1' of the Treasurer of The Cltv I Publ G P ReVlew AUf; 9 1951 Publ G P Re\ lew Augnf Grosse POInte Woods must Ia,'companv eaoh bId a~ a guaran ItM! n1 good faIth on the part of IIne bIdder to bp forfeIted a'i II1ql.udateel damage~ of ,uch bId IS Iacceptpd and the blddl'r falls tola!,e up and pay for the bonds I'0 mter.,.t ..hllll be 1II1o\\ I'd onth(> l(oOO falth chl"ck~ and checks"r un~ucces'ful bldder~ shall beprompth r/'tUl ned to f'ach b:d-rl~r'~ reprl'5entatl~e nl b\ rel!l<-!",red mall I

'Ald~ c;ha\l bl' {'()ndltlOnPd \loon:th .. unquallflpd opmlnn of ~f'ller, I

(',nfleld Paddock and Stone at-lorne'n:, Detro\t, MichIgan. whichI'>plnlOn Will be furnished \11th IOJt ",xoeme to thl' purchasP\ of1'1" bonds prior to th .. d/'ll~erv I

erl'Of approvmg thl' le~alltv of I'~P b<lnd~ The J)\lrChliSpr ~hall, ., ~ I bonds read v for executIonat h's ex~<f' Bonde; Will be :rlehvued at Df'trr>lt Trust Crm- ,",anv. ~trOlt Mlchlg.m or ~lI("h I"th ..r ,,1111""" &II mlv be alrt'ed,"l'l'm "'lth the ptIr<,hasotr :

Thl> rJ/:ht 1< re~l'n I'cl t" It' ,pr t Ian" 01 .1' blll<


6,c'-: ""h~u' l:I 'Inhom. demo,""'Gttan l


PHONE TUxedo 2-9950

pa 6-9036

Stops Rwt, Mold, Mildew!


Her•• Itle aniwer to dampne.. In, bo,ement or do'etl No chemlcol .. NohJS1 or """ .. It s compo<t, ot!(odlve PluQ' Into

ony ordloo,y electroc outlet.


DelrOlt 24


Tues, Wed. '-5 pm Thurs, FrI. Sat, '.9 pm.

Complete Out!Jtten for the Home


no" ill'n f' nf'arh half of .\.mf'rif'a " farm'~Jmoot thf' f'nllT<' rf'mamm" half llT(' hem""n N! h\ the 10, a] ,,1"('ln(' «()()I'N~ 11\ '"

~ hf' ,,1pf'lnr f'Ol'lpllOle. arf' prowl of thf'pn'11 ...........f f Ii I, .. ~ at", hol("",,,lf''\O.

ah01lt half thf' 1'1. rhl< 11\ rl,.'nhlllerl n'th,."f' IOf'al f'1"l'ln(' (,oopf'ratl'f'o to ,hf'tr('lIolomf'r._

A < thr Joh of hnnl/.Ctll! clN In. <pn Ir ..

to {arm. nf'aro completIon Iii" f'1"('ln('hl/.hl an(1 po" fOr (omp~I1If" \I III ('onllnupI" (OOperalf' ",t h lo, ...l f'lf'f'tn( ('oopera.I" eo anel ,.,1 h "ltfl('lIltllra I •n 1\ f'1/." anel""pf'nmf'nt .tallon. 10 .pon'or r("f'arrh 10put f'l ..ctrin" to "oTk In more" a\ 0 formorf' farm"r.



""015 Alger Ave ..." M.i:chSt, Clall' Shores, '


l11imeorJrap/lingCf)ired n1ailing

Formerly $149.75



Power Companies Will Celebrate August 26to Sept. 1 as "FARM ELECTRIFICATION WEEK"


Flecln('ll\ no" 1<a\all.hl" In O\CT 90 Pf'T('''nl of .\.mf'nr~ < 0(,(,1I1'1f'.1 fal mo "nd th ..nallon 0 (']e(lrW IIg-ht and p~""r eom'plln If'< a If' ma r~ 11)': 11'f' \lrllla I ~It JHI mf'n,of farm pl,,('lrlh, "tlOn ",Ih -pf'clal ... rf'.11101"" du,",/- thc "f'ek of ~ulfu.t ~6 to"f'plf'mhf'r I.

"I-,,<Il'n.p of 11,,- Irr".lh "f farm "I"f'-In'll\ ,. 111111 r"'or<l In 1921 onh ...hnut200lloli -\m('f1'dll fll 01- Ila<l f'1f''''fl( 'f'f\.ll'f'. l"d~\, 11 I- .\ ...Ii"hl(' tn l QOI)()(lO nfthf' ,,,unln _ )~OOOO(' 0('(1Ip,e<l farm' a~a rp,"1t of !IIf" ompaml" and 10rA] f'1f'etnr(',"'perM" ... "orl"np: to/o:'elhf'T

1he ,,1('('ln, 101/.101 ancll>o"er rompamf'_plon('''T",j In {arm elf'etrJli(,1I110n. Till""



the rc~eptlOnGlo'se Pain Ie



TU. 1-6200


t}.Gal Arut File - 2~r


S j 1 ;11~ Q;<l q,

~, 00q ~')



FRFF Tnpod '124 q~ 'alu ..W,th Abovf' "pf'r'al

l-Rol'lev HZ ., ..1-<'a.~I-Flash GunI-G E Fltp M..trrl-\'Ie~"r

(T~ln 1,..nslTotal


Rook. - R~1t 'l~r Fa

Super Special. 49c Ea.



R!g 60c - 40c

19755 MACK AVE.




J I I- .1. __

VA 2-i05S


IJfJ2t:J KE.RCHEVALr-,."".r \1'" ......hP'Hi


Workln!: on the gra\ 11\ pI m-clple, flotat,on machlnE''i 'i"pa-rat" Imptlntl!'~ fLom coal almanl' modern b,tumInous mme,

• - - - -q-. -



TV 2.3000

15326 ~1A(,K

NOW own"qp"ld flperated h\ th .. nng-mal 0"\ nero Il Ijn,for 25 "ears, Servlc!d th .. POinte \>0 lth QualJt~ Cleaning

.--_ ...




"Th G P , III' Th d 9 1951 T'lO Cllt~llon of II U.. bf'8ut\' IS Thf' most Plf'CIOU~ gift , .•,.... • __ '_os_'e__ u_I_"_t_e_l'_e_y_le_w_- u_'_s_o_y_. __ _U~,~_. POI nte Girl OUTDOOR(00:<1 j\IG I S~C~""II"'"t~.or,11'~' II '''I II 11HI~." "11e'o,dll1l11atlOn mil t bo ,()mplhlll~ ImpeTl~habl!.

- - - "'" I I r !dl-l thaI II I, "ens I'hel € I' If lIl,te,.d of d gem 01 e\ en aLT T L.... 11 S E ( C I. d tlWlcfol1 '"mtlhmg III tlue fI'Jllel I'f' (ould l,,,t the gift o~I7 ollcymOOJI 111 £llt.O c ees urope or omulne IhCIUtl :l1at lOlle"pomb with a lOleh thought mto the hl'arlIght Iea,on and IS not Ihl' mel e Iof a friend, thdl \\ ould be gl \ mg,. Th . c: Wo rsh'lpOpe ns L1 catJOn of fancY IdS the angeb 1 'u ppo,e mu~t giveI: '"A J\ T ) f '~J 1S ..J U m mer : I -Lol d GI e\ die J -George M~cdonaldJ 01 flg. .i.. V { W )/WCUS IIOfLGO~od!sl~epBo~JnltbedIFaarAm:nl~~p~u~~~11 Ill{' '~llllld month of the ~o(JP _

~ < 0 clallve ~ ••!,;illp ,lrVlUS for thef Jn~ Ihree month, toulln/( Ihl oughSt Pauls cm tne La .. " was the \\hlte OIgand, o\el satin. E S f°l'th t' 'UlllJllPI (ondul tpd h the :'I1elho-

• th t S th th f II' d I "urope orne 0 e coun Ill" dscene 01. e ceremon\ Un! mg u- \\: e u SAlrt a "rned by <he \\111 VI'lt alE' Flam" ltal~,' I l,t dnd the Congl('g"atlOnalzanne FItzSimons and Thomas panel, of 'icalloped rose applique S~ ltzerland Holland and Eng-' ChUllll€" of G,o"e POinte bcgdnAqurnas Rc\nolds Jr last Sa I- The applIque ai,,, detaIled the land ' ldq Slllldd\ \\Jlh the Rev Mrurday afternoon necklIne Ht"1 \1all' Queen of

Scots headdre,' ,ecured thf' full I 1111', Schul(r daughtel of the I Hugh l Whllf' of The Gro,'eMr and Mrs Sherman Jo~ph lenoth 1Ilu'lon vl'11 I R J Schulers of Beauprp Inad I I POinte Methodl';t ChuI€h prl'alh. I

FItzSimons of Stephens rflad are .., t cl l d I '!The bridal bnuqUf't \\ a, of \\ a' gl an e a specla au lencf' Ing on t "l' IlCme 1 hl' A \I fulthe parent~ of the bnde, and the ~ hltt" baby orchids \I Ith the Pope ....hilI' " qtlng Lo\ f of God' In the S,m( tU"1 Igroom 15 th! son of Mr and Mrs Romt" of Thl G,o"e Po'nll' Congll'ga-Thomas A Re.vnolds of WInnet- MaId of honm fnr hel ~btelka, IllinOiS wa~ Man Fal Flt7Slmofl' and A Junp p,-laduate Cum L~ude !Il nlll ChlllCh ('nllifonlp at Loth-

bndp,mald wel e another ~Ister, ot Mal I grol e ldst Junl', Barhal a lOpGiven In marnage bv ner fath- Joan. two 'l,ter, "f the I(lOnm, I ma ,01 ed m hlstOl\ Befnl!, en- I \1r \l, bllt , 1(,pIC' (n, thl' l (',t

er, the bfld! wore a gown of Anne and SheJ1a Rl'vnnld' Mr. tt"rln/! Mall p,r0\ e ,ht" attE'nd!'dl I Of the mnnlh of \u'~u_t dnct theI ROl':er Hull and Jean Ho~ensteIn St Paul "nd Dnmml(an Hghl lfil,t ,",undc\ In Sppt(l1lbCI \llll

Thl' iltlt"ndants Ilore whit!' 01. Sl<,ools I hp _\u~u,t 12 T" .r."lh HI',ltandl' j(n~m ~lth p,-rf'en gros MJ' <;chul!'r plan., to entH Ihl' Ollil AugU<l Iq Cheerful SOI-

'I:rdIn flbbon trtmmlna.. at the tt"llchmg profe<sJOn after ht"r 11'- ro\' A ugu,1 26 The ChJ "tJan

W. y neckline and green embrOlderv lurn I I Wall WI' Srptl'mbel 2, 'OUI

rite our I at the del'p hemhn~s Theil I CHl'le" God'I s\\eethpart crown Ie" caps \\lth ------- I 1he pldn, \\hllh lS UnltlU!' IJlI

CongreSSmanl;~:::.lj(~~~r~I~'~ ;h~~~:a;~I;~ Fantastic Farce i~:UJl~(SPto~~)mbll1l' thl:'~lr ';1',._ ....hlte ~tolk and j!reen leave~ lIre, for the ll1onth~ nf Jull ann

John Re~ nold, 'I'I I f'd a~ hiS At PI h Augu~t Th" ,edl dUllflg tht- Y1ir t1le \>ooman concerned "Jth blOthprs best man Sealmj( the ay ouse monlh of Jull, the Congregdt,on-el\.tendmg the famJly budget, j(up,t> \\ E're a brCllher of the aIlS!> met \11th the M('thodl~l~ In

Quallt\ -buvlng of frull" vegeta- bndp, Sherman J FltlSlmnn~. BIJthe SpJllt:' a lefrp~hInI( the San(tuMI of the Glo"eble~, meat, and pOU1tly ("an ef- III. Rockllpll T Gu~t, Jl Well. wmed, b~ NO!'1 Cnllald lull be POJnte llIUh"dht lhUllh 211fect a conSiderable SdVIng Knn\\'- Ington Waller,. Robert S CudlJp, Wtll-O-\\ av, next attlactiOn Op'l :'I!lnlO" nOdd NOlI, dUflng thelll,g ho~ to pi esel ve and can these Peter Mullen of t~ew YOi k CIII, enmg Augu,t 14th fOI a t~ o-w!'ek I Da~ camp ~eSSlOns gl\ e DetrOIt and SUbUI ban Camp I Sundal s In Augu,1 and the fil ~tp ..nshable to prOVide a boun- I FranCIS McNamara of Non' alk, ' J un tnI, Implobable fall'e \I III FII e GirlS ample opportumtv to te~t their outdool skIll:, Sunddl In :.eotcmbel the Metho-teou~ tah!t In the off-~ea~o,,~ I' Conne<:llcut and Thoma, Mc-Go- featule Gelald M Haillngton as d,sb ale mee mg \\Ith Conglcga-II culman ac(omplishm!'nt not too \\t"n Jr, of WIlmette III the bellJlder!'d 'pou-e nf t\\O ActiVities ll1clude cook-outs field tllpS. handicrafts, I tlOnalJst, 'n thl Sanltua" of thedIffIcult ro acqUIre under expert' Other u,hel ~ \\ ere Vlfllenl J ~ IV'" pla\ ed Ic'pecllH'h b~ SpOl ts and games Dav camp progl ams of the Camp FIre Glo,_e POI n t e Congl eglltlC'naldlrt'ctlon 0 Connor, Jr. Thomas Cook. Lou- Martha Craig and Bette Wllght I Girls, one of the health and community servrce<; made Church, ChalfontI' at LothlOP

There are SC\ t"ral pamphlels " Gl o~~ and John Raymond Wife Numbel One who I' dead I a\'aI1able throui(h contnbutlOns to the United Founda- DUllng Jul) I The Rev MI Chdr.wrltten bv speCialists m the De- Flanagan, all or Chicago and 'houldn t pi e-ent aO\ plObJem I hon Torch DII\ e al e held at eIght locd.tlOn~ In the De- Ie_ S, held 0 flhe Cnngl egatlOnal'partment of Agnculture on the Maunce Dunne Jr and 1\1atthew but when shl' 'ho\\, up al:alll to' trolt area throughout most of the summer Chullh predlhed and dUllog Au-subjects of cannIng, preservmg Hickel, III, both of Wlnn!'tl..a ,ee tnM thm.!:' don t 1(0 too \\ell -------- ---- -- -- --------- gu,t the Rev Mr H.J~h C White

and freezmg whHh 'house~IVe'i Follo"mg the ceremoO\ a re- With Wlfe Number Two, thIngs Chargot-M,'llenbach R,'tes 101 the Metl,odl~t Church Willof the 14th 'District can obtain ceptlon \\ as h!'ld at the home of begm to haR,pen I Pi edlh The t'me nf these com-WIthout chalge by wlltmg to Con. the blldfe s pa'Et"nts t;pon

htheir I lncludcd m the (<ist ale Glolla i bmed ,enlles I~ II a m I

glessmlln LoUIS C Rabaut, 1221 r!'tuln rom a uropean oney- Gula,kl. WmlflPd Coffin Fled- d b Ch h I The puollc IS cnld'dll) 1ll\lledHouse Ol'flce BUildIng Wash mg. mo~n thet~ "Ill ~ake thde!' ~ome ellcl.. L MOIII~ and Elizabeth Rea at St.Am rase urc to worshIp m the,e cooperativeton, DC, tlnh ulnnSe Na,pen 109 01 ers rom Phelan The pla\ hou,e I~ located I el VILe,

e avy Vt.1 L gtL kThe pamphlets olfel ed al e on at on a e Road near Tele-Rome FreezlIlg of Fruit' and gl aph :\olan Patlilia MI1lenbdlh and I Bl pdl..fd,t andVegetables ChIcken In the F' eel- Sa IIy o'e0n no r Re~erl'atlOn,; ma\ be made bl' Milhael Fd\\ In ehal got weIl'l \\1'11.' held at Iheer. Home Canning of FrUits ane! rallIn,e: the box off,le open from unlled In rTldrI lage .It a Nuptial Yatht ClubVegetables, Home Cannlllg of Is Ma rr I' ed 9 a m to II pm There J~ a pel-, High :-'Ia'" la,t Sdturddv mornmg A, the nell II \\ed<; left fOl aMeat Home-Made JellIes, Jams. fOlmame eVerv nIght at 840 ex- at St ....mblo~e Church tllP to Ihe W"con~m Dello, the Iand Preserves i cept Mondal' "AI semc and Old The bflde I' the ddughtel of bnde \\ as weanng a bro" n lmen I

In addlhon to the above li,llng, Sdlly Anne O'Connlll daugh- Lace" featunng Treesa Wll~ Mer- Mr'i Andrew Millenbach of Har-I sheath "1 e,s '11th a shol t flv.the cook book. FamIly Fare. 13 ter of Mrs John W 0 Connor of nil, currenflv ~howlng, WIll close I COUI t load i1;d the late Mr away" hlte Imen Jacket tnmmed::also aVllJlable. Grayton load and the late Mr on Sunday night Mlllenbach. and Mr and Mr' I WIth brOlln velvet and a bro\\n I_______ I a Conno' \, a~ mal rled to S}d- r--------------.,i MIchael J Chal got of Balfour veh et hat

B L H ney John Re}nold< at a 1030 10'ld are the parents of the -------0" ope to cClemony la't Satlnday morning I NEW S groom

I at St 'l.mbrose Church Given In marnage b .... hel bro- Sopra no IsH dlin Sh Me and Mr~ Bruce L Revn- ther. Mathew Kmp, Millenbachea e I O'V I old~ of Garland a' enue are the INS IG HT the bnde was go" ned In Imported h -

• parents of the groom "hlte organdv fa.'ihlOned WIth a Ch u rc Guestat State FaIr The bnd<ll P,01\n \\ as fa<h- square neckllne and detaIled!ODed WIth a oouttanl ,klrt of What \1e see IS nnlv a small ' ....Ith SWISS embroldel y SWISS

Bob Hope WIll be the head- I ChantIlly lace and II I hmestone fraction of the radIant energy I embrOiderv al'o tnmmed the i The Open-Air 1'\ enmg <en IceImer for the Coltseum Sho\, dl' r- 'tudd<>d 11Iu'ilon ott-t he-<houlder commg to us There are danger- volummou'i skirt \\ III be held "I Ebene7er BllptiStteg the nr'it two days of the I necklme A duche« lace lap held ous quantitIes of I Bndal IllUSIOn ,ellln!! caocaded' ChUICh, ~!oro's load at Harper,Mlrh'gan State Fair tn be held In place the Imported Flench 11- near ultra-vIOlet • I from a ,kull rap of oranre blos- thls Sunoav at 7 pm MISS VIV-Augusl 31 through September 9 Illu'lOn veIl Stephanot" gladlOh I In sun1Jght an c1,-j, som~ and the bnde carned an Ian Beuttner, \\cll-kno\\n <0-

Th .. w;o~ announced bv James buds and baby thlysanthemums ref I e c t e dlI OIchld corsage and player book i prano \\111 be the 'olo"t of the

fO, Fr el State FaIr ~I'neral man- formed the bndal bouquet I sky lIght, and a ' Manlyn Melel \\a~ mald-of-' e\enmg Re\ Arthur :l1cA';h, the•,gel, V\-no <aId Hope Will do !lirs Walter ClOnm II as ma- lung ~t"nes of m- honor, and bndesmalds were pastor, Will speak In case ofmatinee and evemng shows on tron of honOl, and bfldesmalds fra-rea ray' that StephaOle Mlllenbaeh, Joan Thl- rain, the ~erVlce Will be held In Ijloth days. were- Mrs. Frederick Z!mmerman cause dIscomfort bodeau and Mary Ann Staudt the church.- Hope appeared at the Mlchlg:an and J !'an Foley They were gown- and e) e fatigue ,I TheIr frocks of Imported write Sel eral hundred person~ hil e};tate FaIr In 1949 When \101 died alike m gray net whIte lace The old mex- organdv WIth fu Il skIrts \I ere been taking adl'antag:e of thiSlot around to the Nallnn s Slate I bodlce~ In a daISY mollf TheIr pl'nslve kmd of stvled WIth blush pmk ,atln bows senes of summer el'emng Open-Falr< that Hope had drawn near-II flowers were yello\\ (. 'Sles and sun glas,e~ fall on the skirts and bodices They Alr 'crVlces They \l'lll continueIy 40 ("100penple the ll"eS nf b'g- bachelor button~ to I.' II m I n a t (' had \\ hlte organdy stole Jackets throughout AUgLI,tbme star. at State Falr~ bellan An aqua floor-Iengtn clepelthese harmful and caps of blush pmk satm and The '\1oln'n~ WOl'hlp IS at 10. "Bob Hope" repeal perfnrm- I nre'~ \\lth matchlllg hat "as rays Modt"rn ophtha!lmc 'un earned fan, decorated WIth DInk a m and Sundil\ School at 1115ance Will gl\e man, " chance to "nrn by the bnde s mother Her I gla,ses do much belter, m fact, I carRnatllon~ aKnd spngs nf greefn

ha m BIble Slurlv and Prayer ser-

!t'e h'm \\ ho I'll sspd him In 19411" tlO\\ er'i were b r 0 \I n SPI ay they almo'it completply ab'orb osa me ronner mece 0 t e \ Ice, are held earh WednesdayFriel ,aId • Of all the <taro we orcmds. the ultra-vIOlet ra, s Lenses can hnde was flO; er girl She \\ as at 7 45 pmha\ e had at lhe State Fall, Hope also be made to exclude the heat dressed m h w Ite Qrga~d' n\ l!l' -------

}las led In reqce.lIi fOl a Ieturn "aves of mfra-red Some people pink Wit tIn y em rrlldrredengageml'nt We are fortunate EI1'g/lrg(Jd gam Visual ('om fort wparlng 'ab-I flowers and a cap of ....hlte €1r- Reve a I Tr 0ththat he 1< het\\een " EUl opean I " ,nrbtlvP" ]en<es 1 athl'r than gand,tour and another movIe and that 'cnr e t e' I (I th I Milthew MIlIenbach nephI" otI r c IV en,I" ensp~ ,\ I a I I

he WIll be able to ma ...e our State I Mr and MI' Walter Gaertner lot of pnll er ground mto them) I thl' bnde \\ a< rIn/(bearer Mr and MI' Da'id J Bath-FaIr" f d t f' P t Clement Char/(ot brothrl of t f B f t GJ ormer H''1 en s 0 ,,In,<e OIn e Optllal laboratones 10 thp fu- the bndegroom. \\as be,t man ga eo, eau al a\enue, lo,se

Backmj( Hope In the ColhPum now r~ldmg In Farmmgton an- ture mav even ('orne up \\Ith a I U h R b t '1 II ~ h I Pomt" Wood~ announle the en-<hn\\' III be th f d:>: tl t f th ' er' \1 el e 0 CI "I en"c , t f th d ht M. ," e ame ,ew I nounce Ie engagemE'n 0 elr nearl\' \\ hIte ~un 1(1<15' that \\ III I Dona Id McPhail and \VlllJam ga [(emen ° elr aug er, ,,"\-... ork Rocket,; anc1 eIght expen- daugt]tel Doroth), tn Mr John he both cnmfortable and good Q I m!' Smllh Bathgate, to Mr\'e arl< of ,aude' lie La,1 V Matel n 'ion of MI s PhIlIp ! I ueen. I lV~rd Mazzard~'ears show \Ia< rated tql' nur- O'Bllen of Tlo\ NY. and the Th b II t fl Id I I :\1r and Mr~ J)~eph Mazzdrain); the pa,t few \ ears but Fnel late Walter Matern e n Ian ame In a \\ e - d I f :\ 1)1 d hobehe\es that the 1951 sho\\ ~111 109 openltlOn wa'i alwar~ thought B. T B (\.~an a\enut" are 1 e par-):Ie ",'en better I The ....eddmg wIl!take place on dangewus be(ause It gave nff a lA/ e- 1. 0- f ent' of the gloom-to-be I

B II t I September B I lot of ultra VIOlet Ia) s, therefnre. 1\1\>, Bath/(alc " a grdduate of I

=., ei\lrgal~ I Prlche. "I ronn,nude, very dark lenses wel e \\orn bv • S t b dd h Glo',e POinte High School I~T cal",;:Ie. e ::lnnounce a. I ------- I. ...ep pm ~r \\€' Ing 1<:: rIngrn s'lon \\ ould he SI 20 for HCipe' FOI d \1nlnl SOlnllany, glas, wplderq Res ear c h. however. planned bl' Dorothv LcE' \l, ~Ite The \ oung Lnuple pilln a Sl'P-'and the entire show pldol In the Rouge plant CUI- 'ho ....t"d that these lE'n,es only and James A Rn<ic II hrh' enol tember 29 \\ eddIng at St Joan, IIl'ntlv pJ{)duce, a contInUOl!' Ilb- ab'orbed about half of the harm. gagEment IS announced h, D,ro- ot Arc Churrh m St ClaIr Shores I

bon of plate gla-, 52 Inchc" wldt" ful I a, s Todav a dark weldIng thl' < parent" "'Ir ,.nd M , Pob- _DZJhcs House C;{'nns I ano 3/16th of an Inch thick "I gla.~ l'i made where almo't all of elt H Whlte of LakepOlnt" \ve I The pnrtlano cement lno,I<lly I

the rate of 215 lnche' per m nute the harmful ra, ~ are cut out as Jam , I' the 'ion of :\Ir and 'II" LI,eo ,'l21,nOO Inn, of n tllmIn-Cracked ol<he' 'houlcl not he "l:glel(atlll;: II mlll,on J near 1~1'11i" the heat \\avl', I Ai rt A Ro'e of SE'mInn]e he 'nc, cl)a' In l'l';D

med Wa~r and ~od ~'p Into ~et Fn~' anndal g~~ mlm~'----------------------------------------------Itne Cl ack< an" prfl' Jdf' a breed. I \\ ould 'tretch !rnm Kell Ynrkln2 pl'' fnr germ, of all' City to Ph ot"111" , ArJz IEv ..n thnugh thl' o,-h .< not u<"d IJ'1"medlateh after \\ a'hlll!!. thebacten<l WIll remaIn al VI.' toCO'1",e out <lno In!t''ct fre'h toodplaced on Ine ol<n latN





9, 1951-;

ce-nts 1.D pa ...,3l!ntrf u.. W"'T All P1Pl<.

Im.rl tho a~ In lh. n.xtl,"ue ftf thl! Grn~e Pt'llnte

R.n ....




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Hotpomt Fngula,re GE. etcTU 5-6872

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undllot. j l ~I ~t~l,

Autos for Sole--~~~FORD CRFSTLI,<"'R 1!l~0 ll'n

and bIAC).. 1,1..1'1\"" AT' ~ r'lll"quIPJW'd PI 1\ ~t. 0\\ n"r Tll ;';41

I F'()RD C01JPF, >\ Pi! .. ;n;:"r Ill~J)R-~"\'llnl'i"r rll,I"T'!'l <'I,. \I"," r~-n.)('1 hf<.t"r m. ,"~ Il~ i~OM '"Ill"'] Lr>ok' rlnc I'K" !'I'"Pn('!' ~n2' tl'rm' rof n.f<'I"1'd0"n"r ~\'l B,.,;forl'l \." ~Q17~

W~ll Wa~h,"g Sf'rI lce


l'~ 1.1 \1l1.1-. Prl III" l\ " l\r.,"n"~l d,., rlf..-l,1(1I \\;tll \\ R hln~

{'riPI'] h'n:O''1g (;",-,rl [('frrenr",\'.\ 4 nOi!


f'llI ('ITI'lIlltlfln Ilf'p[

\ \ ' ~'i;"'Il( \ \10'1 H

('l nit R \ I'~r h~ \tall

\ , . II.(, III II,

, I 01 (

I,"\~ , ill I l" ' I I

'\'1 ~" 'f pi r rll~1 "nfe t. , p, pn Co"

I ,1"HI 1

SUr-DAY SERVICESIII.3l'l am .lId 8 D m

fIll 1:1II \' ICHl>I\( H '-,( IHHJL

llJ 4',


Sunday SchOO'-IO 30 , m



BAllA I "OKI J) fAIl HTt '-3110

Sundil\ AlJlu~t 12'1 r tn in ;:t III

CrlJldre-n c ("1<1.5'" "'-u hlPc t UndE'l-lundin' the- Bible J I thLS ....llP ltlfHag' .

\\ edne-sd,;i\ 4.lI~U'" 1)\ A l) P IIIContlnurd L f"\ j~\' of tilt' h )0k 1 illSEarth Onf' (ollnt, \ h\ Fmr ~ "'.lIdIt the homf> q( \11 .-I HI \! ~ (~()l"-:(R Trup ] l.! '10t an R 1 OIl"'1 ,) t H

~:rJ~ l~~~Lchnt~l ~~\ a\ dlldblt i6l the

IVacationerll ,\l'l SElt \,O~~ ~fN" TRADE_

Warned About ~ i'i~72 (;Ai f~ ¥J~:;;~Z'~~~,~;~L~(!ii!wf. J!!!!!!!!IIn, n "nv Opt,olte" .iI\S Dr ~\\"\ rill''/) 6U'( Stll t IOt..~J",eph G ,loinf" 1Ol11nll"'l'lnf'r 9-1. If, If \,; t"of he~]lh, but ndlu,f'. de~lable I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~.~~~~~~~~~~~--~~~~~~~~~~~~~'~-~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~~-

ii, II 1< put, <om!' hazard, In the G p' -\ Corpenter Work I Po,ntln( and D.corotinrCHRIST THI ""( II THtR\' \\~\ of 1h t I rosse olnte IContlnu~d) (Cont!nue~)

Gr..". ( ~~,\\("'~' I Olle of e I~;l a~:;< promlnf'nt REV IEW I-CA-R-P-E-N-TER-Mamtenance In- - GEORGE S DALLY--S',l"c\A,y1l'LIC(•• ,t;" "ll:~\S~~~"hMI' hillal rI< l< po -nn 1'" Learn to I terlor and exterior P"rches, PA INTER _ DECORATOR'l"l 930 am 1,p m"'n <P IHe r('cognl/E' ,t Prll~rm l\'V IS (iJ,- I cupboard., doors, elc Good:e[h~~c~l hl~m~~e I;nl' ~~ I'O~ ]'~',,~~'; IJn)(U <hed h, Ihre(' IE'''fle1<" h'ch I W t Ad work, fast ~el \ lce C JIm Sut- SpE'Clal1zmg In,-up ....,th lIS glf'l\ on a C01 mon ,Iem and I an - S I ton, Brys Drive. TU. 5-2169. Fine PaperhangingFAITH £\,\'(.tlll \1 IlrHtR-\' h"/IPf a )(lo,<v upp<>r ,tdfarp The I CASH RATE ICo ...... Cleaned I VA. 4-8004

(HI III II P "" ",omel'n1es an E'red bu,hv 'r ••

I!ast ~;~'''c'',nH a7~Jl~~'hta'I~,~.01l.1 ,crub bill )\1(01(' often a trallm>: The mmlmum charlie for cla~s- ~DeLUXE CARPET C~EANERS I p 'I~TIN-'G--~~~--It-, r E <l1<,,,.U., ,\,mtan, Pa,'ur '" I,ee-,I,mh, 'g \ n(' It 1(10"< !fled ads IS 65c for 15 "ords, • ~" •

Cl+l:ron n.~< bp~ll1ll \~ \ ~llst 0, all"I)(, th(' Nlg:e, (1f \\ood, rC1arl Rugs Expertly Cleaned In Your DFCORATINGB ~l. 1~~;"'Jl :'e;e;" P,::~,";"~JIl':',' < oc, ~nd alOllnn 1('nl ('< A good f~~~dcents for each addItIOnal ( Home - N' Fuss - No Mur,s I P -\PER HA!'\GING

pr~~~ 930 am La'l d" of Blble lulr I, 10 a\old thlf"'-I!'aled CHARGE RATE loe Fasce I COLOR SCHEMESSchool .nd plOnir pl"n!. unl(',. 'ou a,l' famllal ED 1-1967 TU 1-6886

S d 30 I I A- a conVE'mence ads wlll lSeun 4\ q .a m (hUH "-( ('Ipl '" 1t 1 po ,on 1\ Y If 'OU ~ul? e),,- ., ~~--~,-~~--~-~--",th cl•• "-,, lor all '2e< ~ 00 'I'd po<ed to It, ~cruh the f',:po'ed accepted over the telephone Con.tier. KARL ERHARDT - 216e A!\ITA A\-E:;.~ a~. \\OIS~'P ... r\\o. '''th >('1- Tpl' minImum chan~e late IS ~~~~~~~~~ __ ~~_I C.ROSSF POINTE WOODS

Mondav: -:r30 pm. Tra,hp" In- ,0"P an'o ':'~II:' ~: at~ .... It .aU'H," ~ 75c for 15 words, fIve ceMs for I SPENCER CORSETS-IndlV1l1tl-1 - EXTER lOR and INTER. lOR..trucgon ' a ra< edch addItional word Payment I ally deSIgned dless and surgl-lu~~s:lUI "i;~:K"\'~<d~1(~,I'I;~hl~~:lt~~:;; appp,,'< ,ee ~our doctor can be made by cash, check cal garments. over 18 years PA INT ING"Ith Ovrl <>nphunrtl ed c, lid,.n pn. \IOSqUllOE" al e ~nothpr com- d expellence Maude Bannert Ba,. MOl. and I." n lurnllul. Ipra\OdroUl!'d Thp clJmrl'X of tne ~('~lO.ol\" llJ h or money OJ er ' l P"ptl' hanson. \loan \\ flnnrbe , P.rents "I,~ht al \\I\lch lhe 'llon annoyance \\ l( h can mler- ADS WILL BE ACCEPTED TU 5-4027 or TO. 7-4311. 368 undl!ll ('<>"rIplrle d.coratln, I.,"\'IC"ehlldr-en ~ Lll "O;ho\l" t H" II ln~c: llll:'\ reI e \\ Jth YOUl \ act on pleasure McKinley hoJdInJl: R~C-... as r~pf'at eustom~rJh.v~ l.a<n.d and ma1p lJl t'w pa<l Sueen all Il'lnl: and sleepmg UP tn 6 PM. WEDNESDAY' I Sk,llpd colored worker. City ....Id•.:I~";;;;~'ber~,~~~ ~op~~~ ~?:.:;~l; 100m< Good tommemal splavs Classified Drellmakinl and Alterationl ret.jAM"Es L CRAWFORD Late d., S "ork la,e a\a'lable for la\\ns and col- 1':0 1-ll182 HIGHEST Pl<lCES PAID

BI!THA'," CHRI~T1A' CHlR(H tages Wear long sleeve. and DISPLAY RATES NEW YORK deSIgner fashIons!(Dlsflplr. of rhllSn <]alk. "hen you are out fI~hlng SUlt~. coaL~. dresses. gowns AI. PAI~TING and Decor<,hng, In. HAN SON'

M"el~~I/~ :,~~H:t~h~:tOOL IIIhell' mo.qUltoe~ al e p-e"alent Upon Request so repairIng and remodeling, I lIlde or out Guaranteed mater.

.~'f1t~'"~'18~o~~~,,"wn'f;~:dr I Caut,on thlldlen to ],e!'p a\\ay VA. 2-1162 latest style. VA 2-3610. I lal and wOlkmanshlp Over 35 Chevrolet Co.Church Sch<oo, al 10 am L1"""" for from ;;11 bef'hl\f" and hornet<' CUSTOM DRESSMAKING. la. )E'ars experIence Call now for

~da'~~m~~~:~~ \~;~~ ";t l'r'~~ ne<t< ThE'<e lO<ecls u~uallv stmg dIes' and chlldren's clothes. ~~gC~\\s::ev:cle_4:~:ham Loader, 14259 MACK AVE.GuHt JEr.achrr I<n Ih. da' "lll he only" hpn they are mole~ted The Speclamlng In Vogue design.~ H.~~~ldls H=~g~rd~ln~1m m;;'~~~r I You II I etul n h om 'dtallon reo Grosse Pointe Review Alterations expertly done. TU. M BROWN. decorator Clean VA 2.9800~~'I.r~:.~r u~'V~~~'I~e~r~",':h.~a~f : [re$hed and 1m l,I(orated If yOU 15121 Kercheval I ~1_-_3_5_9_3~~__ ~_~~~~~_ df'torahng Reasonable. TU 5-'HII sprmon .ublett ,,,II b~ The Las' plan to get plenty of rest-plenty I 2]]3 WA 5-8285 Household Goods for SaleWord" H. I<ll SJn~ Tin \'oord IS of <leep I Bet Lakepolnteand Maryland Electrical Repairs I-----~ -- - -- -- - - -Llq. a Garden' b' Dlckmson M'r BEAUTIFUL CHROMEand MM Mmk "Ill be '" Ra,.nna Ihp Ii!>t ddV or h\o make a ~......:._----------- HARRY A ZABLOCKI 'e,sonal ServicesOhiO "h thp malTlag.. of their t ft' B kk' d A t' BREAKFA~T SETSs<>n \\"ll<>r 10 Ml<S Geolglanna Dal POlO 0 e",mg JO 0 VOUI new 00 eepln& on ccoun Inl ELECTRICAL CONTRACTOR ~~-----~~~~-~~- Jof Rav~nna ",ll tak~ place on ,,"tur- actl"tle, a httle at a ttme. Many -~~-~-~-~--~~-- LICENSED PHYSICAL THERAPY MADE TO 0RDER~~~re~,ghlMr"t ~'~k Gr:~~ Ett~~~~';:~1a ,acatlOn has been utterly! BOOKKEEPING SERVICE GAS BURNERS SOLt) Dlathelmy and medIcal massage These sets can be made up In all~~~;~~, ?;i,sl~~ n~~\\-I~:d: o~ I ulned when In the excItement I BY THE MONTH WIRED anc' INSTALLED Doctor~ Ofder~ followed Used Icolors, Includmg yellow, blue, red,Thursdav nlghl AuguSI ]6 at 7 30 of freedom from rout me home I Tax and Re ort ServIce No Job Too Small In mu<;cle atrophy cases; also I green, tan. Chairs are upholster-~i~th~1Sih'th.:'r';,hx ~uW~'~~..nOfA~~~~'~ and busme« 'chedule<. evel yone I Federal, State Pand CanadIan LAkeView 6-4864 for l'heumahsm arthritIs, m-I I'd In Duran plastIc matertal.t Ha'.rhlll All memb~rs of Ihe con- has plunged mto vaeatlOn actl\'l- Notary Public and Seal -~-~~-~~~~~~~~- somma. spot reducmg. Portabl~ WhIle tables can be made an;rreratl<>n "'~ Inv,l.d Tho,," oomtnl: tle~ that rail for mu<clel not LICENSED ELECTRICIAN maS~lle table for home or hos. ISIZe, shape and matenal. You can IIa."lould nollf, Mr. Alb<>rt T., \01 llsed '0 -trenuou<ly throughout HARRY HAAS, Tax Consultant t 1 S I tr tiff ,------------- ..;;ZSod.!:nul Salk or Mrs Earl Gr""n-

jthe rest of the \ear 14841 KERCHEVAL AVE New and Repairs ~IC:6_02~la ee ria 0 er ~I~~t o~~O~ct~~y ~~~~:~\~~'~~~ FOR 11

IT PAUL EY LtTHFRl\N CHURCH Corner Alter Road VA. 2-7812 Violations Correr:ted these beautIful sets Buy dIrect TROUBLEChalfonle ... d Iolhr"p I P1osterin& from manufacturer. save 33%

.~;OI~a~I~I.n\~, F~~:ro~~IC~:~':,r Cardinal MO')llev Brick and Cement Work Prompt and Retiable ~------------- Odd chrome chaIrs only $4.95 FREE ~~Mr Glenn n.vanUer. Vlc.r • VA 2 3061 WO 3 2768 PLASTERING. Any lend of reo METAL MASTERS FG CO

MI.. It0l .... ~:::~.darP.rl.1l. \\orker Sponsors Rallv By CHIMNEY SERVICE CO - . - pair work Reasonable rates M DRIVINC,_ .....Sunda' August 5 q 30 Sund.. ,111 LEMAY VA 2-02461 Free e<tlmates. Call TU 4-0213 24802 GratIOt Ave, E. DetrOit lh. Place II

School. 930 Wors'''p Ser\1ce -I Holy NUlne Me I ChImneys - Flr - lncmer.torl Londicopillll Leor Vermeulen. Near 10 MIle Road-- n CI.aned - Installed 1---------- Earle R."chardsCBlUST1A'o; ~CIENCF. CHl Rt HE~ 1011 Burners - Gas H~at - S!okeu SODD ING SEED1NG ------------ Open Dally TIll 9 P M.

d~~~d~:edlsf°i,rom.;;l .~;;tuJ~ ~~; Plans for the gl(,dle<t oemon- Hand Fired Bollers - Hot Air - Piano Tunine East Detroit. Mldugan SERVICEL!uon-SE'rmon ent,ll.d . "pml" to ".. <lratlOn of Cathohc fa,th and AIr Condlttonmg • Furnact!. GRADl NG ---~---~~-~~~- PResc tt 5 5200 %0391 ~IACK TL 1.9813dlscu.Med. In Sunda, • servtce on Sun- t h 1 Cleaned _ Repaired - Installed PIANOS tuned and servIced. Rea- 0 - Gro... poInt" Wood'day August 12. In all ChrlslHm SCJrn~ ,pa not!>m e\ er e d In thIS area I Complete Garden ServIce son able terms. All work guar- 1 Open Sundays 12 t~ P.:...~t. _ AAA Serv1Ceeh~h~ld.m Text ... from 7echanah I we. I' gomg ahead today as ' ATTENTION lInteed. L. O. Seibert. TU. For • ll<'tt~r o[ Us.d ~•. ,rllitur- Sh i F df46, Not b' mlghl nor h' POll" George J. Armbruster, DetrOIt All Brick and Cement Work Call JOHN C LaBELLE 2-3219. ,SEE US' < - < e I and ITestone Pro llct~bh~.~r m" $pml .... ,Ih lh~ UJrd of I aHoI ney, \\ a< named ~eneral New and Repair I~~ T -~-~~-~~-~~--~-I We h~\.. e\enthlng 'ou ,;u.l'"loklI'ii:'

Among Ih. BIble Clt.hono ,. 11", chalrman of the Fifth N;>.tlonal Porches, Steps, Pler~. Walks, Etc U. 2-8274 PIANO TUNING by ap\Xllnt-1 f'lonr•oAfl50hOul~lhOouldhfaU\;.tholrnrllug,nS,thou.pass.,e (John 4 241 God" a Splrtl CO'1ventlOn of the Holy Name Water Prnofm" Sewer CleanIng ~ < Jand the' Ih'I "orsh'p him mu<t wor-Is • II' -~-~~~~----~-~- ment, repalrJn~, electr1c clelln-I Wish to sell - CALL I.)up hun In .pml and In trulh . OClE'ty to bf' held In Detro" I Reasonablf!. Work Myself FIN D LAY'S Inl( mothproofIng. C. L. Ed- I S A A C ' S

C~latwe Il.... g.. from . Sc,.n"" Octobel 2 through 7 LA 6-9300and H.. lth ,,'Ih Kev In lh.. ScrlP- Th 'lards. PR 5-1656 NEATWAY FURNITUREtures" by MaT' B.I<& F,dd, Includ~ I' ;>.nnolln[ !'ment \1 a' madf' MARCHESE'God 1S Ind'Hdu.1 Incorporal He )r>mtlvby H,s Eminence Edward'-~~-~~~-~~~~~~- NURSERY SALES lefrieerator S.nrice 13'l30KERCHEVAL VA 2-2115 • "IE HAVl: BUYERS WArrING~C'P-;t~~-r>;{en:'cnnd~t",'~~~~~blea~~ ICardmal Moone\. spons~r of the i CEMENT WORK Porche/( re- I ~OGANY dmmg room table, I • ~tlA~Cl~~.s:EiAP.Indl\.,duahlv e"c~pl as ,nflnl!~ Splnt I rally. Re\ Jo~eph J DlOn, ~Pltl-I paIred Stone steps Bnck pomt Landscaping REFRIGERATOR ' And Motor buffet, 5 chairs. Ideal for !lames PEOPLE~~ld;, /j,enileu.1I

IS SPlTlt .nd jtual dIrector of tt>e DetrOIt Arch- up No Job too small. VAlley I High Grade Nursery Stock. Servlee. Licensed and bouded. 4'-ootn. 10MJ Van Dyke, 10 to 5 I • WE ARE- CONVENIENTLY--- dIOcesan Holy Name UnIon and 1-4843. Grass Seed. Fertilizer KelvlDator. Fri~daire, Leonard. I • I LOCATED

MES~IAH LlITHERAN Re Ed d J M k 'f S ------------ T 5 IS'" WALNUT d k f 100loutbKlt Corner of Kercheval and, v war ales e. 0 a- BRICK and cement repaIrs OP 01 od Coldspot, Universal, and others. veneer es so as, 3 MarylandLakewood Avellues Icred Heart Semmary who has I I t' d W.n- TrAIl 2 311 I round mahog~nY table hureauTelephone VAlle,. 2.2121 b~n amed C d t Ch Porches and stone steps, drive. nsec ICI es uu8tns" ey. I at JeflerliOn

A. K A Lo~ber. pastor -~ n oor ma mg air" wavs garage floors GeDeral Re. Annuals PerenDlals I. • ....~her pIeces. TU 5-314 I I "'-1m 9 to 9 Datll/-l to 5 Sun..111 L Martin. Assistant Pastor man . • F E t t R VOl'

Sund.v Augusl 12 '5~f\ lees at R 00 Th f th t paIrs DeGryse, 2846 Alter Rd. ree sima es ' eweovlnl Milcelloneous for Sale I VA, 1-7710a m and .t 1030 • m SE'rmOl1Ihem .. I I' program a e comen IOn I VA 4-1163. 19720 Mack, nr Cook Road I-~-~~~~~-~~-~~-I __ ~~~~~~~~~_~~_Wl11 ~ l.h~ v..,.d,cl of the peopl. H~ Incltlde~ a hl,l( CI\ IC ReceptIon, ~ I TU 2-0989 RE- WEAVING-Moth holes, cut., ,ITwrN BlTGG ...., lIke ne'"', $ Done All Thm!(S W .. ll Sundal W do' 0 t b 3 8 ' ~Sehool S<'SSlon fmm q 1~ 1o 10 IS' ene, a). coer at pm, I Corpenter Work If no answer, call TV 2-1436 tears and burns •.<IJ.1 work TU 1-2363 I W ted t R Io clock Classes t>r<>vtdedfor .11 a~e< In G. and Clrcu< Park the I ~---~~~~~-~~~-- I guaranteed VA 1-1453 I an 0 eJ:lt IincludIng BlbJ. ('1a..... lor teen.al1rr

l<ICanrlleh"ht Holv Hour Saturda"1 0 SINNHUBER ~~~~~~~~-~~~~- HARTMAN ,,-ardro'--trunk Rea-' Iand adults VISitors and ne" pUplS .e->.. J 'TREE REMOVING <I"weJeom~ nll!ht October 6 In wh,rh ap. . Window Shades sonable TU 1.qOiKl I WANTED Three bedroom house

Ltl1'BI:R~'l CiiLRCH OF THE proXimately 100,000 Catholic men 1 BUILDING and REPAIRING I ~~~ __ ~~ ~ ---- - - ---- or apt furntshed or unfurOlsh- IREFOR,\IATlO]\, will parllclpate. and a downtown I OBR E 1 WEDDING PARTY or reUnIon I'd J\.fust be In Grosse Pomte

\'.rabr HI,h..-ay E at L.t1<.\I~W Dettolt p~lade 10 \lhlCh appr(lx,-j ALL KINDS Trirr'ming Guying I N BROS. candids or home portraits I HIl!h School d,stnct W \i ICalvlD. F. SlIrkl •• , D D pastor Ph t h b DEE's 30 • m Church "choot Alt.nd 1111i1telv 12000n WIll march all dav Free Estimates W. d CI' 0 ograp y v Hoover, 500 Neff Rd TU 1-

Sundav School regularl, dllnng the Sunday October 7 the closmg I LA. 1-2952 TREE SPRAYING In ow eanlng PR 6-9036 8i31 I.=11 ooer .mmonth~l')rnUl~ 'V()Nhtp Mr day .. , J ~--~- I

~ Oh ------------~. Company Radio. Television 3-BEDROOM flat or houM auto- -------------Jt.axmond Schonl <;pnngfteld. l<> Armbru<te,. fi <t \ ,('e-pre"dent GENERAL moderm7lng pxtra ' '<Wl1l preaeh th~on "f the Dptrol! Holy I attic room~ recreation' rooms i Greater Detro'it IStorm Sash and Screen <;ervlcej AN EXPERT TV SERVICE matlc neat 3 adults, 2 children

TI\(HEETRGO~~~T~E~HPolIR"C'THE !'\ame Union hil. bpl'n actl\ I' m I kItchen remodeling Porches Wall Washing MAN AT YOUR DOOR Near ,1(' ade school VA 2 3141 ,". , : Paper and Calcimine Cleaned ~~~~~~-----!Il l\' rOs' Road Holy NamE' Socletv affa,r, for 20 bUIlt Get our esllmate last LANDSCAPE CO. I Exter'or House Washmg ,WITHIN AN HOUR APT _ FLAT or house and garage

Ite,. H';;I" il "1~~tN.8p.stor \ ral < A n:Ft p e'Jde'1t of thE' and <;ee \\ hat \ ou save TU I Expenenced Men for Every hb CALL VE 9 B71'0 "anted b' refmed "Ida" anoSunda' Augusl t2 11 a m '\.lorn' Northern Deanen group. he ,,'a~ 5-0553 :lICl Beaupre Lane, I._ hog I'e "unda" m I h ' COMPLETE Estimates Cheerfully GIven Rooms for Rent daughtE'r 15 Be<;t references

... , Wors Ii' urftn S d " gen(',a c all 0''''1 ° th(' IE'cpnt GrO"Se Pomt@FarmsA\l6USt and the If't un~' tn ep- b h d h h H I LANDSCAPE SERVICE Always a Good Job __ _ LO 7.4477'temeeT the Methodist and t."e Con- mem ere:; lp nvf''' en t e 0 v --------~~-- -- --~--~~ ~ __ ~ _rregatJ<>na1 Chllrohes ....111Mid loml !\amc Socletv here m DetrOIt CARPENTER REPAIR VA 2 8180 MARYLAND n ear Jeffer<on -----._~"eetI In the ... nr'tlan of 'he Gro<-se d S h t door" FREE ESTIMATES -- ple t f bu H f S IP;;~le Congregalto.,al tchureh ('hal- reache Its peak of 114,000 mem- CIPens porc E-~. s ep.~, '. a,an room or SIne~sman ouses or 0 efonlA! .t UJthrop DUring Ih" perIOd ber~ I Windows. kIt c hen cabinets. I VA 2-22MJ 2925 Holcomb VA 2-017'l ~~~~~~-the Putor 01 lhE" \[ .. 'hod«' Churcn Th HI'" S bo k Good \\0 I. prompt -~------- __ -_~_I~~-~----~~~~---I -- - - -- - __ I,,-llJ preach H,. theme for 'hI< Sun- e ° \ "a n11' • oc,et~ on(' of 0 ca<e, r,,- • . . W II W h' ROOM f GRA YTON ROADdo.' ",II ~ To F.ach H,s O"n the o,de<t of Catholac orgaOl7a- <en'lce S E Barber, 20380 POlnhnl and Decorohn~ I__a~ __ a_s _I_n__r_~_~ __ ~~_, • or rent w,th pn' atp bath I

'I'M Re' .nd Mrs WhIte ha\p Jr. I - N b t TU 4 0051 ~~-~---~~-- , for <!nl(le or double Garage GROSSE POI NTE PARKturned from lhelr \.cal,on and a,~ tlOn<, w"< p'tah <her! In 12,4 e~ I. - . For Anvthing In VINCENT'S Wall Washlnlf and ava'lable Vo\ 2 126, HOlY'"' 4 hrd o«n Fn;:I"h Colon,,1 ,.now ag.m al theIr home on 2(H '" D b, Pope G, !'gor" X The P t d D t Uphol$ten' Cleamng Machme _ _ _. offrrrr1 2 hath. \I" f r<! !lnor I" ,,( 1

VanAn~ Rd I confralernity h,,~ O\Pr n'ne m'l-I L T aln tng an ecora Ing methods Expenenced workers. Houses for Rent carpplI02 rrCle,tlon room alllom,1 rGROS~r POI'lTF "OOIl~ ilion member< throughout the SEL I CALL MARTY Insured commerc,a] and resl- I • ~';:\~n~e::;,cr leat\ re' A'l..m~ onll

19950~~~B'.-.~~:'~~'.I("t.:-~~~~R".d \\ olld dentlsl Free eshmates Call 4-BEDROOM ill! m<hed hoube. H M SELDON COSund., Atllttl.t 12 IQ~' '1001' m -~~~~~- THROUGH Thorough - Dependable - Insured I VEnice 9-0770. automatlc ga< hpat In G,o<:-e

,Chta"h SchoOl for chlldr~n \'\ '0 ~ Phone VAlley 1 1149 I __ ~_~~~~~~~_~~_ Pomte Farm< n('ar tran<por- \1R OLSOl\" LA 1;.7il1l1)Nn O'f. iI~~ 11 00 ::II m orc;;rlO ~f. 1 . - ~--~~$erVlft g".<1 prra('h~r Rr' 01. I Miscellaneous Services tatlon <chool, <honpln~ "en-:~""'J~;;r<h~p'fi~,'~~n~"I:;P-;'rl 1 lC Ul!lHt CLASSIFIEDS Complete Decoroting Service I-~~--~- ~~~~- tl'l For 6 mo< Sept 1 to Sell or buy through Clas<lned1IeaChe<" of the M< < R hip Cl'<o; I'l NT 1 ~T [1I,TERIOR .nll ext~rlor palntlnr paper I CUSTOM.MADE slip covers and 'farch I, 5200 monthly TV Ads In The Gro"e Pomte Re\',ewWooctwwrd Av",~ Cl1r,<1"n Church I 1 eel S II 11eIV _~~_~_~~~~~~_~_ ~~,:n°;~~5P~,~~ tl'W.rr~'gu~in~~' traver~e draperies Guaranteed 1 q7q;:


.~ .... ,. ..... ,... .......... " .... " .. _.......... 'JI! ,mm.d,.te ~rVlce workmanshIp FIDe quallt)' ma.

CooIV t. B R - L~n~c~~'~~o t~lal F~~m~~IT~dor-------------------------------~~~~~~~~~~~~~

aca Ion etSY OSS CROSSE POINTE ~rORSYTHE __ ~~~_2!2.0ll 2-6158 S....fter <enlng the fam h Ill< all REVIEW A C HOUK, d"coratlng. pamt. - -- - -- U E THIS HANDY BLANK FOR, YOUR CASH WANT AD

U'1nter 1.,'1~ hot \\ater boJt!!', ICf' Tnp !oll,),\ In" f',planat,on " m",. mtprJor and exterIOr, wall- Help Wonted-Female r-----~~~---.." cl I offf'rf'o b\ G"\E',nor G Mpnnen On "ale At pap!'r lemoved "lI.hml< andl----------- --~~- IN TH E REVIEW r-~--~-~~~~__.

>JdCY' ~nrl the "~f', nee a coo L-.t,'on0 1,I ..t-" 8-10- ~16anlng 12"'q I -kepolnte VA RF,sPONSIBLF: voman to ta, et S n" 1(' thl'm tn< de \VlliJan" In th(' "ec], h column ~,,", ~ ~' , ~ ,~ Write yo.. r ad It ~T AS\ aca \On • pr For ~"ur ('on,.nl"nc. I 2-5587 for 4-\ear-old I<lrl aftf>rnoon, PI•• s. PRrvr CLEARLYand out \\,th 'al(,(<ln 1'O\(j(,1 01 hf' ",,1« r>n thl' rp,f'nf lefU<aJ TheGN,,<~Pomt~R~\Iew I_~~~~~ ~ __ ~~_I and eVE-nm!!. ~ oav< a '~f'I'], YOU WA~T IT 'to BE •• Il. t d f d~om <tard- "nd .<torr th('n of Ih(' .:"11 to ,"nri a MlcnJgan ~ft~::~nhl~/.a"c:'llr''::~~ I Neat, Clean Decorating PIMl'e C'all TV 5-4841 bf>t"E'E'n Pl>BLI~RrD Inrlodlnl NAME Inc!h:~:::"'. :'~~ ... " av.rapPf'O l'T bo"(('o In a cool pI'" e bo' In lap"n " ./,,1(' flag L<>CAI'On< ond Paperhanging <)_ ¥d 1 pm ellh .. ,our 4.llnRESS or •••••••• - ••••••• _ •••~-~---~~-------I (,,,,eln j' \\l1dam, <a\, Indl\ldual COt>,l•• Are Flva C.nt. I Flr<! CIa,. Work Gu~ranleed -t - - - -- I'FIFPRO'F 'l"'HR

• ~~ ~~~ __ , • t\ ;::: f'~. r I .... \\<=1" nl..tfl/? rp S ADDRI:CS,I'nll' hl'l~'''c thl' St~tl' harl to WOODS MEDICAL EXPERT WALL CLEANING I ltuations Wonted, Femal. or hnth (••thrr rounle 2 U

SIXTH CHURCH of CHRIST ::ENTER PHARMACY I CALL DICK I word" PI •• " ad and pO\- •• - - - - _. - •••••• - -,

tUJ n 0 '\I n rOI a,,1.. of mOlH" a 1'11;41" A\e VA I 8164 EXPERIE!'\CET> ""forM womAn ".. "I In .1I"lnp~ .nd ZONESCIENTiST - DETROIT f~;';'~t:;;n;.,,~ ,,,Iril!'r In Japan BOB S DRUGS I PAr N TIN G -=-~tl',~or- and ~ dll". h()ml' m;;:nt< TO (J O'i/R .... 11 '" Potnl. Tel. No. _

14730 Kerche.-al Avenue TnI' facl' ~ ... <Imp]. The HA\R'"KckNF"tSSR<>p."H"l'lARMACYI !'xtl'r1or Bernle Schrewe. PR Situations Wonted-Mole R~Vl •• 1~121 XrrrhnalII';:"/,,tuT(' hil' nol app opn"lpd -- ~ Or ..... P"",'e 1". IIflchan f"nd, for fUI n 'hm;: <tat.. M,ck At Lo<'kmoor 81vd 6 5~3S CARETAKF.R or hand' manr],,~, T"I' <;I~'I' f'annot 'f'1I 01 ::AVAlER'S DRUGS I MELS STEAM "allpapf'r reo' more for hom .. thlln "'AIlf"gl\l' ~\\i\1 a f1i!g Bul \\1' ha\e \' !'lournrmonth mO\ln~ FrE'!' !"tlmal!'< Drexl'l Reff'ren<.'l'< Tt- 26067,)(rn an, 1!"In~ the l!'qUI'<!> or I URSU CONFFCTIONERY • 1007l

WP'dnl!sd;:r,,. ","pontn, TeCUT'C'n131 '1J(hl[,,~n 1"1111 H\ un't ..... (1("0\11 ....1~ M1("k nr AnHI' •M~tl11l-a pm ,111' :'11 "gh pLOp T 111 ill",. TRAil BARCLAY

R~;an rl.( R ( 0')('1'" ,'('rk O;:l .,u"rr ltl" h\ l()~nlnc .:::;I<lfp fl~!::" 12 Kf"rrhp\alllt'4R" \:. (' ")(1 -l l ,.. 'I I CUNNINGHAM DRUG".,.. ,\ '~r '\ 1 ,'lII' n ~. t, I 1 I' 11 '1 'c; I""rj:.\ 2 M ll"l ~ r 0..,1 ~, 0(l... If'(t'''I\('r! k.f"Tr"h,.\,al -'It l\.ntr,. Dim@'

,____________ (, '1 ,. 1,-, \1r' '1 \f \ I.".h NOTRE DAME PHARMA(. Y •~=;;.;.=~------~~~I'0 ,I~r' ;:I'n",~] AI F/'lTl T~(I..<on l<.r.1>"., •• I\"~" Dam. '<;""1' (.1' n. ~ '"'''' "r In.n\.-< Mill FR DRUGS I HUGHES DECORATORSI". r"rI" ,,' "f • \1Id' ~.n flA';: K.rr" •.• 1 ot \'.'., h'JMI I 52tl3 York.hlrt T1J ~.ll~~)" I .rl "'1 '.Irl L "Ill (,,' PARK r>HARMACY ~-------------

\ "I., r "'" ' ~'vI117N th" r.ff.ror>n •• 'nl~nl~.m I GROSSE POIJI;TEf.llh ,r Ihl' P'''P I' Cor \Ollr <1,,1,. KINC;FL c:; DRUGS I DECORATl:-'c; COMPA:-'-Yn I (' non .. hn ..." 1111'\ It I ... ',... -"'~!"''k _t Mt'lrn~c "d molt,. .. C'hf"4"'rflllh (';." ..."

,r r I j Ill' f., '" 1\ 1It(' • orlri FUR HU"'F OFt "''FRV p~ ~t,~,;r1~~II;,; I.,,:' •

I I 1 ~ f "" 1 ii, t 11\ 411 n\' CI\RR' ....R lUll' t""Jf>'lnmxh 'r e ... r '" Nt (,I t' II C'

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AN ESTIMATED 100,000 West Bcl1met' .Jttcnded the <.ele-mony dedlcatmg the memonal to the Bel1.n dU 11ft In flontof Templchof aIrfield. It IS a tnbute to the 7J mcn \I ho dIce!

FlORIDA POSTER GIRlST" rr t.. l : vl)l j I


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