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Exploration and the Colonial Era

The American Revolution

The Constitution

TheUnited States


The United States1830-1860

The first attempt at English settlement in North America

(1585) was.

What is Roanoke?

Archeologists think the first Americans may have traveled

over a land bridge between Alaska and….

What is Asia?

During the early years of the Jamestown settlement, the only

commodity that saved the colony from total failure was

What is Tobacco?

Trade flourished between the colonies and Great Britain in the early 1700s because of Britain’s

policy to leave the colonies alone. Name the official policy

What is Salutary Neglect?

Europeans sought to conquer the Americans for this purpose

What is Exploit the America’s for Raw materials?

After the French and Indian War Britain abandoned their policy of Salutary Neglect because of this.

What is they wanted the Colonies to help pay for the


These two battles marked the start of the Revolutionary War.

What are Lexington and Concord?

This document contains the words “inalienable rights”.

What is the Declaration of Independence?

The French agreed to finally join the colonial patriots after this


What is the Battle of Saratoga?

This was the final battle of the American Revolutionary War.

What is the Battle of Yorktown?

This man was the First President of the United States of America.

Who is George Washington?

This system was built into the Constitution to prevent the

President from gaining doctorial powers.

What is Checks and Balances?

These 10 items were added to the Constitution in order to gain

the approval of the Anti-Federalists

What is the Bill of Rights?

This man, the Father of the Constitution, believed that, through proper government people could take control of


Who is James Madison?

This Amendment to the US Constitution guarantees freedom

of religion, speech, press, assembly and petition

What is the 1st Amendment.

When this rebellion broke out President Washington viewed it as an opportunity to demonstrate

the power of the Federal Government.

What is the Whiskey Rebellion?

In 1803 President Thomas Jefferson sent James Monroe to

Paris to do this

What is buy the city of New Orleans

The War of 1812 was ended by this Treaty.

What is the Treaty of Ghent

This Compromise set the condition that states added to the

north of 36, 30’ would be free states and those added below 36,

30’ would be slave states.

What is the Missouri Compromise?

In this landmark court case the Supreme Court ruled that the

Cherokee Indians must be relocated west.

What is Worcester v. Georgia?

This Event was most important in attracting settlers to the West

What is the Discovery of Gold?

As a result of this California would be admitted as a free


What is the Compromise of 1850?

This nickname was given Kansas in 1855 after tensions

erupted into open violence of the question of slavery .

What is “Bleeding Kansas”?

This U.S. President won the election of 1860 despite not

winning a single Southern State angering many southern voters

Who is Abraham Lincoln?

The United states gained California and New Mexico as a result of this Treaty ending the

Mexican War.

What is the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo?
