  • Slide 1

2. Providing Service and Value in an e-Buyer World In this module: Service in an e-Buyer world Delivering value Handling objections 1 Slide 2 What Is Client Service? True client service is delivering to clients the services they want, when they want them and how they want them. 2 Slide 3 Customer Service Study Customers: Want feedback and responsiveness. Expect multi-channel choice. Like having ability to find information they need online. Source: RightNow Technologies 3 Slide 4 Discussion Question 2 1.How do you determine how customers and clients wish to be reached? 2.In what ways can customers and clients reach you? 3.How quickly do you respond to inquires and requests? 4 Slide 5 Service Value Making yourself available 24/7 does not mean you are delivering value. 5 Slide 6 Demonstrate Value to e-Buyers 1.Interpreting, validating, and supplementing e- Buyers research. 2.Helping e-Buyer negotiate purchase. 3.Guiding e-Buyer through process. 6 Slide 7 Who defines value? The customer or client receiving it! 7 Slide 8 Discussion Question 3 Interpreting, validating, or supplementing the e-Buyers research: 1.When do you begin doing so? 2.How? 8 Slide 9 Expectations and Objections 9 Slide 10 Handling Objections 10 Time for an Exercise Slide 11 High Tech and High Touch Using technological tools to effect person-to-person communication between agents and clients 11 Slide 12 3. Web Fundamentals In this module: Good Web Sites Web site best practices Aggregator Web sites and online Classified sites 12 Slide 13 Do You Have a Web Site? 13 Not all Web Sites are effective tools, however. So what makes a good Web Site? Slide 14 10 Features of a Great Web Site 1.Lots of property photos and descriptions 2.Searchable listings 3.Updated links 4.Type thats accurate and easy to read 5.Customer-centric content 14 Slide 15 10 Features of a Great Web Site 6.Information prospects can use 7.Simplicity 8.Organization 9.A consistent look 10. Short, snappy copy 15 Slide 16 Domain Names Agent: Use first and last name in domain name Firm: Geographical location or name, e.g., SeaShoreRealty 16 Slide 17 Put Customer First Place customers at center of online experience Anticipate needs Provide wanted information Treat them intelligently and with respect 17 Slide 18 The 3-Click Rule The e-Buyer must be able to attain desired information within 3 clicks. The fewer the clicks, the better. 18 Slide 19 Prioritize MLS Functionality MUST-have features of Web sites: Current listing information Pictures of listings Easy navigation Links to other data consumers want Information about community and buying process 19 Slide 20 Property Listings: Keep Fresh Providing up-to-date content in the form of listings should be easy for brokers. In IDX, brokers exchange consent to display each others listings on the Internet. 20 Slide 21 Content: Go Deep Provide content depth to entice customers to stay and complete the desired call to action 21 Slide 22 Content: Go Deep Provide content depth to keep the e-Lurker coming back May require up to 24 months for incubation 22 Slide 23 Content: Go Deep 23 Slide 24 Content: Go Deep 24 Direct ContentIndirect Content Detailed product information Product frequently asked questions (FAQs) Product demos Background information Additional images Education How-to information Customer testimonials Electronic magazines Events Slide 25 Pull, Dont Push Pull marketing: Enabling consumers to pull info that interests them Push marketing: Pushing out info to those who have not asked for it 25
