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2nd Summit on Mindfulness and Acceptance Approaches in Elite Sport

FOSPO2532 Magglingen

SFISMSwiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen

Magglingen 18-20 April 2018

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Foreword/Welcome Message 1Program 2Abstracts 4WHO IS WHO 12

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2nd Summit on Mindfulness and Acceptance Approaches in Elite Sport 1

Dear colleagues, dear friends,

I warmly welcome you to the second Summit on Mindfulness and Accep-tance Approaches in Elite Sport to be held in Magglingen April 18-20 2018. The first Summit in Copenhagen April 26-28 2017 was the initiative of our colleagues from Team Denmark.

As in Copenhagen, we retained the “by invitation only” concept, based on criteria of applied experience in elite sport using third wave approaches. We are convinced that the key to a successful summit is to invite people with experience (working several years as sport psychology practitioners with high level athletes) and passion for third wave approaches in elite level sport. Unfortunately, we do not know all the fine practitioners in the field and so many excellent colleagues have not been invited to Magglingen. Our apologies to them.

Nevertheless, with your support we put together a program, which is ap-plied, diverse, and illuminates various facets of mindfulness and acceptance approaches within high performance sport.

We hope that in these three days we can share our ideas, passions, insights and questions regarding the application of third wave approaches in elite sport to help athletes and coaches to be prepared for the demands of elite sport careers. We wish you three excellent days in Magglingen.

Daniel Birrer

Foreword/Welcome Message

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Tuesday 17.04.201814:15 Individual Arrival18:00 Indivdual Dinner, Restaurant Bella Vista

Wednesday 18.04.2018 Thursday 19.04.2018 Friday 20.04.201807:00

Breakfast/Sport indiv. Breakfast/Sport indiv. Breakfast/Sport indiv.07:15



08:00 Room: BV 401/402 Room: SOHJ Villeret Room: SOHJ Villeret08:15 Individual Arrival/

RegistrationKeynote Workshop Part I

Fabián O. Olaz Practicing verbal aikido to train psychological flexibility Chair: Daniel Birrer

Mindfulness practice




09:15 Summit Opening Daniel Birrer, Philipp Röthlin

09:30 Workshop 60 min.

Amy Baltzell MMTS 2.0 PracticeChair: Philipp Röthlin

09:45Coffee Break Coffee Break


10:15 Keynote Workshop Part II

Fabián O. Olaz Practicing Verbal Aikido to train psychological Flexibility

Discussion 90 min.

Moesch, Kenttä, Röthlin How to design & conduct ACT based group interven-tions Chair: Daniel Birrer

10:30 Coffee Break (short)10:45 2 × Case presentation

Shaunna Taylor Chair: Daniel Birrer





LunchRestaurant Bella Vista

LunchRestaurant Bella Vista

LunchRestaurant Bella Vista







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Wednesday 18.04.2018 Thursday 19.04.2018 Friday 20.04.2018

Room: BV 401/402 Room: SOHJ Villeret Room: SOHJ Villeret13:30 5 slides in 5 minutes

Kirby, Moesch, Röthlin, Amemya, Bendixen Chair: Daniel Birrer


Kirstoffer Henriksen Dare to prepare for adversityChair: Philipp Röthlin

Workshop 90 min.

Gmelin, Birrer ACTing on the egde. Balanc-ing self-doubt, overtraining and long training hoursChair: Philipp Röthlin



14:15 2 × Case presentation

Sebastian Brückner, Joe MannionChair: Philipp Röthlin

2 × Case presentation

Cristina Fink, Amy BaltzellChair: Daniel Birrer



15:00 Coffee Break (short)15:15

Coffee Break Coffee BreakSummit ClosingDaniel Birrer, Philipp Röthlin


Individual Departure

15:45 Workshop 90 min.

Henriksen, Hansen, BendixenThe dilemmas of the practi-tioner – how to act with ACT. Chair: Daniel Birrer

Workshop 90 min.

Martijn Ruitenburg, Pepijn Lochtenberg Applying ACT working with young athletes Chair: Philipp Röthlin







Individual Time/Sport Individual Time/Sport





Indivdual DinnerRestaurant Bella Vista



19:00 DinnerRestaurant Swiss Olympic

HouseGala Dinner

Restaurant Swiss Olympic House




Informal Get TogetherBar Rouge

Saturday 21.04.201807:00– 07:45 Breakfast/Sport indiv.08:00– 12:00 Individual Departure

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Workshop, Wednesday 18.4.2018, 9.30-10.30h

Amy Baltzell – Mindful Meditation Training in Sport (MMTS 2.0) PracticesIn this workshop, selected mindful self-compassion practices will be offered drawn from MMTS. Participants will have an opportunity, in dyads, to practice leading the exercises. The protocol for running MMTS and scripts for the workshop will be provided. The workshop will conclude with lessons-learned about the practical application of offering MMTS 2.0

Case presentation, Wednesday 18.4.2018, 10.45-11.45h

Shaunna Taylor – Two case studies (athlete and coach) in DBT/mindfulness strategy intervention in high performance sportThis case study presentation will introduce background context, intervention methods and ongoing progress for two individuals in Canadian high performance sport. Case #1 will involve a NextGen (junior national development) athlete experiencing overtraining, disordered eating and excessive exercise behaviours. The approach involved using Dia-lectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), a CBT treatment that has mindfulness at the core, and is particularly effective for pervasive emotion regulation problems. Other approaches to support these interventions included the core principles of BodySense which were used as athlete, coach and program education to produce culture change in this high performance sport environment. Core skills, workbook activities and progress reporting from Linehan (2015) DBT Skills Training – 2nd Edition will be provided. Case study #2 will describe sessions and ongoing support to a high performance coach experiencing chal-lenges managing stress in the high performance sport workplace - using mindfulness for personal well-being, managing responses to stress in training and competition, also using Linehan’s DBT and mindfulness approaches. Education handouts, core worksheets, and follow-up forms and homework will be provided for both cases.

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5 minutes – 5 slides, Wednesday 18.4.2018, 13.30-14.15h

Kate Kyrby – The use of mindfulness for increasing awareness and management of emotional control in a high performance football team

Karin Mösch – Investigating the impact of a mindfulness intervention on elite athletes’ psychological well-being and adherence after serious sport injury

Philipp Röthlin – Self-compassion: a cat and a scoping review

Rei Amemiya – Piloting mindfulness-based intervention program for university athletes in Japan

Anders Bendixen – Mindful with no time to be mindful – the tale of a sprinter

Case presentations, Wednesday 18.4.2018, 14.15-15.15h

Sebastian Brückner – Initiating self-governed, active player development – an acceptance based holistic case example of performance excellenceI will share a case example of working with a national team athlete from a holistic approach to performance excellence (Wylleman & Lavallee, 2004). Initially, we started working together in a performance slump in 2013 and tried to work on his athletic performance. Using the Volitional Components Inventory (VCI; Kuhl & Fuhrmann, 1998) as a diagnostic tool to assess critical self-regulation skills self-governed, active player development across all levels of Wylleman and Lavallee’s development model was initiated. In 2014 his aca-demic career gained new focus and momentum; he was able to overcome the break-up with his long-time girlfriend; his badminton performance improved as well, resulting in less injuries and culminating in winning a medal at the 2015 European Games. I will share my reflections on consulting with him throughout this process and through his retirement phase in 2016.

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Joe Mannion – From broken mirrors to mirror neurons: Interpersonal mindful-ness and emotionally corrective experiencesConsilient evidence from psychodynamic theories (and beyond) to interpersonal neuro-biology suggests that we come to form our identity and attachment styles through our interactions with and reflections from parents/caregivers and important childhood fig-ures, including coaches. This case presentation will briefly explore how such experiences left one athlete with a “broken” sense of self in certain relationships and roles, particularly as a sports captain. The audience will be presented with key concepts (e.g., a practical and succinct definition of attachment, its potential relationship with the ACT hexaflex model and interpersonal mindfulness) and, then, asked to consider how they might use these ideas to conceptualize and intervene.

Workshop, Wednesday 18.4.2018, 15.45-17.15h

Anders Bendixen, Jakob Hansen, Kristoffer Henriksen – The dilemmas of the practitioner – how to act with ACTWorking in an ACT-oriented way prior to and during World Championships and Olympics is a challenge for the athletes as well as for the practitioner. We often have to navigate the narrow waters between athletes, coaches, federations and/or the media. The potential for challenging situations is obvious.

The workshop introduces some of the dillemmas that we have found ourselves in as sport psychology practitioners. We will present real case examples of dilemmas and sit-uations where we have been challenged, where we have struggled to be mindfull, and where we have had to take our own ”ACT medicin” in order to perform as practitioners. Participants will be asked to discuss and reflect on the dilemmas and how they would act in similar situations.

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Keynote Workshop, Thursday 19.4.2018, 8.15-11.45h

Fabián O. Olaz – Practicing verbal aikido to train psychological flexibility. The basics of the non resistance principle to foster flexy conversationsFrom the Contextual Behavioral Point of view we search for useful ways to help people to be aware and to increase flexible sensitivity of the contexts that influence their be-havior, and to learn what works to increase valued living in diverse situations and life circumstances. Helping our clients to develop psychological flexibility begins with our stance, and depends on our own contextual sensitivity and our capability of adaptation to the changing circumstances in the service of moving our client and ourselves toward the life we want.

In this workshop I will start presenting my point of view about contextual behavioral interventions, assuming that it can be likened to practicing a verbal form of aikido—a Japanese martial art also known as “the way of love.” The principles of aikido involve aligning with another person’s energy and redirecting it instead of blocking it. Aikido practice emphasizes being present in the moment, taking whatever is offered by an op-ponent or partner, and avoiding struggle. Practicing verbal aikido in our conversations involves taking words lightly, and using them to create a symbolic context that increases context sensitivity and functional coherence (Villatte 2015, personal communication). Said another way, practicing verbal aikido will help your clients to learn how their behavior works in different contexts and to help them to stay connected to the present moment. Participants will practice experientially some basic verbal aikido movements to help clients to get out of painful psychological traps and live more meaningful lives. We will practice different “style strategies” to cope with difficult behaviors (or sticky problems) such as “Yes…and”, noticing in the present moment, and validation.

My main goal is to train the “Take what is offered” stance in the participants in a funny and experiential way, so I will present clinical examples and role playing linking them with Aikido videos, embodiment exercises and metaphors, and practice in small groups. At the end of the workshop, participants will be able to feel and redirect client’s mind energy in the service of themselves and their client’s life.

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Talk, Thursday 19.4.2018, 13.30-14.15h

Kristoffer Henrikson – Dare to prepare for adversityEven the most well prepared athletes are likely to meet challenges, have to adjust game plans, and deal with adversity during competitions, training and daily life. Helping athletes prepare for and handle adversity is thus an important task for the sport psychology prac-titioner. In pursuit of confidence, however, when it comes to competitions some athletes (and practitioners) prefer to prepare for and visualize ‘the perfect race’. The present case study provides an account of how I have worked to help athletes in the Danish national orienteering team to prepare for and handle adversity, with a particular focus on their preparation for a world championship. The applied work took place in multiple contexts including the gym and the forest.

Case presentations, Thursday 19.4.2018, 14.15-15.15h

Amy Baltzell – When a pole vaulter “runs through”The mindfulness literature in Sport focuses primarily on structured interventions to assess the impact of mindfulness approaches. Yet in the world of applied practice, we usually need to bring in an integrated approach when leveraging mindfulness to serve myriad types of performers. This Case Study is of a 20-year-old pole-vaulter who chronically “ran through” when attempting to vault. The case will be presented with an emphasis on the integration of mindfulness, self-compassion, imagery, self-talk cues as well as practical considerations including external adjustments (e.g., using “sticky stuff”)

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Cristina Fink – Using Mindfulness in a Classroom Setting with an Under 15 Youth Soccer TeamIn this presentation, I will discuss the way I have introduced some ACT concepts and Mindful-ness to a group of players in a classroom setting. The players and I had a working relationship already and introducing a mindfulness approach to our classroom was easy because the players had worked with several different awareness concepts with me before. We specifically worked with the concept of F.E.A.R. and D.A.R.E. and the players have been very receptive to these ideas.

I introduced the idea of becoming aware of thoughts and feelings without judgment. This has been a difficult concept for young players at times because they have a difficult time recognizing their thoughts and feelings.

I will talk about the ideas and methods we have used throughout this season and what has worked well and what has not!

Workshop, Thursday 20.4.2018, 15.45-17.15h

Martijn Ruitenburg, Pepijn Lochtenberg – Applying ACT working with young athletes: learning that your advisor is just your advisorIn their book ‘The Thriving Adolescent’ (Hayes & Ciarrochi, 2015) the authors introduce the DNA-V model: a model based on Acceptance and Commitment Therapy, specifically designed for working with youngsters. In this workshop the presenters will share their experiences working with the DNA-V model in their applied work with young athletes (12 -18 years) at a school for talented athletes in the Netherlands.

Learning objectives are getting familiar with the DNA-V model and application of ACT in the context of youth sports. In line with ACT principles the main teaching methods will be experiential learning after a short introduction of the subject. Practical exercises that can be used in mental training of youth athletes will be shared and experienced. Most focus will be on the skill of cognitive defusion, based on the development in this area by Gijs Jansen, a very experienced and innovative ACT psychologist in the Netherlands. These defusion skills will be applicable to athletes of all ages.

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Friday 20.4.2018 8.15-9.45h, Mindfulness practice

Discussion, Friday 20.4.2018, 10.15-11.45hIn this session, two mindfulness and ACT-based group intervention programs will be presented. After the presentations, we will critically discuss specific challenges that can arise when working with a group format with acceptance-based approaches in high-level sports. We hope that the presentations and the following discussion will be of interest for all those who consider disseminating acceptance-based approaches to the elite sport community.

Karin Moesch, Göran Kenttä – ACT in high performance sports: Presentation of a group based interventionThe Elite Sport Department of the Swedish Sport Confederation has traditionally put effort into education of elite athletes and coaches, as a resource-friendly way to disseminate knowledge to the persons in focus. The sport psychology team has recently evaluated an earlier held education in sport psychology. The team then decided to re-organize this education, basing the education on acceptance-based approaches (mainly ACT), and making it more applied than the earlier education. A 3-days course has been developed, and will be held for the first time in May 2018. In this presentation, we will introduce this new course. While briefly outlining the format, we will put specific focus on the content of the course, and describe both the theoretical part and the practical exercises.

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Philipp Röthlin – A four week mindfulness-based group intervention for elite athletesIn this presentation, a mindfulness-based group intervention program (MI) will be pre-sented in a way that allows participants to understand the theoretical contents we taught the athletes and the practical exercises we applied. The intervention program was created as part of a study in which we investigated the impacts of an MI and a PST program. All contents and exercises that occur in the program are those we use in our daily work with the athletes. The program consist of four 90-minute group workshops, which take place over a period of one month. The goal of the MI was teaching athletes psychological flexibility. In order to be more psychologically flexible, three skills were taught: (1) being in the here-and-now, (2) being able to perceive and distance oneself from inner states (i.e., defusion) and (3) being able to accept and endure unpleasant states. In addition, we aimed to design the interventions in way that supported behavioral change as good as possible. In order to achieve behavioral change, we considered three basic guidelines in the program development that partly overlap (i.e., supporting processing and learning, strengthening motivation, and promoting regular practice).

Workshop, Friday 20.4.2018, 13.30-15.00h

Daniel Birrer, Jeannine Gmelin – ACTing on the edge. Balancing self-doubt, overtraining and long training hoursThis Workshop will be held by Jeannine Gmelin, a world class rower, and Daniel Birrer, with whom she is working since December 2014. Rowing is a sport, which demands a very tough training regimen with extremely high intensity and extensive duration to be-come internationally competitive. The WS presenters will share selected insights of their collaboration. Participants are asked to discuss and elaborate mindfulness and acceptance based intervention suggestions to deal with the presented challenges. Components of the WS will be contextual analysis, case presentations, role plays and open discussions.

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Rei Amemiya – [email protected], University of Tsukuba, JapanMy interests in the field of applied sport psychology are “mindfulness program,” “Psychological Skills Training for enhancing both athletes’ mental health and performance,” and “Prevention of mental health problems such as burnout.”

Amy Baltzell – [email protected], Boston University, USAI am most interested in both improving the performer’s internal lived experience, and their performance. To this end, my scholarship is fo-cused on mindfulness and self-compassion in sport. I have edited one book (Mindfulness & Performance, 2016), authored a book (The Power of Mindfulness, 2018) and have written invited book chapters on these topics. I work both with elite athletes and, more recently, classical mu-sicians with my practice based on a mindfulness and acceptance based approach integrating other sport psychology skills in the service of help-ing performers engage with awareness, poise and concentration.

Anders Bendixen – [email protected], Team DenmarkI am very interested in all aspects of ACT and mindfulness in the context of applied sport psychology. Moreover I am curious about how other areas of classic psychology (e.g. existential psychology and mentaliza-tion) can contribute to top performance as well as mental health in sport for athletes and coaches.


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Daniel Birrer – [email protected] Swiss Federal Institute of Sport MagglingenCurrently head of sport psychology and deputy head of the Department of Elite Performance. 2008 I started to integrate mindfulness as an in-tervention concept in my work. Gradually it became more and more important. It took a while to realize that integrating mindfulness in my preexisting working and intervention concepts resulted in a framework similar to the ACT approach. A special interest lies in the disentanglement of mindfulness components and its effects on psychological flexibility and athletic development. Furthermore, how we can foster psychological flexibility in general and particularly using a sort of blended learning approach with the help of modern technology.

Sebastian Brückner – [email protected]ünster University, GermanyI strongly believe in a holistic approach to developing performance excellence. First, this means that athletes cannot be reduced to “just” sport performers, but have to be considered as people, which live, train and compete in social contexts that go beyond the athletic arena. How-ever, based on my experience working in high-performance settings, for me, holistic also means that I believe in a practice of mindfulness and acceptance approaches that is informed, supplemented and sometimes supported by traditional techniques used in psychological skill training.

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Johan Ekengren – [email protected] University, SwedenIn my PhD-project I’m currently preparing an intervention study to in-vestigate how a program based on ACT and Mindfulness will affect a selection of professional handball players. The participants are under high work load and compete both in the national and international league. The intervention will be linked to the players’ perceived stress symptoms and their ratings of performance.

Cristina Fink – [email protected] Union MLS and HPSports, USAI belief in helping people (players/athletes) unlock their potential, by helping people (payers/athletes) become aware, accountable and re-sponsible for their feelings and actions. If they are aware of how they feel and what works for them, they can regulate it and be better at pushing themselves and holding themselves accountable.By creating an environment that is safe for them to explore and identify what works best for them while at the same time pushing to be the best possible version of themselves on and off the field.I am interested in helping coaches and players with ACT and Mindfulness to become aware of what helps them perform more consistently. I am working with five coaches from our program who are open to working with this them-selves. I believe that this will allow me to work with their players even because they are aware of the impact they are having with their players.

Marie Ottilie Frenkel – [email protected] Heidelberg, GermanyI consider mindfulness programs as a meaningful introduction into the traditional sport psychology techniques for children and adolescents. Therefore, the development and the evaluation of mindfulness pro-grams for young athletes (and for their coaches, so that they can serve as multipliers) are in the focus of my work. The transfer of mental practice into rehabilitation is another central topic of my work.

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Jakob Hansen – [email protected], Team DenmarkThe focus in my work is to help athletes, teams, coaches and sport managers to clarify and become aware of what is valuable and import-ant for them (mission, vision and values), and to help them to actually commit and move in the intended direction beyond the barriers we (often unconsciously and emotionally) put up for us selves as human beings – and move into the uncomfortable where high performance often takes place – without burning out.

Kristoffer Henriksen – [email protected], Team DenmarkSince 2008 my employment has included a specialized function as a sport psychology practitioner in Team Denmark, corresponding to 50% of a full time position. In this function I have worked to develop high performance cultures in national teams and mentally strong athletes and coaches. I have worked in several sports, but mainly in orienteering and Olympic sailing. I have supported athletes and teams during several World Championships and during the London and Rio Olympic Games. Currently my main focus within ACT and performance is how to take ACT ‘onto the playing field’, which includes how to involve coaches.

Erik Hofseth – [email protected], NorwayMy current main interest in applied sport psychology concerns how identity and core values may have a facilitating role in how the interplay between the seeking system, and the fight, flight, freeze response may influence athletes’ performance under pressure, as well as their long term performance development process.

Tommy Karls – [email protected] Paralympic CommitteeWoorking with the Swedish Paralypic troup since London Paralympics.Therapist in a clinic for Elitathlets in Stockholm.

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Göran Kenttä – [email protected] Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences and the Swedish Sport ConfederationMy main interest is bridging research and practice in the high perfor-mance context, especially in regard of mental health and performance. Mindfulness and ACT-interventions are becoming more and more fun-damental across most work that I do.

Kate Kirby – [email protected], Irish Institute of SportI deliver service across 8 Olympic sports, but am most heavily involved in Athletics, Rowing, Sailing and Modern Pentathlon. I am particularly interested in lifestyle factors and how they influence wellbeing and performance, and also have a lot of experience in supporting athletes through transition.

Pepijn Lochtenberg – [email protected], NetherlandsMain interests: application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in sports, mental training of youth athletes, talent development: the role of parents, coaches and sport psychologists, developing values through sports.

Joe Mannion – [email protected] University and Wake Forest University, USAMy interests in sport psychology have been humanistic in the sense that I consider myself a “fellow traveler” and have been as interested in help-ing myself as my clients, regarding both performance and well-being. Inspiration from our field and beyond and my curiosity have led me to immerse myself over the years, in particular, in mindfulness (both third wave and Buddhist), psychodynamic theory (including interpersonal, object-relations, ego psychology), neuropsychology (including sports concussions), using sport psychology in executive consulting, and, more recently, humanistic-existential psychology. New frontiers for me include leveraging technology like apps and bio/neurofeedback.

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Ohad Maoz – [email protected], Israeli Olympic committeeMindfulness is part of my life on personal and professional basis. I prac-tice meditation and try to be in awareness in life and work.

Sara Mitchell – [email protected]. Olympic CommitteeI am most interested in developing a standard of practice that maxi-mizes Paralympic athletes’ and teams’ capacity to perform optimally at the highest levels of competition. Because I believe that creativity and resourcefulness are necessary to thrive under pressure, I am commit-ted to enhancing my clients’ ability to make contact with the present moment, and passionate about the role of mindfulness in elite sport performance.

Karin Moesch – [email protected] Sports Confederation and Halmstad University, SwedenKarin Moesch is employed as a sport psychologist at the Swedish Sports Confederation. In this position, she provides individual counselling, group workshops and educations for elite athletes and coaches. Her work is based on CBT, and in the last years her interest for third wave approaches (ACT and mindfulness) increased and now accounts for a big part of her applied work. Her interest is in both performance enhancement and mental health issues. She also holds a position as a senior lecturer at the University of Halmstad, where she is currently conducting a project investigating the impact of a mindfulness inter-vention on injury rehabilitation.

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Fabián O. Olaz – [email protected] University of Córdoba, ArgentinaPhilosophical Doctor. Lecturer in Clinical Psychology and Psychotherapies, Researcher and Director of the Interpersonal Behavior Laboratory in the Faculty of Psychology, National University of Córdoba. Two months Post Doctoral Internship in the Experimental And Applied Analysis of Behavior Group (University of Almería, Spain) supervised by Carmen Luciano. Affilli-ated Scientist to the the Center of Social Connection, University of Wash-ington, under supervision of Jonathan Kanter, Phd. ACBS Peer Reviewed ACT Trainer, is a well known trainer in Argentina and other countries. In the clinical area he works as an ACT and FAP psychotherapist, specialized in working with clients with severe interpersonal problems. He is Clinical supervisor and Clinical Director of the Integral Center of Contextual Psy-chotherapies in Córdoba, Argentina. ACBS member and representative for Argentina of the Iberoamerican Psychological Association of Clinical and Health. He is one of the authors of “The Essential Guide to the ACT Matrix: A Step-by-Step Approach to Using the ACT Matrix Model in Clinical Practice” (Polk, K. L., Schoendorff, B., Webster, M. & Olaz, F. O., 2015) and wrote other several books, book chapters and articles about ACT, FAP, psychological assessment and social skills training.

Philipp Röthlin – [email protected] Federal Institute of Sport MagglingenSince 2010 I work as a research assistant and sport psychologist practi-tioner at the Swiss Federal Institute of Sport Magglingen. I am interested in how to make the mindfulness more accessible to athletes in the consulting setting and how to support transfer and implementation of their insights into training and competition. Further, my research interests lie in the effectiveness and mechanisms of actions of sport psychological interventions, nonspecific impact factors of consulting and in the role of self-compassion in performance settings.

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Martijn Ruitenburg – [email protected], NetherlandsMain interests: application of Acceptance and Commitment Therapy in sports, mental training of youth athletes, talent development: the role of parents, coaches and sport psychologists, developing values through sports.

Olivier Schmid – [email protected] of Bern, SwitzerlandMy research interests include youth sport parenting (including par-ent-coaches), positive youth development through life-skills, and post-shot routines in golf. Aside from my academic work, I own a pri-vate practice as a sport psychologist in Geneva and work with a Swiss Olympic sport medicine facility. Mindfulness has been at the core of my consulting and life philosophy for many years.

Shaunna Taylor – [email protected] of British Columbia, USAI am interested in sharing approaches that 1) resonate with athletes at all ages/stages, and 2) ways to educate and incentivize coaches and technical leaders to work in ways that are supportive of the work we do with athletes, and 3) providing strategies for all service providers in high performance sport to integrate into their own personal practice.

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Henrik Jahren – [email protected], Norway

Anne Marte Pensgaard – [email protected], Norway

Arne Jørstad Riise – [email protected], Norway

Page 23: 2 nd Summit on Mindfulness and Acceptance Approaches in ......2 2nd Summit on Mindfulness and Acceptance Approaches in Elite Sport Program Tuesday 17.04.2018 14:15 Individual Arrival
Page 24: 2 nd Summit on Mindfulness and Acceptance Approaches in ......2 2nd Summit on Mindfulness and Acceptance Approaches in Elite Sport Program Tuesday 17.04.2018 14:15 Individual Arrival
