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    Fire fighting equipments

    and systems

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    Fire extinguishers

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Different Kinds of Extinguishers

    Four most common fire extinguishers:

    Water type

    Dry Powder type Foam type

    Carbon Dioxide

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    How to Use a Fire Extinguisher

    Its easy to remember how to use a fireextinguisher if you remember the acronym PASS:





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    Pull the pin

    This will allow you todischarge the extinguisher

    How to Use a Fire Extinguisher

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    7/70Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Aim at the base of the fire

    Hit the fuel.If you aim at the flames...

    the extinguishing agent will fly right through and do no good.

    How to Use a Fire Extinguisher

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    8/70Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Squeeze the top handle

    This depresses a button that

    releases the pressurized

    extinguishing agent.

    How to Use a Fire Extinguisher

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    9/70Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Sweep from side to side

    .. until the fire is completely out.

    Start using the extinguisher froma safe distance away, then slowly

    move forward.

    Once the fire is out, keep an eyeon the area in case it re-ignites.

    How to Use a Fire Extinguisher

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    10/70Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    To fight a fire take up a position, where access a fire

    is unrestricted, but quick and safe retreat is possible

    A crouching posture minimize the effect of smokeand heat

    Fire should not left smouldering

    Fire brigade called at the earliest & alarm raised

    If the fire shows sign of going out of control, it isbest not to use extinguisher

    How to Use a Fire Extinguisher

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    11/70Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Selection of extinguishers

    Ease in handling

    Method of operation

    Operating angle of jet

    Effective range

    Shape of jet

    W i i h

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    12/70Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Water type extinguisherstypes

    soda acid type: Aluminum sulphate+Sodium bicarbonate Co2

    Gas pressure: Gas cartridge filled with Co2

    Constant air pressure: Dry air as propellant

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    13/70Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

    Different types of fire extinguishers are designed to

    fight different classes of fire.

    The 3 most common types of fire extinguishers are:

    1. Water (APW)

    2. Carbon Dioxide (CO2)

    3. Dry Chemical (ABC, BC, DC)


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    14/70Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

    1.Water (APW) Fire Extinguishers

    Large silver fire extinguishersthat stand about 2 feet talland weigh about 25 pounds

    when full.

    APW stands for Air-Pressurized Water.

    Filled with ordinary tap waterand pressurized air, they areessentially large squirt guns.

    f h

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    15/70Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    APWs extinguish fireby taking away theheat element of theFire Triangle.

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

    1.Water (APW) Fire Extinguishers

    T f Fi E i i h

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    16/70Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    APWs are designed for Class A firesonly: Wood, paper, cloth.

    Using water on a flammable liquid fire could causethe fire to spread.

    Using water on an electrical fire increases the riskof electrocution. If you have no choice but to usean APW on an electrical fire, make sure theelectrical equipment is un-plugged / de-energized.

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

    1.Water (APW) Fire Extinguishers

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    Water for Fire extinguishment

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    Water type extinguishers

    Water as cooling agent

    Use on CLASS A fires

    W t

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    Merits Easy availability

    Lowest in cost

    Good extinguishing capabilities

    Environmentally friendly


    Need large volumes

    Lots of wastage

    Collateral damage

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Water mist technology

    Helps convert the limitations of water into an



    Its CRITICAL that the water droplets are of the rightsize (100-150microns)

    There is a constant flow of droplets of this size

    The droplets are propelled at a high velocity into the

    seat of the fire while operating at a low workingpressure

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    The importance of droplets size

    Small size droplets ( < 50 )

    Optimal size droplets ( ~ 100 150 )

    Large size droplets ( > 200 )

    lets examine.

    Water mist technology

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    Small size droplets (< 50 )

    Small size droplets cannotpenetrate the flame and areineffective

    Water mist technology

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Large size droplets (> 200 )

    Large size droplets mainly flyover the flame leaving a puddlebehind (90% wastage)

    Water mist technology

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    W i h l

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Optimal size droplets (~ 100 to 150 )

    This forms a steam blanket thatsuffocates the flame andprevents the oxygen from

    coming in

    Water mist technology

    W i h l

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    Importance of the optimal size droplets (~ 100 to 150 )







    0 50 100







    Droplet size



    Water mist technology

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    Carbon Dioxide

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Carbon Dioxide

    CO2 is non combustiblegas, reduces O2 content

    of gasCo2 is 1.5 times heavierthan air, directed withHard, plastic nozzle

    Best for sophisticated

    apparatusUse on CLASS B andCLASS C fires

    2.Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    2.Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers

    CO2 cylinders are red.

    They range in size from 5 lbs to 100 lbs or larger.

    On larger sizes, the horn will be at the end of a long, flexiblehose.

    The pressure in a CO2

    extinguisher is so great,bits of dry ice may shootout of the horn!

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    CO2 fire extinguishers will frequently be found inlaboratories, mechanical rooms, kitchens and

    flammable liquid storage areas.

    In accordance with regulations (and manufacturersrecommendations), all CO2 extinguishers undergohydrostatic testing and recharge every 5 years.

    CO2 fire extinguishers aredesigned for Class B and C firesonly! (Flammable Liquids and ElectricalSources)

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

    2.Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    A CO2 may be ineffective inextinguishing a Class A fire becauseit may not be able to displaceenough oxygen to successfully putthe fire out.

    Class A materials may also smolderand re-ignite.

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

    2.Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007


    CO2 filled in the cylinder asliquied under pressure

    Cylinder filled with charge toabout 2/3 weight

    Fitted with discharge flexiblehose and operating valve

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

    2.Carbon Dioxide Fire Extinguishers

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    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    3. Dry Chemical (ABC) Fire Extinguishers

    The powder also works to interrupt the chemicalreaction of fire. These extinguishers are veryeffective at putting out fire.

    Dry chemicalextinguishers putout fire by coatingthe fuel with athin layer of dust.This separates thefuel from theoxygen in the air.

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    Dry chemical type

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

    Gas cartridge filled with CO2

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    3. Dry Chemical (ABC) Fire Extinguishers

    ABC fire extinguishers are filled with a fine yellow powder.

    The greatest portion of this powder is composed ofmonoammonium phosphate. It could be of Borex, potesium

    sulphate as dry powder also.

    The extinguishers are pressurized with inert gas like nitrogenor CO2.

    ABC extinguishers are red.On campus, they range insize from 5 to 20 lbs.

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    3. Dry Chemical (ABC) Fire Extinguishers

    You may see them labeled:

    DC (for Dry Chemical)ABC (can be used on Class A, B, or C fires)BC (designed for use on Class B and C fires)

    Dry chemical extinguishers

    come in a variety of types

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    3. Dry Chemical (ABC) Fire Extinguishers

    An ABC extinguisher will have a labellike this, indicating it may be used onClass A, B and C fires.

    It is extremely important to identify which types ofdry chemical extinguishers are located in your area!

    You dont want to mistakenly use a BC extinguisher on a ClassAfire thinking that it was an ABC extinguisher.

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Foam as smothering medium

    For class-B fires

    Aluminium sulphate + sodium bicorbanate FOAM

    4. Foam type Fire Extinguishers

    Types of Fire Extinguishers

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    Precaution for using Fire Extinguishers

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Precaution for using Fire Extinguishers

    Proper training


    To keep required type of extinguishers as per riskto be protected.

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    Fire Hydrant System

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    Fire Hydrant System

    Automatic sprinkler system

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Automatic sprinkler systemUsed to tackle a fire in its early stagesDetects fire

    Extinguish fireTransmit an alarmContains a device which, at a predeterminedrise in temp, causes the sprinkler to open

    Water to be discharged in form of spray

    Glass Bulb Type Sprinkler Head

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    Glass Bulb Type Sprinkler Head

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    Fire Detection & Annunciation System

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Fire Detection & Annunciation System

    Detection System Ionization smoke detectors Optical smoke detectors Electro-pneumatic (rate of rise & fixed temperature heat)

    type detectors

    Thermocouple detectors for conveyors

    Annunciation system Manual fire alarm call centre Local area hooters Audio-visual control panels Addressable analog panels

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    Heat Detectors

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Point detector type

    Line detector break link cable type

    Sensing elements of metal strips, rods, wires or

    coils are used which expand when heated

    Fusible alloys or thermocouples can also be used

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    Hose reel and hose cabinet

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    Hose reel and hose cabinet

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    Panel for automatic detection system

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    Panel for automatic detection system

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    Hydrant on a riser

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    Hydrant on a riser

    Use of Robot

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    Use of Robot

    Range of Robot in Use in Japan

    Unmanned monitor nozzle vehicle

    Remote control fire vehicle

    Reconnaissance robot (for search)

    The fire robot

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    Fire robo

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    Safety Module: Fire Safety, Rev 0.0, Mar 2007

    Designed By Sh.P.K.Rao,

    Dy. Director (Technical), U.P.Fire Service

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    Other system and equipments

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    y q p

    Other system and equipments

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    y q p

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    Other system and equipments

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    y q p

    Other system and equipments

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