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Better Business Bureau To Weed Out Fake Online Reviews

Tags: business reviews, Better Business Bureau

The practice of “astroturfing” — or flooding online services with fake reviews, either positive or negative — has made the Better Business Bureau’s (BBB) top 10 list for biggest scams of the year.

The B.C. chapter of the Better Business Bureau is now trying to battle back against astroturfing with its own verified customer reviews service.

“Obviously BBB is very aware that online reviews are here and here to stay, and they’re extremely popular,” said BBB B.C. spokesman Evan Kelly.

Unlike other online services, reviewers must first be vetted by the Better Business Bureau to find out if the user is real (their identities are kept anonymous to the public).

“There was a lot of demand for (online reviews) from consumers and our accredited businesses alike, who wanted a way to interact with consumers, and consumers wanted a way to appraise businesses for their practices and their services.”

“Negative reviews are obviously a part of it and the message we’re trying to instill with businesses is negative reviews can actually be beneficial,” Kelly said.

BBB’s business reviews by customers can be accessed at

Advantages Of Financial Reporting For Your Business

Tags: reviews and opinions, benefits of financial reporting

Creating and maintaining the highest standards of financial reporting are integral parts of every modern-day business.

This is not just because financial reporting tells owners, creditors, and other parties about the performance and value of the business, but also because it is critical to have accurate and timely financial statements (via this unbiased form of reviews and opinions) to make informed decisions.

One of the biggest benefits of financial reporting is that the meaningful interpretation and analysis of income statement, cash flow statements, and balance sheets result in smart investment choices. Not only this, the entire process of reporting is based on prudent investment practices so that state and federal tax obligations can be completed without any hassle. In addition to these advantages, high quality financial reporting can go a long way in facilitating uninterrupted access for a business to direct investments and capital markets.

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In short, your business can get the right and complete financial picture of its income and expense while complying with state and national laws with assistance from professional accounting solutions such as financial reporting services. This is what we call smart and informed entrepreneurship!
