


Event Location : Pertamina Corporate Building Date : Occurrence: Bombs Blasting on 9th Floor Time :

I. Event Scenario

There has been a bomb blast on 9th floor of the Main Building of Pertamina Head Office lead to the destruction and devastating most of buildings until the 8th and 10th floor and followed by fire.

This emergency causes many victims of burns, blows, collisions, and falls with the details: 3 (three) people died, 4 (four) serious burns, 5 (five) people get medium injury, 6 (six) people get minor injury.

Response operations carried out in accordance with the "Emergency Response Procedures" for Pertamina Head Office Building. Emergencies are assumed to have successfully controlled quickly, so as not to be declared as DISASTER which shall be applied The Disaster Management Manual on Corporate Level (Emergency, but only Tier 1 activated within the Pertamina Head office)

II. Response Scenario

1) Emergency Communication

No.Emergency Situation and ConditionExecutor

1Bombings followed by fires and power supply for lighting completely disturbed. Floor Warden 9th Floor or his alternate called to Fire and Security Station.Floor Warden 9th FloorFire Station Security Station

2Seizing the fire condition and casualties, Floor Warden 9h floor decided to break the break glass and report to On Scene Commander.Floor Warden 9th Floor On Scene Commander

3Floor Warden reports the emergency that resulted fire and casualties to On Scene Commander.Floor Warden 9th Floor On Scene Commander

4On Scene Commander reports to Incident Commander and continues to Emergency Response Commander and then declares that Main Building is in Emergency.On Scene CommanderIncident CommanderEmergency Response Commander

5Floor wardens conduct evacuation for all employees/occupants and rescued the documents.Evacuation conducted in stages manner, started from 10th, 11th, 12th to 21st. At the same time the ground floor started from basement, ground, M, 1st, 2nd, 3rd, to 9h.Floor Wardens

2) Security Operation

No.Emergency Situation and ConditionExecutor

1Incident Commander Instructing for total security and sterilization towards the locations that predicted the bomb still available in the Main Building. Incident Commander

2To anticipate the possibility following bombs therefore Emergency Response Commander commanding Security to call Polda Metro Jaya (Jakarta Police Department) ask for the Anti Bomb Agency (Gegana) due to the bomb in Pertamina Main Building.Emergency Response CommanderGegana Team

3Gegana Brigade arrives and proceeds to seek and secure another bomb that probably still in the building.Gegana Team

4Main Gate is closed and used just for the allowed people and control the traffic for Fire Truck and Ambulance.Security Team

5Security secured the documents from the irresponsible parties.Security Team

6Security operation continually conducted and Security Operation Commander reports to Incident Commander.Incident CommanderSecurity Operation Commander

3) Evacuation and Rescue the Victims

No.Emergency Situation and ConditionExecutor

1Floor warden and Evacuation team evacuates all employees/occupants of main building to the designated area at Assembly Point and counting the people. Floor wardenEvacuation Team

2After receiving information, Medical Team and ambulance precede to Puskopen/Fire Station.Ambulance receives the instruction heading to the scene at Main Building. Medical Team

3On Scene Commander commanding Rescuer Team to immediately evacuate the victims, while fire brigade doing fire fighting by considering: Thick Smoke flooding the rooms on 8th, 9th and 10th floor where the victims lay down, thus the evacuation team shall use Breathing Apparatus. The Platform of fire truck only can reach until 6th floor, therefore Rescue team enters to the 8th, 9th, and 10th floor through the 6th floor by using Platform.Rescuer Team

4Rescuer Team completed with breathing apparatus proceeds to 8th, 9th and 10th floor through 6th floor by using Platform and escalated can evacuate the victims out of the building with the condition: 3 (three) people died from 9th floor. 4 (four) get serious burns from 10th floor. 5 (five) people get medium injury from 8th floor. 6 (six) people get minor injury and can walk out of the building.

Rescuer Team

5Medical Team Helping victims to the hospital to get further medical treatment: Minor Injury-Medic Post/Fire Station Medium Injury-Head Office Clinic Serious Injury-RSPJ, RSPP, RSGS Fatality-RSPJ, RSPP, RSGS.RSCMMedical Team

4) Fire Fighting Operation

No.Emergency Situation and ConditionExecutor

1Fire occurs on 8h, 9th, and 10th floor.

2Fire Team of Fire Station (Fire Brigade) through platform of Fire Truck proceeds to the scene and take position at the south of Main Building (considering wind direction)Fire Brigade

3Fire fighting layout headed to the fired floor by using plat form of fire truck but only can reach 6TH floor therefore to get 8th, 9th and 10th floor fire brigade shall move from fire truck platform entering the 6th floor to the 8th, 9th and 10th floor completed with Breathing Apparatus.Fire Brigade

4On Scene Commander along with Fire Brigade conduct fire fighting using Fire Hydrant, Fire Hose and Nozzles that available on 6th, 7th, and 11th floor. Fire fighting conducted by using Fire Truck Ladder as well, which has Ladder reaching 56-60 m height.Fire can be extinguished and continue for cooling in order to prevent from back fire.On Scene CommanderFire Brigade

6Fire fighting and rescue the victims accomplish, thus On Scene Commander along with Rescuer Team and Medical Team report to Incident Commander.Incident CommanderOn Scene CommanderRescuer teamMedical team

5) Supporting Operation

No.Emergency Situation and ConditionExecutor

1Provide technical needs included the repair of facilities and equipment in emergency response (power supply, mechanical interruption, fire water, etc) General Support Team

2Maintain communication condition to assure in sound running order and provide the needs.CSS (Corporate Share Service) Team

3Provide logistics for the fire response team; provide transportation and required materials.Logistic Team

4Give service in term of interview of Pertamina Officials, Government Authority and Pers.Documenting the event during the emergency responseExternal/Media Relation Team

III. Emergency Response Accomplish

No.Emergency Situation and ConditionExecutor

1Emergency Response is Accomplished and On Scene Commander reports the operation to the Incident Commander and continue to Emergency Response CommanderOn Scene CommanderIncident Commander.Emergency Response Commander

2Emergency Response Commander declares that emergency is completely controlled and condition is safe.

Emergency Response Commander.
