
Vocabulary Word Definition Picture

Topographic Maps

A description of land surface area with reference to variation in elevation.


The distance above sea level.

Contour Lines

A line on a map that connects points with the same elevation.

Contour Intervals

The difference in elevation between two adjacent contour lines of a map.

Erosional Features – Read pages 121-127

Vocabulary Word Definition Picture

Index Contour

A thicker line marking every 5th contour line of a map.

Erosional Features

Earth’s surface that shows evidence of the natural processes of weathering and the removal and relocation of weathered materials.


The mechanical or chemical processes that break rocks into smaller pieces and sometimes change the chemical composition.


The process by which water, ice, wind, and gravity remove and transport sediments from one place to another.

Erosional Features – Read pages 121-127

Vocabulary Word Definition Picture

Sediment Deposition

Occurs when solid fragments of weathered rock are eroded (moved) and then dropped into a new place by wind, water, ice, and gravity.

Satellite Views

Photos or images from taken of Earth from space.

Erosional Features – Read pages 121-127
