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The Word of God1 at the Feast of the Lord’s Resurrection2

I come from heaven on the earth with a feast of salvation, with a feast of resurrection. I,

Myself, declare the word of greeting upon you: Christ is risen! Christ is risen! Christ is risen!” I

announce Myself over you. I celebrate Myself among you and I am your feast and I am your

resurrection. Amen.

Open the gates between heaven and earth! Open so that I may enter! I am the King of glory

and power in heaven and on earth. Amen. Strengthen yourselves, gates, so that I may come in and

out; to come out and to come in. I, Myself, open the gates announcing Myself at the gates; I,

Myself, because I, Myself, took away the stone from My grave that was watched by the Jews. On

the first day of the week, My disciples, who had not understood the Scriptures by that time, and

that I had to come out of the dead, saw My grave opened and the shrouds and the linen cloths that

were on My head and body lying there in the grave; they saw and believed. Peter and John were

told by Mary Magdalene early in the morning. She came to My grave early in the morning, while

it was still dark, and saw that the stone was moved away from the grave and went to Peter and

John and told them that I was taken out of the grave. My angels confirmed the news of resurrection,

and I, the resurrected One, stood up to be seen by My prude and I told her: «Mary go to My

brothers and tell them that I am ascending to My Father and your Father, to My God and your

God and in the evening I will be coming and appearing to them in Galilee. They should go

there». And they went in Galilee and locked themselves in for fear of the Jews, and suddenly I

stood in their midst and I said to them: «Peace to you!» And their eyes were opened and saw Me

resurrected and I showed them My hands and My side to make them glad that I was, and I told

them: «Peace to you! As the Father has sent Me, I am sending you. Receive the Holy Spirit!»

Amen. And then I disappeared from their sight, and they told one another about Me that I was

resurrected and that I was alive forever and ever. Amen.

After two thousand years since My resurrection from the dead, I, Myself, am declaring

again this word: Peace to you! To you, those from today, who are announcing Me that I have come

from the Father to you, for you and for those who believe like you in My coming after two thousand

years. But who is the one that understands the Scriptures of My coming, for My disciples of that

time understood the Scriptures, which proclaimed ahead of time that I would come on earth and I

would suffer crucifixion and death, and then I would rise from the dead and be with them to the

end of the time? Blessed is he who believes like them, and like you, that I am to the end of the

time, for believing, that one comes out from the dead, he comes out from the sins and becomes

a son of resurrection.

I want to tell you what resurrection means. I come down to you through the gates early in

the morning. I, Myself, open the gates for Me, announcing Myself at the gates. Amen. After I rose

from the dead I did no longer die, sons from the gates. This means resurrection. After Laza-

rus was raised from the dead, he did no longer die, and has had Me in him forever and ever.

This means resurrection. Those who became holy, by faith and love of God, remained holy and

never died, and they rose from the dead. This means resurrection. The one, who rises and never

dies, is a son of resurrection, the son of the eternal life. Amen. Oh, children of My resurrection, I

want to speak over you the mystery of resurrection, and you should preach about this mystery over

all the nations on the earth, so that they may understand this mystery. Those, who will her and

1 God’s Word in „Holy Citadel New Jerusalem” monastery, Glodeni – Romania, redactor note. 2 Translated by I.A., r.n.

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come to life, will be alive, and those, who will hear and will not come to life, will be dead. Soon,

soon, the joy of life will be with those that rose from the dead, and it will be upon them, for the

seal of resurrection and My glory will shine on them, the glory of resurrection, for the resurrection

in man glorifies him with great glory, as the power of My resurrection from the dead glorified Me,

when the angels from heaven came and said to those who believed in Me: «Why do you seek the

living among the dead? He is not here, but he has risen». The same I tell you now: Do not seek

the living One among the dead. Seek Him among the living, for the living One is with them.

He, who becomes a son of resurrection, dwells with the living One and lives with Him the mystery

of resurrection and of eternal life, for darkness and death is over all the earth, over all people.

Soon, soon, I will distinguish to the right the one who becomes a son of resurrection. Soon,

soon, I will clean the earth of those who are dead on it, and I will wake up those in the ground,

some to eternal life in body, and some to destruction, so that the earth may be new again;

(See the selection topic: „Resurrection of the dead”, r.n.); new without death on it, without dead

people on it. This means resurrection. Amen. Soon, soon, the earth will be comprised in the mys-

tery of resurrection. I, the Lord of resurrection, send the angel of My resurrection, as I sent him to

My grave before My resurrection, for it is written into the Scriptures of My resurrection: «Behold,

there was a great earthquake, for the angel of the Lord, descended of the sky, and came and

rolled away the stone from the door, an sat on it. His appearance was like lightning and his

clothing white as snow. For fear of him the guards shook, and became like dead men». But to

those who were alive the angel answered: «Do not be afraid, you who are looking for the living

One, Jesus, Who was crucified. He is not here, among the dead. He has risen as He said, for He

is alive». And this is what I tell you also: He who is crucified is alive. He who dies for sin, as I

did, comes from death to life, and becomes a son of resurrection. Amen. Soon, soon, the earth will

be comprised in the mystery of the resurrection, as it is written about the day of the Lord, «when

the sun will be darkened and the moon will not give its light; when the stars will fall from the

sky, and the powers of the heavens will be shaken, because of the appearance of the sign of the

Son of Man in the sky, Who will be seen coming on the clouds of the heaven with power and

much glory. Amen. Then He will send out His angels with a great sound of a trumpet to gather

together His chosen ones from the four winds, from one end of the sky to the other». Blessed

will be the one who is alive, for he will be gathered and raised from the dead, for it is written:

«One will be taken and one will be left. Where two men will be, one will be taken and one will

be left». (See the selection topic: „The rapture of the Church”, r.n.) The voice of My angel will

speak over the living ones: «Do not be afraid. The day of the Lord has come, the day of resur-

rection! Do not be afraid». Amen, amen, amen.

Behold, I come from heaven on earth with a feast of salvation, with a feast of resurrection,

so that I may rejoice with the sons of resurrection, with those who watch for the mystery of resur-

rection. Peace to you, sons anointed in the garden with the seal of resurrection! I have come early

in the morning to you with the news of the mystery of resurrection. After I was resurrected, I

have no longer died, sons from the gates. This means resurrection. Amen. Spread the news on

My behalf over Jerusalem and over all the nations on earth: After Lazarus was raised from the

dead, he no longer died. This means resurrection, full resurrection. Amen, amen, amen. Jesus

Christ is the same, yesterday and today. Amen.

Tell the sons of My people not to forget the mystery of resurrection. Lazarus, whom I

resurrected from the grave, never laughed, but he was resurrected, and he did not seek Me, the

living One, among the dead, for I was in him and I was alive in him, and he remained the son of

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the day of resurrection, the first day of the week, the first day, sons. This is the day of resurrec-

tion; this is the mystery of resurrection: the first day, in which the resurrected man has to

remain and to be alive, to be the son of resurrection, the son of My day. The first day is the

day when the faithful man wakes up for Me through preaching. The first day is the day of love,

and love can do it, and it means resurrection, for it keeps the man full of God, and it keeps new

the one who gets up to be alive, and takes him out of the dead ones. He, who truly rises, never

dies, and he is a son of resurrection, and he, who tastes only of the mystery of resurrection, dies

again, and submits to the dying body of the man, who pulled himself out from God.

I, the Lord of resurrection, have come on the earth to breakdown the power of death in

man, but I have power only in the man who remains with Me in him, as without Me in him, the

man dies; he dies again. The mystery of My being in man is the mystery of My resurrection in

man. I want to tell you what it means the man’s resurrection, sons from My garden, sons anointed

with the seal of resurrection. My being in the resurrected man, appears with power in the one who

is resurrected for Me. If My being does not live visibly in the resurrected one, it is not in him,

and he is not resurrected, for after I was resurrected I appeared as risen.

I come to you with a feast of salvation and resurrection and say: Chris is risen! Christ is

risen! Christ is risen! I speak this mystery three times, for this testimony is a great mystery. My

being in the resurrected one is the testimony of this mystery. This is the one who speaks in truth

this mystery: “Christ is risen!” Otherwise, the man says “Chris is risen!” as though he would say

“There is no Christ”.

I want the mystery of My being in you to testify from within you before My face and before

the people, who will see Me in you, sons anointed with the seal of My resurrection and your res-

urrection, for My resurrection in the man is the man’s resurrection; it is My being forever in

man; it is My face and My living in man and from man, and it is the mystery of My being in

man. Amen.

Soon, soon, the entire earth will be comprised in the mystery of the resurrection, for it is

written about the Day of the Lord. Soon, soon, I will cleanse the earth of everything that is without

God on it, and I will wake up those in the womb of the earth, some to eternal life in their body,

and some to destruction; like life, like deed, so that the earth may be new afterwards and without

death on it, without dead people on it. This means resurrection. This means a new earth for a new

heaven. Everything that the false man has built on it, the man without God on earth, will be given

over to everlasting destruction, and the Spirit of Truth will remain on earth, the Spirit of the Lord,

the Day of the Lord. Amen.

I bless you all; those that are alive, for the living are not among the dead, among those who

die. I bless you with the mystery of My being in you. My being in the resurrected one for Me

appears with power and much glory in the one who is resurrected for Me. This is the sign of My

blessing in the one who is blessed. That one is he, who declares in the Spirit of Truth: «Chris is

risen!», the greeting of those who are raised from the dead. Amen, amen, amen.


Text emphasis in bold belong to the redactor (editor).
