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1990 Census of Population and Housing

Report No. 2-56M: Population by Barangay


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National Statistics Office. 1990 Census of Population and Housing,Report NO.2-56M (Manila), Population by Barangay. Manila,December 1990.

ISSN 0117-1453

ISBN 971-562-055-8


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1990 Census of Population.and Housing

Report No. 2-56M: Populationby Barangay



Republic of the PhilippinesNational Statistics Office

ManilaDecember 1990

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Republic of the Philippines

Office of the President



National Statistical Coordination Board

Honorable Cayetano W. PaderangaChairman


Tomas P.AfricaAdministrator

Nella R. MarquezDeputy Administrator


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Batas Pamhansa Big. 72 requires that a census of population be conducted every tenyears. On this basis, the 1990 Census of Population and Housing was undertaken by theNational Statistics Oftlce. Pursuant to the same legislative act, the President of the Philippines,through Proclamation No. (o5B dated l="ebruary 1'l, 19'71 declared the results of thecensus as presented in this report official for all purposes.

The resull~ of the census are strategically used by many sectors. The size of populationdetermines the number of representation in the House of Representatives by congressionaldistricts. It is also the basis for redrawing congressional boundaries; for determining allocationof revenues for barangays, cities and municipalities; for creating and classifying variousadministrative geographic units; and, for many other political and administrative purposes.

To planners and governmen: executives, the results of the census provide the basicinformation needed to effect an efficient and judicious allocation of government resources andservices. To the general public, statistics from the census provide an understanding of thedemographic, social, and economic characteristics of the Filipino people, knowledge which canhelp them chart their own destiny.

This report is one of many that will be prepared to disseminate the results of the 1990Census of Population and Housing. In this report, which is published by province, the finalcount of the population and households for the province by city, municipality and barangay arepresented.

The 1990 census would not have been successful had it not been for ihe servicesrendered by various entities, both private and puhlic, and the cooperation of the generalpopulace. To them the National Statistics Office extends its deep appreciation for theirsupport in this most important undertaking. More specifically, the valuable assistance orcontribution of the following is acknowledged:

• Department of Education, Culture and Sports for the involvement of over 55,000puhlic school teachers who served as enumerators and supervisors;

• Department of Social Well~lfe and Development for the enumeration of thehomeless population:

Department of Foreign Affairs for coordinating the enumeration of embassies,consulates and missions abroad;

Department of National Defense for lilcilitating the enumeration of military campsand provision of transport facilities;


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• the other members of the National Statistical Coordination Board for lending outtheir logistics during the field enumeration phases;

• the members of the Provincial and City/Municipal Census Boards, chaired by thegovernors and mayors, respectively, for assisting in the field operations;

• the barangay captains for soliciting the cooperation of their constituents and forcertifying that a census has been cond~cted in their area;

• the print and broadcast media for the generous and wholehearted communicationsupport;

• the church leaders who endorsed the project to their laity from the pulpit;

• and most of all, the over 10 million individuals for serving as respondents in thecensus interviews, for their unwavering support on the decennial census taking.


December 1990Manila


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In May 1990, the National Statistics Office conducted the 1990 Census of Populationand Housing (CPH). This nationwide undertaking is the 9th population census and 3rdhousing census conducted in this century.

Like the 1980 census, the 1990 CPH is designed to take an inventory of the totalpopulation and housing units in the Philippines and to collect information about theircharacteristics. The census of population is the source of information on the size anddistribution of the population as well as information about the demographic, social, economicand cultural characteristics. The census of housing, on the other hand, provides informationon the supply of housing units, their structural characteristics and facilities which have bearingon the maintenance of privacy, health and the development of normal family livingconditions.These information are vital for making rational plans and programs for development.

For purposes of this report, only the 1990 Census of Population results will bepresented. This is pursuant to the provision of Batas Pambansa Bilang 72 wherein a final countof the population at the barangay level must be submitted to the President of the Philippines,for proclamation, before the end of the census year.

Authority for Conducting the 1990 Census

Under Commonwealth Act No. 591, the Bureau of the Census .and Statistics (nowNational Statistics Office) is authorized "to prepare for and undertake all censuses ofpopulation, agriculture, industry and commerce."

Batas Pambansa Big. 72, which was passed on June 11, 1980, further accorded theNational Statistics Office the authority to conduct population censuses every ten yearsbeginning in 1980 without prejudice to the undertaking of special censuses on agriculture,industry, commerce, housing and other sectors as may be approved by the National Economicand Development Authority.

More recently, Executive Order No. 121, otherwise known as the Reorganiza tion Actof the Philippine Statistical System, which was passed on January 30,1987, declared that theNSO shall be the major statistical agency responsible for generating general purpose statisticsand for undertaking such censuses and surveys as may be designated by the National StatisticalCoordination Board (NSCB). -


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It may be mentioned that Presidential Proclamation No. 497 declares 1990as a NationalCensus Year and calls upon all heads of departments of the government and itsinstrumentalities to give their support and cooperation in the census undertaking.

Census Boards

Aside from the authority to conduct censuses every ten year.s,Batas Pambansa Big. 72created the National Census Coordinating Board (NCCB) to supervise, coordinate and issuesuch rules and regulations, as may be necessary, for the successful conduct of the census.Provincial, City and Municipal Census Boards were also created to assist at the subnationallevel in the conduct of the population census.

Executive Order No. 121 has created the National Statistical Coordination Board(NSCB) to oversee all statistical activities in the Philippine Statistical Systems and thereforehas taken over the functions of the NCCB. However, the NSO remains to be the implementingagency of the Census.

A systematized involvement of government agencies and instrumentalities was madepossible largely through the concerted efforts of the members of the National StatisticalCoordination Board (NSCB) and the Provincial, City and Municipal Census Boards.

The NSCB is composed of the Director General of the National Economic andDevelopment Authority as chairman, the undersecretary of the Department of Budget as vice-chairman, a representative from the remaining departments with the rank of undersecretary,Deputy Governor of the Central Bank, Administrator of NSO, Executive Director of theStatistical Research and Training Center, Secretary General of the NSCB, and a representativefrom the private sector, as members. For purposes of the 1990 Census of Population andHousing, the Administrator of NSO is the Executive Director of NSCB.

At the local government level, Provincial and City/Municipal Census Boards werecreated. The Provincial Governor was the chairman of the Provincial Census Board with theDivision Superintendent as vice chairman, the District Highway Engineer, the ProvincialCommander of the Philippine Constabulary, the Local Government Operations Officer, theProvincial Agricultural Officer, the Provincial Assessor, as members, with the Provincial CensusOfficer of the NSO as the Executive Officer.

The City/Municipal Board is composed of the City/Municipal Mayor as chairman, theDistrict Supervisor, the City/Municipal Agricultural Officer, City/Municipal GovernmentOfficer, the Municipal Treasurer/City Assessor as members, with the City/Municipal CensusOfficer as Executive Officer.



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Place Where Enumerated

The gathering of population and housing data was performed by census enumera torsthrough house-to-house visits and interview of the head of each household on population itemsand housing accommodation. Special areas were enumerated by requesting the respondentsto fill up a questionnaire following a set of printed instructions. Special areas includeinstitutions such as hospitals, sanitaria, penitentiary, military camps, convents, seminaries, etc,and exclusive villages/subdivisions.

All persons were enumerated in their usual place of residence, which is the geographicplace where the enumerated person usually resides.

Content and Coverage of this Publication

In this publication, the population counts by province, city/municipality and barangayare given.

Each report is published either by province, sub-province or highly urbanized city. Inaddition, reports for NCR are printed by city and municipality. To facilitate access to thesereports, an alphanumeric code is provided for each report. This system will be used in theother reports on the 1990 CPH to be published for each provincial subdivision.

Report NO.2 (National Summary) contains four tables, two of which give the rank andannual intercensa! growth rates between 1980 and 1990. The total population also includes thehomeless population and Filipino nationals working in Philippine embassies, consulates andmissions abroad.

Definition of Terms and Concepts


A barangay is the smallest political unit in the country and generally its enumeration isassigned to one enumerator. For enumeration purposes, a large barangay is usually split intoparts and each part is called an enumeration area.

For purposes of the 1990 Census of Population and Housing, the official list of baran-gays of the Department of Local Government, as of January I, 1990 with periodic updates, wasused as the basis.


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Enumeration Area

An enumeration area (EA) is a delineated area assigned to one enumerator, usuallyconsisting of about 350 households. A barangay or part of a barangay may have beendesignated as an enumeration area.

Usual Place of Residence

This term refers to the geographic place (street, barangay, municipality or province)where the enumerated person usually resides. As a rule, it is the place where he sleeps mostof the time; hence, it may be the same as or different from the place where he was found atthe time of the census.


A household is a social unit consisting of a person living alone or a group of personswho

I. sleep in the same housing unit; and2. have a common arrangement for the preparation and consumption of food.

In most cases, a household consists of persons who are related by kinship ties, likeparents and their children. In some instances, several generations of familial ties arerepresented in one household while, still in others, even more distant relatives are membersof the household.

Household helpers, boarders, and non-relatives are considered as members of thehousehold provided they sleep in the same housing unit and have common arrangement forthe preparation and consumption of food and do not usually go home to their family at leastonce a week.

A person who shares a housing unit with a household but separately cooks his meals orconsumes his food elsewhere is not considered a member of the household he shares thehousing unit with. That person is listed as a separate household.

Estimated Population

A barangay is provided with an estimated population if a certain portion was notenumerated during the nationwide operations due to critical peace and order conditions.


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Residents Temporarily Evacuaied

These are barangays where all or most residents temporarily evacuated at the time ofthe census. The movement of residents from the area may be due to worsening peace andorder conditions or natural calamity.

Disputed Barangay

Disputed barangays refer to those areas which are being claimed by two or morebarangays, municipalities, cities or provinces.

For purposes of this report, the population of a disputed barangay is included in thecount of the barangay, municipality, city or province where it was enumerated.


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Total Population, Household Population and Number of Householdsby Barangay: As of May I, 1990


Barangay TotalPopulation


Number ofHouseholds

MANILA 1,598,918 1,585,887 308,874

.BINONDO 13,777 13,731 2,890Barangay 2137 2,750 2,704 572Barangay 288 1,075 1,075 212Barangay 2139 821 821 189Barangay 290 365 365 83Barangay 291 338 338 71Barangay 292 2,370 2,370 492Barangay 293 3,255 3,255 712Barangay 294 1,235 1,235 237Barangay 295 511 511 104Barangay 296 1,057 1,057 218

ERMITA 7,755 6,908 1,435Barangay 659 1,076 987 243Barangay 659-A 833 833 177Barangay 660 110 81 20Barangay 66O-A 691 468 101Barangay 661 652 638 125Barangay 663 1,288 1,272 232Barangay 663-A 265 36 7Barangay 664 230 230 42Barangay 666 334 295 52Barangay 667 785 774 147Barangay 668 674 674 137Barangay 669 203 110 46Barangay 670 614 510 106

INTRAMUROS 6,260 6,186 1,312Barangay 654 1,121 1,104 235Barangay 655 1,317 1,286 280Barangay 656 1,707 1,707 370Barangay 657 619 618 119Barangay 658 1,4% 1,471 308

MALATE 82,080 81,414 15,807Barangay 688 1,787 1,774 349Barangay 689 . 1,042 1,042 194Barangay 690 655 655 126Barangay 691 476 476 99Barangay 692 1,077 1,077 215Barangay 693 607 607 129Barangay 694 1,648 1,585 334Barangay 695 953 886 172Barangay6% 773 746 158Barangay 697 %5 931 190

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Tolal Population, Household Population and Number of Householdsby Barangay: As of May I, 1990


Barangay Tolal Household Number ofPopulation Population Households

Barangay 698 898 895 20tBarangay 699 1,012 985 231Barangay 700 332 332 71Barangay 701 795 792 184Barangay 702 2,713 2,713 498Barangay 703 377 377 69Barangay 704 4,378 4,378 778Barangay 705 2,467 2,456 454Barangay 706 564 528 95Barangay 707 993 993 184Barangay 708 817 817 139Barangay 709 919 873 158Barangay 710 603 603 116Barangay 711 1,286 1,286 203Barangay 712 1,451 1,451 266Barangay 713 1,427 1,427 263Barangay 714 1,012 1,012 200Barangay 715 563 563 109Barangay 716 609 609 124Barangay 717 562 562 100Barangay 718 950 950 182Barangay 719 939 939 174Barangay 720 566 566 112Barangay 721 %9 958 195Barangay 722 1,265 1,255 228Baningay 723 810 810 156Barangay 724 3,066 3,066 601Barangay 725 381 378 67Barangay 726 974 973 174Barangay 727 1,144 1,104 236Barangay 728 943 742 146Barangay 729 817 817 179Barangay 730 2,108 2,108 446Barangay 731 3,048 3,020 645Barangay 732 2,906 2,906 518Barangay 733 3,719 3,719 719Barangay 734 1,369 1,369 247Barangay 735 2,023 2,023 432Barangay 736 2,890 2,890 558Barangay 737 1,785 1,785 350Barangay 738 3,287 3,287 633Barangay 739 2,482 2,482 456Barangay 740 3,697 3,697 714Barangay 741 1,787 1,787 350Barangay 742 751 751 144Barangay 743 2,092 2,092 429Barangay 744 1,551 1,509 307

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3Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Barangay: As of May I, 1990(Continued)

Barangay Total Household Number ofPopulation Population Households

PACO 66,280 65,743 12,979Barangay 662 1,554 1,554 305Barangay 664-A 321 197 37Barangay 671 431 431 79Barangay 672 2,881 2,881 504Barangay 673 1,649 1,643 330Barangay 674 1,645 1,419 287Barangay 675 1,794 1,786 3%Barangay 676 850 842 187Barangay 677 1,001 1,001 206Barangay 678 699 683 138Barangay 679 975 971 175Barangay 680 1,027 1,027 209Barangay 681 1,295 1,295 250Barangay 682 956 876 198Barangay 683 923 923 170Barangay 684 2,246 2,246 452Barangay 685 1,564 1,564 269Barangay 686 2,907 2,907 554Barangay 687 1,852 1,797 381Barangay 809 1,348 1,348 267Barangay 810 2,346 2,346 441Barangay 811 1,149 1,149 234Barangay 812 1,970 1,970 387Barangay 813 981 981 227Barangay 814 2,565 2,565 465Barangay 815 2,690 2,690 556Barangay 816 1,216 1,216 239Barangay 817 1,588 1,588 301Barangay 818 1,238 1,238 211Barangay 819 1,513 1,513 279Barangay 820 951 951 180Barangay 821 1,466 1,4(>6 292Barangay 822 1,361 1,361 264Barangay 823 2,557 2,557 503Barangay 824 1,672 1,672 350Barangay 825 880 880 192Barangay 826 1,942 1,942 375'. Barangay 827 1,762 1,752 373Barangay 828 1,703 1,703 338Barangay 829 3,211 3;211 666,Barangay 830 1,482 1,482 304Barangay 831 581 581 105Barangay 832 1,538 1,538 303

PANDACAN . 83,998 83,981 16,327Barangay 833 1,685 1,685 356Barangay 834 1,486 1,480 295Barangay 835 2,792 2,785 544

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4Total Population. Household Population and Numher of Households

hy Barangay: As of May 1. 1990(Continued)

Barangay Total Household Number ofPopulation Population Households

Barangay 836 3.361 3.361 655Barangay 837 2.946 2.946 551Barangay 838 3,618 3,618 683Barangay 839 3,172 3,172 625Barangay 840 1,599 1,599 302Barangay 841 2,674 2,674 550Barangay 842 3,026 3,026 591Barangay 843 4,987 4,987 972Barangay 844 3,529 3,529 688Barangay 845 2,014 2.014 410Barangay 846 1,914 1,914 389Barangay 847 2,995 2,995 568Barangay 848 2,022 2,022 399Barangay 849 1,998 1,998 368Barangay 850 1,716 1,716 302Barangay 851 1,048 1,044 205Barangay 852 635 635 113Barangay 853 717 717 143Barangay 855 3,487 3,487 673Barangay 856 1,448 1,448 271Barangay 857 1,351 1,351 236Barangay 858 740 740 152Barangay 859 2,370 2,370 488

. Barangay 860 1,825 1,825 368Baran gay 861 1,205 1,205 227Barangay 862 2,512 2,512 492Baran gay 863 1,754 1,754 350Barangay 864 1,702 1,702 314Barangay 865 3,427 3,427 660Barangay 867 2,392 2,392 487Barangay 868 2,243 2,243 439Barangay 869 1,505 1,505 278Barangay 870 1,624 1,624 311Barangay 871 1,751 1,751 367Barangay 872 2,728 2,728 505

PORT AREA 8.801 8.787 1,954Barangay 649 6,770 6,770 1,518

~Barangay 650 1,044 1,044 . 221Barangay 651 482 482 103 .,Barangay 652 444 444 105Barangay 653 61 47 7 f

QUIAPO 27,010 26,158 5,350Barangay 306 1,099 1,099 223Barangay 307 1,242 1,234 260Barangay 308 1,449 1.392 287Barangay 309 1,241 1,217 250Barangay 383 643 608 125

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Total Population, Household Population and Number of Householdsby Barangay: As of May I, 1990


Barangay Total Household Number ofPopulation Population lIouseholds

Barangay 384 1,447 1,442 265Barangay 385 3,361 3,343 685Barangay 386 2,217 2,217 535Barangay 387 2,910 2,910 572Barangay 388 957 957 198Barangay 389 1,732 1,732 361Barangay 390 1,506 1,240 259Barangay 391 1,327 1,279 279Barangay 392 788 762 133Barangay 393 4,320 4,011 770Barangay 394 771 715 148

SAMPALOC 401,905 394,983 77,711Barangay 395 %8 800 156Barangay3% 1,145 1,048 233Barangay 397 2,128 2,013 369Barangay 398 2,333 2,302 440Barangay 399 1,083 1,083 221Barangay 400 1,718 1,580 289Barangay 401 2,384 2,372 485Barangay 402 1,905 1,814 363Barangay 403 2,238 2,238 457Barangay 404 1,527 1,279 303Barangay 405 766 766 166Barangay 406 973 973 184Barangay 407 1,872 1,872 337Barangay 408 2,083 2,083 389Barangay 409 2,919 2,919 576Barangay 410 1,876 1,836 388Barangay 411 1,878 1,851 370Barangay 412 1,023 1,007 226Barangay 413 2,796 2,737 518Barangay 414 1,241 1,241 264Barangay 415 J,212 1,189 242Barangay 416 1,143 1,103 214Barangay 417 2,264 2,264 443Barangay 418 2,976 2,950 578Barangay 419 2,184 2,164 421Barangay 420 2,763 2,763 527Barangay 421 1,872 J,872 357Barangay 422 2,525 2,505 464Barangay 423 2,125 2,093 396Barangay 424 2,057 2,057 431Barangay 425 2,054 2,054 403Barangay 426 2,223 2,223 431Barangay 427 666 666 125Barangay 428 2,161 2,161 416Barangay 429 2,820 2,820 576Barangay 430 755 755 149

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Total Population, Household Population and Number of Householdsby Barangay: As of May I, 1990


Barangay Total Household Number ofPopulation Population Households

Barangay 431 1,210 1,140 214Barangay 432 3,209 3,209 636Barangay 433 724 724 146Barangay 434 1,347 1,347 253Barangay 435 1,399 1,386 300Barangay 436 1,320 1,320 272Barangay 437 1,139 1,139 203Barangay 438 1,037 1,037 200Barangay 439 1,535 1,533 285Barangay 440 1,315 1,315 264Barangay 441 901 872 167Barangay 442 1,025 1,025 206Barangay 443 1,254 1,254 268Barangay 444 1,328 1,328 276Barangay 445 1,029 1,029 183Barangay 446 829 829 153Barangay 447 1,187 1,187 231Barangay 448 1,165 1,165 238Barangay 449 2,027 2,027 . 403Barangay 450 2,340 2,340 466Barangay 451 1,250 1,250 260Barangay 452 1,119 1,119 222Barangay 453 1,942 1,942. 401Barangay 454 1,212 1,159 221Barangay 455 951 951 206Barangay 456 1,944 1,944 381Barangay 457 929 924 159Barangay 458 3,026 3,026 574Barangay 459 1,394 1.328 284Barangay 460 937 887 185Barangay 461 1,353 1,352 286Barangay 462 1,356 1,078 250Barangay 463 806 806 165Barangay 464 2,931 2,756 589Barangay 465 776 700 147Barangay 466 1,272 1,232 297Barangay 467 920 884 195Barangay 468 669 633 132Barangay 469 1,249 1,006 240Barangay 470 1,043 844 163Barangay 471 1,016 1,008 225Barangay 472 997 997 208Barangay 473 1,484 1,469 292Barangay 474 1,687 1,664 321Barangay 475 1,911 1,873 357Barangay 476 1,878 1,818 381Barangay 477 1,402 1,402 260Barangay 478 1,552 1,552 347Barangay 479 976 872 169

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Total Population, Household Population and Number of Householdsby Barangay: As of May I, 1990


Barangay Total Household Number ofPopulation Population Households

Barangay 480 979 %3 .213Barangay 481 592 581 136Barangay 482 1,044 1,039 224Barangay 483 1,429 1,429 250Barang~y 484 1,2% 1,2% 232Barangay 485 2,085 2,085 392Barangay 486 1,379 1,376 256Barangay 487 1,812 1,812 364Barangay 488 861 856 178Barangay 489 1,659 1,479 307Barangay 490 790 747 165Barangay 491 974 943 169Barangay 492 928 866 167Barangay 493 1,473 1,473 267Barangay 494 2,301 2,286 442Barangay 495 1,958 1,958 372Barangay4% 1,823 1,823 353Barangay 497 2,077 2,076 400Barangay 498 1,242 1,242 237Barangay 499 2,457 2,457 497Barangay 500 2,740 2,740 519Barangay 501 901 901 187Barangay 502 1,037 1,017 187Barangay 503 1,789 1,788 3%Barangay 504 1,172 1,172 235Barangay 505. 1,956 1,956 417Barangay 506 894 894 165Barangay 507 1,993 1,993 375Barangay 508 1,442 1,314 283Barangay 509 1,660 1,660 344Barangay 510 1,526 1,526 311Barangay 511 2,339 2,339 442Barangay 512 1,979 1,979 350Barangay 513 2,172 2,172 444Barangay 514 2,788 2,788 519Barangay 515 2,891 2,876 550Barangay 516 1,801 1,801 347Barangay 517 1,310 1,308 255Barangay 518 2,095 2,095 385Barangay 519 1,642 1,605 329Barangay 520 884 884 162Barangay 521 1,787 1,787 356Barangay 522 1,285 1,285 253Barangay 523 1,584 1,584 306Barangay 524 1,214 1,214 241Barangay 525 1,019 1,019 218Barangay 526 860 860 183Barangay 527 2,938 2,938 555Barangay 528 1,577 1,577 288

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8Toml Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Barangay: As of May I, 1990(Continued)

Barangay Toml Household Number ofPopulation Population Housebolds

Barangay 529 1,130 1,130 ,207Barangay 530 528 528 103Barangay 531 1,066 1,066 191Barangay 532 1,661 1,661 312Barangay 533 921 921 165Barangay 534 1,276 1,276 250Barangay 535 1,242 1,242 239Barangay 536 1,654 1,654 295Barangay 537 956 956 170Barangay 538 1,158 1,158 205Barangay 539 1,615 1,601 319Barangay 540 1,562 1,562 292Barangay 541 916 916 183Barangay 542 1,008 1,008 197Barangay 543 831 808 179Barangay 544 806 806 152Barangay 545 925 925 186Barangay 546 1,526 1,526 294Barangay 547 1,391 1,389 273Barangay 548 865 865 159Barangay 549 790 790 146Barangay 550 1,166 1,166 223Barangay 551 1,259 1,259 236Barangay 552 1,472 1,472 303Barangay 553 1,421 1,421 260Barangay 554 1,638 1,638 307Barangay 555 906 906 173Barangay 556 1,616 1,616 311Barangay 557 661 661 136Barangay 558 1,580 1,580 293Barangay 559 2,342 2,342 438Barangay 560 1,236 1,236 243Barangay 561 1,464 1,464 307Barangay 562 2,569 2,569 497Barangay 563 2,861 2,861 578Barangay 564 1,815 1,815 378Barangay 565 1,2% 1,2% 271Barangay 566 1,763 1,763 361Barangay 567 2,360 2,360 455Barangay 568 2,064 2,064 412Barangay 569 2,924 2,924 539Barangay 570 2,657 2,657 524Barangay 571 2,034 2,034 378Barangay 572 2,139 2,139 406Barangay 573 1,359 1,359 254Barangay 574 2,346 2,327 465Barangay 575 1,111 1,111 212Barangay 576 2,278 2,278 447

Barangay 577 1,292 1,292 245

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Total Population, Household Population and Number of Householdsby Barangay: As of May I, 1990


Barangay Total Household Number ofPopulation Population Households

Barangay 578 1,611 1,611 315Barangay 579 1,569 1,569 283Barangay 580 1,608 1,608 306Barangay 581 2,899 2,899 535Baraagay 582 1,710 1,710 353Baraagay 583 1,146 1,146 238Baraagay 584 2,477 2,450 469Baraagay 585 849 849 148Baraagay 586 (3) 2,427 2,416 486Baraagay 587 (3) 2,142 2,142 419Baraagay 587-A 1,769 1,769 330Baraagay 588 840 840 171Baraagay 589 545 545 100Baraagay 590 2,890 2,890 563Baraagay 591 2,530 2,530 485Baraagay 592 2,614 2,614 528Baraagay 593 1,890 1,890 381Baraagay 594 1,943 1,921 394Baraagay 595 3,293 3,293 693Baraagay 596 2,535 2,482 478Baraagay 597 2,220 2,203 445Baraagay 598 8,447 8,447 1,683Baraagay 599 3,432 3,432 670Baraagay 600 3,996 3,996 789.Baraagay 601 5,400 5,400 1,113Baraagay 602 1,769 1,758 335Baraagay 603 1,305 1,305 258Baraagay 604 1,159 1,159 227Baraagay 605 554 554 117Baraagay 606 712 540 110Baraagay 607 (4) 738 738 151Baraagay 608 926 926 159Baraagay 609 1,330 1,319 274Baraagay 610 711 711 144Baraagay 611 465 465 98Baraagay 612 885 885 157Baraagay 613 605 605 97Barangay 614 668 668 131Baraagay 615 1,246 1,246 257Baraagay 616 847 826 148Baraagay 617 1,423 1,423 263

• Baraagay 618 (4) 1,091 1,091 212Baraagay 619 1,707 1,707 324Baraagay 620 844 844 161Baraagay 621 7,006 3,911 738Baraagay 622 1,004 1,004 188Baraagay 623 920 919 160Baraagay 624 1,234 1,234 225Baraagay 625 1,431 1,431 350

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Tolal Population, Household Population and Number or Householdsby Barangay: As or May I, 1990


Barangay Tolal Household Number orPopulation Population lIouseholds

Barangay 626 1,536 1,536 312Barangay 627 1,180 1,180 241Barangay 628 2,558 2,558 475Barangay 629 1,247 1,247 234Barangay 630 7,390 7,375 1,437Barangay 631 983 983 238Barangay 632 530 520 109Barangay 633 2,968 2,968 632Barangay 634 1,493 1,493 272Barangay 635 862 862 148Barangay 636 1,948 1,948 374

SAN MIGUEL 20.237 19,940 3,795Barangay 637 1,340 1,340 249Barangay 638 &q7 783 142Barangay 639 737 710 141Barangay 640 1,967 1,%7 368Barangay 641 1,076 1,054 214Barangay 642 2,454 2,359 432Barangay 643 904 904 162Barangay 644 665 665 113Barangay 645 2,633 2,613 488Barangay 646 1,402 1,402 273Barangay 647 891 891 180Barangay 648 5,281 5,252 1,033

SAN NICOLAS 36,177 36,131 7,228Barangay 268 752 752 155Barangay 269 609 609 115Barangay 270 2,197 2,197 430Barangay 271 1,272 1,272 257Barangay 272 1,913 1,913 376Barangay 273 1,222 1,222 220Barangay 274 2,464 2,464 463Barangay 275 :0,877 10,842 2,226Barangay 276 3,226 3,226 622Barangay 281 3,515 3,504 744Barangay 282 1,573 1,573 355Barangay 283 2,365 2,365 451Barangay 284 1,607 I,W7 285Barangay 285 941 941 188Barangay 286 1,644 1,644 341

SANTA CRUZ 119,249 117,195 22,858Barangay 297 1,154 1,128 219Barangay 298 469 469 99Barangay 299 632 632 133Barangay 300 551 549 100Barangay 301 548 548 124

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Tolal Population, Household Population and Number or lIouseholdsby Bardngay: As or May I, 1990


Barangay Tolal lIousehold Number orPopulation Population lIouseholds

Barangay 302 592 592 110

Barangay 303 263 256 51

Barangay 304 247 247 56

Barangay 305 453 453 91

Barangay 310 4,665 3,173 701

Barangay 311 1,313 1,106 205

Barangay 312 1,965 1,946 436

Barangay 313 1,564 1,564 348Barangay 314 1,342 1,342 303Barangay 315 2,897 2,891 497Barangay 316 1,073 1,073 226Barangay 317 2,018 2,018 400Barangay 318 1,105 1,100 231Barangay 319 1,202 1,200 243Barangay 320 1,517 1,517 315Barangay 321 619 619 134Barangay 322 1,348 1,348 277Barangay 323 1,556 1,556 301Barangay 324 1,022 980 184Barangay 325 940 915 167Barangay 326 722 722 150Barangay 327 1,196 1,189 256Barangay 328 630 630 136Barangay 329 1,004 1,000 181Barangay 330 1,234 1,234 235Barangay 331 831 831 157Barangay 332 847 847 174Barangay 333 1,246 1,230 232Barangay 334 1,543 1,543 295Barangay 335 1,218 1,218 253Barangay 336 1,985 1,985 381Barangay 337 2,341 2,332 428Barangay 338 1,807 1,807 350Barangay 339 2,155 2,118 415Barangay 340 2,342 2,301 450Barangay 341 1,960 1,960 357Barangay 342 2,526 2,526 495Barangay 343 2,315 2,315 440Barangay 344 847 831 168Barangay 345 2,064 2,064 393Barangay 346 1,484 1,483 322Barangay 347 1,235 1,235 241Barangay 348 1,087 1,087 229Barangay 349 1,453 1,453 267Barangay 350 604 604 111Barangay 351 3,539 3,539 681Barangay 352 1,866 1,847 317

Barangay 353 2,825 2,825 519Barangay 354 2,473 2,462 478

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Total Population, Household Population and Numher of Householdshy Barangay: As of May I, 1990


Barangay Total Household Numher ofPopulation Population lIouseholds

Barangay 355 1,507 1,507 260Barangay 356 1,105 1,105 220Barangay 357 1,082 1,082 219Barangay 358 991 991 204Barangay 359 839 839 156Barangay 360 1,240 1,240 222Barangay 361 1,342 1,342 250Barangay 362 630 630 103Barangay 363 642 639 146Barangay 364 2,030 2,030 375Barangay 365 1,086 1,086 208Barangay 366 1,370 1,370 243Barangay 367 1,841 1,841 353Barangay 368 1,979 1,979 367Barangay 36'1 2,114 2,101 407Barangay 370 738 738 150Barangay 371 1,065 1,065 228Barangay 372 2,368 2,368 490Barangay 373 3,050 3,050 572Barangay 374 2,746 2,746 511Barangay 375 3,668 3,668 693Barangay 376 831 831 172Barangay 377 777 777 143Barangay 378 1,124 1,124 210Barangay 379 790 790 155Barangay 380 880 880 170Barangay 381 1,675 1,675 315Barangay 382 1,305 1,261 254

STA, ANA 171,947 171,687 33,177Barangay 745 1,192 1,192 239Barangay 746 2,023 2,023 414Barangay 747 600 600 116Barangay 748 837 837 145Barangay 749 712 712 150Barangay 750 1,150 1,150 237Barangay 751 1,518 1,518 311Barangay 752 916 916 180Barangay 753 1,853 1,853 349Barangay 754 1,940 1,940 410Barangay 755 1,036 1,022 192Barangay 756 937 937 192Barangay 757 462 462 87Barangay 758 298 298 66Barangay 759 920 920 185Barangay 760 725 725 167Barangay 761 727 727 156Barangay 762 700 682 166Barangay 763 2,276 2,257 446

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Total Population, Household Population and Number or Householdsby Barangay: As or May I, 1990




Barangay 764Barangay 765Barangay 766Barangay 767Barangay 768Barangay 769Barangay 770Barangay 771Barangay 772Barangay 773Barangay 774Barangay 775Barangay 776Barangay 777Barangay 778Barangay 779Barangay 780Barangay 781Barangay 782Barangay 783Barangay 784Ilarangay 785Barangay 786Ilarangay 787Barangay 788Barangay 789Barangay 790Barangay 791Barangay 792Barangay 793Ilarangay 794Barangay 795Barangay 796Barangay 797Barangay 798Ilarangay 799Barangay 800Barangay 801Barangay 802Barangay 803Barangay 804Barangay 805Barangay 806Ilarangay 807Barangay 808Barangay 818-ABarangay 866Ilarangay 873Barangay 874















Number orHouseholds



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I~ ITotal Population, Housebold Population and Number or Housebolds

by Barangay: As or May 1, 1990(Continued)

Barangay Total Housebold Number orPopulation Population Housebolds

Barangay 875 1,263 1,263 2~1Barangay 876 767 750 176Barangay 877 1,922 1,922 387Barangay 878 1,107 1,107 208Barangay 879 653 61~ 131Barangay 880 851 815 160Barangay 881 2,7~7 2,7~7 ~99Barangay 882 1,612 1,612 310Barangay 883 2,022 2,OI~ 40GBarangay 884 2,201 2,190 ~3Barangay 885 689 681 125Barangay&% 1,0~5 993 187Barangay 887 9M 9M 163Barangay 888 1,039 1,039 192Barangay SS9 1,320 1,320 233Barangay 890 1,08~ 1,084 217Barangay 891 731 731 1~7Barangay 892 1,415 1,~15 274Barangay 893 1,251 1,251 25~Barangay 894 2,189 2,189 416Barangay 895 1,250 1,250 262Barangay 896 1,075 1,075 217Barangay 897 2,276 2,271 425Barangay 898 2,710 2,710 526Barangay 899 1,326 1,326 280Barangay 900 7,553 7,553 1,~02Barangay 901 1,866 1,866 294Barangay 902 2,033 2,033 3MBarangay 903 3,~56 3,456 691Barangay 9O~ 1,036 1,036 198Barangay 905 5,320 5,320 1,035

TON DO 553,~~2 553,0~3 106,051Barangay I 1,920 1,920 351Barangay 2 958 958 183Barangay 3 1,092 1,062 19~Barangay 4 2,331 2,319 ~23Barangay 5 1,413 1,413 283Barangay 6 752 752 145Barangay 7 1,906 1,906 373Barangay 8 9~5 9~5 188Barangay 9 5~1 5~1 127Barangay 10 812 812 155Barangay 11 1,975 1,975 383Barangay 12 2,IH5 2,037 ~23Barangay 13 1,72~ 1,724 322Barangay I~ 1,7~9 1,7~9 329Barangay 15 1,283 1,283 270Barangay 16 1,8~1 1,8~1 314

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Total Population, Household Population and Number of Householdsby Barangay: As of May I, 1990



Barangay 17Barangay 18Barangay 19Barangay 20Barangay 25Barangay 26Barangay 28Barangay 29Barangay 30Barangay 31Barangay 32Barangay 33Barangay 34Barangay 35Barangay 36Barangay 37Barangay 38Barangay 39Barangay 41Barangay 42Barangay 43Barangay 44Barangay 45Barangay 46Barangay 47Barangay 48Barangay 49Barangay 50Barangay 51Barangay 52Barangay 53Barangay 54Barangay 55Barangay 56Barangay 57Barangay 58Barangay 59Barangay 60Barangay 61Barangay 62Barangay 63Barangay 64Barangay 65Barangay 66Barangay 67Barangay 68Barangay 69Barangay 70Barangay 71









Number ofHouseholds




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16Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

hy Barangay: As of May I, 1990(Continued)

Barangay Total Household Number ofPopulation Population Households

Barangay 72 3,756 3,756 688Barangay 73 1,054 1,054 203Barangay 74 885 885 162Barangay 75 1,642 1,642 312Barangay 76 1,719 1,719 329Barangay 77 1,262 1,262 237Barangay 78 1,466 1,466 294Barangay 79 1,115 1,115 204Barangay 80 1,931 1,931 352Barangay 81 2,298 2,298 434Barangay 82 1,864 1,864 333Barangay 83 1,042 1,042 194Barangay 84 1,073 1,062 194Barangay g5 3,182 3,182 573Barangay 86 1,403 1,403 242Barangay 87 1,518 1,518 287Barangay 88 1,060 1,060 188Barangay 89 885 885 160Barangay 90 760 760 147Barangay 91 3,611 3,595 676Barangay 92 2,529 2,529 468Barangay 93 3,278 3,278 631Barangay 94 1,517 1,517 275Barangay 95 4,454 4,454 850Barangay % 4,288 4,288 823Barangay 97 3,058 3,058 567Barangay 98 1,303 1,303 272Barangay 99 1,634 1,634 266Barangay 100 1,421 1,414 267Barangay 101 1,647 1,647 316Barangay 102 3,531 3,531 695Barangay 103 3,426 3,426 621Barangay 104 4,051 4,051 804Barangay 105 7,899 7,899 1,667Barangay 106 2,613 2,613 562Barangay 107 6,255 6,255 1,152Barangay 108 4,481 4,481 809Barangay 109 3,411 3,411 629Barangay 110 2,195 2,195 397Barangay III 1,925 1,925 386Barangay 112 3,735 3,735 698Barangay 116 5,527 5,527 1,054Barangay 117 3,617 3,617 652Barangay 118 5,927 5,927 1,064Barangay 119 3,529 3,529 681Barangay 120 3,074 3,074 552Barangay 121 4,855 4,855 928Barangay 122 2,805 2,805 522Barangay 123 6,665 6,633 1,379

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Total Population, Household Population and Number of Householdsby Barangay: As of May 1, 1990


Barangay Total HouseholdI

Number ofPopulation Population Households

Barangay 124 1,422 1,422 279Barangay 125 1,651 1,651 318Barangay 126 1,426 1,408 266Barangay 127 490 490 94Barangay 128 6,900 6,900 1,495Barangay 129 7,645 7,645 1,571Barangay 130 1,297 1,297 222Barangay 131 1,408 1,408 296Barangay 132 1,385 1,385 267Barangay 133 2,274 2,274 430Barangay 134 1,044 1,044 197Barangay 135 2,305 2,305 447Barangay 136 852 852 157Barangay 137 1,733 1,733 326Barangay 138 2,750 2,750 534Barangay 139 470 470 89Barangay 140 666 666 125Barangay 141 519 519 90Barangay 142 1,713 1,713 343Barangay 143 539 539 119Barangay 144 1,500 1,500 285Barangay 145 1,001 994 184Barangay 146 2,582 2,582 525Barangay 147 1,256 1,256 250Barangay 148 2,728 2,722 526Barangay 149 1,657 1,657 328Barangay 150 2,469 2,469 467Barangay 151 1,996 1,996 361Barangay 152 2,859 2,859 573Barangay 153 2,376 2,376 478Barangay 154 1,128 1,121 207Barangay 155 .2,891 2,891 559Barangay 156 1,419 1,419 277Barangay 157 1,321 1,321 264Barangay 158 2,151 2,151 413Barangay 159 2,666 2,666 500Barangay 160 2,000 2,000 391Barangay 161 1,534 1,534 296Barangay 162 924 924 197Barangay 163 3,927 3,927 767Barangay 164 1,982 1,982 371Barangay 165 1,528 1,528 307Barangay 166 1,350 1,350 275Barangay 167 1,253 1,253 241Barangay 168 1,508 1,508 274Barangay 169 1,361 1,361 260Barangay 170 981 981 178Barangay 171 1,186 1,186 210Barangay 172 1,191 1,172 210

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Total Population, Housebold Population and Number or Houseboldsby BaranWlY:As or May I, 1990


Barangay Total Household Number orPopulation Population Housebolds

Barangay 173 1,782 1,782 311Barangay 174 788 788 150Barangay 175 1,092 1,092 204Barangay 176 1,357 1,357 260Barangay 177 952 952 184Barangay 178 2,497 2,497 479Barangay 179 1,752 1,735 337Barangay 180 2,903 2,903 585Barangay 181 2,762 2,762 498Barangay 182 6,290 6,290 1,152Barangay 183 2,855 2,855 543Barangay 184 3,882 3,882 746Barangay 185 3,619 3,619 691 •Barangay 1~6 1,551 1,551 271Barangay 187 983 983 192Barangay 188 980 980 190Barangay 189 1,666 1,666 323Barangay 190 1,280 1,280 233Barangay 191 872 872 172Barangay 192 1,489 1,489 • 297Barangay 193 421 421 94Barangay 194 1,002 1,002 216Barangay 195 1,237 1,237 244Barangay 196 1,688 1,688 311Barangay 197 1,368 1,368 282Barangay 198 6,180 6,180 1,202Barangay 199 3,427 3,427 632Barangay 200 2,456 2,456 476Barangay 201 1,819 1,819 348 I-Barangay 202 2,623 2,623 471Barangay 202-A 916 916 178Barangay 203 2,467 2,467 479Barangay 204 2,615 2,615 541Barangay 205 2,853 2,853 525Barangay 206 2,368 2,368 474Barangay 207 1,198 1,198 246Barangay 208 1,122 1,122 200Barangay 209 3,651 3,630 701Barangay 210 2,423 2,421 470Barangay 211 2,811 2,811 550Barangay 212 2,743 2,743 537Barangay 213 1,792 1,792 332Barangay 214 817 817 150Barangay 215 2,449 2,449 477Barangay 216 2,706 2,700 503Barangay 217 1,593 1,593 293Barangay 218 2,239 2,239 441Barangay 219 1,357 1,357 237Barangay 220 1,991 1,977 369

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Total Population, Household Population and Number of Householdshy Barangay: As of May I, 1990


Barangay Total Household Number ofPopulation Population Households

Barangay 221 2,564 2,564 510Barangay 222 1,%2 1,%2 376Barangay 223 834 834 172Barangay 224 1,268 1,268 260Barangay 225 2,429 2,429 459Barangay 226 1,598 1,598 310Barangay 227 1,072 1,072 214Barangay 228 3,773 3,773 753Barangay 229 2,686 2,686 503Barangay 230 959 959 177Barangay 231 1,694 1,694 306Barangay 232 2,767 2,767 548Barangay 233 873 856 162Barangay 234 1,971 1,911 347Barangay 235 2,179 2,179 401Barangay 236 632 632 121Barangay 237 687 687 125Barangay 238 839 839 162Barangay 239 2,318 2,318 419Barangay 240 262 248 51Barangay 241 1,540 1,540 276Barangay 242 622 622 133Barangay 243 980 980 163Barangay 244 1,267 1,250 218Barangay 245 858 858 165Barangay 246 1,005 1,005 186Barangay 247 469 469 100Barangay 248 512 512 104Barangay 249 1,290 1,290 236Barangay 250 1,342 1,342 276Barangay 251 717 717 141Barangay 252 1,426 1,426 267Barangay 253 1,800 1,800 350Barangay 254 2,911 2,911 533Barangay 255 2,898 2,898 559Barangay 256 1,981 1,981 382Barangay 257 373 373 77Barangay 258 1,693 1,693 322Barangay 259 1,964 1,964 412Barangay 260 1,630 1,610 316Barangay 261 744 740 142Barangay 262 1,299 1,299 251Barangay 263 1,040 1,040 221Barangay 264 1,937 1,937 384Barangay 265 304 304 59

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20Total Population, Household Population and Number of Households

by Barangay: As of May I, 1990(Continued)

••••Barangay Total Household Number of IPopulation Population Households

Barangay 266 1,781 1,781 386Barangay 267 I,m I,m 331

(1) Estimated population(2) Residents temporarily evacuated(3) Boundary connict between Barangay 586 and Barangay 587 of the dislrict of Sampaloe(4) Boundary eonnicl bel ween Barangay 607 and Barangay 618 of lhe district of Sampaloe

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1990 Census of Population and HousingReport No.2

AhraAgusan del NorteAgusan del SurAklanAlhayAntiqueAuroraBaeolod CityBaguio CityBasilanBataanBatanesBatangasBenguetBiliran (Sub-province)BoholBukidnonBulaeanButuan CityC1gayanCagayan de Oro CityC1marines NorteCamarines SurC1miguinC1pizCatanduanesC1ViteCehuCehu CityCotahatoDav30Davan CityDavao del SurDavao OrientalEastern SamarOuimaras (Suh-province)Ifugaolligan City1I0cos Nortellocos SurlloiloIloilo CityIsabelaKalinga.ApayaoKa lookan CityLa UnionLagunaLanao del NorteLanao del SurLas PiliasLeyte

2. 1N2 - 2 J2 - 3 J2 - 4 F2- 5 E2 - 6 F2 - 7 D2 - 8 F2- 9 N2- 1012- 11C2 - 12 B2 - 13 D2 - 14 N2 - 15 H2- 1602 - 1712 - 18 C2- 19J2 - 20 B2 - 21 J2-22E2-23E2 - 24 J2 - 25 F2 - 26 E2 - 27 D2 - 2802 - 2902 - 30 I...2 - 31 K2 - 32 K2 - 33 K2 - 34 K2 - 35 H2 - 36 F2 - 37 N2 - 38 I...2- .19A2 - 40 A2 - 41 F2 - 42 F2 - 43 B2 - 44 N2 - 45 M2 - 46 A2 - 47 D2 - 48 [2 - 4902 - 50 M2 - 51 H

MaguindanaoMakatiMalabonMandaluyongManilaMarikinaMarinduqueMashateMisamis OccidentalMisamis OrientalMt. ProvinceMuntinlupaNavotasNegros OccidentalNegros OrientalNorthern SamarNueva EcijaNueva VizcayaOccidenlal MindoroOlongapo CityOriental MindoroPalawanPampangaPangasinanParaliaquePasay CilyPasigPaterosQuezonQuezon CilyQuirinoRi7.a1RomhlonSan JuanSiquijorSorsogonSouth CotahatoSoulhern LeyteSultan KudaratSuluSurigao del NorteSurigao del SurTaguigTarlacTawi-tawiValenzuelaWestern SamarZamhalesZa!1'ooanga CilyZamhoanga del NorteZamboanga del Sur

2 - 5202. 53M2 - 54 M2 - 55 M2 - 56 M2. 57M2 - 58 D2 - 59 E2-6OJ2 - 61 J2 - 62 N2. 63M2- 64M2 - 65 F2- 6602 - 67 H2- 68C2 - 69 B2 - 70 D2 - 71 C2-72D2 - 73 D2 - 74 C2 - 75 A2 - 76 M2-77M2 - 78 M2 - 79 M2 - 80 D2 - 81 M2. 82 B2 - 83 D2-84D2 - 85 M2- 8602 - 87 E2- 881..,2- 89H2- 901..,2 - 91 02- 92J2 - 93 K2 - 94 M2 - 95 C2- 9602-97M2. 98H2- 99C2 - 100 I2 - 101 I2 - 102 I

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National Statistics Office



Census publications may be obtained from the Publicationsand Information Division of the National Statistics Office(NSO) at R. Magsaysay R1vd., Sta. Mesa, Manila or fI,

any NSO provincial/regional office.

