Page 1: 19 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMEAug 09, 2020  · Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 am Weekday Masses Tuesday to Friday 9:00 am Ms. Alice Soeder Reconciliation By Appointment Only, please

St. Francis of Assisi Parish

49 Blueridge Ave., Kitchener, Ontario N2M 4E2 519-745-7301 [email protected]

Administered by the Congregation of the Resurrection:

Lord’s Day Masses Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 am

Weekday Masses Tuesday to Friday 9:00 am

Reconciliation By Appointment Only, please call the parish

Sunday Children’s Liturgy No Children’s Liturgy at this time

Prayer Network Call parish office to request prayers

Baptism Please call the parish office.

Marriages Please call the parish office.

Administrator: Fr. Raphael Ma, C.R.

([email protected])

Pastoral Minister: Miss Ruthann Fisher

([email protected])

Music Ministry: Mrs. Terrianne Moulton

Admin. Assistant: Ms. Alice Soeder

Building Manager: Mr. Gary Howell

Parish Office is open Monday – Friday, 8:30 am – noon & 1:00 – 4:30 pm

by Appointment Only Please call ahead

Vocations Information:

“We are a Christ-centred faith community seeking to be

instruments of God’s peace.”



August 9, 2020

“I wait for the Lord, I hope in his word.” Psalm 103: 5

Page 2: 19 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMEAug 09, 2020  · Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 am Weekday Masses Tuesday to Friday 9:00 am Ms. Alice Soeder Reconciliation By Appointment Only, please

August 9, 2020


August 1/2 Collection $4,299.25 2020 Total Collection $154,475.80 2020 Total Budgeted Collection $309,450.00

“In the next few weeks, I invite you to tackle together the pressing questions that the pandemic has brought to the fore, social ills above all. And we will do it in the light of the Gospel, of the theological virtues and of the principles of the Church’s social doctrine.”

~ @Pontifex, August 5, 2020

Looking Ahead to August 16, 2020


Isaiah 56: 1, 6-7 Romans 11: 13-15, 22-32

Matthew 15: 21-28


Mon. August 10: Rev. Ronald Voisin Tues. August 11: Rev. Duy Van Nguyen

Wed. August 12: Pallottine Fathers (SAC) Thu. August 13: Rev. Vivek Trindade

Fri. August 14: Very Rev. John Van Hees Sat. August 15: Rev. James Petrie

MASS INTENTIONS August 11 - 16, 2020

Tuesday, 11th - St. Clare, Virgin

9:00 am Intentions of Marie Schell – Margaret & Frederick Wesson & Family

+Barbara Diemert – Eileen Cox, Linda Carmichael, Helen Shantz

+Lowell Lobsinger – Kay Warner

+Francis Xavier Z. Leonidas – Liane Baxter

+Jim Parker – Linda O’Malley-Parker

Wednesday, 12th - Weekday

9:00 am +John de Viveiros – Eileen Cox, Linda Carmichael, Helen Shantz

Thursday, 13th - Weekday

9:00 am Intentions of Maria Cabral

Friday, 14th - St. Maximilian Kolbe, Priest & Martyr

9:00 am Intentions of Lauren & Matthew Hummel – Marge Hummel

Saturday, 15th - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

5:00 pm Intentions of Maria Ferreira & Family

+Reno & Tony Ianni – Angela Ianni

+Gaetano Garasto – Angela Ianni

+Manuel & Anna Codeco – the Family

+Bill Haid – Cathy Vanzieleghem

+Theresa Kelly – Anita Stalzer

Sunday, 16th - 20th Sunday in Ordinary Time

9:00 am +Gabriel Prudnikowicz – the Family

11:00 am Parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi

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An Update from our 60th Anniversary Cmte


Because of COVID-19 we are rethinking all our plans to celebrate our 60th Anniversary, and coming up with creative ways to add to the celebration which don’t require us gathering together. To that end we are going through the archives and pulling together pictures from the past 60 years of living our faith together. We hope to put a selection of pictures together to create a video tribute to the past 60 years, but we have some holes in the archives!

Do you have any pictures of activities at St. Francis of Assisi Parish

from the 70’s, from our 50th Anniversary celebrations, or from the past 10 years?

If you have any pictures from those years, could you please email them to St. Francis? If you have no way to scan and email them please call the parish to make an appointment to come in and we will scan them while you wait. We would like to have all the pictures by August 23rd. Thank you very much for helping us fill in our gaps!

More updates from the committee will be forthcoming as news is available on our other projects and celebrations.

CONGRATULATIONS TO Mr. & Mrs. Ryan & Anna Pinto

Who were married at St. Francis of Assisi this Saturday! May you be blessed as you embark on this vocation, and may your love for each other and God inspire us all to live in hope even when the world can seem upside-down.

PRE-AUTHORIZED GIVING We are blessed to have very generous parishioners here at St. Francis of Assisi Parish, and we’d like to thank you for your support, especially during this unprecedented time.

While we were shut down many parishioners wanted to continue making donations to the parish, but struggled to figure out how to get their donation to us when they weren’t leaving their homes. Although we are now offering public Mass again, many people are still not able to join us in person.

One option to make donating easier, save paper by using less envelopes,

and make processing easier for our volunteers and staff,

is to sign up for Pre-Authorized Giving.

You can sign up to have weekly or monthly donations automatically withdrawn from your bank account and given to St. Francis Parish. You set the amount you want to give, and you can change it whenever you need to. The program is easy to sign up for and can be set up without you having to leave your house. If you want to learn more about Pre-Authorized Giving please contact Alice in the parish office.

ANOINTING OF THE SICK Due to the continuing pandemic we cannot offer Anointing of the Sick during Mass at this time. However, should you wish to receive this Sacrament, please contact the parish office and we should be able to book an appointment for you to receive it.

Continue to watch our website for interesting content posted Monday to Friday each week.

We want to stay connected with you, whether you are able to join us at

Mass or need to stay home for now. Be assured of our prayers for you!

Page 4: 19 SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIMEAug 09, 2020  · Saturday 5:00 pm Sunday 9:00 & 11:00 am Weekday Masses Tuesday to Friday 9:00 am Ms. Alice Soeder Reconciliation By Appointment Only, please

The View from Fr. Raph’s Window…

This past week, I had the opportunity to visit a friend and former classmate of mine at his new assignment. He had a lot of things to do when he arrived there, and he had called me earlier in the week with a question about polishing items for the sanctuary. One of my house jobs in seminary was to clean and polish the sacred vessels, as well as metal candelabra and followers. And so I offered to visit him at his new assignment and to help. That was a house job I really enjoyed – it was very satisfying to help make something go from being tarnished to being shiny. But as I reflected on what I was doing, I was reminded of a video I had seen a number of years ago. (You can watch it in full here: Since the re-opening of the Churches, we’ve had several baptisms (though with only one family and their guests per baptism, and outside of Mass). Soon three siblings who are in the RCIC (Rite of Christian Initiation for Children), who were supposed to receive the Sacraments of Initiation – Baptism, Confirmation, and First Eucharist – at the Easter Vigil this year, will finally receive them in a separate Mass, in accordance with the Diocese’s precautions and guidelines for re-opening the Churches during the pandemic. And in September, our First Communicants will finally be able to receive their First Communion, again at a separate Mass, following the Diocese’s precautions and guidelines. As Msgr. Joseph Hirsch, the priest in the video points out – as beautiful as the artisanship may be on the most beautiful chalice, and no matter how shiny one may make it through polishing – each of these children who have received, or are about to receive the Sacraments of Initiation, each one of them is more beautiful, more important than the most beautiful or intricately designed sacred vessel. And if this is true of them, then it is also true of each and every one of us who has received Baptism, Confirmation, and the Eucharist.

~ Fr. Raphael CR


In response to the COVID-19 pandemic (beginning March 2020) The Food Bank of Waterloo Region activated the “Community Food Assistance Pandemic Business Continuity Plan” ensuring essential services such as food provisions continued to be offered to all in need. The number of food distribution locations were reduced and all St. Vincent de Paul hamper programs closed. Our St. Francis Conference continued to support our community in the background by responding to requests from other local organizations for the specific needs of individuals, for instance providing furniture vouchers.

More than four months have passed since the inception of the pandemic food assistance plan and all The Food Bank reports indicate that the plan has worked very, very well and they are willing to carry on. In fact they are urging that the plan remain as is in view of the uncertainty that presently exists in the world and the chance of a second wave of the virus.

In support of and in co-operation with The Food Bank, and following the directions of the St. Vincent de Paul Society, our St. Francis Conference will not be having any food drives of our own, and our pantry and distribution will remain closed for now. We will, however, continue to be available to provide and assist with meeting the many other needs of our community, ie. household items, furniture, school supplies, etc., all with Christian faith, love, respect, justice and joy.

We are extremely grateful for all your past support of the St. Vincent de Paul Society and know that with your continued support we will get through this difficult time, together.


Erika Toffelmire, from St. Jerome's University Catholic Community, has created a resource to provide spiritual support during the summer months, and to help people connect their lives to the creation story. Each week there are scripture readings, reflections and suggested activities you can do. Check out the page on our website by clicking here for a link to the whole resource.

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If you need to come into the office for any reason please call ahead so we can maintain social distancing and disinfect the area between visitors. We are excited to be able to serve you again in the office while keeping everyone’s safety a top priority.

The Office is open Monday – Friday from 8:30 am – noon and 1:00 pm – 4:30 pm

TV & ONLINE MASSES For those who are not comfortable or able to join us at Mass yet, you can still participate in Mass on TV or online. Here are some options for you:

Televised Masses: Vision TV (Channel 27, Rogers Cable) Joy TV (Channel 173, Rogers Cable Monday to Friday: 8:00 am, 12:00 pm or Channel 656, Bell Satellite) Sunday: 8:00 am Monday to Friday: 10:30 am, 4:00 pm Salt and Light (Channel 240, Rogers Cable) Sunday: 10:30 am Monday to Saturday: 6:30 am, 9:30 am, 11:00 am, 3:00 pm, 10:30 pm Sunday: 11:00 am,10:30 pm

On-Line Masses:


Thank you to all who have so carefully followed the new instructions when attending Mass these first weeks back. Please continue to maintain physical distancing while waiting to enter the church and as you exit after Mass.

Waterloo Region now has a Mask By-Law which requires everyone to wear a face covering while in enclosed public spaces, including places of worship. There are some exceptions; for all the By-Law details please go to the region’s website: If you have not joined us for Mass yet and are considering attending, please see the COVID-19 page on our website for information you need before you attend. You can access that page here.

Weekday Masses are Tuesday – Friday at 9:00 am Weekend Masses are Saturday at 5:00 pm and Sunday at 9:00 am & 11:00 am

We are very excited to be worshiping together again, but we have to do this carefully so that we keep everyone safe and healthy, so thank you for your cooperation. We look forward to seeing you soon!
