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SDB Missions

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Ashaway, RI 02804-1703

(401) 596-4326

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Treasurer’s Report April, 2015

Quarter 1 income was $36,128 compared to a budget of $32,850, primarily as a

result of higher than budgeted investing income. Quarter 1 expenses were

$45,507 compared to a budget of $59,559. The expense most over budget was

National Field Development Projects at $3,644 versus a budget of $2,000. Overall,

we spent $9,379 more in the General Fund than our quarterly income.

Our Facilitated Fund donations for Quarter 1 were $32,189, and we were able to

send $28,337 for mission work. Facilitated Funds are donations received for spe-

cific projects or areas, which are used to support the particular mission that was

designated by the donor. With increased communication about specific mission

needs, we have seen a trend toward higher giving for

specific projects or needs, offset by lower giving for

the society in general.

Respectfully Submitted,

Mark D. Lewis, Treasurer

Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society

19 Hillside Avenue

Ashaway, RI 02804-1703




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Apr 2015 January 1 – March 30, 2015

Vol. 71, No. 1 QTR. 1

T he first quarter of 2015 ended with us getting

to visit the congregations in Indonesia, Aus-

tralia, and New Zealand. Andy Samuels, the

SDB World Federation General Secretary and

pastor of the Miami SDB Church, accompanied me on this

visit. The Indonesia visit was to our one small congregation

in their predominantly Islamic country. Following the recent

passing of three of their pastors and relocating their meet-

ing location, the group had shrunk from several dozen to

less than ten. When asked how to build their congregation,

we encouraged those few that remained to evaluate the

needs in their community and answer with Christ’s love

through whatever resources or talents He provides.

Through that they could fulfil God’s instructions to remem-

ber the needy and build relationships that could foster disci-

pleship opportunities.

The Australian and New Zealand SDB visits focused on

trying to reconnect these World Federation Conferences.

Change in leadership, small numbers, great distance, and

historic disagreements had perpetuated a strain in communi-

cations and cooperation between the western and oceanic

brethren. Andy and I were graciously received. We spent

time with leaders in churches in both conferences and were

encouraged by the positive response to our hopes for a fu-

ture with better interactions and cooperative ministry.

Before heading to this south eastern region of the globe,

much of my work was centered around collaborating with

Garfield Miller to coordinate the upcoming Puerto Rico Youth

Mission, Steve James’ team’s return to Kenya, dealing

with the postponement of the Ethiopia return mission, and

investigating possibilities for a Family Mission to Guyana or a

Caribbean island. Working with the Puerto Rico bound

youth, I also made a trip to Berlin SDB Church (NY) to have

a session with the team, and share why we “do missions”

with their congregation. Of course, we also worked with con-

ference leaders around the world to organize project pro-

posals for the upcoming meeting, and began administering

and promoting the active projects such as the Congo Roofs

SDB project and the Zambia TIME program.

Executive Director’s Report Clinton R. Brown

In This Issue

Executive Director’s


Board of Managers

Qtly Meeting Minutes

Zambia T.I.M.E. &

Gospel Feet 5K

Treasurer’s Report

Upcoming Scheduled Activities:

May 9 - 24 India visit (Kerala, Andhra Pradesh, Manipur)

May 29 Conference Execs and General Council Meeting – Ashaway, RI

Jul 19 Qtly Board of Managers meeting – Ashaway, RI

Jul 26 - Aug 1 General Conference Annual Meetings – Lancaster, PA

Sep 9 - 22 Africa visit (Tanzania, Rwanda, Congo)

Oct 24 - 25 MS Vision Casting Meeting – Ashaway, RI

Quarterly Office Communications Highlights:

3 Sabbath Recorder articles & donor letter blurbs

5 mini-messages for Missions Advocates to share

22 MS website postings

30 MS social media postings

SDBs in Jakarta, Indonesia (March 2015)


Seventh Day Baptist Missionary Society

1st Quarter 2015

Board of Manager’s Meeting Minutes

The meeting was called to order by President Craig Mosher at 1:05 and opened with prayer by Garfield Miller. Present at the office: Craig Mosher, Cindy Nadeau, LeRoy Burdick, Julianne Grove, Kathy Hughes, Garfield Mil-ler, and Clinton Brown. Present via GoToMeeting (Video Conference): Mark Lewis, Andrew Samuels, Casey Greene, Alicia Mosher, Gor-don Lawton, Danny Lee, Miriam Berg, David Thorngate, and Bethany Chroniger. The Treasurer’s Report was given by Mark Lewis. It was moved, seconded, and carried (M/S/C) to receive, ap-prove and order recorded this report. It was noted that donations for specific projects has increased. However, there is a reduction in giving to the Society for general administra-tion. Clinton Brown presented the Executive Director Report. It was M/S/C to receive, approve and order recorded this report. Mark Lewis presented an oral report relating to the In-vestment Committee. It was noted that a new Investment Committee needs to be appointed. Craig Mosher gave a verbal report from the Executive Committee. One meeting was held to discuss helping with the funding of Mading Bol and Thuok in their travel to Ethio-pia. It was M/S/C to accept the verbal report. National Projects - Continued funding of the Phoenix Project and Patty Petersen in Maryland was discussed in-cluding a project proposal from Bob Peet regarding the Phoe-nix Church Plant. It was M/S/C to contribute half of what we have contributed previously and continue to foster facili-tated funds as needed through 2015 for the Phoenix Pro-ject and Patty Petersen. The reason for the end of year cut off was that it is anticipated that General Conference will take over funding for these types of responsibilities starting in 2016. A letter from Patty Petersen was read relating to future funding and sharing her appreciation for our past support. Burundi Roof Proposal - It was M/S/C to table this proposal until our October Meeting. Lydia’s House Proposal - It was M/S/C that we add this to our promotion calendar in order to promote this project at the nearest appropriate time. Mazza Family Missions Proposal from Shiloh – It was M/S/C to allow Clint Brown to facilitate short term family mission programs as he sees fit. Uganda Roofing Project for a new church in Nfuufu - It was M/S/C to support this project. Uganda Orphan Vocational Skills – It was M/S/C to support the request in the area of funding for typewrit-

ers, sewing machines, tool boxes, and garden tools. We will consider the technology needs later this year. Cameroon Church Building Proposal – It was M/S/C to reject this project at the current time, due to the size of the proposal being disproportionately large compared to the level of demonstrated stewardship of the local leadership in Cameroon. Garfield Miller/Immigration Issues – We will continue to pray about the appropriate location for Garfield to work, the related financial concerns, and how God is leading. Mean-while Garfield will consult with a new lawyer that has been recommended. Philippine Conference/Rod Henry Communication – It was M/S/C that Clint Brown researches this more and come to the next General Board Meeting with a recommendation regarding regular funding to be sent to the Philippines. Mading Bol Letter – A communication from Mading Bol regarding his recent trip to Gambela, Ethiopia was read. Clint Brown will facilitate a funding request included in this correspondence. Helping Hand – The international Helping Hand expens-es have increased significantly. It was M/S/C to continue to support sending The Helping Hand internationally and to support Clint Brown’s action in this regard. 2016 Budget Review – It was M/S/C to approve two changes to the 2016 Budget. Vision Casting Retreat – This will be held in conjunction with our Quarterly Meeting October 24 and 25, 2015. It is hoped that all Board members will be in attendance. All Board members are encouraged to consider taking the Perspectives Course. It was M/S/C to change the date of our next Quarterly Meeting to July 19, 2015. The new Investment Committee will be Mark Lewis, chair, Clint Brown, David Stall, and Craig Mosher. A Committee was formed to continue to study the possi-bility of moving the Society Office to the Parish House of the First Seventh Day Baptist Church in Hopkinton. This commit-tee will consist of and Kathy Hughes, chair, David Stall, and Craig Mosher. It was M/S/C to add Cindy Nadeau as a check signer. It was M/S/C to dispense with the reading of the minutes and that they will be approved by the Secretary and Executive Director. A motion to adjourn the meeting was seconded. The meeting was closed with prayer by Craig Mosher.

Respectfully submitted, Kathleen Hughes, Secretary


A Statement of our Purpose

in Missions (part 2)

The Missionary Society assists to a degree in ALL types of missions, including church development, through partnerships with established SDB churches. Though, with the establishment of a Director of Church Development, the General Conference is shoul-dering more of this develop-ment responsibility. Some “working definitions” for terms we use to explain why and how we work, are: : Missions - the proclamation of the Gospel message of Je-sus Christ, usually outside of your own culture. Generally speaking, this involves “sending” or “going” outside of the church to introduce Jesus Christ in places where He may not be known, nationally and internationally. Church Development - the process by which the institu-tion of the church is formed, organized, and strengthened for purposes of worship, fel-lowship, and discipleship of God's people. As the church grows in strength and number, it becomes the sending organ-ization that engages in local, national, and international missions. This is part two of the three part statement adopted at the Quarterly meet-ing on April 28, 2013.

Zambia T.I.M.E. Program & Gospel Feet Update

The start of the Training In Ministry by Extension (TIME) program in Zambia is con-

firmed for June 2015. In partnership with that Conference the Society is helping to

facilitate this training in the Fundamentals of SDB beliefs.

The program has six quarterly modules projected for: June & October 2015 and Jan,

March, June & September 2016, at an estimated cost of $800 per quarter. The first

module will be June 18-29,

2015, with presenters Rev.

Gordon Lawton - former

Director of Pastoral Services

in the US and Canada Con-

ference and Rev. Carlton

Ferguson - Principal of the

Jamaica Bible Institute (JBI),

for ministry training in the

Jamaican Conference.

This starting batch of

students is comprised of

twenty English speaking leaders and pastors. The course material is also being

translated into local languages for future training of Zambian ministers where English

is not their primarily tongue.

The Missionary Society is working to raise funds

and identify presenters for the other modules from

US & Canada, and other Conferences . Dona-

tions can be made at any time by mail to the

Missionary Society office or online via our web-

site, but the highlight of the promotion will

be this year’s Gospel Feet 5K/1K walk run.

The theme is Gospel Ties - Training for

SDB Leaders and all the funds

raised will be used to better equip Sev-

enth Day Baptist leaders around to world

to better disciple and make disciplers in

their communities.

Love TIES us together - Participants in this year’s GOSPEL TIES 5K will be “tied” in

love at the start in Pennsylvania. Runners/walkers will be wearing neck and bow ties,

scarfs and maybe tee-shirts with ties printed on them.

Get your TIES and start saving and training! - Equipping leaders in Zambia could

depend on your “Ties of love”. Everyone can partner in GOSPEL TIES 5K - 2015.

Visit our website for more details.

“Above all, clothe yourselves with love, which TIES everything together in unity” .

~ Colossians 3:14

Note: The General Conference this summer is, July 26 - August

1, 2015, at Lancaster Bible College, PA. Start making your

plans now to join us there.
