Page 1: 1869-1896. * The “Bloody Shirt” Elects Grant * Why was Grant nominated for the presidency? * What was the Republican party’s platform during the election


*Chapter 23: Political Paralysis in the Gilded Age

Page 2: 1869-1896. * The “Bloody Shirt” Elects Grant * Why was Grant nominated for the presidency? * What was the Republican party’s platform during the election

*The “Bloody Shirt” Elects Grant

*Why was Grant nominated for the presidency?

*What was the Republican party’s platform during the election of 1868?

*What was Grant’s campaign slogan?

*What could Democrats agree on during the election of 1868?

*What issues did Democrats disagree on?

*Who did the Democrats nominate? Why was this nominee significant?

*What was the outcome of the election of 1868 and why were the voting numbers important (specifically to Republicans)?

Page 3: 1869-1896. * The “Bloody Shirt” Elects Grant * Why was Grant nominated for the presidency? * What was the Republican party’s platform during the election

*The Era of Good Stealings

*Economically, what was happening in American during this time period?

*Who were “Jubilee Jim” Fisk and Jay Gould and how do they relate to the term “Black Friday”?

*Who was Boss Tweed and what did he do?

*A Carnival of Corruption

*Politically, at the federal level, what was happening at this time?

*What was the Credit Mobilier scandal?

*Describe the Whiskey Ring scandal.

*Who was Sir William Belknap and what did he do?

Page 4: 1869-1896. * The “Bloody Shirt” Elects Grant * Why was Grant nominated for the presidency? * What was the Republican party’s platform during the election

*The Liberal Republican Revolt of 1872

*Why did the Liberal Republican Party form?

*Who did the Liberal Republicans nominate in 1872 and why was this problematic?

*Why was the fact that Democrats endorsed Greeley considered foolish?

*How did Greeley please the Democrats?

*Who did the Republicans nominate and who won?

*How did the Liberal Republicans affect the regular Republicans?

*Depression, Deflation, and Inflation

*What caused the panic of 1873?

*How did citizens react to the panic of 1873?

*Who was most greatly impacted by the panic of 1873?

*Describe the issue over hard money versus folding money. (Who wanted each currency and why?)

*Describe the Resumption Act of 1875.

*How did the Federal Government treat silver?

*Who were proponents of the “Dollar of our Daddies”?

*Describe the policy of contraction and its impact.

*How did the hard money policy impact the Republican party?

Page 5: 1869-1896. * The “Bloody Shirt” Elects Grant * Why was Grant nominated for the presidency? * What was the Republican party’s platform during the election

*Pallid Politics in the Gilded Age

* Why was the politically seesaw of the Gilded Age considered to be “delicately balanced”?

*What issues did Democrats and Republicans see eye to eye on?

*What were some of the outcomes of the competitiveness between Republicans and Democrats?

*Why were the two parties competitive?

*Describe Republican voters and the location of their support base.

*Describe Democrat voters and the location of their support base.

*What was the “life blood” of both parties?

*Describe the conflict between the Stalwarts and the Half-Breeds.

*The Hayes-Tilden Standoff, 1876

*What happened when Grant was willing to run for a third term?

*Why did the Republicans turn to Rutherford B. Hayes?

*Who was nominated by the Democrats?

*Describe the major issue with the election of 1876.

Page 6: 1869-1896. * The “Bloody Shirt” Elects Grant * Why was Grant nominated for the presidency? * What was the Republican party’s platform during the election

*The Compromise of 1877 and the End of Reconstruction

*Describe the Electoral Count Act of 1877.

*Describe the settlement of the election of 1877.

*What were the major components of the Compromise of 1877?

*Who became president in 1877?

*What was sacrificed with the Compromise of 1877?

*Describe the Civil Rights Act of 1875.

*Why did the Supreme Court pronounce much of the Civil Rights Act unconstitutional?

*How did Hayes “clinch” the presidency?

*The Birth of Jim Crow in the Post-Reconstruction South

*Who regained power in the South and how did this impact African Americans?

*Describe sharecropping and tenant farming.

*What were the Jim Crow Laws?

*What was the outcome of Plessy v. Ferguson?

*What was the reality of “separate but equal”?

Page 7: 1869-1896. * The “Bloody Shirt” Elects Grant * Why was Grant nominated for the presidency? * What was the Republican party’s platform during the election

*Class Conflicts and Ethnic Clashes

*Class warfare was a by-product of ___________ and ________ following the panic of 1873.

*What happened to railroad workers and how did President Hayes respond?

* In which fields (jobs) did the Chinese immigrants work?

*What kind of hardships did Chinese immigrants face?

*Who was Denis Kearney, what did he do, and why did he do it?

*Describe the Chinese Exclusion Act of 1882.

*What was the Supreme Court’s ruling in regards to U.S. v. Wong Kim?

*Garfield and Arthur

*Why was Garfield chosen for the Republican nomination and who was his VP?

*Who was the Democratic candidate?

*Who won the election of 1880?

*What happened to President Garfield and why?

*What was the positive outcome of President Garfield’s death?

*Describe the major components of the Pendleton Act of 1883.

*What were some problems caused by civil service reform?

*How did the Republican Party respond to President Arthur’s reforms?

Page 8: 1869-1896. * The “Bloody Shirt” Elects Grant * Why was Grant nominated for the presidency? * What was the Republican party’s platform during the election

*The Blaine-Cleveland Mudslingers of 1884

*Who was the clear choice for the Republican nomination of 1884 and why was this problematic?

*Who was the Democratic nominee?

*What kind of dirt did the Republicans find on Grover Cleveland?

*The election was very close. On what state did the election hinge and how did Blaine lose?

*“Old Grover” Takes Over

*What questions arouse once Cleveland won the election?

*What were Cleveland’s principles?

*How did Cleveland narrow the North-South chasm?

*How did Cleveland deal with civil service jobs?

*Why were military pensions an issue for Cleveland?

Page 9: 1869-1896. * The “Bloody Shirt” Elects Grant * Why was Grant nominated for the presidency? * What was the Republican party’s platform during the election

*Cleveland Battles for a Lower Tariff

*Why did Cleveland need to deal with the tariff issue?

*How could Congress deal with the treasury surplus?

*How did Cleveland deal with the tariff issue?

*How did Democrats and Republicans respond to Cleveland’s idea to lower the tariff in 1887?

*Who was nominated in the 1888 election?

*What did the Republican party do during the election season of 1888?

*Who won the election of 1888 and why was this significant?

*The Billion-Dollar Congress

*Describe the issues with Congress under Harrison.

*Who was Thomas B. Reed and why was he significant?

*Why was this Congress called the “Billion Dollar” Congress?

*Describe the McKinley Tariff of 1890.

*How did the McKinley Act impact farmers and the Republican party?

Page 10: 1869-1896. * The “Bloody Shirt” Elects Grant * Why was Grant nominated for the presidency? * What was the Republican party’s platform during the election

*The Drumbeat of Discontent

*Who were members of the Populist Party?

*What was the Populist platform?

*Who was the Populist nominee for the Presidential election of 1892?

*How did nation wide strikes impact the Populist Party?

*Describe the Carnegie steel strike.

*How did the Populists fare in the election of 1892?

*Why didn’t Southern workers join the Populist Party?

*How did the Populist movement impact African American suffrage?

*How did African American suffrage impact the Populist party?

*Cleveland and Depression

*Why did Grover Cleveland get reelected in 1892?

*What contributed to the depression of 1893?

*What happened to the country during 1893?

*How were people draining gold from the government?

*Who was William Jennings Bryan and what did he believe?

*What would happen if the US was moved off the Gold Standard?

*How did JP Morgan help with the issue of Gold?

Page 11: 1869-1896. * The “Bloody Shirt” Elects Grant * Why was Grant nominated for the presidency? * What was the Republican party’s platform during the election

*Cleveland Breeds a Backlash

*How did Cleveland respond to the backlash of his deal with Morgan?

*Describe the Wilson-Gorman Tariff.

*What part of the Wilson-Gorman Tariff did the Supreme Court strike down?

*How did the Democratic party fare during these years?

*Why were Grant, Hayes, Garfield, Arthur, Harrison and Cleveland considered the “forgettable presidents”?
