Page 1: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving
Page 2: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1865- American Civil War ends

1865- Lincoln was assassinated

1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment

to the Constitution is ratified, giving blacks the right to vote

Page 3: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1871- Chicago fire kills 300 and leaves 9,000 people homeless

1873- Grant’s 2nd inauguration 1876- National Baseball League founded 1879- Thomas Edison invents

incandescent light 1879- Women lawyers permitted to argue

cases before Supreme Court 1880- University of Southern California


Page 4: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1881- Clara Barton creates Red Cross 1883- Brooklyn Bridge opens 1885- Louis Pasteur administers

successful rabies vaccination 1886- Haymarket Sq. labor riot in

Chicago kills eleven people 1886- Statue of Liberty is dedicated 1890- Massacre at Wounded Knee, SD

Page 5: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1891- President McKinley shot by anarchist 1892- Strike at Carnegie Steel results in ten

deaths 1892- Cherokee Outlet in Indian Territory

opened to settlement 1895- William G. Morgan invented volleyball 1898- U.S. annexes Hawaii by an act of

congress 1900- Galveston Hurricane leaves an

estimated 6,000 to 8,000 dead

Page 6: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1905- Theodore Roosevelt’s 2nd inauguration

1906- San Francisco earthquake leaves 500 dead or missing and destroys about 4 sq. miles of the city

1907- Indian territory becomes eastern half of Oklahoma

1908-Bureau of Investigation, forerunner of the FBI is established

1909- William Howard Taft is inaugurated as the 28th president

1910- Boy Scouts established in U.S.

Page 7: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1912- Titanic sinks 1913- Woodraw Wilson is inaugurated as

the 28th president 1914- Panama Canal opens to traffic 1914- World War 1 begins 1915- First long distance telephone

service, between New York and San Francisco, is demonstrated

1920-19th Amendment gives women the right to vote

Page 8: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1923- President Harding dies suddenly 1924- Revenue Act slashes income tax on

wealthy and corporations 1925- Tennessee passes a law against the

teaching of evolution public schools 1927- Charles Lindbergh makes the first

solo nonstop transatlantic flight in his plane The Spirit of St. Louis

1929- Stock market crash precipitates the Great Depression

1930- The first Mickey Mouse comic strip is published in the New York Mirror

Page 9: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1932- Lou Gerhig ties record with four straight homeruns

1932- Summer Olympics open in Los Angeles

1933- Plant pathologists determine cause of Dutch Elm Disease

1934- Bank robber Charles “Pretty Boy” Floyd shot to death by federal agents at a farm in East Liverpool, Ohio

1937- Disney releases Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs. The first full-length animated feature in color and sound

1940- Radar win Battle of Britain

Page 10: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1942- ammonium nitrate explosion in Cleveland, Ohio, 20 people killed

1945- United Nations is established 1945- The United States drops 1st atomic

bomb on Hiroshima, Japan 1945- The United States drops 2nd atomic

bomb on Nagasaki, Japan 1947- Jackie Robinson became the first

black to play Major League Baseball 1950- The Korean War officially starts as

North Korea invades South Korea

Page 11: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1951- 22nd Amendment limits the President to two terms

1955- Montgomery Bus Boycott, emergence of Martin Luther King Jr.

1957- Civil Rights Act 1957- Little Rock Crisis 1958- First U.S. satellite and ICBM 1960- The Olympic Games were held in

Rome and Wilma Rudolf won three gold medals

Page 12: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1962- John Glenn became the first man to orbit the earth- 3 times. It was a five hr. flight

1963- Martin Luther King Jr. made the “I have a Dream speech”

1964- The Beatles became very popular 1965- The world’s first roofed stadium

was built, the Houston Astrodome 1966- Walt Disney dies of cancer 1970- Apollo XIII explosion

Page 13: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1972- Dam collapse in Buffalo Creek, West Virginia, 250 people killed

1973- Nixon accused of Watergate cover-up and Lyndon B. Johnson dies

1977- Elvis Presley dies 1978- Muhammad Ali regains

heavyweight boxing title 1979- American Airlines DC-10 crash 273

people killed 1980- CNN is launched as the first all

news network

Page 14: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1981- MTV starts airing music videos 24 hrs.

1982- Michael Jackson’s “Thriller” sells 20 million albums to become the largest selling ever

1982- Ozzy bites the head off a live bat thrown at him during a performance

1983- Cabbage Patch kids are released 1984- The Cosby show premiers 1990- The Hubble Telescope is placed into

orbit by the United States Space Shuttle Discovery

Page 15: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

1993- The World Trade Center is bombed by Islamic terrorists 6 people were killed and over one thousand injured

1995- The Korean War Memorial in Washington D.C. dedicated in ceremonies by President Bill Clinton and South Korean President Kim Yong-sam.

1995- I was born 1997- The Simpsons became the longest

running cartoon on TV 1999- The Dow Jones Industrial Average

closes above 10,000 for the first time 2000- Cuban boy Elian Gonzalez 6, is

reunited with his dad after federal raid of Miami relatives’ home

Page 16: 1865- American Civil War ends 1865- Lincoln was assassinated 1867- Alaska purchased 1870- Fifteenth Amendment to the Constitution is ratified, giving

2001- - two hijacked jetliners ram into the twin towers of World Trade, (worst terrorist attack ever) a third jetliner crashes into the Pentgon and a fourth crashes in Shanksville, PA

2003- Space shuttle Columbia explodes during reentry into Earth’s atmosphere, killing all seven astronauts on board

2009- Obama becomes the first black to be elected president
