
Negative Keywords | Search Engine Marketing180+ keywords to exclude from your campaigns


The following negative keywords are applicable for most businesses.

These are job hunting keywords you may wish to use to exclude job seekers.

Students and consumers searching for training courses may trigger your ads. Use these keywords to exclude these users.

Some users may be interested in the rules, regulations and laws of certain industries. Usually, these users are irrelevant to businesses.

Consumers tend to do their research online before committing to a purchase. Here are the keywords to exclude such users.

Everyone loves a great discount. If you are targeting the high-end market, add these keywords into your negative list to exclude bargain hunters.

If you are selling discounted products, you may want to exclude users looking for high-end products with these keywords

The internet is full of users looking for free software. Exclude these users with the following keywords if you are not offering any downloads.

DIY-ers love to create and constantly search for ideas online. Exclude these users with these keywords

B2B companies look for suppliers online using these keywords. Add them into your negative list if you are targeting the B2C crowd.

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All the best for your search engine marketing campaigns!
