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Bible DoctrinesVideo Manual

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P.O. BOX 17600, PENSACOLA, FL 32522-7750, U.S.A.


A ministry of

Two Semesters

Bible DoctrinesVideo Manual

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Textbook & Materials

Student Materials 101222 • Bible Doctrines for Today 101257 • Bible Doctrines for Today Quizzes / Tests

Teacher Materials 178942 • Bible Doctrines for Today Quiz / Test Key

Other Materials 13269 • Bible (King James Version) 109061 • Sing His Praise hymnal (optional— available from A Beka Book) (Two or three students may share each hymnal.)

Bible Doctrines Video ManualCopyright © mmxii, mmix, mmiii, mcmxcvii, mcmlxxxviii Pensacola Christian College All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. This manual and the videos that are part of the course are protected by copyright law. No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any information storage and retrieval system, or by license from any collective or licensing body, without permission in writing from the publisher. The curriculum (lesson manual) is leased only and remains the property of Pensacola Christian College. The agreement with Pensacola Christian College is that you will not sell, lend, share, or give away the curriculum since the right to use the curriculum is not transferable. The curriculum must be destroyed upon completion of the course.

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ContentsIntroduction ....................................................................T4Subject Description .........................................................T4

Win Your Students to Christ ....................................T4Responsibilities of the Classroom Teacher ..............T5Suggested Class Schedule .........................................T5Prayer Time ..............................................................T5Memory Verses .........................................................T6

Giving / Grading Quizzes and Tests ................................T6Averaging Grades ............................................................T8

Daily Guides (Lessons 1–170) ........................................1

Appendix ......................................................................... A1

Mr. Joshua Birx• M.S., History Education Pensacola Christian College

• 9 years teaching experience

Video Teacher

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T4  •  Bible Doctrines

This Bible class will give instruction in the basic, fundamental doctrines of the Christian faith. Important terms and definitions of doctrines will be explained, illustrated, and applied to the students’ lives.

The goal of your Bible class should be to have every student know Jesus Christ as Savior and Lord and to help each student better love and obey the Word of God. Bible teaching rein-forces the teaching of character and Chris-tian living throughout the day. The Bible is

“the most effective character-forming power known to men” (Halley).

This Bible Doctrines video course, which con-sists of 170 lessons on major Bible doctrines, provides Bible lessons for four days each week and allows one day for chapel. These lessons are about 40 minutes in length except on days when there are tests or quizzes.

The video can begin the second week of school, allowing time for a special evangel-istic speaker to come during the first week.

Establish accountability on the part of each student. Let students know that you expect

them to listen, to learn, and to participate every day.

Have students participate as if they were in the same classroom as the video students. They should recite the verses with the video class each day and participate in the reviews. Your students will receive the most benefit from these videos when they are involved in the class instead of simply watching it.

You will be leading your own prayer time each day for your own students.

Homework for this class consists of memo-rizing verses each week, studying for content quizzes, and preparing for Nine-Weeks and Semester Verses and Content Exams. Stu-dents should be able to recite the assigned memory verses each week as a quiz.

When a student has been absent, check the Daily Guides for the days he missed to see what quizzes he needs to make up. He may also need to watch video lessons he missed in order to catch up with the rest of the class.

Students must be born again if they are to understand the Scriptures and develop as Christians. The best time to present the gospel to new students is at the beginning of each school year (the first or second week of school).

On the junior high level, it is good to have an evangelist come for a week and preach in chapel, or you can give the plan of salvation in Bible class. After the students have been exposed to the gospel, you should person-ally speak to any new student who has not responded to accept Christ. Stress the follow-ing guidelines in leading a student to Christ, but keep them simple and direct.

1. All have sinned. Sin is what we do and think that dishonors God. (Romans 3:10, 23)

2. Because of our sin, we are separated from God. God is holy, and He cannot look upon sin. Sin must be punished, and the punishment for our sin is eternal death in a horrible place of torment called hell. (Romans 6:23; James 1:15)

3. God loved us, and He sent His Son, Jesus, to take away our sins. Jesus took the punishment for our sins when He died on Calvary’s cross. He could take the eternal punishment for our sins because


Subject DescriptionWin Your Students to Christ

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Bible Doctrines  •  T5

in the classroom during any quiz or test. The tests are located in Bible Doc-trines for Today Quizzes / Tests and the test key is found in Bible Doctrines for Today Quiz / Test Key. Suggested grad-ing guidelines for quizzes and tests have been included in the Teacher Keys. Stu-dents have oral verses quizzes once each week. You may wish to view the first oral verses quiz with your students to note the procedure for quizzing used by the video teacher. You will give all of the oral quizzes for students. The Daily Guides tell you which verses to have the students memorize and recite. Students have content quizzes two or three times each nine-weeks. These quizzes are over the material in the textbook.

3. Hymns and Choruses (video). These hymns are taken from Sing His Praise hymnals. (They are familiar hymns found in many hymnals.)

4. Prayer Time (2 minutes daily) (on-site teacher).

5. Verses Review (video).

6. Lessons Review (video).

7. Lesson (video).

Wait two or three weeks before you call on new students to pray. The new student may be nervous at first if he has never prayed in public.

Prayer time is included on video the first day. You may wish to watch this portion of the lesson in preparation.

1. Equipment Check. Check equipment each day to make sure it is running prop-erly. Be ready to start on the right lesson.

2. Daily Guide Check. Check Daily Guides each day to determine specific responsi-bilities for that day.

3. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag. Lead your students in the Pledge each day (if your class begins the school day).

4. Prayer Time. Have a time of prayer with your students each day when indicated on the video.

5. Quizzes and Tests. You will be giving and grading the oral verses quizzes and written verses and content tests as they occur in the lessons. Plan to remain

1. Pledge of Allegiance to the American Flag (on-site teacher). Students may need to be reminded from time to time about cor-rect posture and respect while saying the Pledge.

2. Verses Study Time (10 minutes daily) (on-site teacher). Once each week give the verses quiz during this time.

When indicated on the video each day, conduct your own prayer time with your students. Have students write their prayer requests on paper and give them to you before class begins. Call on two students to pray and then close in prayer yourself. It is important that your students hear you pray.

life, our sins are forgiven, and the Holy Spirit comes to live in our hearts to help us live for God. (John 3:16; Acts 16:31; Romans 10:13)

He is God. (John 3:16; 2 Corinthi-ans 5:21; 1 Peter 2:24; Hebrews 9:22)

4. We must believe in our hearts that Jesus died for our sins. By believing on Him and accepting His free gift of eternal

Responsibilities of the Classroom Teacher

Suggested Class Schedule

Prayer Time

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T6  •  Bible Doctrines

you will quiz students on these verses. The weekly quizzes are oral; the Nine-Weeks and Semester Exams are written. The verses for each semester are listed in the Appendix of the manual. You may duplicate this list to distribute to your students at the beginning of the year.

Student knows verse / passage. No errors or hesitation ................... A

Student needs help. Slight error or hesitation ................ B Couple of small errors ...................C

Student is struggling. More errors or hesitation ...............D

Student doesn’t know verse / passage. Not sufficiently prepared ................F Not prepared at all ..........................0

5. Have both your Bible and grade book cov-ered or hold them in such a way that the students cannot look at them while they are quoting the verse.

6. Have another student come to get in line as the first student finishes and is seated. Students who have finished their oral verses quiz may open their Bibles and begin studying the next verse assignment.

Your students will be memorizing Scrip-ture passages with the video students this year. The video teacher introduces the new passage each week, and students recite it in unison daily. Students are allowed the first ten minutes of each class period to silently study their verses. Then on designated days

1. Have students clear their desks. They are not permitted to study during this time.

2. Have one student come and stand with his back to the rest of the class (so that you can still see the other students).

3. Depending on the number of stu dents in your class, have one or two other students come and stand about 5 feet away from the student in front of you so that the next one will be ready to quote his verses as soon as the first one is finished.

4. Tell the student in front of you to quote the passage. Any mistakes or extended pauses should result in points taken off. The following guidelines are suggested when grading oral verses.

Memory Verses

Oral Verses Quizzes

You will be responsible for giving the verses quizzes. The video manual will indicate the day a verses quiz is to be given and the refer-ence of the verses to be quizzed. Give the quiz during the ten minutes which are nor-mally allotted for verses study.

The verses quizzes are averaged with the content quizzes at the end of each nine weeks. Count the average as two thirds of the Nine-Weeks grade. See “Averaging Grades” near the end of this introductory material.

Use the following procedures when giving verses quizzes.

Giving/Grading Quizzes and TestsVerses Quizzes

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Bible Doctrines  •  T7

The Daily Guide for that day will give specific instructions about which verses students should write and how to grade the exams.

the answers to the students. Have them draw a line through the number of each incorrect answer. The Teacher Key tells how many points to subtract for each incorrect answer.

5. Have students subtract from 100 the total number of points missed and place the grade in the score blank at the top of the quiz. Subtract 1 point for each misspelled answer; do not subtract more than 5 total points.

6. Students should return the paper to the owner.

7. Collect the quizzes and go through them later, checking them, writing the final grades in red ink, and recording the grades.

5. When two thirds of the students are finished, set a time limit for the other students. Always watch students until all exams are finished.

6. Check to be sure that all exams are turned in. Grade these exams yourself. It is best not to record students’ grades in your grade book until after you have gone over the exam in class. Subtract 1 point for each misspelled answer; do not subtract more than 5 total points.

7. Have all exams graded and ready to give to students by the next class. Go over exams during the first ten minutes of class, following the procedures given in the front of the Teacher Key.

Each nine weeks a cumulative verses exam is given. Students write the verses for this exam.

Quizzes over the content of the class are scheduled throughout the course. These quizzes are located in Bible Doctrines for Today Quizzes / Tests. You will give these quizzes. Answers are in the Teacher Key. Follow these guidelines when giving content quizzes.

1. Have students clear their desks and take out one clean sheet of notebook paper (cover sheet), a pencil, and a pen.

2. Distribute the content quizzes.

3. Tell them to write the answers in pen and to keep all answers covered with their cover sheet.

4. When students finish, have them put away their pens and use pencils for grading. Students should exchange papers and sign their name as grader at the bottom. Read

A comprehensive content exam (from Bible Doctrines for Today Quizzes / Tests) is given at the end of each nine weeks. Follow these guidelines for giving the content exams.

1. Have students clear their desks of every-thing except one sheet of paper and a pen.

2. Distribute exam papers.

3. Explain any special directions for the exam. Also tell students what they are to do when they are finished (how to turn in their papers, what to study).

4. Have students take the test in pen, putting the answers directly on the exam. They should keep their answers covered with a cover sheet at all times.

Written Verses Exams

Content Quizzes

Content Exams

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T8  •  Bible Doctrines

Grades are averaged at the end of each nine-weeks period. In your grade book, record the grades of verses and content exams in red and weekly verses quizzes / content tests in black / blue ink.

Nine-Weeks Average

2/3 Average of all weekly verses quizzes and content quizzes 90 2 = 180

1/3 Average of Nine-Weeks (or Semester) 96 1 = + 96 Content and Verses Exams (averaged 276 ÷ 3 = 92 equally together)

Semester Average

First Nine-Weeks Average 94Second Nine-Weeks Average + 86

180 ÷ 2 = 90

Averaging Grades

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Bible Doctrines

Daily G


Daily Guides

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It is IMPORTANT . . .

to train the student to respond along with the video class as they review, have class drill, and respond to class questions. This is most effective in student mastery of the subject content and emphasizes what the teacher considers important. Daily learning is reinforced here.

Student test scores will usually reflect this mental participation—either for good or for bad.

The classroom video teacher from time to time may mention things to enhance the class that your students may or may not be able to participate in. The video manual will not necessarily mention such activities.

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Lesson 1Materials Needed:

Bible Doctrines Bible Memory Verses List (one per student; duplicated from the Appendix of this video manual)

Bible (King James Version)Sing His Praise hymnals (one per student)Bible Doctrines for Today text

Teacher Instructions: 1. Prepare seating chart. Assign seats before

starting video. 2. Check that each student has a copy of the

Bible Doctrines for Today text and a Bible (King James Version).

3. Distribute Bible Doctrines Bible Memory Verses List.

4. Explain school procedures/rules that apply to your classroom.

5. Assign students to hand out and collect Sing His Praise each day.

6. Turn on the video. Plan to watch the video today to see the procedures used by the video teacher. Especially watch the prayer time which you will be conducting with your stu-dents each day.

7. If time remains, have students study Romans 10:9–13.

Homework:Study Romans 10:9–13 for oral verses quiz in

les. 4.

Lesson 2Materials Needed:

Bible (King James Version)Sing His Praise hymnalsBible Doctrines for Today

Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study their Bible verses for

ten minutes each day before the video begins (except for quiz days). Today students should study Romans 10:9–13.

2. Turn on the video. 3. Have prayer time with your students when

indicated on the video. Review the explanation of prayer time in the front of this video manual.

Homework:Study Romans 10:9–13 for oral verses quiz in

les. 4.

Lesson 3Materials Needed:

Bible (King James Version)Sing His Praise hymnalsBible Doctrines for Today

Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Romans 10:9–13 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video. 3. Have prayer time with your students when

indicated on the video. Continue to do this daily throughout the year. (This reminder will not be repeated after this lesson.)

Homework:Prepare for oral verses quiz in the next lesson

over Romans 10:9–13.

Lesson 4Materials Needed:

Bible (King James Version)Sing His Praise hymnalsBible Doctrines for Today

Teacher Instructions: 1. Students clear their desks. 2. Turn on the video. 3. Watch the procedure for giving oral verses

quizzes as the video teacher quizzes some of his students as a sample. The sample grades from today’s video are given below:

Ian AKayla BAshley C

4. Give oral verses quiz over Romans 10:9–13 (10 minutes). Students come one by one to your desk to say their verses to you to be graded. (Refer to the front of this manual for detailed instructions for Giving / Grading Quizzes and Tests.)

5. Turn on the video.

Lessons 1–4  •  3

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Homework:Study 2 Timothy 3:16–17 for oral verses quiz

in les. 9.

Lesson 5Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 6Materials Needed:

Bible (King James Version)Sing His Praise hymnalsBible Doctrines for Today

Teacher Instructions: 1. Complete remaining oral verses quizzes (if

any) over Romans 10:9–13, then have stu-dents study 2 Timothy 3:16–17 (10 minutes).

2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Prepare for oral verses quiz over 2 Timo-

thy 3:16–17 in les. 9.

Lesson 7Materials Needed:

Bible (King James Version)Sing His Praise hymnalsBible Doctrines for Today

Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 2 Timothy 3:16–17 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Prepare for oral verses quiz over 2 Timothy

3:16–17 in les. 9.

Lesson 8Materials Needed:

Bible (King James Version)Sing His Praise hymnalsBible Doctrines for Today

Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 2 Timothy 3:16–17 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Prepare for oral verses quiz in the next lesson

over 2 Timothy 3:16–17.

Lesson 9Materials Needed:

Bible (King James Version)Sing His Praise hymnalsBible Doctrines for Today

Teacher Instructions: 1. Students clear their desks. 2. Give oral verses quiz over 2 Timothy 3:16–

17 (10 minutes). Students come one by one to your desk to say their verses to you to be graded. (Refer to the front of this manual for detailed instructions for Giving / Grading Quizzes and Tests.) Follow this procedure for the remainder of the year.

3. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Psalm 119:89 and Isaiah 40:8 for oral

verses quiz in les. 14.

Lesson 10Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

4  •  Bible Doctrines

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Homework:Study Psalm 119:89 and Isaiah 40:8 for oral

verses quiz in les. 14.

Lesson 13Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Psalm 119:89 and Isaiah

40:8 for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Prepare for oral verses quiz in the next lesson

over Psalm 119:89 and Isaiah 40:8.

Lesson 14Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Psalm 119:89 and

Isaiah 40:8 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 2 Peter 1:20–21 for oral verses quiz in

les. 19.

Lesson 15Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 16Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 2 Peter 1:20–21 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 2 Peter 1:20–21 for oral verses quiz in

les. 19.

Lesson 11Materials Needed:

Bible (King James Version)Sing His Praise hymnalsBible Doctrines for Today (These standard materials needed daily will

not be listed after this lesson.)

Teacher Instructions: 1. Complete remaining oral verses quizzes (if

any) over 2 Timothy 3:16–17 while stu-dents study Psalm 119:89 and Isaiah 40:8 (10 minutes). The reminder to complete verses quizzes will not be repeated after this lesson.)

2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Psalm 119:89 and Isaiah 40:8 for oral

verses quiz in les. 14. Prepare for Content Quiz 1 over Introduction and Sections 1.1–1.2 in next lesson.

Lesson 12Materials Needed:

Content Quiz 1 (one for each student; located in Bible Doctrines for Today Quizzes / Tests)

Quiz / Test Key (from Bible Doctrines for Today Quiz / Test Key)

Teacher Instructions: 1. Students clear their desks and take out quiz

materials (one clean sheet of paper for a cover sheet, a pen, and a pencil) before quiz-zes are distributed.

2. Turn on the video. 3. Give students Content Quiz 1 with video

class. You will be giving all future quiz-zes. (Refer to the front of this manual for detailed instructions for Giving / Grading Quizzes and Tests.)

4. Collect quizzes and record grades. (See the Bible Doctrines for Today Quiz / Test Key for answers and suggested point values; subtract from 100 the total points missed.)Note: Subtract 1 point for each misspelled answer;

do not subtract more than 5 total points.

5. Plan to return graded quiz in les. 16.

Lessons 4–16  •  5

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Lesson 17Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 2 Peter 1:20–21 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 2 Peter 1:20–21 for oral verses quiz in

les. 19.

Lesson 18Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 2 Peter 1:20–21 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Prepare for oral verses quiz in the next lesson

over 2 Peter 1:20–21.

Lesson 19Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over 2 Peter 1:20–21

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Books of the Bible for oral quiz in les. 24.

Lesson 20Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 21Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Books of the Bible for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Books of the Bible for oral quiz in les. 24.

Lesson 22Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Books of the Bible for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Books of the Bible for oral quiz in

les. 24.

Lesson 23Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Books of the Bible for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Prepare for oral quiz in the next lesson over

Books of the Bible.

Lesson 24Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral quiz over Books of the Bible

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Psalm 100 for oral verses quiz in les. 29.

Prepare for Content Quiz 2 over Sec- tions 1.4–1.7 in next video lesson (26).

Lesson 25Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 26Materials Needed:

Content Quiz 2Teacher Key

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Lesson 29Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Psalm 100

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 Chronicles 29:11–13 for oral verses

quiz in les. 34.

Lesson 30Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 31Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 Chronicles 29:11–13

for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 Chronicles 29:11–13 for oral verses

quiz in les. 34.

Lesson 32Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 Chronicles 29:11–13

for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 Chronicles 29:11–13 for oral verses

quiz in les. 34.

Lesson 33Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 Chronicles 29:11–13

for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Teacher Instructions: 1. Students clear their desks and take out quiz

materials (one clean sheet of paper for a cover sheet, a pen, and a pencil) before quizzes are distributed.

2. Students will take Content Quiz 2 (10 min-utes). (Refer to the front of this manual for detailed instructions for Giving / Grading Quizzes and Tests.) Follow this procedure for the remainder of the year.

3. Collect quizzes and record grades. (See the Bible Doctrines for Today Quiz / Test Key for answers and suggested point values; subtract from 100 the total points missed.)Note: Subtract 1 point for each misspelled

answer; do not subtract more than 5 total points.

4. Plan to return graded quiz in les. 28. 5. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Psalm 100 for oral verses quiz in

les. 29.

Lesson 27Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Psalm 100 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Psalm 100 for oral verses quiz in les.


Lesson 28Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Psalm 100 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Prepare for oral verses quiz in the next lesson

over Psalm 100.

Lessons 17–33  •  7

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Homework:Study 1 Chronicles 29:11–13 for oral verses

quiz in next lesson.

Lesson 34Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over 1 Chroni-

cles 29:11–13 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Psalm 90:1–2 for oral verses quiz in les. 39.

Lesson 35Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 36Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Psalm 90:1–2 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Psalm 90:1–2 for oral verses quiz in les. 39.

Lesson 37Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Psalm 90:1–2 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Psalm 90:1–2 for oral verses quiz in les. 39.

Lesson 38Materials Needed:

Mid-Semester Review, pp. 9–11 (one for each student; located in Bible Doctrines for Today Quizzes / Tests Key)

Teacher Key (from Bible Doctrines for Today Quiz / Test Key)

Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Psalm 90:1–2 for ten

minutes. 2. Distribute Mid-Semester Review (pp. 9–11).

Allow students to work on these independ-ently for 15 minutes.

3. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Psalm 90:1–2 for oral verses quiz in next


Lesson 39Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Psalm 90:1–2

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study all verses (Romans 10:9–13; 2 Timo-

thy 3:16–17; Psalm 119:89; Isaiah 40:8; 2 Peter 1:20–21; Books of the Bible; Psalm 100; 1 Chronicles 29:11–13; Psalm 90:1–2) for Verse Exam in les. 41 and pages 1–82 for Content Exam in les. 42.

Lesson 40Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 41Teacher Instructions: 1. There is no video today. 2. Announce homework assignment.

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Teacher Instructions: 1. Students clear their desks and take out test

materials (one clean sheet of paper for a cover sheet, a pen, and a pencil) before quiz-zes are distributed.

2. Announce the homework assignment. 3. Turn on video. 4. Students will take Test 1 (Nine-Weeks Con-

tent Exam). You will be giving all future tests. (Refer to the front of this manual for detailed instructions for Giving / Grading Quizzes and Tests.)

5. Collect and grade tests. (See Bible Doctrines for Today Quiz / Test key for answers and suggested point values; subtract from 100 the total number of points missed.)Note: Subtract 1 point for each misspelled answer;

do not subtract more than 5 total points.

Homework: Study Psalm 139:1–2, 6–7 for oral verses quiz

in les. 47.

Lesson 43Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Psalm 139:1–2, 6–7 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Psalm 139:1–2, 6–7 for oral verses quiz

in les. 47.

Lesson 44Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Psalm 139:1–2, 6–7 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Psalm 139:1–2, 6–7 for oral verses quiz

in les. 47.

3. Students clear their desks and take out test materials (three clean sheets of paper, two for the test and one for a cover sheet, and two pens) before tests are distributed.

4. Give Nine-Weeks Verses Exam. The verses to test are given below. You will be giving all future tests. (Refer to the Procedure for Giving / Grading Tests in the front of this manual.) Romans 10:9–13

“That if thou…” 962 Peter 1:20–21

“Knowing this first…” 41New Testament

“Matthew…” 27Psalm 90:1–2

“Lord, thou hast…” 34 198 total


5. Tell students they may begin the exam. 6. Collect and grade tests. Multiply the

number wrong by .5 and subtract from 100 for the grade. (Do not take off points for punctuation or capitalization.)

Optional: You may have the students grade the exam in class. If you decide to do this, they should grade in pencil and put their pens away. Also, they should put only the number wrong in the top left corner of the paper. Check their work later and put the final grade on the paper.

Homework: Prepare for the Nine-Weeks Content Exam

(over Introduction–Section 2.3/pp. 1–82) in the next lesson.

Lesson 42Materials Needed:

Content Test 1 (Nine-Weeks Content Exam; one for each student; located in Bible Doc-trines for Today Quizzes / Tests)

Teacher Key for Test 1 (from Bible Doctrines for Today Quiz / Test Key)

Lessons 33–44  •  9

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Lesson 45Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 46Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Psalm 139:1–2, 6–7 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Psalm 139:1–2, 6–7 for oral verses quiz

in next lesson.

Lesson 47Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Psalm 139:1–2,

6–7 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Isaiah 40:28–31 for oral verses quiz in

les. 52.

Lesson 48Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Isaiah 40:28–31 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Isaiah 40:28–31 for oral verses quiz in

les. 52.

Lesson 49Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Isaiah 40:28 –31 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Isaiah 40:28 –31 for oral verses quiz in

les. 52.

Lesson 50Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 51Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Isaiah 40:28–31 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Isaiah 40:28–31 for oral verses quiz in

next lesson.

Lesson 52Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Isaiah 40:28–31

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Philippians 2:5–8 for oral verses quiz in

les. 57.

Lesson 53Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Philippians 2:5–8 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Philippians 2:5–8 for oral verses quiz in

les. 57.

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Lesson 58Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Colossians 1:16–17;

2:9–10 for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Colossians 1:16–17; 2:9–10 for oral

verses quiz in les. 62.

Lesson 59Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Colossians 1:16–17;

2:9–10 for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Colossians 1:16–17; 2:9–10 for oral

verses quiz in les. 62.

Lesson 60Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 61Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Colossians 1:16–17;

2:9–10 for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Colossians 1:16–17; 2:9–10 for oral

verses quiz in next lesson.

Lesson 62Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Colossians 1:16–

17; 2:9–10 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Lesson 54Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Philippians 2:5–8 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Philippians 2:5–8 for oral verses quiz in

les. 57. Prepare for Content Quiz 3 over Sections 2.4 –2.7 in next video lesson (56).

Lesson 55Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 56Materials Needed:

Content Quiz 3Teacher Key

Teacher Instructions: 1. Give, grade, and collect Content Quiz 3

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Prepare for oral verses quiz in the next lesson

over Philippians 2:5–8.

Lesson 57Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Philippians 2:5–8

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Colossians 1:16–17; 2:9–10 for oral

verses quiz in les. 62.

Lessons 45–62  •  11

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Homework:Study Isaiah 53:1–3 for oral verses quiz in les. 67.

Lesson 63Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Isaiah 53:1–3 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Isaiah 53:1–3 for oral verses quiz in les. 67.

Lesson 64Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Isaiah 53:1–3 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Isaiah 53:1–3 for oral verses quiz in les. 67.

Lesson 65Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 66Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Isaiah 53:1–3 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Prepare for oral verses quiz in the next lesson

over Isaiah 53:1–3.

Lesson 67Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Isaiah 53:1–3

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Isaiah 53:4–6 for oral verses quiz in les. 72.

Lesson 68Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Isaiah 53:4–6 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Isaiah 53:4–6 for oral verses quiz in les. 72.

Lesson 69Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Isaiah 53:4–6 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Isaiah 53:4–6 for oral verses quiz in les. 72.

Lesson 70Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 71Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Isaiah 53:4–6 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Isaiah 53:4–6 for oral verses quiz in next


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Lesson 76Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Ephesians 5:17–19 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Prepare for oral verses quiz in the next lesson

over Ephesians 5:17–19.

Lesson 77Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Ephesians 5:17–

19 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Lesson 78Materials Needed:

First Semester Review, pp. 21–22

Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study for Semester Verses

Exam (les. 83) for ten minutes. 2. Distribute First Semester Review

(pp. 21–22). Students will work on these according to video teacher’s instructions.

3. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study for Semester Verses Exam in les. 83.

Lesson 79Materials Needed:

First Semester Review, pp. 21–22

Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study for Semester Verses

Exam (les. 83) for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Note: Students will take Test 2 (Semester Content Exam) in les. 84. Plan to allow 20–30 minutes extra for exam. Students should not have more than two major exams in one day.

Lesson 72Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Isaiah 53:4–6

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Ephesians 5:17–19 for oral verses quiz

in les. 77. Prepare for Content Quiz 4 over Sections 3.1–3.5 in next lesson.

Lesson 73Materials Needed:

Content Quiz 4Teacher Key

Teacher Instructions: 1. Give, grade, and collect Content Quiz 4

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Ephesians 5:17–19 for oral verses quiz in

les. 77.

Lesson 74Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Ephesians 5:17–19 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Ephesians 5:17–19 for oral verses quiz in

les. 77.

Lesson 75Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lessons 62–79  •  13

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Homework:Study for Semester Verses Exam in les. 83 and

Semester Content Exam in les. 84.

Lesson 80Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 81Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study for Semester Verses

Exam (les. 83) for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study for Semester Verses Exam in les. 83 and

Semester Content Exam in les. 84.

Lesson 82Materials Needed:

First Semester Review, pp. 21–22

Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study for Semester Verses

Exam (les. 83) for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study all verses (Romans 10:9–13; 2 Timothy

3:16–17; Psalm 119:89; Isaiah 40:8; 2 Pe-ter 1:20–21; Books of the Bible; Psalm 100; 1 Chronicles 29:11–13; Psalm 90:1–2; Psalm 139:1–2, 6–7; Isaiah 40:28–31; Phi-lippians 2:5–8; Colossians 1:16–17; Colos-sians 2:9–10; Isaiah 53:1–3; Isaiah 53:4–6; Ephesians 5:17–19) for Semester Verses Exam in next lesson and pages 1–156 for Semester Content Exam in les. 84.

Lesson 83Teacher Instructions: 1. There is no video today. 2. Announce homework assignment. 3. Students clear their desks and take out test

materials (three clean sheets of paper, two for the test and one for a cover sheet, and two pens) before tests are distributed.

4. Give Semester Verses Exam. The verses to test are given below. You will be giving all future tests. (Refer to the Procedure for Giving / Grading Tests in the front of this manual.) Follow this procedure for the remainder of the year.2 Timothy 3:16–17

“All scripture…” 35Psalm 139:1–2

“O Lord…” 22Psalm 139:6–7

“Such knowledge…” 30Isaiah 53:4–6

“Surely he hath…” 77Ephesians 5:17–19

“Wherefore be ye…” 49 213 total


5. Tell students they may begin the exam. 6. Collect and grade tests. Multiply the

number wrong by .5 and subtract from 100 for the grade. (Do not take off points for punctuation or capitalization.)

Optional: You may have the students grade the exam in class. If you decide to do this, they should grade in pencil and put their pens away. Also, they should put only the number wrong in the top left corner of the paper. Check their work later and put the final grade on the paper.

Homework: Prepare for the Semester Content Exam (over

Introduction-Section 4.4 / pp. 1–156) in the next lesson.

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Lesson 87Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 Corinthians 2:2, 5, 14

for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 Corinthians 2:2, 5, 14 for oral verses

quiz in les. 89.

Lesson 88Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 Corinthians 2:2, 5, 14

for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 Corinthians 2:2, 5, 14 for oral verses

quiz in next lesson.

Lesson 89Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over 1 Corinthi-

ans 2:2, 5, 14 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Romans 6:6, 11, 13 for oral verses quiz

in les. 94.

Lesson 90Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 91Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Romans 6:6, 11, 13 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Lesson 84Materials Needed:

Test 2Teacher Key

Teacher Instructions: 1. There is no video today. 2. Announce the homework assignment. 3. Students clear their desks and take out test

materials (one clean sheet of paper for a cover sheet, a pen, and a pencil) before quiz-zes are distributed.

4. Give Test 2 (Semester Content Exam). (Refer to the front of this manual for detailed instructions for Giving / Grading Quizzes and Tests.) Collect and grade tests. Follow this procedure for the remainder of the year.Note: Students will take Test 2 (Semester Content

Exam). Plan to allow 20–30 minutes extra for exam. Students should not have more than two major exams in one day.

Homework: Study 1 Corinthians 2:2, 5, 14 for oral verses

quiz in les. 89.

Lesson 85Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 86Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 Corinthians 2:2, 5, 14

for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 Corinthians 2:2, 5, 14 for oral verses

quiz in les. 89.

Lessons 79–91  •  15

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Homework:Study Romans 6:6, 11, 13 for oral verses quiz

in les. 94.

Lesson 92Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Romans 6:6, 11, 13 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Romans 6:6, 11, 13 for oral verses quiz

in les. 94.

Lesson 93Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Romans 6:6, 11, 13 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Romans 6:6, 11, 13 for oral verses quiz

in next lesson.

Lesson 94Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Romans 6:6, 11,

13 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 2 Peter 1:8–11 for oral verses quiz in les.


Lesson 95Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 96Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 2 Peter 1:8–11 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 2 Peter 1:8–11 for oral verses quiz in

les. 99.

Lesson 97Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 2 Peter 1:8–11 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 2 Peter 1:8–11 for oral verses quiz in

les. 99. Prepare for Content Quiz 5 over Sections 5.1–5.3 in next lesson.

Lesson 98Materials Needed:

Content Quiz 5Teacher Key

Teacher Instructions: 1. Give, grade, and collect Content Quiz 5

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 2 Peter 1:8–11 for oral verses quiz in

next lesson.

Lesson 99Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over 2 Peter 1:8–11

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 9:8–10 for oral verses quiz in

les. 104.

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Homework:Study Proverbs 27:1; 28:13, 23 for oral verses

quiz in les. 109.

Lesson 105Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 106Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 27:1; 28:13, 23

for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 27:1; 28:13, 23 for oral verses

quiz in les. 109.

Lesson 107Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 27:1; 28:13, 23

for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 27:1; 28:13, 23 for oral verses

quiz in les. 109.

Lesson 108Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 27:1; 28:13, 23

for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 27:1; 28:13, 23 for oral verses

quiz in next lesson.

Lesson 100Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 101Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 9:8–10 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 9:8–10 for oral verses quiz in

les. 104.

Lesson 102Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 9:8–10 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 9:8–10 for oral verses quiz in

les. 104.

Lesson 103Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 9:8–10 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 9:8–10 for oral verses quiz in

next lesson.

Lesson 104Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Proverbs 9:8–10

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Lessons 91–108  •  17

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Lesson 109Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Proverbs 27:1;

28:13, 23 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 15:5–10 for oral verses quiz in

les. 114.

Lesson 110Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 111Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 15:5–10 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 15:5–10 for oral verses quiz in

les. 114.

Lesson 112Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 15:5–10 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 15:5–10 for oral verses quiz in

les. 114.

Lesson 113Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 15:5–10 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 15:5–10 for oral verses quiz in

next lesson.

Lesson 114Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Proverbs 15:5–10

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 4:23, 6:23; Ephesians 5:25–27

for oral verses quiz in les. 119.

Lesson 115Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 116Materials Needed:

Content Quiz 6Teacher Key

Teacher Instructions: 1. Give, grade, and collect Content Quiz 6

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 4:23, 6:23; Ephesians 5:25–27

for oral verses quiz in les. 119.

Lesson 117Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 4:23, 6:23;

Ephesians 5:25–27 for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 4:23, 6:23; Ephesians 5:25–27

for oral verses quiz in les. 119.

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Lesson 123Material Needed:

Mid-Semester Review, pp. 31–33

Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study for Nine-Weeks Verses

Exam (les. 126) for ten minutes. 2. Distribute Mid-Semester Review (pp. 31–33).

Allow students to work on these independ- ently for 15 minutes.

3. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study for Nine-Weeks Verses Exam in les. 126

and Nine-Weeks Content Exam in les. 127.

Lesson 124Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study for Nine-Weeks Verses

Exam (les. 126) for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study all verses (1 Corinthians 2:2, 5, 14;

Romans 6:6, 11, 13; 2 Peter 1:8–11; Prov-erbs 9:8–10; Proverbs 27:1; Proverbs 28:13, 23; Proverbs 15:5–10; Proverbs 4:23; Proverbs 6:23; Ephesians 5:25–27) for Nine-Weeks Verses Exam in les. 126 and pp. 157–218 for Nine-Weeks Content Exam in les. 127.

Lesson 125Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 126Teacher Instructions: 1. There is no video today. 2. Announce homework assignment.

Lesson 118Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 4:23, 6:23;

Ephesians 5:25–27 for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 4:23, 6:23; Ephesians 5:25–27

for oral verses quiz in next lesson.

Lesson 119Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Proverbs 4:23,

6:23; Ephesians 5:25–27 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Lesson 120Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 121Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study for Nine-Weeks Verses

Exam (les. 126) for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study for Nine-Weeks Verses Exam in les. 126.

Lesson 122Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study for Nine-Weeks Verses

Exam (les. 126) for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study for Nine-Weeks Verses Exam in les. 126.

Lessons 109–126  •  19

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3. Give Nine-Weeks Verses Exam. The verses to test are given below. 1 Corinthians 2:2, 5, 14

“For I determined…” 622 Peter 1:8–11

“For if these…” 96Proverbs 27:1

“Boast…” 16Proverbs 28:13, 23

“He that covereth…” 34 208 total


4. Collect and grade tests.

Homework: Prepare for the Nine-Weeks Content Exam

(over Sections 5.1–7.3 / pp. 157–218) in the next lesson.

Lesson 127Materials Needed:

Test 3Teacher Key

Teacher Instructions: 1. There is no video today. 2. Announce the homework assignment. 3. Give, grade and collect Test 3 (Nine-Weeks

Content Exam).

Homework: Study Proverbs 10:4–6, 19 for oral verses quiz

in les. 132.

Lesson 128Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 10:4–6, 19 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 10:4–6, 19 for oral verses quiz

in les. 132.

Lesson 129Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 10:4–6, 19 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 10:4–6, 19 for oral verses quiz

in les. 132.

Lesson 130Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 131Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 10:4–6, 19 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 10:4–6, 19 for oral verses quiz

in next lesson.

Lesson 132Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Proverbs 10:4–6,

19 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 John 4:1–3 for oral verses quiz in

les. 137.

Lesson 133Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 John 4:1–3 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

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Lesson 138Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 John 4:4–6 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 John 4:4–6 for oral verses quiz in

les. 142.

Lesson 139Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 John 4:4–6 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 John 4:4–6 for oral verses quiz in

les. 142.

Lesson 140Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 141Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 John 4:4–6 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 John 4:4–6 for oral verses quiz in next


Lesson 142Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over 1 John 4:4 –6

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 John 4:1–3 for oral verses quiz in

les. 137.

Lesson 134Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 John 4:1–3 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 John 4:1–3 for oral verses quiz in

les. 137.

Lesson 135Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 136Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 John 4:1–3 for ten

minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 John 4:1–3 for oral verses quiz in next


Lesson 137Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over 1 John 4:1–3

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 John 4:4–6 for oral verses quiz in

les. 142.

Lessons 126–142  •  21

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Homework:Study 1 Thessalonians 4:13–15 for oral verses

quiz in les. 147.

Lesson 143Materials Needed:

Content Quiz 7Teacher Key

Teacher Instructions: 1. Give, grade, and collect Content Quiz 7

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 Thessalonians 4:13–15 for oral verses

quiz in les. 147.

Lesson 144Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 Thessalonians 4:13–

15 for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 Thessalonians 4:13–15 for oral verses

quiz in les. 147.

Lesson 145Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 146Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 Thessalonians 4:13–

15 for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 Thessalonians 4:13–15 for oral verses

quiz in next lesson.

Lesson 147Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over 1 Thessalo-

nians 4:13–15 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 Thessalonians 4:16–18 for oral verses

quiz in les. 152.

Lesson 148Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 Thessalonians 4:16–

18 for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 Thessalonians 4:16–18 for oral verses

quiz in les. 152.

Lesson 149Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 Thessalonians 4:16–

18 for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study 1 Thessalonians 4:16–18 for oral verses

quiz in les. 152.

Lesson 150Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 151Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study 1 Thessalonians 4:16–

18 for ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

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Lesson 156Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 3:11–13 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 3:11–13 for oral verses quiz in

next lesson.

Lesson 157Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Proverbs 3:11–13

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 8:10–11 for oral verses quiz in

les. 162.

Lesson 158Materials Needed:

Content Quiz 8Teacher Key

Teacher Instructions: 1. Give, grade, and collect Content Quiz 8

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 8:10–11 for oral verses quiz in

les. 162.

Lesson 159Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 8:10–11 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 8:10–11 for oral verses quiz in

les. 162.

Homework:Study 1 Thessalonians 4:16–18 for oral verses

quiz in next lesson.

Lesson 152Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over 1 Thessalo-

nians 4:16–18 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 3:11–13 for oral verses quiz in

les. 157.

Lesson 153Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 3:11–13 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 3:11–13 for oral verses quiz in

les. 157.

Lesson 154Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 3:11–13 for

ten minutes. 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 3:11–13 for oral verses quiz in

les. 157.

Lesson 155Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lessons 142–159  •  23

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Lesson 160Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 161Material Needed:

Second Semester Review, p. 41

Teacher Instructions: 1. Have students study Proverbs 8:10–11 for

ten minutes. 2. Distribute Second Semester Review (p. 41).

Students will work on these by direction of video teacher.

3. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study Proverbs 8:10–11 for oral verses quiz in

next lesson.

Lesson 162Material Needed:

Second Semester Review, p. 41

Teacher Instructions: 1. Give oral verses quiz over Proverbs 8:10–11

(10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study second semester verses for Final Verses

Exam in les. 168.

Lesson 163Material Needed:

Second Semester Review, pp. 41–44

Teacher Instructions: 1. Study second semester verses for Final Verses

Exam in les. 168 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study second semester verses for Final Verses

Exam in les. 168.

Lesson 164Material Needed:

Second Semester Review, pp. 41–44

Teacher Instructions: 1. Study second semester verses for Final Verses

Exam in les. 168 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Note: Students will take Test 4 (Final Content Exam) in les. 169. Plan to allow 20–30 minutes extra for exam. Students should not have more than two major exams in one day.

Homework:Study for Final Verses Exam in les. 168 and

Final Content Exam in les. 169.

Lesson 165Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 166Material Needed:

Second-semester Review, pp. 41–44

Teacher Instructions: 1. Study second-semester verses for Final

Verses Exam in les. 168 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study for Final Verses Exam in les. 168 and

Final Content Exam in les. 169.

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Lesson 169Materials Needed:

Bible Doctrines for Today Content Test 4Bible Doctrines for Today Quiz / Test Key

Teacher Instructions: 1. There is no video today. 2. Give, grade, and collect Test 4 (Final Con-

tent Exam). Note: Students will take Test 4 (Final Content

Exam). Plan to allow 20–30 minutes extra for exam. Students should not have more than two major exams in one day.

Lesson 170Teacher Instructions:

No video today. This day is set aside for chapel, Bible review, or other Bible-related activity.

Lesson 167Teacher Instructions: 1. Study second-semester verses for Final

Verses Exam in les. 168 (10 minutes). 2. Turn on the video.

Homework:Study second-semester verses (1 Corinthi-

ans 2:2, 5, 14; Romans 6:6, 11, 13; 2 Pe-ter 1:8–11; Proverbs 9:8–10; Proverbs 27:1; Proverbs 28:13, 23; Proverbs 15:5–10; Proverbs 4:23; Proverbs 6:23; Ephe-sians 5:25–27; Proverbs 10:4–6, 19; 1 John 4:1–6; 1 Thessalo nians 4:13–18; Proverbs 3:11–13; Proverbs 8:10–11) for Final Verses Exam in next lesson and pp. 1–292 for Final Content Exam in les. 169.

Lesson 168Teacher Instructions: 1. There is no video today. 2. Announce homework assignment. 3. Give Final Verses Exam. The verses to test

are given below. Ephesians 5:25–27

“Husbands…” 591 Thessalonians

“For the Lord himself…” 71Proverbs 3:11–13

“My son…” 45Proverbs 8:10–11

“Receive…” 33 208 total


4. Collect and grade tests.

Homework:Prepare for the Final Content Exam (over

Introduction–Section 9.8 / pp. 1–292) in the next lesson.

Lessons 160–170  •  25

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Bible Doctrines Bible Memory Verses

First Nine WeeksRomans 10:9–132 Timothy 3:16–17Psalm 119:89Isaiah 40:82 Peter 1:20–21Books of the BiblePsalm 1001 Chronicles 29:11–13Psalm 90:1–2

Second Nine WeeksPsalm 139:1–2, 6–7Isaiah 40:28–31Philippians 2:5–8Colossians 1:16–17 & 2:9–10Isaiah 53:1–3Isaiah 53:4–6Ephesians 5:17–19

Third Nine Weeks1 Corinthians 2:2, 5, 14Romans 6:6, 11, 132 Peter 1:8–11Proverbs 9:8–10Proverbs 27:1 & 28:13, 23Proverbs 15:5–10Proverbs 4:23 & 6:23Ephesians 5:25–27

Fourth Nine WeeksProverbs 10:4–6, 191 John 4:1–31 John 4:4–61 Thessalonians 4:13–151 Thessalonians 4:16–18Proverbs 3:11–13Proverbs 8:10–11

Appendix •  A3