Page 1: 17 Signs -… · ringing in your ears as a sign that they have delivered it to you. The ringing is soft and

the Angels are Speaking

to You

17 Signs


Page 2: 17 Signs -… · ringing in your ears as a sign that they have delivered it to you. The ringing is soft and

Another great Mini-eBook from:

17 Signs are Speaking to You

The Angels Mikaela

This book is copyright © 2016 by Mikaela and Van Buren Publishing. All Rights Reserved.

Version 1.0 (First Edition) Author: Mikaela

Design: Van Buren Publishing 1171 S. Robertson #124 Los Angeles, CA 90035

This ebook is sold to a single person for single use. Please do not copy or transfer to another party without

permission. Instead, please send interested parties to our website

Page 3: 17 Signs -… · ringing in your ears as a sign that they have delivered it to you. The ringing is soft and

We all want to believe that there is HOPE in this life, regardless of what challenges we are going through. And there is! We are now in an era of spiritual awakening that brings forth higher love vibrations to our planet and supports us in making a giant leap towards evolution. The time has come for us to learn more about ourselves, learn the meaning and purpose of life and to understand and embrace spirituality like never before, where we can truly find happiness. Many are seeking Divine guidance from angels, messengers of God, who bring us peace, insight and wisdom. Angels can help us through difficult times, provide answers, direction, inspiration, and help us to heal. When angels help us, sometimes they do so in ways that we may not immediately recognize, but they do their best to get our attention and communicate with us. They often deliver answers, messages, warnings and hints through signs which let us know they’re with us. Signs are repetitive, personally meaningful and out of the ordinary. They are timed to coincide with your questions or prayers. To experience signs from angels you need to believe in them and notice them. You can have amazing transformations in your life when you learn to notice and understand the messages angels are giving you in all situations, big or small.

≈ Mikaela

Page 4: 17 Signs -… · ringing in your ears as a sign that they have delivered it to you. The ringing is soft and

Feathers This is one of the most well-known signs you’ve ever been visited by an angel. They come in all different sizes and colours and are magical blessings to keep an eye out for. They are amazing signs because rarely will you find a feather without knowing what it means. Feathers are directly connected with your prayer, thought or question you had in mind and you will sense the association upon finding it.

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The angels often send their messages to us through the sound and power of music, with a direct connection to Heaven. This has been the case for me and has caused powerful transformations in my life. Pay attention to recurring songs, themes, titles and words in songs for these are almost always a sign from above with specific guidance. Through the sound and power of music you can receive answers, guidance, reassurance, confirmation and a much needed emotional release to help you heal. This was extremely powerful and therapeutic for me, to let go of negative emotions so that I could allow and receive positive changes in my life.

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Rainbows When you ask the angels for a sign and you see a rainbow, it signals that your entire situation is being resolved by them. Since the time of Noah’s Ark, rainbows have been a sign of God’s promise of love, support, protection and care. If you see a rainbow where there has been no rain or appearing at night under the moonlight, have no doubt as to its significance. Rainbows are not only signs, they are also gifts of guidance and encouragement from Heaven.

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Pennies Angels will often leave coins or currency to show us messages or give us guidance. In fact, it’s thought that’s where the expression ‘pennies from heaven’ originated! All aspects of this sign has specific relevance to you, including the time and place you find the coin, the message written on it, the denomination and the material it’s made from. Left to reassure and console the person who finds them, they’re said to be left by angels to make smiles out of frowns :).

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Feelings If you feel like you are in the presence of an angel…. don’t doubt it because you probably are! You may feel like someone just walked past you, when no one is present, or you may get the sense that someone is present when you’re the only one there. You may feel a soft brush on your arm or neck, or a tingling sensation across your back, or get the chills when your angels touch you and wrap you in their wings of love. Sometimes angels will make their presence very obvious by giving you an overwhelming sense of love. Or you could be in store, get the chills and then something suddenly jumps off the shelf. Pay attention because your angel is with you!

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Ringing in Your Ears Angels like to give you ‘downloads’ of angelic wisdom and guidance that is stored in your consciousness until you need to access it. Since you aren’t meant to use the guidance and insight right at that moment, but your angels want you to be aware of their presence, you will hear ringing in your ears as a sign that they have delivered it to you. The ringing is soft and can sound like a bell or like a buzz. If the ringing is too loud or bothersome, simply ask your angels to ‘turn down the volume’ and they will. The ability to hear ringing in your eyes is also a sign you have clairaudient abilities!

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Voices The voice of God and the angels is that of pure, unconditional love and wisdom. Hearing your name seemingly out of nowhere is one of the most common and obvious signs that an angel has come to visit you. It is a most wondrous experience! This happens to most people as they are awakening from sleep, since this is the time we are most open to hearing Divine communication. Also, when there is an impending emergency or extreme stress in our lives, the only way the angels can ensure we will hear them is through direct verbal communication.

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Scents Angels like to make their appearance known through the power of smell and will often leave floral trails in the places they have visited. Also, sometimes those we have lost will remind us of their presence by surrounding us with a particular smell or fragrance that makes us think of them. Take note of any familiar aromas that waft your way!

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Dreams Angels and our deceased loved ones will also often come to us while we sleep as this is the time we're most receptive, especially if you contact your angels prior to falling asleep. Sleep relaxes you so you are less likely to have mental blocks such as stress or fear preventing you from hearing what your angels want to tell you. Plus, your subconscious mind is much more receptive to messages from your angels than your conscious mind is. When doing Past Life healing, your angels help you remember the past so that you can heal. Your dreams will come alive with vivid details whenever your angels use them to communicate with you. When you awake you will feel renewed and energized. You’ll also feel a powerful sense of God’s love for you.

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Sparkles of Light Angels are Divine beings of love and light. Seeing unexplained shimmers of light, flashes of color or orbs of light hovering near are all common ways of experiencing your angels. A flash of light appearing without an actual source, a bright star that captures your attention or light shimmering off an object in an unusual way are signs of angels. Depending on their colour, these messages will usually be sent by the angel whose help you need most at the time. For example, if you've been going through a hard time and keep seeing green sparkles everywhere you go, it could be a sign that the Healing angel, Archangel Raphael, is letting you know he's there to help you.

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Telephone Calls If you receive a call from someone you need support from at the exact moment when you most need it, you can be certain an angel intervened, causing the person to think of you at just the right time.

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Advertising Slogans & Building Names Angels love to send you messages through advertising slogans, building and street names. Be sure you notice any recurring slogans on billboards, roads or shop names that seem to strike a chord with you. In one of my magical experiences communicating with angels (in the book Guided by the Light – Following Your Angelic Guides), Archangel Michael told me to ask a dear friend Michael, who entered my life due to Divine intervention, to help me with a critical situation. While Michael was travelling, he noticed a truck with the words St. Michel (French for St. Michael) emblazoned on it – a sign that for sure we were on the right path!

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Noticing Random Beauty If you are having a difficult and awful day and suddenly see something uplifting and beautiful, this is a sign from your angels. Angels are masters at helping you snap out of low state and to bring you back up to a higher vibrational state where you can feel more peace and joy. Whenever this happens to you remember to point out your beautiful sign to others – it will for sure raise their energy as well!

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Babies and Pets Have you ever noticed a baby, child or pet excitedly gazing into the air, smiling at the ceiling, or at a blank spot on the wall? Or getting really excited for no apparent reason? Perhaps your baby’s and pet’s focus is captured by something you seem unable to see. Chances are they’re looking at an angel! In the presence of angels, small children, babies and animals will be comforted, at ease and excited.

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Angel Shapes Angels are very clever! They are all around us and can physically appear in the form of an outline or shape in almost anything, from clouds to bubbles in your bath! Angels love to use clouds because they are spectacular to look at and are one of the most common ways that we receive “I love you” messages from Heaven.

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Number Sequences This information is based off the work of Doreen Virtue.

“Numbers rule the universe.”

– Pythagoras

Your angels will often communicate messages to you by showing you sequences of numbers. The first way they do this is to subtly whisper in your ear so you’ll look up in time to notice the clock’s time or a phone number on a billboard or sign. The angels hope you’ll be aware that you’re seeing this same number sequence repeatedly. For instance, you may frequently see the number sequence 111, and it seems every time you look at a clock the time reads 1:11 or 11:11. The sequences often involves a combination of two or more numbers, like 112, 344. The second way in which angels show you meaningful number sequences is by physically arranging for a car to drive in front of you that has a specific license plate number they want you to see. Those who are aware of this type of sign become adept at reading the meaning of various license plates. The angels will actually give you detailed messages in this way. Here is a number sequence that many first notice – 111. This means monitor your thoughts carefully, and be sure to only think about what you want, not what you don’t want. This sequence is a sign that there is a gate of opportunity opening up, and your thoughts are manifesting into form at record speeds. The 111 is like the bright light of a flash bulb. It means the universe has just taken a snapshot of your thoughts and is manifesting them into form. Are you pleased with what thoughts the universe has captured? If not, correct your thoughts. Ask your Archangel Jophiel to help you with this if you have difficulty controlling or monitoring your thoughts.

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A Sense of Universal Knowing Have you ever had an important or critical decision to make and then seemingly out of nowhere, you know exactly what to do next? Or maybe you've asked for healing and got a sudden rush of inspiration to make better choices to align you with a more holistic and uplifting lifestyle. Perhaps you might just have a true sense of knowing that your angels are with you, even if you're not entirely sure why or how you know. Pay attention and thank your angels for the guidance, signs and insight they send to you. Ask your angels “What are you trying to tell me?” and believe that you will receive the information you need to know. In order to connect and communicate with your angels to get guidance or assistance, here are some of the essential things you need to do:

1) Cast a circle of spiritual protection to create a safe and sacred energetic space where you can welcome your angels.

2) Connect with angels through a quiet mind and open heart, through meditation and prayer.

3) Ask your angels for assistance. They are not permitted to intervene or change any of your life choices without you asking.

4) Be patient. Your angels are on your side and are there to help you achieve your goals, learn your life lessons and live your life’s purpose so that you can be at peace and happy. Learning to work with angels is a slow process which takes time and a lot of patience. It is a slow step-by-step process that flows based on absolute trust.

Remember to be very conscious of your surroundings and keep your eyes and ears open for random feathers, pennies, music, number sequences etc. When you start noticing even the slightest signals that your angels are with you, you will be on your way toward receiving more detailed guidance, insight and help from your angels and people they send your way!

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“Tune Out the Noise…Be Radiant!”

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Mikaela empowers people to live with

more joy, love, hope, inner peace, prosperity and abundance. She is a

catalyst for change, inspiring others to let go of what no longer serves them and to

see the possibilities ahead.

In addition to Mikaela's spiritual gifts, she has sharp problem solving skills from over 15 years of business experience

working with CEOs. Mikaela will uncover the root cause of issues and soul-utions available to you, which means you won’t

have to suffer or put up with anything that doesn’t serve you. When you work with

Mikaela you will awaken to your greatness and Divine Life Purpose. She

is a Certified Angel Card Reader™ and is certified in Angel Communication.

About the Author Mikaela - The Radiant Living Coach & Intuitive

Mikaela is a courageous Cancerian and a

gentle warrior who practices radical self-love. Intense trauma, life lessons and deep self-

discovery led Mikaela to discover her unique soul gifts of channeling Divine messages,

intuitive insights and healing.
