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For a better world fast ceasing to be utopiaA new sustainability certificate Bonsucro (Better Sugar Cane Initiative) arrives in the worldwide sugarcane energy segment promising to be the first in the world to define principles and criteria for the sustainable production of sugarcane and its derived products in every dimension: economic, social and environmental. Kevin Ogorzalek, director of Bonsucro and the non-governmental organization WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature), explains that certification is fundamental for the international ethanol market in that it meets importing countries requirements and policies, and also proves that cane ethanol is superior not only to fossil fuels but to other potential sources of ethanol as well in terms of greenhouse effect emissions. According to Ogorzalek, Bonsucro will provide a greenhouse effect calculator, enabling producers to constantly identify where these emissions can be reduced, and thus make their products more attractive to the market. Today, the European Union requires that the ethanol imported by their member-nations be certified, but no consensus has been reached regarding the regulations this certificate should establish. Kevin Ogorzalek believes the Bonsucro certificate will facilitate exports to the EU because its regulations focus the social, environmental and social well-being of the sugarcane industry. At the same time, it ensures compliance with the law by means of thirdparty verification. The certificate has been well received in Brazil and many industries have demonstrated interest in adhering to it. In fact, several have already adopted it as Razen (Cosan/Shell joint venture) did just recently. Brazil, therefore, is making strides to comply with global environmental requirements. On their side, they expect that other great worldwide producers invest more in sustainable cane. This would cast to the ground any suspicion or spurious attacks and conquer once and for all the space that rightfully belongs to them in the ample sugar, ethanol and bioelectricity world market. The expression for a better world would then cease to be utopia.

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] ]Modern, Interesting and

Por un mundo mejor est dejando de ser una utopaUna nueva certificacin de sostenibilidad - Bonsucro (Better Sugar Cane Initiative) llega al sector del azcar y etanol a nivel mundial, con la promesa de ser la primera del mundo que incluya los principios y criterios para la produccin sostenible de caa de azcar y de todos sus derivados, en los mbitos econmico, social y ambiental. Kevin Ogorzalek, director de Bonsucro y director de la organizacin no gubernamental WWF (World Wide Fund For Nature), explica que esta certificacin es fundamental para el mercado internacional de etanol porque cumple los requisitos y polticas de los mercados importadores y porque prueba que el etanol de caa de azcar supera, no slo a los combustibles fsiles, sino tambin a otras fuentes potenciales de etanol en la emisin de gases de efecto invernadero. Segn l, Bonsucro proporcionar una calculadora de gases de efecto invernadero para que los productores puedan identificar dnde pueden reducir la emisin de estos gases, haciendo que el producto sea ms atractivo para el mercado. Hoy en da, la Unin Europea exige que el etanol que se les compra a otros pases tenga un certificado, pero no hay un consenso sobre las normas de dicha certificacin. De acuerdo con Kevin Ogorzalek, el certificado Bonsucro facilitar la exportacin a la Unin Europea porque considera normas que se centran en el bienestar social, ambiental y econmico de la industria de la caa de azcar y, simultneamente, garantiza el cumplimiento de la ley mediante la verificacin por terceros. La certificacin tuvo una buena acogida en Brasil y ya hay interesados en afiliarse a Bonsucro e incluso quienes ya lo han hecho, como recientemente ha sido el caso de Razen (la joint venture de Cosan y Shell). Brasil, por lo tanto, est dando los pasos necesarios para cumplir las exigencias ambientales mundiales. Por su parte, espera que otros grandes productores mundiales inviertan ms en caa de azcar sostenible. De esta forma, acabarn con la desconfianza y los falsos ataques y conquistarn definitivamente el lugar que les pertenece en el amplio mercado mundial de azcar, etanol y biolectricidad, para que la expresin por un mundo mejor deje de ser una utopa.

OUR MISSIONPromote the biofuel, bioenergy, bio-products and sugar (sugarcane and beet) segments, with impartial information regarding the principal current facts, activities and trends, with the purpose of: I Elevating the sustainability of the planet called Earth; I Furthering the human, technological and socialeconomical growth of the nations, especially those that are just beginning their march towards development; I Democratize knowledge, encouraging interchange and integration between people and organizations, and free trade among the nations; I Maintain a cost-benefit ratio that will provide profitable partnerships to our advertisers and other supporters.

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SIMTEC OPENS DOORS TO NEARLY US$ 130 MILLION IN NEW BUSINESSFocused on business negotiations, 20 representatives from mills around the world visit BrazilFabiana Marques, from Piracicaba, SP Business roundtables were organized by APLA (Ethanol Cluster) with support from APEX-Brazil (Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency), during the 9th edition of SIMTEC (International Symposium and Technology Exhibition on the Sugar and Ethanol Industry), and promise to create new business totaling US$ 130 million over the next year. During four days, from June 14th-17th, business owners from eight countries took part in nearly 400 meetings at the APLA/APEX-Brazil stand, in Piracicaba, So Paulo. Altogether, 37 brazilian companies participated in the discussions which included 20 buyers from eight countries: Paraguay, Venezuela, Costa Rica, South Africa, the Dominican Republic, Guatemala, Uruguay and Mexico. These are target markets for the installation of the Brazil Sugarcane Bioenergy Solutions Project, organized by APLA (Ethanol Cluster). APLA executive secretary Flavio Castelar noted the technical profiles of the foreign companies which participated in the business roundtables during SIMTEC. They have a much greater understanding of the possibilities of energy cogeneration, biofuel production and crop mechanization, which demonstrates that they are aware of the global scale of this market, he declared. According to Mr. Castelar, nearly 100 meetings were held every day. Besides the projection of transactions nearing US$ 130 million over the next 12 months, companies closed US$ 50 thousand in deals during the event itself, he stressed. The 9th edition of SIMTEC. The event is directed toward the sugar/ethanol agro industrial market, aiming to create new opportunities to conclude business deals and present sector innovations. SIMTEC welcomed the participation of companies linked to the sugar and ethanol industry (manufacturers of machines and equipment, service providers and consultants) and agriculture, (machine and equipment manufacturers).

Flavio Castelar, APLA executive secretary Flavio Castelar, Secretario ejecutivo de Apla


La feria Simtec hace posibles negocios por valor de alrededor de US$ 130 millonesEl inters por las negociaciones atrae a Brasil a 20 representantes de plantas del extranjeroFabiana Marques, desde Piracicaba, SP Las rondas de negocios organizadas por el Arreglo Productivo Local del Alcohol (Apla) con el apoyo de la Agencia Brasilea de Promocin de Exportaciones e Inversiones (Apex-Brasil), en la novena edicin del Simposio Internacional y Muestra de Tecnologa y Energa de la Caa de azcar (Simtec 2011), pueden generar negocios del orden de US$ 130 millones en los prximos 12 meses. Durante cuatro das, desde 14 hasta el 17 de Junio, empresarios de ocho pases participaron en casi 400 reuniones de negocios en el stand de Apla y de Apex-Brasil, en Piracicaba, So Paulo. En total, 37 empresas brasileas participaron en las rondas de negocios con 20 compradores de ocho pases: Paraguay, Venezuela, Costa Rica, Sudfrica, Repblica Dominicana, Guatemala, Uruguay y Mxico. Estos pases son mercados prioritarios del Proyecto Brazil Sugarcane Bioernegy Solutions, realizado por el Apla. El secretario ejecutivo de Apla, Flvio Castelar, destac el perfil tcnico de las empresas extranjeras que participaron en las rondas de negocios durante el simposio. Estn empezando a comprender mejor las posibilidades de la cogeneracin de energa, la produccin de biocombustibles y la mecanizacin

del cultivo, con lo que demuestran que estn atentos a las oportunidades de este mercado a escala global, declar. Segn el secretario, se realizaron cerca de 100 reuniones al da. Adems de los US$ 130 millones que se calculan para los prximos 12 meses, las empresas cerraron negocios por valor de US$ 50 mil durante el evento, subray. Este evento se dirige al mercado agroindustrial de azcar y alcohol, con el propsito de crear oportunidades para concretar negocios y presentar las novedades del sector. El Simtec cont con la participacin de empresas relacionadas con la industria del azcar y alcohol (productoras de mquinas y equipos, prestadoras de servicios y consultoras), as como con la agricultura (fabricantes de mquinas y equipos).

events DATEAUGUST16-19 * 17-19 29 * 30- Sept 02 * 6 Congresso Internacional de Bioenergia - Curitiba, PR, Brazil 84SASTA Congress - Durban, South Africa MasterCana Centro-Sul - Sertozinho, SP, Brazil Fenasucro & Agrocana 2011



SEPTEMBER7-8 20-22 20-22 22-23 25-29 28-29 * * * * * 2nd Biomass Pellets Trade Asia - Seoul, South Korea Sugar & Ethanol Investment Forum - So Paulo, SP, Brazil F.O. Licht's World Sugar Congress 2011 - Beijing, China Biofuels Hall OF Fame 2011 - Brussels, Belgium 10 STAB National Congress - Goinia, GO, Brazil World Biofuels Markets - So Paulo, SP, Brazil

OCTOBER3-4 20 26-27 * * Biofuel International Canada Expo &Conference 2011 - Calgary, Alberta, Canada MasterCana Nordeste - Recife, PE, Brazil 12 SBA Seminario Brasileiro Agroindustrial/Brazilian Seminary of Agribusiness-Ribeiro Preto, SP, Brazil

* Events planned for free distribution of BIO&Sugar Magazine




Representatives from foreign mills get a close-up view of suppliersProject Buyer, developed by APLA and APEX, created an opportunity for 20 representatives from mills in eight countries to meet brazilian suppliers and their state of the art technology. High pressure boilers from Sermatec, turbines from TGM, hydraulic control systems from Dnamo, automated control system from SMAR and a software from Biosalc were some of the products which most attracted the attention of visitors. Rodney Ray, representative for South African group Gledhow Sugar (owned by Llovo Sugar), came to Brazil for the first time mainly because he was attracted by the countrys know-how and technology. Our intention is to build relationships with brazilian suppliers, he explained. Luis Boganted, representative for one of the largest mills in Costa Rica, Ingenio Taboga, believes Brazil has great potential in the sugar energy market and participating in the event is an opportunity to expand horizons. Curious to see what has evolved recently concerning mechanized harvesting, Juan Antonio Palomo, representing the Companhia Azucarera Salvadorea from El Salvador, which accounts for 40% of sugar production in the country, also negotiated for an automated control system. We mirror Brazil in our market, he said. South African group Tongaat Hulett sent Chandresh Narotran, who participated in the event focusing mainly upon cogeneration of electrical energy, which is in its initial phases in South Africa. He says that distances and language barriers make it difficult to negotiate with suppliers in Brazil. We have the notion, and know that the country is a reference worldwide, but when the time comes to search for suppliers, we have no clue where to begin. Thats why it is a good idea to come here, so we can find out who the suppliers are, he added. Marcel Machado, head of international business for Sermatec, stressed the value of the roundtable discussions. We just do not have enough time to visit all these customers, and it would be impossible to travel to all these countries it would take months. This is a unique opportunity to approach these potential customers, he said. (FM) Rodney Ray, representative for South African group Gledhow Sugar Rodney Ray, representante del grupo sudafricano Gledhow Sugar

Chandresh Narotran, representing the Tongaat Hulett group Chandresh Narotran, representante del grupo Tongaat, de Sudfrica



Representantes de plantas extranjeras vienen a conocer a los proveedores del comercio internacionalLuis Boganted, representative for one of the largest mills in Costa Rica, Ingenio Taboga Luis Boganted, representante del Ingenio Taboga, uno de los mayores de Costa Rica La oportunidad de conocer a los proveedores brasileos y su tecnologa punta fue el objetivo principal de los 20 representantes de plantas de ocho pases que participaron en el Proyecto Comprador, desarrollado por Apla en sociedad con Apex. Algunos de los productos que ms llamaron la atencin de los visitantes fueron las calderas de alta presin de Sermatec, las turbinas de TGM, el sistema hidrulico de Dnamo, el sistema de Smar y el sistema de automatizacin de control de Biosalc. Rodney Ray, representante del grupo sudafricano Gledhow Sugar (que incluye a la empresa Llovo Sugar), estuvo en Brasil por primera vez y lo que le atrajo, sobre todo, fue el know how y la tecnologa del pas. Nuestra intencin es construir una relacin con los proveedores brasileos, explic. Para Luis Boganted, representante del Ingenio Taboga, uno de los mayores de Costa Rica, Brasil es una potencia en el mercado de azcar y etanol y participar en este evento es una oportunidad para ampliar horizontes. Interesado por ver qu es lo ms nuevo en cosecha mecanizada, Juan Antonio Palomo, representante de la Compaa Azucarera Salvadorea, de El Salvador, que produce el 40% de la caa de azcar del pas, acab negociando tambin un sistema de automatizacin de control. Nos inspiramos en Brasil para el mercado, afirm. Chandresh Narotran, representante del grupo Tongaat, de Sudfrica, particip en el evento concentrndose especialmente en la cogeneracin de energa elctrica, que est empezando a implantarse en este pas. Segn l, la distancia y las barreras lingsticas dificultan la tarea de encontrar proveedores en Brasil. Tenemos la idea, sabemos que el pas es una referencia, pero a la hora de buscar un proveedor no sabemos ni por dnde empezar. Por eso vale la pena venir, para saber quines son las empresas proveedoras, seal. El responsable del comercio internacional de Sermatec, Marcel Machado, destac la importancia de las rondas de negocios. Muchas veces no tenemos tiempo de visitar a los clientes y menos, de viajar a todos esos pases; tardaramos meses. Esta es una oportunidad nica para acercarnos a estos clientes potenciales, afirm. (FM)

Juan Antonio Palomo, representing the Companhia Azucarera Salvadorea from El Salvador Juan Antonio Palomo, representante de la Compaa Azucarera Salvadorea, de El Salvador

Marcel Machado, head of international business for Sermatec Marcel Machado, el responsable del Comercio Internacional de Sermatec




Pichichi Mills, Colmbia Ingenio Pichichi, en Colombia

APLA announces economic mission in Colombia during AugustThe expansion of Colombias ethanol industry transformed the country from a medium sized producer of Biofuels to the second largest producer in Latin America, after Brazil. This was a main factor which contributed to APLAs targeting the country and choosing Cali as headquarters for yet another stage of the Brazil Sugarcane Bioenergy Solution project, in a partnership with APEX Brazilian Trade and Investment Promotion Agency. The event will be held August 2nd through 4th at the Intercontinental Hotel in Cali. Production of anhydrous alcohol for fuel in Columbia began in October, and currently 22 million tons of sugarcane are crushed, producing 2.4 million tons of sugar (832.773 tons granulated sugar) plus 320 million liters of ethanol per year. According to numbers from Asocaa, (Colombian Sugar Producing Sector), the country has 3.9 million hectares of land suitable for planting sugarcane. In 2005, Colombia adopted an E10 blend (10% ethanol to gasoline) in 83% of its territory. Estimates are that in 2012, at least 20% of the vehicles imported or manufactured in the country will have Flex technology, which enables them to run on a blend containing up to 85% of biofuels. Therefore, Colombia is an extremely promising market for the sugar energy sector, which explains brazilian interest in playing a part in the consolidation of the industry within the country. APLA and APEX will present a Buyer and Seller Project, whose objective is to trade ideas, publicize equipment and services potential, share technologies and consolidate Brazil as the international reference for sugarcane processing. Neighboring countries Peru, Ecuador, Venezuela and Bolivia will also have representatives at the event.

Apla desarrollar una misin comercial en Colombia en agostoEl crecimiento de la industria de etanol en Colombia convirti al pas, que era un productor de azcar de medio porte en la regin, en el segundo mayor productor del biocombustible de Latinoamrica, slo por detrs de Brasil. Esto es uno dos motivos que lo puso en la mira de Apla, que eligi la ciudad de Cali como sede de otra etapa del Proyecto "Brazil Sugarcane Bioenergy Solution", que se realizar en sociedad con APEX - Agencia Brasilea de Promocin de Exportacin e Inversiones del 02 al 04 de agosto, en el Hotel Intercontinental de Cali. La produccin de alcohol anhidro combustible en Colombia empez en octubre y actualmente se producen alrededor de 22 millones de toneladas de caa de azcar, 2,4 millones de toneladas de azcar (832.773 toneladas de azcar refinado) y 320 millones de litros de etanol al ao. Segn datos de Asocaa (Asociacin de Cultivadores de Caa de Azcar de Colombia). El pas cuenta con un rea de 3,9 millones de hectreas disponible para la siembra de caa de azcar. En 2005, Colombia adopt la mezcla de E10 (10% de etanol en la gasolina) en el 83% de su territorio. Se estima que, en 2012, al menos 20% de los vehculos importados o fabricados en el pas deben tener tecnologa flex, capaces de circular con una mezcla de hasta 85% de biocombustible. Por todos estos factores, Colombia tiene un mercado extremadamente prometedor para el sector del azcar y alcohol, lo que suscita el inters de Brasil por participar en la consolidacin de dicha industria en el pas. Apla y Apex realizarn un Proyecto comprador y vendedor con el objetivo de impulsar las ideas, divulgar el potencial de los equipos y servicios, difundir las tecnologas y consolidar a Brasil como una referencia a nivel internacional. Los pases vecinos como Per, Ecuador, Venezuela y Bolivia tambin participarn en el evento. Para ms informaciones:




Brazilian sugarcane output should fall 3.3%reduces plant size. The problem was aggravated even further by an extended drought last year, which caused plants to hibernate and delay the physiological development of the sugarcane. According to Lack of investment for expanding sugarcane fields plus climate numbers presented by Datagro, the mills should produce troubles faced over the last three harvests has reduced production of approximately 33.7 million tons of sugar this harvest, a 2.9% sugar and ethanol in Brazil. According to estimates by Datagro, a reduction over the estimate released in May. However, the drop in main consultant for the sector, when compared with last year, the ethanol production may reach 3.7%, and was also reduced from 24.2 current 2010/1011 season will see a 3.3% decrease in production, from 620 million tons to 600 million. The 20 million ton reduction billion liters in May to 23.3 billion during this last release. Regarding ethanol summit comes mainly from the Central-South region of the country, but the sugar exports, Datagro adjusted the shipments to a total 24.2 million reduced volume is lower than the previous calculations released in May. It is the tons, compared with 25.2 million in May. Faced with this new scenario, the first time in ten years that production is lower than the prior harvest. According consultant foresees a possibility of foreign purchases jumping to 770 million to Datagro president Plnio Nastari, the excessive rains of 2009 caused greater liters of ethanol with only 455 million estimated for the 2010/2011 period. The soil compacting during harvest time, causing problems for both recent and share of ethanol in the mix of products for 2011/2012 should be near 52.1%, less current harvests, since compacted soil shortens the sugarcane growth cycle and than the 54.2% seen in the prior harvest, 2010/2011. Fabiana Marques, from Ribeiro Preto, SP

La zafra brasilea de caa de azcar debe caer un 3,3%La falta de inversiones en la expansin de los caaverales, as como los problemas climticos que se han enfrentado en las tres ultimas zafras de caa de azcar, han reducido la produccin de azcar y etanol de Brasil. Segn estima Datagro, una de las principales consultoras del sector, en esta temporada 2010/2011, la produccin de caa de azcar debe caer un 3,3% con respecto al ao anterior, pasando de 620 millones de toneladas a 600 millones de toneladas. La prdida de 20 millones de toneladas se concentra en la regin Centro-sur del pas. El volumen tambin es menor que la estimacin anterior, divulgada en mayo. Es la primera vez en diez aos que cae la produccin con respecto a la zafra precedente. Segn el presidente de Datagro, Plnio Nastari, la gran cantidad de lluvias de 2009 provoc una mayor compactacin del suelo durante la cosecha, lo que ocasion problemas tanto en la zafra anterior como en la actual, puesto que la compactacin acorta el ciclo de la caa de azcar y reduce el rendimiento. El problema se agrav por la sequa prolongada del ao pasado, que ocasion la hibernacin de las plantas y atras el desarrollo fisiolgico de la caa de azcar. De acuerdo con un estudio de Datagro, en esta zafra las plantas deben producir aproximadamente 33,7 millones de toneladas de azcar, una disminucin del 2,9% respecto a lo que se esperaba el pasado mes de mayo. La produccin de etanol, por su parte, puede llegar a disminuir un 3,7%, pasando de los 24,2 mil millones de litros previstos en mayo, a 23,3 mil millones de litros en este ltimo estudio. Por lo que respecta a la exportacin de azcar, Datagro recalcul el embarque a 24,2 millones de toneladas, en comparacin con los 25,2 millones de toneladas previstos en mayo. En este entorno, la consultora calcula que pueden comprarse al extranjero alrededor de 770 millones de litros de etanol, frente a los 455 previstos en el perodo 2010/2011. La participacin del etanol en el total de productos de la zafra 2011/2012 debe ser del 52,1%, por debajo del 54,2% que present en la zafra anterior, 2010/2011.



REDUCED INVESTMENTS ARE SERIOUS OBSTACLES TO INCREASED CAPACITYThe financial crisis in 2008 also affected the sugar energy sector and since then, funds have been dedicated to acquisitions and mergers, leaving little room for investments in renewal or expansion of sugarcane fields. The absence of any of these investments was pointed out by two specialists as the main problem causing the reduction in brazilian harvests. According to Adriano Pires, director of CBIE (Brazilian Infrastructure Center), up to the year 2008, sugarcane milling underwent a 10% increase, but this year the number was 3.3% ethanol summit decrease. To recover the rhythm, we need to invest heavily in sugarcane planting, or we will have problems over the next few years, he stated. Mr. Pires believes that the recovery of the harvest will occur slowly and gradually over the long term. In my opinion, 2012 will be as complicated as 2011 is, since the harvest will continue to be insufficient for market needs. Even if there is an increase in investments, the results will only be visible three or four years from now, he noted. Professor for the College of Agricultural Engineering at Unicamp (State of So Paulo University at Campinas), Luis Augusto Cortez, shares the same view as his colleague. Unfortunately, in my opinion, recovery of the brazilian sugarcane harvest will undergo a slow recovery, he said. The absence of financing and the lack of available government credit lines were singled out by both experts as reasons why the planted area of sugarcane has stagnated. The government shows no incentive and that does not lend security to investors, stated Mr. Pires. Mr. Cortez believes that there is a lack of incentives and support on the part of the government. The federal government needs to invest heavily to increase the supply of raw materials. If they invested only 20% of what is being spent on the pre-salt oil fields, the problem would be solved. Sector leaders need to sit down with government officials and discuss the issue of support and credit before the problem worsens, he added. (FM)

Adriano Pires

La falta de inversin es el principal obstculo para que la produccin crezcaLa crisis financiera de 2008 afect al sector de azcar y etanol y, desde entonces, los fondos se dedican a adquisiciones y fusiones, lo que deja poco margen para invertir en la renovacin y ampliacin de los caaverales. Dos especialistas sealaron que la falta de esas nuevas inversiones es el principal problema en la disminucin de la zafra de Brasil. Segn Adriano Pires, director del CBIE (Centro Brasileo de Infraestructura), la molienda de la caa de azcar tuvo un ritmo de crecimiento de 10% hasta 2008, y este ao el ritmo se invierte, con un crecimiento negativo del 3,3%. Para recuperar el equilibrio tenemos que invertir ms en la siembra de caa de azcar; de lo contrario, tendremos problemas en los prximos aos, declar.

Cree que la recuperacin de la zafra debe hacerse de forma gradual y a largo plazo. En mi opinin, 2012 ser tan complicado como 2011 y la zafra continuar sin cubrir las necesidades del mercado. Aunque se invierta, la situacin slo se solucionar dentro de tres o cuatro aos, pronostic. Luis Augusto Cortez, profesor de la Facultad de Ingeniera Agrcola de la Unicamp, comparte la opinin de su colega. Por desgracia, creo que la recuperacin de la zafra de caa de azcar en Brasil ser lenta, dijo. Ambos sealaron la falta de financiacin, as como el hecho de que el gobierno no conceda lneas de crdito, como causas de que se estancara el rea plantada de caa de azcar. El gobierno no da incentivos; esto no ofrece garantas para invertir, aleg Pires. Para Cortez, hace falta apoyo e incentivos del gobierno. El gobierno tiene que hacer grandes inversiones para aumentar la oferta de materia prima. Si el gobierno invirtiera un 20% de lo que se est invirtiendo en el pre-sal, el problema estara resuelto. El sector tiene que sentarse con el gobierno y discutir esta necesidad de apoyo y de crdito antes de que el problema se agrave, subray. (FM)




NEW YORK SUGAR DINNER GATHERS SECTOR'S VIPSSugar Dinner Nueva York rene a los ms importantes del sector

Back row/detrs: Guilherme Nastari, Abinash Verma, Sergey Gudoshnikov. Front row/delante: Peter Baron, Plinio Nastari , Lindsay Jolly

Back row/detrs: Tim Barry, Luther Markwart, Ed Makin, Bill Smith, Nick Kominus. Front row/delante: Jim Johnson, John Yonover, Brian O'Malley, Dr. Peter Baron, Jack Roney and/y Robert Vorsanger

Frana, (Cosan), Jos Carlos Grubisich, (ETH), Pedro Mizutani, (Cosan) and/y Plinio Nastari, (Datagro)

Bill Smith and/y John Yonover

Schilling, Michael Rinelli and/y Paul

John Yonover and/y Bill Smith

Irineu Meira, Ricardo Santos and/y Marcelo de Morais

John Yonover, Bill Smith, Brian O'Malley, Jack Roney, Luther Markwart

Michael Liddiard, Carlos Mira, Belisario Caicedo and/y James Liddiard

Paulo Garcia, Fernando Barata, Arthur Lobato and/y Alexandre Franceschi

Clido Ricardo da Silva, (JB), Paulo F. Leuzinger, (Tate & Lyle do Brasil) and/y Carlos Albe

Reeve Wolford and/y Jack Benoff






Greatest challenge for the sugar energy sector over next decade is expansionFabiana Marques, from So Paulo, SP The big challenge for the sugar energy sector over the next few years is to continue expanding. This consensus was reached by specialists in the sector during the Ethanol Summit, held in So Paulo during June. They all agree that although it is certain that renewable energy is a future boom for Brazil, structural problems hinder ethanol summit development of the industry. There is urgency to increase the production of sugarcane to supply internal demand, but to accomplish this, logistical issues need to be dealt with. According to Marcos Jank, president of UNICA (Sugarcane Industry Union), Brazil currently produces 22 billion liters, which fuel 45% of the fleet of light vehicles. To supply 60% of the needs of these vehicles by 2020, production will have to leap to 70 billion liters. Our challenge is to grow with sustainability and efficiency, which implies investments in technological advances, efficiency and an increased professionalization in the sector, he stated. Despite the dimension of the challenge faced by the segment in dealing with its deficiencies, overall specialists remain optimistic regarding the future of the sector. According to the president of Datagro Consultants, Plinio Nastari, the production of ethanol in Brazil is not at full capacity and may even double. He stressed the competitive edge of sugarcane. Production of renewable liquid fuels on a global scale will only be possible with sugarcane, he added. To Narendra Murkumbi, co-founder of the multinational Shree Renuka, one of the largest sugar producers in the world, brazilian sugar is even more attractive on foreign markets than ethanol, which still suffers from protectionist measures taken by the United States and the European Union. When asked about the perspective of increased global production of Biofuels, the executive answered jokingly: Sugar is my wife, ethanol is my girlfriend.

Marcos Jank, president of UNICA Marcos Jank, presidente de Unica

Crecer es el mayor reto del sector de azcar y etanol en los prximos 10 aosEl gran reto que tiene el sector de azcar y etanol en los prximos aos es conseguir crecer. Especialistas del sector lo constataron en junio durante el Ethanol Summit, en So Paulo. Para ellos, a pesar de estar seguros de que la energa renovable brasilea apunta hacia el futuro, los problemas estructurales atrasan el desarrollo del sector. Es urgente aumentar la produccin de caa de azcar para cubrir la demanda creciente, pero para ello es necesario resolver problemas logsticos. De acuerdo con Marcos Jank, presidente de la Unin de la Industria de la Caa de Azcar (Unica), Brasil produce actualmente 22 mil millones de litros para abastecer el 45% de la flota de automviles ligeros. Para atender al 60% de estos vehculos hasta 2020, la produccin tendr que aumentar a 70 mil millones de litros. Nuestro reto es crecer con sostenibilidad y eficiencia, lo que implica invertir en innovacin tecnolgica, eficiencia y una profesionalizacin creciente del sector, afirm. Aunque son conscientes del tamao del desafo que tiene por delante este segmento para resolver sus problemas, en general los especialistas se mostraron optimistas con respecto al futuro del sector. Segn el presidente de la consultora Datagro, Plinio Nastari, la produccin de bioetanol de Brasil no est optimizada y an puede duplicarse. Seal algunas ventajas competitivas de la caa de azcar. La produccin de combustible lquido renovable a escala global slo es posible con la caa de azcar, concluy. Para Narendra Murkumbi, cofundador de la multinacional Shree Renuka, una de las mayores productoras de azcar del mundo, el azcar brasileo an es ms atractivo en el mercado internacional que el etanol, que todava sufre con las barreras proteccionistas en Estados Unidos y en la Unin Europea. Cuando se le pregunt sobre las perspectivas de crecimiento de la produccin global del biocombustible, el ejecutivo respondi bromeando: El azcar es mi mujer, el etanol es mi novia.




Marco Lutz, Razen president Marco Lutz, presidente de Razen

LOGISTICS A SERIOUS OBSTACLEThere needs to be a revolutionary change in the logistical system of transporting liquid cargoes, specifically ethanol. That is the opinion of Jos Carlos Grubisich, president at ETH. Great producers all around the country agree. They have invested in new agricultural frontiers, taking production even further from the centers of consumption. In the case of exports, production is ethanol summit moving farther and farther from the ports, leading to inevitable increase in costs. That is why the issue of logistics has been dealt with seriously in the country. An ethanolduct, which will link the producing area to the brazilian coast, began construction last year. Investments are in the order of 5 billion reais. Large amounts of investments have been made in the ethanolduct project, which should drastically reduce costs in Brazil, with a reduction of around 20%. It is a slow process, but it is underway, stressed Marco Lutz, Razen president. Bruno Melcher, president of LDC SEV, remembers that ten years ago the cost of transporting sugar from Ribeiro Preto to Santos was around US$20.00 per ton. Today, the price is nearly US$50.00 per ton. That accounts for 5% of the price of sugar, which may appear insignificant in the eyes of commons citizens, but it is a strike against Brazil, because it affects the competitiveness of brazilian products compared with other countries in the world, he noted. Jacyr Costa Filho, president of Guarani, is highly optimistic in regards to the sectors logistics. There is a lack of investment in railroads, waterways and other means of transportation other than highways, but I have noticed that companies are mobilizing themselves to solve these problems, he observed. (FM)

Jos Carlos Grubisich, president at ETH Jos Carlos Grubisich, presidente de ETH



La logstica es una barrera a superarEs necesario revolucionar el sistema logstico brasileo para el transporte de cargas lquidas, especficamente de etanol. Esta es la opinin de Jos Carlos Grubisich, presidente de ETH. Los grandes productores del pas estn de acuerdo con l. Ellos han apostado por las nuevas fronteras agrcolas, llevando la produccin ms lejos de los centros de consumo. En el caso de las exportaciones, la ethanol summit produccin se aleja an ms de los puertos, lo que conlleva un inevitable aumento de los costos. Por estos motivos, en el pas se ha estado tratando el tema de la logstica con extraordinaria atencin. El ao pasado empez a construirse un etanolducto que unir las regiones productoras al litoral brasileo. Las inversiones sn del orden de 5 mil millones de reales. Se hicieron grandes inversiones en el etanolducto, que debe revolucionar el tema de los costos en Brasil, reducindolos alrededor de un 20%. Es un movimiento lento, pero est sucediendo, subray Marco Lutz, presidente de Razen. Bruno Melcher, presidente de LDC SEV explic que, hace diez aos, los costos de transporte de azcar desde Ribeiro Preto hasta Santos eran de US$ 20,00 por tonelada de producto. Hoy en da, son de US$ 50,00 por tonelada. Esto representa un 5% del precio del azcar lo que, a simple vista, puede parecerle poco a un ciudadano comn, pero representa un perjuicio para Brasil, ya que perjudica la competitividad del producto brasileo con respecto a otros pases, indic.

Bruno Melcher, president of LDC SEV Bruno Melcher, presidente de LDC SEV

Jacyr Costa Filho, presidente de Guarani, se mostr optimista sobre la logstica del sector. Hacen falta muchas inversiones en vas frreas, hidrovas y en otras alternativas a las carreteras para el transporte, pero he visto que las empresas se estn organizando para resolver estos problemas, valor. (FM)


Brazilian sector needs to keep investingTo reestablish competitiveness, meet market needs and the increasing demand for ethanol and sugar, the brazilian sector must obtain more investments to attract new projects for plants ethanol summit throughout the country. Currently, 60 projects are underway but not one has a completion date set. But according to specialists on the subject, to deal with the total demand, at least one hundred mills would need to be installed. According to the president of UNICA, investments of nearly R$ 80 billion over the next decade are needed to increase national production with 150 new mills crushing 400 million tons of sugarcane. President of BNDES (National Bank for Economic and Social Development), Luciano Coutinho, guaranteed that abundant investments will be made in the sugar energy sector. We face short term challenges, such as investing to increase production capacity, so we need to boost and expand the supply of sugarcane with new Greenfield projects, he added. Consultant Plnio Nastari notes that foreign Andy Duff, head of research and Agribusiness for Rabobank Andy Duff, jefe de investigaciones y agronegocios de Rabobank

investors have their eye on the sector and are searching for logistical solutions. There is no clear objective definition of a fiscal policy which would convey tranquility and induce the private sector to invest. Until there is, many opportunities will be lost, he stated. Andy Duff, head of research and Agribusiness for Rabobank points out that market uncertainties are major barriers to the entrance of

capital investments. The challenge therefore is to find ways to bring investors back to the brazilian sugar energy market. We have to find solutions for reducing production chain costs to attract investments. To accomplish this, public policies and fiscal relief must be implemented, concluded Jos Carlos Grubisich, president of ETH.

El sector brasileo tiene que volver a invertirPara restablecer la competitividad, atender el mercado y la demanda creciente de etanol y azcar, el sector brasileo debe recuperar las inversiones que lleven nuevos proyectos de plantas a Brasil. Actualmente hay 60 proyectos en marcha, pero todos tienen un plazo indefinido. Y, segn los especialistas del sector, para cubrir toda la demanda deberan crearse por lo menos cien plantas ms. Segn el presidente de Unica, se necesitaran inversiones de alrededor de R$ 80 mil millones en los prximos 10 aos, lo que significara una produccin adicional de 400 millones de toneladas de caa de azcar y 150 nuevas plantas. El presidente del Banco Nacional de Desarrollo Econmico y Social (BNDES), Luciano Coutinho, afirm que no faltarn inversiones en el sector de azcar y etanol. A corto plazo hay retos, invertir para aumentar la capacidad de produccin; tenemos que ampliar y expandir la oferta de caa de azcar con nuevos proyectos greenfield, explic. Para el consultor Plnio Nastari, los inversionistas externos observan el sector y buscan respuestas en logstica. Falta definir claramente el objetivo y una poltica fiscal que d tranquilidad y que estimule al sector privado a invertir. Hasta entonces estaremos perdiendo oportunidades, afirm. Andy Duff, jefe de investigaciones y agronegocios de Rabobank, indic que la inseguridad del mercado es un punto que inhibe la entrada de capital. Por eso nuestro reto es encontrar formas de volver a atraer inversiones al mercado brasileo de azcar y etanol. Tenemos que encontrar la solucin para reducir el costo en la cadena productiva para atraer inversiones. Para esto se necesitan mecanismos de polticas pblicas y exencin fiscal, concluy Jos Carlos Grubisich, presidente de ETH. (FM)

Luciano Coutinho, president of BNDES Luciano Coutinho, presidente del BNDES




INVESTORS IN NEW TECHNOLOGIES WILL TAKE THE CAKEWhen the subject is investments in new technologies, specialists are divided between enthusiastic and cautious. Vinod Khosla, president of Khosla Ventures (American company which invests in clean energy, environmental protection and innovative projects), is one of the most enthusiastic. He believes that cellulosic ethanol will replace common ethanol over the next 15 years. We have ethanol summit technology today which can produce ethanol at a cost of less than 50 cents of a dollar per liter. The risk of not investing in new alternatives to petroleum is greater than the risk of investing in new products. As soon as a company accepts the risk, they will be the first to gain from this technology, he guaranteed. Carlos Cavalcanti, head of Biofuels for BNDES, agrees that advanced Biofuels are important. We have to rethink the physical layout of the industry. Today, growth is horizontal. We need to break this paradigm and begin thinking in terms of vertical growth, he stated. However, the president of Razen, Marco Lutz, is more cautious. Our company has not yet considered implementing high technology, he explained. Grubisich, ETH president, also shows a cautious interest in this type of Biofuel. It is important to have a technological platform ready for when the new technologies become available and profitable, he stated. Phillippe Boisseau, TOTAL president of Gas and Energy, thinks that the angle of biotechnology is important because it opens new markets for the sugarcane industry. That is why we have invested with Amyris in the local production of new molecules from sugarcane. That is our bet and our commitment, he added. (FM)

Vinod Khosla, president of Khosla Ventures Vinod Khosla, presidente de Khosla Ventures



Carlos Cavalcanti, head of Biofuels for BNDES Carlos Cavalcanti, Jefe de Biocombustibles del BNDES

Quien apueste por las nuevas tecnologas puede ganar el premioCuando se habla de las inversiones en nuevas tecnologas, hay especialistas entusiastas y otros, cautelosos. Vinod Khosla, presidente de Khosla Ventures (una empresa norteamericana que invierte en energas limpias, proteccin del medioambiente y proyectos innovadores), es uno de los ms entusiasmados. Para l, el etanol celulsico debe arrebatarle el puesto al etanol comn en 15 aos. ethanol summit Tenemos tecnologa para producir etanol que cueste menos de 50 centavos de dlar por litro. El riesgo de invertir en nuevos productos es menor que, sencillamente, no invertir en nuevas alternativas al petrleo. Cuanto antes se arriesgue la empresa, ms rpidamente ser la primera que gane con ello, garantiz. El Jefe de Biocombustibles del BNDES, Carlos Cavalcanti, estuvo de acuerdo con la importancia de los biocombustibles avanzados. Debemos repensar el arreglo fsico de la industria. Actualmente el crecimiento es horizontal; necesitamos romper este paradigma y estudiar el crecimiento vertical, declar. Por su parte, el presidente de Razen, Marco Lutz, fue cauteloso. Nuestra empresa todava no considera el entorno de alta tecnologa. Es una ventaja que se contempla, pero no se toma en cuenta, explic. Grubisich, presidente de ETH, tambin mostr inters, con cierta reserva, en este tipo de biocombustibles. Es importante contar con una plataforma tecnolgica, para cuando las nuevas tecnologas estn disponibles y sean lucrativas, afirm. Phillippe Boisseau, presidente de Gas y Energa de Total, cree que el aspecto de la biotecnologa es importante, pues le ofrece nuevos mercados a la industria de la caa de azcar. Por ello, junto con Amyris, invertimos en la produccin local de nuevas molculas a partir de la caa de azcar. Esa es nuestra apuesta y nuestro compromiso, destac. (FM)




BIOELECTRICITY GARNERS SPECIAL ATTENTIONBioelectricity, generated from sugarcane biomass, is becoming an important activity in Brazil. Throughout the country, 432 mills utilize cogeneration to supply their own energy needs, ethanol summit and are self-sufficient for electricity. However, advances must be made. Of the total mills, only 129 produce more electricity than they use and sell the remainder to the national electrical grid. According to ETH president, Carlos Grubisich, a robust and economically feasible project to increase cogeneration is essential. We will not see new mills built that do not generate energy, he predicts. Sugarcane bioelectricity has contributed to the reduction of gas emissions which affect the ozone layer. Besides the environmental advantages, it is also a complementary energy source to the hydroelectric system. During the opening ceremonies of the Ethanol Summit 2011, Geraldo Alckmin, the governor of the state of So Paulo (largest producing state in Brazil), signed a Cooperation Protocol creating the first green energy certificate in the state. According to specialists, the measure is fundamental for this type of energy generation to increase and reach its immense potential. The Protocol created a Green Stamp which will identify producers and users of electrical energy generated from sugarcane bagasse and the leaves of the sugarcane stalk -

Geraldo Alckmin, the governor of the state of So Paulo Geraldo Alckmin, gobernador del estado de So Paulo

clean, renewable energy. It is a very important step, which will show the consumer that when they acquire electrical energy directly from a mill, they will be purchasing a product made from

sugarcane, a plant which during its entire productive cycle helps remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere, stated UNICA president Marcos Jank. (FM)

La bioelectricidad alcanza un lugar destacadoLa bioelectricidad de la caa, a partir de la biomasa de la caa de azcar, se est convirtiendo en una actividad importante. En Brasil, 432 plantas utilizan la cogeneracin para cubrir sus propias necesidades energticas, lo que las hace autosuficientes en energa elctrica. An as, hay que avanzar. De todas las plantas, slo 129 producen un volumen de electricidad mayor que sus necesidades y le venden el excedente al sistema elctrico nacional. Segn el presidente de ETH, Carlos Grubisich, para realizar un proyecto robusto y viable financieramente, la cogeneracin es esencial. No habr nuevas plantas si no hay generacin de energa, pronostica el ejecutivo. La bioelectricidad de caa de azcar contribuye a que se reduzcan las emisiones de los gases que producen el efecto invernadero, al sustituir a otras fuentes de origen fsil. Adems de las ventajas ambientales, se trata de una energa que complementa al sistema hidroelctrico. Durante la ceremonia de apertura del Ethanol Summit 2011, Geraldo Alckmin, gobernador del estado de So Paulo (el mayor estado productor de Brasil), firm un Protocolo de Cooperacin que crea el primer certificado de energa verde del estado. Segn los especialistas, esta medida es fundamental para que este tipo de generacin de energa crezca y concrete su inmenso potencial. El Protocolo cre lo que se denomina Sello Verde, que identificar a los productores y usuarios de energa elctrica generada de forma limpia y renovable a partir del bagazo y de la paja de caa de azcar. Es un avance importantsimo, que servir para mostrarle al consumidor que, al adquirir la energa elctrica contratada directamente de una planta, estar utilizando un producto que proviene de la caa de azcar, una planta que a lo largo de todo su ciclo productivo ayuda a eliminar dixido de carbono de la atmsfera, afirm el presidente de Unica, Marcos Jank. (FM)




Ana Paula Zacarias, the head of the European Union delegation in Brazil Ana Paula Zacarias, Jefa de la delegacin de la Unin Europea en Brasil

USA and EU admit: trade and investments distorted by tariff barriers and subsidiesFabiana Marques, from So Paulo, SP Constructive political policies are essential for the success of biofuels in any marketplace, but at the same time, policies which distort trade and production or create new barriers must be avoided. This affirmation is by the senior advisor for international affairs to the presidency of UNICA ethanol summit (Sugarcane Industry Union), Geraldine Kutas, who spoke about tariff barriers at the Ethanol Summit last June. Countries such as the United States and EU members have set goals for the reduction of greenhouse effect gas emissions and diversification of energy sources for transportation, which should make them ideal markets for ethanol from sugarcane. However, tariff barriers, internal subsidies and the requirement of certificates which are not standardized hinder exports to these destinations. Trade and investments are being distorted through tariff barriers and subsidies, mainly in the USA and EU, confirms senior researcher Jeffrey Schott. During the event, Kutas stressed that government policies should work toward the development and intensification of renewable energy use overall, and of biofuels especially. We need stable policies. However, not every policy in place today is good. The Unica representative cited Europe as a clear example, since even with protectionist policies in place, the number of ethanol plants has decreased drastically from 100 mills in 2007 to only 14 in 2011. The head of the European Union delegation in Brazil, Ana Paula Zacarias, predicts that with European goals in place to use 10% renewable fuels for all transportation by 2020, the EU will create an annual demand for 18 million tons of ethanol and biodiesel. To meet this demand, Europe will have to import biofuels and this should create a window of opportunity for Brazil.




Jeffrey Schott

El comercio y las inversiones estn desequilibrados por las barreras tarifarias y los subsidios, admiten EE.UU. y la UEPara que los biocombustibles tengan xito en cualquier mercado son esenciales las polticas pblicas constructivas, mientras que deben evitarse las polticas que creen nuevas barreras o que desequilibren el comercio y la produccin. Esto lo afirma la asesora senior en asuntos internacionales de la presidencia de la Unin de la Industria de la Caa de Azcar (Unica), Graldine Kutas, que habl sobre las barreras tarifarias ethanol summit en el Ethanol Summit, a principios de junio. Algunos pases, como Estados Unidos y los pases miembros de la UE, tienen metas para reducir la emisin de gases de efecto invernadero y diversificar las fuentes de energa para el transporte, lo que los convertira en un mercado ideal para el etanol de caa de azcar. Sin embargo, las barreras tarifarias, los subsidios internos y que se exijan certificados que an no se han estandarizado dificultan las exportaciones a estos destinos. El comercio y las inversiones estn desequilibrados por las barreras tarifarias y los subsidios, especialmente en EE.UU. y en la UE, afirm el investigador senior Jeffrey Schott. Durante el evento, Kutas subray que las polticas pblicas deben funcionar en pro del desarrollo y de intensificar el uso de energas renovables en general y de biocombustibles en particular. Necesitamos polticas estables. Sin embargo, no todas las polticas son buenas. La representante de Unica cit el ejemplo de Europa, que aun con polticas proteccionistas, vio como caa vertiginosamente el nmero de plantas de etanol, de las 100 que haba en 2007, a 14 plantas en 2011. La jefa de la delegacin de la Unin Europea en Brasil, Ana Paula Zacarias, pronostica que, con las metas europeas de llegar a 2020 utilizando un 10% de combustibles renovables en los transportes, la UE tendr una demanda anual de 18 millones de toneladas de etanol y biodisel. "Para cubrir esta demanda, Europa tendr que importar biocombustibles y eso puede ser una oportunidad para Brasil"




AMERICANS AGAINST SUBSIDIZING FOREIGN ETHANOLThe United States has goals for reducing greenhouse effect gases and the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) has modified the goals for adding ethanol to the energy grid by establishing a production limit for corn which must be met by 2015. From then on, demand will be supplied by advanced ethanol, with even lower gas emissions, and by ethanol summit cellulosic ethanol, which thus far has not been produced on a large scale. This may pave the way for brazilian sugarcane ethanol. However, this will only occur if the countrys importation taxes are cut. American law demands a substantial increase in the use of advanced fuels, but at the same time limits the importation of fuels such as sugarcane ethanol which have low greenhouse effect gas emissions and would help meet the regulations, noted Schott. The UNICA advisor agrees with this situation and adds that tariffs have interfered with trade between the two countries, which has fallen 8% over the past 5 years. President of the Renewables Fuel Association, Bob Dinneen, does not share the same view. He feels that overall trade between the USA and Brazil has been efficient and sufficient and that policies within both countries have not affected the commerce of ethanol, since each exports great quantities to the other whenever necessary. Upon being pressured by the UNICA representative concerning subsidies, Dinneen replied: We do not expect other countries to subsidize our ethanol, and American taxpayers should not be expected to subsidize foreign ethanol. Besides, it is very likely that the subsidy will be modified by the end of the year. (FM)

Bob Dinneen, president of the Renewables Fuel Association Bob Dinneen, el presidente de Renewables Fuel Association



Los norteamericanos no quieren subsidiar etanol extranjeroEstados Unidos tiene metas para reducir la emisin de gases de efecto invernadero y la Agencia de Proteccin Ambiental (EPA) modific sus metas de inclusin de etanol en la matriz energtica. Se estableci un lmite de produccin de alcohol de maz, que debe alcanzarse en 2015. A partir de entonces, cubrirn la demanda el etanol avanzado, cuya emisin de gases es ms baja, y el etanol celulsico, que todava no se produce a escala, lo cual puede abrirle camino al etanol de caa de azcar de Brasil. No obstante, eso slo suceder si hay cambios en las tasas de importacin que se le imponen a este producto en el pas. Las leyes americanas exigen un aumento sustancial de la utilizacin de combustibles avanzados, pero en la prctica se limita la importacin de combustibles como el etanol de caa de azcar, con una baja emisin de gases de efecto invernadero, que sera ms adecuado para cumplir los reglamentos, seal Schott. La asesora de Unica estuvo de acuerdo con estas declaraciones, aadiendo que las tarifas han perjudicado el comercio entre ambos pases, que disminuy un 8% en los ltimos 5 aos. El presidente de Renewables Fuel Association, Bob Dinneen, no comparte esta opinin. Para l, el comercio entre EE.UU. y Brasil en general ha sido eficaz y efectivo y las polticas de estos pases no han perjudicado el comercio de etanol, puesto que ambos pases se exportaron mutuamente grandes cantidades cuando fue necesario. Al ser presionado por la representante de Unica sobre el tema de los subsidios, Dinneen objet: No esperamos que otros pases subsidien nuestro etanol. Igualmente, los contribuyentes americanos no deben subsidiar el etanol extranjero. Adems, es bastante probable que el subsidio cambie a finales de ao. (FM)




European Union aims to end energy dependenceWithin the European Union, the transportation sector will have to incorporate 10% renewable energy sources to its fleet by 2020. Figures from UNICA indicate that this will create the demand for 12.2 million ethanol summit liters of ethanol per year. By 2020, members of the EU plan to produce nearly 6 billion liters domestically, which would leave 6.2 million liters to be acquired abroad. However, besides tariff barriers, the EU also requires sustainability certificates whose criteria have not been clearly established and which vary from country to country within the Union. Lutz Guerjahn, ePure vice president, sees the sustainability criteria as a necessity and not as an obstacle, because they are applied to all biofuels no matter what the origin, without exception. It is impossible for a product to enter the European market without proof of sustainability, because the consumer will simply refuse to buy it, he stated. According to Guderjahn, the EU still has to build its own infrastructure for biofuels, and that demands a certain level of protectionism through tariffs. The EU tariff system is very unstable currently and there are many loopholes. We have to correct these problems before we open the markets. Meanwhile we want biofuels to be produced in Europe so we can become independent of foreign oil. The main purpose of the tariffs is to reduce energy dependence, he explained. Regarding certifications, the EU ambassador in Brazil, Ana Paula Zacarias, stated that international cooperation is key to achieve a consensus on basic parameters. There are many types of biofuels being implemented, which are produced in many regions of the world. We need to determine a certification standard which is common to all and which would encourage agile trade. After all, everyone knows this is unavoidable, because we are going to need biofuels, she declared. (FM)

Lutz Guerjahn



La Unin Europea quiere acabar con la dependencia energticaEn la Unin Europea, el sector de transportes tendr que incorporar un 10% de fuentes renovables a su matriz hasta 2020. Los clculos de Unica indican que esto comportara una demanda de 12,2 mil millones de litros de etanol al ao. Los pases de la UE pretenden que su produccin domstica sea de alrededor de 6 mil millones de litros al ao hasta 2020, con lo que deberan comprarle a otros pases 6,2 mil millones de litros. Pero, adems de las barreras tarifarias, la UE tambin exige una certificacin de sostenibilidad, cuyos criterios no se han establecido claramente y varan en cada uno de los pases miembros del bloque. Para el vicepresidente de ePure, Lutz Guderjahn, los criterios de sostenibilidad son una necesidad, no un obstculo, puesto que se aplican a todos los biocombustibles de cualquier origen, sin excepcin. Es imposible entrar en el mercado europeo sin probar la sostenibilidad del producto, pues los consumidores sencillamente no lo comprarn, afirm. Segn Guderjahn, la UE todava tiene que desarrollar su propia infraestructura de biocombustibles, lo que requiere cierto nivel de proteccin por medio de tarifas. El sistema tarifario de la UE an es muy inestable y tiene muchas brechas. Tenemos que corregir estos problemas antes de abrir los

mercados. De momento, queremos que el biocombustible se produzca en Europa, para poder librarnos de la dependencia externa del petrleo. El principal objetivo de las tarifas es reducir la dependencia energtica, justific. Con respecto a las certificaciones, la embajadora de la UE en Brasil, Ana Paula Zacarias, declar que es necesaria la cooperacin internacional para determinar un conjunto de parmetros bsicos. Hay muchos tipos de biocombustibles que estn siendo implantados, que se producen en muchas regiones del mundo. Tenemos que encontrar un esquema de certificacin que sea comn y que permita una transmisin rpida en lo que se refiere al comercio, porque sabemos que ser necesario, que nos harn falta biocombustibles, afirm. (FM)


Specialists suggest steps for easing tariff barriersTariff barriers have reached an impasse and some specialists suggest steps which could be taken to improve the international ethanol trade situation. A main determination is that the G20 (Group of Twenty) establish parameters and standards for the industry. ethanol summit Jeff Schott mentioned the U.S. Brazil Summit in March, where objectives for expanding regional investments in biofuels were established as part of a strategic overall dialogue concerning energy. The researcher believes that a bilateral agreement to reform trade would help attend to the mandates for ethanol at a viable cost and meet environmental concerns. The agreement could also include the EU. An accord concerning biofuels would create a Free Commerce Agreement of Sustainable Energy which could result in GNP growth of up to 5 billion dollars, he stressed. The European Union ambassador to Brazil mentioned a free trade agreement between Mercosur and the European Union which is being prepared for 2012 in Brussels. If we are able to establish an agreement between the EU and Mercosur, I am sure that something would happen to ease the current tariff barriers, an important first step, she added. For the president of the Renewable Fuel Association, consistent specifications are crucial to efficient global commerce. However, more important than eliminating tariffs and subsidies is establishing a global market for biofuels. We need to create other markets around the world, which is the big challenge. We have to build greater demand and a larger market for all, he stated. Geraldine Kutas added that a larger market is indeed needed, but it must be a free market. Exports help reduce market volatility and are an important part of the entire industry, the advisor said. (FM)

Geraldine Kutas

Los especialistas indican los caminos para vencer las barreras tarifariasAnte la tesitura de las barreras tarifarias, los especialistas sealaron algunos caminos que pueden tomarse para mejorar el comercio internacional de etanol. Uno de ellos es que el G20 (Grupo de los 20) determine los parmetros y las normas de dicho comercio. Jeff Schott mencion el US Brazil Summit donde, en marzo de este ao, se estableci el objetivo de expandir las inversiones regionales en biocombustibles como parte de un dilogo de estrategias de energa. Este investigador cree que un acuerdo bilateral de reformas comerciales ayudara a cumplir las disposiciones para el etanol con un costo econmico y ambiental razonable. El acuerdo podra tambin incluir a la UE. Con un arreglo sobre los biocombustibles se podra crear un Acuerdo de Libre Comercio de Energa Sostenible que podra llegar a aumentar el PIB en hasta 5 mil millones de dlares, recalc. La embajadora de la Unin Europea en Brasil mencion el acuerdo de libre comercio entre el Mercosur y la Unin Europea, que se prepara en Bruselas, para 2012. Si consiguiramos concretar este acuerdo entre la UE y el Mercosur, estoy segura de que cambiara algo en lo que respecta a las barreras tarifarias, sera un primer paso, indudablemente, afirm. Para el presidente de Renewables Fuel Association, las especificaciones consistentes son importantes para un comercio global eficiente. Sin embargo, crear un mercado global para el biocombustible es ms importante que eliminar las tarifas y subsidios. Tenemos que crear ms mercados en el mundo, ese es el reto. Debemos crear demanda y un mercado ms grande para todos, manifest. Geraldine Kutas aadi que s se necesita un mercado ms grande, pero un mercado libre. Las exportaciones ayudan a disminuir la volatilidad y son una parte importante de la industria, concluy la asesora. (FM)




Senator Dianne Feinstein Senadora Dianne Feinstein

U.S. SENATE APPROVES BILL TO HALT ETHANOL SUBSIDIES AND TARIFFSFabiana Marques, from Ribeiro Preto, SP In an unprecedented decision, the Senate of the United States approved a bill which eliminates subsidies and import tariffs for ethanol. The vote was 73 in favor and 27 against. The legislation still has a long way to go before it is approved as law, but it was welcome news to the ethanol sector in Brazil, which for many years has fought for the end of tariffs imposed by the United States on the imported product. The amendment will be included in a law which, according to specialists, should face opposition in the Senate. If it is approved, the law will also have to pass the House of Representatives and finally be signed by President Barack Obama, who has already declared he is against the immediate cancellation of the government incentive for ethanol production. Still, the favorable vote in the Senate signifies a shift in position, since merely two days before, the same Senate rejected a similar amendment. Plus, in December last year, it voted in favor of the renewal of ethanol tariffs and subsidies for another twelve months. The amendment to the approved law was written by Senator Tom Coburn (R Oklahoma) and by Senator Dianne Feinstein (D California) and schedules the elimination of the subsidy conceded for the mixture of corn ethanol with gasoline (US$ 0.45 per gallon) and the tariff imposed on imported ethanol (US$ 0.54 per gallon or US$ 0.14 per liter). Totaled, support for ethanol costs American taxpayers over US$ 6 billion per year. The cessation of these incentives would represent a huge savings at a time when pressure is mounting for the United States government to reduce spending and balance the budget. Sector analysts for the American economy note that although there is discontent with the possible decision, there is no reason for industry to panic. I do not think that the loss of subsidies is a life or death threat to the industry, Mark McMinimy, an analyst for the Washington Research Group told Reuters. The Renewable Fuel Standard, viewed as essential backing for the production of ethanol in the country, remains strong. The norm requires fuel companies to mix at least 12.6 billion gallons of ethanol with gasoline per year and this should increase to 36 billion gallons yearly by 2022.



El Senado norteamericano aprueba una enmienda para acabar con los subsidios y tarifas del etanolCon una decisin indita, el Senado de Estados Unidos aprob el da 16 de junio una enmienda que elimina los subsidios y la tarifa de importacin sobre el etanol. Hubo 73 votos a favor y 27 en contra. Esta medida todava tiene que recorrer un largo camino antes de convertirse en ley, pero ya ha sido recibida con optimismo por el sector de etanol de Brasil, que lucha desde hace aos para acabar con las tarifas que Estados Unidos le impone a la importacin de este producto. Esta enmienda se incluir en una ley que, de acuerdo con los especialistas, debe enfrentar dificultades para ser aprobada en el Senado. Si se aprueba, la ley an tendr que votarse en la Cmara de los Representantes (diputados federales) y despus, ser sometida a la sancin del presidente Barack Obama, que ya ha afirmado estar en contra de la "revocacin inmediata" del incentivo federal al etanol. Sin embargo, el voto favorable del Senado seala un cambio de posicin ya que, slo dos das antes, el mismo Senado rechaz una enmienda similar. Y a finales del ao pasado, en diciembre, vot a favor de renovar durante un ao ms la tarifa y los subsidios al etanol. El senador Tom Coburn (Republicano, de Oklahoma) y la senadora Dianne Feinstein (Demcrata, de California) son los autores de la enmienda al Proyecto de Ley aprobada, que propone eliminar el subsidio concedido a la mezcla de etanol de maz y gasolina (US$ 0,45 por galn) y la tarifa de US$ 0,54 por galn (US$ 0,14 por litro) que se le impone al etanol importado. En conjunto, los apoyos al etanol en EE.UU. le cuestan US$ 6 mil millones al ao al erario norteamericano. El fin de los incentivos representara un ahorro, en un momento en que crece la presin para que Estados Unidos recorte gastos y ponga al da sus cuentas. Los analistas del sector norteamericano informaron que, a pesar de la insatisfaccin con la posible decisin, en la industria no hay motivo para el pnico. No creo que perder los subsidios sea una amenaza para la industria, declar a Reuters Mark McMinimy, analista de Washington Research Group. El Renewable Fuel Standard, que se considera como un soporte esencial para la produccin de etanol en el pas, contina en vigor. La normativa exige que las compaas de combustibles mezclen al menos 12,6 mil millones de etanol a la gasolina al ao y debe aumentar 36 mil millones de galones al ao hasta 2022. (FM)


Even if approved, amendment will have little commercial impact on BrazilIt is an extraordinary step in the correct direction, which is the total elimination of the protectionism which has remained in the American ethanol industry for over 30 years, declared president of UNICA (Sugarcane Industry Union), Marcos Jank, concerning the approval of an amendment against ethanol subsidies in the USA. According to Jank, the decision should be celebrated by both the sugar energy sector and by the government, since both have invested heavily over the past few years for the consolidation of ethanol as an international commodity. UNICA has been developing an intense communication and lobbying campaign through its offices overseas, spreading the word about brazilian ethanol. Many of these actions have included APEXBrasil as a partner. Without a doubt, after the recognition of sugarcane ethanol as an advanced Biofuel by the EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) in America, todays victory was the most important news we have seen so far, Jank stated. To become law, the amendment has to undergo some discussions and its approval is uncertain. Even still, the Senate vote was seen as a positive sign for Brazil. If confirmed, the opening of the American market should motivate further investments and stimulate expansion of the sector. What we saw today was the first important victory, although we cannot yet say we have won the war. There is no doubt that this is a great step in the direction toward a freer market for Biofuels in the world, especially for ethanol produced from sugarcane, Jank stated. Director of the Brazilian Center of Infrastructure, Adriano Pires, says an Senator Dianne Feinstein Senadora Dianne Feinstein

eventual opening of the American market should not have any influence at all on brazilian exports due to product shortage. We do not have enough ethanol to supply even the internal market, much less think about exports, he added. This year, to attend consumer demand, the brazilian government even had to import the biofuel. According to Datagro estimates, the amount imported from abroad should increase from 455 million to 770 million, with 90% of this volume coming from the United States. (FM)

Si se aprueba, la medida an no tendr impacto comercial en BrasilEs un paso extraordinario en la direccin correcta, que es eliminar totalmente el proteccionismo que existe en la industria norteamericana de etanol desde hace ms de 30 aos. Esta declaracin sobre la aprobacin de la enmienda contra los subsidios del etanol en EE.UU. la hizo el presidente de la Unin de la Industria de la Caa de Azcar (Unica), Marcos Jank. Segn Jank, tanto el sector de azcar y etanol como el gobierno deben celebrar la decisin, puesto que ambos han invertido mucho en los ltimos aos para consolidar el etanol como un commodity internacional. Unica est desarrollando una intensa campaa de comunicacin y lobby por medio de sus oficinas en el extranjero, divulgando el etanol brasileo incluso mediante acciones realizadas en sociedad con APEX-Brasil. Sin duda, despus de que la Agencia de Proteccin Ambiental de EE.UU. (EPA) reconociera el etanol de caa de azcar como un biocombustible avanzado, la batalla de hoy ha sido la novedad ms importante que hemos tenido hasta ahora, comenta Jank. Para convertirse de hecho en una ley, la medida todava tiene que pasar por algunas etapas y su aprobacin an no es segura. Pero, an as, la votacin del Senado se consider como una buena seal para Brasil, puesto que, si se confirma, la apertura del mercado de EE.UU. debe incentivar las nuevas inversiones y favorecer la expansin del sector. Lo que hemos visto hoy es una primera e importante victoria, aunque todava no podemos afirmar que hayamos ganado la guerra. Sin duda se trata de un gran avance rumbo a un mercado ms libre para los biocombustibles en el mundo, en especial para el etanol que se produce a partir de caa de azcar, afirm Jank. Para Adriano Pires, director del Centro Brasileo de Infraestructura, una eventual apertura del mercado norteamericano de momento no debe influir nada en las exportaciones brasileas, debido a la escasez del producto. No tenemos suficiente etanol ni para abastecer el mercado interno, mucho menos para exportar, destac. Este ao, para abastecer el consumo domstico, el gobierno brasileo tuvo que importar el biocombustible. Segn las estimaciones de Datagro, el volumen comprado a otros pases, 90% del cual se importa de Estados Unidos, debe aumentar de 455 millones a 770 millones de litros. (FM)




Irrigation sustains increase in productivityChoosing adequate system depends upon harvest needsFulvio Machado, from Piracicaba, SP It is always desirable for a sugarcane harvest to present the greatest productivity possible, because besides the higher financial gain, it also dilutes the cost of harvest handling per unit of area measured. However, there are regions which are suitable for cultivation, but do not always have enough hydration for normal sugarcane development. At first, expanding the planted area to meet the needs of industry capacity would seem to be a solution, but that means an increase in production handling costs, a result which is even less desirable. In regions where rainfall is less than the ideal amount, as is the case for the Northeast and Central-West of Brazil, as well as dryer micro regions where precipitation is usually satisfactory, irrigation is the answer. Various irrigation systems exist today, but according to Daniel Pedroso, specialist in agronomy for Netafim, a company headquartered in Israel, drip irrigation is advantageous over central pivoting or sprinkler systems, because you have greater control of the amount of water passing through drip systems. Since we have access to the roots of the plant over 100% of its physiological cycle, we can provide the correct amount of water whenever we want and according to plant needs.

Daniel Pedroso, specialist in agronomy Daniel Pedroso, agrnomo especialista en irrigacin

La irrigacin sostiene el aumento de la productividadLa eleccin del sistema ms adecuado depende de las necesidades del cultivoSiempre es aconsejable que el cultivo de caa de azcar tenga la mayor productividad posible, pues, adems de proporcionar ms ganancias, se diluyen los costos de manejo del cultivo por unidad de rea. Pero hay regiones que, aun siendo adecuadas para el cultivo, no siempre tienen una disponibilidad hdrica satisfactoria para el desarrollo normal de los caaverales. En principio, puede pensarse en expandir el rea plantada para cubrir las necesidades de la capacidad instalada de la industria, aunque eso implica aumentar los costos de manejo para, an as, obtener un resultado inferior de lo que debera. En estas regiones, donde las precipitaciones sn insuficientes, como, por ejemplo, en el nordeste y el centro-oeste de Brasil, y en microrregiones ms secas, donde la pluviosidad es normalmente satisfactoria, la irrigacin puede ser una solucin. Existen diversos mtodos de riego pero, segn Daniel Pedroso, agrnomo especialista en irrigacin de la empresa israel Netafim, el riego por goteo es ms ventajoso que los sistemas de pivote central o por aspersin, pues mediante el goteo se controla mejor la cantidad de agua que se est utilizando. Al tener acceso a las races de la planta durante todo su ciclo fisiolgico, podemos proporcionarle agua en el momento y en la cantidad que la planta lo necesita.



El goteo ofrece ventajas en las regiones con escasez de aguaEste mtodo permite irrigar durante todo el ciclo de la planta, desde la siembra hasta la cosechaEl agrnomo Daniel Pedroso aade: Imagnese un pivote o un sistema de aspersin en la caa de azcar. Estos mtodos, por sus caractersticas de aplicacin (por rea, imitando la lluvia), slo pueden irrigar el cultivo hasta los 3 o 4 meses, cuando se cierran las lneas por el propio crecimiento de la planta. Tras ese perodo, el sistema deja de utilizarse o bien hay que llevarlo a otras reas. Esto no sucede con el sistema de riego por goteo, con el cual se puede irrigar durante todo el ciclo da planta, ya que los goteadores estn enterrados en medio del cultivo. Algunas ventajas de emplear esta tcnica de riego son el aumento de productividad, que muchas veces puede ser de ms del 100%, y una mayor vida til del caaveral, hasta 10 o 12 cortes, lo que significa reducir los costos de reforma y de prdida del rea de cultivo. Otra ventaja, explica Daniel, es que como el riego se hace de forma localizada, al pie de la planta, el goteo en Brasil consume menos agua y, en consecuencia, tambin menos energa. Aade: Adems, con el sistema de goteo se pueden aplicar insumos que normalmente no se aplican con los otros mtodos como por ejemplo, defensivos, hormonas y fertilizantes; tambin se puede aplicar vinaza. Con este tipo de recursos se puede ahorrar mano de obra, trfico de maquinas en el campo y tiempo. Entre los que han aplicado con xito el riego por goteo se encuentran la Usina Seresta, ubicada en el municipio de Teotnio Vilela, en Alagoas, que ha obtenido una productividad promedio de 100 ton/ha en el 12 corte, as como la Usina Japungu, de Lucena, en Paraba, donde se producan 50 ton/ha en el promedio de tres cortes y, tras implantar el sistema de goteo, se produjeron 147 ton/ha en el primer corte, es decir, una cantidad equivalente a los tres cortes anteriores. (FM)

Drip irrigation advantageous in rainfall deficient areasMethod provides irrigation during entire growth cycle, from planting to harvestAgronomist Daniel Pedroso adds, Imagine pivot or sprinkler systems for sugarcane. These methods, due to their application characteristics (per area, and imitating rainfall) are only able to irrigate the plants for 3 or 4 months, before the rows are closed off by the growth of the sugarcane itself. After this period, the system is stagnant, or has to be moved to another area. This does not occur with the drip system, because, since drippers are buried in the middle of the fields, we can irrigate during the entire life cycle. Use of this technique for irrigation brings benefits such as an increase in productivity many times above 100%, plus the useful life of the plant climbs to 10 or 12 cuts, reducing replanting costs and loss of planting areas. According to Mr. Pedroso, another advantage is since the irrigation is performed in a certain location, at the roots of the plant, dripping consumes less water and consequently uses less energy as well. He explains further, Besides, with the drip method, we can apply additives, such as defensives, hormones and fertilizers, which normally are not applied through other systems, and can also be applied to the vinasse. This means savings on labor, machine use in the fields, and time spent on plant care. Among successful cases of application and use of drip irrigation in Brazil are the Seresta Mill, in the city of Teotnio Vilela in the state of Alagoas, which has obtained an average productivity of 100t/ha on the 12th cut, and the Japungu Mill in Lucena in Paraba state, where 50t/ha were produced on average over three cuts, but after installation of the drip irrigation system, produced 147t/ha on the very first cut, that is, three cuts ahead of time. (FM)


BIO & Sugar


Investment in irrigation is priority, says FAO reportThe unprecedented worldwide increase in food consumption and climate changes will demand investments of 1.12 trillion dollars in agricultural irrigation and soil conservation in developing countries by 2050. This forecast is part of FAOs (Food and Agricultural Organization of the United Nations) first land and water status report for the worlds food and agriculture, scheduled for publishing at the end of this year. According to the FAO study, in 2050, the increase of the population and their income will require a 70% food production increase, compared to 2009. Over 80% of this escalated demand will be supplied by increasing the productivity of lands already being cultivated and by intensifying irrigation. Investments for developing and managing irrigation are calculated at 960 billion dollars 24 billion dollars a year. FAO proposes governments begin charging the agricultural sector for environmental services and use the carbon credit market as an additional source of financing funds.

Invertir en irrigacin es una prioridad, segn un informe de la FAOEl aumento sin precedentes de la demanda de alimentos a nivel mundial y los cambios climticos exigirn que se inviertan US$ 1,12 billones hasta 2050 en irrigacin agrcola y en la preservacin del suelo en los pases en desarrollo. Esta previsin se encuentra en el primer informe de la FAO (Organizacin de las Naciones Unidas para la Agricultura y Alimentacin) sobre la situacin de las tierras y del agua para la alimentacin y la agricultura en el mundo, que se publicar a finales de este ao. De acuerdo con este estudio de la FAO, en 2050, el aumento de la poblacin y de la renta per cpita exigir que la produccin de alimentos sea un 70% mayor que la de 2009. Ms del 80% de este aumento de la oferta deber provenir de la mayor productividad de las tierras que se explotan hoy en da y de intensificar el riego. Se calcula que las inversiones para desarrollar y gestionar la irrigacin sean de US$ 960 mil millones US$ 24 mil millones al ao. La FAO sugiere que los gobiernos cobren por los servicios ambientales en la agricultura y que usen el mercado de bonos de carbono como fuente adicional de financiacin.



BRAZILIAN MILLS BECOME GLOBAL REFERENCE FOR SUCROSE EXTRACTIONIncreased capacity and high extraction rates bring mills under spotlightFulvio Machado, from Piracicaba, SP The extraction departments of mills have begun to occupy an important position. It is no surprise, however, since every other process depends upon this phase to lend continuity to the operation and generate energy in the form of steam by burning bagasse. The extraction department, as the name itself suggests, is responsible for obtaining sucrose from cane juice the raw material for the production of sugar and ethanol. Any decrease in extraction percentage causes irreparable damage, since a quantity of sucrose is incinerated together with the bagasse. Another important fact concerning this department is that this process is which utilizes the largest mechanical equipment at plantations, the mills and their respective accessories which work under severe conditions due to the fibrous nature of sugarcane, the volume processed, and the impurities involved. Over the past decades, new concepts for working the mills have allowed a considerable amplification, not only of the milling capacity, but also the extraction rate obtained at the mills, even taking into account the larger equipment. Therefore, a 78 mill which had a standard capacity of 4,500TC/D in its early days, currently processes three times more sugarcane. These advances were accomplished through the introduction of new techniques such as juicers, the fourth roll, Donnelly type feeders, larger first and last crushers, and increasing rugosity by applying a grainy coating are among the most significant. Therefore, without any major alterations in the basic operation concept of the mills, over the years its capacity has been significantly increased, allowing the mills to increment their production capacity without needing to install new equipment. In fact, many mills with three or more mills have reduced the number of units in use without affecting production, thereby reducing maintenance and operational costs.




Los ingenios brasileos son referencia en extraccin de sacarosaLa mayor capacidad de molienda con un ndice elevado de extraccin es lo que destaca en los ingenios de hoy

El sector de extraccin ocupa un lugar destacado en los ingenios. Y no es para menos, puesto que de l dependen todos los dems sectores del proceso para dar continuidad a la operacin, as como la generacin de energa en forma de vapor, por la quema del bagazo. Como su propio nombre indica, el sector de extraccin tambin se ocupa de recuperar la sacarosa que contiene el caldo, la materia prima para producir azcar y etanol. Cualquier disminucin del porcentaje de extraccin representa un perjuicio irremediable, pues la sacarosa se quemar junto con el bagazo. Otro aspecto importante de este sector es que utiliza los equipos mecnicos de mayor porte de los ingenios, los molinos y sus respectivos accionamientos, que trabajan en condiciones severas debido a la naturaleza de la fibra de la caa de azcar, al volumen que se maneja y a las impurezas que la acompaan. A lo largo de las ltimas dcadas, nuevos conceptos de trabajo han permitido ampliar considerablemente no slo la capacidad de

molienda, sino tambin el ndice de extraccin obtenido por los molinos, considerando un equipo de un determinado tamao. As, por ejemplo, un molino de 78 que, inicialmente, tena una capacidad estndar de 4.500TC/D, actualmente muele una cantidad de caa de azcar tres veces mayor. Este avance se debe a la introduccin de nuevas tcnicas; entre las ms significativas estn los desfibradores, el cuarto rodillo, los alimentadores tipo donnelly, el primer y ltimo maceradores de mayores dimensiones y el aumento de la rugosidad de los rodillos por la aplicacin de mortero. De esta forma, sin alterar mucho el concepto bsico de los molinos, con los aos se ha podido ampliar enormemente su capacidad de molienda, permitiendo que los ingenios aumenten su capacidad de produccin sin necesidad de instalar ms molinos. Todo lo contrario: diversos ingenios que disponan de tres o ms conjuntos de molinos redujeron el nmero de molinos en funcionamiento con la misma produccin, reduciendo los costos de insumos y de mantenimiento.




Coruripe, Campo Florido Unit Coruripe, unidad Campo Florido

New drive gearboxes allow greater flexibility for extraction department layoutsCompact and more efficient gearboxes permit multiple drive layoutsWith the increased capacity of milling systems, existing equipment has become insufficient and needs to be replaced with new devices which meet current industry requirements. There used to be a single type of drives, which was made up of a simple stage steam turbine, a reducer and open helical and straight gears which provided the final reduction, also known as flat tooth gears, leftover from the early days of mill construction, when the equipment was powered by steam engines which needed flywheels measuring several meters in diameter for operation. While the mills increased their production capacity, evolution in material technology, treatment systems and more precise milling techniques allowed the implementation of more compact, closed reduction devices which are capable of operating at the high rates of torque produced by modern equipment, such as the parallel and planetary axel gearboxes available today. These new system provide multiple options today, both for increasing the capac