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Creative writing is writing that expresses the writer’s thoughts and feelings

in an imaginative, often unique, and poetic way. It is guided more by the writers

need to express feelings and ideas than by restrictive demands of factual and logical

progression of expository writing. It is a form of artistic expression, draws on the

imagination to convey meaning through the use of imagery, narrative and drama.

This is in contrast to analytic or pragmatic forms of writing.

Creative writing is what happens when “the imagination takes over” says

poet and novelist, Gary Soto. It is the art that is much related to the heart, than to

the mind.


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The word “genre” is French for type applied to literature.”Genres” is a

general term used to refer to the types of imaginative literature while there are many

types of literature, the basic genres include short stories, poetry, drama and novels.


The main categories of Creative writing are:




Short story

Personal Essay




“A poem should not mean but be”.

“Poetry is an imaginative response to experience reflecting a keen awareness

of language.”

Poetry is a form of literary art, where an imaginative awareness of

experience is expresses through meaning, sound and rhythmic language choices. It

is crisp in language and sharp in emotions. For achieving this, poetic elements like

metaphor, simile, alliteration and other such elements can be used. Under this

genre, there are different formats. They are:




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Lyric is a form of poetry expressing the poet’s personal thoughts and

emotions. This is intended for collective singing with the accompaniment of

instrumental music. It is principally an expression of a single emotion. This form is

suitable for conveying the poet’s impression swiftly, memorable and musically.


Ode is a serious and dignified composition, exalted in subject matter. It is an

often in the form of an address. Its expression is expected to be much more

consciously elaborate, impressive diffuse.


Sonnet is a highly disciplined form of poetry which exercises control over

the theme of the poem. Since it has a ‘narrow range’ of fourteen lines, the theme as

well as structure must be so wedded as to produce a whole.


The form Elegy covers a wide range of subjects, both grave and gay, written

in the elegiac measure- A couplet composed of a dactylic hexameter followed by

dactylic pentameter.


Idyll has no set form. The poet may give it any form he pleases. Idyll is

associated wit relative brevity and pictorial effect, which is achieved by graphic



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Epic deals with a noble and exalted language, benefiting the words and deeds

of Gods and God-like heroes. It has a ‘grand style’. The action of the Epic is often

controlled by supernatural agents-the classical Gods and Goddesses. It is divided

into books, usually twelve in number.


The Ballad is a short story in verse. Its subjects are deeds rather than

thoughts. It sprang out of folk literature. The same lines are repeated from stanza to

stanza as a refrain.


A Satire may be defined as a literary composition whose principal aim to

ridicule folly or vice. It has no set literary form. It may be inspired by either a

personal grievance or a passion for reform.


Drama presents fiction or face in a form that could be acted before an

audience. Its full qualities are only revealed presentation on the stage. The

dramatist speaks through his characters. All drama sets forth a problem or a

conflict. In tragedy it is light and gay. The structure is the same in both cases. A

play requires the following:







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One-act play

Dramatic Monologue


Tragedy mainly deals with the dark side of life but it will have happy ending.

It aims at arousing fear and pity in the readers. Tragedy deals with the fate of

characters of king and noble persons. Comedy on the other hand aims at evoking

the audience’s laughter. It deals with the light side of life. Both tragedy and

comedy aim at giving pleasure to its audience.


Tragic-Comedy is half tragedy and half comedy, mingled harmoniously

together. It is distinct from tragedy that contains comic relief and from comedy that

has a potentially tragic background. The comic relief in a tragedy serves only to

intensify the tragic effect. A Comedy with a tragic background similarly is a more

effective comedy.


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Farce is an exaggerated form of comedy and Melodrama is an exaggerated

form of tragedy. Farce aims at provoking hearty laughter. Though Farce may not

be a high form of dramatic art, it demands inventiveness, and craftsmanship.

Melodrama was originally assigned to a song but later the term starts signifying a

crudely sensational type of play.


The One-Act play is not the shortened version of full-length play. It is a

form by itself. Brevity is the soul of One-Act play.


Act I contain all introductory information and thus serve as exposition:

The main characters are introduced and by presenting a conflict. In act II the

main conflict starts to develop and characters are presented in greater detail. In act

III, the plot reaches its climax. A crisis occur where the deed is committed that will

lead to the catastrophe, and this brings about a turn in the plot. The act IV creates

new tension in that it delays the final catastrophe by further events. The fifth act

finally offers a solution to the conflict presented in the play. While Tragedies end in

a catastrophe, usually the death of the protagonist, comedies are simply ‘resolved’.


“Novel is a lengthy fictional story with a plot that is revealed by the speech,

action, and thoughts of the characters.”

A Novel is a long narrative in literary prose. A novel is defined by a

combination of its substance, its scope, its style and that it can be located along a

certain arc of the history of literature. It is mostly fictional and narrative in form. It


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has all accessories of drama, without requiring to be staged. There are different

types of novels, such as,

Social novels

Political novels

Historical novels

Detective novels

Gothic novels

Picaresque novels

Allegorical novels

Science fictions

Psychological novels


The short story is a literary genre. Short Story is a fictional prose tale of no

specified length, but too short to be published as a volume on its own, as novel as

sometimes and novels usually are. A Short Story will normally concentrate on a

single event with only one or two characters, more economically than a novel’s

sustained exploration of social background. There seems no doubt that the Short

Story will long continue to meet the needs of authors and readers and to find new

material for its special purposes in a constantly changing world.


Short stories date back to oral story telling traditions which originally

produced epics such as Homer’s “Iliad” and Odyssey”.


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Short story peaks as a form in the mid twentieth century. The first years of

21st century saw the emergence of a new generation of young writers including

Jumpha Lahiri, Karen Russell, etc… who joined traditional paper based literary

journals in casing show the work of emerging authors.


A work of art

The tales of adventure and moral tales of the past have no resemblance with

the modern short story. Short story in the hands of the modern masters is a perfect

work of art. The modern short story writer is an artist, who is a close observer of

life, a keen student of character and a master of style. Every subject, between heaven

and earth, is now regarded fit for the short story and it can be told in any manner

which may please the artist.

The modern short story is a work of art originated in the second quarter of

the 19th century in America. Modern short story writers cannot be over estimated.

From America, the short story passed on to Europe and England. If we really want

to appreciate the short story as a form of art, we must not limit over selves to anyone

country but must try to study the great masters of this art in many countries.

The authors of the modern English short story “no longer attempt to make

daily life more entertaining by inventing exotic plots”


The novel and the short story are two entirely different forms of literary aart,

each having its own rules of composition, its own usefulness and importance.

Sometimes extravagant claims are put forward for the short story. It is claimed that


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short story is the future form of fiction, and it would gradually replace the novel.

However popular the short story may be, it is not likely to displace the novel for the

very good reason that is cannot do what the novel does. So long as people are

interested in the representative type of modern literary art. Hence the short story

must not be regarded as a rival to, or as a substitute for the novel, but as a separate

literary form which has grown side by side with the novel and has come to occupy

an important place in literatures of the world.


The short story is closely related to the drama in brevity. Both the dramatist

and the short story writer are handicapped by little space and little time. Drama, like

the short story, is a most rigorous form of literary art. Bothe, require a long

preliminary discipline in technique. Extreme condensation, extreme economy of

words, is essential for both the drama and the short story. But while the dramatist is

bound by the conditions of the stage and is everywhere hampered by those

conditions the short story writer has no such limitations. His complete immunity

from the conditions of the stage gives to the short story a freedom of movement, a

breadth and a flexibility, which the drama can never attain.


A focused purpose

Setting details woven into text of the story, allowing the reader enter into the


Development of at least one character through his own words, thoughts and

actions and/or through those of another character.

A tightly woven plot limited to one main idea or purpose.


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A problematic conflict which is developed as the story progresses.

A resolution of that conflict

Idea development through snapshots, thought shots, dialogue, description.


Short story is a relatively brief fictional narrative or story written without

using any rhymes or rhythms. The short story has a beginning the middle and an end

and it is composed of the following elements.


The action of the story is centered around the characters in the story. One

central character usually dominates the story. These are two meanings for the


The person in a work of fiction

The characteristics of a person

The person in a work of fiction

Protagonist-the main character that is faced with conflict.

Antagonist-the character of force that causes the conflict.

The characteristics of a person

Behavioural -information that discloses how a character

behaves (happy sad, kind, etc…)

Physical information- it discloses a character’s appearance.


Time and place of the action in which a story takes place is called setting.

Atmosphere: The mood or feeling created by the setting


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The action or events of a story, usually shows how conflict, or struggle,

develops, and is settled. There are two kids of plot. External occurs with in the main

character’s mind. There are five parts of plot. They are Introduction or exposition,

raising action, climax, falling action, and resolution.


The Short Story is not merely a greatly shortened novel. It shares the usual

constituents of all fiction-plot, character and settings, but they cannot be treated with

the same detail as in a novel. Each has to be reduced to the minimum in the interest

of the impression they are together intended to convey. All take the shortest route

towards, the “preconceive effect”.


The author choice’s of the teller of the story. The point of view is important

to the total structure and meaning of the short story.

1) First person

Narrator knows the thoughts and feeling of one character and speaks directly

to reader.

2) Third person

Narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of one character but readers are

able to maintain some emotional distance from the character.

3) Third person omniscient

Narrator knows the thoughts and feelings of all characters. Readers get

insight into several characters.


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Unity of Impression

Moment of crisis

Symmetry of design


Reviewing some of Nathaniel Hawthorne’s fiction in 1824. Poe attested that

the chief formal property of ‘The Short Prose Tale’ was ‘Unity of Impression’,

which he regarded as a product of conscious artistry: The author first ‘conceived,

with deliberate care, a certain unique or single effect to be wrought out’, and then

devised an appropriate narrative vehicle for conveying that.

V.S. Pritchett glosses what is incontestable in Poe’s dictum when he

remarks: “The wrong word, a misplaced paragraph, an inadequate phrase or a

convenient explanation, start fatal leaks in this kind of writing, which is formally

very close to poetry. It must be totally sustained”.


A Dictionary of Literary Terms, edited by Sylvan Barnet Et. Al notes that

most frequently a short story writer of the nineteenth or twentieth century focuses on

a single character in a single episode, and rather than tracing his development,

reveals him at a particular moment; and as Theodore Stroud observes in his essay”.

A critical Approach to the short story”, this moment is frequently one at which the

character undergoes some decisive change in attitude or understanding, as when

Olga, in Chekhov’s ‘The Grasshopper’, suddenly recognizes her husband’s true

worth and her acute need of him just as he dies.


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Brander Matthew declares that ‘Symmetry of Design’ was a sine guenon in

the short story. Insistence on this quality accords with his view that a short story is

almost null, if it has no plot.

There are indeed two good reasons for discarding ‘symmetry of design’ as a

definitive term in critical parlance about the short story. One is that regarding

symmetry as requisite has not helped critics to talk discriminatingly an out the

structure of stories in which it actually is present; the other is that it has impeded

recognition of the fact that in many good stories symmetry is not present at all.


“Personal Essay is a piece of prose that expresses an individual’s point of

view; usually, it is a series of closely related paragraphs that combine to make a

complete piece of writing.”

Personal essay represent what we think, what we fell, about a given topic.

They represent our effort to communicate those thoughts and feelings to others. In

the purely personal essays, there is no effort to objectivity those thoughts. It is

usually in the first person point of view on informal essay on a personal subject, it

can be light and humorous, familiar and intimate in tone, subjective and so on.

According to writer Phillip Lopate, writing about the personal essay is the

process of exploring the “stomach growls,” the strong feeling you have some aspects

of your life.


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A “biography is a description of someone’s life, usually published in the

form of a book or essay, or in some other form, such as a film. A biography is more

than a list of impersonal facts (education, work, relationships and death),it also

portrays the subject’s experience of those events. Unlike profile or curriculum vitae

(resume), a biography presents the subject’s story, highlighting various aspects of

his or her life, including intimate details of experiences, and may include an analysis

of the subject’s personality.

A work is biographical if it covers all of a person’s life. As such,

biographical works are usually non-fiction, but fiction can also be used to portray a

person’s life. One in-depth form of biographical coverage is called legacy writing.


Popular biography

Historical biography

Literary biography

Actionable biography


In an autobiography the author writes the story of his own life and

achievements. It obviously must suffer from, a congenital defect. I t can never be

complete for it must always come to an end before the death of the writer. From the

psychological point of view, no one can know so well as the autobiographer himself,

what motives prompted moments, secret hopes and ambitions and his real

aspirations. Great care has to be taken in making any comments on people who may


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be alive when the book appears. An artistic difficulty is that a biographer or

autobiographer was to omit the details of daily life that are common to everyone,

and must concentrate on what was striking or exceptional.




Coming of age memoir

Memoirs of place

Ecological memoir

Vocational and occupational memoirs

Philosophical memoirs

Religious autobiography

New spiritual autobiography

Historical memoir

The travelogue

Conceptual autobiography.

The following section presents the various stages that a creative writer

Should be going through the complete work of his/her


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Choosing the topics

Although the writer doesn’t know how the imagination works, he/she does

know that exploring different ideas can trigger the imagination .To spark his/her

imagination and help to come up with a topic ,he/she can listen to popular songs, get

inspiration from nature.

Considering the Audience

Before starting to write the writer must keep in mind, about his/her audience.

Is he/she writing for himself/herself, his/her classmates, his/her teacher or someone

else? He/she must decide on his/her audience and think about how it will affect the

writing. For example, in a creative writing for a first grader ,he/she should use very

simple language and include details that a young child might enjoy. He/she must

keep the audience in mind, while developing and drafting the paper.

Considering the purpose

The writer’s purpose will also affect the writing. He/she must think of what

his/her writing to accomplish. Whether he/she wants to make his/her audience

laughs or make them cry? Obviously, the answer to that question will have a major

impact on the way of writing. The type of language he/she uses and the choice of

words depend to a great extent upon the purpose of the writer.


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Before beginning he/she must gather the details that he/she will use. If he/she

is writing a short story, he/she must gather details about the setting ,plot, and

characters. The setting is the time and place where the action occurs. The characters

are the persons or animals that take part in the action.


Good writers show; they don’t merely tell. When he/she writes a short story,

he/she must make sure his/her characters use language that clearly expresses their

individual personality’s .He/she must think about the personalities of each of his/her

characters and their habits, likes and dislikes. The writer wants to convey their

personalities through what they say and way they speak.


Revising his/her work

After finishing drafting, it is time to reread his/her writing. It helps to

improve the writing. It can be done on the basis of how it can be done more


Having a peer Review of his/her work

After the writer has revised his/her own work, he/she can give it to one of

his/her classmates to review it. His/her classmate’s suggestions can guide in making

final revisions.


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After the writer has revised his/her work, he/she has to check it carefully for

the errors in spelling, punctuation, and grammar. Such errors can detract from the

image are on scene and make the work difficult to read.

While writing the dialogue, he/she presents the words that each person says.

Quotation marks show where a speaker’s words begin and end. Begin a quotation

with a capital letter and enclose the entire quotation in quotation marks. Remember

to use a comma to separate a quotation from words that identify the speaker.

Capitalize the first word of a quotation and begin a new paragraph each time a

different person speaks.

The importance of revising and editing is stressed by Gary Sato as

When you revise a poem, what

You have to look for is

Insincere writing or loose

Language-words that can

Be cut out… I have to shave

Language so that it’s concise and

Succinct and…a pleasure to

The ear and to the eye. (MC Collum.1996:259)


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Presenting the creative writing to the audience can be by reading it aloud or

by choosing some art work to accompany a printed version of it. A poetry festival

can provide opportunity for many people to enjoy it. Perfect organization, wide

advertisement, pre-planned action can make the presentation beautiful. For

presentation of a performance, pick a cast for the play and choose a director.

Costumes, stage settings, props must be aptly selected. By these techniques one can

exhibit the talents of him, to the entire world.

The next chapter present my collection of poems entitled



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True beauty is not in face


True beauty is in the way she laughs

True beauty is in her eyes

True beauty is in how she acts

True beauty is inside

True beauty is unseen

True beauty is only felt

True beauty is herself

True beauty is within you

True beauty is always there

True beauty can’t be covered with makeup

True beauty means true love

True beauty is all that matters.


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My childhood was filled

With family and friends

My childhood was filled

With love that tied up loose ends

This was my childhood.

My childhood came

With a grandmother that cared

When she left me

I remembered all the times we shared

This was my childhood.

My childhood was filled

With classwork and homework

.My childhood was filled

With parents who loved work

This was my childhood.

My childhood was filled

With lots of happy holidays

Holidays that aren’t

Just the same nowadays

This was my childhood


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Now my childhood

Has become nothing but memories

But all the good times

Will live on within me

This was my childhood.


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Some people want to die

Some people want to live

Some people want to take

Some people want to give

Some people have family

Some people have friends

Some people need the help

Some people want to share

Some people are weak

Some people are strong

Some people are pretty

Some people are smart

Some people are wise

Some people fools

Some people have no mind

Some people have no heart

These are the qualities of people.


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Anger is anger

Anger makes you scream

Anger makes you hate

Anger takes control

Anger wants you to hurt

Anger wants you to suffer

Anger makes you mad

Anger makes you cry

Anger turns people against you

Anger is anger.


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The ocean is beautiful

The ocean is a mystery

The ocean is a huge monster

The ocean is never ending

The ocean is silent

The ocean is noisy

The ocean is nature

The ocean is a time traveler

The ocean is enjoyable

The ocean is love

The ocean is eternal

The ocean is give all.


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6. RED

Red the colour of blood

the symbol of love

Red the colour of danger

the symbol of death

Red the colour of roses

the symbol of beauty

Red the colour of lovers

the symbol of unity

Red the colour of tomato

the symbol of good health

Red the colour of hot fire

the symbol of burning desire

Red the colour of power

the symbol of energy

Red the colour of wine

the symbol of celebration

Red the primary colour

the symbol of production

Red the colour of carpet

the symbol of honour

Red the colour of an alert

the symbol of readiness.


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Money is precious money is power

Money is a devil cunning and evil

Source of war destruction of nations.

Money causes hatred money unites

Money is lovely it attracts like a magnet

Cupboard love is given for money.

Money is a master it instructs we surrender

Money has rules we follow blindly

Cheating and stealing are done for money.

Money gives power money gives respect

Money can earn you a stay in a coffin

Root of evil , source of happiness.

Money is wonderful, money is eden

Money is a murderer it kills like a cobra

Rejoice with money cry for money.

Money is a stinging bee, money is delicious

Money is sweet as sweet honey

Once you lick it you’ll die for money.

Money and power are closely related

Money is power, power is money

Too much money may mean power and misery.


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Brothers are family,

And brothers are friends,

Brothers stick together,

Brothers have no end,

Brothers part from time to time,

But come together again,

And be themselves,

No need to pretend,


Brothers are family,

And brothers are friends,

Brothers stick together,

BROTHERS have no end…..


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Courage I need

I need the courage to control my instincts

The courage I need to face my fears

I need the courage to see the future

The courage I need to compare facts and opinion

I need the courage to think right

The courage I need to see if my friends trust me

I need the courage to ask questions

The courage I need to survive

I need the courage to convince myself to do something

I have to prepare myself for anything that comes up!


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People say Roses are Red ,

Then, Red Roses for my passionate love to you

People say Roses are Pink,

Then, Pink Roses to show that I admire you

People say Roses are Yellow,

Then, Yellow Roses to brighten your day

People say roses are lavender,

Then, lavender roses to say that I love you at my first sight

People say roses are orange,

Then orange roses to say that I want to build a relationship with you


People say roses are white,

Then, the white rose for the purity and confession of my heart

To confess in my heart that I am truly falling in love with you.


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B.Prasath- “A background to the study of English Literature”

Bell Arthur, Thomas Klammer,1983 The Practising

Writer.Massachusetts: Houghton Mifflin Company.

Kirszner and mandell.1985 writing A college Rhetoric. Newyork

Sebranek Patrick.1997.Write for college- A student Handbook,

Massachusetts:Houghton Mifflin company.