  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report


    Forced conviction heat transfer




  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report



     The o'(ective of this e)*eri+ent is to ,nd the +ain contri'-tors to heat transfer in the

    s.ste+/ 0ater is heated and the ener1. is transferred in t2o 2a.s thro-1ho-t the s.ste+/

     The s.ste+ is r-n for a *eriod of $" +in-tes3 in 'oth free and forced convection/ The heat

    *rod-ced '. the 'oi4er 2i44 re+ain constant thro-1ho-t the e)*eri+ent and the act-a4

    ener1. 1athered 2i44 'e a res-4t of the condensed 2ater ca*t-red in the three di5erent

    vesse4s/ The theoretica4 and e)*eri+enta4 data 2as deter+ined thro-1h +eas-re+ents

    ta6en in the e)*eri+ent '. ther+oco-*4e3 sca4e and 2ater draina1e for the forced and free

    convection tria4s/ The stea+ condensed on the o-ter s-rface of the inner t-'e as 2e44 as the

    inner s-rface of the o-ter t-'e/ 0hen theoretica4 va4-es for forced convection 2ere

    ca4c-4ated 7#8!9; 2as co+*ared to the ##" 9 for the e)*eri+enta4 va4-es3 ro-1h4. #

  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report




    INTR?D@CTI?N>/////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// $

    Methodo4o1. E)*eri+enta4 S.ste+>///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !


    Res-4ts///////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// &

    Conc-4sion>//////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// !

  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report



     The e)*eri+enta4 s.ste+ -ses a 'oi4er 2hich s-**4ies heat to the 2ater to create

    stea+/ Heat is 4ost in the s.ste+ and ca4c-4ations are sho2n 4ater in the re*ort to ana4.e

    this for the t2o tria4s in the e)*eri+ent3 forced and free convection/

    Convection refers to the transfer of ther+a4 ener1. in the +eans of di5-sion/ As a

    -id +oves aro-nd the 'o-ndaries of an o'(ect3 2ith a 1iven ve4ocit.3 an a+o-nt of heat

    ener1. 2i44 'e transferred/ It is -sed in +an. *rocesses3 s-ch as coo4in1 a circ-it 'oard or

    6ee*in1 a roo+ coo4 d-rin1 a hot s-++er/ The -id3 2hich co+es in at a certain

    te+*erat-re3 2i44 e)*erience the chan1e in te+*erat-re/ The o'(ect is 'ein1 coo4ed 2hi4e

    the -id 6ee*s o2in1/ This *rocess re*eats over and over a1ain3 6ee*in1 the o'(ect at a

    desired te+*erat-re/

    A reservoir in the s.ste+ 2as ad(-sted 'et2een forced and free convection 4eve4s/

     This +eans that the *ress-re head is 'ein1 chan1ed/ The forced convection set-* creates a

    *ress-re head ca*a'4e of +ovin1 2ater thro-1h the s.ste+ 2ith a ve4ocit./ The free

  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report


    convection set-* does not circ-4ate as +-ch ne2 2ater into the s.ste+/ The forced

    convection set-* res-4ts in an increase in dissi*ated heat in the e)itin1 of the -id into the

    draina1e tan6/ This res-4ts in a 4ar1er tota4 heat transfer for the forced convection than the

    free convection/

    In the ne)t section of the re*ort the *roced-re -sed to co+*4ete the act-a4

    e)*eri+ent is sho2n/ After that a 1enera4 -nderstandin1 of the e-ations and +ethodo4o1.

    -sed 2i44 'e e)*4ained/ Fina44.3 a series of sa+*4e ca4c-4ations are sho2n that sho2 ho2

    achievin1 the hc  convection heat transfer coecient 2as *ossi'4e and 2hat conc4-sions

    can 'e +ade thro-1h these res-4ts/

    Methodology & Experimentl System-

  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report


     The e-i*+ent -sed for this e)*eri+ent is 'asica44. one *iece e-i*+ent 2hich

    inc4-des di5erent co+*onents/ An e4ectric 'oi4er is the drivin1 force of the e)*eri+ent/ The

    'oi4er is set to a constant o-t*-t 7"" 2atts; and as a res-4t it heats the 2ater and t-rns it

    into stea+/ This stea+ is fed into a condensin1 to2er/ This to2er is co+*rised of a c4osed

     (ac6et and a centra4 sin14e a4-+in-+ t-'e/ Coo4in1 2ater *asses -*2ard tho-1h the inside

    of this condenser t-'e3 ca-sin1 the stea+ to condense on the o-tside s-rface/ Stea+ a4so

    condenses on the inside s-rface of the (ac6et as heat esca*es o-t into the roo+/ A 'oi4er

    s-**4. tan6 is -sed to *rovide and +aintain a constant 4eve4 in the 'oi4er this ins-res that

    the +ass 2ithin the s.ste+ re+ains constant d-rin1 the e)*eri+ent 714ass t-'e;/ Coo4in1

    2ater is *rovided '. reservoir that a44o2s the e)*eri+ent to 'e *erfor+ed 2ith either free or

    forced convection/ A44 the co**er>constantan 7t.*e T; ther+oco-*4es are +onitored -sin1 a

    hi1h i+*edance +i44ivo4t+eter/ T-'e 2a44 and she44 2a44 condensates are co44ected se*arate4.

    fro+ drain t-'es *rovided3 and coo4in1 2ater o2 thro-1h the condenser t-'e is co44ected in

    the 2ei1h tan6 +o-nted on the sca4e/

    0hen *erfor+in1 the e)*eri+ent +an. 2ater 4eve4s needed to re+ain constant in the

    s.ste+/ The 1ro-* +e+'ers 2ere 1iven di5erent res*onsi'i4ities s-ch as3 +aintainin1 the

    14ass t-'e 2ater hei1ht3 +aintainin1 reservoir hei1ht 7forcedfree settin1;3 as 2e44 as

    6ee*in1 trac6 of the start and ,nish 2ater 4eve4s/


  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report


    0hen ana4.in1 convection heat transfer coecients3 three di+ension>4ess va4-es

    +-st 'e ac-ired/ To deter+ine 2hat n-+ero-s constants are the initia4 conditions +-st 'e

    6no2n so ta'4es can 'e -ti4ied/

    Nusselt Number:

       Nu=hc D


    Prandtl Number:




     K    ,

    Grashof Number:

      Gr= D

    2 ρ

    2g ( ∆T  )


    Reynolds number3 for interna4 o23 is o'tained '. the fo44o2in1 e-ation:

     ℜ D=



     These e-ations are cr-cia4 to ca4c-4ate to deter+ine 2hat t.*e of o2 e)ists in the s.ste+/

    In order to -se the correct heat transfer e-ation the t.*e of o2 +-st 'e 6no2n to 'e

    4a+inar or t-r'-4ent/

    Types of Convection observed-

  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report


    Forced convection occ-rs 2hen the -id o2s across the 'o-ndar. of an o'(ect3 2ith

    the +ove+ent ca-sed '. e)terna4 forces/ Heat transfer coecient for the forced convection

    de*ends on the re4ationshi* 'et2een N-sse4t n-+'er3 Prandt4 n-+'er and the Grasho5

    n-+'er ac-ired for free convection/ The re4ationshi* is e)*ressed in the fo44o2in1 e-ation:

    hc D

     K   =α ( DG μ )


    m∧n=exponents experimentally acquire

    Free convection occ-rs 2hen the -id is a44o2ed to o2 '. +eans of '-o.anc. forces/

     This convection +ethod occ-rs 2hen the te+*erat-re di5erences e)ist 'et2een the t2o

    ends of the air/ 0hen the end *art to-chin1 the hot o'(ect contacts the o'(ect3 the -id

    'eco+es 2ar+er and 4ess dense/ The air +oves -* and the co4der air +oves in to re*4ace

    the 2ar+er air/ The co+'ination of the varia'4es in order to o'tain the heat transfer

    coecient for the free convection *rocess is:

     Nu=! n ( Pr x Gr )

    Heat transfer in condensation, because a phase change is involved, requires complex analysis.

    Condensation takes place when vapor is cooled down. Once this occurs, heat is transferred in a

    fundamentally different manner than when heat is added or taken away from a fluid without such phase

    change. When vapor is condensed, it lets go of considerable amounts of energy. he condensed fluid

     becomes a barrier, in the form of a liquid film which either completely or partially covers the cooler

    surface. !f the drainage of the fluid is done from vertical or inclined surface, the drainage will be naturally

    faster than a hori"ontal surface. he film will be thinner. !f the vertical height is great, the accumulation of

    condensate fluid at the lower portion of the surface will thicken the film and make the lower portion less

    effective than the upper transmitting heat.

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    In order to ac-ire an even +ore acc-rate res-4t3 the heat transfer that occ-rs 2hen

    heat is re4eased d-rin1 the condensation of the va*or +-st a4so 'e ta6en into acco-nt/ This

    va4-e can 'e easi4. ca4c-4ated '. o'tainin1 the 4atent heat of va*oriation va4-e/

    Neverthe4ess3 as the condensate is coo4ed 'e4o2 Tsat3 the e-ation +-st 'e +odi,ed to:

    #$.%& ' (  fg fg pl sat sh h C T T  = + −

    Settin1 -* a44 e-ations to1ether3 the co+'ination of the rate of heat transfer and the heat

    transfer coecient for+-4as3 the fo44o2in1 e-ation is o'tained/

    .#' (

     s sat s fg condenQ hA T T mh= − =

    ?nce ever. va4-e has 'een o'tained3 the heat transfer coecient for the free and

    forced convection heat transfer *rocesses can 'e o'tained/

     The theoretica4 va4-e for the free convection is e)*ressed as:



    T  D

    hk C h





     The theoretica4 va4-e for the forced convection is e)*ressed as:

    ( )  ,.&.




     ρ  i


    VD D

    k C h

    In order to deter+ine the heat transferred a+o-nt3 t2o e-ations are needed/ The

    e-ations 2i44 ta6e into acco-nt the 1ains and 4osses in the s.ste+/ The ,rst e-ation

    needed is the heat transferred fro+ the stea+3 2hich is e)*ressed as fo44o2s:

  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report


    Steam Steam fg  Q V h   ρ =

     The second e-ation needed is the heat transfer that occ-rs in the 2ater/ The

    e-ation is e)*ressed in the fo44o2in1 +anner:

    ( ) ( ) ( )Water Water Water  Q W Cp T  = ∆

     Therefore3 in order to ac-ire the tota4 a+o-nt of heat transferred3 the t2o e-ations

    +-st 'e co+'ined/ The tota4 a+o-nt of heat transferred is e)*ressed in the fo44o2in1


     Losses Steam Water Q Q Q= −

    In order to ,nd the heat transfer coecient3 the transfer heat a+o-nt +-st 'e

    o'tained/ F-rther3 the resistance +-st 'e ta6en into acco-nt/ The resistance va4-e 2i44 1ive

    -s the rate at 2hich the heat is 'ein1 transferred3 2hich 2i44 s.+'o4ie the overa44 heat

    transfer coecient/

    Heat F4o2 Thro-1h a *i*e

    Forced convection

    "   ¿.4


     μ  ¿ .8¿



    Nat-ra4 Convection

  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report


    ( $

    3 ρ

    2 % ∆ Tg



    "   )¿n



    Condensin1 Stea+

    " 3 ρ


     Dμ∆T ¿¿



    A44 ca4c-4ations are 'ased on data co44ected fro+ the tenth to ,fteenth +in-tes of the

    e)*eri+ent/ The data 2as avera1ed over the ,ve +in-te ti+e di5erence and -sed to

    co+*-te e+*irica4 and e)*eri+enta4 va4-es/ The e)ce4 co*ies 'e4o2 sho2 the avera1e

    te+*erat-res and vo4-+e2ei1ht of 2aterstea+>condensate co44ected/

  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report


    Forced Convection

    Free Convenction

    Heat Transfer Coecient, Forced Convection, Inner 

    $.&   $.,

    ' (  pi


    V D K C h Forced C  

     D K 

     ρ    µ 


          ÷   ÷


    × ×   ×=

  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report


    hi  forced heat transfer Co efficient of F?RCED convection

    C is a constant "/""#$

    +ean avera1e ve4ocit. of -id in +s

    Do o-ter dia+eter of inner t-'e  (34 +2(   132 ))&0.0254=0.02064m  

    Do  inner dia+eter of inner t-'e  ( 34 )&0.0254=0.01905m

    1 acce4eration d-e to 1ravit. in +secsec &/8 +s#

    6 Ther+a4 Cond-ctivit.3 in 0+J 9 

    C* s*ecific heat in 661

    6 Ther+a4 Cond-ctivit.3 in 0+K9 

    iscosit. in 61+Js

    Densit. of 0ater in 61+$

    JPro*erties in red 2ere fo-nd in 2ater *ro*ert. ta'4es at at+os*heric *ress-re and Tav1  T# TO#

     Tav1  $!/&&

  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report


    )   )'$.$0$*($.$$$)&*

    , ,


     D A

      π    π  ×= = =

    +# Q Cross sectiona4 area of inner t-'e

    # =   ḿ ρ & '=

    0.00945 "g




    &0.000285m2=0.0333 ms

    hi!orce=0.0023(   0.6230.01905 ) (994&0.0333&0.0195

    0.000724   )0.8

    ( 4178( /"g℃&0.0007240.623   )0.4

    hi!orce   $!/"8

    m2 K 

    Heat Transfer Coecient; Condensing Steam; Outer Surface; Inner


    ho=c &


     " 3

    & ρ2

    &h !g

     $ & μ & ∆ T 




    J Pro*erties -sed in this ca4c-4ation 2ere ta6en at T,4+  Ts-rface Tstea+

    ECEPT hf1 ta6en at Tstea+

     Ts-rface is the avera1e inner *i*e o-ter s-rface te+*erat-reQ T8 T& 

     Tstea+ is the avera1e te+*erat-re of condensin1 stea+ Q T"

    T s=T 8+T 92   =92.58946154+80.4412   =86.51℃  

    T !ilm=T sur!ace+T steam



    2=95.031℃  T Tstea+  Ts-rface  8/

  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report


     6 "/%OO"##OO) 

    m∗℃  3 &%/!OO&"<"g

    m3 3 μ  "/"""#&"&!<


    m∗s 3 hf1  


  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report


    q trans!erre=6.25 l.s&0.454  "g

    l.s & 4178


    "gK  & (24℃)&300 s=284"( 

    0hen a44 the data 2as co44ected the heat transfer coecient 2as a'4e to 'e so4ved for/

    Based on o-r data 'et2een the ti+e *eriod of " and < +in-tes the heat transferred for

    the free convection 2as 8%/< 9 2hi4e for forced it 2as ##" 9/ Thro-1h the theor. that 2as

    *revio-s4. ta46ed a'o-t it 2o-4d 'e a 4o1ica4 h.*othesis to ass-+e that the forced

    convection 2o-4d have a 1reater heat transferred/ This is 'eca-se a -id is 'ein1 forced

    thro-1h havin1 a o2 rate that is constant4. i+*4e+entin1 ne2 coo4er -id to the s.ste+/

     Therefore3 the ne2 -id has a 1reater di5erence in te+*erat-re and creates a 1reater heat



     The stea+ condensed on the o-ter s-rface of the inner t-'e as 2e44 as the inner

    s-rface of the o-ter t-'e/ This 2as the *ri+ar. +ode of heat transfer in the e)*eri+ent/

     The e+*irica44. ca4c-4ated res-4ts varied '. ro-1h4. #

  • 8/19/2019 159462298 Free and Forced Convection Lab Report
