
Create Cost Element and Cost Element Group SAP Best Practices Baseline Package (Canada)SAP Best PracticesProcess Flow DiagramCreate Cost Element and Cost Element GroupCost AccountantEventAccounting ManagerDoes Cost Element Group Exist?Create Accounts and Account Groups (155.01) Create rimar! Cost ElementCost Element "eeds to #e Created to $ecord C% &ransactionsC% ' End rocessMaintain Assessment C!cle (155.0() Create Activit! &!pe and Activit! &!pe Groups(155.0))Does Cost Element Get *alues +rom ,-?-s Cost Element an Activit! Allocation cost Element?-s Cost Element an Assessment Cost Element?Create Cost Element Group.pdate $elevant Cost Element GroupsCreate Cost Element Group"o/es "o /es/es/esLegendSymbol Description Usage CommentsBand: -denti+ies a user role0 suc1 as Accounts a!a#le Cler2 or 3ales $epresentative. &1is #and can also identi+! an organi4ation unit or group0 rat1er t1an a speci+ic role.&1e ot1er process +lo5 s!m#ols in t1is ta#le go into t1ese ro5s. /ou 1ave as man! ro5s as re6uired to cover all o+ t1e roles in t1e scenario.$ole #and contains tas2s common to t1at role.External Events: Contains events t1at start or end t1e scenario0 or in+luence t1e course o+ events in t1e scenario.lo! line (solid): 7ine indicates t1e normal se6uence o+ steps and direction o+ +lo5 in t1e scenario.lo! line (das"ed): 7ine indicates +lo5 to in+re6uentl!8used or conditional tas2s in a scenario. 7ine can also lead to documents involved in t1e process +lo5.Connects t5o tas2s in a scenario process or a non8step eventB#siness Activity $ Event: -denti+ies an action t1at eit1er leads into or out o+ t1e scenario0 or an outside rocess t1at 1appens during t1e scenarioDoes not correspond to a tas2 step in t1e document Unit Process: -denti+ies a tas2 t1at is covered in a step8#!8step manner in t1e scenarioCorresponds to a tas2 step in t1e document Process %e&erence: -+ t1e scenario re+erences anot1er scenario in total0 put t1e scenario num#er and name 1ere.Corresponds to a tas2 step in t1e document S#b'Process %e&erence: -+ t1e scenario re+erences anot1er scenario in part0 put t1e scenario num#er0 name0 and t1e step num#ers +rom t1at scenario 1ereCorresponds to a tas2 step in t1e document Process Decision: -denti+ies a decision 9 #ranc1ing point0 signi+!ing a c1oice to #e made #! t1e end user. 7ines represent di++erent c1oices emerging +rom di++erent parts o+ t1e diamond. Does not usuall! correspond to a tas2 step in t1e document: $e+lects a c1oice to #e made a+ter step executionSymbol Description Usage Comments(o next $ rom last Diagram: 7eads to t1e next 9 previous page o+ t1e Diagram,lo5 c1art continues on t1e next 9 previous page)ardcopy $ Doc#ment: -denti+ies a printed document0 report0 or +orm Does not correspond to a tas2 step in a document: instead0 it is used to re+lect a document generated #! a tas2 step: t1is s1ape does not 1ave an! outgoing +lo5 linesinancial Act#als: -ndicates a +inancial posting document Does not correspond to a tas2 step in a document: instead0 it is used to re+lect a document generated #! a tas2 step: t1is s1ape does not 1ave an! outgoing +lo5 linesB#dget Planning: -ndicates a #udget planning document Does not correspond to a tas2 step in a document: instead0 it is used to re+lect a document generated #! a tas2 step: t1is s1ape does not 1ave an! outgoing +lo5 lines*an#al Process: Covers a tas2 t1at is manuall! done Does not generall! correspond to a tas2 step in a document: instead0 it is used to re+lect a tas2 t1at is manuall! per+ormed0 suc1 as unloading a truc2 in t1e 5are1ouse0 51ic1 a++ects t1e process +lo5. Existing +ersion $ Data: &1is #loc2 covers data t1at +eeds in +rom an external process Does not generall! correspond to a tas2 step in a document: instead0 t1is s1ape re+lects data coming +rom an external source: t1is step does not 1ave an! incoming +lo5 lines System Pass $ ail Decision: &1is #loc2 covers an automatic decision made #! t1e so+t5are Does not generall! correspond to a tas2 step in t1e document: instead it is used to re+lect an automatic decision #! t1e s!stem t1at is made a+ter a step 1as #een executed. ,

#nction-External to SAP;usiness Activit! 9 Event.nit rocessrocess $e+erence3u#8rocess $e+erencerocess DecisionDiagram Connection