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15 Common Component Patterns

February 9, 2009

This is the third article in a three part series on patterns and principles for RIA design.

Standard Screen Patterns: 12 patterns w/100 examples

Essential Controls: 30 controls for RIA design and development

Common Component Patterns: 15 patterns and examples

Odds are good if you are designing a enterprise software or a productivity web application, you’ll

need a number of these components. Don’t spend time and effort on (re)designing these ancillary

features- try these solutions instead.

01. Add Another 

Wufoo (button)


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Gmail (link)

Requirement: Need to offer multiple input fields for the same thing, but unsure how many the

user may need

Example: Add attachments, enter phone numbers, upload photos…

Description: The “add another” link or button should be in proximity to the field, and theremove option is shown an attachment is added, and only one “add another” link is shown at a

time. No need to show the remove button until at least one entry is shown.

02. Add/Manage Tags

Highrise (inline edit)

Mint (dialog)

Requirement: Need a way to add non-structured meta data to an object that can later be


Example: While adding recruits to a CRM system, the recruiter wants to note applicants’ interests and hobbies

Description: Place the tags in close proximity to the object being taggged. Allow for direct

adding of additional tags and editing. You can take the 37signals approach and let users type in

any tags they want- running the risk of duplicate, misspelled or overlapping concept tags. Or use

Mint’s approach and let users select from the existing list of tags, and/or add new ones.

03. Add/Edit or Select from Existing

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Requirement: Need to pick from an existing option, add a new option, or edit an existing option

Example: Recording receipts for household expenses, and there is not a category for pet/vet

bills. Add a new category for “pets”, which will now show up as an option in the list

Description: Place the option for “add new…” at the bottom of the options. Open a new dialog or

light weight layer to add the new option. Place edit to the right of the list box, edit can be a new

screen or dialog for editing all the options.

04. Advanced Filter 

Mission 360 for The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society 

Requirement: Need to refine the data set based on specified criteria

Example: In a bug tracking system, a developer needs to see all bugs assigned to him, in the

last 24 hours, related to the production system, containing the term “feedback” 

Description: Provide a dynamic filter field and offer an advanced filter option, where the user

can specify criteria for refining the data set. Allow the criteria to be saved (usually as a ‘view’),

that can be accessed again. Note* Luke W. has a great article describing multiple techniques for

refining data tables.

05. Build a List (aka Accumulator)


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Requirement:Need to create a list from an existing set of options

Example: Invite some of your friends from your existing list of webmail contacts, or build a list

of hot prospects for a sales campaign

Description: When a user needs to select items from separate sets of search results or other

large, unwieldy data sets- let them manipulate the left (search, sort, navigate or filter), and add

to the right.

06. Build an Expression (aka Predicate Editor)


Mac OS predicate editor inspired web versions of this component 

Requirement: Need to define a set of conditions that build on each other.

Example: Complex search or building a report filter, or building a mathematical function

Description: Design it so the expression can be read, left to right, top to bottom. Each line can

be edited, removed, or deleted, and possibly rearranged in order.

07. Contextual Toolbar 


Requirement: Need to perform an action that has multiple input parameters

Example: Analyst needs to apply a discount to all the rows in a table, clicks the ‘discount’ tool.

The discount options: discount percent [10%] or flat rate discount [$0.00], are then provided.

Description: Group the actions in a toolbar, and as one is selected, disclose the input

parameters. Offer a live preview if applicable.

08. Customizable Data Grid

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Flexigrid demo

Requirement: Need robust data grid from viewing, editing and manipulating data

Example: A CRM system with contacts displayed in a table/data grid

Description: Offer simple and advanced filtering, ability to directly resize columns, ability to

directly rearrange columns, hide/show columns, sorting. If also providing editing, provide a

toolbar that includes undo and redo actions.

09. Drag & Drop Reorder 


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Requirement: Need to reorder a text list, visual map, or tree because the order is indicative of 

priority or hierarchical relationship

Example: To-do list, org chart, tree

Description: Make sure to follow the interaction principles for all the states of drag and drop

management, most importantly providing a visual cue the list can be rearranged, like the drag

handles in the examples. Refer to Bill’s Interesting Moments Grid for implementing the

interaction properly.

10. Full Screen


RadEditor Demo

Requirement: Need more real estate for core functionality

Example:Editing a photo, designing a work flow, navigating a map

Description: Place the toggle in the top left corner (make sure it remains in the same spot and

visible even in the full screen mode). The branding and top level navigation can be hidden in this

mode. Don’t add any more elements into the full screen mode- just enlarge the workspace.

11. Graph Drill Down

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Dundas Charts

Requirement: Need to show a summary view and allow a quick and efficient drill down to view

more details, instead of navigating deeper into the graph

Example: A specific datapoint has multiple sets of information available. The main graph could

show sales volume by sales person over time, and the hover detail breaks it down by new versus

existing clients

Description: Provide a visual indicator (like a dot) that hover details are available. Use a

non-modal layer to display the next level of data.

12. Live Preview

Fidelity MyPlan

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Mint Savings Finder 

Requirement: Need provide live feedback on changing criteria

Example: Graphic designer altering the hue of a photo needs to see the effect as he adjust the


Description: Provide easy to manipulate controls, and an “apply” and “cancel” options, or“revert” feature.

13. Slide Down (inline)

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Weight Watchers (overlay)

Requirement: Need to show more details, or input details

Example: Reading an article in a list of articles, scan the first paragraph and want to read more,

or read the comments.

Description: Expand inline or overlay without leaving the page or opening a new window/dialog.

Use smooth transitions and a fixed height scroll window like RetailMeNot. Provide the close link in

the same spot.

14. Split a Transaction


Requirement: Need to allocate a single item across multiple categroies

Example: Dividing a transaction (ex. allocating a 50% of a donation to one recipient, and 50% to

another recipient, or $2.00 as a fee, and $200.00 as cash withdraw)

Description: Split button placed unobtrusively in the transaction detail pane, could also be a tool

in the table toolbar, enabled when a row is selected. Opens a dialog allowing the user to

re-allocate the data as needed.

15. Switch To

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Requirement: Need to infrequently navigate out of one module into another without returning to

a control panel, dashboard or dock

Example: Working in one project, finish and need to work on another one

Description: Make the switch less visually prominent than the main navigation, but still easily

accessible (top right or left, above the main menu).

Posted by theresaneil

Filed in Ajax, Ajax Components, Experience Design, Flex Components, Usability, User Experience, User

Interface Design, design patterns, rich internet applications

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Common Component Patterns « Theresa Neil