Page 1: 1:5 BANGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPLYCOJ.lfP.1L·'rYLL~fITED ~ … · 2016-04-07 · 9Mtrs RCC/145 KgsWL 8Mtrs RCC/115kgsWL 9Mtrs

1:5 BANGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPLYCOJ.lfP.1L·'rYLL~fITED~ (Wbolly owned by Government of Karnataka Cndertaking)1'efephone No. 080-22342121, OiO GMIQS&SIFax No.080-22342128. No:12. J.P Avenue, Curve road.E-Mail [email protected]. gmqs~bescom.cojn _No:GMIQ,S&S)DGM-3/BC-l1j 15-16~ ~ 'f>-/,S.;t.End: ! \.......,


Tasker Town.Bangalore-51D r -. 0. Irate: Cc - C.;). -,;xC b

Sub: Vendor approval for supply of 8 & 9mtr RCC pole, 8 & 9mtr PSC pole and 8mtrPeC poles & 9 Mtr RCCwith square section poles.

Ref: Approved vide para(15) of T.O Note No: G~!iQS&S)jDGM-3/ BC-ll/2015-16/ 4357dated:05.02.2016

•Approval is hereby accorded to :\{"s Sri Vanashri Industries, # 2658, 1-2, RCT\·IMotors, 1st

floor, M.C.C E' Block, Dental College Road, Davangere- 577004 as approved vendor for supply of 8& 9mtr RCCpole, 8 & 9mtr PSC pole and 8mtr PeC poles & 9 Mtr RCCwith square section poles toprospective consumers in BESCOM area for Electrification of layouts, M.S. Buildings, Action planworks, Turnkey works / Partial Turnkey works & Self Execution works etc.,The firm has paid the processing fees of Rs-IO,OOO- .-ide Rt No: 212 dated: 06.01.2016.

S1.~o. Particulars Period of validity upto1. 8 Mtrs PeC/ 140kgs WL

8 Mtrs PSC(200kgs WL2.3.

6. . 9 Mtrs RCC square section Poles with 150kgsWorking load

9 Mtrs RCC/145 KgsWL8 Mtrs RCC/ 115kgs WL9 Mtrs PSC/200kgs WL

30.11.2020 (subject toRevalidation every year).


The approval is subject to the followingconditions:-

1. The prospective consumers who purchase the 8 & 9mtr RCC pole, 8 & 9mtr PSC pole and 8mtrPeC poles & 9 Mtr RCC with square section poles shall stand guarantee for the materials for aperiod of one year from the date of commissioning.

2. The materials shall confirm to the specification as prescribed in the relevant IS/IEC/BESCOM &its amendments from time to time.

3. The Poles shall be got inspected by (QS&SIor the concemed jurisdictional Engineers, BESCOMbefore they are put into service.

4. BESCOM reserves the right to withdraw the approval issued, in case of any violation of theapproved Drawing and Specification at any time.

I Approved by Director (Technical) I

Copy to-1. The Chief General Manager (EL,)CA / Operations, BESCOM, Bangalore.2. All the Chief Engineer (Electy.,) O&..\{Zones, BESCOM.3. The General Managers (Ele.,) Procurement /Projects ..DAS, BESCOM.4. All the Superintending Engineers (Ele),CO&Mcircles, BESCOM.5. All the Executive Engineers (Ele.)CO&MDivisions, BESCO?\-L6. PS to DT to place before Hori'ble Director (Technical), BESCOM.7. M/s Sri Vanashri Industries, # 2658/1-2, RUn,l Motors, 1st floor, :\LC.C ·B' Block, Dental

CollegeRoad, Davangere- 577004 , cJ---I~vJ:l8. Officecopy / M.F ~ '- /)


Page 2: 1:5 BANGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPLYCOJ.lfP.1L·'rYLL~fITED ~ … · 2016-04-07 · 9Mtrs RCC/145 KgsWL 8Mtrs RCC/115kgsWL 9Mtrs

BANGALORE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED(Wbolly owned by Government of Karnataka Undertaking)

Telephone _o. 080-22342121,Fax No.080-22342128,E-Mail [email protected],S&S)DG li-3/BC-ll/15-_6 C·L 5-l5lEnc:


0/0 GM(QS&S)_-0:12, J.P Avenue, Curve road,_asker _0~'I1,Bangalore-S1Date: 1/ - ",::0> ~ ['Ifb -- ij,L -;_;1. '-='

Sub: Vendor approval for s ipj Iy of 9mtr RCC poles of d./ s Lakshmi _IarasimhaEnterprises, Bangalore.

Ref: Approved by Direc or (Technical! vide para (20) ofT.O Note 0: G 1(QS&S)/DG_1-3/Be- 1/2015-16/ 4185 dated: _6.0 .20_6.

Approval is hereby accorded to ~I!/S Lakshmi arasimha Enterprises, No:4507, V floor &4905, IX floor high point-4, Palace Road, Bangalore-560 001 as approved vendor for manufacturingthe 9 <ftrsRCC poles for their own project works in SL lavou in SLN city and not for sale toothers.The firm has paid the processing fees ofRs-_O,OOO/- ride Rt 1-0: 236 dated: 14.0 .2016.

S1.o. Particulars Period of validity upto

I 9 Mtrs RCC poles -_45 Kgs -\·L1

8.08.2020 Vi- respect to date of conducting'type test i.e 0 .08.20 _5 by _1/s Civil aidechnoclinic, B'lore) (Subject to Revalidation I

every year).

The approv is s bject to the following conditions:-

1. 9Mrr RCC poles with working cad D· 145kg is approved by Ho be \ide.O Note No:GM(QS&S)/DG -3/ BC-11/2015- 6/ 4_85 da-ed:16.01.2016 for manufacruring the poles fortheir OVoTJl project works in SL.- ayou in SL - city and not for sale to others.

2. The prospective consumers who p rchase the 9mrr RCC pole shall stand guarantee for thematerials for a period of one year from the date 0 commissioning.

3. The materials shall confirm to the specification as prescribed in the relevant IS/IEC/BESCOM &;its amendments from time to time.

4. The Poles shall be got inspected by (QS&S~or the concerned jurisdictional Engineers, BESCOMbefore they are put into service.

5. BESCOM reserves the right to wit idraw e approval issued, in case of any violation of theapproved Drawing and Specifica 0_ at anv time.

I Approved by Director1(~,Jli(/~~\).", ,l_j

(G.~~ela)Ge era} Manager (L..jQ, S& S BESCO.1.

1. The Chief General Manager (E .. 1 CA / Operations, BESC011, Bangalore.2. All the Chief Engineer lee _..,) 0 - Zo es. BESCO_'1-3. The General _ anagers (Ele.j] Procure en Proie ts :' DAS, BESCO_4. All the Superintending Engineers [Ele] , 0&],,1eire es. BESCOd.o, All the Exec tive E gineers (Le.J CO&~\'lDivisions, B:::SCO_L6. PS to DT to p ace before Hon'ble Director [Technical]. B:SSCO~.7. rv /s Lakshmi Narasimha Enterprises. 1\0:4507 .. Door &. 490-. LX floor high point-a. Palace

Road. Bangalore-560 00Office copy ,/ _ .F

Page 3: 1:5 BANGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPLYCOJ.lfP.1L·'rYLL~fITED ~ … · 2016-04-07 · 9Mtrs RCC/145 KgsWL 8Mtrs RCC/115kgsWL 9Mtrs

B... co_ BANGALORE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY COMPAlVT liMITED(Wholly owned by Goverument of Karnataka Undertaking)

Telephone !\o. 080-22682128, Fax No.080-22682121.E-Mail [email protected] GMIQS&S)OOM(EL,,-3)JBC-11/ 15-16 C.'t S-iS&'End

0/0 GMIQS&S,No:12, J.P Avenue, Curve road,Tasker Town,Bangalore- 51Date: I G - ()~-dCIG


Sub: Vendor approval for supply of BEE 3 SUi!"Rated (EEL-I) 100kVA Distribution Transformers byMis Voltech Manufacturing company Limited.,Kanchipuram.

Ref: Approved by Director (Technical! vide para 128)ofT.O Note No: GM(QS&S)JDGM-3/ BC-11/2015-16/ 3106 dated:03.02.2016.

Approval is hereby accorded to Mis Voltech Manufacturing Company Limited., Sy No: 212/1,212/2,213/3,Pillaipakkam Village, Sriperumputhur Taluk, Kanchipuram as approved vendor for supply of BEE 3 Star Rated(EEL-I) l00kVA Distribution Transformers conforming to IS - 1180/2014 & IS - 2026 to prospectiveconsumers in BESCOM area for Self execution works including Electrification of layouts, M.S. Buildings, Action4t plan works, Turnkey works! Partial Turnkey works etc ..

S1.No. Particulars Period of validity upto


100kVA BEE 3 Star Rated (EEL-1IDistribution Transformers,50Hz, ONAN Cooled, complete with first filling EHV Grade

, Transformer Oil with all accessories and confirming to latest; versions ofIS - 1180/2014 &:S - 2026.

31.01.2017 (Subject torevalidation every year;

The approval is subject to the following condinons:-





• 5.

The prospective consumers \\TIO purchase the BEE 3 Star Rated (EEL-Ii 100kVA DistributionTransformers shall stand guarantee for the materials for a period of one year from the date ofcommissioning.The materials shall confirm to the specification as prescribed in the relevant IS/IEC, BESCOMspecifications & its amendment from time to time.The BEE 3 Star Rated (EEL-1 lOOkVADistribution Transformers shall be got inspected by QS&S orthe concerned jurisdictional Engineers, 3ESCOM before they are put into service.BESCOM reserves the. right to withdraw me approval issued, ill case of any violation of the approveddrawing and specificauon at any time.Stainless steel plate of 5- x 27' dimensions with unique 10 code shall be welded or: the tank oi thetransformer as informed vide GWQS&SiDGM(E1.,)-3 Be-Il/ 15-16/646-48 dated: 09.06.2015

Approved by Director (Technical),./i~· ~'~ \.P:; V~- \

(d.~eela)General Manager '':::.,1Q, S& S BESCO~!,

Copy to-1. The Chief General Manager (Ei.1 CA Operations, 3ESCOM. Bangalore.2. All the Chief Engineer (E1ecty.,) O&,l.!Zones, 3ESCOM.3. The General Managers (Ele.,j Procurement .Projects DAS. BESCOM.4. All the Superintending Engineers (Ele], CO&'Mcircles. BESCm.{.5. All the Executive Engineers (Ele., CO&'MDivisions, BESCOM.6. PS to D; to place before Hon'ble Director rrec.'1.."llcal. BESCO~!7. M/s Voltech Manufacturing Company Lanited., Sv S 212/12

S th Tal .0: • 12/2.213/3. Pillaipakkam Village.nperumpu ur uk, Kanchiouram. .8. Office copy , M.F •



Page 4: 1:5 BANGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPLYCOJ.lfP.1L·'rYLL~fITED ~ … · 2016-04-07 · 9Mtrs RCC/145 KgsWL 8Mtrs RCC/115kgsWL 9Mtrs

~ BANGALORE ELECTRJCITY SCPPLY COMPA.NY-LIMITED~ ("nolly owned by Government of Karnataka Lndertaking]r~~.e_\o "fj...]::86]128 % GM(QS&S)Officer: It; il ,..., -- -I --- ,,-~:~aG_;Q~5~r;;;:;:.~~/~~~~a'5~':5Tmc·_0'1,.7.5 _1/,' No:12,J.P Avenue, Curve

I:;::: \ road,Tasker Town,Encl: Bangalore-51~oJ:i._,;_ - d.(:. -O~ - ~C) \b


S b: Vendor approval for supply of l . _k' T Cable and Co itrol Cables.Ref: Firm tetter ?\o: CCL _-\lL i/BESCOM ..001/15-.6/04.01.2016.

2. Approved by Director echr.icalj vide T.O Note No: 3250dated:17.02.2016 vi ie parat l 1_

Approval is hereby accorded to _f s. Chandresh Cables Ltd. G-6, New Madhavpuramarket, Near Police Commissioner Office. A.':'runedabaci-380004 as approved vendor for supply of.. 1kV LT Cable and Control Cables - prospective consumers in BESCOM area forElectrifica 'on of lavo ts, M,S. Buildings, Aerier 12..1""1works, Turnkey works j Parra} Turnkeyworks &;Se Executio works etc.,

S1.:\0. Particulars

Period of validitypo

RemaArmoured LT UG Cable 1.1kV Class rks

1. 4s Osqmm armoured cable with strandedAl con .uctor 30.12.2018

2. 4x16sqmm armoured cab e with strandedAl con uctor 30.06.2020

3. 3.5CX95 sqrnm arm0

stranded _\1 coriductorwith

31.0'.2 20 (Subject toRevalidationevery year)

3.oCX300sqmmstranded Al conductor 30.08.20 9

Copper Control Cables 1.1 kV Class

o.9CX2.5sqrnm armoured can.e with

stranded copper conductortcoritrol cable) 30.10.2020

The prospective consumers w__o purchase L'1e 1.1kV LT Cab e and Control Cablesshall stand guarantee for u e materials for a period of 0_ e =-e2I from L e date ofcommissioning.

2. T e materials shall confirm to the speer cation as prescribed in - _e relevantISjIECjBESCOM &, its amendments from time :0 time.

3, The 1.1kV LT Cable and Control Cables shall be got ir specred by (QS&;S) or theconcerned jurisdictional E girieer s. BESCO_ before they are put i to service.

4, BESCOM reserves the right -0 witl idraw tne approval issued, i case of anv \iolation ofthe approved Dra\\ing 2..LldSpeCWCZLO::1at 2....!.~-eme,


r " I -I I jJ._>, '~ / IJ ,i­"-\ ~,L I, 1),

v ~:-.(G. Shee a)

Ge__era} Yifulager (El.IQS&S. BESCOYI. Bangalore

Page 5: 1:5 BANGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPLYCOJ.lfP.1L·'rYLL~fITED ~ … · 2016-04-07 · 9Mtrs RCC/145 KgsWL 8Mtrs RCC/115kgsWL 9Mtrs

Copy to-1. All the Chief Engineer (Electy.,) C,O&MZONES, BESCOM.2. The Chief General Manager (Operations)/CA ,Corporate office, BESCOM, Bangalore3. The General Managers (Ele.,) Procurement / Projects & DAS, BESCOM.4. All the Superintending Engineers (Ele), C,O&M Circles, BESCOM.5. All Executive Engineers (Ele.) C,O&MDivisions, BESCOM.6. PS to D(T) to place it before D(T),BESCOM, Bangalore.7. The Manager (El.,) Q,S&S, Corporate office, BESCOM.8. M/ s. Chandresh Cables Ltd, G-6, New Madhavpura market, Near Police Commissioner Office,

Ahmedabad -3800049. OC/MF

VendorO.M 248

Page 6: 1:5 BANGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPLYCOJ.lfP.1L·'rYLL~fITED ~ … · 2016-04-07 · 9Mtrs RCC/145 KgsWL 8Mtrs RCC/115kgsWL 9Mtrs

B•..co_ BA1\lGALOREELECTRIC/D- S[PPLY COMPANY LIMITED("llolly owned by Government of Karnataka Undertaking)

Telephone No. OSO-22342121,Fax No.OSO-2234212S.E-Mail,S&SI/DGM-3 BC-11/15-16 C'-t.s- If}.End:


0/0 GM(QS&S)No:12, J.P Avenue, Curve road,Tasker TO\\""Jl,Bangalore-51Date: :)7- C}- de/t;

Sub: Vendor approval for supply of SMtr & 9mtr RCC pole, SMtr PCC poles and Smtr & 9Mtr PSC poles.

Ref: 1. Approved by Director (Technical, vide para (11) of T.O Note No: GM(QS&S)/DGM-3/ BC-l1'2015-16/ 4052 dated:31.12.2015.

2. CPRliI&P,'6i 1/BESCOM/2015 dated:31.12.2015.

Approval is hereby accorded to M,' s Peacock Industries, 110/ S4, BT Layout, Mahaveer Road,Davangere-577 001 as approved vendor for supply of 8Mtr & 9mtr RCC pole, 8'\1tr PCC poles andSmtr & 9 '\1tr PSC poles to prospective consumers in BESCOM area for Electrification of layouts,M.S. Buildings, Action plan works, Turnkey works Partial Turnkey works & Self Execution worksetc.,

! S1.No. Particulars Period of validity upto

;:t. 8Mtr PCC poles-140kgs \\"L

12.09.2020 (With respect todate of conducting type testi.e on 12.09.2015 by M/s

Civil aid technoclinic, B'lore)(Subject to Revalidation

every year).

1. S Mtrs RCC poles -1l5kgs WL2. 9 Mtrs RCC poles -145kgs WL3. SMtr PSC poles-200kgs \\"L4. 9 Mtrs PSC poles -200kgs WL

The approval is subject to the following conditions:-

•1. The prospective consumers who purchase the 8'\1:r & 9mtr RCC pole, 8Mtr PCC poles and Smtr

& 9 Mtr PSC poles shall stand guarantee for the materials for a period of one year from the dateof commissioning .

2. The materials shall confirm to the specification as prescribed in the relevant IS/IEC/BESCOM &its amendments from time to time.

3. The Poles shall be go: inspected by IQS&S, or the concemed jurisdictional Engineers, BESCOMbefore they are put into service.

4. BESCOM reserves the right to withdraw the approval issued, in case of any violation of theapproved Drawing and Specification at any time.

Approved by Director (Technical: !(G~\·

General Manager (E1.,,IQ. S& S BESCOM.

Copy to-1. The Chief General '\1anager (EL, CA, Operations. BESCOM, Bangalore.2. All the Chief Engineer iElecty .. 1O&MZones, SESCO.\L3. The General Mariager s iEle.. 1 Procurement Projects D:\S. BESCOM.4. All the Superintend.rig Engineers (Ele., CO&~t circles. BESCO~L5. :\11 the Executive Engineers tEle.i CO&'\1Divisions, BESCO.\L6. PS to DT to place before Honble Director Techriicalt. BESCO.\LI. Mis Peacock Industries. 110 84. BT Layout . Mahaveer Road. Davangere-S'Z? 0018. Officecopy

Page 7: 1:5 BANGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPLYCOJ.lfP.1L·'rYLL~fITED ~ … · 2016-04-07 · 9Mtrs RCC/145 KgsWL 8Mtrs RCC/115kgsWL 9Mtrs

%.5':::'&0I:!!t BAl\lGALORE ELECTRICm~'Sl/PPLY COMPANY LIMITED~ (Wholly owned by Government of Kamataka L"ndertaking)r;rep1lOne xe. 080-22342121, % GM(QS&;SIFax No.080-22342128, No:12, J.P Avenue,E-Mail Curve road, I Town,No: GM~Q,S&SI/DG~I-3/BC-l1/l5-16 C'I5-I(o{; Bangalore-51End: Date: Cs- C~ ~,~OI6


Sub: Vendor approval for supply of 11k\' 5k.\" Composite Polymeric Pin insulator &; 45k.\"Composite Polymeric Insulator of M s Spark Insulators Pvt Limited, Hyderabad,

Ref: 1. CPRl/I&P/6/I/BESCO:\1 2015 Dated 15.09.2015.2. Approved by Director "Iechnicalj vide para (14) of T.O Note No: GM(QS&SI!DGM-

3/ BC-Il/2015-16 4575 dated:24.02.2016.

Sl.No. Particulars Period of validity up to

Approval is hereby accorded to ~1' s Spark insulators Pvt limited, l/A/ 1, IDA, Phase-Il,Cherlapally, Hyderabad-500 051as approved vendor for supply of l l kv 5kN Composite PolymericPin insulator &;45k.~ Composite Polymeric Insulator to prospective consumers in BESCOM areafor Electrification of layouts, M.S. Buildings. Action plan works, Self Execution works 'Turnkeyworks / Partial Turnkey works etc ..

Ilk\' 5kN1. ,insulator

Composite Polymeric Pin

31.05.2016i 2. i 11kV,45k.~ Composite Polymeric Insulator

The approval is subject to the following cO:1ditions:-

1. The prospective consumers who purchase the above materials shall stand guarantee for thematerials for a period of one yea: from the date of commissioning,

2. The materials shall confirm to the specification as prescribed in the relevant IS IEC &;itsamendment from time to time.

3. The Insulators shall be got inspected by 'QS&S) or the concerned jurisdictioria; Engineers,BESCOM before they are put into service.

4. BESCOM reserves the right to withdraw the approval issued, in case of any violation of theapproved drawing and specification at any time.

Approved by Director (Technical:


(G.JS eela)General Manager (El.. i

Q,S&S BESCOM.Copy to-1. The Chief General Manager lEI.., C:\ Operations, BESCO.\L Bangalore2. All the Chief Engineer (Electv.u 0&,\1 ZO:\ES. 3ESCO.\L3. The General Managers (Ele.. 1 Procurement Projects D:\S. BESCOM.4. All the Superintending Engineers Ele.. CO&.\r circles. BESCOM.J. All the Executive Engineers [Ele. CO&'\1Divisions. BESCO~L6. All the Assistant Executive Engineers (Ele.: C 0&,\1 Sub-Divisions. BESCO~1I. PS to DiTI to place it before Honole Director (Techriical., rESCO.\L8. M s Spark insulators Pvt limited.j A 1. =::::>.-1.. Phase-Il, CherIapally. Hyderabad-500 05:9. Officecopy :--':.F

Page 8: 1:5 BANGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPLYCOJ.lfP.1L·'rYLL~fITED ~ … · 2016-04-07 · 9Mtrs RCC/145 KgsWL 8Mtrs RCC/115kgsWL 9Mtrs

BANGALORE ELECTRICITY SUPPLY COMPANY LIMITED(Wholly owned by Goverument of Karnataka Undertaking)

Telephone .. o. 0 0- 2234 212 1,Fa"{ . '0.080·22342 28,E·Mail,gmqs,& 0: G~ (Q,S&S)/DG. -3/BC­End

I11 5-16/1 C'/ 5-/ c.'1


0/0 G I:(QS&S). '0: 12, J.P Avenue,Curve road, Taskeri own,Bangalore-51Date: t 1- ,.._,3. - ,;zo / (,

Sub: 'en 'or approval for supp y of hi & LT:.L"le-"{E.:e:-:als' y Mis .,\:;R Enterprises, Bangal re.Ref: Approved by Director. echnicali. B=:SC ~ para 25) TO note no:GM(QS&S)/DG .. 'BC·

1_1_5· _6/4660 dated: 01.03.2 16.

Approval is hereby accorde to .. ,'s .~~ Enterprises, . '0: 54, S ephens Road, Frazer iown, Bangalore-560005 as approved vendor 'or s PO~ of be 0" mention HT & ~. Line materials to prospec ive co, sumers inBESCOM area for Po ecrrification 0 layouts .. ·I.S. Buil lings, Ac '0:1 p an works, urnkey works 1 PartialTurnkey works etc.,

I S..'0. I Particulars Period of validity

. lkV single to.

31.03.20191.s ejectIO Revalida ion every


781920The annroval is s

The prospective consumers wh ::J1..:::c:-,ase~e aoove men 'one zrarerials shall stand guarantee for aperiod of one year :rom tne ate of orcraiss.oning.

2. The _T& HT line rna erials shal. co:::-.c.-=;;'0 tr;e specificatio .. as prescribe' in the re evar : ISji2C &, itsamendment from time -0 time.

3. The L" & H Lane materials shall be g t ':...c!_ ted !Jy QS&S or the con erned juriSdK ional Engineers.BESCO.! before thev are put i:1LO service.

4. 1'. e H'F Line mate. ials shall co:::-_:'o::=:0 the cra\\ings app::O\'ed b\' BESCO:\~ 2:iC iatesspeciiications of BESCOM.BES 0\1 resen-es the ria t CO \'.ithd::2S' :...'-.:ea:) ::Oyal :sS'.1ec. i.n case 0: any \iolatio:-! 0:' Li1e a_:J.::O\'e .d:a";\i.rlg a..nd spec:5ca ·0__a: c..__-_y -1- e.

:\pproved by Direc or (-ec r-mi cal I

f ••\.!,-/.

\_,y,/~<.iJ:" --,i . :

(C She.ei2.e:1e:-a. _,1a..Ilage:- ,E1..

&. S B:::SCO.:.

Page 9: 1:5 BANGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPLYCOJ.lfP.1L·'rYLL~fITED ~ … · 2016-04-07 · 9Mtrs RCC/145 KgsWL 8Mtrs RCC/115kgsWL 9Mtrs

Copy to-1. The Chief General Manager (El.,) CA I Operations, BESCOM, Bangalore2. All the Chief Engineer (Electy.,) O&MZones, BESCOM.3. The General Managers (Ele.,) Procurement /Projects I DAS, BESCOM.4. All the Superintending Engineers (Ele), CO&Mcircles, BESCOM.5. All the Executive Engineers (Ele.) CO&MDivisions, BESCOM.6. PS to DT to place it before Hon'ble Director (Technical), BESCOM.7. Mis Mis ANREnterprises, No: 54, Stephens Road, Frazer Town, Bangalore-560 005.8. Office copy I M.F

VendorO.M 253

Page 10: 1:5 BANGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPLYCOJ.lfP.1L·'rYLL~fITED ~ … · 2016-04-07 · 9Mtrs RCC/145 KgsWL 8Mtrs RCC/115kgsWL 9Mtrs

B... co.a

BANGALORE ELECTRIcm- Sl/PPLY COMPANY LIMITED("'holly owned by Government of Karnataka Cndertaking)

Telephone No. 080-22342121,Fax No.080-22342128,E-Mail,S&S}/DGM-3/BC-ll/ lS-16 r: 'I C -/7 -­End: ~ __, .:»


0/0 GM(QS&S)No:12, J.P Avenue, Curve road,Tasker Town,Bangalore-S1Date: (EJ- 3 -,~oI6

Sub: Vendor approval for supply of 8:\1tT & 9m:r RCC pole and Bmtr & 9 Mtr PSC poles.

Ref: Approved by Director (Technical! vide para 109,of T.O Note No: GM(QS&SliDGM-3··BC-11 2015-16/ SOOl dated:24.03.2016.

•Approval is hereby accorded to M s A..ravind Concrete Products.No: III /l, Chikkellur

village.Thavarekere Hobli, Bangalore South Taluk. Bangalore-Sou 060as approved vendor for supplyof 8Mtr & 9mtr RCC pole and 8mtr & 9 Mtr ?SC poles :0 prospective consumers in BESCOM areafor Electrification of layouts, M.S. Buildings. Action plan works, Turnkey works I Partial Turnkeyworks & Self Execution works etc ..

S1.No. Particulars Period of validity upto

1. 8 Mtrs RCC poles -11Skgs WL 14.01,2021 (With respect todate of conducting type testi.e on 14.01.2016 by Mrs

Civil aid technoclinic, B'lorej(Subject to Revalidation

every yearl.

2. 9 Mtrs RCC poles -14Skgs WL

3. 8Mtr PSC poles-200kgs WL

4. 9 Mtrs PSC poles -200kgs W::'"

The approval is subject to the following conditions:-

•1. The prospective consumers who purchase the 8:\1-.r & 9mtr RCC pole and 8mtr & 9 Mtr PSC

poles shall stand guarantee for the materials for a period of one year from the date ofcommissioning.

2. The materials shall confirm to the specification as prescribed in the relevant IS,IEC/BESCOM &;its amendments from time to time .

3. The Poles shall be got inspected by IQS&SI 0::- the concerned jurisdictional Engineers, BESCOMbefore they are put into service,

4. BESCOM reserves the right to withdraw the approval issued, in case of any violation of theapproved Drawing and Specification at any time.

Approved by Director (Technical! t(~\~,d~~~)

General Manager (E1..1Q. so. S BESCOM.

Copy to-1. The Chief General Manager (El..I C:\ Operations. BESCO:\L Bangalore.2. All the Chief Engineer tElectv .. 1 Oo.,:\~Zones. BESCO:\L3. The General Managers (Ele.. 1 Procurement Projects D.-\S.BESCOM.4. All L.'1eSuperintending Engineers rEle.. CO_:.,~,~circles. BESCO:\L:J. _-\J.: L.'1eExecutive Engineers IEle.; CO&~,1Divisions. 3=:SCO~L6. PS to DT to place before Hon ble Director rTechnicah. BESCO:\LI. ~1 s Aravind Concrete Products.Xo: III l. Chikkellur village.Thavarekere Hobli. Bangalore

South Taluk. Bangalore-S60 0608. Office copy !II.F

Page 11: 1:5 BANGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPLYCOJ.lfP.1L·'rYLL~fITED ~ … · 2016-04-07 · 9Mtrs RCC/145 KgsWL 8Mtrs RCC/115kgsWL 9Mtrs

BA-,VGALOREELECTRICln-SLFPLYCOJIPA ..·'i1:-Ui.llITED(Wholly owned by Governmeut of Karnataka Cndertaking)

Telephone ~o. 080-22342121.Fax ~0.080-22342128.E-Mail gmqs.wor, . 1/"-' - -No: G~I~Q.S&s1DG~I-3 BC-ll, 15-16, '- ....:::;- I .:;End:

o 0 G~r(QS&SI~o: 12. J.P Avenue.Curve road, TaskerTown.Bangalore-51Date: 2- I - ::..-=s -~::.. \ b


Sub: Renewal of Vendor approval for supply of HTXLPECG Cable.Ref: 1. Firm Ltr No:AIUlTCI BESCO~1 \·.-\"~XLPE!95/400 2015-16

dated:05.02.2016.2. Approved by Director rTechnicah vide para (101of T.O Note No: GM

IQS&S)/DGM-3; BC-Il 2015-16 4964 dated: 24.03.2016.


Particulars Period of validity upto

Approval is hereby accorded to ~1 s Apar Industries, No: 301' 306, Panorama complex R.CDutt road, Vadodara 390007 I. Factory unit: Plot No:153. I89.158-163.GIDC. Umergaon. Valsad Dis!'Gujarat-396 171, India! as approved vendor for supply of the following HT XLPE UG Cable toprospective consumers in BESCOM area for electrification of layouts, M.S. Buildings, Action planworks, Self Execution works, Turnkey works Partial Turnkey works etc.,

1. 3x95, llkV HTXLPEC.G. Cable30.07.2020

I Subject to revalidation everyvean

2. 3x400, llkV HTXLPEL.G. Cable30.01.2021

I Subject to revalidation every'earl

The approval is subject to the following conditions>

1. The prospective consumers who purchase the above :.:7 XL?E :':GCable shall stand guaranteefor the materials far a period of one year,

2. The materials shall confirm to the specification as prescribed in the relevant IS/lEC & itsamendment from time to time.

3. BESCOM reserves the right to withdraw the approval issued, in case of any violation of theapproved drawing and specification at any time.

4. The material shall be inspected by QS&SI or the concerned jurisdictional Engineers.BESCOMbefore they are put into service.

Approved by Director (Technical I

Copy to-1. The Chief General Manager IELI CA Operations, BESCOM, Bangalore.2. All the Chief Engineer (Elecry.i] 0&~1Zones, BESCO~L3. The General Managers (Ele.,) Procurement (Projects, ::::>AS,BESCOM.4. All the Superintending Engineers (Ele). CO&Mcircles. BESCOM.5. All the Executive Engineers (Ele.1CO&~1Divisions, BESCOM.6. PS to DT to place before Honble Director (Technical},BESCOM.7. :M,' s Apar Industries, No: 3011306. Panorama complex R.C Dutt road, Vadodara 390007.8. Officecopy / .M.F

Page 12: 1:5 BANGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPLYCOJ.lfP.1L·'rYLL~fITED ~ … · 2016-04-07 · 9Mtrs RCC/145 KgsWL 8Mtrs RCC/115kgsWL 9Mtrs

BA..VGALOREELECTRICln-SCPPL}-COJfP~4..'-rLLlIITED(Wbo~- owned by Government of Karnataka Lndertaking)

Telephone ~o. 080-223"';'2121.Fa'C~0.080-22342128.E-:\fail,gmqs~ G~l:!Q,S&S)DG~r-3 BC-IlEnd:

,lS-16/C''1 S -1"1 b

o 0 G~I(QS&SI~o: 12. J.P Avenue.Curve road. TaskerTown.Bangalore-S'lDate: 3t- o~ -~c (f,


Sub: Renewal of Vendor approval for supply of ,\CSR Rabbit &Weasel Conductor by~r/s RE Cables and Conductors PI Ltd. Hyderabad.

Ref: 1. Firm Ltr xe. RESCC BESCO\i Vendor renewal Ltr No: 001 1S-16 dated:11.02.2016.

2. Approved by Director 'Technica.: vide para rIO)of T.O Note No: G~IQS&SI/DGM-3i BC-ll 201S- ~6 4899 dated: 17.03.2016.

Approval is hereby accorded to revalidate the Vendor Approval accorded to :\1is RE Cablesand Conductors (PI Ltd.. =306, 3x floor. Minerva Complex, S.D Road, Secunderabad-SOO003(Factory unit: Plot No: 2S B, Phase-L, IDA. Cherlapally, Ghatkesar Mandal, Ranga Reddy Dis!'Hyderabad-SOO OSI) as approved vendor for supply :\CSR Rabbit & Weasel Conductor toprospective consumers in BEsco~r area for Electrification of layouts, M.S. Buildings, Action planworks, Self execution works, Turnkey works .. Partial Turnkey works etc.,

S1. No. Particulars Period of re-validity upto

1. :\CSR Weasel conductor2. ACSRRabbit conductor

30.06.2019 (Subject torevalidation every year)

The approval is subject to the foliowi.L'1.gconditions:-1. The prospective consumers who purchase the ,\CSR Rabbit &Weasel Conductor shall stand

guarantee for the materials for a period of one year from the date of commissioning.2. The materials shall confirm to the specification as preseribed in the relevant IS/IEC & its

amendment from time to time.3. The ,\CSR Rabbit & Weasel Conductor shall be got inspected by IQS&SI or the concerned

jurisdictional Engineers. BESCO~I before t2ey are put into service.4. BESCO~r reserves the right to withdraw the approval issued, in case of any violation of the

approved dra\\ing and specification at any time.

Approved by Director (Technical) II \~\'to~\\eela)

General Manager lEI.IQS&S, BESCO:L Bangalore.

Copy to-1. The Chief General Manager IE1.,1 C.\ Operations, 3ESCO~i, Bangalore2. Ali the Chief Engineer (Electy.i] 0&.,\1ZONES,BESCO~L3. The General Managers (Ele.i) Procurement Projects .. DAS, BESCOM.4. All the Superintending Engineers (Ele], CO&~1circles, BESCOM.5. ,-\11 the Executive Engineers (Ele-.1 CO&:\1Divisions. BESCO~f.6. .-\11 the Assistant Executive Engineers (Ele.j C O&~ISub-Divisions, BESCO~I7. PS to D(T)to place it before Honble Director (Technical]. BESCOM.8. M.'s RE Cables and Conductors WI Ltd., =306. 3rd floor, Minerva Complex, S.D Road.

Secunderabad-SOO 003(Factory unit: Plot No: 2S B, Phase-L, IDA, Cherlapally, GhatkesarMandal, Ranga Reddy Dist, Hyderabad-SOu OSI1.

9. Officecopy / MF.