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Phrase and idioms1. Black and white (wjwLZ fv‡e) : He gave me his property in black and

white.2. Black and blue (wbôzi fv‡e ) : Fahad was beaten black and blue.3. Come round (Av‡ivM¨ jvf

Kiv): You will come round soon.

4. Go through (cvV Kiv) : He never goes through his text book.5. In a body ( GK‡Î ) : They came here in a body6. In the guise of ( Q؇e‡k ) : You came here in the guise of a blind man.7. Hard and fast ( aiv

evuav ): There is no hard and fast rule in this office.

8. Carry on (Pvwj‡q hvIqv)

: He carried on his studies after his father’s death.

9. Carry out (cvjb Kiv ) : Ivy did not carry out my order.10. Put off (Ly‡j djv) : Put of your shoes.11. Put out ( wbwf‡q

†djv): Please put out the lamp.

12. Put on (cwiavb Kiv ) : Put on your dress.13. Weal and woe ( myL -

`y:L ): I shall stand by you in weal and woe.

14. All in all ( m‡e©mev© )

: He is all in all in the village.

15. As if ( †hb ) : He talks in such a way as if he were mad. 16. Conducive to ( Dc‡hvMx /

mnvqK): Morning walk is conducive to health.

17. In lieu of ( cwie‡Z© ) : Ediamin took chemistry in lieu of physics.18. Come to term ( wmÜv‡š—

Avmv / Av‡cvm Kiv )

: They have not yet come to term.

19. End in smoke ( wb:†kl nIqv)

: His all hopes ended in smoke after his father’s death.

20. On the verge of ( cÖvš— mxgvq )

: He is on the verge of ruin.

21. Hold good ( cÖ‡hvR¨ nIqv / LvUv

: This rule does not hold good here.

22. On the wane ( ¶q, Ae¶q) :The number of tigers in Sundarban is on the wane.

23. Out of date ( †m‡K‡j ) : The law is out of date now.24. To the backbone ( nv‡o nv‡o ) : The boy is wicked to the backbone.25. Make good ( ¶wZcyiY

Kiv ): I have already made good the loss.

26. Likely to ( m¤¢vebv Av‡Q )

: The work is likely to finish by Friday.

27. Well up ( `¶) : The man is well up in English.28. Part and parcel ( Awe‡”Q`¨ : Education is the part and parcel of a

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Ask ) nation.29. Take after ( mv`„k¨

nIqv): He takes after his father.

30. Step by step ( µgk ) : We will complete the work step by step.31. Up and doing ( Zrci ) : Everybody should be up and doing in his

study.32. Play truant ( ¯‹zj

cvjv‡bv ): I don’t like playing truant from school.

33. Beggar description

(eYbvZxZ ) : The cruelty of the man was beggar description.

34. Take off ( Ly‡j †djv ) : Take off your shoes.35. Put up with ( mn¨ Kiv ) : I can’t put up with such an insult.36. At length ( Ae‡k‡l) : You did the work at length.37. All the same ( GKB K_v ) : It is all the same to me if you come or not.38. In store for ( Kcv‡j

_vKv ): Only Allah knows what is in store for me.

39. All on a sudden ( nVvr ) : It began to rain all on a sudden.40. In a fix ( nZeyw× ) : He was in a fix what to do.41. Crying need ( AwZ

cÖ‡qvRbxq ): Tree plantation is crying need now.

42. Nip in the bud ( AsKz‡i webó Kiv)

: His all hopes were nipped in the bud.

43. By dint of ( Dcv‡q ) : You made a good result by dint of hard work.

44. Every inch ( cwicyY©i“‡c )

: His behavior is every inch impolite.

45. In vogue ( cÖPwjZ ) : This fashion is no more in vogue.46. Pick a quarrel ( SMov Kiv) : He picked a quarrel with me.47. Hue and cry ( ˆn ˆP ) : They started hue and cry in the class.48. Out and out ( cy‡ivcywi ) : I know him out and out.49. Good at ( `¶ ) : Fahad is good at mathematics.50. Died by ( `y©NUbvq

gviv hvIqv )

: He died by an accident.

51. Call in ( WvKv ) : I was called in that meeting.

52. As though ( †hb ) : He speaks as though he were mad.53. Come off ( msNwUZ

nIqv): The incident came off near the bus stand.

54. Come of ( Rb¥ MÖnY Kiv)

: He comes of a good family.

55. For nothing ( AKvi‡Y ) : Sadi quarreled with me for nothing.56. Go ahead ( GwM‡q

hvIhv ): You should have determination to go ahead.

57. For good ( wPiZ‡i ) : Mizan left the village for good. 58. Eat humble pie ( bv‡K LZ

LvIqv): You have to eat humble pie for your misconduct.

59. Dead letter ( A‡K‡Rv / APj

: This custom is now dead letter.

60. Cut short ( msw¶ß Ki / AKvj

: Her life was cut short by an accident.

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g„Zy¨ )61. Know no bound ( mxgvnxb

nIqv): Suffering of the common people knew no bound.

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62. Bolt from the blue

(webv †g‡N eRªcvZ)

: The news of his father’s death came to him as a bolt from the blue.

63. Head or tail ( gv_v gyÛy )

: I could not understand head or tail of your speech.

64. Gift of the gab ( evK cUzZv )

; His gift of the gab charmed us all.

65. At dagger drawn ( kΓ fvevcbœ,)

: The relation of two brothers was at dagger drawn.

66. Friend and foe ( mK‡j ) : Friend and foe came here to congratulate him.

67. Tough cookie ( K‡Vvi e¨w³ )

: He is a tough cookie man.

68. Fight shy of ( Gwo‡q Pjv )

: Why do you fight shy of me?

69. Tell upon (¶wZ Kiv ) : Smoking tells upon our health.70. Take down ( wj‡L ivLv ) : Take down the note.71. At all costs ( †h †Kvb

gy‡j¨ ): I must do the work at all costs.

72. In the long run ( cwibv‡g ) : You have to suffer a lot in the long run.73. Bring to book (kvw¯—

†`Iqv): The convicts will be brought to book.

74. At large (¯^vaxbfv‡e)

: Birds fly at large in the sky.

75. Look down upon (N„Yvi †Pv‡L †`Lv )

: Don’t look down upon the poor.

76. Take place (msNwVZ nIqv)

: The incident took place before my eyes.

77. Null and void ( evwZj ) : The rule is null and void now.78. In pursuance of ( Abyhvqx ) : In pursuance of your advice , I went to him

for help.79. At once ( GLbB ) : You have to do the work at once.80. Make a mess (Zvj‡Mvj

cvKv‡bv): Don’t make a mess of the plan you have made.

81. By chance ( nVvr ) : By chance I came across him on the road.82. In harmony with (wg‡j wg‡k ) : We should live in harmony with others.83. Golden means ( g`¨cš’v ) : We should follow the golden means.84. In full swing ( cy‡iv`‡g ) : The work is going on in full swing.85. Heart and soul ( g‡bcÖv‡Y ) : Ebrahim is trying heart and soul to pass in

the examination.

86. By leaps and bounds

( `ªyZ MwZ‡Z )

: The price of daily commodities is going up by leaps and bounds.

87. With a view to ( D‡Ï‡k¨ ) : I went there with a view to buying a pen.88. Look forward to ( cªZx¶v

Kiv ): He is looking forward to meeting me.

89. Used to ( Af¨¯—) : I am used to working hard.90. On the increase ( µgea©gvb

): The price of rice is on the increase.

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91. Give away ( `vb Kiv ) : Ataur has given away 100 taka.

92. A utopian scheme

( Aev¯—e/ AvKvkKzmyg )

: He always makes a utopian scheme.

93. Tall talk ( evMvoš^I ) : I don’t like tall talk.94. A narrow escape ( A‡íi Rb¨

†e‡uP hvIqv )

: H e had a narrow escape from the bus accident.

95. Flesh and blood ( i³ gvs‡mi kixi)

: Flesh and blood can’t bear with such an insult.

96. Take to task ( wZi¯‹vi Kiv)

: Raju was taken to task for his misconduct.

97. At any rate ( †h †Kvb Dcv‡q )

: I will help you at any rate.

98. Blue blood ( AwfRvZ eskxq )

: He is proud of his blue blood.

99. By fits and starts ( wek„sLjfv‡e / gv‡S gv‡S )

: A student can’t do well in the examination by studying by fits and starts.

100. Keep body and soul together

( ‡Kvb iK‡g †e‡Pu _vKv )

: The poor can’t keep their body and soul togerher.

101. Below the mark ( wbw`©ó gv‡bi †P‡q Kg )

: Most of the students were below the mark.

102. Cope with ( ‡c‡i DVv / Gu‡U DVv )

: I can’t cope with this problem.

103. Leave no stone unturned

(me iKg †Póv Kiv)

: They left no stone unturned to solve the problem.

104. Full of ( cwicyY©) : The river is full of fishes.105. Beyond all doubt ( m‡›`nvZxZ

fv‡e): His honesty was beyond all doubt.

106. Crocodile tears ( gvqv Kvbœv )

: He shed crocodile tears at this incident.

107. After all ( †gv‡Ui Dci) : After all he is a good man.108. Bring about ( NUv‡bv ) : Zahir has brought about the bomb

explosion.109. Day dreams ( w`ev

¯^cœ): We should not kill time in day dreams.

110. Before my eyes (†Pv‡Li mvg‡b)

: The incident took place before my eyes.

111. Fall ill ( Amy¯’ nIqv )

: He fell ill owing to hard work.

112. Bone of contention

( weev‡`i welq )

: The land is a bone of contention between two brothers.

113. Off hand ( Dcw¯—Z : He made a speech off hand.By: Sydul HudaMob:01556 – 329092, 01911 - 396533


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ejv / cÖ¯‘wZ Qvov )

114. Saddle on the right horse

( †`vlx e¨w³ mbv³ Kiv )

: We failed to saddle on the right horse.

115. Pave the way ( c_ ˆZwi Kiv )

: Education paves the way to succeed in life.

116. A mammoth task ( wekvj KvR) : It was a mammoth task.117. Fall flat ( wb®Œq

nIqv ): My advice fell flat on him.

118. Point blank ( mivmwi ) : He refused point blank to help me.

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119. Keep in view ( g‡b ivLv ) : We should always keep in view that time and tide wait for none.

120. Over head and ears

( Avcv`g¯—K )

: He is over head and ears a gentleman.

121. Muster strong ( `‡j `‡j Avmv)

: People mustered strong to see the incident.

122. Come to a halt ( †_‡g hvIqv )

: The traffic came to halt due to heavy fog.

123. Scape goat ( GK R‡bi †`vl Ab¨ R‡bi Dci Pvcv‡bv )

: He was made scape goat of the incident.

124. In the teeth of ( AMÖvn¨ Kwiqv / evav m‡Ë¡I )

: The bill was passed in the parliament in the teeth of opposition.

125. Art and part ( AwfmwÜ I m¯úv`vb )

: He has no art and part in my scheme of founding the hospital.

126. Sine die ( Awbw`©ó Kv‡ji Rb¨ )

: The college was closed sine die.

127. Inferiority complex

( nxbgb¨Zv ) : Inferiority complex does not allow a person to rise in his life.

128. Poison the ear :

129. Top dogs ( †miv e¨w³ ) : The top dogs do not care for common men.

130. Rank and file ( mvaviY ˆmwbK )

: People of rank and file can meet the poet.

131. Salt of life ( Rxe‡bi Avb‡›`i e¨cvi )

: To pass in H.S.C exam was a salt of life.

132. Forgone conclusion

( AwZ‡Zi welq )

: His failure in the examination was foregone conclusion.

133. To and fro ( Gw`K †mw`K )

: He should not run to and fro in the sun.

134. Puppet in hands of

( nv‡Zi cyZzj )

: Student should not be the puppet in the hands of the political leaders.

135. Kith and kin ( AvZ¡xq ¯^Rb )

: I have no kith and kin in this city.

136. Sugar coated ( g‡bv‡jvfv / gaygvLv )

: We should not be convinced by his sugar coated promises.

137. Red handed ( nv‡Z bv‡Z) : The thief was caught red handed.138. On the wake of ( cÖv°v‡j /

ciciB : Famine comes on wake of the flood.

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139. Come across ( †`Lv cvIqv )

: He came across a purse on road.

140. To the end ( †kl ch©š— )

: He tried to the end.

141. Ins and outs ( mewKQz ) : Do you know ins and outs of the matter?142. By hook or by

crook( †h †Kvb Dcv‡q )

: Tarek wants to fulfill his desires by hook or by crook.

143. In a nutshell ( ms‡¶‡c ) : He told the story in a nutshell.144. Storm in tea cup ( Zz”Q wel‡q

fxlY ‰n ˆP Kiv )

: Ivy raised a storm in a tea cup over the loss of her sharpener.

145. In vain ( e„_v ) : Do not waste your time in vain.146. Pros and cons (LywU

bvwU ): The pros and cons of the matter should be examined properly.

147. Maiden speech ( cÖ_g e³…Zv )

: His maiden speech pleased us all.

148. Laughing stock ( nvwmi cvÎ )

: He was in fact a laughing stock.

149. High time ( Dchy³ mgq )

: It is high time we changed our food habit.

150. Without fail ( wbwðZ fv‡e )

: Paul can do any work without fail.

151. Pass away ( gviv hvIqv) : The patient passed away last night.152. Bad blood ( kΓZv ) : I have no bad blood with him.153. Call to mind ( ¯^iY Kiv ) : I could not call his name to mind.154. Cut a sorry

figure( AK…ZKvh© nIqv )

: Rubel cut a sorry figure in the examination.

155. Epoch making ( hyMvš—Kvix NUbv )

Landing on the moon was an epoch making event.

156. All the better ( AviI fvj ) : It is all the better if you don’t come.157. Keep pace with ( mgvb Zv‡j

Pjv ): You have to keep pace with the rest of the world.

158. Cold water ( wbi“rmvn ) : He poured cold water in my plan.159. Come to light ( cÖKvwkZ

nIqv ): The truth has come to light.

160. Get rid of ( gyw³ cvIqv )

: Kamrul was got rid of the problem.

161. Set foot on ( c`v©cY Kiv )

: The influence of setting foot on the moon is Unbelievable.

162. Call in question ( cÖkœwe× Kiv )

: His honesty was called in question.

163. Inclined to ( Sz‡K cov ) : He is inclined to talk about me.164. Find fault with ( †`vl aiv ) : You should not find faults with others.165. Red tape ( Awdm

msµvš— evav )

: See that red tape does not lead to lapse of money.

166. By the by ( cÖmsMµ‡g )

: By the by Jamal told me the word.

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167. Yeoman’s service

( cª‡qvRbxq mnvqZv /webv ¯^v‡a© KvR )

: Shere- e Bangla performed yeoman’s service

for the country.168. Get the sack ( eiLv¯—

nIqv ): The manger got the sack for corruption.

169. Turn a deaf ( ewai nIqv )

: You turned a deaf to your follower’s demand.

170. At a stretch ( GKUvbv ) : I can walk two miles at a stretch.171. Master piece ( gnr Kg© ) : Hamlet is the master piece of

Shakespeare. 172. Block headed ( wb‡ev©a

e¨w³ ): Zahir is a block headed person.

173. Make out ( eyS‡Z cviv )

: I could not make out anything.

174. In order to ( D‡Ï‡k¨ ) : We go to mosque in order to say our prayer.

175. On the horns of dilemma

( Dfq msK‡U )

: Mass education is on the horns of a dilemma.

176. Apart from ( ZvQvov ) : Apart from books and pens students many other things.

177. Street clear of ( eR©b Kiv )

: He should street clear of his bad friends.

178. Catch sight of ( nVvr †`wL‡Z cvIqv)

: I caught sight of him at the theatre.

179. Without issue ( w b:mš—vb )

: The man passed away without issue.

180. Spick and spin ( wdUdvU/ cwi®‹vi cwi”Qbœ )

: Though he writes fast his hand writing is spick and spin.

181. Call a spade a spade

( mZ¨ K_v †mvRvmywR ejv )

: We all of us should have courage to call a spade a spade.

182. Stone’s throw ( AwZ wbK‡U )

: Our school is at a stone’s throw from our residence

183. Well –to - do (¯^”Qj ) : He comes from a well to do family.184. Out of pocket (Afv‡e

_vKv ): Roni is out of pocket now.

185. Square meal ( †cU cy‡i Avnvi)

: The poor can’t have two square meal in a day.

186. With flying color ( weRq ) : They did a goal and left the field with flying colors.

187. Run out ( wb:†kl nIqv )

: My pen has run out.

188. On the brink of ( cÖv‡š— ) : The play is on brink of the end. 189. Right and left ( †Lqvj

LywkgZ ): He spends money left and right.

190. On the eve of ( cÖv°v‡j ) : Tough security has been taken on eve of By: Sydul HudaMob:01556 – 329092, 01911 - 396533


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the independence day.

191. Tooth and nail ( KwVb msMÖvg / mev©š—Ki‡Y )

: The students of the school tried tooth and nail for their success.

192. Nome- de-plume (K jgx bvg ) : Do you know nome- de - plume of Rabindranath tagore.

193. On all hands ( me©Rb¯^xK…wZ )

: His popularity is on all hands.

194. Lay to the rest ( mgvw`Z Kiv)

: He has been laid to the rest in his family grave yard.

195. Loaves and fishes

( e¨w³MZ jvf )

: He joined this party for loaves and fishes.

196. A lot of ( cÖPzi) : I have not got a lot of time.197. On the instant ( Zr¶YvZ ) : He did it on the instant198. At home ( `¶ ) : Irin is at home in English.199. Stick to ( †j‡M _vKv ) : You have to stick to your objectives.200. So far ( GLb ch©š

— ): The work has not been done so far.

201. Lay hands on ( aiv / nvZ †`qv )

: Hasan laid hands on at business.

202. In spare time ( Aemi mg‡q )

: I read as many books as I can in spare time.

203. Pretend to ( fvb Kiv ) : He pretended to be ill.204. Up to the mark ( D¾j ) : His performance in the examination was

up to the mark.

205. Double game ( Qjbv ) : Don’t play double game with me.206. Hand in glove ( Nwbó ) : He is hand in glove with my cousin.207. Close fisted man ( K…cY e¨w³

): Belayet is a close fisted man.

208. In the air ( Kíbvq ) : My plans are still in the air.209. Time and again ( evievi ) : Ebrahim was warned time and again.210. Ten to one (†ekxi fvM/

nqZev: Ten to one he will arrive at late.

211. Bring to light ( cÖKvk Kiv )

: The secret was brought to light at last.

212. Fall from the clouds

( AvKvk †_‡K cov

: He fell from the clouds hearing his father’s death.

213. Play tricks ( PvjvKx Kiv) : Don’t play tricks with me.214. Few and far

between( K`vwPr) : His visits here are few and far between.

215. Come into force ( Kvh©Ki nIqv)

: The law has come into force.

216. Go across ( cvi nIqv) : We went across the river by boat.217. Cut off ( giv /

wQbœ nIqv / †K‡U †djv )

: The village is cut off from town

218. Cut out ( Dchy³ ) : He is not cut out for a doctor.219. Get in/ into ( cÖ‡ek Kiv ) : He got in my home.

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220. Watery grave ( mwjj mgvwa )

: A fair little girl ,Mary met her watery grave.

221. A white elephant (e¨qfvi en‡b A¶g )

: The project was proved to a white elephant.

222. Through fire and water

( `y:L K‡ói g`¨ w`‡q )

: I will always stay by you through fire and water.

223. Good for nothing ( Ac`v_©) : He is a good for nothing.224. Look out for ( †LvuR Kiv ) : I am looking out for a job.225. Die for ( cÖvY

†`Iqv ): He died for the country.

226. Teem with ( cyY© _vKv )

: Our river used to teem with fish.

227. Flee with ( cjvqb Kiv ) : Enamul fled away from school.228. Up to date ( AvaywbK ) : The law has been made up-to-date.229. Look into ( Z`š— Kiv ) : Look into the matter carefully.230. Fresh blood ( bZzb mf¨ ) : We need some fresh blood in our office.231. Lay down ( mg©cY

Kiv ): The enemy laid down their arms at last.

232. With open arms ( mvMÖ‡n ) : They received the visitors with open arm. 233. A slow coach ( Ajm e¨w³ ) : A slow coach man can not prosper in life.234. Before long ( AwZ

kxNÖ ): He will come here before long.

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235. Chicken – hearted

( fxi“ ) : Belayet is a chicken – hearted person.

236. Let alone ( †gv‡UB bv )

: Fahad can not pass in the exam let alone golden GPA.

237. From hand to mouth

( w`‡b Avbv w`‡b LvIqv )

: The poor live from hand to mouth.

238. Go sky of (D”QvwfgyLx nIqv )

: Prices go sky high whenever there is inflation.

239. Go over ( cix¶v Kiv ) : He has gone over the accounts today.240. Not withstanding ( m‡Ë¡I ) : Notwithstanding his illness he joined the

meeting.241. French leave ( webv

AbygwZ‡Z QzwU )

: One should not enjoy French leave.

242. Hale and hearty ( nvwm Lywk )

: I think this book will find you hale and hearty.

243. Yellow dogs ( nxb e¨w³ ) : Yellow dog is always hated by all.244. Look after (†`Lv‡kvbv

Kiv ): We must look after our old parents.

245. Owing to ( Kvi‡Y) : I could not go there owing to my illness.246. Do away with ( iwnZ Kiv /

evwZj Kiv): You should do away with your bad habit.

247. Bid fair ( m¤¢vebvgq )

: The girl bids fair to stand first in the competition.

248. Bid adieu ( we`vq Rvbv‡bv )

: He bade adieu to his family.

249. Indifferent to ( D`vmxb ) : You should not be indifferent to your work.250. At the eleventh

hour( †kl gyn~©‡Z )

: He did the work at the eleventh hour.

251. A good deal of ( cÖPzi ) : I have great deal of work to do.252. Popular with ( RbwcÖq ) : Ali is popular with his friends.253. A few ( Aí msL¨K ) : Only a few boys could answer to the

question.254. Ill at ease ( DwØMœ ) : He felt ill at ease on account of his debt.255. In time ( mgqgZ ) : We reached there in time.256. Come to an end ( †kl nIqv ) : The meeting came to an end before noon.257. Look upon ( g‡b Kiv /

Dc‡ii w`‡K ZvKv‡bv )

: I look upon him as my best friend.

258. With reference to ( GB cÖms‡M )

: I have nothing to say with reference to the matter.

259. Make up ( MVb Kiv ) : Life is made up of sorrows and happiness.260. Call upon ( mv¶vr

Kiv ): I called upon him yesterday.

261. Thick and thin ( me© Ae¯’vq / A‡bK K‡ó )

He achieved his goal through thick and thin.

262. In no time ( AwZ kxNÖ : He will come here in no time.By: Sydul HudaMob:01556 – 329092, 01911 - 396533


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)263. For the sake of ( LvwZ‡i ) : He laid down his life for the sake of

country.264. At a loss ( nZeyw× ) : I was at a loss and did not know what to

do.265. A fish out of

water( Amw¯’Ki Ae¯’v )

: He feels like a fish out of water.

266. Come true ( mZ¨ nIqv ) : His dream has come true.267. By turns ( chv©qµ‡g

): They work in the garden by turns.

268. safe and sound ( w bivc‡` ) : Fahad reached home safe and sound.269. Bad egg ( nxb e¨w³ ) : He is considered a bad egg.270. In a row ( GK Uvbv ) : I can walk three miles in a row.271. Go away ( P‡j hvIqv ) : He went away without saying anything.272. Get over ( KvwU‡q

DUv ): You will get over the problem very soon.

273. Skim through ( †PvL eywi‡q hvIqv )

: They skimmed through the book.

274. Give vent to ( cÖKvk Kiv ) : Don’t give vent to your anger.275. At issue ( Z‡K©i

welq ): What is the point at issue in this meeting?

276. Give out ( cÖKvk Kiv ) : He gave out the secrets.277. Come by ( cvIqv ) : He has come by bag on the way.278. Sure of ( wbwðZ ) : I am sure of his success.279. All moon shine ( ev‡R ) : 280. A jack of all

trade( me©Rvš—v )

: He is jack of all trades but master of none.

281. In quest of ( ‡Lv‡R ) : They came to Dhaka in quest of job.282. Die in harness ( KvR Ki‡Z

Ki‡Z gviv hvIqv)

: Active people prefer to die in harness.

283. Hard up ( AfveMÖ¯’ ) : I am hard up now.284. Skin and bone ( Aw¯’

Pg©mvi ): Malaria has left him only skin and bone.

285. By all means ( me©cÖKv‡i )

: I will help you by all means.

286. Engaged in ( wbhy³ nIqv )

: He was engaged in this job.

287. At a glance ( GK cj‡K ) : Ebrahim saw the girl at a glance. 288. On and on ( µgvMZ ) : 289. Laugh at ( wZi®‹vi

Kiv ): Don’t laugh at the poor.

290. To run a race291. Above all ( m‡ev©cwi

): He is above all a good man

292. Take away ( wQwb‡q †bIqv )

: The thief took away my mobile.

293. In front of ( m¤§y‡L ) : There is a big tree in front of my home.294. Of one’s own

accord( †m”Qvq ) : He went there of his own accord.

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295. Off and on ( gv‡S gv‡S )

: I visited him off and on.

296. Give up ( Z¨vM Kiv ) : You should give up bad habit.297. Bag and baggage ( ZwíZív

mn ): Monir left the village bag and baggage.

298. Now and then ( gv‡S gv‡S )

: He comes here now and then.

299. Look daggers :300. Break the ice ( RoZv

KvUvBqv DVv )

: The guest began to talk freely when the host broke the ice.

301. Lion’s share ( †ekxi fvM Ask )

: He has lion’s share in this business.

302. First and foremost

(me‡P‡q Mi“Z¡cyY© )

: Study is the first and foremost duty of the Students

303. With one voice ( GK ev‡K¨ ) : The proposal passed with one voice.304. Fair weather

friend( mymg‡qi eÜz )

: There is no want of fair weather friend.

305. A bed of roses ( cy®úkh¨v )

: Life is not a bed of roses.

306. At stake ( wec‡` ) : My life is at stake now.307. Go to the dogs ( †Mvjvq

hvIqv ): Masud has gone to to the dogs.

308. All but ( cÖvq ) : The work is all but complete.309. Carry the day ( Rqjvf Kiv) : At last our team carried the day.310. By virtue of ( e‡j ) : He made a good result by virtue of hard

work.311. Apple of discord ( weev‡`i

welq ): The land was apple of discord between two brothers.

312. Big guns ( ¸i“Z¡cyY© †jvK )

: He is the big guns of out society.

313. Beat about the bush

( ev‡R eKv ) : He is beating about the bush without any reasons.

314. Burning question ( cÖKU mgm¨v )

: Population growth is the burning question of our country.

315. Gala day ( Avb‡›`i w`b )

: It was a gala day for us.

316. Give in ( nvi gvbv ) : The enemy gave in at last.317. In fine

( Dcmsnv‡i ): In fine he thanked us all.

318. On behalf of ( c‡¶ ) : She took the prize on behalf of his brother.319. Red letter day ( ¯^iYxq w`b

): 21 th February is the red letter day in our history.

320. On the sly ( †Mvc‡b ) : Rezaul signed the contract on the sly.321. Spare no pains (‡Póvi µwU

bv Kiv): Zebul spared no pains to perform the work.

322. All and sundry ( mK‡j, mevB, mewKQz )

: The principal loves students all and sundry.

323. Bell the cat ( wec‡`i : Who will bell the cat?By: Sydul HudaMob:01556 – 329092, 01911 - 396533


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SzwKu wb‡q †Kvb `y:mvnwmK KvR Kiv )

324. At dead of night ( Mfxi iv‡Z ) : Sadi went there alone at dead of night.325. Cats and dogs ( gyljav‡i ) : It has been raining casts and dogs since

morning.326. At present ( eZ©gv‡b ) : At present I am in great problem.327. Cock and bull ( MvRvu

Lywi ): it was nothing but a cock and bull story.

328. A hard nut to crack

( KwVb welq )

: It was a hard nut to crack to solve the problem.

329. Black sheep ( KzjvsMvi) : He is the black of his family.330. Fall into oblivion ( nvwi‡q

hvIqv): His contribution will never fall into oblivion.

331. Because of ( Kvi‡Y ) :Ashik could not go to school because of illness.

332. At sixes and sevens

(G‡jv‡g‡jv) : Irin put her books on the table at sixes and sevens.

333. Well being ( Kj¨vY ) :The road was constructed for the well being of the public.

334. Well off ( ¯^”Qj ) : Ruju has come from a well off family.335. Wipe out (gy‡Q †djv ) : His name has been wiped out.336. Turn down (cÖZ¨vLvb

Kiv): My decision was turned down in the meeting.

337. Take to heart (g‡b jvMv) : Shefa took your remarks to heart.338. Take heart ( DrmvwnZ

nIqv) : I always take heart to do any good work.

339. In a dilemma (Dfq msK‡U) : I was placed in a dilemma at the request of my guest.

340. Come in handy ( Kv‡R jvMv )

: This may come in handy in future.

341. Lie in wait (Ir †c‡Z _vKv)

: The cats like to lie in wait to catch rats.

342. In default (Abv`v‡q / Ab¨_vq)

: More 500 taka has to be given in default to pay the loan.

343. Nook and corner ( Avbv‡P -Kvbv‡P )

: Police has been deployed at every nook and corner of the city.

344. Run into debt ( FY MÖ¯’ nIqv )

: Sadi ran into debt.

345. Make up one’s mind

( gbw¯—i Kiv )

: He made up his mind to go abroad.

346. On the whole ( †gv‡Ui Dci) : On the whole I am well.347. Out of sorts ( Amy¯’ ) : I am out of sorts today.348. To take aback (AevK ) : I was taken aback at his failure.349. A far cry ( my`y‡ii

e¨cvi ): Self sufficiency is a far cry for Bangladesh.

350. Host in oneself ( GKvB : He was host in himself to perform the By: Sydul HudaMob:01556 – 329092, 01911 - 396533


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GKk ) work.351. Sweat of one’s

brow( gv_vi Nvg cv‡q †djv )

: Many people earn their livelihood by the sweat of their brow.

352. Take to heels ( cjvqb Kiv ) : The miscreants took to heels by watching police.

353. Dead against ( Pig we‡ivax )

: I am dead against Pakistan cricket team.

354. Swan song ( Kwei †kl iPbv )

: Maru –Baskar is the swan song of Nazrul Islam.

355. From time to time

( gv‡S gv‡S )

: He comes here from time to time.


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Put correct Phrase and and white. come round in a body carry out carry onblack and blue go through hard and fast Put off in the guise

ofi. He gave me his property in ----------.

ii. Fahad was beaten ------------iii. You will ----------- soon..iv. He never ----------- his text bookv. They came here You came here ------------ a blind man.vii. There is no --------- rule in this office.viii. He ----------- his studies after his father’s death.ix. Ivy did not ------ my orderx. --------- your shoes.

2.conducive to as if Put on end in smoke come to

termin lieu of all in all weal and

woeon the verge of put out

i. Please------------ the lamp.ii. ------------ your dress.iii. I shall stand by you in ----------.iv. He is-------------- in the village.v. He talks in such a way ----------- he were mad. vi. Morning walk is ----------- health.vii. Ediamin took chemistry ----------of physics.viii. They have not yet------------. ix. His all hopes ---------- after his father’s death.x. He is ----------- ruin. the backbone Make

goodwell up part and parcel step by step

on the wane. likely to hold good

takes after out of date

i. This rule does not ------------- here.ii. The number of tigers in Sundarban is -------------iii. The law is ---------- now.iv. The boy is wicked ------------.v. I have already --------- the The work is -------- finish by Friday.vii. The man is ----------- in English.By: Sydul HudaMob:01556 – 329092, 01911 - 396533


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viii. Education is the --------------- of a nationix. He ------------- his father.x. We will complete the work --------------

4all on a sudden

at length Play truant in a fix put up with

Take off in store up and doing

all the same beggar description

i. Everybody should be --------------- in his studyii. I don’t like ----------- from school.iii. The cruelty of the man was ------------------.iv. ------------- your shoes.v. I can’t -------------- such an You did the work -----------.vii. It is --------------- to me if you come or notviii. Only Allah knows what is ----------- for meix. It began to rain ------------.x. He was --------------- what to do.

5.every inch in vogue. by dint of out and out Die bynip in the bud hue and cry crying need good at Pick a


i. Tree plantation is ------------ now.ii. His all hopes were --------------.iii. You made a good result---------- hard work.iv. His behavior is ------------- impolite.v. This fashion is no more --------------vi. He -------------- with me.vii. They started -------------- in the class.viii. I know him--------------.ix. Fahad is ---------- at mathematics.x. He --------------- an accident

6.came off for

nothinggo ahead dead letter eat humble pie

comes of for good cut short as though called in

i. I was----------- that meeting.ii. He speaks ------------ he were mad.iii. The incident ------------------- near the bus stand.iv. He ---------------- a good family.v. Sadi quarreled with me -------------- .vi. You should have determination to -------------- .vii. Mizan left the village ------------------- .viii. You have to ---------------- for your misconduct.ix. This custom is now ----------------. x. Her life was ------------ by an accident

7.knew no tells upon head or tail gift of the gab bolt from the By: Sydul HudaMob:01556 – 329092, 01911 - 396533


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bound blue.fight shy of Take

downtough cookie Friend and foe at dagger drawn

i. Suffering of the common people ---------------.ii. The news of his father’s death came to him as a ---------------- .iii. I could not understand ------------- of your speech.iv. His ------------- charmed us all.v. The relation of two brothers -------------- came here to congratulate him.vii. He is a ------------ man.viii. Why do --------------- you me?ix. Smoking ------------ our health.x. -------------- the note. all costs at once. null and void at large in the long

runlook down upon

make a mess

In pursuance of Take place bring to book

i. I must do the work ------------ .ii. You have to suffer a lot----------------.iii. The convicts will be------------ . iv. Birds fly ---------- in the sky.v. Don’t --------------- the The incident ----------- before my eyesvii. The rule is------------ now.viii. ------------- your advice, I went to him for help.ix. You have to do the work ---------- . x. Don’t ------------- of the plan you have made.

9.come across in full

swinggolden means.

looking forward to

leaps and bounds.

with a view to

used to heart and soul

in harmony with on the increase.

i. By chance I ------------- him on the roadii. We should live ------------ others.iii. We should follow the ------------- . iv. The work is going on ------------ .v. Ebrahim is trying ---------- to pass in the The price of daily commodities is going up by ----------vii. I went there ------------ buying a pen.viii. He is ------------ meeting me.ix. I am ------------ working hard.x. The price of rice is ----------- .

10.tall talk by fits and

startsa narrow escape utopian scheme given

awayKeep body and soul

Take to task blue blood Flesh and blood at any rate

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i. Ataur has ------------ 100 taka.ii. He always makes a -------------- .iii. I don’t like ----------- .iv. H e had ------------- from the bus accident.v. ------------ can’t bear with such an Raju was ----------- for his misconduct.vii. I will help you -------------- .viii. He is proud of his ----------- .ix. A student can’t do well in the examination by studying --------------- .x. The poor can’t ------ their ----------------- .

11.below the mark After all day dreams cope with full of

crocodile tears

Bring about

Leave no stone unturned

beyond all doubt

before my eyes

i. Most of the students were --------------- .ii. I can’t ---------- this problem.iii. They -------------- to solve the problem.iv. The river is -------------- fishes. : v. His honesty was ---------------- .vi. He shed --------------- at this incident.vii. ------------ he is a good man.viii. Zahir has --------------- the bomb explosion.ix. We should not kill time in ------------- .x. The incident took place----------- . hand saddle on the

right horsepaves the way

bone of contention

mammoth task.

point blank

Over head and ears fall flat keep in view owing to

i. He fell ill ------------- hard work.ii. The land is a------------ between two brothers.iii. He made a speech --------------- .iv. We failed to ------------------ .v. Education -------------- to succeed in lifevi. It was a ------------- .

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vii. My advice --------- on him.viii. He refused ------------- to help meix. We should always -------------- that time and tide wait for none.x. He is a ----------- gentleman.

13.come to halt

make scape goat top dogs in the teeth of Inferiority

complexsine die. art and part rank and

file salt of life. Muster strong

i. People ------------ to see the incident.ii. The traffic -------------- due to heavy fog.iii. He was ------------------- of the incident.iv. The bill was passed in the parliament ------------------ opposition.v. He has no ------------------ in my scheme of founding the The college was closed -------------------- .vii. -------------------- does not allow a person to rise in his life. viii. The ------------ do not care for common men.ix. People of ------------- can meet the poet.x. To pass in H.S.C exam was a ----------------- .

14.kith and kin catch red handed on wake of came across puppet in the

hands ofto the end sugar coated

promisesins and outs

forgone conclusion. to and fro

i. His failure in the examination was --------------------------. ii. He should not run ----------------- in the sun.iii. Student should not be the ---------------- the political leaders.iv. I have no ---------------- in this city.v. We should not be convinced by his The thief was---------------.vii. Famine comes ------------------- the flood.viii. He --------------- a purse on road.ix. He tried ---------------.x. Do you know ----------------- of the matter? vain pros and without fail maiden speech Pass awayBy: Sydul HudaMob:01556 – 329092, 01911 - 396533


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conshigh time raise a storm a laughing hook or by crook

in a nutshell.

i. Tarek wants to fulfill his desires --------------------- .ii. He told the story -------------- iii. Ivy --------------- in a tea cup over the loss of her sharpener.iv. Do not waste your time ------------- .v. The -------------- of the matter should be examined His ------------- pleased us all.vii. He was in fact -------------------viii. It is -------------- we changed our food habit.ix. Paul can do any work-------------.x. The patient ------------------last night.

16.bad blood call to mind come to

light. cut a sorry figure Pour cold water

set foot on all the better get rid epoch making

eventkeep pace with

i. I have no ------- with him.ii. I could not ------------ his name------ .iii. Rubel --------------in the examination.iv. Landing on the moon was an --------------- .v. It is -------------- if you don’t You have to ----------------- the rest of the world.vii. He ---------------- in my plan.viii. The truth has -----------------------. ix. Kamrul was -------------- of the problem.x. The influence of---------------- the moon is unbelievable tape call in question get the

sack Incline to yeoman’s service

master piece By the by Turn deaf find fault with at a stretch

i. His honesty was ------------- .ii. He is ---------- talk about me.iii. You should ---------- not others.iv. See that ------------ does not lead to lapse of money.v. ------------- Jamal told me the Shere- e Bangla performed ------------- for the country.vii. The manger ---------------- for corruption.viii. You ---------------- to your follower’s demand.By: Sydul HudaMob:01556 – 329092, 01911 - 396533


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ix. I can walk two miles ---------------. x. Hamlet is the ------------ of Shakespeare.

18.close fisted pretend to hand in

gloveup to the mark in spare time

Ten to one play double game

bring to light in the air time and

againi. I read as many books as I can ----------------.ii. He -------------------- be ill.iii. His performance in the examination was -----------------.iv. Don’t ----------------- with me.v. He is ----------------- with my Belayet is a ------------ man.vii. My plans are still ----------------.viii. Ebrahim was warned -----------------------------.ix. ----------------- he will arrive at late.x. The secret was --------------- at last. a spade a spade in order to Apart from catch sight

of passed awayhorns of a dilemma make out street clear of block headed spick and

spini. Zahir is a ----------------- person.ii. I could not ---------------- anything.iii. We go to mosque ------------------ say our prayer.iv. Mass education is on the ------------------------.v. ---------------- books and pens students have many other things to do.

vi. He should ----------------- his bad friends.vii. I -------------- of him at the theatre.viii. The man ------------- without issue.ix. Though he writes fast his hand writing is --------------- .x. We all of us should have courage to ------------------.

20.left and right out of

pocketwith flying colors well to do square meal

on eve of on brink of tooth and nail stone’s throw run outi. Our school is at a ------------------------- from our residence.ii. He comes from a --------------- family.iii. Roni is --------------- now.iv. The poor can’t have two -------------------- in a day.v. They did a goal and left the field My pen has ------------------ .vii. The play is ------------------- the end.viii. He spends money ------------------ .ix. Tough security has been taken ------------------ the Independence Day.x. The students of the school tried ------------- for their success.


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teem with through fire and water flee away look out for die forLook into good for nothing fresh blood up-to-date lay down

i. I will always stay by you -------------.ii. He is a ------------------.iii. I am ------------------ a job.iv. He -------------- the country.v. Our river used to ---------------------- Enamul -------------- from school.vii. The law has been made ------------------.viii. ----------------- the matter carefully.ix. We need some --------------- in our office.x. The enemy laid down their arms at last. de - plume Lay to the rest a lot of on the instant so far

on all hands loaves and fishes at home stick to lay hand


i. Do you know ---------------- of Rabindranath tagore.ii. His popularity is ------------------.iii. He has been ----------------- in his familyiv. He joined this party for ------------------.v. I have not got -------------- He did it ------------------ .vii. Irin is -------------- in English.viii. You have to ----------------- your objectives.ix. The work has not been done -------------------- .x. Hasan ----------- at business.

23.cut off fall from the

clouds play tricks few and far between get in

cut out go across watery grave come into force white elephant

i. He -------------------- hearing his father’s death.ii. Don’t ------------------ with me.iii. His visits here are --------------------.iv. The law has -------------- .v. We --------------- the river by boatvi. The village is -------------------- from town.vii. He is not --------------- for a doctor.viii. He ------------------- my home.ix. A fair little girl ,Mary met her ---------------.x. The project was proved to a -----------------------.

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24.let alone with open arm Notwithstandin

gchicken – hearted go sky high

French leave

from hand to mouth before long. A slow coach go over the

accountsi. They received the visitors---------------.ii. --------------- man can not prosper in life.iii. He will come here ---------------.iv. Belayet is ---------------- person.v. Fahad can not pass in the exam ------------ golden The poor live --------------------.vii. Prices ---------------- whenever there is inflation.viii. He ----------- today.ix. -------------- his illness he joined the meeting.x. One should not enjoy -----------------.

25.owing to look after a great deal of do away with bid adieubid fair Yellow

dog indifferent to hale and hearty

at the eleventh hour

i. I think this book will find you ---------------------.ii. ------------- is always hated by all.iii. We must ------------ our old parents.iv. I could not go there ------------ my illness.v. You should -------------- your bad The girl -------------------- to stand first in the competition.vii. He ---------------- to his family.viii. You should not be --------------------- your work.ix. He did the work---------------------------.x. I have------------------- work to do.

26.a few feel ill at ease in time came to an end Call uponmake up of popular with thick and thin with reference to look upon

i. Ali is ------------------ his friends.ii. Only ------------- boys could answer to the question.iii. He ---------------- on account of his debt.iv. We reached there --------------------.v. The meeting ----------------- before I ------------ him as my best friend.vii. I have nothing to say ------------------- the matter.viii. Life is ----------------- sorrows and happiness.ix. I ----------------- him yesterday.x. He achieved his goal through -------------------

27.By: Sydul HudaMob:01556 – 329092, 01911 - 396533


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at a loss for the sake of come true in no time go awaybad egg fish out of water in a row safe and sound by turns

i. He will come here ---------------------- .ii. He laid down his life ----------------- country.iii. I was ------------- and did not know what to do.iv. He feels like a ----------------------- .v. His dream has --------------- .vi. They work in the garden --------------------- .vii. Fahad reached home ----------------- .viii. He is considered a ---------------- .ix. I can walk three miles ------------------ .x. He ---------------- without saying anything.

28.sure of Skim through give vent

tocome by get over

die in harness give out in quest of at issue jack of all trades

i. You will ---------------- the problem very soon.ii. They --------------- the book.iii. Don’t ------------------ your anger.iv. What is the point ---------------- in this meeting?v. He ------------------- the He has ------------------bag on the way.vii. I am -------------- his success.viii. He is ------------------------ but master of none.ix. They came to Dhaka ---------------- job.x. Active people prefer to ------------------------- a glance engage in above all skin and bone in front of

laugh at hard up by all means Take away time to time

i. I am ------------ now.ii. Malaria has left him only------------------- .iii. I will help you ------------------------.iv. He was -------------- this job.v. Ebrahim saw the girl ------------------- .vi. Don’t ---------------- the poor.vii. He is ------------------ a good man.viii. The thief ------------------- my mobile.ix. He comes here from ------------------- .x. There is a big tree -------------- my home.

30.lion’s share give up now and

thenbag and baggage break the ice

fair weather

Of one’s own accord first and foremost

off and on with one voice

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i. He went there ---------------- . ii. I visited him ------------------ .iii. You should ------------ bad habit.iv. Monir left the village --------------------- .v. He comes here ---------------- .vi. The guest began to talk freely when the host--------------- .vii. He has ------------------- in this business.viii. Study is the -------------- duty of the studentsix. The proposal passed------------------- .x. There is no want of------------------------ . virtue of

a bed of roses

apple of discord Carry the day Beat about the

bushat stake Go to the

dogs all but big guns burning question

i. Life is not -----------------------.ii. My life is ------------------ now.iii. Masud has ----------------- .iv. The work is ---------------- complete.v. At last our team 4. He made a good result ------------------ hard work.vii. The land was ------------------ between two brothers.viii. He is the ------------ of society.ix. He is ----------------- without any reasons.x. Population growth is the --------------- of our country. dead of night on behalf of at last red letter day gala day

bell the cat In fine all and sundry on the sly Spare no


i. It was a -------------- for us.ii. The enemy gave in --------------- .iii. ------------- he thanked us all.iv. She took the prize --------------- his brotherv. 5. 21 th February is the ---------------- in our history. vi. Rezaul signed the contract------------ . vii. Zebul -------------- to perform the work.By: Sydul HudaMob:01556 – 329092, 01911 - 396533


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viii. The principal loves students --------------- .ix. Who will ----------------?x. Sadi went there alone.

33.Black sheep cats and dogs At present cock and bull

storyhard nut to crack

well being fall into oblivionat sixes and sevens

because of well off

i. It has been raining --------------- since morning.ii. --------------- I am in great problem.iii. It was nothing but a -------------------------- .iv. It was a ------------------ to solve the problem.v. He is the------------------- of his His contribution will never----------------- .vii. Ashik could not go to school --------------- illness.viii. Irin put her books on the table ------------------------ .ix. The road was constructed for the ------------------ of the public.x. Ruju has come from a ---------------- family.

34.lie in wait

Take to heart

come in handy

Run into debt

every nook and corner

in default in a dilemma Wipe out Take heart Turn down

i. His name has been ----------------- .ii. My decision was ----------- in the meeting.iii. Shefa ---------- your remarks ---------------.iv. I always -------------- to do any good work.v. I was placed ---------------- at the request of my This may ------------- in future.vii. The cats like to ----------- to catch rats.viii. More 500 taka has to be given -------------------to pay the loan.ix. Police has been deployed at ------------------- of the city.x. Sadi ------------- debt. the sweat of one’s brow On the whole Take aback out of sorts far cry

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swan song made up took to heels host in oneself dead against

i. He -------------- his mind to go abroad.ii. ------------------ I am well.iii. I am --------------------- today.iv. I was ----------------- at his failure.v. Self sufficiency is a ------------------ for He was ------------------ to perform the work.vii. Many people earn their livelihood ------------------.viii. The miscreants ----------------- by watching police.ix. I am -------------- Pakistan cricket team.x. Maru –Baskar is the ---------------------- of Nazrul Islam.

By: Sydul HudaMob:01556 – 329092, 01911 - 396533