
. Parish Calendar of Services, Mass Intentions and Feast Days . Saturday 18th St. Juliana Falconieri, 1270 – 1341.

9.00am Mass:

7.30pm Mass: Bridie Russell (Birthday remembrance), Deceased Members of Hanratty,

Russell, Brophy, Gildee & Haybourne families, Patricia Russell,

John, Thomas & Tommy Hughes, Stephen Fynes

Rosary after 9:00am Mass & at 5.30pm. Confession 6:50pm to 7:20pm or by appointment _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Sunday 19th Twelfth Sunday in Ordinary Time.

8.30am Mass:

10.00am Mass: Daniel & Agnes Ryan, Brendan Mackey (Birthday Remembrance),

Special Intention

11.30am Mass: Margaret & Jim Gibbons

Rosary at 5.30pm. ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Monday 20th The Irish Martyrs, 1579 - 1654.

9.00am Mass: Peter Davis

Rosary after 9:00am Mass & at 5.30pm. Miraculous Medal Novena Exposition & Benediction: 8pm ______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Tuesday 21st St. Aloysius Gonzaga, Jesuit, Patron of youth.

9.00am Mass: Canice Mc Gee

Rosary after 9:00am Mass & at 5.30pm. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Wednesday 22nd St. Paulinus / St. John Fisher / St. Thomas More.

9.00am Mass: Thomas Fay, Paddy Mc Guinness

Rosary after 9:00am Mass & at 5.30pm. _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Thursday 23rd St. James of Toul, bishop.

9.00am Mass: Marie Clinton

Rosary after 9:00am Mass & at 5.30pm. _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Friday 24th The Nativity of St John the Baptist.

9.00am Mass: Thomas & Mary Mc Cann

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament 9.30am – 12.00pm. Rosary after 9:00am Mass & at 5.30pm _______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Saturday 25th St. William of Vercelli, 1085 - 1142, founder and hermit.

9.00am Mass:

7.30pm Mass:

Rosary after 9:00am Mass & at 5.30pm. Confession 6:50pm to 7:20pm or by appointment _____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

Readings for Sunday 26th June

1Kings 19: 16, 19 - 21. Galatians 5: 1, 13 - 18. Luke 9: 51 - 62.

Blessing of the Graves for Lusk on 3rd July at 4.00pm

is available for sale in

the Sacristy after Mass

Saint MacCullin’s

Church, Lusk Celebrating 90 Years

1925 - 2015

From the Pastor’s Desk; 12th Sunday in Ordinary Time 19th June.

Welcome everyone to our Eucharist this Sunday and a special welcome

to anyone who is visiting the parish on holidays. Our Gospel today tells

us much about who Jesus really is. The first thing to notice is that we hear Jesus was praying alone in the presence of his disciples. References

to Jesus praying appear regularly in the Gospels. It was this life of prayer

that sustained him in his ministry and difficulties. Secondly, Peter is once again the bravest and most prominent apostle. When Jesus asks the

question “Who do people say I am?” the other apostles are quick to list

of all the names they have heard used about Jesus; John the Baptist, Elijah, one of the ancient prophets; but when he poses the same question

to them silence descends. It was alright when they were saying what others think but now the

personal challenge stops them in their tracks. Only Peter is brave enough to break the silence and say, “You are the Christ of God”. Christ is the Greek word for the Messiah, the Promised one

of God who would restore God’s people.

Peter is a wonderfully complex character; he is the leader among the apostles and shows great

courage and insight on occasions such as we hear today and yet we also know he can get it

spectacularly wrong. In this passage he recognises Jesus yet on Holy Thursday night he will deny he even knows Jesus. Peter’s humanity is

something that all of us should be thankful for because

he makes it easy for us to follow him. If Peter was the

perfect disciple, how could we even begin to follow?

Jesus, having acknowledged that he is the Christ, the promised Messiah, now says a very strange thing; “if

anyone wants to be a follower of mine, let him

renounce himself and take up his cross every day and follow me.” Suffering is going to be part and parcel of

the life of every Christian. It is not a great recruitment

slogan but Jesus tells it as it is. Let us ask the Lord to help us in carrying our cross this week. Fr. Eoin.

Newsletter Vol. 7 - No. 25 – 19th June 2016

Lives of the Saints The Irish Martyrs, Seventeen Irish martyrs, men and women, cleric and lay, put to death for the Catholic faith between 1579 - 1654 were beatified by Pope John Paul II in 1992; Dermot Hurley, Archbishop of Cashel, hanged 20th June 1584 at Haggen Green. Conor O'Devany, Bishop of Down & Connor, hung, drawn & quartered. Patrick O'Loughran, chaplain to the O'Neill family & Maurice McKenraghty, chaplain to the Earl of Desmond, both hanged. Also hanged were Dominicans Terence O'Brien & Peter Higgins, Franciscans John Kearney, Patrick Healy & Conrad O'Rourke, Augustinian William Tirry, & a Jesuit lay brother, Dominic Collins. Lay people Francis Taylor, Mayor of Dublin & Margaret Bermingham died of ill treatment; the Wexford martyrs, a baker, Matthew & a group of sailors, Robert Meyler, Edward Cheevers & Patrick Cavanagh were hung, drawn & quartered on 5th July 1581. Six Catholics of Irish birth or connection executed for the faith in England had already been beatified: John Roche (Neale), John Carey, Patrick Salmon, John Cornelius (alias John O'Mahoney, Charles Meehan, Ralph Corby (Corbington). St. Aloysius, was born of a noble Italian family in Lombardy, eldest son of the Marquis Ferrante Gonzaga; his mother Marta Tana was of the della Rovore family - Pope Sixtus IV (1471 - 1484) & his nephew Julius II (1503 - 1513) & was lady-in-waiting to the Queen of Spain. As a child his father trained Aloysius for a military career. As a boy he was sent to be a page be educated at the court of Francesco de Medici at Florence. The Gonzaga family was called to Spain in 1581, where his mother attended on the Queen. Aloysius & his brother Ridolfo were pages for the infante Don Diego (1575-1582). It was at this time, after reading a book about Jesuit missionaries in India, that Aloysius decided to become a missionary & join the Jesuits. His mother was happy, but his father was horrified & for three years withheld his consent & tried to get Aloysius to change his mind. Finally in November 1585, his father consented & Aloysius gave over all rights of inheritance to his younger brother. He went to Rome, met with Pope Sixtus V, who gave him his blessing to join the Jesuit novitiate in Rome. As a model novice he worked in the plague hospital & caught the fever, dying at the age of twenty-three. On 31 December 1726, Pope Benedict XIII canonised Aloysius Gonzaga together with another Jesuit novice, Stanislaus Kosta. Then in 1926 Pope Pius XI named him Patron saint of Catholic Youth. St. Paulinus, was first a married man who became a Christian as an adult and was baptised around 390. Later he was ordained a priest by popular acclaim. He spent the last twenty-two years of his life as Bishop of Nola in Campania, Italy (he was born in Bordeaux), where they involved themselves in helping the needy and in public building works, including an aquaduct. They also gave away their wealth. They set up a small monastic community, as well as a hospice for the sick and for pilgrims to the shrine of the local St Felix, who had been martyred in 255. They both opted to live as celibates and hermits. When the local bishop died in 409, Paulinus was chosen to succeed him. He ruled with wisdom and generosity. When he died in 431 he was buried in his own church at Nola. His relics were later taken to Rome, but restored to Nola by Pope Pius X in 1909. St John Fisher as Vice-Chancellor, built Christ's and St. John's Colleges, Cambridge. His love of truth brought about his death. He had been tutor to Prince Henry, who was to become Henry VIII. John was dedicated to the welfare of his university at Cambridge & to his diocese of Rochester, where he became bishop in 1504. He actively opposed the King's divorce proceedings against Catherine of Aragon, his wife in the sight of God, & steadfastly resisted the encroachment of Henry on the Church. Unlike other bishops of the realm, St John refused to take the oath of succession, which acknowledged the issue of Henry & Anne as the legitimate heir to the throne, he was imprisoned in 1534. The following year he was made a Cardinal by Pope Paul III & Henry retaliated by having him beheaded. The scholar Erasmus said of him "He is the one man, at this time, who is incomparable for uprightness of life, for learning & greatness of soul".

Parish Office The Parish Office is open Monday, Wednesday & Friday 9.30am-12.30pm. Tel: 01 8438421. E-mail: [email protected] or visit

Please contact the Parish Office if you would like to do any of the following: Make an appointment to meet with Fr. Eoin McCrystal. Get Baptismal Certificates. Book Baptisms or Anniversary, Weddings and Funeral Masses. Buy Mass Cards, Baptismal Candles or

other religious gifts. First Holy Communion prayer books, rosary beads & cards available.

Child Safeguarding and Protection Policy and Procedures St. MacCullin’s Parish accepts Safeguarding children standards & guidance documents for the

Catholic Church in Ireland, Child Safeguarding and Protection Policy & Procedures see

Child Protection Contact Personnel Dublin Diocese Child Protection Office 01-8360314

Dublin Diocese Director of Child Protection Service. (Director and Designated Person) Mr Andrew Fagan 01-8360314

or contact the Child Protection Officer: Ms Julie McCullough 01-8360314

Vivienne Knight, Garda Vetting Administrator Diocesan Offices, Clonliffe College 01-8360314

Local Garda Siochana; Lusk 01-843 7222 or Balbriggan 01-802 0510

Principal Area Social Worker Lusk Health Centre, Main Street, Lusk 01-8709017

Lusk Parish Office: 01-843 8421 Parish Child Protection Representative: Mr. Hugh O’Malley 086 256 1882

Support Representatives Mrs Patsy Russell 087 299 8312 Mrs. Mary Byrne 086 374 4195 Mr. Jackie Byrne 086 817 7875

Samaritans Help line 01-116123

ChildLine 1800 666666 or text ‘help’ or ‘talk’ to 50101

Tusla, the Child and family agency: 01-7718500

Emergency Numbers 999 or 112

Lusk Parish Newsletter, Facebook & Twitter For inclusion of items in the Newsletter, please email [email protected] by 12 noon

Wednesday. The Parish Pastoral Council reserves the right to edit all submissions.

Have you missed an issue or want to check something you read before? Visit to see previous editions. Remember you can have the newsletter in colour

by email before the print version is available. E-mail to [email protected]

Follow us on twitter: “LIKE” us on Facebook:

Al anon Help for those effected by someone else's drinking. Meeting every Wednesday 8.15 - 9.15. Flemington Community Center, Hamlet Lane, Balbriggan. Confidentiality assured - No fees. 01 8732699.

Lusk Athletic Club Good luck to all our athletes and Team Lusk taking part in the Community Games this weekend in Santry and for the Juveniles Championships in Tallaght. Please note we will break for the summer holidays on 30th June & resume early September. Competition juveniles & adults will continue to train over the summer. Training & event menu for this week:

Saturday: Parkrun @ 9:30am - Donabate, Ardgillan & Malahide.

Community Games - 9:30am – Santry.

Sunday: LSR & marathon training 8am from Lusk NS - open to all.

Junior 2K parkrun in Rush @ 9:30am. Community Games - 12:00 – Santry.

Monday: Hill sprints in Ardgillan - 7:00pm - open to all.

Tuesday: Training for all groups @ 7 - 8pm Lusk NS.

Thursday: Training for adults and juveniles in competition @ 7 - 8pm Lusk NS.

Skerries Water Safety Week 1-6 August (testing 31 July). Registration Days in Skerries Sailing Club 11 June 11-3. Forms & information sheet available Skerries Community Centre & Skerries Library. Queries [email protected] Loughshinny Beach Water Safety Week Monday 18th to Friday 22nd July, with testing for new participants on Sunday 17th July. We offer sea swimming classes for children from 4 to 14 years old. Advance registration will be held on Saturday 2nd July at The Strand Bar Main Street, Rush, from 12 noon to 3pm. Any queries contact [email protected] [email protected] Emmaus Irish Prayer Meeting Thursday evening from 7.30 to 9.30 pm. We read & reflect on Croí ag lorg an tSuaimhnis (Life and Spirituality of St. Augustine) by Dáithí Ó Ceallaigh OSA. No charge just a donation towards the heat & light. All welcome. Lusk Summer Project will run this year from Monday 4th to Friday 8th July. Children aged 5 years & upwards may participate. Programmes detailing the many activities have been distributed to all the schools in the parish. Enrolment in Lusk National School on Saturday 18th June from 10.00 to 11.30 am. Find us on Facebook!

Killian Farrell’s farewell concert with Jubilate Choir: The Jubilate Choir and the

Jubilate Ensemble return to St Pius X Church Templeogue to perform Bach: Mass in B

minor on Sunday 19th June at 8.00pm. They will be joined by internationally acclaimed

soloists including Aoife Gibney, soprano (recent winner of the RDS music bursary),

Sharon Carty, mezzo-soprano, Nick Pritchard, tenor and Padraic Rowan, bass. This

promises to be a night to remember. Tickets (€20) are available online at & at the door on the night.

Italian Mass: For all Italians in Dublin - the Archdiocese of Dublin will be offering a

Mass celebrated in Italian on the second Sunday of the month in St Kevin’s Oratory at

3 o’clock. Next Mass on Sunday, 9th July. All welcome.

St. Thomas More was the first commoner to be made Lord Chancellor of England & suffered martyrdom under Henry VIII. Thomas was a lawyer, writer & politician. He studied law at Oxford & entered the English Parliament in 1504. When Henry VIII became king, he sought Thomas as his advisor & he became Chancellor of England in 1529. In 1530, Thomas refused to sign a letter asking the Pope to annul Henry's marriage to Catherine of Aragon, he resigned in 1532. As a married man with four children he now had neither job nor income, but both Thomas & Bishop John Fisher refused to acknowledge Henry as Supreme Head of the Church of England. This led to their execution in 1535. Both were canonised in 1935. St. James of Toul, France, was a bishop from 756, believed to have been born in Haute- Marne region of France. James died in Dijon, the ancient capital of Burgundy, while visiting the tomb of St. Benignus in 769, after making a pilgrimage to Rome. The Nativity of St John the Baptist. We rejoice at the coming of St. John the Baptist, a man of self-denial, integrity of life & purpose, & an uncompromising prophetic voice. John means 'The Lord has shown favour'. This feast relates to the summer solstice, when the days begin grow shorter, recalling John's words 'He must increase, but I must decrease'. There are many indications in Irish Folklore that this feast, Feile Naomh Eoin, was until recent times the occasion for a wide range of ritual practices and merry-making, in rural areas, beginning on the previous evening - St John's Eve. This was "bonfire night" or "Oiche an Tine Chnaimh". St. William of Vercelli. Born in Vercelli, Italy, William was brought up an orphan, who became a hermit on Monte Vergine, after a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela. He attracted so many followers that a monastery was built. By 1119 his followers were united in the Benedictine congregation, the Hermits of Monte Vergine, which William headed. The austerity of his Rule led to dissension among his monks & to restore peace he left & was taken under the protection of Roger 1st of Naples, who built a monastery for him in Salerno, Campania. He founded other monasteries around Naples & died at the Guglielmo monastery, near Nusco, in the province of Avillino. He was also known as William of Monte Vergine.

Just published. Available in the parish office for €5 or [email protected]

“This book is a simple light hearted and

friendly gift to someone whose spirits are

low. It will give a gentle lift, promote

change and support a friend in a difficult


(Fergus Grimes)

Lourdes Petitions left at Out Lady's Altar were placed in the Grotto in

Lourdes on 23rd May. A candle was lit for all intentions. You are welcome

to take some Lourdes water from the drum left at Our Lady's Altar rails.


Thank you for participating in our newsletter survey. We were delighted with so many of you took the effort to share your views. The full details, including all your comments, are available on the website or on Facebook: 1506910709615150/?ref=aymt_homepage_panel Camp Veritas is a one week 'play and pray' sleep away summer camp for teens 12 to 18 years old. This is it's second year running in Ireland and it is being held on Maynooth University Campus from the 26th June to July 1st this year. Cost for campers is 450 dollars (rate of conversion on date of payment). Volunteers are also needed and can be aged 18 and upwards... (free for volunteers). Lots of fun and lifelong friendships to be made and a chance to deepen your relationship with Jesus. A week not to be missed!!! For more information and registration log on to Donabate Parish Cemetery Sunday on 17th July in Fingal Cemetery, Portrane Road, Donabate at 3.30 pm. Ardgillan Castle is currently recruiting new volunteer guides to add to our team. Training will be provided, so no experience is necessary. If you would like to learn about history and guide at a historic property, then this is the role for you. If interested please contact Danielle Wilson Higgins, Culture & Heritage Officer, Ardgillan Castle by email at [email protected] or by phone 01 849 2212. Reopen the Wells: The National Charismatic Renewal Conference 2016 will take place on the 25th to 26th June - (Saturday 10.00am- 8.30pm and Sunday 10.00am – 4.30pm) in the Concert Hall, RDS, Dublin, Merrion Road Entrance. Eucharistic Celebrant on Saturday is Archbishop Diarmuid Martin & on Sunday, Papal Nuncio, Archbishop Charles Brown. Speakers include Dr. Mary Healy & Rev. Jonathan Frazer. Cost for weekend ticket is €30; Saturday €20 Sunday €15. Further information contact Sr. Bridget Tel: 021 – 425110 or Email: [email protected] Viatores Christi (VC): We request your help in our ongoing Mission to serve those in most need at home and overseas. VC does this by recruiting, training and placing skilled people where they are needed and where there is nobody else locally with the required skills or profession. We work with Irish missionaries and their local counterparts and projects who show immense commitment and dedication to walking in solidarity with the most marginalised in our world. We need - Teachers, community/youth development workers, accountants, business/marketing professionals, IT specialists, OT/Physios/SL Therapists, Farmers, Pastoral Workers needed for overseas development assignments with Irish missionaries. Learn more - Viatores Christi (VC) Information & Recruitment Session, Saturday 18th June 2016 at 10.30 at VC HQ, 8 New Cabra Rd., Phibsboro, Dublin 7 OR Tel. 01 8689986 [email protected] Irish Cancer Society thank you for your continued support of our recent annual Church gate collection. We were delighted to advise that €560.58 was collected.

Irish Cancer Society’s Volunteer Driver Service is in need of volunteer drivers to drive local patients to and from their chemotherapy treatments in our partner Dublin hospitals (St. James’s; The Mater; Tallaght & St. Vincent’s). Driver expenses are paid. Telephone Rebecca on 01 2316 642 or Email [email protected] Scripture Summer School: “The Fire of the Spirit” June 20th -24th. Orlagh Bible Week in Clonliffe College. Speakers: Jessie Rogers (Maynooth / Orlagh Team), Sean Goan (Blackrock College / Orlagh Team) and Kieran O’Mahony. Cost €220 – Refreshments & two course lunch daily. Book with Mary Dent Tel: 01 8087533, Email: [email protected]

Lusk Church Choir is looking for new members. If you enjoy singing

please come along to our weekly Monday night choir

practice in the Church at 8.20 pm. Catholic Singles is an organisation which helps single adult Catholics of all ages meet, either one to one or through social events. Please tel. 0044 161 941 3498, visit the website or email [email protected]