Page 1: 12/15/11, V:\MgisProjRes\Projects\ArcIMS_Web_Services\Statistics\web_mapping_services_poster.ppt

12/15/11 [email protected], [email protected] V:\MgisProjRes\Projects\ArcIMS_Web_Services\Statistics\web_mapping_services_poster.ppt

Purpose: Show forestry information by townAgency: Massachusetts Department of Conservation and RecreationLanguages: OpenLayers

MassGIS Web Mapping Services Co-winner, URISA ESIG Award 2005, Enterprise System

4. Some of the applications that use the services:

Purpose: Collects and maps type of Internet accessAgency: Massachusetts Broadband InstituteLanguages: Google maps + WMS, php

Purpose: Offers CZM + MassGIS data catalogs, geocoding, data extractAgency: Massachusetts Coastal Zone ManagementLanguages: Java

Purpose: National portal for data Agency: US Geological SurveyLanguages: Javascript

Purpose: Finds nearest schoolsAgency: Massachusetts Department of EducationLanguages: .NET

Purpose: Allow users to add sites, change status of VoIP sitesAgency: ITDLanguages: .NET ADF

Purpose: Distributes building sales data in map format Agency: Massachusetts Department of RevenueLanguages: JSP, Java Beans

Purpose: Display historic properties and districtsAgency: MA Historic Commission Languages: OpenLayers(not yet released)

Purpose: Allows ArcMap users to download, edit, upload openspaceAgency: Environmental Affairs, working with towns, land trustsLanguages: .NET, uses GeoServer

Massachusetts Broadband Institute Survey MA Ocean Resource Information System (MORIS) DCR Forestry Viewer

The National Map, USGS DOE Schools Near Me Viewer VoIP Editing Viewer

Real Property Sales (LA3) Viewer MA Historic Commission Viewer OpenSpace Editing Toolbar

The MassGIS Web Mapping Services were developed as part of a Massachusetts Information Technology Division E-Government initiative started in March 2001. The web mapping services were envisioned as one of four common, statewide “shared services”. (web mapping, customer relations management, credit card payments, security)

MassGIS takes care of these details so government entities don’t have to:

-Purchase of servers, bandwidth-Purchase, installation and configuration of software (database, web mapping, web serving) -Loading GIS data and keeping it up-to-date.

1. What are MassGIS Web Mapping Services?

Agencies don’t need to spend time, money or staff on these functions. Their programmers can focus on developing an application (in any programming language with XML support) and include maps.The services currently receive an average of 75,000 requests per day.

3. Hardware that supports the services: MassGISbuys, installs, maintains servers, networking, and bandwidth


2. Software that supports the services:

MassGISbuys, installs, maintains data andsoftware stack



Real PropertyViewer (JSP)

Census 2000Viewer (JSP)

Coastline Change

Viewer (JSP)


Developers are freeto use each symbolizedlayer (theme) independently inapplications (GeoServer)maps (ArcGIS Server)

VoIP Viewer



LegislativeViewer (JSP)

Apache Web Server or IIS

JBoss Application Server or Tomcat

ESRI Spatial Database Engine (SDE)


Datalayers, Images

serves HTML, images

runs applications

creates map images from dataanswers queriesaddress matches

stores data in seamless layers

spatial connection to Oracle

Examples of some applications that use the services

SDE 10Oracle 11.2

48 GB RAM8 cores

1000+ Datalayers7.4 terabyte


ArcIMS 102 cores

2 GB RAMWindows 2008


GeoServer 2.0.31 core

4 GB RAMcluster 2



WMS mapsWFS info


ESRIArcIMS GeoServer


ArcIMS 9.22 CPUs 1.13 GHz

4 GB RAMWindows 2000

ArcGIS Server 106 cores

18 GB RAMWindows 2008
