
AITCo ConsultingGLAZING SECURITY & SAFETYThe Principal of AITCo Consulting, a Norfolk-based consultancy, has actively promoted security and safety of glazing substrates since 1978, initially by upgrading impact-resistance of glass subjected to criminal attack or vandalism, later by containing devastating terrorist blast- and fire-bombing. Security protection for installed glass evolved during the late 1970s in east London from development of the first viable security window film, which was then successfully deployed against Palestinian, IRA and other local dissident bombing campaigns gathering pace at that time throughout Europe. A rising toll of glass-related injuries, resulting from mass installation of inadequate low-level glass, hastened introduction in 1982 of the UK's first safety glazing regulations - driven in part by huge glass industry investment in sophisticated new toughened and laminated products, which were marketed aggressively as being superior to traditional cheaper and relatively weak annealed glass substrates. Window film became accepted as a cost-effective means of reducing accidental impact injury inflicted by existing glazing - yet, by 1990, its status had declined from a field of genuine technical expertise to one of mere wallpapering of glass. Accepted stringent control of materials, application techniques and quality supervision were rendered obsolete - the cheapest installation became the new standard. Having sat on the influential GGF Standards Committee, our Principal founded AITCo in 1994, and stepped away from promoting window film, providing instead a fully independent advisory service for clients facing a wide range of glazing-related issues - security, safety, solar-control and privacy. Owing no allegiance to specific manufacturers, distributors or installers of window film now offered clients a unique system of inspection, reporting and recommendation; backed by a system of rigorous project control over materials, installation quality and aftercare provision, if and when required. AITCo Consulting addressed declining window film standards by using stringent installation method statements, indispensable for genuinely competitive project costing certainly unsettling for those film installers believing themselves to be the sole arbiters of their own workmanship, which would now be assessed for the first time both critically and independently on a client's behalf. The policy proved its worth during subsequent IRA bombing of UK cities, where glass heaped in the streets testified to failed window film. AITCo clients, however, placing their trust in sound practical advice and investing wisely in appropriate levels of protection, reaped the benefits when comparing the damage inflicted upon neighbouring properties. Vindication of AITCo's techniques was provided by astonishing results observed in 2001 after a massive UK oil refinery explosion in northern England. AITCo Consulting has practical experience of all enacted UK & European glass safety legislation, in addition to those Common law decisions and other regulations interacting upon individual glazing situations. The consultancy has full access to expert opinion within the global security and safety glazing arena and can assess any project, irrespective of size, to the highest professional standards.

AITCo Consulting : 18 Nelson Close : Harleston : Norfolk : IP20 9HL telephone & facsimile 01379 852098 email [email protected] RISK ASSESSORS & MANAGERS OF SECURITY, SAFETY & SOLAR CONTROL WINDOW FILM PROJECTS

AITCo Consulting 2012