


90% of the world’s population over 6 years old will have a mobile device by 2020

Ericsson Mobility Report.

Which means that more people now have mobile telephones around the world than have access to a toilet

UN Report on technology adoption

We will have 25 billion devices connected to the Internet of Things in 2020


Only 42% of companies say they know how to extract meaningful insights from the data available to them

Oxford Economic Workforce 2020

73% of CEOs believe the lack of employees with key technical skills is a threat to their company’s growth

PwC 18th Annual Global Survey

YouTube broadcasts about one-third of the US multimedia entertainment

Youtube: The Company and Its Founders. Rebecca Rowell

Global Tolerance. The Values Revolution

62% of Millennials want their career to have a positive impact on the world, and 53% would work harder if their company was making a difference to others

87% of companies cite engagement as their top challenge, but less than half have proper programs in place to do so

Deloitte Global Human Capital Trends 2015

About 72% of current high schoolers want to own their own businesses, and 76% hope they can turn their hobbies into full-time jobs

Meet Generation Z

79% of Gen Zs display symptoms of emotional distress when kept away from their personal electronic devices

University of Maryland

The computer in your cellphone has more processing power than all the computers in the Apollo 11 lunar module

Thomas Frey. Davinci Institute

All the world’s data can be stored in just 4 grams of DNA.

Wyss Institute