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GDP118Creative ThinkingSugar Campaign


20. It can make use look older 21. Gum disease.

Slogans: 1. The best cookies are made with natural sugar. 2. Why not lighten your day? And Sprinkle some sugar on it! 3. Why not enjoy the sweetest things in life? 4. Who needs all of those chemicals? Domino its 100% natural! 5. Domino’s sugar brings families together!

The numbers on the images correspond to the slogans.

For this project I chose to create my poster on the third slogan (Why not enjoy the sweetest things in life?) The image that I chose contains fruits and a pie, I feel that the image is appropriate for the slogan. Natural sugars in fruits, and vegetables are the best for our health. The purpose for my poster is to promote Domino’s sugar, because it is better for us than Splenda and other artificial sweeteners. In my personal opinion sugar is not necessarily bad for us. What is bad for us is how much of it we consume. Some of us don’t know how to control our sugar intake. The fruits represent the natural sugars, which domino’s sugars are made from (sugarcane) and the pie on the table

Slogan 1: I liked the idea of baking being a family even so the slogan and poster could build on this idea with the picture of a family at a bake sale raising money for their church or maybe girl scouts. The slogan could be:

Domino’s 100% natural cane sugar; bringing families together.OrBaking with Domino’s is baking with family

Slogan 2: Wedding cakes are a huge deal to a lot of people. It’s the centerpiece of the wedding reception and an important part of the ceremony. The slogan and poster could promote Domino sugar being used in a really beautiful, all natural cake. I’d use lots of white in this poster to represent purity. This could also relate to people who are trying to lose weight and are trying to eat healthier by putting 100% pure cane sugar or 100% natural.

Made with Domino’s 100% natural cane sugar.Enjoy the little things. Like Domino’s 100% all natural cane sugar.Don’t worry, it’s 100% all natural

Slogan 3: To emphasize the all natural aspect of the campaign there are a lot of animals that rely on nature to survive but are still extreme-ly powerful. Gorillas, Rhinos, and Elephants are a few, all vegetarian and survive off “all natural ingredients.” The campaign could feature some photos of these animals and other photos of something weaker that’s unnatural with a slogan like:

Natural is better.Or100% natural. The way nature intended.
