Page 1: Reflection · 1/11/2015  · No one artistic style can be described as “Catholic.” Rather, just as the Church has drawn people of all races and languages to Christ, the Church
Page 2: Reflection · 1/11/2015  · No one artistic style can be described as “Catholic.” Rather, just as the Church has drawn people of all races and languages to Christ, the Church

Reflection by Brian Geeding

Signs and Wonders:

4pm Christmas Eve Mass For the twelve people in Cincinnati

who didn’t attend Christmas Eve

mass at 4:00pm, let me paint a quick

picture of the scene. Every pew was

occupied by a person or a coat by

about 3:30pm. Coats on Christmas Eve are either loved or hated.

They are loved by the family members who make it to mass at

3:55 and still have a seat. They are hated by the many people

whose hopes are dashed when they think a pew is open, only to

see that the pew is being reserved by Mr. and Mrs. Coats. I have

been on either end of this love, hate relationship. By the time

mass starts, people are rubbing shoulders in the pews or

standing against the side walls. It is cozy. Nothing has changed

with this scene since I began going to this mass 25 years ago.

This mass is the biggest attended service of the year meaning it

is a great opportunity to spark Christ in the hearts of many. With

a critical eye on this fact, I became disappointed as the sound

system was not providing the sound needed to reach the

congregation. From my position in one of the last pews, the

opening prayers at the nativity scene, as well as the readings

were very hard to hear.

The scene had a dramatic midpoint twist. God made His

presence known in a big way right as the gifts were about to be

brought to the altar. All the power went o0 in Church. There was

a wind storm happening outside. It couldn’t have been planned

any better. I know for myself, I was having a hard time feeling

engaged in the mass before this. I felt distracted. The power

going o0 was a powerful reminder from heaven that God was

with us. It remained o0 for about 1ve minutes. There was an

excitement and spirit in the church during that time. There was

beauty in the simplicity of it all. We were there to celebrate His

coming to earth and we were again shown that He has not left

us alone. There are signs like this every day.

Are we asking God for the eyes to see these signs? Let us help

each other read the signs of the times, the signs of Gods

mysterious presence among us. It is the anticipation of these

signs that should get us out of bed each morning

with excitement.

masses Tuesday, January 13

7:30 a.m. Ruth Kreitger-Claire Bruemmer & Family

Wednesday, January 14

9:00 a.m. James Tincher-St. Mary School PTO

Thursday, January 15

7:30 a.m. James Perry-St. Mary Parish & School Sta0

Friday, January 16

9:00 a.m. Joe Wahl-Jim & Beth Frey

Saturday, January 17

9:00 a.m. Sp. Int. Colin Crane-Juliani Family

4:00 p.m. Sp. Int. Peggy Fisk & Family-Renee Perry

Sunday, January 18

8:00a.m. Paikky Lee-Family

9:30a.m. Fr. Mike Beatty-Rouse Family

11:30a.m. For the People of the Parish

servers Saturday, January 17

9:00 a.m. Clayton & Cameron Frueh

4:00 p.m. Tommy Baldwin, Ayla Estes, Nicola Settle

Sunday, January 18

8:00 a.m. Kaelin Cleary, Anna & Nicholas Gavin

9:30 a.m. Kalyn & Aden Devlin-Bergman, Daniel Lantz

11:30 a.m. Caroline & Grace Pepiton, Drew Williams

readings For Sunday, January 18: 1 Samuel 3:3b-10, 19

1 Corinthians 6:13c-15a, 17-20

John 1:35-42

May They Rest In Peace Edwin P. Volpe

James N. Perry

Christmas Collection December 25 ........ 50,614.00

Projected Christmas Collection .................. 50,000.00

Collection over budget, Dec. 25 ................... 614.00

Collection Sunday, December 28 ............ 13,248.15

Projected weekly Collection ........................ 19,388.00

Collection under budget, Dec. 28 ............. 6,139.85

Collection Sunday, January 4 .................. 16,688.65

Projected weekly Collection ........................ 19,388.00

Collection over budget, Jan. 4 .................. 2,699.35

Want to write fewer checks? Sign up for Electronic Fund

Transfer. To enroll pick up the gold enrollment form found in

the vestibule or go to our website and click

on “Giving” found at the top of the main page. Any

questions? Call Angie Pfaller (321-1207 ext 5502).

calendar Please visit for the most current info. Monday, January 12:

Young Adult Mtg., Seton Ctr., 6:30 p.m.

Parish Life, Seton Center 2L, 7 p.m.

Tuesday, January 13:

Pastoral Council, Seton Ctr. 2-L, 7 p.m.

Sports Association, Seton Ctr. 7:30 p.m.

Wednesday, January 14:

Choir Rehearsal, Robisch Hall, 7:30 p.m.

Thursday, January 15:

Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament, Church,

8 a.m.-6 p.m.

Friday, January 16:

Hoxworth Blood Drive, Robisch Hall, 1-7 p.m.

Cub Scout Italian Dinner, Café, 5:30 p.m.

Sunday, January 18: Rosary, Church, 8 p.m.

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Page 3: Reflection · 1/11/2015  · No one artistic style can be described as “Catholic.” Rather, just as the Church has drawn people of all races and languages to Christ, the Church

J A N U A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 1 5 — B A P T I S M O F T H E L O R D

sms school news FROM OUR SCHOOL OFFICE Kindergarten registra�ons are s�ll being

accepted for Fall 2015. Please visit us at for informa�on and to

download a registra�on form. Please call us if you would like a personal tour;

321-0703. We would love to

welcome you to the St. Mary School


OPEN HOUSE coming! Mark your

calendar to join us on Sunday,

January 25, 2015 from 12:30-2:30

for Open House. Visit the

classrooms and view student will be amazed! Bring the

en�re family. Kindergarten classrooms will have lots of

hands on ac�vi�es for our youngest visitors.

2015 Year of Consecrated Life Pope Francis has proclaimed 2015 a Year of Consecrated Life

for renewal, remembrance, and faith. Its purpose, as stated

by the Vatican, is to “make a grateful remembrance of the

recent past” while embracing “the future with hope.” We are

grateful for our brothers and sisters in Christ, living

consecrated lives, who make great contributions to our

Church and society through many ministries.

“True joy does not come from things or from possessing, no!

It is born from the encounter, from the relationship with

others, it is born from feeling accepted, understood and

loved, and from accepting, from understanding and from

loving; and this is not because of a passing fancy but because

the other is a person. Joy is born from the gratuitousness of

an encounter! It is hearing someone say, but not necessarily

with words: “You are important to me.” This is

beautiful….And it is these very words that God makes us

understand. In calling you God says to you: “You are

important to me, I love you, I am counting on you.”

Pope Francis

Address at Meeting with Seminarians and Novices

From the desk of Fr. Ken One of the most favorite times in being a Priest is

administering the Sacrament of Baptism. But like everything

else it doesn’t begin and end right there. When you are

baptized you receive, let’s call it a ticket to salvation. But

once we receive this ticket, the Lord expects us to use it. We

use it by answering the Lord’s call – we answer the Lord’s call

by living our lives in a Catholic Christian way. Being kind,

merciful, not biased or judgmental, doing our best to attend

Sunday Mass every week, having the courage to have our

sins forgiven. These are just some of the ways we answer the

call. Is our ticket being used or unused.

Sunday Night Mass Beginning January 11 at 7:00 pm, St. Mary’s will be o0ering a

monthly Sunday evening Mass. The Mass will take place on the second Sunday of each month. Father William

Verbryke will be the celebrant, and Mark Ulliman will provide

the music. At each Mass, a speaker from a local charitable

organization will give a brief talk on the mission of that

organization and volunteer/service opportunities the

organization o0ers. We hope a little variety will spice up

our worship.

Poverty Awareness Month As we observe Poverty Awareness Month, it is 1tting to

reLect on an excerpt from Pope Francis' inaugural homily.

"Amid so much darkness, we need to see the light of hope

and to be men and women who bring hope to others. To

protect creation, to protect every man and every woman, to

look upon them with tenderness and love, is to open a

horizon of hope ... To protect each person, especially the

poorest ... this is a service that the Bishop of Rome is called to

carry out, yet one to which all of us are called, so that the star

of hope will shine brightly. Let us protect with love all that

God has given us."

Re.ection: How can I act as a light to the world in working to

combat poverty?

You may take a poinsettia after

11:30 mass today Everyone is welcome to take the poinsettia plants after the

11:30 a.m. Mass today. Please leave the bottom coasters for

reuse next year. If you would like to help take down the

Christmas decorations in church, please stay

after the 11:30 Mass. Your help is most appreciated!

Thank you to the 340 families who have pledged and/or

donated to the Campaign.

For those of you who wish to make a pledge:

Go to and click on the Letter of Intent for

Centennial Campaign found towards the bottom of

the page.

You can also set up your e-giving for the Campaign by click-

ing on the Centennial Campaign link found on the front

page of our website. If you prefer the parish set up your e-

giving, please contact Angie Pfaller 513-321-1207 ext. 5502.

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Page 4: Reflection · 1/11/2015  · No one artistic style can be described as “Catholic.” Rather, just as the Church has drawn people of all races and languages to Christ, the Church

Parishioners called to Military Service If you know of a parishioner who is called into, or

presently serving in, our country’s military forces

please notify the parish secretary at (321-

1207). We want to keep these men and women in our

prayers. In serving honorably, they contribute to the good of

the nation and the preservation of peace (Catechism of the

Catholic Church #2310). Please keep the following in your

prayers: Craig Blessing, Tony DeFilippo, Louis

Hamilton, Jr., Jake Keefe, Dom Lanzillotta, Ewan

MacDougall, Michael O’Connor, Andrew

Quatkemeyer, Amy Rohs, Todd Seurkamp,

Todd Smyth.

Constitution of the

Sacred Liturgy “The Church . . . has admitted styles

from every period, according to the

proper genius and circumstances of

peoples” (Constitution on the Sacred

Liturgy, 123)

No one artistic style can be described as “Catholic.”

Rather, just as the Church has drawn people of all races

and languages to Christ, the Church has taken to herself

many forms of music, art, and architecture. Had this not

been the case, the glory of the Gothic cathedrals would

never have leapt up toward the heavens and the

exuberance of the Baroque would never have had a

chance to express the joy and glory of Christ’s

Resurrection. Today, we are more aware than ever that

we are a global Church: Our experience of the faith is

enriched by Russian icons, Ethiopian illuminations,

vestments from Vietnam, and a myriad of contemporary

architectural styles. Who we are as Catholics is not

de1ned by any one “look” or language. To be Catholic is

to be open to what is beautiful from every time and

place—including ours. The 50th Anniversary of the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy: A Parish Celebration © 2013 Archdiocese of Chicago: Liturgy Training Publications. Orders: 1-800-933-1800. Written by Kyle Lechtenberg. Text from the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy © 1982, International Commission on English in the Liturgy Corporation (ICEL). Imprimatur granted by the Reverend Monsignor John F. Canary, Vicar General, Archdiocese of Chicago on June 5, 2013.

CISE Appeal Give the gift of hope and help Cincinnati’s neediest

children attend Catholic schools by contributing to the

Catholic Inner-City Schools Education (CISE) Fund. CISE

provides tuition assistance to children in need, a0ording

them an excellent, values-based education Contact CISE

at: 100 E. Eighth St., Cinti., OH 45202 or call (513-421-

3131 ext. 2751).

Catholics Come Home An open invitation to any Catholic married

outside of the Catholic Church

"I was married two/twenty years ago in a civil

ceremony/church other than Catholic Church. My

spouse and I remain married. I/We want to be able to

attend/return to Mass and receive Holy Communion/

the Sacraments. Can someone help me?"

As part of the Catholics Come Home initiative we would

like an extend an invitation to any couple needing their

marriage reconciled / blessed by the church. to contact

either Deacon Tim Helmick or Margaret Shank to discuss

their situation and start the process. Deacon Tim can be

contacted at [email protected] and Margaret at

[email protected].

Saint Augustine, a convert to the faith at age 33, once

said, “You have made us for yourself, O Lord, and our

hearts are restless until they rest in You.”

Jesus wants to invite you back into His big, warm and

Thank you! We can’t thank you enough for the formula and diapers.

Our clients so appreciate the items especially at this

time of year when their spending money is so limited.

They all seem to leave with a smile on their face and a

little less stress in their lives.

Pregnancy Center East Sta9

St. Mary Cub Scouts

Annual Italian Dinner St. Mary Cub Scout Pack

146 cordially invites all

parishioners, their rela-

tives, and friends for our

Annual Italian Dinner

on Friday, January 16

from 5:30-7:30pm in

the Cafeteria.

Spaghetti, Lasagna, and

Pizza are your entrees, accompanied by salad and des-

serts. All proceeds to bene1t the St. Mary Cub Scout

Pack 146. Questions or for more information call Nate

Stroup (731-2042).

Mardi Gras Party & Reverse RaUe Saturday, February 7, 8 pm-midnight;

Robisch Hall Win up to $3,000. You do not have to be present to win,

limited to 200 tickets Bene1ts the Church Restoration Re-

verse RaUe $50 per ticket (includes one admission and 2

drink tickets)

Admission $15 for just admission

Jazz Music, Light fare, RaUe Baskets &

“games of chance” Tickets available or at the door. Or go

directly to

Questions contact, Denny Dorr (871-8234)

[email protected] or Dick Kohls (871-2157)

[email protected].

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Page 5: Reflection · 1/11/2015  · No one artistic style can be described as “Catholic.” Rather, just as the Church has drawn people of all races and languages to Christ, the Church

“A family is holy not because it is perfect,

but because God’s grace is at work in it,

helping it to set out anew every day on

the way to love.”

-Follow the Way of Love

A Year with Pope Francis Christian hope is not simply a desire or wish, it is not opti-

mism. No! For a Christian, hope is expectation, a fervent,

passionate expectation of the ultimate and de1nitive ful-

1llment of a mystery: the mystery of the love of God in

which we were reborn and are already living. In this

world, the Christian life is a time of preparation for the

ultimate meeting with the Lord. Christians must ask

themselves with great sincerity: Are we really bright and

credible witnesses of this expectation, this hope? Are our

communities marked by the presence of the Lord and

eager expectation of his coming? Or do they seem tired,

numb, weighed down by e0ort and resignation?

-Taken from Pope Francis’ general audience on

October 15, 2014, Vatican City

Parish News

Circle of Care The Circle of Care Team is a group of St. Mary parish-

ioners who would like to o0er assistance in your time

of need. Please let us know if you or someone you

know is coping with an illness, hospitalization, death or

childbirth. Our St. Mary Community is here to help

lighten your burden by providing short-term meal as-

sistance. Please contact Lois Santangelo at (871-

6592) or [email protected].

St Vincent de Paul Bible Study Group The St. Mary St. Vincent de Paul Conference is

pleased to present A Quick Journey Through The Bible

Thursdays from 7to 8:30 pm beginning on Jan. 8, 2015

and continuing for the next 7 weeks on the 2nd Thurs-

day of the month. A Quick Journey through the Bible

makes reading the Bible not only easy, but exciting. In

this study, you will learn the major people, places,

events and themes of the Bible—getting the “big pic-

ture” of salvation history in eight fast-paced sessions.

Perhaps for the 1rst time in your life, you will under-

stand the overview of the Bible story. Je0 Cavins takes

a chronological walk through the Bible story in a way

that reveals God’s plan for His Creation; what went

wrong at the beginning; and how God worked through

history to reconcile his lost children to Himself while

building His kingdom.

Each session features a DVD talk by Je0 Cavins, well-

known author, a much-in-demand speaker, and re-

nowned bible scholar. The cost is just $20 for your

study materials. To join us, please contact Mike Linke at

[email protected] or 513-304-3540.

Weekly Adoration on Thursdays Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament on Thursdays from 8 a.m.-6 p.m.

Reconciliation from

4:45-5:45 p.m.

Benediction at 6 p.m.

Sign up on our website:

(select Exposition of the

Blessed Sacrament un-

der current events and news) or Call Dan Kiley at


Worship 101 "As we celebrate the Baptism of the

Lord, can you tell me how my Baptism

applies to my daily life?"

Baptism leads us to imitate Christ’s example.

The baptized are called to imitate Jesus’

example and strive in thought, word, and action

to live his love. This means working to heal the

wounds of sin, living the Beatitudes, practicing

the twofold commandment of love of God and

neighbor, and imitating the lives of the saints

(CCC, nos. 1694-97).

Having been anointed by the Spirit, “Christians

can repeat in an individual way the words of

Jesus: ‘The Spirit of the Lord is upon me, because

he has anointed me to preach good news to the

poor. He has sent me to proclaim release to

captives and recovering of sight to the blind, to

set at liberty those who are oppressed, to

proclaim the acceptable year of the Lord’ . . .

(Lk 4:18-19)” (Christi1deles Laici, no. 13).


Do you have questions you want answered? Send your

questions to [email protected] or call the

parish oXce (321-1207). You may even drop them in the

collection basket. We look forward to hearing them.

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Page 6: Reflection · 1/11/2015  · No one artistic style can be described as “Catholic.” Rather, just as the Church has drawn people of all races and languages to Christ, the Church

The Baptism of the Lord January 11, 2015

Acting on the Spirit’s CallBy Janel Esker

You never get a second chance to make

a first impression.

Though today’s feast day celebrates

Jesus’ baptism, in today’s Gospel

the Holy Spirit is the one

making the first impression. As Jesus

emerges from his baptism, the Holy

Spirit descends on him in the form of a

dove—a gentle bird normally associated

with peace. That’s certainly one first

impression of the Holy Spirit.

However, as we know from Jesus’

ministry, the Holy Spirit’s work in him

was hardly quiet and peaceful. Jesus spent

his life turning the status quo upside

down—challenging those in power and

uplifting those who were oppressed.

Jesus called for repentance from sin,

healed the outcast, and overturned the

moneychangers’ tables in the Temple.

As we learn in the reading from Acts,

after his baptism Jesus was filled with “the

holy Spirit and power.” Talk about a second

chance to make a first impression—this

Holy Spirit turned out to be no meek dove,

but a mover and a shaker!

Though Jesus’ baptism was different

from ours, we also receive the power of

the Holy Spirit in our baptism and in the

sacrament of confirmation. And the Holy

Spirit seeks to move and shake in our

lives, just as it did in Jesus’ life.

But we’re not marionettes controlled

by the Spirit. We must respond to the

Spirit’s urging. In the moments when

a colleague tells a racist joke, when

we see a stranger treated unjustly,

or when a lonely neighbor aches for

companionship—in those moments,

the Holy Spirit calls us to speak out in

justice and to reach out in love. The

Spirit continually seeks to make new first

impressions in the world through our

actions—if we are willing to respond. †

Sunday ReadingsIsaiah 42:1–4, 6-7Isaiah proclaims the Lord’s servant shall bring justice in silence, patience, and gentleness. Similarly, we are called to use our heritage and formation to bring others to salvation.

Acts 10:34–38

to bring peace to the world, beginning with his baptism in the Jordan and spreading through healing and the word.

Mark 1:7–11When John the Baptist baptizes Jesus, the Holy Spirit descends “like a dove,” and a voice from heaven names Jesus as

Liguori Publications l

• What is your favorite name or

image for the Holy Spirit?

• How does your baptism bring

you peace? How does it bring

peace to others?

Now from Liguori Publications!

Jesus, you remind us that

children. Increase our

awareness of this great

love so we may share it

and recognize it

in others.

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Page 7: Reflection · 1/11/2015  · No one artistic style can be described as “Catholic.” Rather, just as the Church has drawn people of all races and languages to Christ, the Church

Morality Matters: Only Fools Rush InBy Fr. Stephen Rehrauer, CSsR

A common cause of wrong

moral choices is haste. True

deliberation requires taking

the time and energy to weigh all the

facts about both efficacy and moral

uprightness. In the rush to solve our

problems, we usually want the fastest,

easiest, and most efficient solution

possible. It is amazing how easily we can

betray our principles and put our moral

beliefs on hold in these moments.

Stem cell research is a perfect example.

Catholic teaching holds that human life

and personhood begin at the moment

of conception. Human embryos are

human persons. Any production of stem

cells that involves destroying human

embryos is morally repugnant; in

essence, it is an act of murder. Yet there

was such an outcry, even among some

Catholics, when years ago the federal

government restricted public funding of

research involving the production of new

embryonic stem cell lines.

The Catholic Church was criticized as

being uncaring—more concerned about

ideas than about living, suffering human

beings. Appeals were made to stories of

those suffering terribly who might be

helped if the research would only be

allowed to continue. The criticism was

lodged that a needless delay occurred

that was cruel for people whose time

was running out. We were falling behind

scientifically in this new and promising

medical technology.

Today, many scientists working in

public universities admit that because of

that governmental restriction, they were

motivated to research the use of other

morally acceptable forms of adult stem

cells. The result is that we know more

about how stem cells work and their

real possibilities for health care than we

would have if embryonic stem cells had

become the central and main focus of


In his encyclical Caritas in Veritate,

Pope Benedict XVI points out that the

failure to solve real issues often stems

from falling into the mistaken belief

that our most important problems are

technical, when in fact they are spiritual

and moral in origin. Moral deliberation

requires looking beyond the first possible

means that come to mind and asking not

only what can be done but also what else

can and should be done. Taking the time

to do the right thing usually pays off

more in the long run than rushing in like

fools where angels fear to tread. †


January 12–17

January 11, 2015

Copyright © 2015 Liguori Publications, One Liguori Drive, Liguori, MO 63057. 1-800-325-9521. • Editor: Julia A. DiSalvo. Designer: Mark Bernard. • Scripture quotations in this publication are from New American Bible, revised edition, © 2010, 1991, 1986, 1970 Confraternity of Christian Doctrine, Washington, DC. • For licensing information, call 1-800-488-0488. • All rights reserved. Distribution rights granted only to license holders. BHW001

Just Live It: Forming Faith By Kathleen M. Basi

From the day the priest poured

water over our babies’ heads

and anointed them with chrism,

my husband and I knew it was our

responsibility to train them in the

practice of the faith. The rite of baptism

told us so. But it didn’t seem like a big

deal. What’s faith formation to infants?

As long as we cuddle them and keep

them fed, dry, and safe, we’re mirroring

God, who is love.

Fast-forward a few years, and the

responsibility gets a lot scarier. After

all, we’re not theologians or saints.

We’re doctors and factory workers,

stay-at-home moms, and retail clerks.

What do we know about passing on the

faith? What if we get it wrong—and our

children leave the Church for good?

We faithfully send our kids to Catholic

schools and religious-education classes,

trusting that great Someone Else to cover

our bases. Classes are important, but

a living faith is learned by consistent

example, and our children watch us all

the time. Even after they’re in school,

we’re still their primary teachers of the

faith—and we can’t teach what we don’t

know. In other words, forming our

children’s faith begins with forming our

own. After all, faith lived does its own

teaching to the next generation. †

Mon. Hebrews 1:1–6 / Mark 1:14–20Tue. St. Hilary: Hebrews 2:5–12 /

Mark 1:21–28Wed. Hebrews 2:14–18 / Mark 1:29–39

Thu. Hebrews 3:7–14 / Mark 1:40–45Fri. Hebrews 4:1–5, 11 / Mark 2:1–12Sat. St. Anthony: Hebrews 4:12–16 / Mark 2:13–17

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Waitin’ All Day For Sunday Night!

Date:Sunday ~ January 11, 2015

Time: 7:00 p.m.

No, it’s not Al Michaels and Cris Collinsworth.

The St. Mary Discipleship is proud to present a

new monthly Sunday evening Mass . Join

your fellow parishioners for a celebration of the

Sunday liturgy, with a dash of service. Each

Mass will feature a visit from a local charitable

organization who will let us know about

volunteer opportunities at their place.

Fr. Bill Verbryke will be the celebrant and Mark

Ullimann will provide the music. We are count-

ing on you to provide the spirit! Join us for the

kick off.

Location: St. Mary Hyde Park

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Page 10: Reflection · 1/11/2015  · No one artistic style can be described as “Catholic.” Rather, just as the Church has drawn people of all races and languages to Christ, the Church

Sunday, Jan. 18th, 2015 is “Sanctity of Life Sunday”, in remembrance of the anniversary of Roe vs. Wade decision that legalized abortion. We ask that you remember the Lord’s Little Ones on this special day. Parishioners and/ or volunteers from the Pregnancy Center East will be asking for donations. The collection will support the ministry at Pregnancy Center East, a center that offers women alternatives to abortion. The Center also provides educational programs for grade school and high school students promoting chastity in their lives. Thank you for your financial and spiritual support. Questions? Please contact Christine Conte @ 720-7999

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J A N U A R Y 1 1 , 2 0 1 5 — B A P T I S M O F T H E L O R D

sponsor of the week DONNELLON, DONNELLON & MILLER


A Legal Professional Associa�on

Thomas E. Donnellon—Parishioner

[email protected]

Please patronize these sponsors as a thank you for

their kind generosity.

Beyond Bereavement Have you suGered the loss of a spouse or loved one?

The Beyond Bereavement ministry is interested in

listening to your experience to help shape this new

ministry. The ministry would like to o0er practical

resources to assist people through the bereavement

process and the many details that need to be addressed

when a loved one is gone. The ministry will listen one-on-

one as you share your needs. If you’d like help through

your journey with the assistance of the ministry please call

Barbara Szurley at (513-386-7642) or email

[email protected].

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Private Duty Caregivers Ready to Help You!• Companion Care, Light House cleaning• Meal Preparation, Respite Care• In-home blood draws/injections, IV Therapy• Skilled Assessments• Medication set-ups, Bath Visits• Qualified medical and non-medical caregivers• We handle all background, drug screening, payroll, insurance and administration• Bonded and insured


513-321-4688 www.247BrightStar.comIndependently owned and operated

Ken Gardner Painting513-321-7973

30 Years ExperienceInterior/Exterior Painting

Tired of Contractors not calling you back ... call Ken!

Wallpaper Removal • Commercial/Residential • Light Restoration Deck Sealing & Power Washing • Color Consultation Owner works all jobs • Bids within 48 hours

10 Area

871-CAKE (2253)

Fresh Baked Daily:Cookies, Celebration Cakes

Gourmet Brownies


7 Days a week - 24 Hours a Day!

85 Years!

Edward J. Wnek, DDS, MS, LLCHyde Park Square Mariemont Square2712 Erie Ave. 6837 Wooster PikeCincinnati, OH Mariemont, OH513-871-0324 513-271-5265


A Division of Peter A. Wimberg Co.The Good Nature People.TM

See The Pros. We Can Help.


The Enquirer Printing Compan


The Enquirer Printing Company

The Enquirer Printing Compan


513-241-19567188 Main Street

Newtown, OH 45244JOHN ANDERSON

Quality Printing Since 1888

Enquirer Printing Company

REMODEL / [email protected]

[email protected]

Please Remember St. Mary ParishIn Your Will & Estate Planning.

Thomas E. DonnellonCobb’s Car Care Center



We Didn’t Invent Ham,We Perfected It.

Scott LambertAlfio Gulisano2724 Erie Ave.

Cincinnati, OH 45208513-321-0555

ST. MARGARET HALL"The Difference is Love"

Compassionate, loving care served byThe Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing

1960 Madison Rd. 513-751-5880

Over 50 yearsof loving

careArtisan breads made fresh from scratch.3500 Michigan Ave. • Cincinnati • 513.321.6300

T-F: 7-7, Sat: 7-5, Sun: 8-4, Closed Mon. •


Chris Sandker • Jon DeCurtins • Annemarie DeCurtins

Annemaire DeCurtinsParishioner • 513-535-3330

2761 ERIE AVE. 321-0886

Mark A. Logeman,D.D.S.

Family Dentistry

www.drlogeman.com3894 ISABELLA AVE.



Automotive Servicesince 1960

Gutter Cleaning

Roof Repair & Replacement

Private Duty Caregivers Ready to Help You!• Companion Care, Light House cleaning• Meal Preparation, Respite Care• In-home blood draws/injections, IV Therapy• Skilled Assessments• Medication set-ups, Bath Visits• Qualified medical and non-medical caregivers• We handle all background, drug screening, payroll, insurance and administration• Bonded and insured


513-321-4688 www.247BrightStar.comIndependently owned and operated

Ken Gardner Painting513-321-7973

30 Years ExperienceInterior/Exterior Painting

Tired of Contractors not calling you back ... call Ken!

Wallpaper Removal • Commercial/Residential • Light Restoration Deck Sealing & Power Washing • Color Consultation Owner works all jobs • Bids within 48 hours

10 Area

871-CAKE (2253)

Fresh Baked Daily:Cookies, Celebration Cakes

Gourmet Brownies


7 Days a week - 24 Hours a Day!

85 Years!

Edward J. Wnek, DDS, MS, LLCHyde Park Square Mariemont Square2712 Erie Ave. 6837 Wooster PikeCincinnati, OH Mariemont, OH513-871-0324 513-271-5265


A Division of Peter A. Wimberg Co.The Good Nature People.TM

See The Pros. We Can Help.


The Enquirer Printing Compan


The Enquirer Printing Company

The Enquirer Printing Compan


513-241-19567188 Main Street

Newtown, OH 45244JOHN ANDERSON

Quality Printing Since 1888

Enquirer Printing Company

REMODEL / [email protected]

[email protected]

Please Remember St. Mary ParishIn Your Will & Estate Planning.

Thomas E. DonnellonCobb’s Car Care Center



We Didn’t Invent Ham,We Perfected It.

Scott LambertAlfio Gulisano2724 Erie Ave.

Cincinnati, OH 45208513-321-0555

ST. MARGARET HALL"The Difference is Love"

Compassionate, loving care served byThe Carmelite Sisters for the Aged and Infirm Assisted Living and Skilled Nursing

1960 Madison Rd. 513-751-5880

Over 50 yearsof loving

careArtisan breads made fresh from scratch.3500 Michigan Ave. • Cincinnati • 513.321.6300

T-F: 7-7, Sat: 7-5, Sun: 8-4, Closed Mon. •


Chris Sandker • Jon DeCurtins • Annemarie DeCurtins

Annemaire DeCurtinsParishioner • 513-535-3330

View these Sponsors @

Page 12: Reflection · 1/11/2015  · No one artistic style can be described as “Catholic.” Rather, just as the Church has drawn people of all races and languages to Christ, the Church

2157For Advertising Inform

ation CALL







Your Parishioners in Real Estate 513.871.4040

3521 Erie Ave. • Cincinnati, OH 45208513-871-6777 •

Deposit Products• Checking • Savings

Certificates • Business Checking Sweep Accounts

Loan Products• Lines of Credit-Home Improvement

• Residential or Investment Properties• Commercial & Small Business

Free AAAEvents!

-April 15th Keeping the Keys Speaker-April 22nd Free Driving Evaluation& Bob Sumerel 12 pt Car Inspection

Reserve a Spot Today!513-272-5573

4001 Rosslyn Dr., Cincinnati, OH

Rob Busemeyer, Owner • ParishionerResidential / Commercial



271-2273SINCE 1938 Tom Wilcox | 470-0952 |

Cincinnatiborn & raised

Contact metoday!

[email protected]



Realtor for 20 years!

Experience &knowledge of

the market Remodeling • Roofing/Gutters Concrete • Plumbing/Electric

Drywall • Int./Ext. Painting

CompleteHandyman Service

PARISHIONERSTombragel Family


Gentle Dental Care for Beautiful Smiles

3964 Edwards Rd. • Cincinnati513-351-3700


321-2017Steve Sublett, St. Mary Parishioner

Stay in the Home You LoveAttractive Home Modifications Customized to Your Needs

• Accessible Bathroom and Kitchen Remodeling• Wheelchair Ramp Design and Construction

• Grab Bar Installation

Philip PylesParishioner

Certified Aging in Place Specialist

CINCINNATIDALLASDENVERSEATTLE c r e a t i n g e x t r a o r d i n a r y p l a c e s

www cr-architects com513 721 8080

Insurance & Financial ServicesJim ConwayFinancial ProfessionalThe Prudential Insurance Company513.984-6600 (o) 513.616-1176 (m)[email protected]

Insurance issued by the Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, NJ and its affiliates. 0157484-00005-00

Jim Conway, Parishioner

Joseph Lutmer, R.Ph.David Klingshirn, R.Ph.513-321-9282

Delivery Service 3500 Erie Ave.

[email protected]

Comfort for Home and Industry Since 1946



St. Mary Parishioner

Anderson Hills Plumbing

6229 Beechmont Ave. Ernie, Jack, Ralph& Barb VilardoBusiness 513-232-3821

Over 59 Years Experience & SatisfactionResidential-Commercial

Social Work • TransportationMeals and Activities

2800 Erie Ave. • 321-6816 •

Hyde Park

Older Adults

4632 Eastern Ave.


Pivot Advisory Services provides advisoryand consulting services to C-Suite andsenior executives in companies large andsmall. We also advise Private Equity andVenture Capital investors in theaerospace sector. John Jarczyk, President St. Mary Parishioner

Pivot Advisory Services is an Eight LLC venture.

[email protected] I I +1 513 405 1115

Four generations and 100 years of family service to Eastern Cincinnati.

2157For Advertising Inform

ation CALL







Your Parishioners in Real Estate 513.871.4040

3521 Erie Ave. • Cincinnati, OH 45208513-871-6777 •

Deposit Products• Checking • Savings

Certificates • Business Checking Sweep Accounts

Loan Products• Lines of Credit-Home Improvement

• Residential or Investment Properties• Commercial & Small Business

Free AAAEvents!

-April 15th Keeping the Keys Speaker-April 22nd Free Driving Evaluation& Bob Sumerel 12 pt Car Inspection

Reserve a Spot Today!513-272-5573

4001 Rosslyn Dr., Cincinnati, OH

Rob Busemeyer, Owner • ParishionerResidential / Commercial



271-2273SINCE 1938 Tom Wilcox | 470-0952 |

Cincinnatiborn & raised

Contact metoday!

[email protected]



Realtor for 20 years!

Experience &knowledge of

the market Remodeling • Roofing/Gutters Concrete • Plumbing/Electric

Drywall • Int./Ext. Painting

CompleteHandyman Service

PARISHIONERSTombragel Family


Gentle Dental Care for Beautiful Smiles

3964 Edwards Rd. • Cincinnati513-351-3700


321-2017Steve Sublett, St. Mary Parishioner

Stay in the Home You LoveAttractive Home Modifications Customized to Your Needs

• Accessible Bathroom and Kitchen Remodeling• Wheelchair Ramp Design and Construction

• Grab Bar Installation

Philip PylesParishioner

Certified Aging in Place Specialist

CINCINNATIDALLASDENVERSEATTLE c r e a t i n g e x t r a o r d i n a r y p l a c e s

www cr-architects com513 721 8080

Insurance & Financial ServicesJim ConwayFinancial ProfessionalThe Prudential Insurance Company513.984-6600 (o) 513.616-1176 (m)[email protected]

Insurance issued by the Prudential Insurance Company of America, Newark, NJ and its affiliates. 0157484-00005-00

Jim Conway, Parishioner

Joseph Lutmer, R.Ph.David Klingshirn, R.Ph.513-321-9282

Delivery Service 3500 Erie Ave.

[email protected]

Comfort for Home and Industry Since 1946



St. Mary Parishioner

Anderson Hills Plumbing

6229 Beechmont Ave. Ernie, Jack, Ralph& Barb VilardoBusiness 513-232-3821

Over 59 Years Experience & SatisfactionResidential-Commercial

Social Work • TransportationMeals and Activities

2800 Erie Ave. • 321-6816 •

Hyde Park

Older Adults

4632 Eastern Ave.


Pivot Advisory Services provides advisoryand consulting services to C-Suite andsenior executives in companies large andsmall. We also advise Private Equity andVenture Capital investors in theaerospace sector. John Jarczyk, President St. Mary Parishioner

Pivot Advisory Services is an Eight LLC venture.

[email protected] I I +1 513 405 1115

Four generations and 100 years of family service to Eastern Cincinnati.

View these Sponsors @