
1/11 DO Students will be able to describe how the earth changed during the Triassic and Jurassic period. DQ What major Earth event is the Permian known for? Materials: Pencil Notebook Agenda Computer Agenda: Jurassic/Triassic Work on time line Copy everything on this slide Early Triassic- rapid recovery after Permian extinction Late Triassic- the origin and rise of dinosaurs and the first mammals Emergence of giant marine reptiles (ichthyosaurs) Common plants were conifers, seed ferns, and cycads Oceans contained a large variety of mollusks and sea stars Extinction event at the end of the period Mesozoic Era Triassic Period mya Mesozoic Era Jurassic Period mya Copy All The Age of the Dinosaurs, stegasaurs, theropods, and huge sauropods, Allosaurus Origin of birds, pterosaurs- Archaeopteryx Small rat-like mammals Vast forests and seas teaming with life Geologic Timeline Format ASSESSMENT GRADE Timeline must fit on the large-size construction paper Timeline must follow the flow map format. The timeline must be to scale and contain a key. Title top and center and all lines must be drawn with a ruler. ***Your name and period on the top, front, right hand corner*** Eon, Era, and Period should be labeled on the bottom. Time intervals must be even and appropriate for the range of time being represented. Make a rough draft or plan on a separate sheet of paper. The paper must have complete colored illustrations with backgrounds, color printed pictures, labels and information of organisms from the time period. Pictures should include Majority of pictures must several landforms, plants, and animals in each time period be hand drawn. Captions for each period. Captions must include the following: o Climate (blue) o Animals ( Red) o Plants ( Green) o Landforms ( yellow) Organize information so that the viewer can find different kinds of information easily. For example, all the information on plants is typed in green or on a green frame. Pre-Cambrian - Hadean Eon billion years ago (bya) Pre-Cambrian - The Archean Eon bya Pre-Cambrian Proterozoic Eon 2.5 bya-542 mya Paleozoic Cambrian mya Paleozoic Ordovician mya Paleozoic Sillurian mya - Paleozoic Devonian mya - Paleozoic Carboniferous mya - Paleozoic - Permian mya 1.Subtract the numbers to calculate how long the time period was 2.Divide that number by 10 to get how long in cm that time period will be on your paper. Example: 1.Cambrian: = /10 = 5.4cm Mesozoic - Triassic mya = 52 Mesozoic Jurassic mya = 54 Mesozoic Cretaceous mya = 81 Cenozoic Tertiary mya = 63 Cenozoic Quarternary 2.6 mya - Present
